Workout for burning fat at home. The most effective fat burning exercises

For people who set themselves the main goal of achieving a quick effect in losing weight, an excellent option would be fat burning workout at home. But many often have questions such as: "How to quickly and efficiently achieve excellent results?".

Undoubtedly, for those who come to the gym for the first time, or start their workouts at home, it is very difficult to decide what and how to do in order to achieve effective fat burning. But, the whole "zest" is that, in fact, the processes for activating fat burning are nothing supernatural and unusually complex. Moreover, fat burning processes are quite natural for human body, despite the fact that the amount of energy coming out of the food consumed will be less than the amount of energy consumed throughout the day in the processes of human physical activity. Among other things, before you start doing fat-burning exercises at home, you must first familiarize yourself with all the types of loads that help achieve your goals.

The human body always needs a constant source of energy to regularly perform certain processes that are responsible for the life of the whole organism, for example, to maintain the body's thermoregulation, or support breathing. All the energy coming out of the food eaten is reflected in calories.

Please note: In the body of each person there is an individual threshold for the required amount of energy, which is directly affected by age period, body weight, gender and level of physical activity.

Men need to consume a little more high-calorie food than the female half of humanity, which is in the same age category, with the same weight and height. This is due to the fact that the male body has a large muscle mass, the maintenance of which requires eight times more calories than the content of fatty tissues. The human body is designed so that all the fat, protein and carbohydrates that enter it are broken down into the necessary energy. The best resource for obtaining a vital "fuel" is carbohydrates, then fat, but if the body lacks either one or the other, then to obtain the required amount of energy, the body begins to destroy its own muscle tissue.

What success depends on

During exercise, fats are not always split symmetrically. Some exercises burn fat in large percentages, relative to the total amount of energy expended, but their quantitative ratio will be much less than when performing others. And yet, no matter what type of exercise is chosen, the main goal of a losing weight person should be to maximize the level of energy expenditure during training.

Experts say:

  • If the weight loss program is low intensity, then fat is consumed as an energy reserve;
  • When jogging is included in the fat burning program, the same amount of fat and carbohydrates will be consumed at 50%.
  • If the training takes place at a fast intensity, then there is a breakdown of glycogens in a predominant way.

During runs, the overall level of energy expended increases several times.

Fat burning moderate intensity

If this fat burning program will be performed for the first time, or after a long break, then you need to focus on doing exercises, the heart rate at which will be equal to 60-70% of the maximum possible, which is more similar to walking. In this case, fat burning will be greater than carbohydrates, but calories will be reduced in a smaller form than with increased training intensity.

Action Tip: This moderately intense workout will help you recover and get in shape fairly quickly, improving your cardio endurance and muscle endurance, which is essential for more challenging exercises.

Before moving on to a more intense level of training, you should regularly increase the duration of the initial workout by 60 seconds during the first few weeks.

Of the whole range of exercises, the most recommended are:

  • swimming;
  • Riding bicycles or exercise bikes;
  • Walking at a moderate pace.

Other types of exercises can also be used, which can be performed for at least 80 minutes a day, 5 times every 7 days.

Fat burning exercises of medium intensity

By increasing the heart rate during training to 80% of the maximum possible, the level of fat burning will be much increased, as well as the number of calories. This pace of training is characterized by the presence of rapid breathing, but during the training, the ability to maintain the dialogue of the interlocutor should be maintained. For this type of weight loss program, the same exercises can be used as for a moderate level of burning excess calories, but here they can be varied:

  • Shaping;
  • Step anaerobic sessions.

It is necessary to start the exercises with a light warm-up, the duration of which should not exceed 3-4 minutes. After that, it is necessary to slowly increase the physical load, until the pulsation increases to the working level. At the end of the workout, you need to first reduce the intensity at the same slow pace, then move on to a hitch and subsequent stretching. During such a workout, it is recommended to consume fluids as much as possible.

Increased intensity of classes

High-intensity training can only be carried out with developed muscle mass and excellent cardiac endurance. And without even taking into account the fact that during the performance of such exercises up to 85% of calories will be wasted in the form of glycogen, the total amount of fat will be higher than during a moderate workout.

