Zinc paste indications for use for children. zinc paste


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Zinc ointment (in Latin Unguentum Zinci): recipe and summary

Zinc ointment is, as they say in medicine, a soft (that is, semi-liquid) dosage form, the active substance of which is zinc oxide.

Vaseline is used as the basis for zinc ointment in a ratio of 9: 1 to the active substance (for one part active ingredient 9 parts vaseline).

It should be noted that petroleum jelly is a standard basis and therefore is not indicated in pharmacy recipes.

Rp.:Ung. Zinci 10%15,0
D.S. Outdoor.

This entry is deciphered as follows: Take zinc ointment 10% with a volume of 15.0 milliliters. Issue and designate: external agent.

The effect of zinc ointment

Zinc oxide, the active ingredient in zinc ointment, has such pharmacological effects, how:
  • antiseptic;
  • astringent;
  • anti-inflammatory.
Under the antiseptic (literally disinfecting) effect in medicine is understood the ability of a medicinal substance to destroy a fairly wide range of microorganisms on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes.

The disinfecting effect of zinc oxide is associated with the ability of metal ions to negatively affect the proteins of microbial cells, which leads to the death of microorganisms.

It should be noted that the bactericidal effect of zinc ointment is not so strong as to suppress a violent infectious process, so the drug is not used to treat infected wounds and erosions.

The astringent effect of zinc ointment is due to the ability of zinc oxide to denature proteins, that is, to destroy the structure of these complex organic compounds with the formation of a film on the damaged surface of the skin or mucous membrane.

The anti-inflammatory effect of zinc ointment, in fact, is a derivative of the first two effects: the surface of the wound or erosion, freed from microbes, is covered with a film that plays the role of a kind of bandage that protects the inner layers from irritation and damage.

Vaseline has an additional softening effect, protecting the wound and surrounding tissues from drying out and tension, so that the film formed on the wound remains stable. long time.

Zinc ointment and paste: difference. The adsorbing effect of zinc paste

Zinc ointment and paste differ in the type of dosage form. Any paste is much thicker than an ointment, since a sufficiently large amount of powdered substances (from 25 to 65%) is used to make the paste.

An increased concentration of powdered substances slows down the flow of active components of the paste into the inner layers of the skin or mucous membrane. This significantly reduces the risk of penetration of active substances into the blood and the development of adverse side effects.

Therefore, traditionally, pastes are prescribed for acute processes, when the permeability of tissues and vessels affected by inflammation is increased, and ointments for chronic ones, when it is necessary for active substances to enter deeply located pathological foci.

In addition, due to the significant amount of powdered substances, the pastes have an adsorbing effect. Neutral powder components absorb toxic products of inflammatory reactions from the damaged surface of the skin or mucous membrane and have a pronounced drying effect.

Zinc paste (in Latin Pastae Zinci): recipe

Since zinc paste belongs to official preparations, it is prescribed in short words without specifying excipients.


Rp.:Pastae Zinci25,0
D.S. Outdoor.

Pharmaceutical prescription is deciphered as follows. Take zinc paste with a volume of 25 milliliters. Give. Designate: external agent.

As you can see, unlike zinc ointment, the concentration of the active substance, which is standard (25%), is not indicated in the zinc paste recipe.

The amount of powdered substances (50%) in this medicinal product is also standard. As a rule, ordinary potato starch, which has a pronounced adsorbing effect, is used as an additional powdered substance.

As well as zinc ointment, zinc paste is made on a vaseline basis (it should be noted that this is the most commonly used base for soft dosage forms in pharmacology).

Zinc ointment: description and photo

Zinc ointment is a semi-liquid substance of a homogeneous nature of white or yellowish color, placed in dark glass jars or aluminum tubes with a capacity of 25, 30 and 50 g.

As a rule, jars and tubes with zinc ointment have an additional cardboard package in which the manufacturer places instructions for using the drug.

Zinc paste: description and photo

Compared to ointment, zinc paste is more dense, so that the substance placed in a dark glass jar does not spread. This dosage form is also characterized by uniformity and has a white or light yellow color.

Zinc paste is produced in aluminum tubes and dark glass jars with a capacity of 25, 30 and 40 g, placed in a cardboard package along with instructions for using the drug.

Zinc ointment and paste: indications for use

According to the instructions, zinc ointment and paste are used for inflammatory skin lesions, such as:
  • eczema (a skin lesion of an infectious-allergic nature, characterized by heterogeneous rashes);
  • dermatitis (inflammation of the skin);
  • bedsores;
  • diaper rash;
  • burns, including sunburn.
At the same time, zinc paste is used in the acute phase of the process (acute eczema, acute dermatitis, burns), and ointment - in the chronic. In addition, the paste is best used in cases where it is necessary to "dry the skin" (diaper dermatitis and other kinds of diaper rash).

Does zinc ointment and paste have contraindications

How medications intended for external use, zinc ointment and zinc paste do not have a general effect on the body.

So the only contraindication to the use of these dosage forms is increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drugs, which is not common.

Zinc ointment and paste during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding)

Pregnancy and lactation are not a contraindication to the appointment of drugs such as zinc ointment and zinc paste.

Where could I buy?

Preparations such as zinc ointment and zinc paste are available in almost any pharmacy. They can be purchased without a doctor's recommendation (without a prescription).

How much does zinc ointment and zinc paste cost?

Zinc ointment and paste are related to inexpensive drugs. The average price of a package containing 25 g of zinc ointment is 14 rubles, the average price of the same package of zinc paste is 15 rubles. At the same time, the cost of these drugs depends on the pricing policy of the distributor, and can range from 9 to 62 rubles (for ointment) and from 12 to 83 rubles (for paste).

Application (brief instruction)

How to smear zinc ointment

Zinc ointment is applied in a thin layer on previously cleansed skin. You can repeat this procedure up to 6 times a day (on average 2-3 times a day).

If the ointment is used to treat lesions located on the face, it is not recommended to apply cosmetics over the preparation.

The duration of the course of treatment depends on the nature of the pathology and general condition patient. If there are no other indications, the drug is canceled after the complete disappearance of symptoms pathologists.

