Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph node in the abdominal cavity and its treatment. Lymphatic vessels and nodes of the abdominal cavity Lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity

  • Appendectomy. Section of the anterior abdominal wall according to Volkovich-Dyakonov-Mac Burney. Dissection of the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen.
  • Appendectomy. Section of the anterior abdominal wall according to Volkovich-Dyakonov-Mac Burney. Dissection of the parietal peritoneum along the length of the wound.
  • Drainage of lymph from organs abdominal cavity occurs in organ lim-
    fouzla and through the lumbar trunk into the lumbar cistern.

    Lumbar lymph center-lc. lumbale - unites lymph nodes in
    lumbar region: own lumbar, aortic-lumbar, renal
    nye, diaphragmatic-abdominal, ovarian (in males, testis).

    a) Aortic lumbar lymph nodes- In. lumbales aortici (MB) -
    lie to the left dorsally "from the aorta, and to the right dorsally from the caudal hollow
    veins; in addition, they are found at the intervertebral foramina (Fig. 233, 234).

    Roots: lower back, genitourinary organs, aorta. outflow of lymph through
    lumbar trunk into the lumbar cistern.

    Peculiarities., The dog is fickle. The pig has an abundance
    8-20, in cattle - in the amount of 12-25, in size from 0.5
    up to 2 cm; there are more knots on the right. "A horse has 30-160 knots measuring 0.3-3.5 cm,

    b) Renal lymph nodes- In. renales - lie on the renal arteries
    . and at the renal hilum.

    Peculiarities. Cattle have 3-5 lymph nodes up to
    2-4 cm. The horse has 10-18 lymph nodes 3-20 mm in size.

    in) Lymph node of the ovary- In. ovaricus - small, meeting-
    etsya not always in the ligament of the ovary. In males The lymph nodes seed-
    nicknames t-in. testicularis - present only in a boar that has lymph
    flows into the deep inguinal lymph node.

    Celiac lymph center-g lc. celiacum - unites a large group
    lymph nodes of the stomach and adjacent organs (spleen, liver,

    a) Celiac lymph nodes- In. celiac! (Fig. 233-4) - lie
    around the start celiac artery, difficult to separate from gastric lymphatics
    nodes. Lymph outflow - through the celiac trunk - truncus celiacus - in cis-
    turn (Fig. 235). "-

    Peculiarities. A pig has 2-4 lymph nodes. In cattle, cattle
    2-5 lymph nodes 1-2 cm in size. A horse has 12-30 lymph nodes times*
    measuring 2-25 mm.

    b) Gastric lymph nodes- In. gastrici (3) - lie in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bkar-
    dia and along the lesser curvature.

    Peculiarities. The "dogs are small, often absent, lie closer to
    pylorus. In pigs, they are found singly and in groups.
    cattle with a size of 0 ^ 5-4 cm lie in in large numbers on each
    section of the stomach along the Vessels; lymph nodes are distinguished: cicatricial right and
    left, rennet dorsal and ventral, etc. The horse has 15-35 knots
    coves 0.2-6 cm in size, some of the knots are red.

    in) Hepatic (portal) lymph nodes- In. hepatici (portals) -
    located at the porta of the liver (6) ■

    d) Splenic lymph nodes - In. lienales (1) - lie at the gates of se-
    ladders. .

    Peculiarities. In a dog, up to 5 knots, in a pig - 1-8. At the big horn
    addition, there are no livestock. The horse 10-30 is 0.2-7 cm in size, Flat,
    of red color.

    e) Lymph nodes of the omentum- In. omentales (2) - lie in the same
    gastric-pleural ligament.

    Peculiarities. In dogs, they occur (in 50%) near the duodenum

    " Fig. 233. Lymph nodes of the stomach and intestines:
    BUT- horses; B- cows;, / - In. Henales; 2 - In. omentales; 3 - In. gastric!;
    4 - In. celiaci; 5-In. pancreaticoduodenales; 6 - In. hepatici; 7 - In. colici;-
    8 -In.., cecales; 9 - In. mesenterici caudales; 10 - In. jejunales; 11 - truncus
    intestinalis; a- spleen; in - pancreas; with -*■ stomach; d- two-
    duodenum: e - rectum; I- blind and colonic knobs.

    intestines. The horse has 14-20 nodules 0.2-2.5 cm in size, of various ok-

    e) Lymph nodes of the pancreas and duodenum
    - In. pancreaticoduodenales (5) - lie at the beginning of twelve -
    duodenal ulcer.

