The number 7 meaning in the bible. A Russian mathematician cracked the digital code of the Bible a hundred years ago

The number 7 in numerology has a special relationship. It is considered sacred, magical, connected with God, bringing happiness. As Scripture says, seven is the perfect number that can rule the entire universe.

Views of the ancients

At all times, all peoples especially revered the seven. AT Ancient Egypt, for example, she was associated with the eternal life of the god Osiris and was called a symbol of creation. Later we meet this interpretation among Christians.

Sumerian ruler Lugulannemundu, who ascended the throne in 2500 BC. e., ordered the construction of a temple to the goddess Nintu. It had to be built with seven gates, seven doors, and upon completion of construction, seven bulls and the same number of sheep should be sacrificed.

The number seven in Ancient Greece symbolized Apollo, since, according to myth, he was born on the seventh day of the month, his lyre had seven strings. The legends of that time are "full" of the mention of this number: seven circles of hell, seven cyclops, etc.

As you know, Rome was built on seven hills. There have also been seven Wonders of the World, which everyone knows about, since the Flood.

The hoary antiquity is maximally "filled" with the number 7 - it played a huge role in the lives of people of ancient times.

Religions and the number 7

In the Old and New Testaments, researchers have counted about 700 references to this number!

In Islam, stories about seven brides, seven lands, seven gates of paradise and steps of hell appear everywhere. Pilgrims to Mecca, both earlier and in our time, are required to make seven detours of the sacred stone.

Recall that there were seven prophets: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, Muhammad. For seven days, Yeshua walked around Jericho and had 7 priests with him ... Everyone knows about the seven deadly sins prescribed in the Bible.

Number pattern in the Bible

Ivan Panin, a Russian immigrant in America, converted to Christianity after discovering amazing number systems in nature that he believed were the result of the will of the Creator. At the end of the 19th century, Panin began to research the Bible and concluded that the number 7 was encrypted in every word of the Old and New Testaments.

The constant mention of the seven in the Holy Scriptures, obviously, indicates that it can help us lift the veil over the secret idea of ​​the Creator.

The first phrase from Old Testament“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1) consists of 7 words, and those, in turn, of 28=7x4 letters. Moreover, in fact, the first three words, subject and predicate, consist of 14 = 7x2 letters, the same number of letters in the last 4 words. The shortest of the words is in the middle of the phrase, the number of letters in it and the word on the left is 7, and the number of letters in the middle word and the word on the right is also 7. And so on ... What is it: a coincidence, an accident?

The theory of probability, as well as existing mathematical patterns, suggest that such subordination to the number 7 of the entire biblical text cannot be an accident. There is a clear intent here. This belief is also supported by the fact that it is impossible to build the entire chain without taking into account the peculiarities of the alphabet, spelling of words and grammar of the Hebrew and Ancient Greek languages. Who in those distant times was able to carry out such a colossal, global "work"? Whoever could do this has versatility and absolute vision.

The number 7 in the modern world

But what about the recent past and our present? “Seven” are mentioned very often: seven seals, seven dwarfs, seven colors of the rainbow, seven winds, seven days of the week, seven spans in the forehead, seven Fridays in the week ...

Folk wisdom, as we see, also strongly “sin” by mentioning this sacred number: seven feet under the keel, measure seven times, seventh water on jelly, work up to a seventh sweat, seven spans in the forehead, in the seventh heaven with happiness, and so on and so forth ...

This can be continued ad infinitum. It is obvious that even now the seven is given some special place in people's lives.

Number 7 in the world order

The spectrum of light consists of 7 colors. The musical scale consists of 7 notes. As you know, there are 7 days in a week.

How much in our life is connected with this figure! A woman carries a child for 280 days (this is 7 × 40), a mouse - 21 days (7 × 3), a rabbit - 28 days (7 × 4), a lion - 98 (7 × 14), the same applies to the pregnancy of other living beings. There are 28 days in a lunar month (7×4).

Many facts speak about the importance of the number 7 for the structure of our Universe. Share information about the role of the number 7 in in social networks— and hundreds of people will become closer to the divine mystery, take a step towards understanding the numerical harmony, amazingness and reasonableness of the Universe.

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; 2) a false doctrine based on a biased interpretation of the numbers found in Holy Scripture, considering these numbers as elements of a special encrypted knowledge, accessible to the understanding of the elect (gnostics, numerologists, etc.).

There are two categories of numbers in Scripture - historical and symbolic. The first category reflects the facts of the past, and the second carries a theological load.

Moreover, historical and theological data may or may not coincide in one number. For example, indications of the terms of the reign of the Old Testament monarchs or indications of a particular year of their reign are purely historical dates that do not carry a theological content. But the indication of the 40 days of Moses' stay at Sinai is more than a historical remark. The number 40 in the Bible symbolizes the preparatory period preceding any important event. The 40-year period was also considered the period of one generation.

