Ointment for diaper dermatitis for children. Diaper dermatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Diaper rash bothers babies from birth. Mild irritation on the skin can develop into diaper dermatitis, which can turn into a fungal form in 3-4 days. However, this can be avoided by intervening at the right time and ensuring necessary care for the child and treatment associated with the elimination of the microbial process.

What is diaper dermatitis

Diaper dermatitis is popularly called diaper rash or diaper rash. Although, according to Dr. Komarovsky, it is the use of diapers that reduces the likelihood of this pathology. Diaper dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin in an infant caused by environmental influences. Impacts can be:

Unfortunately, skin lesions of this kind are not so rare in babies.

According to statistics, 35-50% of children under the age of 1 year of life are affected by the disease. Girls are more often affected.

Types of diaper dermatitis

Diaper dermatitis can be:

  1. Bacterial. The cause of infection may be in feces intestinal enzymes. The causative agents are staphylococci and streptococci.
  2. Gribkov. Irritation and damage to the skin surface create conditions for the entry of fungi from the external environment onto the epithelium, which has lost its protective properties. Diaper fungal dermatitis is mostly candidal, its causative agent is the yeast Candida albicans. The cause of infection is associated with contact of the damaged area of ​​the skin with feces on the diaper. The fungus cannot penetrate if the integrity of the skin is not broken. Damage to the epidermis that provokes the penetration of the pathogen: peeling, cracks, abrasions. The danger of a fungal infection is due to the fact that at first it affects the surface of the dermis, but without being stopped, it can penetrate into the deeper layers, destroying the skin fiber.

One of the main factors effective treatment fungal dermatitis is the use of ointment in the initial stages to avoid destruction of the skin at a structural level.


The main symptoms of diaper dermatitis are:

  • redness;
  • rashes;

Inflammation can manifest itself in different degrees:

  • mild - slight redness, rash, skin peeling on the buttocks and genitals of the child;

    Intertrigo on the pope with slight redness is a mild stage of diaper dermatitis, the development of which can be stopped by the use of a therapeutic agent.

  • the average degree is a complication of the mild due to the prolonged exposure to the causes of irritation and the absence timely treatment. It is characterized by infection with bacteria or fungi candida. The skin reaction is associated with tissue damage;

    For diaper dermatitis moderate noticeable extensive irritation and peeling of the skin

  • severe (acute) degree is characterized by the presence of a rash, severe redness, erosion, abscesses, edema and ulcers.

    The bright red color of the skin is associated with the presence of a long-term inflammation of a fungal nature.

Causes and development factors

It is important to understand exactly what factors contribute to the aggravation of the child's skin condition in order to prevent complications and stop the development of pathological processes in time. Children's epidermis infancy thin and vulnerable, immunity and thermoregulation of the skin are imperfect. The skin acquires protective properties only by the second year of a baby's life.

In connection with the introduction of complementary foods, the composition of feces changes, and this can provoke an unexpected skin reaction, the care of which should be special. And also one of the risk factors is the predisposition of the next of kin to skin diseases.

Child care mistakes

  • violation of the temperature regime and ventilation of the skin;
  • the use of gauze, diapers;
  • rare diaper change;
  • tight diaper.


The main method of diagnosis is a visual examination by a pediatrician. The doctor makes an assumption about the degree of development of the disease according to the condition of the skin. Mild forms such as redness and diaper rash do not require laboratory research. If visually the skin has undergone strong changes, and the doctor detects signs characteristic of a moderate or severe degree of the disease, then tests are prescribed to determine the type of dermatitis.

Types of analyzes

To identify pathogenic bacteria, the doctor prescribes general analysis blood, examination of urine and feces for the presence of staphylococci and streptococci.

Mycological analysis is a scraping of the affected area of ​​the skin in order to identify the type of pathogen. The most common are Candida fungi, however, the analysis may show the presence of their other forms - dermatophytes and trichophytes. Determining the type of infection allows you to choose the right drugs to neutralize it.

Differential diagnosis is designed to distinguish diaper dermatitis from diseases that have similar symptoms:

  • psoriasis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • seborrhea;
  • reactions to substances that treat the skin.

The main distinguishing feature of diaper dermatitis is the localization of irritation on the buttocks, in the groin. Other types skin diseases spread, in addition to these zones, in the face and head.


Therapeutic measures are related to providing proper care for the skin of the baby, the use of drugs.

Skin care features:

  1. Hygiene of the buttocks. Monitor dryness and cleanliness, in order to avoid complications, avoid contact with feces, so it is recommended that a baby with dermatitis be left without a diaper in the air.
  2. Frequent diaper changes.
  3. Washing the buttocks with cotton balls soaked in warm water.
  4. The use of baby powder, which has a beneficial effect.
  5. The use of solutions of furacilin and fucorcin for treating the priests after washing.

It is possible to prevent the development of pathology by using anti-inflammatory drugs when the first microdamages of the epithelium are detected. In the treatment of fungal dermatitis, it is important to start with the use of antibacterial ointments, other means, such as baths, creams, may not give any effect. The drug is used until a significant visual change in the skin. After the main redness and rash is gone, you can switch to creams with panthenol and folk remedies.

Drug Therapy: Table of Drugs

Name of the drug Release form Active ingredients Therapeutic effect Indications for use
Panthenolspraypantothenic acid
  • activation of skin restoration at the cellular level;
  • normalization of skin metabolism;
  • regeneration of collagen fibers.
  • prickly heat in the groin;
  • diaper rash;
  • diaper dermatitis
    medium degree.
ointmentzinc oxide
  • removal of irritation;
  • healing;
  • skin restoration.
  • diaper rash;
  • inflammation;
  • skin damage.
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • adsorbent;
  • drying action.
  • cream;
  • ointment; emulsion.
methylprednisolone aceponate
  • relief of the inflammatory process;
  • suppression of allergic reactions.
  • acute forms of dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • infiltrates.
  • regenerating agent dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine;
  • antibiotic chloramphenicol.
  • penetrates deeply into tissues, providing an antimicrobial effect;
  • removes pus from tissues;
  • neutralizes the activity of bacteria of the staphylococcus class.
  • purulent inflammation;
  • acute bacterial dermatitis.
  • ointment;
  • cream.
clotrimazoleshows activity against staphylococci, streptococci, most fungi, including Candida, Trichophyton endothrix, lichen provocateursbacterial and fungal dermatitis, including candidiasis
  • cream;
  • emulsion.
  • shea butter;
  • macadamia oil;
  • urea;
  • sodium hyaluronate.
  • hydration of cells by preventing the evaporation of moisture;
  • softening of the epithelium, the renewal of its elasticity;
  • regeneration barrier functions skin;
  • renewal and nutrition of cells;
  • restoration of water balance.
peeling and dry skin

