What are lysates? Medicines based on bacterial lysates What preparations of bacterial lysates are available in our pharmacies.

A mixture of bacterial lysates is active substance(antigens to various microorganisms), which has a beneficial effect on the immune system and has been widely used for the prevention and treatment of various pathological conditions. This substance is classified as an immunomodulator.

Mechanism of action

Bacterial lysates (what it is, described above), once in the body of an individual, contribute to the synthesis of immunoglobulins, the so-called immune response to the intake of those microorganisms whose antibodies are present in the mixture of lysates and provoke the process of capture of pathogenic bacteria by body cells.

Indications for use and release forms

There are several forms of release of bacterial lysates: lozenges, intranasal spray, capsules. Medical workers this substance is prescribed for prophylactic purposes and for the treatment of diseases caused by various bacteria. Applied in the following pathological conditions:

  • stomatitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • flu;
  • pneumonia;
  • tracheitis;
  • otitis;
  • angina;
  • pharyngitis;
  • infections of the oral cavity due to disease of the gums, teeth or associated with the prosthetics of the latter;
  • at the preparatory stage before surgery on the organs: nose, ear or throat.

Contraindications to the use of bacterial lysates

There are conditions in which the use of this substance is not recommended. Among them:

  • individual intolerance;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • allergic reactions on the components of the drug.

Side effect

Bacterial lysates (what it is, you already know) can cause:

  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • skin rashes;
  • angioedema;
  • allergic cough;
  • temperature rise.

The above symptoms are quite rare and disappear immediately after discontinuation of the drug. In some cases, symptomatic therapy is required.

Briefly about SARS

The autumn-winter period is characterized by a surge in acute respiratory viral infections, or ARVI for short. The causative agents of this disease are transmitted quite easily, and the disease spreads rapidly among the population, especially childhood. The main signs of the disease include:

  • stuffy nose;
  • hyperthermia;
  • cough.

At the first symptoms, you should immediately contact your local doctor. It is important to remember that, at first glance, a completely harmless disease can cause serious complications.

The choice of funds for ARVI

Preventive actions:

  1. Avoid any contact with sick individuals.
  2. Carry out regular ventilation and do wet cleaning of the room.
  3. Strengthen the immune system.

A strong immune system will protect the body from infections and viruses. In stimulating the protective forces, drugs based on bacterial lysates will provide invaluable assistance. What it is? These are particles of bacterial cells obtained as a result of their destruction. Once in the body, they trigger various immunological and biochemical reactions, which subsequently help to cope with the disease. Their main feature is the absence of an adverse reaction in the form of dysbacteriosis, which has importance when used in pediatrics.

Intranasal spray "IRS-19"

This is an immunomodulator, which includes bacterial lysates. The drug contains eighteen lysates of the most famous culprits of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Its action is manifested in the creation of a protective barrier on the nasal mucosa, and in addition, the drug also contributes to the activation of the individual's own immunity.

When it is taken, the duration of the disease decreases, and the preventive effect continues for several months after the end of use. Taking the remedy initial signs malaise, the spread of the disease can be avoided. The drug is approved for use from three one month old and, in fact, is universal, since it is used during the epidemic, as a means of prevention before the rise in the incidence and during illness.

Uro-Vaxom. Active substance Bacteria lysate (Escherichia coli)

This substance reduces the frequency of manifestations of infectious lesions of the genitourinary system. It is used for prophylactic purposes, and is also part of combination therapy for the treatment of infections of the urinary system of a chronic nature, as well as cystitis. The duration of course therapy and the required dosage is determined by the attending physician based on the severity of the disease. The drug is approved for use from the age of four. From side effects It should be noted:

  • nausea;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea
  • heaviness in the epigastrium;
  • dyspepsia;
  • temperature rise;
  • headache;
  • rash;
  • edema oral cavity.

