Named the best gynecologists and perinatal centers in Russia. Named the best gynecologists and perinatal centers in Russia Treatment of gynecology in Russia: types and methods

Every woman, even if she cannot complain about her state of health, sooner or later comes to see a gynecologist. And this is not surprising, because gynecology as a branch of medicine deals with diseases that are unique to female body. Gynecology is very closely related to obstetrics, which studies the phenomena that occur in the body of a woman who plans to become a mother or has already become one, and covers the period from conception to the completion of the postpartum period.

What does he do?

A gynecologist is a specialist whose task is to preserve and restore the normal functioning of the organs of the female genital area in order to be able to realize the reproductive function inherent in nature. Therefore, for any questions related to various aspects of women's health, infertility problems, pregnancy and childbirth, you should contact a gynecologist.

When should you consult?

What symptoms should let a woman know that it's time to visit a gynecologist? There are many of them, it is impossible to list them all. It can be:

  • painful, heavy or too scanty periods, or their absence,
  • lower abdominal pain, vaginal discharge,
  • discomfort (burning) when urinating,
  • any changes occurring in the vulva.

And, it goes without saying, from the moment of pregnancy, a woman should be under the constant supervision of a gynecologist.

How to become a gynecologist?

In order to get the profession of a gynecologist, one should enroll in any of the universities in Moscow, the list of specialties of which includes "General Medicine" (duration of study is 6 years), then undergo postgraduate education (1-3 years). For example, a reasonable choice would be the First State Moscow medical University them. I. M. Sechenov or the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.

According to the established procedure, students first study general subjects, and the division into specialties occurs towards the end of the training. Mastering knowledge in the field of the chosen profession continues in the internship, during the internship in medical institutions Moscow or another city in accordance with the distribution.

Famous specialists of Moscow

Assistance during childbirth in Russia has long been provided by midwives. It is they who can be considered the forerunners of those who later began to call themselves an obstetrician. The business of helping women in childbirth was put on a scientific basis in 1758 with the opening of an obstetric school in Moscow, later transformed into a midwifery institute. Classes at the school were invariably conducted by Professor I. F. Erasmus. A lot of time has passed since then. Moscow remembers many outstanding gynecologists: V. M. Richter, A. Ya. Krassovsky, V. I. Kokh, A. M. Makeev, N. N. raise gynecology as a science to its due height.

Clinics in the post-Soviet space are mostly equipped with outdated equipment - it does not allow you to get the results that the innovative technology of Russian medical centers provides. Conducting research provides physicians with the opportunity to obtain detailed clinical picture on the basis of which an effective therapy program can be developed. So, in local clinics in the departments of gynecology, the following studies are carried out:

  • Laboratory tests.
  • Ultrasound examination of the mammary glands and pelvic organs.
  • Hysteroscopy.
  • Radiography.
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy.
  • Tomography (computer, magnetic resonance, positron emission with CT).
  • Urodynamic study.
  • Biopsy for histological examination etc.

The field of diagnostics is going to expert commission. Doctors determine the diagnosis and, taking into account the data obtained, develop a therapy strategy.

Treatment of gynecology in Russia: types and methods

Gynecologists of local clinics have at their disposal a wide range of therapeutic techniques. The choice is based on what and to what extent it is necessary to treat - oncopathology or infertility, diseases of the mammary glands or diseases in the field of urogynecology.

Medical therapy. To correct hormonal dysfunction are prescribed hormonal preparations, with inflammatory and infectious diseases- antibacterial, antifungals depending on the cause of the disease. Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and many others can also be used. Chemotherapy is used in the treatment of cancer latest generation who do not have side effects, but with high efficiency destroy cancer cells. Among the innovations in this area are drug-targeted and immune therapies.

Surgical intervention. If conservative methods do not give the desired results, surgery is performed. Surgeons always give preference to organ-preserving interventions and make every effort to preserve the reproductive function of a woman. Today, traditional methods, in which surgeons make large incisions, are less and less used. In most cases, endoscopic or laparoscopic operations are performed. Miniature surgical instruments are inserted through natural openings or small punctures. A lighting device and a video camera are also introduced into them, which transmits the image to the monitor screen and the surgeon has the opportunity to see the operating field and control his movements. A breakthrough in surgery was the use of robotic units. So, in gynecology, the Da Vinci robot surgeon is used. Its manipulator arms allow the surgeon to bring surgical instruments to areas and at angles that are not accessible to human hands. Thus, the efficiency and safety of the operations performed are significantly increased. In addition, due to minimal tissue trauma, the risk of bleeding or infection is reduced, the rehabilitation period is shortened, the aesthetic result is much better, since there are no scars and scars, the patient takes less medication.

But today surgeons have at their disposal not only a scalpel. During operations, they remove tissue using laser beam, cryoagent, electric current and other methods.

Russian gynecologists work closely with reproductologists. If traditional methods of infertility treatment are ineffective, the procedure of in vitro fertilization (IVF) is offered. In the clinics of the country, various methods are used that make it possible to achieve pregnancy even in difficult situations.

The cost of gynecological treatment in Russia

High-quality medical care cannot be cheap, but it can be affordable - this is proved by the country's clinics. Diagnosis and treatment are much cheaper here than in medical institutions New World. So, the amounts in the price lists of clinics in Canada or the United States of America are almost half as much with a similar level of service.

Obstetrics and gynecology in Russia: advantages

  1. Highly qualified specialists with many years of experience.
  2. Accurate and fast diagnostics.
  3. Innovative equipment.
  4. Effective medications without side effects.
  5. Safe organ-preserving endoscopic, laparoscopic and robotic operations.
  6. Accompanying a representative of the international department.

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