Pharmaceutical preparations - photo gallery

The convenience of applying Panthenol spray consists in spraying directly onto the affected area, which allows you not to touch sensitive skin with your hands Bepanten cream is a popular remedy, its price in pharmacies is about 377 rubles Zinc ointment is an anti-inflammatory and drying agent, is an inexpensive drug
Desitin cream is recommended for use at the initial stage of irritation. Emolium is an expensive remedy, a feature of which is the presence of exotic herbal ingredients in it, which makes the drug ideal for regular use. Levomekol ointment for the treatment of bacterial dermatitis is inexpensive means, costing about 130 rubles
Advantan ointment contains a hormone that helps stop the inflammatory process Inexpensive universal drug Clotrimazole is suitable for the treatment of all types of dermatitis, approved for use in infants

Treatment with folk remedies

After fungal dermatitis is treated with special ointments, and the main symptoms, such as itching, redness, are gone, the skin needs additional treatment. Folk remedies can only be used as auxiliary methods of therapy.

Folk recipes: table

Name Therapeutic effect Recipe and method of application
Baths with oats
  • soothing effect on the skin;
  • relieving itching.
  1. Add 2 teaspoons of oats to 1 liter of boiled water.
  2. Mix, let stand.
  3. Strain through cheesecloth.
  4. Add to bath tub.
Potato compressessoothing effect on the epidermis
  1. 1 potato tuber peeled.
  2. Rub on a grater or grind with a blender.
  3. Apply the resulting mass to the bandage.
  4. Apply a bandage to the affected area of ​​​​the skin for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Rinse off with warm water.
Herbal infusion
  • elimination of irritation;
  • getting rid of wet skin.
  1. In 1 liter of boiling water, add 1 teaspoon of chamomile, string and celandine.
  2. Insist.
  3. Ready infusion can be added to the bath for bathing, rub the skin with a cotton pad.
St. John's wort oil
  • relieves swelling;
  • tones up blood vessels;
  • has
  1. St. John's wort leaves chopped, pour olive oil.
  2. Put in a container and keep in a water bath for an hour.
  3. The resulting composition to treat sore spots.
Sea buckthorn oil
  • recovery;
  • skin healing;
  • analgesic effect;
  • activity against candida fungi.
sea ​​buckthorn oil can be bought at a pharmacy, lubricate diaper rash with a cotton swab dipped in it

Terms of treatment, possible complications

The duration of treatment is directly related to the correct diagnosis. With correctly selected remedies, improvement can be detected after 2-3 days, if dermatitis does not go away for a week, two or a month, then this means that the drug used does not contain exactly those components that inhibit the activity of the pathogen, scraping was not carried out to determine the type of fungus . If the provocateur is not found, a broad-spectrum ointment is prescribed, active against both bacteria and fungi. If the disease lasts 3-4 days, and there is no improvement, then complications such as:

  • abscess;
  • the formation of infiltrates on the skin;
  • temperature rise.

At the first signs of deterioration of the skin condition within 3-4 days after the start of treatment, a doctor should be called to the house.

Bathing with dermatitis

Bathing is useful hygiene procedure with dermatitis, which helps not only to cleanse the skin, but also has a beneficial effect on nervous system, because against the background of the disease, the baby becomes more restless. You can bathe the child once a day before bedtime.

An infusion of herbs, when added to water, not only has a beneficial effect on the skin, but also has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Features of the procedure:

  1. Boil the water.
  2. Pour boiled water into the bath and add the previously prepared infusion of chamomile, string or celandine herbs.
  3. Measure the water temperature with a thermometer. It should be about 37 degrees.
  4. Bathe your baby for 10-20 minutes.
  5. During the treatment of dermatitis, do not use shampoo or bathing soap, it is possible to use special emulsions that are allowed for children from birth.
  6. After bathing, pat your body dry with a towel and treat with a healing ointment or cream.

Bathing emulsions: table

Name Effect Mode of application
  • softening effect;
  • restoration of barrier functions of the epidermis;
  • moisturizing;
  • reduction in itching.
  1. For bathing use 1 full cap.
  2. After the procedure, the baby is not doused with water, but simply wrapped in a towel.
Avene trixera
  • protects against the penetration of harmful microorganisms;
  • improves the water-lipid balance of the skin surface.
use 1.5–2 caps of the product
in a water bath
  • saturates the skin with lipids;
  • starts the regeneration processes;
  • helps to strengthen the intercellular matrix, which is responsible for the removal of harmful substances.
Add 15 ml of the product to a bath of water,
bathe no more than 15 minutes


To avoid the development of skin dermatitis, you must:

  • change diapers 1 time in 3 hours;
  • after each act of defecation, wipe the ass not with a napkin, but wash it with warm water and soap;
  • more often allow the child to lie on an oilcloth with a special diaper laid on it without a diaper, exposure to air during an exacerbation helps to avoid the risk of spreading germs;
  • use a barrier cream, such as Bepanthen;
  • refuse to use gauze diapers.

Adults often look with envy at the delicate, velvety children's skin, so thin and soft that you just want to touch it with your cheek. However, this refinement and tenderness needs enhanced protection. Otherwise, the baby's butt instantly "blooms" and begins to deliver mass to him. discomfort. You will learn about what diaper dermatitis is and how to deal with it from this article.

What it is

Diaper dermatitis is an inflammatory process on the skin, localized advantage in the most piquant places - in the perineum, in the sacrum, in the tender femoral and gluteal folds, in the inguinal folds of the skin. Inflammation is quite disturbing for both the child and his parents. The rash can be insignificant and quite extensive, have the appearance of separate rashes or merge into one large eczema, it can be both dry and weeping.

To combat this phenomenon, which affects six out of ten Russian babies, and if hygienic rules of care are violated, all ten, mankind invented disposable diapers, however, this only slightly reduced the number of skin diseases.

Diaper dermatitis remains one of the most common complaints that parents turn to pediatricians.

Why does it occur?

The problem has two main causes: external stimuli and internal factors. In practice, there is always a combination of both.

Internal causes

In newborns, the skin is very thin, not having such a developed degree of protection as the skin of adults. It is particularly sensitive to any influence - temperature, humidity, the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. It absorbs moisture faster, gets wet, the pores expand. This feature of the structure of the dermis is characteristic of children up to one and a half to two years old. Then the skin becomes denser and less prone to inflammation.

The most susceptible to diaper dermatitis are children who have problems with the balance of beneficial and opportunistic bacteria. These conditions sometimes occur due to prolonged use of antibiotics. Babies with reduced immunity after a disease are also more susceptible to negative local effects on the skin. Children who are genetically predisposed to allergies in general and its skin manifestations in particular often suffer from diaper dermatitis.

