Herpes in nursing mothers: is it possible to breastfeed a child and how to treat the disease during breastfeeding? How to treat herpes while breastfeeding Treatment of herpes during lactation.

The period of gestation and lactation is accompanied by a decrease in the protective functions of the body. As a result, an exacerbation of existing diseases may develop, so it is not uncommon for herpes to appear on the lips with breastfeeding.


A rash on the lip becomes a consequence of the activation of the herpes simplex virus. It is one of the most common, as it is easily transmitted through everyday life. You can get infected by kissing, using shared utensils, towels. The virus exists on the mucous membranes and skin of a person. When immunity decreases, it manifests itself.

Women who have recently become mothers rarely succeed in leading healthy lifestyle life. In the new rhythm of life, there is not always a place for a full-fledged sleep, a well-composed diet, mothers are a lot nervous. Therefore, the deterioration of immunity at this time is natural.

It must be understood that the rash that appears is a consequence of precisely these disorders, and not breastfeeding itself. Therefore, it is necessary to follow a number of rules in order to avoid exacerbation during lactation:

  • organize a normal rest;
  • eat well;
  • do not take medication without the consent of the doctor.

Organizing a good rest seems to be an impossible task for most mothers. If the baby does not let you sleep at night, be sure to use the time daytime sleep. Some children actively eat at night - in this case, the way out will be co-sleeping. If possible, seek help from relatives. Sleep is the key to the mental health of the mother, so do not neglect it.

Ensuring the body receives the necessary substances is another potential problem faced by women with breastfeeding. Moms go on a diet to bring their weight back to normal. Sometimes dietary restrictions are the result allergic reactions at the baby.

Another mistake is that women self-select drugs to provide support for a tired immune system. You should not take immunomodulators and other medicines “just in case” without consulting your doctor first. Such self-medication can lead to unpredictable reactions of the immune system - including cold sores.

Herpes on the lip affects the general well-being only at the first manifestation. In subsequent cases, the virus only worries about the appearance external signs: itchy weeping blisters.

How should mom behave?

The first question that arises in a nursing mother when a herpetic rash occurs in the lip area is whether it is possible to breastfeed. Some of them refuse to feed for fear of infecting the child. Experts insist that such behavior is a mistake, it not only does not protect the baby, but also negatively affects the immune system. Not a single product will provide the crumbs with the substances necessary for normal development to the extent that breast milk can. Mother's milk contains antibodies produced in response to the action of various pathogens - eating mother's milk, the baby receives protection from the virus.

The cells of the virus are not able to penetrate into the mother's milk, so infection through breastfeeding is excluded. Therefore, an exacerbation of the virus is not a reason to stop feeding. When the treatment of herpes requires the use of potent drugs (which can only be used as prescribed by a doctor), feeding should be interrupted for the period of treatment.

Rules of behavior

Regardless of whether an exacerbation of a viral infection or a primary infection is observed in a nursing mother, no changes should be made to the child's diet.

What to do to mom:

  1. Do not interrupt feeding. Antibodies produced by the mother's body block the activity of the infection for 3-5 days. They immediately enter the milk, so continued feeding is the best prevention of herpes infection for the baby.
  2. Temporary refusal to feed with herpes, when a rash appears on the nipples. Rashes on the lips are not an indication for a break in feeding. However, the manifestation of herpes on the nipples requires a temporary suspension of the process, as the child is in contact with this area. If the rash appears on one nipple, you can feed the baby with the second breast.
  3. Avoid contact of the crumbs with the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Interaction with the area of ​​the skin on which there is a rash is the most common cause infections. You can not kiss a child during an exacerbation of infection. Use a disposable mask when feeding, exercising hygiene procedures and baby care.
  4. Keep your hands clean. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water every time you pick up your baby or start feeding. The use of additional disinfectants is not required - washing with soap is enough to destroy the infectious agent.

Sometimes doctors advise to stop breastfeeding until the mother recovers. However, WHO recommendations speak of the groundlessness of such claims. Breastfeeding is prohibited in only a few cases: with HIV infection, as well as with such most dangerous diseases newborns, as galactosemia, phenylketonuria.

Medical treatment

In the treatment of herpes on the lips, creams and ointments are used to local application. The effectiveness of the drugs used directly depends on when the treatment is started. The sooner action is taken, the better. Therefore, one should not wait for a bubble to appear - it is necessary to apply the ointment when the first symptoms appear, when itching occurs. If you apply the product during this period, then the appearance of bubbles can be avoided.