How to apply zinc paste

Since zinc paste is used in the acute phase of inflammatory processes, and the antiseptic effect of this drug is not high enough, then if a secondary bacterial infection is suspected, it is best to pre-treat the affected surface with an antiseptic (fukortsin, etc.).

As a rule, zinc paste is used 2-4 times a day. The duration of the treatment course is determined by the dynamics of the disease.

How to wash off zinc ointment

In cases where the lesions are located on the face, there are often problems with the removal of the ointment, since the drug is sufficiently resistant to cosmetic cleansers such as foam or gel that are familiar to women.

Many women are advised to wash off the zinc ointment using tar soap, which, moreover, will create an additional healing effect. However, patients with dry skin need to be very careful, and for prevention, additionally apply moisturizing creams after washing.

How to wash off zinc paste

Thick zinc paste is used in acute inflammatory processes, characterized by more or less deep skin lesions.

The paste remains on the surface of the damage for a long time, forming a kind of bandage that dries the eroded surface and protects it from adverse environmental factors.

Since the film of zinc paste promotes the speedy healing of the wound, doctors recommend completely washing off the paste only once every two to three days. During this time, a fairly dense layering is formed, since new layers of paste are applied directly to the old ones.

To easily and painlessly wash off such a thick layer of zinc paste, it is pre-softened with ordinary vegetable oil.

Does zinc ointment (zinc paste) have side effects

When using zinc ointment, it is possible side effects associated with increased individual sensitivity to the drug, such as:
  • the appearance of rashes on the skin;
  • sensation of itching and discomfort;
  • redness of the skin.
Such side effects indicate increased sensitivity to the drug. As a rule, they appear in the very first days of using the ointment or paste in the area where the drug is applied.

According to the instructions, the suspicion of hypersensitivity to a particular drug is an indication for its cancellation. Talk to your doctor about prescribing a drug that has a similar effect.


Zinc ointment and zinc paste should be stored in a dry, dark place, as the drug decomposes in the light. The temperature regime is 12-25 degrees Celsius. At a lower temperature, there will be problems with applying the drug to the skin, and at a higher temperature, the ointment or paste will quickly become unusable.

Best before date

With proper observance of all necessary conditions shelf life of zinc ointment is from two to eight years, and zinc paste - from five to ten years, depending on the quality of the container.

It is strongly not recommended to use the ointment or paste after the expiration date indicated on the package, as adverse side effects (redness, itching, rash) may occur even in unaffected individuals.

Treatment with zinc ointment and paste

Zinc ointment and paste for facial skin with seborrheic dermatitis. Application for acne (acne): brief instructions and reviews

Zinc ointment and zinc paste are very popular treatments for seborrheic dermatitis, a disease characterized by inflammation. sebaceous glands skin. Outwardly, this pathology is manifested by the appearance of acne (pimples) and acne (black dots) on the skin of the face.

As a rule, seborrheic dermatitis is prone to a chronically relapsing course. At the same time, acne with a pronounced inflammatory reaction is best treated with a paste, and deep subcutaneous acne- ointment active ingredients which is easier to penetrate into the underlying tissues.

An analysis of numerous online reviews showed that women are attracted to the following features of zinc ointment and zinc paste:

  • low cost of drugs;
  • ease of use;
  • health safety.
As the main disadvantage of zinc ointment and zinc paste, patients consider a ban on the use of data medical preparations combined with cosmetics.

It should be noted that most women cannot afford to give up the use of masking cosmetics, because they lead an active lifestyle and want to look decent. So the advice of dermatologists not to use decorative cosmetics until complete healing from acne is most often ignored.

As a rule, patients who successfully got rid of acne on their faces advise their girlfriends in misfortune to use zinc ointment or paste at night. Typical short instruction:
1. Before using the drug, we clean the face with tar soap, which has an additional therapeutic effect.
2. Thickly lubricate the affected areas of the skin.
3. In the morning, wash off the ointment or paste with tar soap.

The second serious drawback of zinc ointment and paste is the high fat content of the preparations, so that when they get on the bed linen, they leave very unsightly stains that are not easy to remove.

To avoid such consequences of using zinc ointment or paste, some women seal the areas smeared with the drug with a special plaster or napkins.

And finally, the third, very significant disadvantage zinc ointment and paste is a side effect in the form of severe drying of the skin. Especially it is necessary to be wary of such an unpleasant effect for owners of dry sensitive skin.

Such patients should refuse tar soap. At the same time, for the evening preliminary cleansing of the skin, special cosmetics(cosmetic soap or foam).

In the morning, in order to facilitate the washing off of zinc ointment or paste, they turn to ordinary sunflower oil for help. Oil-softened overlays of preparations can be easily washed off with ordinary foam for washing.

If zinc ointment or paste fails to get rid of pimples, contact your doctor. medical care. It should be borne in mind that acne on the face can be a symptom of serious disorders in the body. So, acne occurs with lesions nervous system, hormonal disorders, diseases of the digestive tract, pathology immune system etc.

Zinc ointment and paste for burns

Light burns, including sunburns, are another area of ​​application for zinc ointment and zinc paste. Zinc-based preparations will effectively relieve inflammation, create a kind of film on the surface of damaged skin and will contribute to the speedy restoration of the epithelial cover.

It should be noted that this treatment is only suitable for first-degree burns, which are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • skin redness;
  • swelling;
  • burning and pain.
If, after a burn, blisters filled with a serous (light) or hemorrhagic (pinkish) liquid appear on the surface of the skin, then we are talking about a moderate burn that requires seeking medical help.

The doctor will treat the burn surface (in no case should you open the blisters on your own) and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Does zinc ointment and paste help with herpes?

The Internet has a large number of positive feedback from patients about the treatment of herpes with zinc ointment or paste.

It should be noted that, unlike special antiviral agents for external use, such as 3% oxolin ointment or 3-5% tebrofen ointment (Zovirax), zinc ointment and zinc paste do not affect the herpes virus that causes pathology.

Nevertheless, zinc-based preparations relieve the inflammatory reaction well, dry the erosion formed at the site of the herpes vesicles and contribute to their speedy healing.

Zinc ointment and paste for lichen (rosacea)

Pink lichen is a disease of an infectious-allergic nature, the causes and mechanisms of development of which are not fully disclosed today. Most often, this pathology occurs in adolescents, while children under the age of 2 years practically do not get sick.