The drug is not indicated during pregnancy, lactation and hypersensitivity to the components that make up its composition. It is not recommended to use the drug two weeks before and after the use of live immunobiological preparations (vaccines). Interactions with other drugs, except for immunosuppressive ones, have not been established. The latter may influence the pharmacological action of bacterial lysates. The price of the medicine is from 1140 rubles.

Bacterial lysates in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and respiratory tract

"Broncho-Munal" is a lyophilized lysate of bacteria obtained by freezing and subsequent drying with a vacuum. Available in capsules of two dosages: 3.5 mg and 7 mg. The drug is able to reduce the severity of the course of the disease, as well as its duration, reduce the incidence of disease. Taking the drug has a stimulating effect on the body's defenses, helping it to protect itself from infection that enters the individual's respiratory tract. The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of infectious and inflammatory pathological conditions of the bronchopulmonary system. The drug is widely prescribed as a means of prevention in chronic pathologies of both the upper and lower respiratory tract:

  • rhinitis;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis.

In rare cases, side effects may develop, which are manifested by dyspepsia, allergic reactions, and fever. The remedy costs from 500 r.

"Broncho-Vaxom" is a mixture of standardized freeze-dried bacterial lysates, under the influence of which the body's resistance to infections that affects the respiratory system increases. Pharmacological action is based on enhancing the activity of the cell tissue of the immune system. The drug is especially effective for frequently recurring diseases of the respiratory tract, and is also part of the complex treatment for acute conditions. Allowed from the age of six months. The duration of the course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor individually. Side effects are minimal and can manifest as:

  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • itching;
  • shortness of breath;
  • cough
  • headache;
  • fatigue.

Of the contraindications, individual sensitivity to the components that make up the drug should be noted. You can buy a medicine for about 574 rubles.

Lyophilisate of bacterial lysates for infections in gynecology

A mixture of lysates of lactobacilli, lactic acid, seaweed in the form of an extract are contained in the preparation "Floragin". It has a calming and softening effect.

Thanks to the acid, the pH of the vaginal area is maintained at the required level. Lysate strains protect the vagina from pathogenic microflora by suppressing it. It is produced in several dosage forms(their cost is from 200 to 500 rubles):

  • the solution is used for intravaginal administration in cases where there is a need to quickly normalize the vaginal flora, reduce the risk of infection of the external genitalia with fungal infections. Indicated for use after menstruation and every close contact with a partner;
  • gel has proven itself as a prophylactic to normalize the vaginal microflora and its mucosa, and also it is used for irritation, dryness, in the presence of an unpleasant odor, burning, itching caused by stressful situations, taking antibacterial and hormonal agents.
  • vaginal suppositories are used to normalize and maintain normal acidity in the vaginal environment. good effect observed when used to eliminate vaginal dryness, itching, irritation and vaginitis. Included in complex therapy to restore the vaginal microflora in fungal diseases.

Bacterial immunomodulators

What is bacterial lysate? These are fragments of bacterial cell tissue, on the basis of which many drugs with immunomodulatory effects have been synthesized. Widespread in clinical medicine received bacterial lysates. They help to stimulate the body's own reactions to antigen invasion, and the side effects of their exposure are minimized. Bacterial vaccines is another name for bacterial lysates and is quite common. They are lysates of pneumotropic and some other bacteria, which became a prerequisite for the development and use of bacterial lysates:

  • to stimulate protective factors, especially non-specific ones;
  • increase in the synthesis of specific antibodies.

A mixture of bacterial lysates, the price of which is indicated above, is included in the list of vital and essential medicines. Preparations based on them are available to everyone, regardless of income, and they can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Reading time: 5 min

Having bought a new remedy for treating, for example, a cold, almost everyone examines the instructions for its use. And, after reading the composition of the medicine, they ask themselves the question - what is a bacterial lysate.

On the one hand, the remedy should relieve inflammation, and on the other hand, it contains a bacterium.

But as you know, bacteria are useful and harmful. That is, in plain language, good and bad. AT modern medicine even "bad" bacteria benefit. An example of this is the lysis of pathogenic microorganisms.

Speaking about bacterial lysates, it is necessary to understand what they are and what is their use?