The symbolic numbers in the Bible are: 40, 12, 10, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Sometimes symbolic meaning number 40 are explained as follows. The number 40 expresses the fullness of the test. It is formed by multiplying two other symbolic numbers: 4 (symbol of spatial completeness visible world) and 10 (a symbol of relative completeness). The last number, in turn, can be obtained by adding two other numbers, which also symbolize completeness, both in the spiritual world and in the visible world: 3 and 7. As far as this interpretation is applicable to a significant part of the cases where this symbolic number is mentioned, hard to say. In any case, we do not have sufficient grounds to regard it as unconditionally true.

  • For forty days and forty nights, the flood associated with the global flood ().
  • Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah () as his wife.
  • The wandering of the Jews in the desert continued for forty years (; ; ).
  • The life of the prophet Moses, which lasted one hundred and twenty years, is divided into three forty years.
  • Moses spent forty days and forty nights on Mount Sinai ().
  • After the birth of a boy, a woman undergoes purification for forty days (). If she gave birth to a female baby, then the purification lasted eighty days (40 + 40).
  • Joshua says: I was forty years old when Moses, the servant of the Lord, sent me from Kadesh-Barnea to inspect the land ().
  • After the victory of Judge Hothoniel over the Mesopotamian king Khusarsafem, the earth rested for forty years ().
  • For forty days the Philistine Goliath invited the Jews to enter into a duel with him ().
  • Kings David and Solomon ruled for forty years each (, 15:7:3 Kings 2:11:).
  • The front of the Temple in Jerusalem built by Solomon was forty cubits wide ().
  • For forty days, Elijah's journey continued to the mountain of God Horeb ().
  • Forty days were given to the inhabitants of Nineveh to repent ().
  • In the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ, two important events are connected with the number 40. Before the beginning of the preaching of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Savior of the world, having retired to the waterless Judean desert, fasted for 40 days, not eating anything (;). Before the Ascension, the resurrected Lord also remained on earth for 40 days ().

Number 12 means the number of chosen ones. The derivative of 12 is the number 24 (24 priestly orders, 24 elders in Rev.). Here, probably, we can talk about the symbolism of the number as imputed to it due to the fact that it corresponds to the number of ancestors of the tribes of Israel, which were 12. To draw the opposite conclusion (that the number of ancestors was 12 precisely because some mysterious meaning was originally laid down) - to make a controversial conclusion.

  • 12 patriarchs, sons of Jacob.
  • 12 tribes of Israel.
  • 12 of Christ.
  • 12 thousand for each tribe of the elect ().
  • 12 offer loaves ().
  • 12 stones set in memory of Israel's miraculous crossing of the Jordan ().
  • 12 gates in Heavenly Jerusalem ().

Number 10- one of the symbols of completed completeness:

  • 10 Plagues of Egypt.
  • 10 commandments of the Decalogue (), ().
  • 10 conditions for approaching the sanctuary ().
  • tithe().
  • The parable of 10 virgins ().
  • Ten women will bake your bread in one oven ().
  • If ten people remain in any house, then they will die ().
  • What woman, having ten drachmas, if she loses one drachma, does not light candles and sweep the room and search carefully until she finds ().

Number 7- a more common form of designation of fullness in Holy Scripture:

  • The story of creation ends on the 7th day of rest ().
  • The peoples of the earth come from 70 ancestors ().
  • The number 7 is often found in the Old Testament cult (sevenfold sprinkling of blood, 7 sacrificial animals, the menorah of the Tabernacle and the Temple, etc.).
  • According to, Captivity lasted 70 years (by years).
  • Christ chooses 70 apostles (); apostles - 7 deacons ().
  • Revelation speaks of 7 churches, 7 stars, and its very composition is based on the number 7.
  • Anyone who kills Cain will be avenged sevenfold ().
  • Seven lambs in testimony ().
  • Seven years of Jacob's labor for Rachel ().
  • Seven-day lamentation of Joseph for his father ().
  • They fasted for seven days ().
  • Seven days and seven more days at the built Temple ().

Number 4 marks universality (according to the number of cardinal points), sometimes - completeness, completeness. From here:

  • Four branches of the river flowing out of Eden (f.).
  • The four corners or "horns" of the altar.
  • The Heavenly Ark in the vision of Ezekiel () is carried by 4 symbolic animals (cf.); in his vision, New Jerusalem was square in plan, facing 4 cardinal points.
  • Four cups on the stem of the lamp ().
  • The four winds of heaven fought on the great sea ().
  • Four kinds of executions ().
  • Come from the four winds, spirit, and breathe on these slain, and they will come to life ().
  • Four Angels standing at the four corners of the earth ().
  • The peoples located at the four corners of the earth ().

Number 3- marks, sometimes interpreted as a number that emphasizes holiness, devotion to God or apostasy from God.