External causes

External irritants are well known and obvious - these are feces and urine. Diaper dermatitis always occurs due to the fact that the baby's skin comes into contact with ammonia, which is contained in the urine, with urea. But the combination of urine and feces is the most dangerous, because in this case the skin is not only injured by the aggressive environment of urine, but also infected with opportunistic microbes that come out of the intestine along with feces. Inflammation develops in conditions of a lack of air flow, which is created under a diaper or wet diaper. In such a space, it is much easier for bacteria to multiply.

The most aggressive is concentrated urine. Such it becomes during periods of fluid loss by the body.

If the child is sick, he has a fever, if he sweats, then less urine is excreted. The less urine, the more concentrated it is.

Another reason from the outside is the mechanical friction of the diaper. Irritations from diapers are quite painful, especially when urine or feces get on them. The stool itself can change acidity depending on the child's diet, and even without urine can cause quite serious skin lesions. More often, children of the second half of the year suffer from diaper dermatitis, since complementary foods that the mother introduces from about 6 months significantly change the composition of the intestinal contents, acidity increases, and the composition of urine when eating not only mother's milk, but also juices, changes significantly.

Auxiliary factors

A poor-quality diaper that does not hold moisture well is more likely to cause dermatitis in the intimate area than a good diaper that separates fluid from feces and is impregnated with a softening balm. But even an excellent and expensive diaper will not save the child from the inflammatory process if the parents rarely change it, allow overflow, and also wipe the child when changing the diaper, and not wash it.

Violation of hygiene rules - the most common auxiliary factor against which inflammatory processes develop under the diaper. Moreover, violations include not only insufficient water procedures, but also excessive washing, especially if parents use soap for this every time. Soap dries the skin, makes it more fragile and vulnerable, it is easier to form microcracks on it, in which pathogenic bacteria multiply perfectly.

Soap is enough to use only when the baby crap one's pants. If there was no bowel movement, you can simply wash the child with plain water. Overheating also affects the appearance of inflammation. If the room is tropical heat, then the baby sweats. Under the diaper, the temperature is higher than outside it, respectively, not only urine and feces, but also the salty environment of sweat act on the skin.

Symptoms and signs

Moms can easily identify the first symptoms of diaper dermatitis without any special knowledge in the field of medicine:

  • The skin of the child turns red and visually swells. The lesion may be reddish or deep red, slightly swollen. Inflammation does not have clear delineated boundaries, it is blurry.
  • Outside diaper the skin remains clean and healthy.
  • The swelling is unevenly distributed. Where there was the closest contact with urine or feces, hyperemia is more pronounced. Nearby there may be "islands" of perfectly healthy light skin, alternating with other inflamed fragments.

  • Inflammation changes all the time. If in the morning fragments of redness and swelling looked a certain way, then by lunchtime they can merge, decrease or increase, change their location.
  • "Fresh" inflammation is characterized by the appearance of a small weeping rash. Older foci of inflammation dry up, peel off.

More "picturesque" looks like dermatitis, which is joined by a bacterial or fungal infection. In addition to all the above signs, the lesion sites are covered with a serous coating, a film, eczema with loose edges are formed. With fungal diaper dermatitis, the edges of eczema may be white or grayish.

In general, the child behaves restlessly, cries, eats less willingly and sleeps very badly. Pain, itching, tingling increase significantly immediately after the baby pees, and some time after he empties the intestines, provided that he does all this in a diaper. With a large area of ​​damage, inflammation can also affect the mucous membranes of the genital organs - under foreskin in boys and the labia minora and the vaginal opening in girls.

Body temperature may rise slightly if the dermatitis is extensive. Small inflammatory processes are not accompanied by fever.


The task of the pediatrician is not only to confirm or refute diaper dermatitis in infants, but also to distinguish it from other skin diseases - atopic or allergic dermatitis, seborrheic inflammation or contact dermatitis. These conditions require different treatment with the use of different medications.

Diaper dermatitis, according to its characteristic visual signs, is diagnosed quite easily. It is more difficult to determine which bacterium or fungus caused secondary inflammation if there is a fact of an attached infection.


Treatment of diaper dermatitis always begins with a review of the parents' approach to hygiene when caring for a child. It is important that the diaper be changed as often as possible without waiting for it to overflow and inflate. After a bowel movement, a diaper change is mandatory, with the obligatory washing of the child with warm soapy water. Air baths are very useful, so parents often need to remove the diaper from the child and let the skin “breathe”.

Quite often, it is possible to cope with mild diaper dermatitis with the mere observance of hygiene rules and the use of air baths.

With a more extensive lesion, which greatly worries the child, the doctor may additionally prescribe some pharmaceutical products. In choosing drugs, he will adhere to the rule "wet - dry, dry - moisturize" . Therefore, for weeping rashes and wet eczema, drying agents, such as talker, are usually prescribed. "Tsindol" or ointment "Desitin". With dry skin in the affected areas, soft anti-inflammatory and moisturizing creams are prescribed: "Bepanten", "Drapolen" or children's "Panthenol".

If the doctor determines that a fungal infection has joined the inflammation, then he may advise for local application nystatin ointment or Clotrimazole. With a bacterial complication - ointments with antibiotics. Quickly cure bacterial inflammation helps "Baneocin" and tetracycline ointment.

Allergy medications are not usually prescribed. If the problem is not resolved within a week, despite the prescribed treatment, then the doctor may advise hormonal ointments, such as "Advantan". Parents will treat the baby at home, there are usually no indications for hospitalization for diaper dermatitis. From folk remedies, pediatricians fully approve of sea buckthorn oil on dry areas of inflamed skin, washing with a decoction of chamomile with a weeping rash.

It is strictly forbidden to lubricate the inflamed areas of the skin with brilliant green, iodine, sprinkle abundantly with powder. Do not wash the child with a solution of potassium permanganate. Manual removal of dried crusts is prohibited in order to avoid additional infection.

  • The diaper must be sized. Disposable panties, which are large or small, only increase the negative mechanical effect on the skin. It is especially important to choose good and high-quality diapers for a night's sleep, because the child is in them longer than during the day. Such hygiene products must have excellent ability to absorb liquid. It is best to give preference to diapers with a gel-forming outer layer. All the liquid that enters them turns into a gel, the skin of the crumbs, even with a long stay in a diaper, does not come into contact with urine.

  • For daily hygiene, it is important to use only children's cosmetics and care products. Adult soap or cream is not suitable for children's skin and, in addition to the prerequisites for the development of diaper dermatitis, they also create an excellent platform for the development of contact allergies.
  • When washing, it is important to ensure that so that a jet of water rinses all the folds of the skin, since urine and fecal particles that may remain in them will definitely give an inflammatory process in the most painful place - in the folded area.