How to treat herpes, the doctor will tell you. The following medications may be used:

  • Acyclovir, Zovirax. These creams in the composition have such an active substance as acyclovir. These are drugs that are highly effective and are intended for the treatment of herpes viruses types 1 and 3. Acyclovir destroys the DNA of the virus and prevents it from multiplying. The substance was created in 1988, and its creator was awarded Nobel Prize. These medicines are completely safe and can be used for the treatment of lactating women. The absorption of the active substance into breast milk is carried out in minimal doses, so it does not have a negative effect on the child.
  • Valaciclovir. This substance is contained in drugs such as Valvir, Valtrex. These drugs belong to the next generation of drugs based on acyclovir. They are also combined with breastfeeding without consequences for the child. Substance-based medicines can be used to treat herpetic infection regardless of type. As in the previous version, the degree of penetration of the substance into breast milk is extremely low and does not lead to the development of any side effects in the child.
  • Penciclovir. Included in the ointment Fenistil Pencivir. The ointment is used for local therapy herpes, manifested on the lips. With local use of the drug, the substance is not detected in a blood test. The child should not be allowed to come into contact with the area of ​​​​the skin on which the drug was applied. If the ointment was applied to the nipple area, it must be thoroughly washed off with soap and water before breastfeeding.

Topical preparations are used at the initial stage of the disease. To prevent the development of the disease, they are applied several times a day to the itchy area.

Medicines intended for oral use are not recommended during breastfeeding. Their use is possible only on prescription and requires the cessation of breastfeeding. The drug of choice may be Acyclovir tablets. At this time, it is necessary to express milk so that lactation does not stop.

During the period when there is a remission of the disease, can be used folk methods treatment. They are not effective, as they act superficially and do not affect the virus itself.

The following people's councils may be involved:

  • Aloe juice. Freshly squeezed plant juice is used to lubricate the bubbles. If this is not possible, then you can buy a ready-made tincture at the pharmacy.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. The use of sea buckthorn oil accelerates regenerative processes, so ulcers and cracks that accompany herpes heal faster. Rosehip oil may be used.
  • Iodine and brilliant green solution. Allow to dry skin covering and prevent the spread of the virus.

Tea tree oil and garlic juice may be used. All these tools are used only as ancillary.

The duration of treatment is usually 1-1.5 weeks. During this time, the bubbles dry up and the crust disappears. If after this period there is no improvement, and the rash spreads further, moving to the skin of the face, neck area, you should consult a doctor for advice.

With reduced immunity, additional body support may be required. A specialist may recommend treating the disease with drugs that include interferon - Viferon or Kipferon in suppositories.

Herpes - unpleasant disease, however, you can cope with it even during breastfeeding. The main thing that a mother should do is to protect her baby and stop breastfeeding for this.

The lactation period is a special time in the life of every woman, requiring a diet and the rejection of a number of medications, so herpes during breastfeeding gives young mothers a lot of anxiety. Is it possible to continue to feed the baby with mother's milk during the treatment of the disease, or is it better to take a break, what measures should be taken so as not to infect the baby?

Varieties of the virus

Herpes is one of the most common viruses in the world. Its unpleasant feature lies in the fact that, once having been ill with it, a person remains a carrier of the disease for life. In the event of relapses (manifestation of the disease in acute form) a sick person is able to infect others.

If herpes is found in a nursing mother, attention should be paid to the state of her immune system. After childbirth, a woman's immunity is often weakened, and breastfeeding is an additional stress for the body, so the disease may well manifest itself. Rigid diets, chronic lack of sleep and other not-so-pleasant consequences of motherhood only exacerbate the situation.

Herpes during lactation manifests itself in different ways. The localization of the disease depends on which type of virus is activated, and the severity depends on general condition breastfeeding mother's health. It could be:

  • herpes on the lip;
  • herpes on the genitals;
  • shingles, appearing in the region of the ribs.

Herpes on the lips during breastfeeding is treated topically. If swelling and itching are found in the area of ​​​​the lips, the affected area should be immediately treated - apply a special gel or ointment.

The most serious variant of the disease is the appearance. The onset of the disease is preceded by general weakness, chills,. These symptoms are similar to those of a common cold or SARS, and only when a characteristic rash appears does a woman go to a doctor or, which is unacceptable in this case, self-medicate. Treatment of this type of herpes requires the use of strong drugs, which is incompatible with hepatitis B.

With genital herpes in lactation, you will have to take a break, and feed the baby with a special mixture for the duration of the mother's treatment.

It is also not recommended to treat shingles on your own, you should seek the advice of a dermatologist or therapist. Applying local preparations to the affected surfaces is not enough, it will be necessary to take antiviral agents for several days. Whether to breastfeed during this period or not - the specialist decides, after weighing everything possible consequences for the baby.