Lysates - these are split bacteria Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli and other causative agents of diseases of the oral cavity.

The cell walls of bacteria interact with human body and activate the immune system. Unlike the bacteria themselves Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis, lysates cannot cause inflammation, as they are no longer living microorganisms. But the body is perceived as pathogenic bacteria, as a result of which they stimulate the immune system.

Bacterial lysates belong to a separate group of immunomodulatory drugs.

They are divided into three types:

  • purified bacterial lysates;
  • bacterial ribosomes;
  • immunostimulating membrane fractions.

Each medicinal product contains a certain set and number of fragmented pathogenic microorganisms. The lysates are both an immunomodulatory and a vaccinating agent.

Respiratory diseases

During the period of colds, it is difficult not to catch an acute respiratory disease, not only for children, but also for adults. Great solution preparations containing a lot of bacterial lysates have become for a quick recovery.

After drugs containing bacterial lysates enter the mucous membranes, cells are activated that can not only destroy the virus, but also protect themselves from further dissemination pathogenic bacteria.

If we subject the lysates to drying, we get lyophilizates. The freeze-dry process itself is called lyophilization.

The action of lyophilized bacterial lysates is in many respects similar to the action of antiviral vaccines. They also excite the immune system so that the production of antibodies begins, which in turn will protect the mucous membrane from infection. In addition, a microorganism that has once entered the nasopharyngeal mucosa will behave differently.

The human body will be ready to fight back the disease faster than before prophylaxis with bacterial lysates. Developed, when taking lysates, antibodies will protect the body from a severe course of the disease.

genitourinary system

This problem affects the vast majority of the female population. Many women often experience diseases such as cystitis and urethritis.

Even despite the not always pronounced unpleasant symptoms, it is definitely not worth leaving these diseases to chance. Complications will not keep you waiting and will take a very serious form of the disease. In addition, an infection in the urinary system can spread to the kidneys, and then it will be expensive and long to cure.

The culprit of such sad diseases and consequences is the bacterium Escherichia coli. But modern pharmaceuticals turned the harm of this bacterium in favor. This happened through lysis technology. Scientists have obtained a lyophilized lysate of Escherichia coli bacteria, which is able to prevent the occurrence of cystitis and inflammation of the urinary tract. And in case of infection, cure the disease. Medicines are prescribed in the form of capsules, as well as drops and suppositories.

In addition to taking medications, it is imperative to monitor personal hygiene and the diet prescribed by your doctor.

female beauty

In the 21st century, bacteria can not only contribute to the development of disease or cure, but also contribute to the preservation of the beauty of the skin. Not so long ago, a new probiotic cream for the skin around the eyes appeared on the cosmetology market, based on already known bacterial lysates.

In addition to bacterial lysates, the cream contains many vitamins, amino acids and cosmetic oils that are beneficial for facial skin.

As testing has shown, the skin of the eyelids becomes smoother, "bruises" and swelling disappear. The female half, who has experienced this cream, speaks enthusiastically about its properties and positive effect. In addition, the cream is well absorbed and has a pleasant sweetish aroma.

How to treat

There are various preparations of general and local effects based on bacterial lysates. The effectiveness of the action depends on the correct diagnosis and the choice of treatment regimen.

Ismigen- the first bacterial lysate created by mechanical lysis. Helps in the treatment and prevention of the respiratory tract. The composition of the drug includes 6 of the most common pneumococci. Ismigen acts by activating phagocytosis, increasing the number of cells responsible for immunity. When using Ismigen, as a prevention of the development of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, there was a decrease in the severity and duration of the disease. A preventive course should be carried out at least once a year.

Imudon- consists of particles of inactive microorganisms found in pathological inflammation of the oral cavity. Its use increases the level of lysozyme in saliva and activates plasma cells. As a result, immunity increases not only at the site of action of the drug, but also in the body as a whole. It is used for the treatment of the oral mucosa and for diseases in the field of dentistry.