  • The appearance of three angels to Abraham ().
  • Threefold glorification of the holiness of God ().
  • Baptism in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit ()
  • God as the ruler of the past, present and future in ().
  • Three punishments ().
  • Two parts of the whole earth will be destroyed, and the third will remain on it ().
  • Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times ().
  • For the third year I have come to look for fruit on this fig tree, and I do not find it; cut it down: why does it occupy the earth? ().

Number 2 stands for something fundamental.

  • Two tablets of the Decalogue.
  • Two pillars at the gates of the Temple.
  • The Law and the Prophets personified on the Mount of Transfiguration by Moses and Elijah.
  • Departure of the apostles in twos.
  • Two witnesses of Christ at the end of time ().

Number 1: Just as the number 1 is the basis of all mathematics, so God is the beginning of everything. Therefore, often the number 1 in Holy Scripture indicates that God is one and one.

  • One tree of the knowledge of good and evil ().
  • one law (

Ivan Panin discovered the number structure in the Bible.

He was a young Russian immigrant living in the USA. He completed his studies at Harvard University in 1882. Until that time, he was well known as a supporter of atheism. When he announced his conversion to Christ, the news was on the front pages of the daily papers. Panin was a multilingual mathematician and scientist, as well as an influential person in literary circles. When he began to study the Word of God, his knowledge of Greek and Hebrew made it possible to read the Bible in the originals.

In Hebrew and Greek there is no such number system as we have. These languages ​​do not use special characters or numbers like Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). Instead, each letter in the alphabet is also used as a number. The table below shows exactly what this means. Thus, by adding the meaning of each letter, one can calculate the meanings of words, sentences, and so on.
Table of Hebrew and Greek letters and their numerical values:
Letter Name Number Value Letter Name Digit. Value
א Alef 1 Α Alpha 1
ב Bet 2 Β Beta 2
ג Gimel 3 Γ Gamma 3
Dalet 4 Delta 4
ה He 5 Ε Epsilon 5
ו Vav 6 F Stigma 6
ז Zayin 7 Ζ Zeta 7
ח Chet 8 Η Eta 8
ט Tet 9 Θ Theta 9
י Yod 10 Ι Iota 10
כ Kaf 20 Κ Kappa 20
ל Lamed 30 Λ Lambda 30
מ Mem 40 Μ Mu 40
Nun 50 N Nu 50
ס Samech 60 Ξ Xi 60
ע Ayin 70 Ο Omicron 70
פ Peh 80 Π Pi 80
צ Tsadeh 90 Greek letter Koppa Koppa 90
ק Qof 100 P Rho 100
ר Resh 200 Σ Sigma 200
ש Shin 300 Τ Tau 300
ת Tav 400 Υ Upsilon 400
Φ Phi 500
Χ Chi 600
Ψ Psi 700
Ω Omega 800
Sampi Sampi 900

Panin did an incredible job of discovering these numerical systems. Nowadays, computers do this painstaking work.

Panin experimented with the Bible, replacing Greek and Hebrew letters with their numerical equivalents. The result of just a few hours of work was pretty amazing. The verses he studied showed a very complex mathematical pattern. This circuit was far more complex than anything a man could have devised, and of course it was not a coincidence. This discovery changed his whole life. From then until his death in 1942, Panin was completely devoted to the study of the digital system of the Bible.

He gave more than 40,000 pages of his writings to the members of the Committee for Nobel Prizes with the note: "This is proof that the Bible is the Word of God." After investigation, the Committee stated that the evidence for Panin's discovery was overwhelming.

“The words of the LORD are pure words, like silver refined from earth in a furnace seven times refined” PSALM 11:7

The number 7 and its derivatives play a significant role in biology (the gestation period in mammals, incubation period in birds; the development of insects can be measured by the derivatives of seven days), in chemistry (seven periods of the periodic table), in music (seven notes of an octave); in our calendar (seven days of the week) and in the light (seven colors of the rainbow). After these discoveries were made, those scientists claimed that they were simply discovering physical laws and systems that our Creator had already created (ROMANS 1:20).

In the process of studying mathematical schemes in the Bible, Panin's attention was attracted by combinations of the number seven. He added the numerical value of various words, sentences and passages, even entire books. He discovered the system of prime numbers such as 11, 13, 17 and 23, but especially the number 7.

Panin discovered such feature, as the fact that the number of words that begin with vowels is a multiple of seven, as well as the number of those that begin with consonants. Words that occur several times can be divided into seven, as well as words that occur only once. In addition to this, the total number of proper names, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, etc. also divisible by seven.