As a rule, the disease begins with the appearance of the so-called maternal plaque - a rounded formation with raised, edematous, clearly defined edges and a sunken center with slightly wrinkled skin.

Such a focus most often appears in the chest, back, abdomen or thighs, although it can occur anywhere. Then smaller lesions spread throughout the body. Dissemination of the process is facilitated by water procedures, especially taking a bath, so many doctors advise avoiding moistening the primary focus.

Usually, pink lichen proceeds stubbornly, but benignly. So, despite the significant spread of the process, all the symptoms disappear without a trace after one and a half to two months without any treatment.

With a similar course of the disease, the use of zinc ointment or paste is indicated. Zinc-based preparations protect the damaged skin surface from adverse effects and promote faster healing. However, their use does not affect the appearance of new lesions and the overall duration of the disease.

In cases where pink lichen is severe (fever, a large total area of ​​the affected skin surface, the addition of a secondary bacterial infection), doctors usually prescribe additional treatment - both local (ointments with hormones and antibiotics) and general ( antiallergic drugs).

What else does zinc ointment (zinc paste) help with if it is used in combination with other drugs

Erythromycin, zinc and hormonal ointment (paste) for eczema: application to the skin of the face and body

The name of the chronically relapsing skin disease eczema comes from the Greek word, which literally means "boiling".

So the term itself illustrates the most characteristic feature of eczema - the appearance of many quickly opening blisters, leaving behind a weeping eroded surface.

As a rule, the primary pathological process is located on the face or hands, and then spreads, capturing significant areas of the body.

If signs of eczema appear (redness of the skin area with the appearance of characteristic vesicles), you should seek help from a dermatologist.

Treatment of eczema includes a number of activities, both general (diet, proper daily routine, the appointment of detoxification, restorative and anti-allergic drugs), and local nature (lotions, ointments and pastes with antimicrobial, hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs).

At the same time, there is no general treatment regimen, since much depends on the severity of the process, the severity of the course of the disease, the area of ​​the affected surface and the general condition of the patient. Antimicrobials are prescribed in accordance with the sensitivity of the microflora (for this, as a rule, a special laboratory study is carried out).

as one of the components local therapy your doctor may prescribe zinc ointment or paste. The application of these drugs to the affected surfaces will relieve the painful symptoms of inflammation (redness, pain, burning, itching), create a kind of bandage on the eroded surface and will contribute to the speedy healing of pathological elements.

Zinc ointment or zinc paste with levomycetin from bedsores

Bedsores are called ulcerative-necrotic tissue lesions that occur in severe "lying" patients. The reasons for the appearance of long-term non-healing ulcers are constant pressure on a certain area of ​​​​the body surface, combined with a violation of the normal nutrition of tissues as a result of the general exhaustion of the patient.

So bedsores form in areas of bony prominences, such as the sacrum, shoulder blades, trochanter femur, protrusion of the elbow, etc., while even patients who are cared for very carefully and carefully are susceptible to this pathology.

Zinc ointment and paste can be used as prophylactic for pressure ulcers (as a diaper ointment in infants), in cases where there is excessive moisture in the skin covering an area with an increased risk of pressure ulcers.

In this case, you should be very careful, since both excessive moisturizing and excessive dryness of the skin contribute to the development of a bedsore. So such preventive measures should be carried out under the supervision of specialists (doctor, paramedic or nurse).

In addition, zinc-based preparations will help to early stages bedsores, when there are no signs of a pronounced infectious process. The fact is that the antimicrobial activity of drugs such as zinc ointment and paste is rather weakly expressed.

Therefore, in cases where there are signs of a secondary infection, along with zinc preparations, it is necessary to use ointments with broad-spectrum antibiotics (levomycetin, synthomycin, erythromycin).

At the same time, it is advised to apply ointments 6-8 times a day, alternating (once zinc ointment as a drying, healing and anti-inflammatory agent, next time - an ointment with an antibiotic).

With a long course of the disease, antibacterial drugs should be alternated from time to time, since the microbial flora can "get used" to a particular antibiotic.

It should be remembered that bedsores can lead to the development of extremely dangerous complications, such as contact osteomyelitis of the underlying bone, massive bleeding during "corrosion" of the pressure sore of the vessel, the development malignant tumor, blood poisoning. Therefore, the treatment of bedsores should be carried out by a surgical doctor.

Synthomycin and zinc ointment for trophic ulcers

As follows from the term itself (trophic - nutrition), trophic ulcers are formed as a result of a violation of the normal supply of tissues with nutrients. Most often, this pathology develops with serious vascular pathologies(thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, atherosclerosis, damage to arterial trunks in diabetes mellitus, etc.) or with severe lesions of the nervous system (syringomyelia, damage spinal cord and peripheral nerves).

Regardless of the cause, trophic ulcers are prone to a chronic relapsing course. In this case, the skin surrounding the ulcer is exposed to the irritant effect of the wound fluid and drugs, so that weeping often occurs.

In such cases, in addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor trophic ulcer, the surrounding tissues are alternately lubricated with zinc ointment and ointment with antimicrobial action (synthomycin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin ointment, etc.).

In this case, great care must be taken not to overdry the skin. Therefore, such treatment is carried out as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor.

Zinc ointment and fukortsin: use for streptoderma in children and adults

Streptoderma is a purulent-infectious skin lesion caused by a pathogenic bacterium - streptococcus. As a rule, infection occurs by contact, while incubation period is about one week.

A characteristic feature of streptoderma is that this pathology most often develops on the affected skin (scratching with scabies or allergic dermatitis, skin irritation with discharge from the nose with rhinitis, from the ear with otitis media, from an open wound).

A predisposing factor for the development of streptococcal skin lesions is general exhaustion of the body, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, vitamin deficiency.

In children, streptoderma develops more often than in adults, which is associated both with the tenderness of the skin and with more frequent cases of poor hygiene. Infants most often suffer from streptoderma, especially those prone to allergic (exudative) diathesis.

As a rule, the disease begins with the appearance on the surface of the skin of a bubble filled with a colorless or reddish liquid. The vesicle, surrounded by a halo of inflamed skin, becomes flabby over time, its contents become cloudy and acquire a purulent character. Then the bubbles subside, a crust forms on top, after which the clean skin is exposed.