IRS-19- used to treat the upper respiratory tract with bronchitis, SARS, as well as after surgical interventions on ENT organs. The drug is used nasally in the form of a spray.

Broncho-Vaksom- lyophilized bacterial lysate of systemic action. Activates innate immunity by affecting cells located in the lymphoid tissue of the intestine. The drug is considered safe, even for children from 6 months of age, is well tolerated and has high efficacy.

Release form

Preparations containing lysates are produced in many forms:

  • capsules;
  • ointments;
  • cream;
  • drops;
  • suppositories for rectal use.

For treatment respiratory diseases tablets and spray are good. They well envelop the mucous membrane of the larynx and do not let pathogenic bacteria into the respiratory tract.

Lysates can generally be used with antibiotics. When joint reception treatment is greatly accelerated.

There are many preparations containing lysates. It is important to remember that the treatment must be prescribed by a qualified doctor who will draw up a detailed treatment plan and prescribe the correct dosage of the medicine.

Otherwise, in case of incorrect reception, it is possible adverse reactions such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, allergies and fever and headache.

Preferanskaya Nina Germanovna
Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology of the Pharmaceutical Faculty of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov, Ph.D.


Broncho-Munal- a mixture of lyophilized bacterial lysates in capsules (Broncho-Munal P 3.5 mg and Broncho-Munal 7 mg) - contains lysates of the following bacteria - Moraxellacatarrhalis, used for prevention and in combination therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. The lyophilisate of the lysates was preserved by freezing followed by vacuum drying. Children aged 6 months to 12 years are allowed to use only the drug "Broncho-Munal P" 3.5 mg; adults and children over 12 years old - Broncho-Munal at a dose of 7 mg - 1 time per day, in the morning on an empty stomach (daily dose - 1 caps.).

The drug reduces the incidence, duration and severity of the disease, helping to reduce the doses of antibiotics and other drugs.

The immune response is realized through the recognizing receptors of the lymphopharyngeal ring of the nasopharynx to the pulmonary alveoli. Increases humoral and cellular immunity, providing an immunomodulatory effect. The drug stimulates the activity of alveolar macrophages, peripheral monocytes, increases the number of circulating T-lymphocytes, increasing their number and activity, increases the production of cytokines. On the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and through the Peyer's patches of the digestive tract, the concentration of secretory IgA increases, the production of protective adhesive molecules, IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies increases. In the blood, the concentration of IgE antibodies decreases. When taking the drug, the body's natural defense mechanisms against respiratory tract infections are stimulated, their frequency and severity decrease.

Broncho-Munal is used as a prophylactic for chronic infectious diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, in particular for chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media. Broncho-Munal is prescribed as an auxiliary drug for all diseases of the respiratory tract and for recurrent infections of the ENT organs, purulent and unspecified otitis media. When using the drug, body temperature may increase, allergic reactions and dyspeptic disorders may occur.

Broncho-Vaksom(Broncho-Vaxom adult 7 mg and Broncho-Vaxom child 3.5 mg, caps. gelatin.) - standardized lyophilisate of bacterial lysates Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus viridans, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella ozaenae,Moraxellacatarrhalis, under the influence of these antigens, the body's immune defense is stimulated, resistance to infections increases respiratory system. The drug has a powerful stimulating effect on most types of leukocytes, increases the number of circulating B-lymphocytes and triggers the necessary biological reactions that increase the body's resistance to infections. The action of the drug is based on the activation of immune defense cells and is mediated through lymphatic system intestines. The effect is manifested through antigen-presenting cells in Peyer's patches. small intestine. Activated B-lymphocytes enter the bloodstream and are carried throughout the body. Immunopharmacological studies have shown that the effective amount of cytokines increases in humans, the formation of IgA secreted by the respiratory mucosa and saliva, and the selective production of polyclonal IgG antibodies. Activation of natural killers, metabolic and functional activity of macrophages is observed, however, there is no increase in the complement component C 3 and C-reactive protein.