    Peculiarities. A dog* has one small lymph node, a pig has 8-9
    lymph nodes. Cattle have a number of lymph nodes, the number
    them fickle. A horse has 5-15 lymph nodes 0.2-2 cm in size.

    Cranial mesenteric lymph center-lc. mesentericum cranialis -
    unites the lymph nodes located in the mesentery of the thin and thick
    sections of the intestine.

    Rice. 234. Lymph nodes of the genital organs:

    BUT- stallion; B- mares; 1 - In. scrotales; G - In. mammarii; 2 - In. ileofemora-

    les; s- In. iliac mediales; 4 - In. coxalis; 5, 6 - In. sacrales; 7-In. uterinus; 8 -

    In. ovaricus; 9 - In. lumbales aortici; 10 - In. anorectales.

    a) Cranial mesenteric lymph nodes- In. mesenterici
    craniales - lie at the root of the artery of the same name. outflow of lymph through
    intestinal duct into the cistern.

    Peculiarities. A horse has 70-80 lymph nodes 0.3-4 cm in size.

    b) Lymph nodes of the jejunum- In. jejunales (10) "- lie in
    mesentery of the jejunum.

    Peculiarities. The dog has two lymph nodes. The pig has lymph nodes
    along the trunk of the cranial mesenteric artery. In cattle
    30-50 lymph nodes are located along the attachment of the mesentery to the tone
    which gut. The horse has 35-90 knots measuring 0.3 ^ 6 cm, lie at the root
    mesentery; their color is gray-red or red. "

    in) Lymph nodes of the caecum- In. cecales - available in large
    ruminants and horses, are located along their ligaments, and in a horse - along

    G) Ileocolic lymph nodes- In. ileocolic! - the pig has le-
    reaping in the mesentery of the jejunum, in cattle - between the blind
    intestine and ileum. The horse is divided into lateral and medial
    and are located along the shadows, numbering up to 1000-1400; Moreover/
    there are 4-18 dorsal nodes. The size of the nodules is 0.2-2.5 cm.

    e) The lymph nodes colon - In. eolici (7) - lie in
    mesentery of the colon.

    Peculiarities. In a dog, 3-8 lymph nodes lie in the mesentery, among them
    distinguish right, left and middle nodes. In pigs and cattle
    cattle lymph nodes are located between the turns of the labyrinth. The horse In.
    coli crassi lie on the large colon along the dorsal and ventral
    ral colic arteries, as well as in the blind-colic ligament (the so-called
    accessory lymph nodes). The total number of nodes - up to 6000,
    size - from 1 up to 25 mm.

    Caudal mesenteric lymph center-lc. mesentericum caudale -
    unites the lymph nodes of the posterior colon and the beginning
    direct (in a horse - a small colon and Bladder).

    a) Caudal mesenteric lymph nodes- In. mesenterici caudales -
    lie in the mesentery along the artery of the same name. ,

    Peculiarities. The dog has 2-5 knots. In the horse they are known as lymphatic
    cal nodes of the small colon - In. coli tenuis; they are located
    along the line of attachment of the mesentery to the intestine and partially along the caudal
    noah mesenteric artery in the amount of 1600-1800, size 1-52 mm.
    In the mesentery itself there are up to 30-100 lymph nodes.

    b) Lymph nodes of the rectum- In. rectales-.lie on dor-
    sebaceous surface of the intestine.

    Peculiarities. In a pig, the nodules are small; in cattle, they are
    measuring 0.5-3 cm. A horse has 10-30 lymph nodes up to
    2-10 mm.

    in) Anal lymph nodes- In. anales - lie under the skin of the dor-
    greasy from the anus.

    Peculiarities. In a pig, the lymph node is located on the side of the anus. At croup-
    in cattle, the size of the lymph node reaches 0.3-5 cm.
    3-16 nodules 3-12 mm in size. The last two nodes make up the group
    anorectal nodes - In. anorectales, lymph outflow from which originates
    dit in the iliosacral lymph center.

    Date added: 2015-08-06 | Views: 1002 | Copyright infringement

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    The condition of the body, in which the lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity, namely in the mesentery, are enlarged, is called mesadenitis or mesenteric lymphadenitis. The nodes become larger in size due to the flow inside them. Swollen lymph nodes is not independent, it is rather a symptom of another pathology of various etiologies that affects the body.