  • After bathing or washing, you do not need to dry the child with a towel., since this only increases the possibility of inflicting a microtrauma on the skin. It is best to gently blot the skin with a dry and clean diaper.
  • Opponents of wearing disposable diapers argue that they are harmful and dangerous, especially for boys. This harm is medically unjustified and greatly exaggerated. If a child who grows up in diapers begins to suffer from diaper dermatitis, it makes sense to switch to diapers at least at night.

  • Manifestations of diaper dermatitis are stronger in children who are bottle-fed. This is due to a different acidity of the feces, which is formed in children who eat mixtures. To minimize the risks and save the baby from such a nuisance as diaper rash, you need to carefully consider the choice of the mixture itself. It is best if it is fully adapted for children up to 6 months and partially adapted for children from six months.
  • If parents prefer to use gauze diapers or reusable panty diapers with fabric or gauze inserts, then they should be washed only with baby soap or a special hypoallergenic powder, then boiled for 10 minutes and only then rinsed with chilled, pre-boiled water. This will help reduce the risk of developing inflammation in the groin and genital area.

You can learn more about children's film dermatitis from Dr. Komorowski by watching the video below.

In children under one year old, there is often reddening of the genital organs and nearby areas of the skin, which cause discomfort and itching of irritated areas. Of course, this is very scary for parents, and they go to the doctor on suspicion of diaper dermatitis or urgently self-medicate.

Diaper dermatitis - a disease caused by diaper rash of the genital organs in a child. By international classification diseases of the 10th revision of the ICD 10, has the code L22.

Symptoms of diaper dermatitis in children

Diaper dermatitis, there are three degrees of complexity of the disease: mild, moderate and complex. The difference in the size of the skin area affected by dermatitis.

Difficult degree, most often observed in girls. This is due anatomical feature genitals. Also in children on artificial feeding, inflamed areas around the anus are observed. This is due to the individual alkaline environment that is released during emptying.

What does diaper dermatitis look like video:

Sometimes diaper dermatitis is confused with hemangioma. You can find out hemangioma or diaper dermatitis only by visiting a specialist and taking tests to the laboratory. Thus, an accurate diagnosis can be determined and effective treatment can be prescribed.

Signs of diaper dermatitis

  • Redness.
  • Itching, burning.
  • Blisters, flaky skin.
  • Swelling.
  • Pustular formations.
  • Whims.
  • Crying while changing diapers.
  • Crying during bowel movements.

Diaper dermatitis in children is not a dangerous disease. It is characterized by irritation, discomfort and pain in the affected areas. It does not require additional examination by a specialist; it is possible to treat diaper dermatitis at home. However, it is imperative to apply therapeutic measures in a timely manner, otherwise there is a risk of complications.

What does diaper dermatitis look like in babies?

Bubble formations, peeling of the skin. Such a formation on children's skin indicates the progression of diaper dermatitis.

Pustular formations, swelling of the skin. Similar complications of diaper dermatitis occur in acute form illness. If no action is taken, the disease can turn into chronic illness. In this case, there is a release of lymph and blood through the skin of the baby.

Child anxiety. Anxiety is a normal response to pain: itching, burning in the genital area. The child may not sleep well, refuse food and be constantly capricious.

Causes of diaper dermatitis in children

Baby skin is very thin and delicate. There is little moisture in it, therefore, with the slightest irritation, progression of diaper dermatitis occurs.

Causes of diaper dermatitis:

External factors. If the baby is in a hot room for a long time, everything inside the diaper will melt. This is the impetus for the development of diaper dermatitis.

mechanical impact. This is the usual friction of clothes on the skin, including a baby's diaper. In this case, stripes may be observed at the point of contact between the skin and things.

Chemical impact. Allergic reaction to hygiene products.

Exposure to pathogenic microbes. Microbes, getting on children's skin, cause inflammation. Some of their species can infect with streptococci and staphylococci. Then white plaques appear on the red inflamed areas, it is much more difficult to cure diaper dermatitis in a child.

What does diaper dermatitis look like in children?

Features of the body. This factor is no less important. This includes many sources of the disease:

  • atopic predisposition;
  • increased ammonia in the urine;
  • weak immune system;
  • diarrhea or feces with aggressive enzymes.

This greatly enhances the negative impact on diaper dermatitis.

Improper care of the baby's genital area:

  • untimely diaper change and washing of the genitals;
  • not thorough or very frequent washing of the genitals, which leads to drying of the skin;
  • putting on a new diaper on insufficiently dried skin.

Wrong food. Protein food is an integral part of urine and feces, which can change the composition of bowel movements. Then it is recommended to change the mixture for feeding the baby.

Where does dermatitis form in children?

There are cases when skin lesions occur in various places. Diaper dermatitis on the face of a child is the first stage of the disease, it can be caused not only by overheating, but also by nutrition, chemical exposure.

If there is a characteristically pronounced diaper dermatitis on the pope, in the groin or folds of the child's skin, then the disease is progressing.

Diaper dermatitis in a newborn on the navel and in the groin photo

What does diaper dermatitis look like in newborns?

Diaper dermatitis on the pope photo

Diaper dermatitis in girls photo

Dermatitis damage to several skin areas at the same time or a large area requires emergency complex therapy.

Types of baby diaper dermatitis

Candidal diaper dermatitis. In the groin area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe baby, there are bright foci of inflammation. Usually they are dry and caused by an allergic process. Candidal diaper dermatitis does not go away on its own, so doctors prescribe ointments and compresses. Get rid of diaper dermatitis of this type at home will not work.

Bacterial diaper dermatitis. It is characterized by the attachment of bacteria to an already existing diaper dermatitis. It is classified as a complication of the disease.

Fungal diaper dermatitis. In most cases, it occurs after 4 days of productive treatment, which did not improve the dynamics of the disease.

At the initial stage of the disease or the absence of complications, it is necessary to start treatment of the affected skin areas as soon as possible. Therapy can be both medical and with the help of proven folk remedies.

Photo of diaper dermatitis in babies

Treatment of diaper dermatitis in newborns

Before treating diaper dermatitis, parents should pay attention to the provoking factor and eliminate it so as not to aggravate the situation.