Most often, this kind of rash is found on the face, lateral surfaces of the trunk and limbs. Sick children are a danger to others, so that in children's groups, streptococcal infection can spread at lightning speed.

In cases where the pathology proceeds without complications, the disease completely disappears after 3-4 weeks. At the site of the rash, for some time, foci of depigmentation still remain, which subsequently disappear without a trace.

In mild cases, streptoderma does not require general treatment. It is necessary to isolate the patient at home and regularly wash the rash with antiseptic drugs (iodine, brilliant green solution, fukortsin), followed by lubrication with ointments with absorbent properties, such as zinc ointment and zinc paste.

However, even with a mild course of the disease, complications may develop (transition to chronic form, the development of eczema, and in debilitated patients - blood poisoning). Therefore, the treatment of streptoderma should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Zinc ointment for hemorrhoids: instructions, patient reviews and doctors' recommendations

Some patients successfully use zinc ointment as a remedy for external hemorrhoids, they recommend that their comrades in misfortune lubricate the hemorrhoidal bumps two or three times a day until the unpleasant symptoms of the disease are eliminated.

Doctors agree that zinc ointment and paste can indeed have a positive effect on external hemorrhoids, since they have anti-inflammatory, drying and mild antiseptic properties.

However, today in the arsenal of medicine there are drugs specially designed for the treatment of hemorrhoids, which are much more effective than zinc ointment and zinc paste.

It should be borne in mind that "harmless" hemorrhoids with inadequate treatment can lead to serious complications, such as bleeding and inflammation of the fatty tissue surrounding the rectum (paraproctitis). So the treatment of hemorrhoids should be carried out according to the recommendations and under the supervision of the attending physician - a proctologist surgeon.

Analogues of zinc ointment and paste: composition, application, price

Composition, application and cost of preparations Desitin, zinc ointment and zinc paste

The most famous analogues of zinc ointment and zinc ointment are the drugs Tsindol and Desitin, the main active ingredient of which is also zinc oxide.

Ointment Desitin, which is also called a cream, is produced by the well-known pharmaceutical concern Pfizer (USA). The cost of this drug is ten times higher than zinc ointment (paste). So the average price of Desitin ointment in Moscow pharmacies is about 226 rubles, and zinc ointment - only 14 rubles.

However, it should be noted that Desitin is not a complete analogue of zinc ointment and zinc paste preparations. The main active ingredient (zinc oxide) in zinc ointment is contained at a concentration of 10%, in zinc paste - at a concentration of 25%, and in Desitin ointment - at a concentration of 40%.

And this is not the only difference. Desitin is a multicomponent drug. In particular, the composition of the American drug includes talc, which enhances the adsorbing properties of the ointment, and cod liver oil, which protects the skin from drying out and gives the drug a peculiar smell.

However, the scope of Desitin ointment is the same as zinc ointment (paste) - skin lesions of mild severity (diaper rash in children, dermatitis, sunburn, skin rashes with an inflammatory element (acne), etc.).

Based on the composition of the drug, Desitin seems to be a more effective remedy, but it is up to the buyer to decide whether it is worth buying a drug for the treatment of ailments that can be dealt with with the help of cheaper zinc ointment and zinc paste.

Suspension Tsindol or zinc ointment?

Compared with Desitin ointment, Tsindol suspension (manufactured in the Russian Federation) has a rather affordable price (the average cost in Moscow pharmacies is about 56 rubles), which, however, is almost four times higher than the price of zinc ointment or paste.

The dosage form of the drug Tsindol is popularly called a talker - this is a suspension of insoluble small particles of solid medicinal substances in a liquid enclosed in a container. So, in accordance with the popular name, the drug suspension must be shaken before use.

The drug Tsindol cannot be called a complete analogue of zinc ointment and paste, not only in dosage form but also in terms of composition. The suspension contains 12.5% ​​zinc oxide, the adsorbing properties of which are enhanced by the presence of medical talc (12.5%) and starch (12.5%).

Thus, in terms of adsorbing (drying) properties, Tsindol is superior to zinc ointment (10% dry matter), but inferior to zinc paste (50% dry matter - 25% zinc oxide and 25% starch).

The liquid part of the Zindol suspension is represented by medical alcohol, glycerin and distilled water. So, based on the composition of the drug, Tsindol is somewhat superior to zinc ointment and paste in its antiseptic properties (due to the presence of alcohol).

At the same time, the indications for the use of Tsindol suspension are the same as for zinc ointment and zinc paste (diaper rash, dermatitis, mild burns, herpetic eruptions, etc.).

So if you find the healing effect obtained from zinc ointment or paste unsatisfactory, you can try Tsindol. Perhaps this more expensive, but still fairly affordable drug, will suit you better.

Answers to the most popular questions about how to use zinc ointment (paste)

Can zinc ointment be used to whiten the skin around the eyes?

No. The skin around the eyes is very thin and sensitive, so the use of zinc ointment can have an extremely negative effect on its condition.

Dark circles under the eyes occur with many serious illnesses, so it is better to undergo an examination and find out the cause of the aesthetic defect.

If the reason lies in individual features structure of the skin around the eyes, contact a beautician who will choose the right cream or ointment.

In any case, special products are required to care for the skin around the eyes, so when choosing a cosmetic cream, pay attention to the mark "ophthalmologically tested".

How to apply zinc ointment for scabies?

Zinc ointment is not used to treat scabies, because it is absolutely powerless in the fight against scabies mites.

On the other hand, the zinc ointment that is part of the mask will dry out the skin in those places where it does not have a high fat content.

For the treatment of problematic skin, it is better to seek advice from a beautician. If you suffer from seborrheic dermatitis (as doctors call acne vulgaris), consult a dermatologist.

Self-medication can only exacerbate your problems.

Where can I buy zinc children's ointment for a newborn? I read reviews about the successful use of diaper rash, but there is no ointment for children in the pharmacy

There is no such drug as children's zinc ointment. For newborns, the same concentration of zinc ointment is used as for adults (10%).

This ointment is absolutely harmless and helps well with diaper rash in newborns and infants.