    Lymphadenopathy - the mechanism of occurrence

    Even a slight increase in the lymph nodes in the human body is an alarming signal, since this indicates the course of a pathological process inside the body. kind of indicators. Pathogenic agents that get into them cause a response, increased production of lymphocytes. Because of this, the lymph node increases in size. As the pathology progresses, inflammation may develop in it. The lesion can cover one lymph node or several at once. Therefore, even a latent pathology in the body becomes apparent.

    As mentioned earlier, swollen lymph nodes are not a disease, but chronic course inflammatory process may lead to severe complications. Most often, with lymphadenitis, an acute course of the disease is observed. The affected node becomes larger, palpation causes pain, the skin over the surface of the lymph node is hyperemic, the temperature rises locally. These symptoms are quite indicative and require immediate medical attention.

    As for the mesenteric lymph nodes, their diagnosis is difficult. Since they are located in the peritoneal cavity, inflammation in them cannot be diagnosed without laboratory research and instrumental procedures.

    Reasons for the development of pathology

    It is impossible to accurately and unambiguously determine the causes of an increase in retroperitoneal and mesenteric lymph nodes. But this happens to a greater extent because infections penetrate the lymph nodes through the intestines or lymph.

    The viruses, infections and bacteria listed above are pathogenic in nature and can affect any of the 500 lymph nodes located in the abdominal region.


    Depending on how many lymph nodes are enlarged, the pathology is classified into three types:

    • local;
    • regional;
    • generalized.

    Local lesion affects one lymph node. The regional increase in nodes concerns several located next to each other. As for the generalized development of the pathology, this is the most severe case, since at least three groups of lymph nodes are involved, which are in different parts of the body.

    About 70% of cases of enlarged lymph nodes occur in the local form of pathology. Generalized inflammation in the nodes indicates serious problems in the work immune system.

    Another type of classification subdivides lymphadenopathy according to the statute of limitations:

    • acute;
    • chronic;
    • recurrent.

    Mesadenitis can take any of these three forms of the course of the disease. But it is worth noting that in the chronic form in the lymph nodes there is already purulent inflammation, which spreads throughout the body.

    Some experts use the classification of pathology according to the degree of hyperplasia, but this is a rather controversial division, since the lymph nodes from various areas organisms vary in size even in their normal state.


    Mezadenitis is a pathology, the existence of which people most often do not suspect. Abdominal lymph nodes are located inside the peritoneum, and their enlargement can only be diagnosed using ultrasound.

    The mesentery is a fold of membrane that attaches the intestine to the abdominal wall and holds it in place. Mesenteric lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the lymph nodes in the mesentery

    Diseases appear suddenly, and are more characteristic only in acute course. Patients suffer from pain in the abdominal region, in some cases it is impossible to determine the exact location of the discomfort. In the event that an increase in lymph nodes occurs in the lower abdomen on the right, patients often confuse the pathology with appendicitis, since the pain syndrome and all the symptoms are very similar:

    • Increase in body temperature.
    • Nausea and vomiting.
    • Lack of appetite and stomach pain.
    • Diarrhea or constipation.
    • Tachycardia.
    • Enlargement of the spleen and liver.
    • Dry mouth, dehydration.

    If the symptoms are ignored for a long time, the patient may get unpleasant symptoms in the form of peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, and others. serious illnesses. This happens because the lymph nodes, without proper treatment, begin to fester.

    The chronic form of the course is less noticeable to a person, clinical picture blurred and rarely causes concern. Pain syndrome is practically absent, pain is felt only during physical activity.

    Pathology often affects. According to statistics, girls get sick less often than boys. Age range from 6 to 13 years old. Symptoms are no different from adult mesadenitis. On palpation of the abdomen, it can be found that it is tense, this is due to the fact that lymphoid follicles have formed. It is necessary to consult a specialist in order to avoid complications and start the necessary treatment on time.

    Complications of mesenteric lymphadenitis

    Mesadenitis requires treatment, starting a pathology is incredibly dangerous for a person. If you do not contact a specialist for a long time, there is a risk of developing an abscess or peritonitis due to lymphatic suppuration.

    Generalized lymphadenitis in extremely severe cases affects the entire body, as a result of which nodes throughout the body increase and become inflamed. Especially often these complications are observed in patients suffering from tuberculosis, in other cases this is a rather rare occurrence.