Let's look at the first sentence of the Old Testament:

""In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth"." GENESIS 1:1

In Hebrew, a sentence consists of exactly 7 words, which consist of exactly 28 (4x7) letters. 3 nouns: God, heaven and earth. If we add together the numerical value of each of the letters in these three Hebrew nouns, we get exactly 777 (111x7). The numerical value of the word "created" in Hebrew is 203 (29x7). The first three words contain the subject of exactly 14 (2x7) letters and the four remaining words contain the object, also of exactly 14 letters. The Hebrew words for heaven and earth each consist of 7 letters. The value of the first, two middle and last letters in the sentence is 133 (19x7). The total value of the first and last letters of each word is 1.393 (199x7). The size of the first and last letters of the first and last words in this verse is 497 (71x7). The value of the first and last letters of each word in the gap is 896 (128x7).

In this one verse there are 30 different options containing the factor 7. We have listed only 11. The probability that this happened by chance is almost zero.

Now let's look at the first passage in the New Testament, which begins:

"" Genealogy of Jesus Christ, Son of David, Son of Abraham. Abraham begat Isaac; Isaac begat Jacob; Jacob begat Judah and his brothers;…” MATTHEW 1:1-11

The passage consists of 49 (7x7) different words, 28 (4x7) begin with a vowel, the remaining 21 (3x7) begin with a consonant, seven end with a vowel and 42 (6x7) with a consonant. 49 words consist of 266 (38x7) letters, of which 140 (20x7) are vowels and 126 (18x7) are consonants. Moreover, 14 (2x7) out of 49 (7x7) words occur only once, 35 (5x7) more than once, 42 (6x7) nouns and 7 non-nouns.

Panin came to the conclusion that if it were at all possible, Matthew would have to work 8 hours a day for several months in order to specifically compile such a family tree with such a mathematical system. However, the names from this family tree existed before the birth of Matthew.

It is remarkable that although Mark was a Roman, Luke a Greek, and Matthew a Jew, they all wrote in a similar way. However, each had its own peculiarity. How then could ordinary fishermen and tax collectors achieve such a compilation? Each author has a different style, but the outline remains the same. One Spirit, one author, one God, many different writers, but only one editor.

“For prophecy was never uttered by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke it, being moved by the Holy Spirit.” 2 PETER 1:21

The number systems in the Bible discovered by Ivan Panin are too amazing to be discarded; they are a convincing proof of the orderliness of the Bible and its divine inspiration. God is -041; the god of order, His Word is perfect, and just as we see systems all around us in God's creation, His Word contains amazing systems that demonstrate His design.

“…and the Scripture cannot be broken…” JOHN 10:35


It was Panin who drew general attention to gematria, that is, to the attribution of numerical values ​​to letters in accordance with the Jewish and Greek numerical systems. For example, the numerical value of the name of Jesus is 888. In addition, the numerical values ​​of other names given to Christ (for example: Christ, Savior, Messiah, Lord, Son of Man, and Truth) are multiples of eight. In contrast, all of Satan's names are multiples of thirteen. The numerical values ​​for Satan in Hebrew are 364 (13X46) and in Greek they are 2197 (13X13X13). Here are other examples: Beelzebub (13x46), Belial (13x6), dragon (13x75), serpent (13x60) and so on...

Other authors, such as I. W. Bullinger, have explored the meanings of many different numbers. For example, the number 13 is woven into GENESIS 1:2 because, in the original Hebrew language, this verse reflects "difference." In verse 3, by analogy, there is a different system, but this time the numbers 13 and 11 are used. The introduction of the number 11 is appropriate in this case, since in this verse God said: "Let there be light." Since the number 11 means "instruction" or "revelation", there must be light before anyone can see and be instructed!

If someone changes these verses, then the mathematical structure will also be destroyed. In other words, the Bible has its own seal to control, protect, and witness for itself. No other "holy scripture" of other religions has anything like it. God promises that He will keep His Word forever (Tm MATTHEW 5:18, 1 KINGS 8:56):

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." MATTHEW 24:35


No book ever written by man in any language shows such a highly complex and logical structure as the 66 books of Holy Scripture. There is no doubt that only a higher intelligence could have written this Book of Books. These examples show us only some of the mathematical systems in God's Word, and more need to be revealed (ISAIAH 55:8-9; 1 CORINTHIANS 13:12). Think about it and you will come to the conclusion that the Bible is really the Word of God to people.

The examples given here are just the tip of the iceberg. There is much more evidence to support the perfection of the Bible. They reveal what God has done for mankind, explain the past and predict the future. And most importantly, this is the work of one person - Jesus Christ.

He who is perfect was undeservedly nailed to the cross for the sins of guilty and corrupt mankind. Christ shed His blood for your personal sins and your disregard for the law of God.

He says: “…I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.” JOHN 14:6

Only through Him, Jesus Christ, can you move from death to life. However, Christ commands you to take the following steps to gain salvation:

“” Peter said to them: repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit; for the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, as many as the Lord our God shall call.” ACTS 2:38-39

Repentance, baptism, and receiving the Holy Spirit are the biblical conditions that God has set for each person to receive eternal life. Repentance is an inner turning towards God and turning away from your old life; baptism by full immersion symbolizes the burial of your former life of sin.