Rules and measures for prevention during breastfeeding

In most cases, herpes in a nursing woman does not require changes in the feeding regimen of the baby. However, a number of precautions should be observed so as not to infect the baby:

  1. Continue breastfeeding as usual. As with any infection, when herpes is activated, the body of a nursing woman produces antibodies. It is they who inhibit the activity of the virus in the future. When feeding through breast milk, antibodies enter the baby's body, which forms its resistance to this type of virus - passive immunity.
  2. If there are rashes on the lips, it is strictly forbidden to kiss the child. Any contact with the rash should be avoided, it is best to wear a medical mask.
  3. Interruption of feeding is indicated for herpes, since the child is in direct contact with them. Otherwise, the virus will enter the baby's body. At the same time, it is quite possible to feed a healthy breast, and express the second one.
  4. It is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly with an antibacterial agent so as not to transmit the causative agent of the disease to the baby.

In any case, herpes during lactation is not a reason to panic. The most important thing is the peace of mind of mother and baby and timely treatment measures. the best preventive measures against such a disease are good nutrition, rich in proteins, vitamins and trace elements, healthy sleep and rest, which will help to constantly maintain a high level of protection against viruses and infections in the body.

The herpes virus is known to almost everyone. Statistics show that only 10% of the world's inhabitants do not fall into the number of those infected with any of the forms of herpes. If it once appeared in the body, the risk of relapse persists throughout life, but there is a reliable barrier that keeps it - immunity. It depends on the state of the immune system how often you will observe familiar symptoms.

Herpes manifests itself only with a weakened immune system. The cause can be illness, hypothermia, stress

Varieties of herpes

During breastfeeding, as you know, immunity decreases, and if at this time you are even a little overcooled, the disease can immediately make itself felt. It manifests itself in different ways, since the types of the causative agent of the disease also differ.

Herpes during breastfeeding can be:

  • on the lips;
  • on the genitals;
  • shingles.

On the lips

Herpes on the lips - a virus of the first type - the most common. It is transmitted by household means, that is, through dishes, towels, etc. To a small child from a nursing mother, he can get through kisses.

First, redness and swelling appear on or near the lips, as well as on the wings of the nose, which are necessarily accompanied by itching. Then small bubbles begin to appear with a clear liquid inside, which, bursting, contribute to the emergence of new ones - already more numerous.

If herpes arose for the first time, other catarrhal symptoms may be added - fever, general weakness and malaise. With relapses, such signs usually do not happen.

Herpes on the lips is the most common and familiar to almost everyone: according to statistics, about 90% of the world's population are its carriers

Treatment in this case will be local. The main thing is to start it immediately when the slightest redness appears. In this case, it is good to have some kind of external remedy in your first-aid kit, and in its absence, immediately purchase it. Then you can count on fast decision Problems. If the bubbles have already appeared, it will take longer to be treated.

On the genitals

The second type of virus causes genital herpes. To the main reason for the exacerbation (decreased immunity), another one is added - the activation of the virus in the husband. The first symptoms in this case will be similar to the common cold - chills, fever, general weakness. Obstetrician-gynecologist Nana Ordzhonikidze advises to pay close attention to initial signs diseases that can easily be confusing, and only a characteristic rash that appears later will tell about the presence of an infection.

If the diagnosis is confirmed and small watery vesicles appear, they will cover the entire perineum, pubis, inner thighs and the mucous membrane of the labia. They will be present even on the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, but only a gynecologist can detect them during examination. Another feature- severe itching - will worsen, and urination will become painful, as the bubbles will begin to burst and urine will fall into microcracks and wounds.

Treatment of genital herpes is more complicated. You will need a mandatory consultation with a gynecologist or dermatovenereologist. It is dangerous to engage in self-medication, since when prescribing it is necessary to take into account an important factor - the period of breastfeeding. As in the previous case, the sooner treatment is started, the more successful it will be.


The third type of herpes virus causes even more serious diseases - shingles, chickenpox, chicken pox. This virus is localized in the nerve endings, so the exacerbation is accompanied by itching and pain, which are the main symptoms in relapses. When the disease appears, as in the two cases described above, there is an increase in temperature and general malaise. The rash is found in the area of ​​nerve endings and quickly occupies large areas on the skin, accompanied by severe pain.

Treatment is prescribed by a therapist. Only local remedies like ointments and gels are indispensable here. You will need antiviral pills, which must be selected taking into account the fact that the woman is breastfeeding.

Herpes zoster is accompanied by itching, but this is too general symptom- the diagnosis should be made exclusively by a specialist

Do I need to change my diet?