They advised another way to use zinc ointment. Reviews indicate that it helps very well against acne: mix zinc ointment with crushed streptocide tablets

Do not experiment and mix medicines on your own. If an ointment from a combination of zinc oxide and streptocide were effective enough, it would still have entered the pharmaceutical market by now.

In cases where an infection joins an acne rash and signs of suppuration appear, consult a doctor who will prescribe an antibacterial drug (synthomycin ointment, levomekol, etc.).

If the rash is accompanied by a severe inflammatory reaction, a salicylic-zinc paste may be used, which has a stronger anti-inflammatory effect.

Modern medicine has a rich arsenal of means to combat acne, so there is no need to "reinvent the wheel." For the optimal choice of drug that will help in your particular case, consult a dermatologist.

  • Zinc-based pastes and ointments (Lassar paste, boron-sulfur, zinc-ichthyol, salicylic-sulfur-zinc) - composition, action, scope, reviews
  • Lassar paste, or salicylic-zinc paste, is a universal remedy that helps get rid of many problems affecting skin and nail plates, including to eliminate nail fungus.

    Release form and composition

    The drug is available in the form of a paste. white color, in the amount of 25, 50 and 100 g in jars, tubes and polymer bottles. 1 g contains 2 active ingredients - 20 mg of salicylic acid and 250 mg of zinc oxide. Among the auxiliary substances are petroleum jelly and wheat starch.

    Lassar paste, or salicylic-zinc paste, is a universal remedy that helps get rid of many problems affecting the skin and nail plates.

    Pharmacological properties

    Antiseptic drug.


    Combined product for external use. Salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and keratolytic effects. Zinc dries. The simultaneous action of the components helps to quickly heal wounds and eliminate many skin problems, as well as normalize the functioning of the sweat glands.


    Salicylic-zinc paste used to treat wounds of any kind. It helps not only to fight the problem, but also disinfects the affected areas of the skin, destroying bacteria.

    Can be used alone or in combination with other medicines.

    What helps?

    Salicylic-zinc paste is used to combat different problems:

    1. Fungus of the nails on the hands and feet.
    2. Psoriasis. Before applying the drug, the affected areas of the skin are cleaned with peroxide. The procedure is carried out at least 3 times a day.
    3. Herpes. When applying, care must be taken not to form wounds on the lips. Through them, the drug can enter the bloodstream and cause an allergic reaction.
    4. Dermatitis. The active substance in the composition of the product relieves itching, stops inflammation, and removes redness on the skin.
    5. We deprive pink. Before use, problem areas are treated with hydrogen peroxide.
    6. Diaper rash in newborns after wearing diapers. In addition, it is used to prevent rashes in infants.
    7. With acne and other types of rashes. In addition, it helps to get rid of the scars left after them.
    8. age spots, since zinc oxide, applied to problem areas several times a day, is able to whiten the skin and even out its tone. The tool helps to get rid of blackheads and spots left after acne.

    The tool helps to fight excessive sweating and unpleasant odor. For this Salicylic-zinc paste should be applied in a thin layer to the underarm area within 14 days of hygiene procedures.

    Pasta Lassara helps to get rid of calluses and corns on the feet. The acid in its composition has a softening effect on rough skin, relieves inflammation.

    The same properties of the drug are used in solving the problem of ingrown hairs. The skin is steamed before application. The tool should remain on the problem area for at least 6-8 hours. Then this place is treated with pumice to remove softened tissues.

    The drug is used for chickenpox. Thanks to zinc, it effectively dries and disinfects rashes.

    Salicylic-zinc paste, mixed with moisturizer, used for prevention sunburn.


    A contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity to its components. It should not be used by children under 12 years of age.

    Treatment regimen

    The treatment regimen and dosage depend on what problem needs to be solved with Lassar paste. Most often, it is enough to apply it to damaged areas of the skin 1-2 times a day.

    How to use?

    In order to get the desired result, you need to use the drug correctly. The main condition is to apply it only on a previously cleaned surface.

    When treating nail fungus, before applying the paste, you should make a special bath that will not only clean the nail plates, but also soften the keratinized skin. For the solution, you can use potassium permanganate or soda. After the bath, wipe your fingers dry and apply the paste.

    Do not capture large areas of skin, the medicine should be applied in a thin layer only to the affected nails and small areas of skin around them. The course of treatment is 5 days.

    Salicylic ointment: effectiveness, disadvantages, duration and consequences of use

    To prevent the spread of infection, it is necessary to treat all problem areas at the same time. It is advisable to change clothes daily, as spores of pathogenic fungi can accumulate on it.

    Before starting treatment with Lassar, you should consult a doctor to exclude the presence of diseases in which long-term use of zinc or salicylic acid is contraindicated.

    How much to keep?

    The procedure should be carried out in the evening before going to bed so that the product remains on the nail plates all night. In the morning, you should make a cleansing bath to remove exfoliated horny growths.

    How to wash off?

    First of all, it is necessary to remove the product from the skin as much as possible with a dry paper towel. Wash off residues with warm water and soap or other detergent. You can use a sponge to make the process easier.

    Salicylic-zinc paste mask

    Lassar's remedy helps to fight not only acne and other types of rashes, but also eliminates spots after acne. Salicylic acid reduces oiliness, dissolves the content of blackheads, disinfects and dries. When it penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, blood flow to the problem area improves, which activates the process of tissue repair and the disappearance of post-acne. Zinc heals and restores tissues, regulates the production of sebum.

    The paste is applied to the affected areas of the body in a thin even layer. The mask should remain on the skin all night. On individual acne can be applied pointwise, using for this cotton swab.

    The mask must be done daily until the acne disappears. In the treatment of post-acne, the procedure can be carried out every other day.

    Side effects

    Prolonged use of the drug on large areas of the skin can cause an allergic reaction, which manifests itself as itching, redness, burning and soreness at the site of application. In rare cases, there may be an increase in body temperature. To stop the unpleasant symptoms, just stop using the drug. If there is no improvement, you need to see a doctor.

    On hit Salicylic-zinc paste on mucous membranes, immediately wash the area with plenty of water.

    Features of the application of Salicylic-zinc paste

    The effectiveness of treatment depends on the accuracy of compliance with all the recommendations contained in the instructions and expressed by a specialist.

    Is Salicylic-Zinc Paste OK for Children?

