How to treat a one-year-old child for a cold. Symptoms of a cold in children and the first signs of a cold in a child

Table showing length femur by week , helps to understand the dynamics of its growth in the process of fetal development. It is necessary to detect any deviations in early stages thanks to the indicators of the norm presented in the table.

Why is it important to track fetal femur length?

This bone is the thickest and longest in the human body. It takes on the function of maintaining the balance of the body and a large share of the load on it.

Interesting! In connection with such a responsible role, a significant number of pathologies in this zone occur precisely in damage to the femoral bone.

When measuring itself long bone fetus, the degree of its growth in length is revealed. With the help of such a diagnosis, the specialist confirms the compliance (or non-compliance) of the indicators with the gestational age.

This information makes it possible to judge the presence possible pathologies or the likelihood of their development. This is especially important in cases where one of the parents has some form of anomaly of the femur: the risk of certain diseases in this area increases with a genetic predisposition. For example, imperfect osteogenesis, characterized by increased bone fragility (in other words, the “crystal man” disease), can lead not only to intrauterine fractures, but also to death if timely diagnosis was absent.

In addition, in some cases, it is the data obtained through diagnostics that raises the question of the advisability of treatment or medical intervention even before childbirth. When the presence of pathologies is confirmed, parents also have the opportunity to prepare for special care for their unborn child.

How does the hip bone grow?

As a person grows, his bones also grow, both in length and in width. To understand which part of the femur grows in length, it is necessary to imagine that in this case growth is observed mainly in non-ossified zones. These include tissues located between the diaphysis and the epiphysis. However, in part, the length of the femur also increases due to the formation of new tissue particles between already formed ones. Such growth is provided by cartilage located in the area between the bone body and the ends of the bone.

Growth in thickness is possible due to cell division of the periosteum. In this case, new layers are deposited on the joint surface. It is the periosteum that has the ability to restore destroyed bone particles, therefore, fusion in fractures in most cases is explained by its activity.

For reference! Throughout life, the bone substance in humans undergoes destruction and new formation. Bone replacement, according to a study, occurs in humans once every six months.

How to find out the dynamics of the growth of the femur?

Pregnant women during all three trimesters undergo many different examinations, including such an important procedure as fetometry. This is a method that makes it possible to determine the size of the fetus using ultrasound for subsequent comparison of the final indicators with the standards.

The main criteria that are considered in the process of this survey include the following items:

  • biparietal size;
  • size from coccyx to crown;
  • abdominal circumference;
  • chest circumference;
  • thigh bone length.

These data are indicated in millimeters, while the weight and overall height of the fetus are in grams and centimeters, respectively.

In some cases, the length dimensions of the following sections may also be required:

  • tibia;
  • tibia;
  • bones of the forearm and shoulder;
  • feet;
  • nose.

If specific pathologies are suspected, the following data are sometimes required:

  • Head circumference;
  • cerebellum size;
  • fronto-occipital size;
  • fetal heart diameter.

It is on the basis of the information obtained from the fetometry of the fetus that the attending physician draws conclusions about the norm or anomaly of development.

Hip bone length table

The average length of the femur, corresponding to different weeks of pregnancy, can be seen in the table.

It is important to understand that these are average indicators, slight deviations from which up or down should not be a cause for concern. However, in cases of lagging behind the standards for two weeks or more, we can talk about fetal hypotrophy.

If the normal dimensions are exceeded, you will need additional methods research. As a rule, this does not apply to the total weight of the fetus, since its excess is most often provoked by the excess weight of the pregnant woman, as well as a genetic predisposition.

Important! Ancillary studies are usually carried out in cases where a specific part of the body exceeds the norm.

Congenital pathologies of the hip bone

The main anomalies of this zone include three congenital diseases that need to be treated in childhood. Otherwise, they can lead to disability and other serious complications.

Underdevelopment of the femur

In almost half of the cases, this pathology is supplemented by the absence of the patella or other similar pathology. The main symptom of the disease is lameness, the severity of which depends on the severity of the pathology. At the same time, the joint can retain its function, while the muscles of the thigh and buttocks gradually atrophy. If violations are observed in the distal sections, there is a lowering of the pelvis to the affected side.

This diagnosis usually requires surgical intervention, whose main task is to restore the length lower limb.

hip dysplasia

With this disease, shortening of the leg and severe lameness are observed. When it affects both sides, the so-called duck walk appears.