    Establishing diagnosis

    If you find the above symptoms, you should immediately contact a specialist and undergo an examination. Accurate diagnosis requires a comprehensive laboratory instrumental examination of the patient. First of all, it is necessary to exclude inflammation of the appendix, since pain in the lower abdomen leads to this diagnosis.

    The doctor initially collects an anamnesis of the disease. In order to identify the causative agent of pathology, questions are asked about past injuries, blood transfusions, transplantations, place of work, recent travel, etc. During the examination, the specialist checks the condition of the mucous membranes and palpates the abdomen to determine the presence or absence of mesenteric follicles.

    It is necessary to do a number of laboratory tests:

    • General analysis of blood and urine.
    • Biochemical study of blood.
    • General analysis of feces.
    • Feces for occult blood.
    • Serological analyses.
    • Wasserman test.

    An accurate and unambiguous diagnosis can only be made after the results of an ultrasound or x-ray. Only after the cause of the development of the disease is established, is appointed drug therapy. If you take measures only to eliminate the symptoms, then after a while there will be relapses.

    Treatment and prevention of pathology

    Lymphadenitis is not a pathology that can be treated independently. Even in the case when the lymph nodes are enlarged without pain in them, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Most effective therapy can only be prescribed by the attending physician, based on these studies.

    The main part of the course of treatment is aimed at eliminating the disease, as a result of which the lymph nodes have increased. With a positive effect, inflammation in the nodes will decrease, and they will decrease in size.

    Most often used:

    • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
    • Antibacterial agents.
    • Antiviral drugs.
    • Immunomodulators, etc.

    The prognosis in the treatment of mesadenitis is rather ambiguous, it all depends on the degree of pathology, the age of the patient and the cause that caused the enlargement of the lymph nodes. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of the doctor, which will help to avoid the need for surgical intervention.

    With an increase in lymph nodes in the lower abdomen, the patient feels sharp pains. In order to spend differential diagnosis and to find out the causes of the development of pathology, you need to consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe a series of studies and prescribe medications. As a rule, for a complete recovery, it is enough to follow the doctor's recommendations for 1-2 weeks, depending on the degree of progression of the underlying disease.

    The lymph nodes lower limb

    In the region of the lower limb, superficial and deep lymphatic vessels are distinguished. The former collect lymph from the skin and subcutaneous tissue, the latter remove it from the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and fascia. Lymph nodes of the lower limb are divided into inguinal (nodi lymphatici inguinales) and popliteal (nodi lymphatici poplitei), which are also divided into deep and superficial.

    Superficial vessels include vessels medial group and vessels of the posterolateral group. The vessels of the medial group accompany the great saphenous vein and collect lymph from the medial surfaces of the foot, lower leg and thigh. They start from the capillary lymphatic networks of the skin, flow into the large lymphatic vessels, and then into the superficial inguinal lymph nodes (nodi lymphatici inguinales superficiales) (Fig. 238), which are located below the inguinal ligament. In the inguinal lymph nodes, lymph is also collected from the external genitalia, perineum, lower half of the anterior abdominal wall, lower back, some organs of the pelvic cavity. The posterolateral vessels accompany the small saphenous vein and provide lymphatic outflow from the lateral surfaces of the foot and lower leg. Collecting, the vessels flow into the popliteal lymph nodes. The efferent lymphatic vessels of the superficial inguinal lymph nodes, piercing the fascia lata of the thigh, flow into the deep inguinal nodes.

    Deep lymphatic vessels originate from the capillaries of the lymphatic network bone marrow, periosteum, joints, muscles and fascia. They collect lymph from the foot, lower leg and knee joint, falling into the popliteal nodes.

    From the tissues of the thigh, the lymph is sent to the deep inguinal lymph nodes (nodi lymphatici inguinales profundi) (Fig. 238), from where the efferent vessels supply it to the external iliac lymph nodes of the pelvis (nodi lymphatici iliaci externi).

    Lymph nodes of the pelvis

    Lymph nodes of the pelvis make up two large groups: parietal, or parietal, nodes and splanchnic, or visceral, nodes.

    Parietal nodes collect lymph from the walls of the pelvis and include external, internal and common iliac nodes (nodi lymphatici iliaci externi, interni et communi) (Fig. 238).