    Children over 12 years of age can use the drug to treat skin problems. Treatment should be under the supervision of a doctor and adults.

    During pregnancy and lactation

    Any medicine must be taken under the supervision of a specialist. During pregnancy, the paste can be used, but with the consent of the doctor. Particular care should be taken in the first trimester. During this period, the risk of developing pathology in the fetus is high.

    You should also be careful while feeding. Do not apply paste to the chest area so that the child does not come into contact with it.

    Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

    The use of Lassara paste does not cause drowsiness and does not reduce activity, so its use does not affect the ability to drive a car or perform work that requires increased concentration.

    drug interaction

    Salicylic-zinc paste normally interacts with other drugs. The exception is funds with the same properties. In this situation, an unacceptable increase in the concentration of the active substance in the body is possible, which can cause an overdose or lead to an allergic reaction.

    Terms and conditions of storage

    To store the drug, you need a dry, cool, dark place, out of the reach of children. Shelf life - 48 months from the date of manufacture. During the entire period, the drug must be in the original packaging.

    Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

    Are they sold without a prescription?

    You don't need a prescription to buy Salicylic Zinc Paste.

    What is the price?

    The average price is 30 rubles per jar of 25 g.

    What is the difference from ointment?

    Salicylic ointment has a high concentration of the active substance. Therefore, it helps to quickly cope with a fungal infection. Apply the ointment at night under a compress, on previously cleansed skin. In the morning, the exfoliated parts are removed.

    Another difference is the consistency. The paste penetrates the skin faster and better than the ointment.


    Active substances pastes - salicylic-zinc acid and zinc oxide. A similar composition has a powder for external use - Galmanin. The indication for its use is most often eczema and hyperhidrosis. To combat acne and other types of rashes, Zinc ointment, which includes zinc, can be used.

    The active substances of the paste are salicylic-zinc acid and zinc oxide, a similar composition has a powder for external use - Galmanin.

    Almost every person has experienced the problem of acne, and it does not necessarily occur in adolescence. Rashes are ugly, cause a lot of inconvenience. Zinc paste, according to reviews, really helps to cope with acne on the skin due to its unique properties. But she needs to use it correctly and know the required dosage.

    Zinc paste: application

    Zinc is an important micronutrient. With its help, catalysts of biological processes are stimulated. The amount of zinc in the skin is about 20% of the total.

    This element is considered one of the main components of cosmetic preparations designed to care for problem skin and fight acne. One such remedy is zinc paste or ointment. You can buy it at the pharmacy, and it is very cheap.

    Zinc paste has a drying, astringent and disinfectant effect. It significantly reduces the number of acne and blackheads, relieves local inflammation and irritation. When applied to the skin, zinc ointment forms a special coating that reduces the effect of aggressive environmental factors.

    There are several ways to use zinc paste. As a rule, it is applied in a thin layer on the cleansed skin of the face. You can use the product up to 6 times a day. The only negative point is that it is completely unsuitable for a make-up base, you cannot apply it on it. tone cream and powder. You can leave the paste on your face all night.

    At 19, the famous German dermatologist Lassar invented a unique in action salicylic-zinc ointment, which, in addition to zinc oxide and petroleum jelly, contains starch and salicylic acid. Due to this composition, the ointment has an active astringent and antiseptic effect. It is ideal for treating fresh inflammation.

    At topical application, zinc paste has the following actions: reduces sebum production, disinfects, dries, reduces irritation, relieves inflammation, regenerates and improves skin elasticity.

    The active use of decorative cosmetics can reduce therapeutic effect funds. During the treatment of acne, it is recommended to completely exclude the use of tonal creams, powders, correctors, concealers and other concealers.

    Among side effects distinguish the following: itching, skin rash, hyperemia. It is not recommended to use zinc paste during lactation and pregnancy, as well as if you are allergic to zinc.

    Zinc paste: indications for use

    Zinc paste can be used not only for acne. There is a fairly large range of uses for this miracle cure:

    1. Diaper rash in children and adults;
    2. Prickly heat;
    3. Dermatitis;
    4. Ulcerative lesions of the skin;
    5. Eczema in the acute phase;
    6. burns;
    7. Acne (pimples);
    8. Herpes simplex;
    9. superficial wounds;
    10. Streptoderma;
    11. Trophic ulcers;
    12. Bedsores.

    Salicylic-zinc acne paste: how to use?

    Currently, there is a sufficient number of various cosmetics for problem skin. These are not only care products, but also medications. Salicylic-zinc paste, which was invented back in the 19th century, is still one of the most effective remedies.

    Pasta can be purchased at a pharmacy at an affordable price and without a prescription. Thanks to the zinc it contains, it has a quick and pronounced effect on a particular problem. Salicylic-zinc paste helps fight almost any infection, so it is often prescribed for psoriasis, different forms dermatitis, abscess and other similar diseases.

    As for the use of the paste, it is applied in the same way as zinc: it is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin. If there are a lot of rashes, and you use the ointment daily, there is a chance of overdrying the skin. For a more effective effect, the paste can be applied at night. If a pimple has just appeared, then with local application, the result will be noticeable after a few hours.

    Salicylic-zinc paste is incompatible with make-up and moisturizers, as this will clog pores and cause new irritations. When treating skin for acne, you will have to forget about makeup and the use of tonal products for a while.

    Acne zinc paste: reviews

    • Elizabeth: For a long time I suffered with skin problems, nothing helped. I even had facials done by cosmetologists - all in vain. The pharmacy advised zinc ointment. It costs about 30 rubles, I did not believe in a miracle, but it happened. Of course, I had to use it for a long time, to abandon decorative cosmetics (plus, I changed my diet). In general, the pasta really helped me. Now, when there are spot rashes, I smear with paste, after a few hours there is no trace of them.
    • Evgenia: I, like most people, have skin problems. Zinc paste has become a salvation for me from itching and all kinds of allergic skin rashes. The only negative is that it dries the skin a lot and you can’t paint while using it.
    • Tatyana: I always have zinc paste in my first aid kit. She saves from burns, and from scratches, and from acne. As soon as a pimple pops up, I immediately smear it with paste and after a few hours the inflammation is almost imperceptible. Yes, by the way, I also got used to treating a cold on my lips with its help. In general, from all troubles - one answer!