How to treat diaper dermatitis in newborns:

  1. It is necessary to minimize the contact of the irritated skin of the baby with moisture. It is recommended to use modern diapers with an internal gel layer. Then the urine is absorbed into the gel, and the surface that comes into contact with the genitals remains dry. It is better to completely abandon such products until complete recovery.
  2. When using a diaper, they need to be changed regularly, even at night.
  3. For washing baby clothes, you need to use only baby powder. The usual provokes an allergic reaction that contributes to dermatitis.
  4. It is right to choose clothes that will not press, and rub the perineum of the baby.
  5. If the baby has skin with increased absorption capacity, then you need to pay more attention to care with the help of safe cosmetics.
  6. It is better to wash the child with boiled water, in order to avoid bacteria getting on irritated skin. The folds are washed well, and the remnants of the old cream or powder are removed. It is recommended to refuse a talc-based product.
  7. Dry your skin with a soft towel. Rinse carefully and gently.
  8. On the mild stage diaper dermatitis, regular diaper changes (every 3 hours), can ensure the rapid passage of the disease without special ointments.

The easiest method to quickly cure diaper dermatitis in newborns is to expose the lower body and leave it in contact with air. !

In addition to regular washing of the baby's genitals, it is recommended to use ointments or powders to prevent diaper dermatitis.

Remedy for diaper dermatitis

The problem of the appearance of diaper dermatitis is common among infants. To prevent and cure, you should choose the most effective remedy from diaper dermatitis. With pronounced signs of the disease, you need to purchase and use special ointments containing zinc oxide, benzalkonium chloride and citrimide.

Zinc paste. Helps well zinc paste with diaper dermatitis. Before applying the paste to the skin, it is necessary to wash and dry the area affected by dermatitis. Desirable antiseptic treatment, such as fukortsinom. The paste is used two to four times a day. The duration of use is prescribed by the doctor. It is necessary to wash off the paste completely every other day (before washing off, soften the resulting layer of paste with vegetable oil). Children who are allergic to zinc oxide should not use (rare).

Sudocrem. Well treats and prevents rashes, diaper rash and diaper dermatitis in infants Sudocrem.

Use after every diaper change. Apply a thin layer of cream for diaper dermatitis and rub into the skin. A thin film should form. If it does not appear, apply a little more cream. Arising White spot indicates an excess of cream applied to the skin. Remove the extra layer. Sudocrem side effects does not have.

Bepanten. Bepanten is recommended for diaper rash and diaper dermatitis. This drug is therapeutic, healing the skin and normalizing its functions. Bepanten with diaper dermatitis is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin after changing diapers. Before applying the cream, it is recommended to wash the baby and dry the skin thoroughly. The occurrence of side effects is possible with an allergy to the ingredients of bepanthen.

Baneocin. Baneocin powder is used for diaper dermatitis. The powder is sprinkled on the skin and inguinal folds (like baby powder) 2-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 1 week. If an additional course is needed, the dosage of baneocin is halved. Has a long list of contraindications. Please read the instructions carefully before using.

Nystatin ointment. Nystatin ointment for diaper dermatitis is smeared on the affected skin with a thin layer 2 times (morning and evening). The course of use is from three days to one month. Possible side effects(indicated in the instructions).

Clotrimazole. Clotrimazole with diaper dermatitis is applied 2-3 times daily. It is recommended to smear for a month, even if recovery has come earlier and there are no symptoms of the disease. The ointment is applied to pre-washed and dried skin. If after a week of use there is no improvement, you need to show the child to the doctor.

methylene blue. Blue with diaper dermatitis is used externally (alcohol solution 1 to 3%). The affected skin must be cleaned and blued with a cotton swab. The affected and adjacent healthy places are wetted. Recommended for children over one year old. How much to smear with blue diaper dermatitis - the doctor prescribes.

The preparations stimulate epithelialization of the skin, disinfect and soften, relieve inflammation.

It is forbidden to use ointments and powders at the same time on the same skin areas.!

With diaper dermatitis, you need to get medical advice. The doctor will determine the condition of the infected skin areas, prescribe an effective powder or cream and prescribe complex therapy.

Treatment of folk remedies for diaper dermatitis

Proven folk remedies for diaper dermatitis:

Oat infusion. Bathing a baby with an infusion of oats is an integral part of therapy for the treatment of diaper dermatitis. This procedure should be carried out daily.

2 tbsp. l. oats, brew in 1 cup of boiled water. Insist 30 minutes.

St. John's wort and olive oil. To cure diaper dermatitis in a child, you need St. John's wort and olive oil, sweat in a water bath for 1 hour. Warm decoction, wipe the skin 2 p. per day.

Potato. Grind a raw potato on a grater and apply as a compress on irritated skin. Remove after 20 min. and wipe with warm water.

Potatoes and celery. Potatoes and celery (1:1), grate on a fine grater. Apply to irritated skin. After 10 minutes, remove with cotton wool or a cotton swab, previously moistened with chamomile decoction or boiled water.

Oak bark. Also, infusions can be prepared with the addition of oak bark. It is recommended to wipe the problem areas of the skin daily with warm soapy water, and then treat with this infusion.

Treatment of dermatitis folk methods video:

Prevention of diaper dermatitis in children

To prevent the appearance of diaper dermatitis, it is recommended to use only high-quality diapers, limit their use. If the disease process of diaper dermatitis has already begun, but is still barely noticeable, temporarily completely abandon them.

  • You need to change the diaper after each emptying of the baby, at least 4 times a day.
  • It is good to rinse the folds of the perineum of the baby, and wash off the remnants of cosmetics.
  • More often use special creams for diaper dermatitis for children.
  • Try not to use hygiene cosmetics with a strong characteristic odour.

The disease is not particularly dangerous. If diaper dermatitis does not go away for more than a month, then parents should make every effort to solve the problem.

Diaper dermatitis - Doctor Komarovsky video:

You can find out the best way to treat diaper dermatitis by contacting a doctor. It is not recommended to run it, because the baby will constantly feel pain, act up, lack sleep. Untimely therapy will aggravate the situation and you will have to resort to serious drug treatment. When diaper dermatitis does not go away for two months or more, with acute symptoms illness requires hospitalization.

Diaper dermatitis (which also has a “modern” name - diaper dermatitis) is one of the fairly common skin problems that occurs not only in infants, but also affects the adult population, especially in the field of geriatrics (care for the elderly). Why does an unpleasant disease appear? What are medical methods? Is there a prophylaxis that prevents the development of diaper dermatitis and inflammation (diaper rash)?

Diaper dermatitis (also irritant contact dermatitis) is a broad term. The main reason for its development in a child and an adult is moist skin, the reason for which is the retention of urine in a relatively non-breathable diaper. The diaper prevents the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin. In addition, moisture increases with the release of sweat. With an increase in skin temperature and vasodilation, irritation and inflammation develop. Wet leather is more prone to damage, abrasions caused by friction.

