Analysis of the exam in social studies in the form of the exam. Analysis of the exam in social studies in the form of the exam Where to see your work

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20.02.2017. № 33

Analytical reference

about the results of the trial exam in social science in grade 11

2016-2017 academic year

3. Analyze typical mistakes and plan accordingly corrective work to eliminate gaps in the knowledge of students in social studies.

4. Ensure systematic repetition of the material covered in order to firmly master the 11th grade graduates of the main elements of the content of the social science course in order to increase the average score.

Deadline: second half of the 2016-2017 academic year.

5. Carry out corrective work to eliminate gaps in students' knowledge on topics in which mistakes were made.

5. Bring to the attention of parents against signature information about the results of the exam.

6. Teachers working in graduating classes should pay Special attention for tasks of working with text and writing historical essay, work with text.

Deadline: second half of 2017.

Chief Specialist of the OOK

The unified state exam is a mandatory test for obtaining general secondary education and continuing education in secondary and higher educational organizations. There are compulsory subjects and optional subjects. Among the second, social science has taken the lead for several years now. This year it will be written about 400 thousand schoolchildren.

The procedure for conducting, scoring and announcing the results of the exam are regulated in the Federal Law No. 273 "On Education in the Russian Federation".

We'll see when it's known USE results in social studies 2017 and what are the ways to find them.

When will the exam results be out?

USE Schedule in Social Studies 2017 determined the date of delivery of discipline on June 5, Monday. June 21 has been allocated as a reserve date, as well as July 1 - the day when you can turn in any item.

According to rules for conducting a single exam, the deadlines for checking completed tasks and announcing the results have a certain time frame:

  • Forms of KIMs (control and measuring materials) are scanned at the exam venues and in in electronic format sent to regional information processing centers. This stage takes up to 4 days;
  • From regional centers, scans of works are transferred to federal center, where they are reprocessed. This is the longest period, which can last up to a week;
  • Results issued at the federal level are transferred back to the regions (1 day);
  • On the ground, state examination boards at meetings confirm the results of the federal audit (1 day);
  • 1 day is also given for the publication of the results.

In total, it takes no more than 14 days to check the results of the exam. Considering that a holiday on June 12 falls within this period, the official day of publication of the results of the exam in social studies appointed to 22nd of June.

Note that June 22 is maximum late deadline announcement of results. Statistics show that, on average, the number of points scored becomes known 2-3 days ahead of schedule.

Where to find out the results of the exam in social studies

Publication of USE results takes place on a number of information portals:

  • The official portal of the Unified State Exam;
  • Sites of regional committees, departments of education.

In addition, you can find out the results of the passed exam at:

  • Information stands in schools or other places where the exam is taken;
  • Through hot telephone lines opened in a number of regions by education departments.

To check the result you need:

  • Name of the examinee;
  • Passport ID;
  • Identification number issued to the participant of the exam.

Information is provided to persons who have taken the exam, as well as to their parents, free of charge.

Where can you see your work?

You can get acquainted with your work after passing the exam and publishing the results. All scanned works go to Personal Area USE participant on the official website of the Unified State Examination. From the scans, you can understand how the work is evaluated, and what mistakes were made.

Often, published works and results raise questions and disagree with the final scores. In this case, it is necessary within 2 days after the announcement of the results of the exam file an appeal with the examining committee.

The commission will reconsider the work and issue a verdict:

  • About the change in the assessment;
  • Refusal to change it.

The Commission is also authorized to accept applications for violations during the exam. Such appeals are filed on the day of the examination. The reason may be:

  • Violations of the rules of the event by the organizers;
  • Failure to provide the agreed time of 4 hours (if this did not happen through the fault of the exam participant).

It is important for students to follow the order of the Unified Exam:

  1. Come to the drop-off points in advance to fill out the documents;
  2. Do not take prohibited items with you (mobile devices, books, cheat sheets);
  3. Follow the rules of conduct during the exam, excluding the possibility of "writing off" or consulting with a friend.

The Unified State Exam is a serious state-level event, during which participants must strictly follow all the regulations.