When a person receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, he accepts Christ and receives eternal salvation, which is confirmed by the sign of speaking in tongues. See also ACTS 2:4.

These stages of obedience to the Word of God seal the action of being born again as described in the Bible. Never forget that one day you will stand before the throne of God and give an account of your life. Every moment of your life will be mentioned and taken into account. God wants to save you and calls you to repent and obey His Word.

From the site

The numbers found in the Bible are very interesting. So, for example, the number seven reflects completeness, completeness, perfection and even holiness. See the seven days of the week, the seventh day is Saturday. Enoch is the seventh from Adam, etc. The number ten is more practical, connected with money. Ten talents, tithing. The number twelve is also interesting. Twelve patriarchs, twelve tribes of the people of Israel, twelve apostles.

This game can be taught in different options. Write a number on the cards. Then show these cards in turn and ask the participants to name the events from the Bible that are associated with this number. You can arrange all the cards in such a way that they are reverse side up. Then the participants randomly draw out cards and name the events known to them related to the number that hit them.

1. One of the ten healed of leprosy who returned to thank Jesus (Luke 17:12-15).
2. One lost sheep (Luke 15:4).
3. The first day of creation (Gen. 1:5).
4. Jacob had one daughter, Dinah (Gen. 30:19).
5. One daughter of Absalom is Tamar (2 Sam. 14:27).
6. One door and one window in the ark (Gen. 6:16).
7. Once Paul was stoned (2 Cor. 11:25). 8. One tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:17).
9. One denarius for one day of work (Matt. 20:2).
10. One flock and one Shepherd John (10:16).

1. The angels who appeared to Lot at the gates of Sodom (Gen. 19:1).
2. Thieves crucified with Jesus (Matt. 27:37).

3. Two fish that ate five thousand (Matt. 14:16).
4. Two Assaria, for which five sparrows were sold (Luke 12:6).
5. Two bears (2 Kings 2:22).
6. Two tablets (Ex. 31:18).
7. Two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13).
8. The two pillars that Samson moved (Judg. 16:29).
9. In pairs, the animals entered the ark (Gen. 7:1).
10. Two sons from the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11).
11. Naomi's two daughters-in-law (Ruth 1:8).
12. Two sons of Naomi (Ruth 1:3).
13. Two spies who hid in Raavi's house (Joshua 2:3).
14. The widow's two mites (Mark 12:41).
15. Twice Moses struck the rock (Num. 20:11).
16. Two men in white clothes after the ascension of Christ (Acts 1:10).
17. Two sons of Joseph (Gen. 46:27).
18. Jesus spent two days in the Samaritan village (John 4:39)

1. Three temptations of Christ in the wilderness (Mat. 4).
2. Three hours - darkness on earth during the crucifixion of Christ (Mk. 15:32).
3. Three young men in the furnace (Dan. 3:23).
4. Three days and three nights of Jonah in the belly of the whale (Jonah 1:17).
5. Daniel prayed three times a day.
6. Paul was shipwrecked three times (2 Cor. 11:25).
7. Three times Paul was beaten with sticks (2 Cor. 11:25).
8. Three times Peter denied Christ (Matt. 26:75).
9. Three floors in the ark (Gen. 6:16).
10. Three sons of Noah (Gen. 9:19).
11. Three times Balaam's donkey refused to go (Num. 22:31)
12. Job's three friends (New 2:11).
13. Saul saw nothing for three days (Acts 9:8).
14. Moses' mother hid for three months (Ex. 2:2).
15. There was darkness in Egypt for three days (Ex. 10:22).
16. Three daughters of Job (Job 42:13).
17. Three times Noah let the dove out of the ark (Gen. 8:8).
18. Three tabernacles - the mountain of transfiguration (Mark 9:2).
19. Christ appears three times after the resurrection (John 21:14).
20. At three o'clock they crucified Christ (Mark 15:23).

1. Four in a fiery furnace (Dan. 3:25).
2. The number of days that Lazarus was in the grave (John 11:14).
3. The number of branches into which the river flowing through Eden was divided (Gen. 2:10).
4. The number of buckets of water poured on the altar of Elijah (1 Kings 18:20).
5. The number of animals in Daniel's vision (Dan. 7:2).
6. Number of Philip's daughters (Acts 21:8).
7. The number of parts into which the garment of Jesus is divided (John 19:23).
8. The number of people who lowered the paralytic through the roof (Mark 2:3).
9. Four anchors were thrown from the ship with the prisoners (Acts 27:29).
10. Number of Gospels.