    Zinc paste is a real panacea for skin problems. Many women and men were able to get rid of acne, blackheads and eczema with her help. True, pasta is suitable and helps not everyone. In any case, before use, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test, and only then experiment with the skin of the face.

    Many people know teenage acne, which spoils the appearance of a teenager, worsens his internal state, causes various complexes.

    Many adults experience the same problem. Various skin diseases, minor abrasions, scratches and bites not only look ugly, but also bring a lot of inconvenience.

    Many dermatologists advise not to neglect the simple and accessible way-zinc ointment. It is easy to use, does not cause allergic reactions well absorbed. The only condition is that it must be applied to clean skin without rinsing.

    Zinc ointment universal and affordable tool in cosmetology in the fight against skin diseases.

    The zinc oxide included in it creates on the skin special protective layer that takes care of skin protection from various damages, irritations and promotes its regeneration.

    Zinc oxide, which is rich in ointment, gained its popularity long before its use in cosmetology.

    So, zinc oxide is used in:

    • In the paint and varnish industry;
    • In the manufacture of some varieties of linoleum;
    • Manufacture of carbon paper;
    • ceramic glaze;
    • car tires;
    • motor oils.

    But, the most famous zinc paste is in cosmetology.

    Zinc ointment description, composition

    Zinc ointment consists of two constituent ingredients in a ratio of 1:10:

    1. zinc oxide;
    2. Petrolatum;

    Due to this ratio, the ointment does not cause various allergic reactions and irritations. In addition to its use in the fight against acne, zinc paste is also an excellent remedy from others. skin diseases.

    zinc oxide has a drying effect while Vaseline, which is part of the composition, does not allow the skin to dry out, giving it softness and necessary care.

    It is worth recalling that zinc oxide, which is part of the composition, is an important trace element in the human body. He is powerful stimulant of active enzymes. Each of our cells has a specific number of enzymes that interact with other trace elements every second. Thanks to zinc and the enzymes it controls, we can hear, see, and breathe. In addition, over 20% of the skin is zinc located in the skin, which is the main factor in the use of zinc in cosmetology.

    Zinc ointment when applied topically has the effect of:

    • Disinfects;
    • Reduces itching and irritation;
    • Removes inflammatory processes;
    • Slows down the production of fat by the glands;
    • Restores the structure of the skin;
    • Increases firmness and elasticity.

    Zinc paste has a wound healing effect. The active ingredient is often included in baby creams and powders for daily use. This proves its safety, low allergenicity and good qualities in the fight against various dermatoses.

    To understand that there is a zinc deficiency in the body, it is enough to look at your wounds. If it drags on for a long time, then this is a clear signal of a lack of a trace element.

    Depending on the manufacturer, zinc ointment can be added (except for zinc oxide):

    • Lanolin;
    • Petrolatum;
    • Salicylic acid; read here.
    • Menthol.

    Each of these components has its own effects on the skin, as indicated by the manufacturer, but the main component is zinc oxide.

    The action of the ointment, the effect

    Zinc ointment, or rather zinc oxide included in it, has an antiseptic effect on the skin. The therapeutic effect is effective in the treatment of various etiologies of skin diseases, including infectious ones in a mild state.

    Zinc ointment has been actively used for many centuries (in the past, skin diseases similar to cancer were treated with zinc), which confirms its effectiveness in healing and regenerating the skin as a whole. Now zinc oxide is found in almost any acne remedy, baby creams, face and body masks.

    The most famous and amazing property of zinc ointment is the absorption of ultraviolet radiation. That is what leads to premature aging skin, as well as to the development of cancers.

    Among the main characteristics of zinc ointment, we can distinguish:

    • Antibacterial properties;
    • Drying inflammation;
    • Adjustability of subcutaneous fat production and, as a result, the risk of blockage of pores;
    • Rapid regeneration of the skin;
    • Improved skin elasticity thanks to Vaseline and zinc;
    • Removal of inflammatory processes;
    • An effective remedy for burns, bedsores, eczema, ulcerative lesions, dermatitis.

    Mode of application

    • Zinc ointment is intended for outdoor use.
    • It is usually applied on pre-cleansed skin with a thin layer on the skin of the face. The number of applications is best arranged with your dermatologist. Their maximum number can be up to 6 times per day.
    • Ointment cannot be used as a make-up agent. You can not apply various creams on it. Powder and other decorative care products.
    • Spread pasta from the evening can be left on the skin until morning.
    • A very convenient and fast healing paste was invented by the German dermatologist O. Lossar. In this paste, in addition to zinc oxide, salicylic acid and starch are added, which increase the antibacterial qualities of zinc oxide and increase the astringent effect on the skin. Such a paste effective remedy at the first manifestations of acne, inflammatory processes.

    About we wrote here.

    It is enough to apply a small amount of paste on the affected area and let it absorb. The inflammation will subside quickly.

    • The effectiveness of the drug directly depends on the degree of skin damage and on the localization of application.

    So, for example, when used in the treatment of acne in a mild or moderate degree, the effect does not occur immediately, since in addition to visible manifestations, many factors also depend on the hormonal background.

    However, with regular use it can be reduced inflammatory process and development acne.

    • The greatest efficiency can be achieved with the simultaneous use of zinc ointment and erythromycin.
    • Zinc ointment is also effective for diaper rash. It is applied every time on clean skin under a diaper. The child's skin must be clean and dry before application. Zinc ointment creates a protective layer on the skin from excess moisture. Zinc oxide creates an obstacle to contact between the skin of the child and the irritant.
    • With melasma, characterized by the appearance on the skin of the face of dark brown spotsit is recommended to apply zinc ointment to relieve symptoms.
    • The effectiveness of zinc ointment shows good results in the treatment of focal skin lesions of mild severity, burns from plants, scratches and abrasions.

    So, getting on the skin, zinc ions remain there for a long time, during which there is a rapid healing of the wound and its disinfection.

    Price, analogues

    Zinc ointment is not an expensive and affordable drug in almost any pharmacy chain. On average, the cost of a tube is from 31-43 rubles per tube of 10 or 20 ml.