The assessment of the Unified Exam is conducted in two point systems:

  • primary;
  • Test.

Initially submitted works are evaluated at primary scores. Further, on a special scale, which undergoes changes every year and depends on the general level of preparation of schoolchildren, primary scores transferred to test. It is the number of test scores that is the final result of the exam.

It is important to note that the results are published in primary scores!

In 2017, to pass social studies, you need to score minimum 19 primary or 42 test scores.

Early exam in social science

Annually in the spring, an early stage of passing the state exam is held. It involves schoolchildren who will not be able to take part in the main stage. Reasons accepted are:

  • Treatment, rest in sanatoriums;
  • Participation in olympiads, competitions.

Early exam in social science 2017 passed April 7 and on the spare day April 12th. It was written by 17.5 thousand schoolchildren. The results were released on time, April 18.

Date of retaking the exam in social studies in 2017

Social science is an elective discipline in the USE system. According to the rules, its retake is possible only next year.

Choosing this subject as an examination, experts recommend soberly assessing your strengths and carefully preparing for delivery. About 20% of schoolchildren, having chosen social science as additional subject, do not pass the exam.

Failure in an exam in this subject does not threaten the absence of a certificate, but is often required for admission to universities.

Almost 14% of USE participants in social studies did not overcome the minimum threshold in 2017, and this figure was lower than in 2016. Sergey Kravtsov, head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor), told reporters about this.

"The average scores in all three subjects in 2017 are comparable to the results of last year. The number of participants who failed to overcome the established minimum threshold in subjects has decreased: in social studies - to 13.8% from 17.5% last year, in physics - up to 3.8% from 6.1%, according to the literature - up to 2.9% from 4.4% a year earlier", he clarified.

The head of Rosobrnadzor also noted that the results of the USE in these subjects have already been transferred to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. "The results went to the regions one day earlier", - S. Kravtsov explained.

During the main period, about 318,000 participants took the USE in social science, over 155,000 in physics, and over 41,000 in literature.

The main period of the Unified State Exam-2017 runs from May 29 to July 1. About 703 thousand people plan to take part in the exams, of which about 617 thousand are graduates current year. Examinations are held in all subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as in 52 countries abroad.

/ Monday, June 19, 2017 /

Rosobrnadzor summed up the preliminary results of the exam in social science, literature and physics. This year, more students were able to overcome the minimum threshold than last year, the press service of Rosobrnadzor reported, citing the head of the service, Sergei Kravtsov.

. . . . .

Kravtsov explained the decrease in the number of schoolchildren who could not overcome the minimum threshold by the fact that the results of the USE are used in the work of institutes for advanced training of teachers. Thanks to the use of scanning technology for participants' works at the examination points, the results of the USE in social science, literature and physics were processed ahead of schedule established by the schedule for issuing results. Graduates will be able to find out their result a day earlier.

Participants of the Unified State Examination (USE) in the Russian language will be able to find out their results five days ahead of schedule. . . . . .

"Five days earlier, participants will find out their results in the Russian language - this is 700 thousand people, this has never happened, so that schoolchildren can get results and hold graduation balls in peace. This is very important, this is not the case anywhere in the world", - stressed S. Kravtsov.

In turn, the deputy head of Rosobrnadzor Anzor Muzaev noted that the results will be transferred to the regions on June 22, 2017. "On Thursday, June 22, all educational institutions will have data, referring to which they will be able to issue certificates" he explained.

The Unified State Examination in the Russian language was held on June 9. 628 thousand people signed up to participate in the exam, 5.4 thousand examination points (PET) were involved in its conduct. Earlier it was reported that the participants of the exam will know their results no later than June 27, 2017.

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Analysis of the exam in social studies in the form of the exam

Number of students: 3

Number of writers: 3

Teacher: Zalevskaya N.I.