Pathological changes in cases of such an anomaly include a decrease in the size of the femoral head and its displacement relative to the acetabulum.

AT early age pathology can be eliminated by conservative methods of treatment, which include the use of orthopedic splints and pillows. After the age of three, an operation and a subsequent long rehabilitation are necessary for the treatment of dysplasia.

Usually, the pathology is provoked by ossification of the femoral neck or damage to the cartilage in the fetus. Nearly a third of the cases this disease- bilateral deformities.

Such a disease is characterized by a significant limitation of the movements of the lower limb and severe lameness. As a rule, with such a pathology, surgical intervention is necessary.

Also found hallux valgus however, it is very rarely diagnosed. This is due to the fact that this pathology is asymptomatic.

In most cases, such pathologies are detected already during an x-ray examination and do not require additional diagnostic methods. Methods of therapy in each case should be determined by a specialist.

A runny nose in a one-year-old baby causes a lot of problems for the child and his parents. At this age, the baby cannot blow his nose on his own, the mucus stagnates, inflammatory process delayed, treatment becomes difficult. Any ailment requires close attention of mom, dad, pediatrician.

A runny nose knocks down the normal rhythm of life: the baby cannot eat normally, sleep, constantly cries. Young parents need to know the causes of the problem, effective methods her decisions.


Runny nose and rhinitis are the same concept, characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose. There is a difference between rhinitis and a runny nose: the second concept refers to a symptom that occurs during the development of rhinitis. The problem occurs at any age, babies are no exception. Snot in a baby is divided into several types, depending on the reason for its appearance.

A runny nose is a protective reaction of the body to an external irritant: dust, pathogens. Pediatricians identify several risk factors that push a one-year-old baby to have a runny nose:

  • social. Frequent presence of crumbs in crowded places increases the chances of appearance respiratory disease at the baby. Weak immunity is unable to resist pathogens;
  • hygienic. The aspect includes regular cleaning of the baby's sinuses, keeping clean environment. Parents carefully take care of the baby's nose, forgetting that dust and pet hair that are not removed in time lead to allergies in the baby;
  • temperature factor. Overheating or hypothermia adversely affects the condition of the crumbs, provokes a runny nose, elevated temperature body. An important role is played by the humidity in the baby's room.

The causes of a runny nose in a child in one year are divided into several types, depending on the provoking factor. It is important to identify the root cause, immediately treat the crumbs.

Infectious runny nose:

  • weakened immunity. Weak defenses of the body cannot cope with the ingress of pathogenic bacteria into the body;
  • viruses. When they get on the nasal mucosa, the blood vessels swell, as a result - the appearance of snot in the crumbs.

Non-infectious runny nose:

  • various injuries. Mucous membranes are damaged as a result of contact foreign body in the baby's nose, inept hygiene procedures;
  • hypothermia. In this state, microbes become active, quickly spread throughout the body, leading to serious illnesses respiratory tract.

Allergic rhinitis:

  • specific allergens (animal hair, dust). Constant exposure of the child to adverse factors leads to the appearance of allergies, which increases the permeability of the walls of blood vessels in the nose, the formation of mucus;
  • non-specific allergens include new fruits, smells (especially perfumes) lead to a negative reaction of a small child. When allergic reaction immediately limit contact with the allergen, contact your pediatrician for help.

A one-year-old child is weak, any unfavorable factor can provoke a runny nose in a baby. It is important to identify the root cause of the trouble, as soon as possible to eliminate the problem.

Clinical picture

By itself, a runny nose occurs very rarely, often signs of a concomitant disease join the main symptoms. Clinical picture runny nose:

  • the child becomes capricious, due to the inability to inform parents about the discomfort;
  • elevated body temperature (the specific degree depends on the disease);
  • the baby may often rub to wear or constantly sneeze;
  • the child loses his appetite, general weakness is noted;
  • sometimes the eyes of the crumbs turn red;
  • special discharge of a different nature appears from the baby's nose;
  • the voice and timbre of the crying of the baby changes significantly due to nasal congestion.

Note! If you find unpleasant symptoms in a one-year-old baby, contact a specialist. Do not delay the trip to the doctor, late treatment leads to serious complications.