Broncho-Vaxom is used to prevent recurrent infections of the respiratory tract and exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, which helps to reduce the frequency of infections and reduce the duration of their course. Included in complex treatment acute respiratory tract infections, which undoubtedly reduces the likelihood of exacerbations chronic course these diseases. For the treatment of acute and exacerbation of chronic respiratory infections prescribed for children aged 6 months to 12 years. If the capsule is difficult for a child to swallow, the capsule should be opened and the contents mixed with liquid food or drink. Children over 12 years of age and adults are taken orally 1 capsule daily on an empty stomach until symptoms disappear, for 10 days. For the prevention of exacerbations and maintenance therapy, 1 capsule is used daily in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment includes 3 cycles, each of which consists of a daily intake of the drug for 10 days, the interval between cycles is 20 days. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor based on the individual condition of the patient, if necessary combined with antibiotic therapy.

Important! Side effects when applied are mild and amount to 3-4%. Manifested in the form of gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting), skin reactions (itching), respiratory system disorders (cough, shortness of breath), as well as headache, fatigue. Contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Ribomunil does not apply to preparations based on bacterial lysates, however, in its own way pharmacological action very similar to them. The drug is a ribosomal-proteoglycan complex, which includes the most common pathogens of infections of the ENT organs and respiratory tract ( Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae) and refers to stimulants of specific and nonspecific immunity. The ribosomes that make up Ribomunil contain antigens that are identical to the surface antigens of bacteria, and when they enter the body, they cause the formation of specific antibodies to these pathogens. Membrane proteoglycans stimulate nonspecific immunity, which is manifested in increased phagocytic activity of macrophages and polynuclear leukocytes, an increase in nonspecific resistance factors. The drug stimulates the function of T- and B-lymphocytes, the production of serum and secretory immunoglobulins of the IgA type, interleukin 1, as well as alpha and gamma interferons.

Ribomunil is used in complex therapy, which allows to increase the effectiveness and reduce the duration of treatment, significantly reduce the need for antibiotics, bronchodilators, and increase the period of remission. Used for treatment chronic diseases and recurrent infections of the ENT organs (otitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis) and respiratory tract (chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, infection-dependent bronchial asthma). It is recommended to take it for prevention purposes before the start of the autumn-winter season, especially in ecologically unfavorable regions, as well as for frequently and long-term ill children and the elderly. Assign the drug 1 time per day in the morning on an empty stomach. A single dose (regardless of age) is 3 tablets of 0.25 mg (with 1/3 of a single dose) or 1 tablet of 0.75 mg (with one dose), or granules from one sachet, previously dissolved with boiled water at room temperature .

children early age(from 6 months) Ribomunil is recommended to be prescribed in the form of granules. In the first month of treatment and / or for prophylactic purposes, the drug is taken daily for the first 4 days of each week for 3 weeks. Over the next 2-5 months - the first 4 days of each month. It is recommended to carry out three-month preventive courses of treatment 2 times a year, six-month preventive courses - 1 time per year.


Uro-Vaksom— lyophilized bacterial lysate from 18 strains Escherichiacoli, available in 6 mg capsules, is used for urinary tract infections. In the body it stimulates T-lymphocytes, induces the formation of endogenous interferon, increases the content of IgA in the urine. Stimulates the metabolic and functional activity of macrophages, promotes the release of various lymphokines: IL-2, IL-6, TNF. Prevents the development of infections, has a stimulating effect on macrophages, immunocompetent cells in Peyer's patches and B-lymphocytes, increases the content of IgA. Clinical researches showed that the drug reduces the frequency of recurrence of urinary tract infections, especially cystitis.

The drug is included in combined treatment used to prevent recurrence chronic infection urinary tract, especially cystitis, regardless of the nature of the microorganism, in combination with antibiotics or antiseptics. In the treatment of acute cases, 1 capsule is used daily in the morning on an empty stomach, as an additional drug during conventional antimicrobial therapy until the symptoms disappear, but not less than 10 days. The maximum duration of treatment is 3 months. Prevention and treatment of an infection that is difficult to treat - 1 capsule daily in the morning on an empty stomach. also within 3 months. The duration of treatment and the appointment of a second course of therapy should be determined by the doctor, based on the state of health of the patient.