Many doctors believe that it is better for a woman to stop breastfeeding while she is ill, but WHO claims that there is no reason for this.

There is a document ("Full list medical reasons to use substitutes breast milk” of 2009), which states that breastfeeding is unacceptable only with HIV infection, and also if the baby suffers from one of the two most serious diseases - galactosemia or phenylketonuria. In all other cases, including herpes, it is even necessary to continue lactation.

You just have to follow the rules of hygiene. Additional measures will also need:

  1. HBV must be continued, since the activation of the virus contributes to the production of antibodies against the disease. Antibodies immediately pass into breast milk and provide the baby with protection by blocking the activity of the virus on the third to fifth day.
  2. Even if rashes appear on the body, breastfeeding should be interrupted only when they have affected the skin of the nipples. In other cases - on the lips, genitals, or even with herpes zoster, the rash is not a reason to suspend or completely stop breastfeeding. If the rash is only on one breast, you can feed the baby on the other.
  3. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the child does not have contact with the affected areas of the skin on the mother's body. Herpes is transmitted by household means, so the baby must be protected in every possible way from infection. If the virus appeared on the lips, of course, there can be no question of any kisses.
  4. Personal hygiene needs to be monitored more carefully than usual. Regardless of which part of the body is affected by herpes, it is necessary to wash your hands with soap as often as possible: do this before you start feeding or just pick up the baby, and also after washing or eating.

The already strict hygiene rules will need to be tightened even more, especially before contact with an infant.

If you keep cleanliness and do not forget about the rules of hygiene, you will be able to cure the virus faster or prevent infection altogether. Cleanliness is the key to health, it is not for nothing that experts have been talking about this for many years.

Treatment of herpes on the lips

Treating herpes on the lips is easier than other types of the virus. The first thing to do is not to ignore the problem or procrastinate, but to take action quickly. The virus can be dealt with at the very beginning of the development of the disease, preventing it from reaching an advanced stage. Second important rule- use local remedies (ointments, creams, gels). Concentration active substances in them is low and, as a rule, they do not pass into breast milk. Lactation at this time should not be interrupted.

Local remedies for herpes help, only you need to use them systematically and according to the instructions.

Drugs for the treatment of other forms of herpes

Genital and herpes zoster are more severe and therefore more difficult to treat. It is necessary to act on them in a complex way, that is, to use external agents and antiviral tablets.

Despite the fact that there are enough drugs for oral administration, manufacturers in the instructions for use limit their use during lactation or recommend interrupting breastfeeding while the mother is being treated. It is useful to study the list of funds, but we advise you not to prescribe the funds yourself, but be sure to visit a doctor. Only a competent specialist will do this with minimal damage to the health of the child.

Consider the most famous and effective drugs:

  1. Acyclovir (Acyclovir, Zovirax) is considered a highly effective treatment for herpes of the first and third types. Available in the form of tablets, powder, cream and ointment.
  2. Valaciclovir ("Valvir", "Valtrex") is a tablet of the next generation after acyclovir. They are used to treat all types of herpes.
  3. Penciclovir ("Fenistil Pencivir") - a local remedy (cream). Despite external use, it is recommended to use it during lactation very carefully, only if the expected benefit exceeds potential harm for a child. Although the latest data from the E-LACTANCIA guideline states that when applied topically, the drug is not detected in blood plasma and therefore does not penetrate into breast milk, when applied to the body, care must be taken that the child does not have contact with the treated areas of the skin, and before feeding the breast should be washed thoroughly with soap.

Acyclovir is still one of the most popular herpes remedies, coping with the first and third types of the virus.

With a weak immune system, the doctor may prescribe additional means to increase immunity. These are drugs with interferon ("Viferon", "Kipferon"), produced in the form of candles.

Folk remedies for the treatment of herpes are used only as auxiliary during the period of remission. To heal wounds, dry and soften the crust, you can use aloe juice or oil - tea tree or sea buckthorn.

According to the global estimates of the World Health Organization, published in the journal PLOS ONE in 2015, the herpes simplex virus (herpes) type 1, which is often referred to as HSV-1, is infected with 67% of the world's inhabitants under the age of 50, which is 3. 7 billion people.

According to other data, at least 90% of the total population is affected by the herpes virus (one or more strains of the virus at the same time). It is clear that this virus can also be found in women who are breastfeeding babies, so it is very important to know how a breastfeeding woman can treat this. viral disease and which antiviral drugs may be safe for mother and child.

What you need to know about herpes

It is very important to understand that the herpes virus is indeed very common on the entire planet - out of every ten people only one is not infected with this virus, so the likelihood that the mother still has the virus is very high.