Treatment of a runny nose in a one-year-old child

How to quickly cure a runny nose in a child? To cope with the pathology of the baby, doctors recommend several ways. An integrated approach to treatment will speed up the healing process, quickly alleviate the condition of the child. To get started, check out useful advice helping young parents to help the baby cope with a runny nose:

  • if you notice the first symptoms, visit a doctor immediately. Delay with treatment leads to proliferation of adenoid tissue and other unpleasant complications;
  • regularly suck the mucus out of the nose. Such manipulations facilitate the breathing of the crumbs, accelerate the healing process. For suction of snot, special devices are used that can be bought at any children's store;
  • Place a small pillow under your baby's head while sleeping. Such actions will help the mucus not to stagnate in the child's nose, contribute to the speedy removal of sputum;
  • Use only those medications prescribed by your doctor. Strictly observe the dosage, improper use leads to serious complications, aggravation of the situation;
  • prevent drying of mucus in the nose. To do this, regularly drip into the nasal passages a weak saline solution, oily mixtures of vitamins E and A;
  • if possible, walk the child in the fresh air, give up active games;
  • give your baby plenty of water. The liquid helps to eliminate toxins from the child's body.

Medical therapy

lighten nasal breathing a one-year-old baby will be helped by systemic or local decongestants. Medicines for the treatment of a runny nose in a child are aimed at narrowing the vessels in the nasal mucosa. Due to this, the edema decreases, the inflammatory process stops. Medicines it is forbidden to give the baby on its own.

Only an experienced specialist can prescribe the correct dosage, method of application. For the treatment of a one-year-old child, the following remedies for the common cold are often used: Nazol Baby, Nazivin, Osimetazoline and others. If the problem is caused by a virus, medicines are used that prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria (Viferon, Neovir, Laferon).

Strong immunity helps to cope with the disease when proper treatment in 3-4 days. Weak body defenses contribute to the transition common cold in chronic rhinitis. If necessary, the crumbs are given antipyretics. Before using any drug, be sure to consult your doctor. Overdose, misuse drugs leads to a range of side effects: irritability, drug-induced rhinitis and other troubles.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

Immediately protect the baby from the allergen, in most cases, unpleasant symptoms will soon pass. To determine a specific allergen, special tests are carried out that help to identify the cause of a runny nose in a small child. The main role in the treatment of a runny nose in crumbs is played by the timely cleansing of the nasal passages. For such purposes, use a weak saline solution or purchase Aqua Maris at the pharmacy. The finished product promotes healing of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, it is anti-allergic, copes with two problems at the same time.

If an allergy has become the cause of a runny nose in a baby, then pediatricians recommend the use of antihistamines: Claretin, Fenistil, Anti Allergin, Loratadin. The funds are aimed at stopping unpleasant symptoms, are produced in the form of drops to facilitate the intake of medication for young children. Already 15 minutes after the use of the drugs, the condition of the crumbs noticeably improves.

Steroid medicinal products stimulate immune system cope with allergies, eliminate inflammation. This category of medicines includes drops from the common cold Avamys, Nasonex. The main advantage of these drugs is that they are not addictive, they are allowed to be used for a sufficiently long period of time. Such medicines are especially good for chronic allergic rhinitis. Reception will help to prevent the exacerbation of seasonal pathology antihistamines a few months before the expected onset of the allergy.

Folk remedies and recipes

How to cure a runny nose at home folk remedies? Natural remedies are very popular for treating a runny nose in a one-year-old baby. Self-prepared medicinal products perfectly complement drug therapy.

Find out about the hygiene features of a newborn girl at the address.

Carefully follow the preparation instructions, do not exceed the dosage:

  • use beetroot juice. moisten cotton swab in a freshly squeezed product, treat the mucous membranes of the nose. Repeat therapeutic manipulations three times a day until the crumbs are completely recovered;
  • green snot will win garlic. Finely grate two cloves of garlic, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil, infuse the medicinal product for at least twelve hours. Sunflower oil can be replaced with olive ether. Drop one drop of garlic oil into each nasal passage. Carry out medical manipulations twice a day, first clear the nose of mucus;
  • an effective remedy is aloe juice. A proven medicinal product is very popular, it is allowed for use even by young children. Cut off a small leaf of the plant, rinse under running water, squeeze out the juice. Use the product once, it is undesirable to store in the refrigerator. Drip one drop into the nose of the baby three times a day;
  • excellent results are shown by a honey-onion mixture. Combine the vegetable gruel in equal proportions with honey. Give the baby a teaspoon of the finished mass before each feeding.