FI student

Tasks 2 groups

individual and society, including knowledge and spiritual culture


social relations




% completed

Absolute progress: 100%

FI student

Part 1 (35 points)

Part 2 (27 points)

Total points

% completed



Analysis of the exam in the form of the exam showed the following:

Part 1 contains 20 short answer tasks, tasks of two difficulty levels: 10 basic level tasks and 10 advanced level tasks. Maximum primary score - 35

In the examination paper, the following types of tasks with a short answer are proposed:

Tasks for choosing and writing one or more correct answers from the proposed list of answers;

The task is to identify the structural elements of concepts using diagrams and tables;

Task to establish the correspondence of positions presented in two sets;

Task for differentiation in social information of facts and opinions;

The task is to define terms and concepts that correspond to the proposed context.

Tasks 1-3 are aimed at testing the knowledge and understanding of the biosocial essence of a person, the main stages and factors of the socialization of the individual, the patterns and trends in the development of society, the main social institutions and processes, etc.

Tasks 4-19 include tasks of basic and advanced levels, aimed at testing the formation of skills: characterize from scientific positions, the main social objects (facts, phenomena, processes, institutions), their place and significance in the life of society as an integral system; search social information presented in various sign systems (text, scheme, table, diagram); apply socio-economic and humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive problems on topical social problems. The tasks of this group represent the traditional five thematic modules of the social science course: man and society, including cognition and spiritual culture (tasks 4-6); economics (tasks 7-10), social relations (tasks 11, 12); politics (tasks 13-15); law (tasks 16-19).

Task 20 is aimed at testing skills: analyze and summarize disordered social information; making a difference in neufacts and opinions, arguments and conclusions; explain internal and external relations (causal and functional) of the studied social objects (including the interaction of man and society, society and nature, society and culture, subsystems and structural elements of the social system, social qualities of a person.

Part 2 contains 9 tasks with a detailed answer, two tasks of the basic level (21 and 22) and seven tasks of a high level of complexity (23-29). The maximum primary score is 27.

Tasks 21 and 22 are aimed primarily at identifying the ability to find, consciously perceive and accurately reproduce the information contained in the text in an explicit form (task 21), as well as apply it in a given context.

Task 23 is aimed at characterizing (or explaining, or concretizing) the text or its individual provisions based on the studied course, based on contextual social science knowledge.

Task 24 involves the use of text information in a different cognitive situation, independent formulation and argumentation of evaluative, prognostic and other judgments related to the problems of the text.

Task 25 tests the ability to independently reveal the meaning of key social science concepts and apply them in a given context.

Task 26 tests the ability to concretize with examples the studied theoretical positions and concepts of the social sciences that form the social science course.

Task-task 27 requires: analysis of the information provided, including statistical and graphic; connection explanations social facilities, processes; formulation and argumentation of independent evaluative, prognostic and other judgments, explanations, conclusions. This assignment tests the ability to apply

social science knowledge in the process of solving cognitive problems on topical social problems.

Task 28 requires drawing up a plan for a detailed answer on a specific topic in a social science course. When performing tasks of this type, the following skills are revealed: to systematize and generalize social information; establish and reflect in the structure of the plan structural, functional, hierarchical and other connections of social objects, phenomena, processes.

The alternative task 29 completes the work, aiming the examiner to write a mini-essay on one of the five proposed topics.

Tasks 1-3, 10, 12 are evaluated by 1 point. The task is considered completed correctly if the answer is written in the form specified in the instructions for completing the task.

The correct performance of tasks 4-9, 11, 13-20 is estimated by 2 points. These assignments are graded as follows: complete correct execution tasks - 2 points; completion of the task with one error (one incorrectly indicated, including an extra, number along with all the correct numbers) OR incomplete completion of the task (lack of one required number) - 1 point; incorrect performance of the task (when specifying two or more erroneous numbers) - 0 points.

Full correct performance of tasks of part 2 is estimated from 2 to 5 points. For the complete correct completion of tasks 21, 22, 2 points are given; tasks 23-28 - 3 points each; tasks 29 - 5 points.

Total - 29 tasks (62 points).

The analysis showed that students completed the tasks of Part 1 better compared to the trial exam held in April 2017 (Fig. 1)

Picture 1.