Individuals may experience minor gastrointestinal (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting), skin (pruritus, exanthema, erythema) disorders, and limited allergic skin reactions. Rarely - a slight fever.


Floragin- a mixture of lysates of lactobacilli ( L. Bulgaricus, L. Acidophilus, S. Termophilus, B. Bifidus,L. Helveticus,L. plantarum and L. casei), is produced in the form vaginal suppositories"Floragin Ovuli" 2 g No. 6, vaginal gel "Floragin Gel" bottle 9 ml No. 6 and "Floragin Solution" 140 ml. Lactobacillus lysates are stabilized with seaweed extract, which has a softening and soothing effect, effectively eliminates itching. Lactic acid, which is included in the composition, provides required level pH (3.5-4.5) of the vaginal area. Lysate strains work together to normalize the vaginal microflora and create a protective effect to suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora, as well as to normalize the physiological pH level of the vaginal mucosa.

Suppositories are intended for the prevention of violations of the vaginal microflora, the normalization of the vaginal microflora and the physiological pH of the vagina, are prescribed for the appearance of dryness in the vagina, irritation, burning, itching and vaginitis, to improve local immunity of the vagina, have a restorative, normalizing and soothing effect. With vulvovaginal candidiasis ("thrush"), it is used to restore the microflora of the vagina simultaneously with systemic drugs.

The gel is intended for daily prevention of violations or normalization of the vaginal microflora and restoration of the physiological state of the vaginal mucosa; it is used for dryness and irritation of the vagina during menopause, in the presence of an unpleasant odor and abundant discharge, with burning and itching caused by disorders menstrual cycle, stress, taking antibiotics, contraceptives or other drugs. Application: 1 vial. per day intravaginally. Produced in the form of a disposable soft polyethylene bottle with an applicator containing 9 ml of gel (6 vials in a pack of cardboard.). As a prophylactic - 1 vial. per day for 6 days.

Gel "Floragin" is not recommended for use during conception attempts. Low level vaginal acidity negatively affects the activity of spermatozoa, thereby making it difficult to conceive. It is not recommended to use the gel as a contraceptive.

"Floragin Solution" in the form of a solution is intended for intravaginal administration in order to normalize the vaginal microflora in a short time, reduce the risk of fungal infections of the vulva and vagina, incl. caused candida albicans. Recommended for use after each sexual contact and in the postmenstrual period.

The use of these drugs allows you to control, maintain and restore the natural balance of the vaginal microflora, the natural pH level, softens and heals the vaginal mucosa. Important! Their use is allowed during pregnancy and lactation. Long-term use may cause local reactions in the form of hypersensitivity and irritation. If any of the above side effects does not stop, you should stop using and consult your doctor.


Posterisan , Posterisan forte(ointment and suppositories) contains different amounts of inactivated microbial cells Escherichiacoli. In one gram of ointment there are about 330 million cells coli, injected into the anus with an applicator daily in the morning, at bedtime and after defecation. One rectal suppository contains about 660 million E. coli cells. As excipients, solid emulsifying fat, hydroxystearate and glycerin-acrogol, etc. are used. Both ointment and suppositories Posterizan have anti-inflammatory, regenerating, immunostimulating, and also antipruritic effects. The use of the drug helps in the formation of both nonspecific and specific immunity. The suspension of inactivated bacteria and the products of their metabolism, which is part of the suppositories and ointment Posterisan, have a pronounced effect on the T-system of the human body's immunity. Under influence active components increased activity of leukocytes and cells of the reticuloendothelial system. It is intended for the treatment of diseases affecting the anorectal region (anal fissures, itching, burning, hemorrhoids, anopapillitis). The drug interacts with the rectum and skin areas of the anogenital region, increases the resistance of local tissues to the adverse effects of pathogenic microflora, promotes tissue regeneration, with inflammatory processes reduces vascular exudation, increases and restores their permeability.