Important! Before starting exercises with a high degree of intensity, you need to find out the opinion of experts on this matter.

People who are actively involved in sports use this type of anaerobic exercise to correct and improve athletic performance and results by alternating the fastest pace for 2 minutes with an alternating 2-3 minute interval for recovery. This training technique is called interval training.

The most effective exercises to eliminate fat

The most reliable and rational method that helps to achieve excellent results in burning excess fat is the right combination of a balanced diet and physical activity, among which are:

  • Strength training that allows you to convert body fat into muscle mass. And also strength training can speed up fat metabolism.
  • Riding a bike, or a simulator, included in the best set of fat-burning exercises for the legs. Before starting training on bicycles, it is recommended not to eat for 2-3 hours, which will increase fat burning by 200%.
  • Interval program, which consists in regularly changing the stages of the maximum load with intervals for recovery. One of the clearest examples is a fast run, followed by a leisurely pace of walking. Such a specific approach will help increase the level of endurance and break down as many calories in half an hour as would be wasted in a 60-minute regular workout.
  • Circuit training for burning fat.

Circular training consists in a certain selection of 8-10 exercises for their instant execution in a circle, which is repeated several times. The main task of losing weight is to support the constant movement of the body with an increased rhythm of the heartbeat, while exercises to build muscle mass are performed.

Rules for burning body fat

  • Rule number 1. Training at a high pace, which allows you to spend more fat in the shortest period of time than with moderate exercise.
  • Rule number 2. Careful selection of exercises.
  • Rule number 3. Developing the muscle strength and endurance needed to increase calorie expenditure.
  • Rule number 4. Maintaining the pace of the workout.
  • Rule number 5. The increase in load should be gradual.

Having learned the features various kinds workouts to burn excess fat in the body, you can start exercising at home, in a fitness club, or gym. The main thing is that the desire should be swift, then the result will be obviously fast.

Greetings to all visitors to our blog pages! Do you know how to get rid of extra centimeters with a constant lack of free time?

In fact, everything has been invented for a long time - start using fat-burning exercises at home, and soon you will be pleased with the first visible results.

Ways to burn fat

If you have decided to put your figure in order, then you will have to be patient and understand one thing - this path will need to be followed all your life.

And it is not at all necessary to spend big money on fitness rooms - you can also use special exercises at home. What you need to know before you start exercising:

  • Classes to start burning fat should last at least half an hour (and this is the minimum time), preferably from 45-60 minutes. This is explained by the fact that fat begins to be consumed only at the 20th minute of an average or high intensity load;
  • The pulse for beginners reaches 100 beats / minute, for those trained up to 120-130. Such indicators contribute to the burning of excess body fat;
  • The best time for training to remove fat from the body is in the morning on an empty stomach, when all glycogen stores are used up;
  • Switch to a natural balanced diet - stop eating sausages and confectionery, canned food, smoked meats and fried foods. When cooking, use stewing or boiling. Dress salads with vegetable oils or low-fat sour cream.

If you really want sweets, then it’s not scary if you allow yourself once a week 30 grams of dark chocolate, a couple of pieces of marshmallows or candy canes.

The fight against excess weight should be carried out in a complex way - a combination of power and aerobic loads, as well as rational nutrition. And in general, try to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, walking more in the fresh air, going hiking and so on.

Fat Burning Workouts

Fat-burning exercises are grouped into a specific complex, which must be performed in combination with cardio - cycling or stationary bike, easy running (learn more about), swimming, jumping rope or brisk walking. It is these workouts that make metabolic processes accelerate, which ultimately leads to the loss of fat mass.

Strength exercises are performed using your own weight - active muscle contractions reduce the shape.

Before starting a workout, do not forget to warm up for 5-10 minutes, and at the end of it, stretch all the worked muscle groups.