Another risk factor is skin contact with feces during diarrhea, poor hygiene (not changing diapers or incontinence aids often enough). The stool contains activated enzymes that are directly responsible for its strong irritant potential, leading to redness, rashes in the anus. Damaged skin is the gateway to certain irritants found in creams, cleansers, medical preparations. All of these factors also contribute to the growth of the microbial environment (fungus, bacteria) and the development of infection.

Cases of diaper dermatitis are less commonly diagnosed in newborns and babies who are breastfed. The reason is the difference in the composition of feces. The stool of infants has more low level pH, hence lower activity of irritating enzymes (fecal proteases).

Causes of the development of diaper dermatitis

There are many reasons for the problems. The most common of these are:

  • Impact of urine. Humid, warm environment in a diaper disrupts the protective function of the skin. In addition, urine changes over time chemical composition which irritates the skin.
  • Chair. Feces contain bacteria that disrupt the healthy skin barrier.
  • Mechanical damage to the skin with a diaper. In the areas of friction of the diaper, the skin can be damaged, which facilitates the development of infection.
  • Bacterial and fungal infections that can easily penetrate the dermis.
  • Irritation of children's skin caused by chemicals from wet wipes, soaps, washing powders, fabric softeners.
  • Diaper dermatitis is more common with diarrhoea, antibiotic use, and dietary changes, such as at the start of complementary foods.

Classification and forms of diaper dermatitis

Depending on the signs and according to the clinical picture, there are 5 main forms of diaper dermatitis.

  • "W" dermatitis is the most common form of the disease, accounting for 88% of cases of diaper dermatitis. A mild variant of this type of disease, occurring mainly in infants less than 4 months of age, is perianal erythema extending to the buttocks.
  • Terminal dermatitis is characterized by severely limited redness with infiltration on the inner thighs and abdominal cavity on the edge of the diaper. This condition is associated with skin friction with the edges of a disposable diaper. Other factors include the frequent alternation between drying and moisturizing the skin in these areas.
  • Erosive dermatitis is characterized by the presence of papular lesions (vesicles) on a raised area in the perigenital or perianal region. At the first stage of the disease, papulopustules or pustules up to 0.5-1.5 cm are formed, multiple painful ulcerations develop.
  • Infantile gluteal granuloma is the least common type of the disease. The main feature of the disease is the appearance on inside thighs or lower abdomen solitary, red-violet or brownish papules with a diameter of 0.5-4 cm.
  • A new type of disease has appeared in the last 20 years, due to the frequent use of disposable diapers in children under one year old. It is called "Lucky Luke" (Lucky Luke - Lucky Luke is a famous cowboy from the American animated series).

"W" dermatitis is the most common in infants.

Degrees of the disease

In accordance with the symptoms, 3 degrees of the disease are distinguished:

  • mild degree - symptoms are represented by slight reddening of the skin;
  • medium degree - swelling, significant redness, painful cracks, peeling, crusting;
  • severe degree - the complicated stage is characterized by extensive inflammatory foci, the affected areas acquire a bright red color, painful blisters, ulcers, and erosions form.


Development clinical manifestations the disease is very rapid, in some cases the reaction manifests itself within a few hours. In the place where the diaper fits (more often - under its edge), erythematous, slightly wet areas are formed, later maceration, erosion joins.

Fungal superinfection (predominantly candidal) appears as a whitish coating on the surface with small circular erosions and whitish borders. Candidiasis is often present on the face, in particular, in oral cavity. It is important to monitor the condition of the skin, since if inflammation persists, deep wounds and sores can develop.


Diagnosis of the disease is relatively easy, the diagnosis is determined in accordance with the course and clinical picture; often special studies are not required. However, there may be a problem in child care when parents try to get rid of the first symptoms by alternating various means which may worsen the condition.

Differential Diagnosis

For appointment proper treatment in children and adults, it is advisable to distinguish between diseases that can mimic, overlap the manifestations of diaper dermatitis and be combined with it. Similar diseases include:

  • seborrheic dermatitis,
  • psoriasis,
  • allergic reactions,
  • enteropathic acrodermatitis.

If after 3 days of treatment the disease does not respond to the applied therapy, additional studies are carried out, the treatment approach is changed.

Therapeutic methods

Treatment of diaper dermatitis should begin at early stage. The first steps are the use of creams and ointments containing panthenol, vitamin E, zinc, which are recommended to be used after each wash. If the condition does not improve within 3-5 days with home therapy, it is recommended to visit a doctor.

Therapeutic Approaches

The basis of the treatment of all types of diaper dermatitis is the observance of hygiene measures. Need to reduce skin moisture, prevent friction in the affected area, choose correct type diapers, change them more often. The frequency of diaper changes depends on age. A newborn urinates more than 20 times in 24 hours. Therefore, at this age, it is recommended to change the diaper before and after. breastfeeding, in the first weeks - about 12 times a day. This frequency decreases with age, you can gradually switch to changing the diaper after eating. A one-year-old child urinates about 7 times a day, but with a large amount of urine. Therefore, the number of dressing changes should not be less than 6-7 times in 24 hours.

In gerontology, incontinence aids (wipes, diapers, panties) are used due to their good absorbent effect, but, on the other hand, they retain moisture, prevent skin breathing, sweat evaporation, increase skin temperature, soften its upper layers (maceration). As a result, cracks, abrasions appear, sensitivity to irritation increases, and ideal conditions are created for the reproduction of bacteria and fungi. The most problematic areas are the areas of the rectum and genitals. Manufacturers of incontinence products recommend replacing them after 6-8 hours, regardless of soiling, i.e. 3-4 times a day.

Medical treatment

Drug therapy involves the use of substances and drugs for local effects on the disease.

Substances suitable for prophylactic and therapeutic use:

  • Lanolin. Calms and softens the skin. Due to its oily consistency, lanolin creates a protective layer.
  • zinc oxide. Responsible for drying up the secretion of the skin in the affected areas. In combination with the ointment base, zinc oxide creates a protective film that prevents irritation.
  • Dexpanthenol. Strengthens natural processes healing, has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the production of collagen and elastin in skin cells.
  • Creatine In combination with fatty substances, panthenol and chamomile, creatine has a significant protective effect in the composition of preparations designed to prevent the negative effects of aggressive substances in the urine and stool.
  • Clotrimazole. This active ingredient has a wide spectrum of antimycotic action, therefore it acts on many microorganisms (dermatophytes, yeasts, fungi).
  • Vitamin D. Promotes tissue granulation, regeneration of the upper layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, especially in combination with vitamin E.
  • Vitamin E, A. Support cell renewal, have an antioxidant effect.