Preventive measures

Help prevent a runny nose in a one-year-old baby helpful tips pediatrician:

  • regularly ventilate the child's room, often carry out wet cleaning. Such manipulations help reduce the concentration of pathogenic bacteria, save the baby from trouble;
  • when going for a walk, dress your baby according to the weather;
  • limit the communication of a one-year-old child with sick people;
  • strengthen children's immunity: perform special physical exercises, hardening. Include foods rich in vitamins in your baby's diet;
  • when snot appears in a baby, use all the means that help free the nasal passages from mucus (special pears, an aspirator).

A runny nose in a one-year-old baby is a common occurrence. All parents should know what symptoms indicate the onset of pathology, effective methods of treating rhinitis.

More ways to treat a runny nose one year old baby in the next video:

Babies develop immunity. This is a vital necessity. In the future, the body of your child will learn to quickly cope with viruses that have already met and are familiar to him. During the period of illness, it is necessary to pay due attention to the child, to choose the right therapy for him. After all, the outcome of the disease depends on it. It can be positive or negative: recovery or complication.

Parents often ask themselves: if a child (2 years old) has a cold, how to treat it? Today's article will tell you about different means of fighting infection. But it is worth remembering that any appointment must be made by a doctor. Especially when it comes to younger children.

The nature of the disease

Before treating a cold (2 years old child), it is necessary to understand the nature of its origin. All infections are divided into bacterial, fungal and viral. The latter are much more common than their predecessors. Wherein viral disease if not properly treated, it can cause bacterial complications. Therapy of this infection is fraught with the addition of a fungal infection. Everything in the human body is interconnected. Therefore, one should not guess on coffee grounds what caused the baby to feel unwell. In addition, some kids at this age cannot even really explain what hurts them.

The main signs of illness in a child: runny nose, fever, cough. If a baby has a headache and photophobia occurs, and his parents see a mark of 39 degrees or higher on the thermometer, then most likely the baby has the flu. When, after some time, the child has a dry (later wet) cough, and the temperature does not fall in any way, this is bronchitis. Sore throat and plaque on the tonsils speak of a sore throat. Also, young children often experience laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, otitis media and other diseases. All of them have different methods treatment. Consider what to do if a child has a cold (2 years old). How to treat the baby in this case?

Runny nose treatment

In almost all cases (with the exception of some), babies get a runny nose. At first, the separated secret has a transparent color and a liquid consistency. Some time before this, parents may notice intense sneezing. Later, swelling occurs, breathing is disturbed, nasal discharge becomes thick. All of these are signs of a viral infection. If after a few days the discharge from the nose becomes green or yellow, then a bacterial infection has joined. How to treat a cold (2 years old child) in such a situation? How to make breathing easier?

Without a doctor's prescription, quite rightly, you can apply saline solutions. These are such means as "Humer", "Aquamaris", "Rinostop". They can be injected into the baby's nose up to 8-10 times a day. The drugs cleanse the mucous membrane of pathogens and eliminate swelling by drawing out excess fluid. At the earliest stages of the disease, drugs such as Grippferon, Genferon, Derinat will be effective. These are antiviral agents approved for use from the first days of life. They must be used strictly according to the instructions. Antibiotics for the nose are rarely prescribed. You cannot use them on your own. Running preparations: "Isofra", "Protargol", "Polydex".

Fever: when to bring down the temperature?

Almost always in children, the body temperature rises during illness. With such a symptom begins and how to lower the temperature correctly? It should be said right away that before the thermometer reaches 38.5 degrees, mom should not grab antipyretics. It is clear that all parents want to alleviate the condition of their children. But it is at this temperature that the active struggle of immunity with viruses begins. If you want the baby to acquire good body resistance in the future, then wait. The exception to the rule are children with neurological disorders. For them, the use of antipyretic compounds is necessary already at 37.7 degrees.

by the most safe means to reduce the temperature in a child, Paracetamol and its structural analogues (Panadol, Cefecon) are considered. It is acceptable to use "Ibuprofen" or "Nurofen". In exceptional cases, "Nimulid", "Nimesulide" or "Nise" is prescribed. Remember that the dose of antipyretic always depends on the body weight of the crumbs: calculate it correctly.