The best exercises - the golden "troika"

  1. Jumping lunge - its implementation will not only tighten the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, but also remove excess fat. Take a deep step forward, crouching and immediately pushing yourself up, straightening your knee. Change legs immediately and do the same. You need to perform the exercise until perspiration and slight fatigue appear.
  2. Take the ball (fitball), place your elbows on it, and put your legs back (back is straight). Roll the ball forward with arm strength, then pull it back with your abs.
  3. The side transition exercise is great for the whole body, but it requires a lot of space to complete. You need 10-15 minutes to move sideways jumping in one direction and in the other.

Complex for all muscle groups

  • For girls and not only, squats with slopes on the sides are suitable. Stand on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart, and clasping your hands behind your head in the castle - do a squat, straighten up and lean to one side. And repeat again from the beginning, but tilt to the other side;
  • For the abdomen and sides, perform the following movement - lie on the mat on your stomach. Stretch the body, reaching for the arms up, and for the legs down, tearing them off the surface. Fix for 3-5 seconds, then rise to your hands, kneeling and pushing yourself off the floor 5 times, then return to I.P. - 10 repetitions;
  • "Lunges", raising your legs high - stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your arms outstretched to the sides. Take a deep step back with one leg, and then pull it to your chest. Change legs and do the same. Here you will work the press (oblique muscles), buttocks and thighs;
  • Another exercise for the abdominal muscles is to lie on the floor on your back and imitate the movement of scissors, but the legs work up and down. 30 seconds is enough;
  • The “bridge” is the opposite - lie on the mat with your stomach, then stand on your arms and legs, and then try to touch the floor with your hips, bending your arms at the elbows. Next, straighten one arm and touch the opposite leg with it, returning to I.P., doing the same with the other limbs - 10 repetitions on each side. This exercise works the whole body, but especially the sides and thighs;
  • For the arms and upper shoulder girdle, I suggest doing lunges with push-ups using your hands. Push up from the floor once, and then alternately spread your arms to the sides and push up again - this is one set. They only need to be done within 10 times;
  • Now - running with high hips in place, trying to reach the buttocks with your heels. At least 30 seconds;
  • Stand up straight - put your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the sides - slowly sit down, moving one leg back, touching it with the same hand. Return to I.P. and repeat the movement with another pair of limbs 8-10 times on each side;
  • With the help of jumping on your hands, you will get rid of excess fat in the whole body - bend down, reach for the floor with your hands, while legs are straight. Then jump out so that the hands remain in the same position, and only the legs come off the floor - 10 times;
  • The complex is completed by jumping in place. We jump 1-3 minutes.

For maximum efficiency, perform each of the exercises presented at least 2 sets, and a maximum of 5, depending on the level of preparedness, 3-5 times a week.

And if you have never done anything like this in your life, then it would be best to visit a doctor first and consult with him about the upcoming loads.

Fast and Effective: Interval Training

There is another way to start the processes of fat burning in the body - this is interval training. She does not require a large number time - just 15 minutes is enough.

The main requirement is high intensity.

It consists of a set of 4 exercises that you need to perform 5 approaches - 25 seconds each with a 10-second rest between them:

  1. "Side lunch" with a touch - stand with your feet together, take one leg to the side, resting your toe on the surface, the other leg is slightly bent at the knee, tilt the body slightly forward, and take the pelvis back, touching the same hand on the floor. After that, make a short jump, changing the leg, and do the same on the other side.
  2. "Plank" on the elbows - stand on your elbows and toes, strain your whole body, keeping all parts in one line. Then you need to take one leg to the side, resting it on the floor with your toe, and do the same with the other leg. After that, return the limbs to the I.P., holding the bar.
  3. Next, we will perform jumps from the squat - stand on the floor with feet shoulder-width apart and a straight back. Bend your knees, take your pelvis back and your body forward, bend your elbows in front of you and squat deeply. From this position, jump up, at the same time tensing the muscles of the buttocks and twisting the pelvis forward, straightening the arms and pulling back a little.
  4. “Reverse plank” - sit on the surface, resting on your palms so that your fingers are pointing towards the heels. Rest on your heels (legs straight), pulling your socks over you. Raise your pelvis off the floor so that your entire body is in one straight line. After that, it is necessary to push the pelvis up as much as possible, and then lower it down a little. Then, first, take one leg (straight) to the side, then the other and again push the pelvis up and then down. Then return the legs one by one to the I.P., pushing the pelvis up.