The above overview of active substances is indicative only. For each adult and child, the most suitable remedy should be chosen. Check with your doctor. Preparations suitable for prophylactic and therapeutic use:

  • Sudocrem. An antiseptic protective cream containing lanolin that soothes and softens the skin. Zinc oxide dries up secretion (astringent effect), benzyl alcohol reduces pain, irritation, has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Benzyl benzoate and benzyl cinnamate promote the formation of a new top layer of skin at the site of injury.
  • Bepanten. Ointment containing 5% dexpanthenol. it active substance enhances the natural healing processes, acts anti-inflammatory, promotes the production of collagen and elastin. Lanolin is responsible for the sedative properties of the product. Bepanthen is used at every diaper change. Apply to well-cleansed skin.
  • Imazol. Cream containing the active ingredient clotrimazole (1%). The cream is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas 1-2 times a day (preferably in the morning and evening). 0.5 cm is enough to treat a palm-sized surface.

Folk methods

In addition to the above methods for the treatment of diaper dermatitis, you can apply tips traditional medicine. The most effective of them:

  • Tea against diaper rash and dermatitis. Brew strong quality black tea, cool, wash the affected areas several times a day.
  • Leave the child for 10-15 minutes without diapers several times a day, adults are advised to walk around naked.
  • Use cornstarch instead of powdered powder - it does not contain ingredients that can irritate the skin.
  • Dilute lavender oil (1:1) with high-quality olive oil, wipe the affected areas. It is not recommended to use on mucous membranes (for example, in the rectal area).

Disease prevention

An important role in the prevention of diaper dermatitis is played by the physician informing family members about the difference between caring for healthy skin and treating an already developed disease. Preventive measures include the following:

  • meticulous hygiene - washing the skin with warm water (if necessary, you can use mild soap);
  • frequent diaper changes;
  • allow the skin to rest for a few minutes each time you change clothes;
  • the use of ointments or creams that must meet the criteria recommended for preventive diaper skin care: ensuring optimal hydration, simple composition, no unnecessary ingredients, no toxic substances, fragrances, preservatives, disinfectants; the clinical efficacy and safety of the drug has been scientifically proven in children.

Complications of diaper dermatitis

A complication of diaper dermatitis is infection of the affected skin with a fungal or bacterial infection. It is often necessary to take tissue samples for microbiological examination, according to the results of which to prescribe a more targeted treatment. For more serious problems, drugs containing antimicrobial or antifungal agents are prescribed. Severe inflammation is pacified by the use of a mild topical corticosteroid combined with an antiviral or topical antibiotic.

Diaper dermatitis often occurs in children and adult bedridden patients. The reasons for its appearance are different. Several types of this disease are known.

You need to deal with them in different ways. Let's talk more about how to diagnose and choose correct method treatment.

What is diaper dermatitis?

A disease that often worries newborns - diaper dermatitis - occurs when the baby's skin comes into direct contact with diapers or diapers.

It manifests itself in the form of a rash, redness, mainly on the priest and genitals of the child. Skin folds on the neck can “suffer” and, worst of all, in the inguinal zone.

This disease affects both girls and boys under the age of 3 years, who have not yet learned to control urination and defecation (not potty trained).

More often than others, babies 4-6 months old suffer. At this age, they begin to actively move, sweat a lot. This activity causes damage skin.

In bedridden patients, the occurrence of diaper dermatitis is not uncommon. In their case, the appearance of redness and rash is associated with a decrease in the protective functions of the body.

Skin regeneration processes slow down. As a result, any scratch can cause serious complications.

There are three stages of diaper dermatitis. The easiest one is the first one. At the initial stage, the disease manifests itself in small redness. Usually they appear in those places where the baby's skin comes into contact with the diaper.

The second stage is characterized by: abrasions, diaper rash on the buttocks and in the inguinal zone. In severe cases, infection occurs with fungi - pathogens.

The third stage is the healing process. With properly selected treatment, it lasts no more than 3 days.

Types of diaper dermatitis

There are the following types of diaper dermatitis:

  • bacterial;
  • candidal;
  • fungal;
  • edge;
  • intertrigo;
  • impetigo.

They differ from each other in symptoms, the nature of the course. For each type of diaper dermatitis, you will need different methods treatment.


A complex form of diaper dermatitis is bacterial. This is an infection. Her treatment is best left to the doctor. How the baby's skin looks at the same time can be seen in the photo on the Internet. But don't self-diagnose if you don't have medical education.


After antibiotic therapy (taking antibiotics), you may experience candidal diaper dermatitis. It is characterized by bright red weeping or dry scaly patches on the skin. This disease is dangerous because its pathogens - the rapidly multiplying fungi Candida albicans - can enter the baby's body and worsen its condition.


Diagnosis Fungal dermatitis» the doctor puts if the four-day treatment of diaper dermatitis did not give the desired positive result. For its treatment it is necessary to choose antifungals. If you use ointments and creams containing antibiotics, the disease will begin to progress, complications will appear - ulcers, vesicles with liquid inside.


Edge diaper dermatitis occurs when a baby is put on a diaper that is not the right size. Elastic bands or fasteners dig into the skin, rub, cause red spots and wounds. This disease is easy to cure. In most cases, choosing the right diaper is sufficient. Skin lesions often heal without any creams or ointments.


At intertrigo in the folds of the skin (groin and buttocks) due to high humidity, abrasions, cracks, bedsores appear. Upon contact with urine, these areas become inflamed and acquire a yellowish tint.


In 80% of cases, the causative agent impetigo is Staphylococcus aureus. Symptoms of the disease are vesicles with a clear liquid, which after 3-4 days become covered with a yellowish dry crust. The affected area is the folds in the groin, on the hips. Children get impetigo more often than adults.

Causes of dermatitis

Diaper dermatitis often appears due to poor hygiene, from prolonged skin contact with wet material - a diaper or diaper.

The uric acid in urine causes skin irritation. The inflammatory process begins. Fecal particles enhance the damaging effect.

However, a violation of the rules of hygiene is not the only reason for the appearance of diaper dermatitis. This disease can also be caused by:

  • allergies to cosmetics or detergents(atopic, seborrheic, perianal dermatitis);
  • weak immunity;
  • high temperature and humidity;
  • infection with fungi, pathogenic microorganisms;
  • diapers that do not fit or are of poor quality (do not let air through)
  • baby food (baby formulas).

With atopic dermatitis, red spots, itchy skin appear on different parts of the body, but gradually “descend” to the inguinal zone. With seborrheic, bright red spots appear on the patient's head, which later "pass" to the baby's genitals.

Perianal usually occurs in “artists” as a reaction to infant formula: the alkali content increases in the feces, it irritates the skin near the anus.

Important! Diaper dermatitis can occur due to the increased content of aggressive substances in the feces or salts, ammonia in the patient's urine.