    The visceral nodes serve the internal organs and are subdivided into pararectal, periurinary, paravaginal and periuterine. Lymphatic vessels, heading from the bladder, carry lymph to the external and internal iliac, lumbar (nodi lymphatici lumbales) (Fig. 238) and sacral (nodi lymphatici sacrales) lymph nodes. Lymph from the vagina and uterus is collected in the lumbar nodes, superficial inguinal nodes, external and internal sacral and iliac lymph nodes. From the testicle and prostate, lymph enters the lumbar nodes, external and internal iliac lymph nodes. Superficial inguinal lymph nodes receive lymph from the external genitalia.

    The efferent vessels of the external and internal iliac nodes are sent to the common iliac lymph nodes, from which the lymph enters the lumbar nodes.

    Lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity

    The lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity are also divided into parietal and splanchnic.

    Parietal nodes are concentrated in the lumbar region. Among them, there are left lumbar lymph nodes (nodi lymphatici lumbales sinistri), which include lateral aortic, preaortic and postaortic nodes, intermediate lumbar nodes located between the portal and inferior vena cava, and right lumbar nodes (nodi lymphatici lumbales dextri), including lateral caval, precaval and postcaval lymph nodes. Classification is carried out depending on the position of the nodes in relation to the aorta and inferior vena cava.

    Internal nodes are located in several rows. Some of them are located on the path of the lymph from the organs along the large intravenous vessels and their branches, the rest are collected in the area of ​​the gates of the parenchymal organs and near the hollow organs. Lymph from the stomach enters the left gastric nodes (nodi lymphatici gastrici sinistri), located in the region of the lesser curvature of the stomach, left and right gastro-omental nodes (nodi lymphatici gastroomentales sinistri et dextri), located in the region of the greater curvature of the stomach, hepatic nodes (nodi lymphatici hepatici), following along the hepatic vessels, pancreatic and splenic nodes, located in the gates of the spleen, pyloric nodes, heading along the gastroduodenal artery, and into the cardiac nodes, forming the lymphatic ring of the cardia. From duodenum and the pancreas, the lymph flows into the pancreatoduodenal nodes, which go along the vessels of the same name, and part of the lymph from the pancreas is sent to the pancreatic-splenic lymph nodes (nodi lymphatici pancreaticolienales). Lymph from the jejunum and ileum enters the superior mesenteric nodes (nodi lymphatici mesenterici superiores). The efferent vessels of the superior mesenteric nodes carry lymph to the lumbar and celiac nodes (nodi lymphatici coeliaci). Lymph from the large intestine, up to the descending colon, is sent to the ileocolic-intestinal nodes (nodi lymphatici ileocolici), left, middle and right colonic nodes and to the left and right gastro-omental nodes. Of these nodes, the efferent vessels supply lymph to the superior mesenteric and lumbar nodes. Lymph from the descending colon and colon sigmoid colon they take the left colonic nodes, and the efferent vessels carry it further, to the lower mesenteric and lumbar nodes. From the liver, lymph is collected mainly in the hepatic, celiac, pyloric and right gastric nodes. Then it enters the lower and upper diaphragmatic nodes (nodi lymphatici phrenici inferiores et superiores), and from there to the nodes of the mediastinum (nodi lymphatici mediastinales). Lymph from the kidneys is sent to the renal nodes, from where the efferent vessels carry it to the lumbar nodes.

    A lymph node is a collection of lymphoid tissue surrounded by a capsule. There are over 500 lymph nodes in the human body. They are located near all organs and along large blood vessels. In the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space there are almost all vital organs that are constantly actively functioning. Due to their vigorous activity and abundant blood supply, a lot of lymph is formed, which is taken over and filtered by the lymph nodes. For this reason, the lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity are of great functional importance.

    Anatomy of the lymph nodes of the retroperitoneal space

    For ease of study, retroperitoneal lymph nodes are divided into several groups, based on which organ they collect lymph from:

    • Celiac - in the amount of 10-15, located at the root of the celiac trunk.
    • Gastric - located on the small and greater curvature stomach, and in the area of ​​the pylorus.
    • Splenic - located in the region of the gate of the spleen.
    • Upper and lower pancreatic - located along the upper and lower edge of the body of the pancreas.
    • Hepatic - a conglomerate of lymph nodes in the region of the gates of the liver and gallbladder.
    • Mesenteric - located between the sheets of the mesentery of the small intestine.
    • Lymph nodes of the colon - lie retroperitoneally along the lymphatic vessels of the loop of the colon.
    • Lumbar - single lymph nodes that are located along the abdominal aorta.
    • Lower diaphragmatic - located near the legs of the diaphragm.
    • Lower epigastric - lie along the initial part of the lower epigastric artery.