    Analogues of zinc ointment are:

    • Desitin;
    • Salicylo-Zinc paste;
    • Child charmer;
    • Tsindol;
    • Valiskin.
    • diaderm;
    • Zinc oxide liniment;

    Zinc paste is used for minor skin lesions. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action. Zinc paste can be used to treat patients of any age, including infants. It is allowed to be used by women in position and breastfeeding.

    Dosage form

    The drug is available in the form of a paste for external use. It is sold in aluminum tubes and glass jars.

    Description and composition

    The paste is a white or yellowish mass. It contains zinc oxide as an active ingredient. In addition to it, the composition of the paste includes potato starch and petroleum jelly.

    Pharmacological group

    Zinc paste is a dermatoprotective agent. It stops the inflammatory process, has an antiseptic, astringent, drying effect. Zinc paste protects the skin from the effects of urine and other irritants, prevents the appearance of "diaper" dermatitis. Vaseline, which is part of the composition, softens irritated skin.

    Indications for use

    for adults

    Zinc paste can be used as first aid for minor skin lesions:

    • scratches;
    • mild burns;
    • diaper rash;
    • cuts;
    • "diaper" dermatitis.

    for kids

    Zinc paste can be used in children from birth for the treatment and prevention of "diaper" rash and various skin microdamages.

    Pregnancy and lactation is not a contraindication to the use of zinc paste.


    Zinc paste should not be applied to the skin if the composition of the medication is intolerant.

    Applications and doses

    for adults

    In case of skin damage, the paste is applied in a thin layer. If necessary, a sterile bandage can be applied on top. The paste should not be used if the wound is infected.

    for kids

    In order to prevent "diaper" dermatitis, the paste should be applied to the skin under a diaper or diaper before irritation occurs, especially at night, when the baby can be in wet things for a long time.

    If redness and diaper rash have already appeared, then the affected area should be washed and dried, and then Zinc paste should be applied. This should be done at every diaper or diaper change.

    for pregnant women and during lactation

    Zinc paste during gestation and lactation can be used as usual.

    Side effects

    Zinc paste is well tolerated by most patients, only with hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug, pruritis, redness and allergies may occur. If these adverse reactions occur, therapy should be interrupted and a doctor should be consulted.

    Interaction with other drugs

    There are no known cases of interaction of Zinc Paste with other medicines.

    special instructions

    Zinc paste can only be used externally. During therapy, you need to make sure that it does not get into the eyes, if this happens, they should be rinsed with clean water.


    So far, there have been no cases of overdose with Zinc Paste. When applied externally, it is practically not absorbed, so drug poisoning is unlikely. If ingested, seek medical attention.

    Storage conditions

    Zinc paste is produced by several manufacturers, so its storage conditions may vary and should be specified on the packaging. For example, a drug manufactured by the Tula or Moscow pharmaceutical factory should be stored in a dark place at temperatures up to 25 degrees, a medicine from the Tver pharmaceutical factory - + 12- + 25 degrees.

    The shelf life of zinc paste is 5 years. The drug must be protected from children.


    Zinc paste can be replaced with the following medicines:

    1. . It also contains zinc oxide as an active ingredient, but if its content in the paste is up to 25%, then in the ointment it is not more than 10%. As an additional component, the ointment contains petroleum jelly, it penetrates the skin better than paste and is usually used when the acute phase of the disease has passed. can be used not only for "diaper" dermatitis and microdamages of the skin, but for the treatment of herpes simplex, streptococcal pyoderma, allergies to the sun. It can be used from birth. According to indications, zinc ointment is allowed to be used by women in position and breastfeeding.
    2. contains zinc oxide as a therapeutic component. Unlike zinc paste, the drug is available in the form of a suspension. used for dermatitis, burns and skin ulcers. The only contraindication to prescribing the drug is individual intolerance to its active and additional components. contains ethanol, so you need to ensure that it does not come into contact with the eyes. The suspension is allowed to be used from birth, during pregnancy and lactation.
    3. - dermatoprotective agent, which is produced by the company "Johnson & Johnson", Russia. It contains zinc oxide as an active ingredient and is produced in the form of an ointment. It differs from zinc paste in the composition of auxiliary ingredients. The ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the occurrence of diaper dermatitis, protects the skin from urine and other aggressive substances. After application to the skin, a film forms on it, which reduces the likelihood of a rash. The drug has a drying and antiseptic effect, so it can be used for microdamages of the skin. The ointment helps with mild burns and eczema. can be used in children, including the first year of life. According to indications, the ointment is allowed to be used by pregnant and lactating women.
    4. plus is a substitute for Zinc paste in the therapeutic group. The medicine is produced in the form of a cream. It promotes rapid healing of the skin in violation of its integrity, has an antiseptic effect. Plus, it can be used in children from the first days of life, during the period of gestation and breastfeeding.
    5. - combination drug, one of the active components, which is zinc oxide. It is produced by the USA or Ireland in jars of 10, 60 and 125 g. Its active ingredients stop inflammation, have a local anesthetic, astringent and antiseptic effect. They soften and soothe the skin, accelerate wound healing. can be used in patients of any age. It is allowed to use during gestation and breastfeeding. can be used for diaper dermatitis, eczema, sun and thermal burns, acne, frostbite. During its use, you need to make sure that it does not get into the eyes and mucous membranes, if this happens, rinse with water. The drug is forbidden to use if its composition is intolerant, otherwise it can provoke an allergy.
    6. Baby powder is available in powder form for topical use by several companies. It contains zinc oxide as an active ingredient. This is a dermatoprotective agent that, when applied to the skin, has an adsorbing, drying and astringent effect, prevents inflammation and irritation. The powder can be used from the first days of life with "diaper rash" and dermatitis. It is contraindicated in acute purulent inflammatory diseases and with individual intolerance to its composition.
    7. is a substitute for Zinc paste in the therapeutic group. In the pharmacy, the drug is found in the form of an ointment. Its active ingredients accelerate the healing of damaged skin. The ointment can not be applied with intolerance to its composition, hypervitaminosis A, acute inflammatory skin diseases. In the first trimester, do not apply to large areas. At the time of therapy, breastfeeding should be abandoned.

    Only a doctor should choose an analogue instead of Zinc paste, since a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and decide which drug is best for a particular patient.


    The cost of zinc paste is an average of 64 rubles. Prices range from 31 to 99 rubles.