1. The number of stones that David took before the fight with Goliath (1 Sam. 17:40).
2. The number of girls who had oil in their lamps (Matt. 25:11)
3. The number of foolish virgins having no oil (Mat. 25:3).
4. The age at which Mephibosheth became lame (2 Sam. 4:4).
5. The number of husbands a Samaritan woman has (John 4:7).
6. The number of sparrows sold for two assaria (Luke 12:6).
7. The number of the sons of Dan who were sent to spy on the land (Judg. 18:2).
8. Five times 39 strokes (2 Cor. 11:24).

9. The number of talents in the parable of Christ (Matt. 25:16).
10. The number of kings hiding in the cave from Joshua (Joshua 10:17).

1. The number of days in which our planet was created (Gen. 1:31).
2. The day on which man was created (Gen. 1:26)
3. The number of stone waterpots in Cana (John 2:1).
4. The number of measures of barley that Boaz measured out to Ruth (Ruth 3:7)
5. Number of steps leading to the throne in Solomon's temple (Kings 10:16)
6. Number of cities of refuge (Num. 35:13).
7. The hour in which Peter prayed on the roof of a house in Joppa (Acts 10:5).
8. The month in which Gabriel appeared to Mary (Luke 1:26)
9. The number of wings of the animals standing before the throne (Rev. 4:b).
10. The hour in which the earth was covered with darkness (Mat. 27:44).
11. The number of fingers and toes of the giant from Gath (2 Kings 21:20).

1. The number of years that Jacob worked 2 times for Rachel (Gen. 29:18).
2. The day on which God rested (Gen. 2:2).
3. Number of generations from Adam to Enoch (Jude 14).
4. The number of pairs of clean animals taken into the ark (Gen. 7:9).
5. The flood began seven days after the settlement of the ark (Gen. 7:9).
6. Pharaoh's dream: the number of cows and the number of ears (Gen. 41:17-25).
7. Seven times around Jericho (Joshua 6:2-5).

1. The number of the ungrateful who are healed of leprosy (Luke 17:12).
2. The length (in cubits) of the bed of King Og of Bashan (Deut. 3:11).
3. The reign of Hosea, the last king of Israel (2 Kings 17:6).

1. The number of commandments (Ex. 20 ch.).
2. The number of virgins in the parable of Jesus (Mat. 25 ch.).
3. The number of lepers whom Jesus met and healed (Luke 17:12-14).
4. The number of Egyptian plagues (Ex. 7-12 ch.).
5. The number of Joseph's brothers who went to Egypt for bread (Gen. 42:3).
6. The number of years the sons of Naomi lived with their wives in Moab (Ruth 1:3).
7. The smallest number of people for whom the Lord promised Abraham to spare Sodom (Gen. 18:26)
8. The number of times Laban deceived Jacob (Gen. 31:2).

1. The number of food baskets (Mat. 14:20).
2. The number of the sons of Jacob (Gen. 35:22).
3. Number of tribes in Israel (Rev. 21:l2).
4. Number of apostles (Mark 3:7).
5. Age of Jesus lost in the temple (Luke 2:U).
6. The age of Jairus' daughter who was raised from the dead (Luke 8:41).
7. The number of minor prophets (Hosea-Malachi).
8. Number of wells in Elim (Ex. 15-27).
9. The number of harvests of the tree of life in New Jerusalem (Rev. 22:2).
10. The number of precious stones on the breastplate of the high priest (Ex. 28:21).
11. Number of sons of Ishmael who became princes (Gen. 25:16).
12. Number of Spies of Canaan (Num. 13:2)
13. Number of showbreads (Lev. 24:5).
14. The number of foundations in the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:14).

1. The age at which Jesus was baptized (Luke 3:23).
2. The number of pieces of silver for which Jesus was betrayed (Matt. 26:15).
3. The age at which Joseph became the ruler of Egypt (Gen. 41:46).
4. The number of people who were to pull Jeremiah out of the pit (Jeremiah 38:10).
5. Age at which David became king (Kings 5:4).

1. The number of days and nights it rained during the flood (Gen. 7:12).
2. The number of years the Israelites wandered in the wilderness (Num. 12:2).
3. The number of days Moses spent on Mount Sinai (Ex. 34:2.7).
4. The number of days Christ spent on earth after the resurrection (Acts: 3).
5. Fasting of Jesus Christ in the wilderness (Matt. 4 ch.).
6. The time during which the scouts examined the ground
7. Time during which Eli was judge of Israel (1 Sam. 4:18)
8. Age at which Isaac married Rebekah (Gen. 25:20).
9. The age at which Esau married Judith (Gen. 26:34).
10. Time during which the Israelites ate manna in the wilderness (Ex. 16:35).
11. The number of years spent by Moses in the land of Egypt, then in the land of Midian and in the wilderness with the people of Israel (Acts 7:29).
12. The reign of David and Solomon (2 Sam. 5:4).