    Each lymph node is responsible for filtering the lymph of the organ near which it is located. The disease of the organ also affects the functional state of not only the regional lymph node, but also the remote one.

    Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity

    Inflammation of the lymph nodes is a protective mechanism that occurs in the organ when it is influenced by provoking factors. The main causes of inflammation of the retroperitoneal lymph nodes are:

    • Infectious diseases - tuberculosis, salmonellosis, yersiniosis.
    • Tumors - carcinoma, sarcoma, lymphoma.
    • Diseases of the immune system - histiocytosis, mononucleosis.
    • Intra-abdominal inflammatory processes - adnexitis, glomerulonephritis, pancreatitis.

    The lymph node is a very sensitive structure and plays the role of a sentry point in the body. An increase in retroperitoneal lymph nodes is an indicator of inflammation, which is easy to determine for yourself at home. With the development of the inflammatory process, the immune system is activated. The first echelon is represented by lymph nodes. Here, the cells responsible for immunity destroy microbes and prevent their further spread. In this case, hyperplasia of the lymph node occurs - its value exceeds the normal size.

    In addition to inflammation, the lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity also react with growth to tumors. Most neoplasms spread metastases through the lymphatic vessels. With the flow of lymph, cancer cells reach the nearest lymph node and are fixed there. Active enzymes in the lymph node try to kill cancer cells.

    Symptoms of inflammation of the intra-abdominal and retroperitoneal lymph nodes

    Symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes are varied. Pathological changes in the lymph node are diagnosed as lymphadenopathy, and its inflammation is called lymphadenitis. Despite the small size of the lymph nodes, hyperplastic lymphadenitis is a serious medical problem. If the treatment is delayed, an emergency operation may be necessary after a few days. Therefore, it is necessary to be on the alert and clearly know the symptoms of a possible inflammation of the lymph nodes in the intestine. These include:

    • A sharp increase in body temperature to 39-40˚ C.
    • acute pain in the lower abdomen, resembling contractions.
    • Loss of appetite and nausea, possible vomiting stomach discomfort.
    • Changes in stool (diarrhea, constipation).
    • Intoxication of the body, poor health.

    It should be noted that these symptoms are not specific enough. Similar complaints may occur in other diseases of the abdominal organs, such as appendicitis. This once again confirms the need to immediately go to the hospital in case of such symptoms.

    Diseases occurring with lymphadenitis in the abdomen and retroperitoneal space

    Inflammation of a group of lymph nodes in the abdomen is observed in both children and adults. The causes of lymphadenitis differ depending on the age of the patient. For children it is:

    However, in most cases it will be reactive lymphadenopathy. This means that after the elimination of the primary disease, the condition inflamed lymph nodes will return to normal. In women, hyperplasia of the lymph nodes can occur as a reaction to diseases of the uterus and its appendages.

    Adults, due to better immunity, are less susceptible to infectious diseases. In adults, another dangerous pathology often leads to inflammation of the lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity. Malignant neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract quickly metastasize to the retroperitoneal lymph nodes. In pancreatic cancer, hyperplasia of the retroperitoneal and lymph nodes of the small intestine is noted.

    Method of examination of patients with lymphadenitis

    After the doctor listens to the patient's complaints, he should immediately begin the examination. It usually begins with simple methods, such as palpation of the abdomen. Despite its simplicity, palpation allows an experienced doctor to make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe a further thorough examination.

    A mandatory procedure is to carry out a general and biochemical analysis blood, urine and feces. In the blood test, the number of leukocytes increases. This is a clear sign of inflammation. The patient is diagnosed with a Mantoux test to make sure that the lymph nodes are not inflamed due to tuberculosis.

    Further examinations are carried out with the help of devices that help to determine the inflammation of the lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity. Of the instrumental imaging methods, the following are of particular diagnostic value:

    • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) - makes it possible to determine the size of the lymph nodes that have increased, their density, their relationship with organs, such as the kidneys or uterus. Relatively inexpensive, fast and informative method.
    • Radiography - an x-ray contrast agent is injected into the intestinal tract and a picture is taken. Helps to distinguish lymphadenitis from diseases such as peritonitis, intestinal obstruction. Lymph nodes are not visible on x-rays.
    • Computed (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - allows you to get a high-quality layered image of the bottom or the entire abdominal cavity. The method is absolutely irreplaceable if a tumor or distant metastases are suspected, which are well visualized.