One of the features of the herpes virus is its ability to stay in the body for a long time and not manifest itself, so many people do not even realize that they are carriers of the virus. The infection worsens and relapse begins only when the body's immune defenses weaken, so lactating women also fall into the risk group.

The herpes virus appears characteristic symptoms- rash on the skin of small and very painful bubbles. Most often, the places of localization of herpes are the skin, genitals (genital herpes) and eyes.

To date, eight types (strains) of the herpes virus are known:

  • Herpes simplex type 1, which causes vesicles to appear on the lips (“fever”, “colds”);
  • Herpes simplex (Herpessimplex) of the 2nd type, which causes genital problems (genital herpes);
  • Herpesvirus type 3 (Herpeszoster) causes chickenpox in children and shingles;
  • Herpesvirus type 4 is an Epstein-Barr virus that causes infectious mononucleosis;
  • Herpes virus type 5 is a cytomegalovirus;
  • Herpes viruses types 6, 7 and 8 are not yet fully understood, but there are suggestions that these viruses may be important, for example, with the onset of chronic fatigue syndrome or with the unexpected appearance of skin rashes.

Any herpes virus can be transmitted by direct contact, through household items and by airborne droplets and enters the body through mucous membranes, especially through the mucous membrane oral cavity through the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and through the mucous membranes of the female and male genital organs. After the herpes virus overcomes the tissue barrier, it enters the blood and lymphatic fluid, which carry the virus to the internal organs.

Attention! Once in the body, the herpes virus is able to penetrate into the nerve endings, after which it is integrated into the genes, after which it becomes impossible to get rid of the virus - once it gets into human body, the herpes virus remains forever.

After the herpes virus enters the body, the immune system begins to produce special antibodies that block virus particles moving through the bloodstream.

Attention! New viral proteins begin to be synthesized in the body two hours after the infection enters the cell, and the maximum amount of virus proteins becomes eight hours after infection.

As a rule, the virus awakens and activates when there is insufficient intake of vitamins (with hypovitaminosis), with a decrease in immunity, with colds and hypothermia, which often happens in the cold season. However, according to observations clinicians and scientists, herpes can also become more active in the hot season due to overheating of the body.

Attention! Viral infection of cells causes dystrophic changes in cells and leads to their death.

Scientists at Columbia University were able to find out that the herpes virus is one of the stimulating factors in the development of such a serious disease. neurological disease like Alzheimer's disease. Researchers who worked at the University of Manchester came to the same conclusion - they proved that the herpes simplex virus (Herpessimplex) is present in the brain tissues of almost 70% of patients who suffer from Alzheimer's disease. Moreover, one of the latest studies made it possible to prove that 90% of the plaques that form in the brain tissues during Alzheimer's disease contained herpes simplex (Herpessimplex) type 1 DNA - HSV-1.

Attention! With a severe development of a herpetic infection, the central nervous system (CNS) can be affected, while the possibility of developing such serious illnesses like meningitis and encephalitis.

Herpes during lactation

The lactation period, when all the forces female body are aimed at breastfeeding - this is a period of some decrease in the activity of the immune system and all the body's defenses, so the herpes virus, which used to be in the so-called dormant (or inactive) state, may well become activated.

Attention! If the human immune system is working normally, then it produces a sufficient amount of antibodies that suppress the activity of the herpes virus that has entered the cells nervous system. The virus is activated only when the immune system is weakened for some reason.

During lactation, various factors may appear that provoke the weakening of the female body and the activation of the herpes virus.

  • First of all, the reason for the weakened immunity of the female body during lactation can be a diet, which is due to the need to adhere to some dietary restrictions associated with the refusal to be present in the menu of products that are potentially dangerous for baby, including the restriction of protein components. The restriction in the protein menu causes a decrease in the activity of the immune system and, as a result, to the possible activation of the herpes virus;
  • An important reason that can lead to a decrease in immune activity is insufficient rest and insufficient sleep. It is known that chronic lack of sleep is a serious stress for any body, and especially for the female body during breastfeeding. If a woman who is breastfeeding does not have time to sleep and rest normally, then the defenses of her body weaken, so the body becomes more vulnerable to any infection, including herpes infection, which could be in the body in an inactive (sleeping) state;
  • Another reason for the weakening of the female body during lactation can be self-medication, including the independent decision to take any drugs that have an immunomodulatory effect. Many young mothers seek to protect themselves from possible colds and start taking drugs that stimulate the immune system, but the response of the immune system can be completely unexpected and unpredictable. Sometimes, a malfunction of the immune system, artificially provoked by the ill-considered use of immune preparations, leads to an exacerbation of various diseases and conditions of the body, including the activation of the herpes virus dormant in the body - herpes simplex (Herpes simplex) of the first type.