What to do if the temperature does not go astray?

In young children, illness often begins white fever. Such a feature can manifest a cold in a child (2 years). What to treat? The list of drugs to eliminate this condition is as follows:

  • antipyretic (more often use drugs based on metamizole sodium);
  • antispasmodic ("No-Shpa", "Drotaverin", "Papaverin", "Papazol");
  • antihistamine ("Diphenhydramine", "Tavegil", "Suprastin").

Each component is selected according to the age of the child. The following combination is most often used: "Analgin", "Dimedrol", "Drotaverine". In this case, the child is 2 years old, which means that he needs 0.2 milligrams of each remedy. An injection is given intramuscularly.

Sore throat and sore throat

Almost always manifested by painful swallowing cold in a child (2 years). How to treat the baby in this situation? Most lozenges and sprays are still banned at this age. Only according to individual indications, the doctor can recommend such remedies as Tantum Verde, Ingalipt (provided that they are sprayed not into the throat, but onto the inner surface of the cheeks).

It is permissible to treat the child's tonsils and the mucous membrane adjacent to them with the following compositions:

  • "Miramistin" (kills bacteria, viruses and fungi, cleanses).
  • "Chlorophyllipt" (effective for bacterial infection, copes well with staphylococci, relieves inflammation).
  • "Lugol" (cleanses, disinfects, very effective for plaque and bacterial infection).

The use of antiviral agents

If a child often has a cold (2 years old) - how to treat? Drugs with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects are now used in pediatrics right and left. Doctors prescribe them for the purpose of prevention and directly for treatment. It is known that the safest formulations are agents that stimulate the synthesis of interferon. Such drugs do not interact with the virus on their own. They make the immune system work and cope with a cold. Trade names these medicines: "Viferon", "Kipferon", "Anaferon", "Ergoferon" and so on.

The doctor can prescribe the baby medications such as Isoprinosine, Groprinosin, Aflubin, Oscillococcinum, Cytovir and many others. But it's best not to use them on your own.

When are antibiotics needed?

Often, a caring mother grabs antibiotics if a cold starts in a child (2 years old). What to treat? Symptoms that the baby really needs antimicrobials will be as follows:

  • green or yellow snot;
  • coughing;
  • body temperature lasts more than five days;
  • the prescribed treatment does not help, and the child gets worse;
  • joined by pain in the ears;
  • a thick white coating appeared on the tonsils.

Even if your baby has all the symptoms described, this is not a reason to immediately give him an antibiotic. Be sure to take your child to the doctor. After all, only a pediatrician can choose the right required drug and calculate the correct dose. Most often, physicians prescribe a broad spectrum of action. Preference is given to drugs penicillin series and macrolides. Cephalosporins are rarely prescribed. Trade names suitable for your baby will be indicated by a specialist.

Cold in a child (2 years old): how to treat? Folk remedies)

AT last years many parents try to give up chemicals and pills, preferring folk recipes. Indeed, some of them are effective. But in everything you need to know the measure. Don't make your child faint. If you see that your methods do not work, consult a doctor.

  • You can reduce body temperature with rubdowns. Use this simple clean water. It is forbidden to rub the child with vodka or vinegar. You can reduce the readings of the thermometer with vitamin C. Brew your baby weak warm tea with lemon or orange slices.
  • Natural antibiotics and antimicrobial agents: garlic, onion, aloe juice and so on. To increase the body's resistance, you can give your child a quarter of a spoonful of a mixture of lemon and onion juice.
  • You can soar your legs and carry out thermal inhalations only if the baby does not have a temperature. It is worth noting that many pediatricians do not welcome such events.
  • You can treat your throat by gargling. The solution is chosen at your discretion: soda and salt, a decoction of chamomile or calendula, and so on.
  • Warm milk with a spoonful of honey and butter will help to cope with a cough. Please note that honey is a strong allergen.

Create the most comfortable conditions

If it manifests itself first (2 years) - how to treat? Prevention of complications and treatment of the disease involves the creation of the most suitable conditions for the baby. If you put your child in a warm stuffy room, it will only get worse. The ambient temperature should not exceed 23 degrees. Humidity is set at 60-70 percent. If the baby is cold, then it is better to dress him warmer than to turn on the heaters.