1. The number of disciples sent two by two through the cities and villages of Palestine (Luke 10:1).
2. The size of Jacob's family when it moved into Egypt (Gen. 46:27).
3. The number of the elders of Israel who went up the mountain with Moses (Ex. 24:1).
4. Average duration human life (Psalm 89:10).
5. The term of the Babylonian captivity (Jeremiah 25:11).
6. Number of mounted troops sent to Caesarea to guard Paul (Acts 23:23).
7. The number of date palms in Elim, where the children of Israel encamped (Ex. 15:27).

Other Numbers Found in the Bible

11-The number of stars that bowed down to Joseph in vision (Gen. 37:9).
13-Time during which Solomon built his house (ZKings 7.1).
15-Number of years added to Hezekiah's life (2 Kings 20:5-6).
17-The age at which Joseph was thrown into the pit (Gen. 37:2).
20-The amount for which Joseph was sold (Gen. 37:28).
21 - The number of elders sitting around the throne of God (Rev. 4:4).
42-Number of children mauled by a bear (2 Kings 2:24).
46-Number of years during which the temple was built (John 2:20).
52-Number of days during which the walls of Jerusalem were restored (Nehemiah 6:15).
84-The age of Anna the prophetess when Jesus was brought to the temple (Luke 2:37).
90-The age of Sarah when God said they would have a son (Gen. 17:17).
100 - Abraham's age when Isaac was born to him (Gen. 21:5).
The waters remained 150 days during the flood (Gen. 7:24).
300-The number of soldiers in the detachment of Gideon who defeated the Midianites (Judges 7:5).
300-The number of foxes that Samson caught (Judg. 15:4).
300-The amount that Joseph gave to Benjamin (Gen. 45:22).
600 Chariots sent by Pharaoh after the Israelites (Ex. 14:7).
Methuselah lived 969 years (Gen. 5:27).
1000 is the number of pairs of oxen and donkeys with which Job enriched himself after suffering (Job 42:12).