Attention! Any self-medication and independent decision to take any medicines may have Negative consequences therefore, self-appointment, especially during breastfeeding, is categorically unacceptable. Any drug should be prescribed only by a doctor and only strictly in accordance with the indications.

To avoid the activation of the herpes virus in the body of a nursing woman, she should eat normally, including all the necessary components in the diet, including the required amount of protein food, have enough rest and avoid stressful situations.

Types of herpes that can become active during lactation

During breastfeeding, different strains of herpes infection can be activated, which will manifest itself in different ways. In addition, the ability of the body's immune system to effectively resist the infectious process is of no small importance.

Very often, a herpes infection manifests itself as rashes on the lips . This type of herpes infection is caused by the herpes simplex virus (Herpessimplex) of the first type, which can be transmitted through any household contact, including sharing utensils and kissing.

The symptoms of this type of infection are very obvious - they can neither be missed nor confused with anything. In this case, itching begins in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lips and some swelling appears, and the itching can be quite severe. A little later, in the same places that were very itchy, small bubbles with watery contents appear. Sometimes the same watery bubbles can appear on the wings of the nose.

Attention! In no case should you comb itchy vesicles that appear on the lips as a result of a herpes infection, because this will contribute to the spread of the infection and complicate the healing of skin lesions.

If the appearance of itching and blisters on the lips is accompanied by additional symptoms, among which are the appearance of general weakness, an increase (sometimes significant) in body temperature, the appearance of aches throughout the body, then we can talk about primary infection. An exacerbation of an existing infection is almost never accompanied by such a reaction. , and is manifested only by itching and the formation of watery vesicles-rashes.

With an exacerbation of a herpes infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (Herpessimplex) of the first type, local treatment is applied - itchy and swollen areas of the skin should be lubricated as soon as possible with special antiviral gels or ointments that will prevent the development of the disease and the appearance of vesicles. In the vast majority of cases, no other measures are not required.

Attention! If a specific itching appears on the lips, indicating an exacerbation of a herpes infection, then it is very important to start treating this area with special preparations as soon as possible.

The second type of herpes infection manifests itself rashes on the genitals, that is, on the genitals. This type of herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus (Herpessimplex) type 2, which in women during lactation can manifest itself as a result of reduced immunity or due to the fact that the virus has become more active in a sexual partner.

Symptoms of infection with the herpes simplex virus (Herpessimplex) type 2 appear in almost every case of the disease or its exacerbation.

Most often, the symptoms can be chills, high or elevated body temperature, general weakness and malaise, and most often these symptoms can be easily confused with the symptoms of any colds or acute respiratory infection(ORZ). The real cause of the malaise is revealed only after the appearance of rashes characteristic of a herpetic infection on the genital organs.

When infected with the herpes simplex virus (Herpessimplex) type 2, rashes appear on the skin of the external genital organs of a woman, which look like bubbles with vague contents inside. Such a rash causes discomfort due to severe itching.

The place of localization of rashes in genital herpes is the mucous membrane of the large and small labia, inner side thighs, pubis, perineum. On examination, a gynecologist can detect the same rash on the mucous membrane of the vagina and even on the cervix. The development of the infectious process leads to the fact that itchy and causing a lot of discomfort bubbles burst, after which urination becomes painful, because urine enters the open wounds at the site of the burst bubbles.

Attention! Self-treatment of genital herpes (herpes simplex (Herpessimplex) type 2) is impossible, so consultation with a gynecologist or dermatovenereologist is required.

In case of infection with genital herpes or exacerbation chronic infection effective treatment is possible only if competently and timely selected drug therapy. The longer the visit to the doctor is postponed, the longer the treatment process will continue and the more the likelihood of exacerbations of the pathological process increases.

Another type of herpes infection that can worsen during lactation is the herpes virus type 3 (Herpeszoster), which causes chickenpox or in children and shingles. Place of localization of the herpes virus of the third type (Herpeszoster) - nerve cells, so this type of herpes infection causes not only rashes, but also severe pain.

With herpes zoster infection, if it is a primary infection, high or elevated body temperature and general weakness are possible. With the secondary development of the disease, that is, with an exacerbation of the disease with chronic course, symptoms may be limited to specific rashes on large areas of the body and pain.

For effective treatment shingles, you need to immediately contact a doctor who can correctly select the necessary medications for internal use and for topical use.

Attention! For the effective treatment of the third type of herpes virus (Herpeszoster), the use of only topical preparations (gels or ointments) is not enough, but only a doctor can choose the correct tablet forms of preparations and their dosage in each case.