    Most modern treatment centers and clinics offer to undergo the necessary diagnostic procedures and get high quality results.

    How is the treatment of patients with inflammation of the lymph nodes

    Depending on the stage of development of the disease, the patient asked for help, the doctor determines the concept of treatment. If the disease has just begun, it will be enough conservative treatment prescribed by the therapist. If the process lasts longer and has passed into the purulent stage, the pills will no longer help. You will need surgery to remove a group of enlarged lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity.

    The treatment of lymphadenitis is complex. It begins with the treatment of the primary disease that led to the onset of lymphadenitis. Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the form of tablets or injections. To remove intoxication of the body, increase the intake of tea and compotes, and in difficult cases - droppers with saline solutions. Vitamins and restoratives are also included in the list of appointments to activate the patient's immune system. In acute pain syndrome, the doctor will prescribe painkillers.

    A drug


    Reception features


    Sumamed, Suprax, Cefotaxime, Tsiprolet

    The minimum course of admission - from 5 days


    Xefokam, Movalis, Celebrex, Dynastat

    Take several days during severe symptoms

    Infusion solutions

    Reamberin, Reopoliglyukin, Voluven, Venozol

    Appoint for intensive care at the start of treatment


    Askorutin, Riboflavin, A nicotinic acid

    Long-term use for 1-2 months


    Claritin, Telfast, Calcium pantothenate

    Appointed for removal hypersensitivity for 5-10 days

    Physiotherapy treatments provide good effect if applied to early stages illness. The following methods have been proven to be effective in the treatment of lymphadenitis:

    • Ultraviolet irradiation.
    • UHF therapy.
    • laser irradiation.
    • Medicinal electrophoresis.
    • Darsonvalization.

    The surgical method of treatment consists in carrying out a typical abdominal operation. After opening the abdominal cavity, access to the nodes that have become inflamed is made. They are removed, thereby preventing the spread of pus to the surrounding organs.

    Despite the danger of lymphadenitis, the likelihood of a fatal outcome of this disease is extremely low. And with the use modern drugs and treatment methods, inflammation of the intestinal and peritoneal lymph nodes is no longer a serious problem for doctors.

    Inside the abdominal cavity are visceral and parietal lymph nodes. They are located next to the stomach, liver, spleen, aorta and its branches, along the intestines. Inflammation of the lymph node in the abdominal cavity is not palpable, if there is no suppuration, it is confirmed by instrumental examination, laboratory tests. When diagnosing, you also need to pay attention to the functioning of the immune system.

    In total, there are about 500 pieces of filtration glands in the abdominal cavity. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the mesentery (internal fold in the lower abdomen) is called mesenteric or mesenteric lymphadenitis. The function of the mesentery is to support small intestine, fastening to the back wall of the abdominal cavity.

    Symptoms acute stage increase within 1-5 days depending on the immunity of the person. In young children, it develops in a few hours.

    Complications of inflammation of the nodes in the abdomen: adhesions or intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, abscess (tissue death due to suppuration) in the abdominal cavity. Such a severe course of the disease can result in the death of the patient if medical assistance is not provided in a timely manner.

    Classification of lymphadenitis in the abdominal cavity:

    • simple;
    • acute (purulent);
    • pseudotuberculous;
    • tuberculosis.

    The disease quickly transforms from a simple form into a purulent phase, so it is not recommended to delay the examination of a child or an adult. At risk are children from 6 to 14 years. The symptoms are similar to inflammation of the appendix. A distinctive feature of lymphadenitis from appendicitis: paroxysmal pain in the abdomen with simultaneous spasms in the intestines.

    Symptoms of acute mesadenitis:

    • the pain is cramping, sharp;
    • body temperature can rise sharply to 38-40 C;
    • nausea and / or single vomiting;
    • violation of the stool (diarrhea, constipation);
    • a lymph node with suppuration can be felt on palpation;
    • when pressed, intoxication increases.

    The chronic form of the disease has the same symptoms, only they are mild: no high temperature, vomiting, diarrhea, severe pain. Discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract can last for months. On palpation, the pain is localized in the region of the navel or is given in the lower abdomen. Sometimes there is a heartbeat above the norm.