I repeat once again - it is important to perform all these exercises not only technically correctly, but also quickly. And watch your breath - do not hold it, inhale while relaxing, and exhale on tension. After such a load, fat burning will occur for another 4-6 hours. This information is confirmed not only by specialists, but also by the reviews of people who train in this way.

Here is a video with an excellent short workout aimed specifically against fat - Anita Lutsenko in the studio "Everything will be good":

Regardless of the chosen path of shaping your body, tune in to long-term work, only patience and work will make your figure attractive and fit.

See you soon! Share the best fat burning workouts with your friends on in social networks, and subscribe to updates and exclusive weight loss content on our blog.

There are many reasons why you need a fat burning workout at home. The goal is to get results. Two paths lead to this result: reasonable nutrition and physical activity that you can afford and can afford. It is worth adding another important factor - faith in victory, because a tangible result is a victory, albeit a small one. Getting rid of the superfluous, we find harmony. This applies to both our body and the state of the soul, for only in a healthy body can one feel the presence of a healthy spirit.

When you do gymnastics at home, you are absolutely free and do not owe anything to anyone. These exercises help to strengthen the will, and you will need it very much.

Below we will consider exercises that have an exclusively directional effect. This is a circuit workout. Its main feature is that you perform all the exercises one after another, without rest between them. After completing all the exercises, a given number of times, you perform 1 circle. Between circles rest - 2-3 minutes. In total, you need to complete 3 circles.

We put our feet shoulder-width apart and do a semi-squat. So that the knees and lower leg form a right angle. Important - smartness, you must feel every cell. The back is as straight as possible! Simultaneously with the squat, we raise straight arms to the “in front of us” position. Fix this position, concentrate for the jump. With a strong, sharp movement, we push ourselves up, make a jump. Straight arms should be pulled back. This will help the movement, give it direction and strength. You should go down gently, quietly, slightly bending your knees. We straighten up and get ready to repeat the exercise from the beginning.

15 repetitions and start the next exercise.

Push ups

The next exercise is push-ups. This exercise has an amazing, very powerful effect. But only if it is done correctly. Feel every cell! Back, legs should be straight. Hands firmly, with the whole palm rest on the floor. Slowly lower the body. We feel the back and tightened press. Feel like a solid log as you do this exercise. We return to the original position also slowly.

The exercise is difficult, only you can determine how many times you can complete it. Start slowly, add more and more repetitions every day. Once you master this exercise slowly, you can do it quickly. But so that the thoroughness of execution does not suffer.


The starting position of this exercise is to squat down with your hands on the floor. The first movement - with a sharp movement back, we straighten our legs, finding the position of an emphasis lying. Also, with a sharp movement, we return to the starting position. The second movement - from the initial position we push ourselves up, make a jump. Raise your hands up, clap above your head, and then take the starting position.

We do this exercise 10 times.

Medicine ball squats

The fourth exercise is performed with a medicine ball. Starting position - semi-squat. We hold the ball in front of us, without pressing it to the chest. We straighten up sharply, pushing the ball up. We push the ball so that it would be possible to catch it right there. And again we take the starting position.

We perform the exercise 20 times.

Seated crunches with a medicine ball (additional weight)

The fifth exercise is performed sitting on the floor. Let's do it with the ball. The knees are slightly bent, the heels do not touch the floor. We keep our back straight. The first movement is to turn with the ball to the right, the second movement is to turn to the left, the third movement is to lift the ball overhead. We lower the ball to our knees and repeat everything from the very beginning.

The exercise should be performed 30 times.

That's it, the first round is over. Rest 2-3 minutes and move on to the next. Dare and believe! The main thing is persistence. You can't leave what you started. And then the result will surprise you. Just don't expect it right away. He will come unnoticed.

fat burning workout at home video

How to quickly burn excess fat and tighten the figure? That's right - include cardio in your training program! But you need to approach cardio training competently, otherwise you risk not only not achieving the desired result, but also seriously harming your own health.