Doctors believe that getting any type of herpes while breastfeeding does not require stopping breastfeeding or adjusting the feeding regimen. However, it is very important that a nursing mother adheres to several rules during the treatment of any herpes infection.

First of all, breastfeeding when the mother is infected with the herpes virus or when the chronic process is exacerbated stimulates the production of specific antibodies that can block the pathological process, suppressing its activity. This happens, as a rule, three to five days after infection or the onset of an exacerbation.

As soon as antibodies begin to be produced in the mother's body that can fight a herpes infection, they immediately begin to enter breast milk. Thus, the continuation of breastfeeding even with an exacerbation of a herpes infection (or with a primary infection) forms immunity in a child and can be considered one of the types of herpes prevention.

The next rule is to interrupt (temporarily suspend) breastfeeding should be only when specific herpes sores appear on the nipples. Rashes on any other parts of the body do not require interruption of breastfeeding.

Attention! If herpetic eruptions appear only on one breast, then you can feed the baby with the other breast.

It is very important to prevent possible contact of the baby with the affected areas of the skin, since direct contact with infected areas of the skin and / or mucous membranes remains the main source of infection with a herpes infection.

So that the herpes virus does not remain on the hands while feeding the baby and when caring for him, you must constantly wash your hands with soap - for some time the herpes virus will be removed from the skin of your hands.

Attention! In accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization, there is no need to interrupt breastfeeding with a diagnosed herpes infection.

Medicines for the treatment of herpes infection during lactation

Attention! Treatment of a herpes infection during breastfeeding can only be carried out by a doctor who must prescribe the appropriate drug and determine the necessary dosage and regimen.

For the treatment of herpes infection during breastfeeding, drugs Acyclovir, Valtrex, Fenistil in tablet form for internal use and in the form of ointments or gels for topical external use can often be used.

If the vesicles that indicate a herpes infection appear only on the lips, then, as a rule, treatment is carried out only with topical preparations. The sooner treatment is started, the more successful and effective it will be - if, after the appearance of skin itching, apply to this place medicine very quickly, it is quite possible to avoid the appearance of herpetic vesicles.

If genital herpes or shingles (Herpeszoster) are diagnosed, then local treatment is necessarily combined with taking medications that are allowed during lactation. Stop or interrupt breastfeeding in this case should not be.

Aciclovir is considered the drug of first choice for viral infections in lactating women. Active substance under the same name contain various antiviral drugs, for example, Zovirax. The principle of action of Acyclovir is that the drug destroys the DNA of the herpes virus and the virus cannot spread.

Interesting! Gertrude Elion, the US pharmacologist who led the team that developed Acyclovir, was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1988.

The international drug guide E-LACTANCIA calls Acyclovir a completely safe drug for use during breastfeeding. This opinion is supported by the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics. In addition, Acyclovir is approved for use in newborns, which confirms the high safety profile of the drug.

The next generation of Acyclovir preparations is represented by Valaciclovir, which can be supplied to pharmacy chains under the trade names Valvir, Valtrex or others. The international drug formulary E-LACTANCIA confirms the compatibility of Valaciclovir with breastfeeding in the treatment of viral infections. It is very important that no side effects when used by the mother of this drug in infants, it was not observed.

Another safe medical preparation, which is allowed in the treatment of herpes infection during breastfeeding, is Penciclovir, which, when sold in pharmacy chains, may have tradename Fenistil Pencivir or Fenistil. The international drug guide E-LACTANCIA reports that this drug is practically not absorbed into breast milk and is not detected in blood plasma.

Attention! dosage form the drug, its dosage, order and duration of use should be determined only by a doctor.

Therapy for genital or herpes zoster may include other drugs in different forms. However, any drug should always be prescribed only by a doctor.

Prevention of infection with herpes

To avoid contracting herpes or exacerbating a herpes infection, you must strictly adhere to a few rules:

  • It is very important to constantly strengthen immune system;
  • Get enough sleep and get enough sleep;
  • The daily menu should contain a sufficient amount of all substances necessary for health, including fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, micro and macro elements;
  • Physical and psychological stresses that can seriously weaken the immune system should be avoided;
  • Sufficient attention should be given to healthy physical activity and outdoor activities;
  • During seasonal bursts of morbidity, including an increase in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections(ARVI), it is very important not to be in crowded places unless absolutely necessary.

If herpes flares up quite often, it is best to go to a special laboratory diagnostics and all necessary examinations to identify possible hidden infectious processes occurring in the body.