If the baby refuses to eat - this is normal. Don't force feed your baby. It is important to drink more often. Give the baby the drink that he loves: juice, fruit drink, tea, milk. After all, it is with the liquid that the main part of the pathogens is excreted. During illness, bed rest is indicated. But for a two-year-old child, it is quite difficult to comply with it. Therefore, the responsibility is shifted to the shoulders of the parents: come up with any calm games. Even if the baby will be out of bed, try to limit his activity (do not let him jump and run).

Is it possible to swim and walk?

How does a cold manifest in a child (2 years old), how to treat it? What treatment should be, you already know. Parents always have a question: is it possible to bathe and walk? We will answer them.

Bathing a baby is not only possible, but necessary. It is necessary to exclude water procedures only at high temperatures. While bathing, the child breathes moist air, drops of water enter the nose, contributing to the natural liquefaction of mucus and moistening of the membranes. The ban on bathing during a cold came to us from the time when children were bathed in a trough and were afraid to simply overcool an already weakened baby.

You can walk, but only in the absence of temperature. Even if the baby has a cough and a runny nose, these are not contraindications for a walk. It is important to dress your child appropriately for the weather and minimize contact with other children.

The main mistakes of parents

You already know what actions to take if a child has a cold for 2 years (how to treat it). Reviews of physicians report that the parents themselves are often to blame for the addition of a bacterial complication. Caring mom and dad treat the baby incorrectly, which leads to bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media and other diseases. Such pathologies require more serious drugs. So, what are the main mistakes of parents? If a child has a cold (2 years old) - what should not be treated?

  • Antibiotics. These drugs are good in the presence of certain indications. But often moms and dads give them to their children unnecessarily. Antibacterial agents destroy normal microflora, which enhance the negative effect of viruses. Recall that antimicrobial agents are powerless in a viral infection.
  • Antipyretic. They should be taken only at high temperatures (more than 38.5 degrees). Otherwise, you do not allow the baby's immunity to form correctly.
  • Antitussives. You should not give your child antitussive formulations, trying to quickly eliminate this symptom. Cough is a natural reaction of the body to an irritant. In this way, sputum is removed from the bronchi. It is better to use mucolytic and expectorant drugs.
  • All medicines at once. The medicines described are good, but each individually and for certain indications. If you give the child several drugs at once, then there will be a reverse reaction. When combining medicines, be sure to read the instructions.


The article provides you with information on how a cold manifests itself in a child (2 years old). What can be treated, which drugs are best used as prescribed by a doctor - described earlier. Remember that neither you nor the pharmacist from the nearest pharmacy can make a correct diagnosis. If after three days the child does not feel better, you should consult a doctor. Get well soon!

To the question of whether he had ever had ARVI, each of us would answer in the affirmative. Indeed, acute respiratory viral infections are the most common infectious diseases. But when this disease suffers infant, his parents are especially worried and worried.

The fact that these diseases, registered during periods free of mass outbreaks, are caused by different viruses, was proved back in 1987. Despite the variety of pathogens, acute respiratory viral infection, in general, it always proceeds approximately the same. One of its first symptoms is fever, runny nose, cough. Various pathogens, as it were, did not distribute the (respiratory) tract of a person among themselves, choosing a “favorite” place for themselves: rhinoviruses infect the nose; parainfluenza viruses - larynx; andenoviruses - throat; conjunctivitis - lymphoid tissue; respiratory syncytial virus - lower respiratory tract. The "attachment" of viruses to certain parts of the respiratory tract causes differences in the course of the disease. It is important to consider that SARS occur not only in the form of acute forms, but also hidden.

Manifestations of diseases

All SARS are characterized by the so-called symptoms of intoxication:

  • rise in temperature
  • anxiety, tearfulness,
  • in children of the first year of life, stool disorders (more often diarrhea) may occur,
  • cough, runny nose.