In the gym, an experienced instructor supervises the progress of the workout. But what if you do cardio exercises to burn fat at home? How to build a workout so that it is effective and safe? All this is our today's article.

Cardio training at home: the formula for proper weight loss

Cardio training is any physical activity that develops the heart muscle and respiratory system. Cardio loads include almost any active sport - for example, running, athletics, tennis - both big and table tennis, football, and so on.

The basic rule of cardio training is to focus on the heart rate (HR). Judge for yourself: if you practice too slowly, you are unlikely to achieve the desired result. And if you go too far, you risk getting heart problems instead of the long-awaited weight loss.

Therefore, when conducting cardio training, we strongly recommend using a heart rate monitor. Subtracting what your heart rate should be during exercise is very simple:

  • the maximum heart rate for girls is 214 minus age;
  • for men - 220 minus age.

There is no need to strive for the maximum - fat begins to melt at a heart rate equal to sixty to seventy percent of the maximum. And if you reach a value of 75-90%, the effect will be even faster. But remember: in no case should you go beyond the maximum numbers.

Calculate your maximum heart rate, remember the resulting figure and focus on it during cardio training.

Fat burning cardio at home

Now let's talk more specifically. What options for home cardio training are there? The most popular are classes on an exercise bike or a treadmill. But buying special simulators is not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, those who cannot afford this option can do with the usual cardio exercises. And it is worth noting that they are no less effective!

We have found for you a great option for cardio training to burn fat at home. Exercises cannot be rearranged or ignored - perform them strictly in the order indicated.

Complex for intensive weight loss

Starting with "explosive" push-ups. It is necessary to take an emphasis lying down and do push-ups as usual, but with only one difference - when lifting up, you need to sharply push off the floor, so much so that your palms “fly up” into the air. We land in the starting position, repeat the exercise fifteen times.

Next is a difficult but very effective exercise. Your starting position is on all fours, knees lightly touching your chest, hands resting on the floor. Then you need to sharply stretch your legs back, moving to an emphasis lying down. Then return to the original again. The last part of the exercise is the jump up. The exercise, consisting of four difficult movements, is repeated twenty times.

The third exercise that this at-home cardio workout includes is rock climbing. It is incredibly effective - it's not for nothing that Jillian Michaels loves it so much. It's easier to do. Starting position - emphasis lying. With a sharp movement, pull your leg to your chest - first one, then the other. Thus, it is as if you are climbing a mountain. The faster you “climb the rock”, the better. Do 30 reps and move on.

The fourth part is jumping. We squat down and jump up with all our might, stretching to our full height. An important nuance - hands must be kept behind the head at all times. So you complicate the exercise and quickly achieve the desired effect. We repeat the jump 30 times.

The final exercise is the sumo squat. It is performed as follows: we stand straight with a flat back. Then we sharply lower ourselves down, squat down, and put our hands in front of us, between our knees. The next movement is pushing the legs back and taking a prone position. Then - all the same, but only in reverse order. In total, you need to perform 15 such repetitions.

Have you done all the exercises and decided that the training is over? We hasten to disappoint you: this complex must be completed at least four times in a row. True, between “times” it is allowed to rest until the breathing is fully restored.

Such a complex is an excellent cardio load for burning fat at home. We warn you right away: the training is not easy, but if you do it regularly, the result will not be long in coming.

And for those who do not like to study alone, we have selected excellent online lessons. So, a highly effective cardio workout for burning fat at home - video:

And here is another workout option for girls to burn fat at home. It is ideal for those who are not ready to spend more than 10-15 minutes a day on sports.

We present you an updated translation of an article from a popular English-language site on fitness and weight loss.