Attention! Folk remedies in the treatment of herpes are ineffective, because they are not able to influence the development of the virus and localize it. Drying and softening folk remedies it makes sense to apply only after the vesicles of the herpetic rash have already burst and a crust forms in their place.

Pregnancy and childbirth are the strongest stress for the immune system. It is not surprising that during this period there is an exacerbation of latent infections and diseases. internal organs. Sometimes they occur in the postpartum period. Many of the diseases force you to stop breastfeeding. But what to do if herpes occurs while breastfeeding?

The reasons

Lactation itself is not a provoking factor for exacerbation of herpes. In the postpartum period, there are enough reasons that become the impetus for the transition of the virus into the active phase:

  • Insufficient intake of nutrients. In order not to harm the baby or out of a desire to get in shape faster, some women follow diets that restrict many foods. Often, fruits and vegetables, protein foods, which can cause gas or allergies in a child, fall under the ban. The lack of vitamins and nutrients affects the immune system and weakens it.
  • Chronic sleep deprivation alters the body's circadian rhythms. The role of cyclic release of hormones and the synthesis of many biological substances in maintaining immunity. Young mothers are forced to get up at night to feed their baby. Household duties do not always allow you to sleep during the day. That's why constant fatigue reduces the body's defenses.
  • Self-prescribing medications. The use of immunomodulating agents should be under the supervision of a physician. Incorrect selection of drugs can further weaken the immune system.

A breastfeeding mother may develop herpes on the lips or genitals. Its localization will be the same as in previous exacerbations.

Can I breastfeed if I have herpes symptoms?

Bubbles on the lips contain liquid with herpes viruses, which can infect others. But this is not the basis for the termination of GV. The virus is localized in the places of innervation of the affected nerve and does not penetrate into breast milk. The only way that there is a possibility of infection of a newborn is by contact. But while the baby is breastfed, it is protected from the virus by maternal antibodies found in milk.

Genital herpes, which developed after childbirth, poses a minor danger if personal hygiene and breastfeeding are followed. Regardless of the form of the disease, you must not forget to wash your hands at every feeding. It is not worth washing the breast before applying the baby: this will not reduce the chance of infection transmission, but will lead to excessive dryness of the skin of the nipples, the appearance of cracks. It is enough just to express a few drops of milk into the diaper.

Women with herpetic eruptions need to use personal towels, change bedding more often. It is also necessary to avoid contact of the child with the affected skin. In some cases, to prevent infection, it is recommended to wear a protective medical mask.

Ways to get rid of the disease

Treatment of herpes during lactation is carried out local preparations. It is necessary to start using Acyclovir ointment or its analogues when the first signs of the disease appear - a feeling of itching and burning on the lip, swelling. If you start treatment on time, then the infection may take an abortive course, and the rash, most likely, will not even appear.

The ointment is applied to the affected areas every 4 hours. It is used for labial and genital herpes. Duration of the course - until the appearance of crusts at the sites of rashes or 5-10 days.

Acyclovir in the form of a local agent does not pass into breast milk, so it is not necessary to stop breastfeeding. If, against the background of severe immunodeficiency, a herpes rash appears in a nursing mother, treatment should be supplemented systemic drugs. Acyclovir tablets are also used. They are taken up to 5 times a day. The medicine is able to penetrate into breast milk, so if they have to treat herpes, you need to stop breastfeeding. 7 days are enough to completely get rid of the symptoms of the disease. As an alternative, Valaciclovir tablets are used. It penetrates into milk to a much lesser extent, but also requires the cessation of breastfeeding.

In order not to stop lactation, it is necessary to express breast milk in a mode corresponding to the frequency of feeding. If lactation stops, it will be almost impossible to restore it. The child at the time of taking Acyclovir should be transferred to powdered milk mixtures. If there are rashes on the nipples that resemble herpes, then GV is also stopped.

We should not forget about the normalization of sleep and rest, the correction of the diet towards a sufficient balance of nutrients. It is also necessary to take multivitamin complexes for nursing mothers.

To prevent the virus from being transmitted to the child, kissing should be avoided until the moment of complete recovery.

How to avoid getting herpes

Prevention of herpetic infection is carried out in non-specific ways. You need to be in the fresh air a lot, eat a sufficient amount of protein food. Sometimes you need to give yourself a rest in the daytime, postponing all household chores for later.

If a young woman often recurs herpes, you need to cure it before pregnancy. Vaccines have been developed that can lead to a permanent remission or the complete disappearance of symptoms. But vaccination takes time. Therefore, pregnancy must be planned. If you use the vaccine before conception, then after childbirth you will not have to think about how to safely treat a herpes infection.