Comparative analysis of the performance of tasks of the 1st part

The analysis showed that the students completed the tasks of Part 2 better compared to the trial exam held in April 2017 (Fig. 2)

Figure 2.

Comparative analysis of the performance of tasks 2 parts

The analysis showed that students improved their performance of tasks at the basic, advanced and high levels (Table 1).

Table 1.

Comparative analysis of task performance (by difficulty levels)

FI student

Basic level (19 p.)

Increased level (20 p.)

High level (23 p.)

7 points\37%

12 points\63%

12 points\60%

11 points\55%

9 points\39%

6 points\32%

14 points\74%

11 points\55%

14 points\70%

3 points\13%

14 points\74%

15 points\79%

8 points\40%

16 points\80%

0 points\0%

8 points\35%

Grade average - 57,7 (on a mock exam - 44,6 ).

Analysis of the task performance showed that the students completed:

- 56 % of tasks of the 1st group (trial - 44% );

- 89 % of tasks from the section "Man and society, including knowledge and spiritual culture" (trial - 44 %);

- 76 % of tasks from the section "Economics" (trial - 45,5 %);

- 78 % of tasks from the section "Social Relations" (trial - 41,5 %);

- 50 % of tasks from the "Politics" section (trial - 50 %);

- 58 % of tasks from the section "Law" (trial - 62 %);

- 100 % of task No. 20 (trial - 66 %);

- 35 % of tasks 2 parts (trial - 11 %).

Difficulties caused tasks 3, 17 ( a basic level of); 15, 18 (elevated level); 24-29 (high level).

Rosobrnadzor summed up the results of the main and additional stages of the USE in 2017. In general, the statistics show that this year's graduates coped with the exams more successfully than last year. About 620 thousand people took part in the exam.

The number of doubles has been halved. So, for example, it happened at the exam in history. In other subjects, the figures vary, but there are indeed fewer unsatisfactory works: in biology - by 0.3%, in chemistry - by 1.1%, in literature - by 1.5%, in physics - by 2%, in social science - by 4%, by foreign languages- by 25%.

The number of participants who scored from 80 to 100 points on the USE in 2017 increased by 2%.

Rosobrnadzor does not lose sight of talented graduates who managed to score the highest score in three subjects at once. This year there were six such guys: two from Yekaterinburg and one each from St. Petersburg, Penza, Perm and Kurgan. In 2016, there were only three three hundred points: from Olenegorsk (Murmansk region), Kemerovo and Kirov.

The number of fraud-related violations has decreased by a quarter compared to the previous year. However, "gets" not only graduates, but also teachers. So, in Ingushetia, a school principal was fired for trying to help students in the Unified State Examination. In all regions, teachers are fired pointwise for accidentally ringing the phone during the exam, as well as for the fact that they "overlooked" the students who brought their phone to the exam. Such cases of demonstrative reprisals (even against honored teachers with twenty years of experience) sometimes cause bewilderment.

But as for the scandals, this year they did not occur at the time of passing the exam, but on appeal. All over the country, USE participants complain about gross non-compliance with the rules of appeal.

In some regions, the conflict commission made a decision to change the scores even before the start of the procedure itself, and notified the graduates after the fact (without the right to appeal, since all the scores were already entered in the final document; naturally, there was no mention of the graduate's signature next to the final grade and speech did not work). In other cases, the organizers prevented both the filing of an appeal and the personal presence of the USE participant at the meeting (for example, by “forgetting” to name the date or deliberately not allowing them to sign the documents necessary for attendance). Graduates also complained that their arguments were not taken into account, and the written justification for the appeal was refused to be filed with the case. The experts did their best to keep the original score, referring to non-existent evaluation criteria and finding fault with the little things that do not affect the scoring at all. All this caused a wave of indignation among the graduates and their families. Appeals to the hotline for the Unified State Examination also did not bring results, since at the opposite end the frustrated parents were told that "the procedure for holding a meeting of the conflict commission will not be disputed."

The flagrant injustice towards the appellants, as well as the negligence in the initial verification of papers - this is what we will remember about the 2017 USE.