Comment on the article "A baby has a cold, SARS in children of the first year of life"

This is a decline. But if it was 39, and it became 38.5 - from such a decrease in sense ...
My child ABSOLUTELY does not respond to paracetamol (even 0.1 does not reduce)
I recommend:
1) NICE - syrup - there is an active substance nimesulide, it is very tasty, gives us an effective reduction, it is inexpensive (Indian)
2) NUROFEN or any other drug with active substance ibuprofen. But - we reduced it well, but then the urine was flaky for 3 days - that is, it hits the kidneys a lot.
3) The ambulance pediatrician taught me - if he gave something and there was no use, and under 39 and above - give a quarter (up to a year) a third (up to 5-7 years) of analgin and aspirin, crush - possible harm from aspirin is much lower than the risk of seizures from high temperature. And this mixture reliably brings down the temperature. Tested.
P.S. We are now 4.5 years old

2006-05-21 21.05.2006 13:17:21, umklaidet

Temperatura mozhet povısitsya netolko ot togo chto rebenpk bolen.U nekotorıh detey i zubki rezhutsya s temperaturoj.Tak chto temperaturu nada snizhat do normı a esli dazhe pri tom chto dali lekarstvo temperatura nesnizhaetsya to obyazatelno obratitsya k vrachu.V hudshem sluchae budete znat prichinu povısheniya temperaturı ....Ato ved eto samoe dragotsennoe dlya nas sushestvo v mire.Kak bı ne navredit samolecheniem a potom sidet i kaetsya.
A na schet stat "i-tak ona nam eshe raz napominaet o tom chto nado vse zhe obratştsya k horoshomu i profesianalnomu spetsialistu.İ eshe v exstrennenıh sluchayah ne teryat golovu i hot chutochku oblegchit zhizn nashemu malıtiyashu doom pshiı.

2006-05-22 22.05.2006 09:52:17, ******

I do not recommend anyone to believe the articles 100%. Filter tips and any information. I don’t even trust every doctor (including city doctors, not to mention rural ones). First I listen or read advice, then I compare and draw conclusions. And I treat the child with already tested medicines. In exceptional cases, I look for more effective ones. In Ukraine, there are no problems with the availability of medicines and information about them. In Russia, I think, things are no worse. But in the rest - I don’t know, you need to somehow get out without harming the children: either pay for the missing prescriptions to paid doctors, or return to your homeland. Maybe there is a higher infant mortality rate than we have adopted. Think carefully about what is more important to you - work or a child.

2008-09-03 03.09.2008 12:05:47, Oksana

And we didn’t get sick at all until the year I remember. They didn’t just contact other children, and yes, they didn’t get sick from the garden. But when we went to the garden, it started here (and we went back in the spring this year). The runny nose started immediately. True, I did not stuff the child with pills and drip the nose with vasoconstrictor drops, but began to use the Dyshi patch in the treatment. It is safe because it contains essential oils, which the child inhales and thereby relieves nasal congestion and the runny nose goes away. The patch is glued on clothes and lasts up to 8 hours. Now we are going on vacation, so I already put a plaster, I will glue the child on clothes on vacation and let him inhale as a preventive measure.

2016-08-09 09.08.2016 09:08:57,

I live in Sweden and here in general 38 is not a temperature. I can't get to the doctor! A child (8 months old) coughs, vomits, does not eat, does not drink, she sausages, and in the ambulance they answer me that 38 is not a reason to give children's panadol. In short, I smeared it with something like an asterisk and rinsed my nose with salt water so that I could breathe. And I wait until the temperature lasts 3 days or rises to 39, so that I can make an appointment with the doctor. Idiocy! Russia has the most normal healthcare system, by the way - I mean the state / free system.

2007-12-20 20.12.2007 17:40:12, NL

The only charlatan here is you. Viferon is a rectal suppository containing interferon a2-b. Gripferon is the same recombinant alpha 2-b interferon in nasal form (acts mostly locally). Aflubin is registered as homeopathy only in Russia, by literate people like you. it combination drug containing gentian, wrestler (aconite), stepping stone, iron picrate and lactic acid. Well, something like this. But do not be shy, advise people further, you are smart! let them listen to you and not the doctor.

2017-02-25 25.02.2017 12:04:28, Anton1988

I also give my child anaferon, they overcame not a single cold with his help :) They even carried out prophylaxis with his help, in the winter, when they wrote in the Komsomol about a terrible flu epidemic, and nothing, they slipped through, he didn’t get sick at all, I’m very glad about it, because the less often a child gets sick in childhood, the less he will have to go to the doctors later in adulthood. By the way, for those who are interested, that article [link-1]

2011-04-02 02.04.2011 20:56:40, Sprat in tomato

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