Important! When using immunostimulating drugs, care must be taken for people with hypersensitivity, should not be used for acute intestinal diseases, pregnant women (especially in the first trimester) and mothers during breastfeeding.

Recently, there has been growing interest in the prevention of respiratory infections, as one of the most common human diseases. Particular attention is drawn to methods associated with the use of immunostimulants in this area. And in this regard, in the medical literature, articles about bacterial lysates. In the instructions for medicines, you can find the term "lysates of bacteria." What are bacterial lysates and how are they used?

Any bacterium is considered as a microorganism and has a certain biological structure enclosed in a shell. Mechanical (and/or chemical) destruction or dissolution of the shell causes the death of the bacterium as an organism. The process of destruction of the shell is called lysis. Lysate is the product of lysis (resulting in microorganism particles). Accordingly, bacterial lysates are products of bacterial lysis.

Depending on how (with the help of what) the bacterial shell is destroyed, all lysates are divided into groups:

  • Phagolisates– results of lysis by bacteriophages;
  • Autolysates- products of lysis as a result of the action of enzymes;
  • Hydrolysates- the results of the impact of salts, alkalis, acids on the bacterial shell.

Application of bacterial lysates for the prevention of diseases is similar in mechanism to the use of vaccines, the only difference is that in the case of a vaccine, weakened or killed strains of viruses or bacteria are used, and in the case of bacterial lysates apply the results of specific lysis of certain bacterial strains. The goals of both vaccines and lysates are similar - to provoke a response of the immune system even before the massive attack of pathogenic microbes on the human body begins.

The bacterial lysate, entering the human body, is perceived by the immune system as foreign and provokes the production of antibodies, lysozyme, macrophages and lymphocytes.

The question arises, why is it necessary to "start" the immune system before an infection enters the body? Ideally, the immune system should respond to an infection immediately, but with a weakened immune system, the response may be "delayed", which allows microorganisms to quickly colonize tissues and organs. And in this case, the immune system can no longer cope with the infection on its own, requiring drug support, which in turn harms other body systems. With the help of bacterial lysates, the immune system is already in good shape by the time the microorganisms attack and meets them “with all arms”.

Bacterial lysates are considered as immunostimulants of bacterial origin. They are of two types: topical and systemic action. Bacterial lysates of topical action (sprays and lozenges) have disadvantages, as they are quickly removed by the cilia of the epithelium or washed off with saliva, not having time to fully interact with antibodies. Lysates of systemic bacteria stimulate immune cells gastro - intestinal tract(causing a specific and non-specific response of the immune system) and have an indirect effect on pathogens.

To obtain bacterial lysates, strains of pathogenic bacteria are used, which are the most common cause of respiratory infections. As a rule, lysates of not one, but several varieties of bacterial strains are used. The sets of bacteria from which the lysates were obtained are described in the instructions for preparations in the section "active ingredient".

Although bacterial lysates are already on the pharmaceutical market, there is still no conclusive evidence that their effectiveness is undeniable. Research in this area is ongoing, and scientists view these studies as promising for reducing the risk of respiratory disease.

Immunotropic preparations based on lysates of microorganisms (vaccinating preparations)


This is an antigenic polyvalent complex preparation, consisting of fragments of inactivated microorganisms, which are most often found in pathological processes in the oral cavity. The antigens of such microorganisms activate the immune system, which is manifested by an increase in the phagocytic activity of macrophages, an increase in the content of lysozyme and sIgA in saliva, and an increase in the number and activation of plasma cells. Since there is a so-called phenomenon of “mucosal solidarity”, local immunity increases not only in the oral cavity, but also on all mucous membranes of the macroorganism. To achieve the maximum effect, the drug is recommended to be used after a course of detoxification therapy.
Indications for use. The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis, glossitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. For the treatment of acute and exacerbations of chronic diseases, imudon is used in a dose
8 tablets per day for 10 days. 1 tablet is dissolved in the oral cavity every 2-3 hours. For the prevention of oral diseases, the drug is taken at a dose of 6 tablets per day for a course of 20 days.
Side effect. It is possible to develop allergic reactions, as well as dyspeptic phenomena.
Contraindications. Contraindications for the use of imudon are allergic reactions to the drug.