Symptoms of diaper dermatitis

The first signs signaling the appearance of diaper dermatitis are reddening of the skin, abrasions, diaper rash on the genitals and in the folds of the skin on the thighs. If you do not start treatment, in these places appear:

  • peeling;
  • wounds;
  • acne;
  • weeping areas;
  • bubbles with cloudy liquid inside;
  • burning;

The behavior of the child also changes. Newborns become restless, capricious. Older kids try to grab the diaper with their hands and pull it off.


Diaper dermatitis is easily confused with other diseases. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis. Often, a visual examination is enough for an experienced pediatrician: the diaper rash has clear boundaries, the wounds do not heal for more than 4 days.

If the prescribed treatment does not help, the doctor recommends taking a stool test for dysbacteriosis. The results of laboratory tests help to determine the irritating factor and choose an effective remedy.

Important! With diaper dermatitis, inflammation appears in the place where the skin of a baby or adult comes into contact with a diaper. A rash on the face or behind the ears are symptoms of another disease.

If you got up heat, rashes have acquired a maroon or blue color, oozing wounds have appeared, hair has begun to fall out, the patient needs to be urgently hospitalized.

Treatment of diaper dermatitis

If your child has diaper dermatitis and you do not know how to treat it, take the advice of an experienced pediatrician. So, E. O. Komarovsky (host of the popular TV show “Ask the Doctor”) advises taking air baths for 10-15 minutes at the initial stage of the disease and for prevention. The skin will be well “ventilated” and the affected areas will heal quickly.

If the disease progresses, medicines and traditional medicine recipes will help get rid of its symptoms. It is important to choose the right remedy depending on the type of diaper dermatitis.

Use ointments, creams, lotions or decoction lotions medicinal herbs only on the recommendation of a pediatrician or dermatologist.

The following rules will help speed up the healing process:

  • with weeping diaper dermatitis, use powder or ointments that have a drying effect;
  • for the healing of wounds and cracks - therapeutic agents that accelerate the regeneration of the skin;
  • do not use powder and cream at the same time;
  • hormonal ointments with diaper dermatitis - only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Medical treatment

For the treatment of diaper dermatitis at the initial stage, the affected areas of the skin should be treated with brilliant green (2% solution). Weeping areas are sprinkled with Baneocin powder. It is better to refuse talc at this stage. For diaper dermatitis, pediatricians also recommend the following: medications:

Name Effect
Bepanthen (cream)Has a healing effect.
Desitin (ointment)It has a soothing effect on inflamed skin. Used to dry the skin with weeping diaper dermatitis.
D-Panthenol (cream)Relieves inflammation. Gets rid of diaper rash.
Candide (lotion)
Clotrimazole (cream)Helps fight fungal infections.
Methylene blue (alcohol solution)Used for disinfection. Not recommended for the treatment of diaper rash in children under 1 year of age.
Miconazole (cream)Helps fight fungal infections.
Nystatin ointmentHelps fight fungal infections. Suitable for breasts.
Sinoflan ointmentIt is prescribed to treat an allergic reaction. Eliminates skin itching.
SudocremIt is used for the treatment and prevention of diaper rash and diaper rash.
Tetracycline ointmentSaves from suppuration with a bacterial infection.
Chlorhexidine (disinfectant)Has antiseptic properties. It has a prolonged (long-term) effect.
Zinc ointmentA good wound healing agent. Before use, it is recommended to pre-treat the affected area with an antiseptic.

These medical preparations Helpful for both children and adults. The last to fight fungal infections is recommended to use the cream "Ketoconazole", tablets (capsules) "Itraconazole".

For the treatment of bacterial diaper dermatitis - Levorin, Nystatin. Ointments and creams are applied to damaged areas of the skin up to 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

Before using any remedy, the affected area is washed with clean warm water and baby soap. It is better not to use cosmetics: they can cause an allergic reaction and worsen the patient's condition. After that, the moisture is blotted ( do not rub!) with a towel. If the disease is not started, improvement occurs in 2-3 days.

In adults, Levomekol ointment is used to treat diaper rash and bedsores. In the fight against fungal infection, Miconazole cream helps well, with pathogenic microflora - Baneocin powder. Effective air baths and decoctions of medicinal plants.

Folk remedies for diaper dermatitis

Diaper dermatitis can also be treated at home using alternative medicine recipes. In order not to harm, it is recommended to do this only after consulting a pediatrician or dermatologist. It is possible to quickly achieve a positive result by combining drugs and folk remedies.

decoction of oats

To combat diaper dermatitis, a decoction made from oats is often used. It is added to bathing water. The decoction is prepared as follows:

  1. Two tables. spoons (25 g) of crushed dry grains pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Leave for half an hour.
  3. Strain.
  4. Add to the water in which the child will be bathed.
  5. The duration of the water procedure is 15 minutes.

Potato and celery

If with diaper dermatitis it took emergency help, use gruel made from raw potatoes and celery.

  1. Vegetables (equal parts), chopped (you can use a blender).
  2. Apply to damaged areas of the skin.
  3. Leave for 15-25 minutes.
  4. Remove with a damp cotton pad.

St. John's wort oil

To eliminate inflammation twice a day, lubricate the damaged areas of the skin with St. John's wort oil. Prepare it as follows:

  1. Chopped fresh grass (30 g) pour 200 ml of olive oil.
  2. Put in a warm place.
  3. Stir occasionally for 14 days.

If the prescribed treatment does not help, the diaper rash does not go away, complications arise, the help of an allergist, immunologist, gastroenterologist will be required.


Compliance with simple rules will avoid the appearance of diaper dermatitis:

  • Choose your diaper size.
  • Use high-quality diapers that will allow the skin to "breathe".
  • Change diapers every 3-4 hours and after each bowel movement.
  • It will not be superfluous to lubricate the buttocks and groin area with special creams and oils.
  • Let your skin dry before putting on a diaper.
  • Use underwear made from natural fibers (cotton, bamboo). Avoid synthetic materials.
  • Wash clothes with a hypoallergenic powder.
  • Maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity in the room.
  • Make sure that the patient regularly takes air baths.


Diaper dermatitis is damage to the skin on the thighs, buttocks, in the groin area. The disease often occurs as allergic reaction on cosmetics that treat the skin of a child or an adult.

The appearance of this disease is often associated with a violation of hygiene rules and dietary habits. At risk are children under 3 years of age and bedridden patients who, due to different reasons unable to take care of themselves.

For the treatment of diaper dermatitis, drugs (creams, ointments, lotions) and traditional medicine (decoctions of medicinal plants, lotions from chopped fresh vegetables) are used. Self-medication is not recommended.