Before we start reviewing workouts, you need to remember the following:

  1. In order to really see the result, just exercising on the elliptical trainer for 30 minutes a week during your favorite TV series is not enough. You need at least three workouts a week if you're just starting out. Or five or six workouts if you're already on the regimen. That's the opinion of Holly Rilinger, Nike professional trainer, Flywheel instructor, and star of Bravo's Work Out New York show. “And keep in mind that rest is key to a physical and emotional reset, so make sure you have at least one rest day in your routine,” she adds.
  2. Extremely it is important to give your best in every workout. “It's better to work at full capacity three times a week than at half strength five days a week,” Rielinger says. - Make it a rule that every time you go to the gym, you are ready to give 100%. As you train, constantly ask yourself the question, “Can I do more?”
  3. For long-term positive changes in your body, experts say healthy eating no less, if not more, important than going to the gym.

Basic rule:“Find a trainer or workout that makes you happy. It's actually very important in order to "lose weight effectively," says Rielinger. When you enjoy what you're doing, you're more likely to get into the habit of doing it regularly. Below you can find 10 workouts that will definitely help. If you've tried a lot of options and don't like any of them, it doesn't mean the sport isn't for you, it could be that your trainer just isn't right for you. .Do not give up on the way to the goal.

1. Interval training

Interval training is the number one weight loss method the experts talk about. And what does he represent? "It's any form of exercise that makes your heart rate go up over and over and then slow down," Rielinger says. This type of workout gets your heart pumping, which in turn speeds up your metabolism. And so you burn more calories.

One of the many variations of interval training is stationary cycling, although most of it involves cardio rather than strength training. Rielinger also notes that the exercise bike works different muscles: quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks and abs. And this further enhances the fat-burning effect of training. “The more muscles involved in the work, the more calories you burn, since all muscles need energy to work,” says Rielinger. – And the more energy you use, the higher the number of calories burned. All this is interconnected"

Interval training example

2. Strength training with weights

Think of strength training as “the mother of all weight loss techniques, the highest link in the training food chain, the supreme deity,” Rielinger says. Resistance training, with bodyweight or with weights, is another incredible effective method get rid of extra pounds. Weight lifting has been proven to increase metabolism during rest, which means you'll continue to burn calories after your workout. Rilinger suggests including three strength training sessions in your schedule. Also, as your body gets used to the load, the same movements of the same intensity become less effective over time. Therefore, it is recommended to change exercises about once every three weeks to keep the body in good shape. A great option is to train with dumbbells (and use real ones, not light pink dumbbells).

3. Boot Camp

An excellent workout that speeds up metabolism for a long time is a boot camp. These classes (for example, Barry's Bootcamp) combine the two most effective training styles: interval and resistance. "You will quickly perform high-intensity exercises, both cardio and strength, in a short time, alternating them with short periods of rest" says Adam Rosante, certified personal trainer and author of the 30-Second Body training program. If you're trying this workout for the first time, don't hesitate to ask your trainer for advice. A good mentor can help you determine if you need to change weight or intensity (hint: if you can do 10 reps with ease, you definitely need to add weight) will tell you correct technique exercises and suggest how to change or replace any movement that causes you discomfort or could lead to injury. If you can't find time to go to the gym, you can train Rosante remotely via the 20-minute C9 Challenge video or any other video like his 16-minute bodyweight workout.

Bootcamp workout example

4. Boxing

“Basically, boxing is just another form of interval training,” explains Rosante. And it also makes you feel like a tough bad guy. Here's what to remember: A common rookie mistake is to use only arm strength to punch. It is correct to use more strength of the entire body for strikes. This will engage muscles that are usually ignored during other workouts (for example, the obliques).

It is best to do this workout in the gym. Rosante argues that for a beginner, the help of a professional is necessary, because without it, master the correct technique and stick to it. required level intensity is very difficult. But if you still want to work out at home, try the video from Milan Costich, the founder of the boxing gym in Los Angeles.

5. Running

For running, all you need is a pair of running shoes and get out of the house. But if you're looking to lose weight, lazy sluggish jogging is not your choice. You need to speed up or run uphill (or increase the incline on your treadmill). “Running uphill works the muscles in your legs and glutes – two of the biggest muscle groups in the body – even more. In this case, the smallest muscles are included in the work, and even more energy is used, ”explains Rosante.