    Symptoms of mesadenitis due to tuberculosis resemble the chronic form of lymphadenitis, only weight loss, cough, and weakness are added. Constant body temperature remains within 37-37.3 C.

    Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the peritoneum

    Viruses and pathogens can enter the glands located in the lower abdomen with blood, lymph (hematogenous and lymphogenous pathway), from the lumen of the tract (damage by worms or other factors).

    Having established the source of the disease, the inflammation of the lymph nodes is removed with medication and the underlying pathology is eliminated. If a purulent process has begun in the peritoneum, an urgent operation is required.

    In adults, the main causes of inflammation or enlargement of the lymph nodes located in the peritoneum are malignant neoplasms, metastases in the digestive tract and tuberculosis.

    medical examination

    If there are symptoms similar to appendicitis or poisoning (abdominal pain, fever, nausea), an ambulance is urgently called. Self-administration medicines without the knowledge of the doctor makes it difficult to diagnose the disease. For example, analgesics and antispasmodics do not allow you to determine the exact localization of pain, and paracetamol as an antipyretic can cause complications if the symptoms are associated with gastric disease.

    When diagnosing, the doctor immediately differentiates mesadenitis from appendicitis, first of all, by palpating the bottom, left, right of the abdomen, around the navel. He also asks if there were other symptoms of infectious diseases, poisoning.

    Necessary laboratory tests for inflammation of the lymph nodes in the peritoneum:

    • blood: common, biochemical research, for the presence of viral hepatitis;
    • exclusion of tuberculosis: intradermal test, Mantoux test;
    • general urinalysis: check the condition of the genitourinary system;
    • feces: carry out a copogram, also check for internal bleeding.

    The result of primary examinations will be the exclusion from working diagnoses of appendicitis, hepatitis, inflammation of the intestines, kidneys, ureter and bladder. Integrity violation is rejected circulatory system in the abdomen, an open ulcer.

    At instrumental examination and ultrasound determine the size of the lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity, the condition internal organs, pancreas, gallbladder, knot density. Ultrasound equipment and results laboratory tests do not give a complete picture of the course of lymphadenitis. X-rays are taken to exclude peritonitis, and the presence of malignant tumors, metastases in the abdominal cavity, intestinal defects are checked using tomography (computer, magnetic resonance), laparoscopy.

    Treatment of inflammation of the nodes in the abdominal cavity

    There are cases when an increase in the abdominal nodes lymphatic system does not require intervention: they independently return to their size after a viral, fungal, bacterial infection. That is, after, for example, influenza, human barrier-filtration organs and immunity gradually remove toxins from tissues, decay products that were formed during the course of the disease, and do not become inflamed.

    The principles and use of drugs for conservative (without surgery) therapy for inflammation of the nodes are the same as for other localized lymphadenitis: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drugs and treatment (elimination) of the main cause of the disease. At the same time, immunity-strengthening, painkillers and antispasmodic tablets, drops, injections are prescribed. The vitamin complex is selected according to the age and gender of the patient.

    Children are filmed acute symptoms inflammation of the nodes No-shpoy, Tempalgin, Papaverine, Analgin, Drotaverine, Ketorolac. Poisoning of the body with decay products (intoxication) is removed with infusion solutions of polyvinylpyrrolidone (Neocompensan, Gemodez-N, others).

    Of the physiotherapy procedures, the health of small patients is restored faster UVI - ultraviolet irradiation. Compresses are useful: they use therapeutic mud, Vishnevsky ointment. Self-medication is not worth it. You can not put hot heating pads on your stomach, rub with warming agents.

    Foods that stimulate digestion should be avoided: sour, spiced, etc. It can irritate the inner walls of the intestines, resembling the symptoms of colitis and other pathologies. Dietary nutrition for inflammation of the nodes in the peritoneum is used according to table No. 5. Fatty meat and fish food, semi-finished products, fried, salty, spicy dishes, smoked foods, lard are excluded from the diet. You can not overeat, as well as eat fresh bread, garlic, horseradish, mustard.


    An increase in lymph nodes in the peritoneum is difficult to detect in the early stages. This can be noticed by chance during an ultrasound scan of the abdomen, intestines. In most cases, patients come with acute attacks of mesadenitis or inflammation of other lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity, when there is already a risk of developing purulent process. Doctors strongly recommend adults not to neglect the signs of the disease in themselves or in their child, but to go to a medical facility for examination. Timely diagnosis can save health and save the life of the patient.