This is a complex preparation of bacterial lysates, which are the most common pathogens. infectious diseases upper respiratory tract. The lysis of microorganisms was carried out using an original biological technique, which makes it possible to obtain non-pathogenic fragments of bacteria with preserved specific antigenic properties. Due to these properties, the lysate initiates immune defense reactions in the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, manifested in the form of activation and proliferation of immunocompetent cells, an increase in the level of lysozyme, sIgA and interferons, and increased phagocytosis.
Indications for use. It is advisable to use the drug for the treatment of acute and chronic infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract (sinuitis, rhinitis, otitis), tracheitis, bronchitis, rhinotracheobronchitis, as well as in the pre- and postoperative period for the prevention of infectious complications of surgical interventions on the upper respiratory tract.
For the treatment of infections of the upper respiratory tract, the drug is used in the form of injections into each nostril 2-5 times a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear. For the purpose of prevention, the drug is used in a different dose: 2 injections per day for 2 weeks.
Side effect. At the beginning of the reception, an increase in inflammatory manifestations is possible, due to the activation immune reactions. Rarely, allergic reactions occur in the form of urticaria.
Contraindications. IRS-19 is contraindicated in the event of allergic reactions to the drug.


The drug contains ribosomes of microorganisms that most often cause respiratory infections (Klebsiella pneumoniae, Diplococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Haemophilus influenzae), as well as proteoglycans of the cell wall of Klebsiella pneumoniae. It is known that prokaryotic ribosomes differ significantly in structure from similar organelles of eukaryotic organisms, which practically excludes the possibility of cross-reactions to human autoantigens.
The drug is intended for the treatment and prevention of recurrent infections of the ear, throat and nose, as well as respiratory organs (bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, infection-dependent bronchial asthma). The ribosomal fraction of the drug activates T- and B-lymphocytes specific to the injected antigens, which provides a vaccinating effect due to the synthesis of antibodies to respiratory tract infections. Klebsiella pneumoniae proteoglycans have a modulating effect on innate resistance factors, activating macrophages and neutrophils to carry out chemotaxis, adhesion and phagocytosis, as well as increasing the production of α-IFN and interleukins (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8).
Mode of application. A single dose of the drug - 3 tablets in the morning on an empty stomach. Scheme of administration - the first 4 days of the week for 3 weeks, in the next 2-5 months, the drug is taken on the first 4 days of each month.
Side effect. Transient hypersalivation at the beginning of treatment.
Contraindications. Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.
Release form. In the form of tablets, 12 tablets in a blister pack.


This is a preparation of bacterial lysates that causes respiratory infections (Diplococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Klebsiella ozaenae, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus viridans, Neisserria catarrhalis).
It is advisable to use the drug for chronic and recurrent infections of the respiratory tract (brochitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media). Broncho-munal provides immunization to antigens of the most common pathogens of the respiratory tract by inducing activation, proliferation and differentiation of specific T and B lymphocytes, production of immunoglobulins (mainly sIgA, as well as IgG). Since the principle of “solidarity of mucous membranes” is triggered, the formed immunocompetent cells and immunoglobulins are distributed throughout all mucous membranes, and not only enter the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, which provides a generalized protective effect.
Mode of application. One capsule per day for 10 days of the month
3 consecutive months for infection prevention. For treatment, one capsule is used for 10 to 30 days (depending on the severity of the disease). In the next 2 months, the drug is taken 1 capsule for 10 days in a row. 10-day intervals are recommended between courses.
Side effect. Rarely, mild dyspeptic disorders and fever are observed.
Contraindications. Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Release form. In capsules of 7 mg No. 10 or No. 30 per package.