As already mentioned, the more energy you use, the brighter the fire of the calories you burn burns. But the right technique is also important here. “Run uphill, lifting your knees as high as you can, dropping your heels right under your body. Keep your palms open, bend your arms at a 90-degree angle and take them straight forward and then back to your back pockets,” Rosante explains. And don't push them too far while running, as that's just a waste of valuable energy that your muscles need. If you're on the track, here are some workout options to get you started.

Proper running technique for weight loss

6. CrossFit

CrossFit has become very popular for a reason. After all, he works. At least when you train properly. However, this principle applies to all types of training.

CrossFit workouts are very diverse. They can consist of anything from kettlebell swings to rope climbs, from box jumps to front squats. And these workouts are short and very intense. It is very important to find a gym that suits you best, as well as a professional trainer who knows how to correctly explain the exercises and, if necessary, change them.

What is crossfit

7. Tabata

If you justify your reluctance to deal with the lack of time, Tabata is what you need. Shanon Squires, exercise physiologist and athletic performance lab coordinator at the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center at the University of Colorado, explains that these are 4-minute high-intensity interval workouts, consisting of eight 20-second periods of exercise alternating with 10-second periods recreation.

This scheme can be used with any exercise, including functional exercises with a rope. In four minutes, you can speed up your metabolism and heart rate. But Squeers says it shouldn't be your only workout if you want to lose weight. “Your body will quickly get used to these intervals, so you will have to increase the intervals or training intensity to get results,” he says.

Rosante also suggests increasing the duration of such a workout to 20 minutes without changing the scheme. You just need to choose four exercises - for example, jumping rope, squats, push-ups and squat jumps - and perform one of them for 20 seconds as fast as you can (while maintaining the correct form, of course). After 20 seconds of load, you need 10 (and only 10) seconds to rest. Repeat all eight rounds at this pace (4 minutes total), then rest for a minute and move on to the next exercise.

This is what a Tabata workout looks like

8. Yoga

Don't Think Yoga Is A Lazy Workout That's Only For The Days active rest. Rilinger says yoga could be the secret weapon in your weight loss arsenal. After all, it develops flexibility and improves health, and this is very important for the effectiveness of other, more intense workouts (for example, boot camp).

But that's not all. “Yoga requires balance and stability, which means that it develops functional strength. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on mental health,” says Rielinger. Try to include yoga in your schedule at least once a week. If you can't go to the gym, you can start doing it at home.

All Bikram yoga exercises (hot yoga)

Attention! Save the picture to your computer to make it easier to view, you can also print and hang on the wall.

9. Swimming

If the thought of starting a run scares you, or if you want to exercise without overloading your joints, go to the pool. Rosante claims that an hour of swimming can burn over 750 calories and still work all major muscle groups. As is the case with any physical activity, you need to start swimming thoughtfully.

Rosante suggests this plan: stay as long as you can while standing upright in the water and using your arms and legs to stay above the surface. Then rest for two minutes. After rest, swim 10 times 100 meters (this is a back and forth swim in the Olympic pool). Rest a minute between sets. When you finish such a workout, you will feel a pleasant exhaustion in the muscles.

Swimming technique for weight loss

10. Jump rope

It's time to remember your childhood. Namely, physical education lessons, in which you learned to jump rope. A jump rope is a great exercise machine, cheap, portable (it will fit even in the smallest bag!) And you can use it almost anywhere. Just a couple of minutes of jumping and you'll feel your heart racing." Here's Rosante's jump rope workout plan:

  1. Warm up by stepping over the rope for three minutes;
  2. Perform 100 traditional jumps (lifting both feet off the floor at the same time and not performing additional rotations of the rope or jumps);
  3. When finished, do 100 sprint jumps (same traditional, but as quickly as possible);
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the following format: 50/50, 21/21, 15/15, 9/9;
  5. If you need more, follow this pattern back up to 100/100 jumps.

And yes, it is highly discouraged to jump barefoot. In the words of Rosante, "There are few things that compare to the pain of hitting the foot with a skipping rope." And everything that can be done with a skipping rope can be done without it (if you suddenly don’t have a rope at hand).

Lose 8 kg with jump rope