The number 7 is the number of completeness, completeness, perfection (Genesis 4:24; Ps. I, 7; Matt. 18:21-22), eternity, infinity (space and time). Among the Jews (that is, God's chosen people), the number 7 was revered as a sacred number (Numbers 19:12; Zech. 3:9; 2 Kings 4:35; 5:10; Proverbs 9:1). In Scripture, the number 7 is of extreme importance. It can be considered in two respects: as 6 + 1 or as 4 + 3, and its value depends on these two relations. In the first case, its symbolic meaning is determined by the creation narrative. In 6 days God created heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested from his works. Similarly, the works of creation, in order to find their rest and sanctification, must unite with the unity, i.e. God, the works of the world must return to God, where they will rest and be sanctified. On the other hand, just as 4 is the image of the world (with its 4 angles and 4 winds) and 3 is the image of the Holy Trinity, so 4 in conjunction with 3 represents the world united with God, a creation reunited with its Creator. Thus, seven is the cherished number, expressing harmony, unity, perfection and peace. The book of Joshua (Joshua ch. 6) describes the capture of the city of Jericho. 7 priests, 7 jubilee trumpets or horns, 7 days of circumambulation around Jericho, 7 circumambulations on the 7th day is determined by the sacred number 7 - the number of God's deeds during the creation of the world, shows that these persons, objects and actions are not military, but sacred , imbued with the thought of God as the only Creator of what has to be done. How insignificant was the participation of the people in the capture of Jericho, the expression of this is that besides walking around the city, one action was presented to them - a loud exclamation when going around the city for the 7th time on the 7th day. In 1 Kings (1 Kings ch. 8), Solomon implores Jehovah to graciously accept prayers in the temple of His name at all times (vv. 28-30), mainly for the forgiveness of sins (vv. 30, 34,36,39 ,46,50). This general petition (v. 29) is followed by seven separate and more particular petitions (v. 31-53). The septenary number of these petitions may denote the totality of possible prayers; seven is a sacred number, the number of fullness and perfection (Gen. 21, 28; Exod. 37, 23; Lev. 4, 6) and, moreover, in this case it is quite similar in meaning to the seven petitions of the Lord's Prayer (Matt. 9 and the next .). In the 1st Book of Kings (1 Kings ch. 19) it is said that along with the announcement of the judgment over the State of Israel (v. 17), the prophet Elijah is also granted grace-filled consolation, that among the widespread wickedness in Israel, there are both unknown to the world and even a prophet, but the bearers of true faith and piety, led by the one God: 7000 (men) who did not bow the knee before Baal, and did not kiss his statue (v. eighteen). 7 thousand is a round definite number. 7 is a symbolic number of holiness, covenant, worship, and here it is naturally taken to designate the remnant of the covenant-faithful Israelites as the “holy seed” of the covenant people (cf. Isaiah 6:13; Rom. 11:7). The book of Job (Job 2:13) says: “And they sat with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his suffering was very great.” The seven-day (seven is the number of fullness) silence testifies to the strength of the sadness of friends. The prophet Ezekiel (Ezekiel 3:15), when he came to the settlers in Tel Aviv, who lived by the river Chebar, stopped where they lived and spent seven days among them in amazement. Among the Jews, the time of solemn mourning lasted seven days. Seven is a symbolic number that is attached to the works of God, and for Ezekiel, as a priest, it had a special meaning for liturgical use, for example, in relation to ritual purity, consecration (Ex. 29, 29; Lev. 8, 33; cf. Ezek. 39, 9,12,14). “Wisdom built herself a house, hewed out its seven pillars” (Prov. 9:1). The House of the Wisdom of God is the Kingdom of God or the Church, the foundation of which was laid by Divine Dispensation in Paradise. This Kingdom of God, then in a variety of sacred biblical events and persons, theocratic institutions and institutions, under the guidance of the Law and the prophets, was revealed throughout the Old Testament until the appearance of Christ the Savior, when it was replaced by the New Testament Church or the New Testament Kingdom of God (1 Tim. 3 15; Heb 3:6; Apocalypse 3:12). The House of Wisdom is founded on seven pillars (v. 1), i.e. according to the general biblical meaning of the number 7 in the sense of completeness, completeness, perfection (Gen. 4.21; Ps. 11, 7; Matt. 18, 21-22) the Kingdom of God or the Church is equipped with the Wisdom of God with many different gifts and talents - everything that is needed for its well-being, prosperity and glory. Seven pillars - seven gifts of the Holy Spirit (Is. 11, 2-3; sn. Apocalypse 1,4,12; 3,1; 4, 5), then seven sacraments. The 3rd book of Ezra (3 Ezra 7, 75-99) speaks of seven types of torment of sinners in the afterlife and seven types of blessedness of the righteous. The torments of sinners consist: 1) in the consciousness of their crimes, 2) in the impossibility of repentance, 3) in the contemplation of the bliss that awaits the righteous and 4) the torment that will be the lot of sinners, 5) in the contemplation of the place where the righteous will live, 6) in the consciousness the proximity of their torments and, finally, 7) in a sense of fear at the thought of appearing before the face of the Judge. The blessedness of the righteous consists: 1) in the consciousness of victory over evil thoughts, 2) in the contemplation of the torments awaiting sinners, 3) in the consciousness of their rightness, based on the law, 4) in the contemplation of future bliss, 5) in the joy of liberation from mortal fetters of the body, 6) in anticipation of near glorification and 7) in the contemplation of God. In the Apocalypse (Apocalypse 1, 4) the holy Seer speaks of seven spirits who are before the throne of the Most High. Most interpreters understand the seven spirits as the Holy Spirit. The right to such an interpretation is given by those analogies that we find in other places of Holy Scripture (Is. 11:2-3; Zech. 4:6, 10). The One Hypostasis of the Holy Spirit is symbolically depicted as a sevenfold of spirits (no more, no less) because the number seven is, as it were, the seal of the spirit and expresses the fullness of the grace-filled gifts distributed from the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12, 4-11). These seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are: the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of knowledge, the spirit of power, the spirit of light, the spirit of understanding, the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of the Lord, or the gift of godliness and inspiration in the highest degree (cf. Isaiah 11:1-3). Revelation is given to seven churches. The number 7 has a mysterious meaning, meaning fullness, and therefore can be placed here as an emblem of the universal Church, to which the Apocalypse is addressed as a whole. The number 7 has some mysterious meaning and in general the Apocalypse e: seven spirits before the throne of God, seven Sveshnikov, seven stars, seven lamps, seven horns and seven eyes of the Lamb, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven mysterious thunders, seven phials of the Lord's wrath. With certainty it can be assumed that this number expresses the fullness, whether according to the number of days of God's creation, in which heaven and earth and all their adornments will be made, or for some other reason. And therefore, under the name of the seven churches, one must understand the universal Church in all its space and the continuation of time - this is the most excellent new creation of God, which will be completely perfected and adorned at the end of all ages, when there will be God of all in all. Interestingly, the interpretation of Art. 16, 21st chapter of the Apocalypse a of the holy Theologian: “The city is located in a quadrangle, and its length is the same as its breadth. And he measured the city with a reed twelve thousand stadia; its length and breadth and height are equal." Here the septenary number, being mysterious, through division represents what is sought. For the 12,000 stages divided by the number 7 represent measures called miles, 1714, where a thousand shows the perfection of infinite life, seven hundred the perfection of rest, fourteen the double Sabbath of soul and body, since twice seven is fourteen. Although the number of angels is immensely large, according to the words of the Holy Scriptures, only seven archangels are known: “I am Raphael, one of the seven holy angels who lift up the prayers of the saints and ascend before the glory of the Holy One” (Tov. 12, 15). As for the sevenfold number of angels coming to God, in the Old Testament canonical writing before the time of captivity there is no clear evidence of seven angels. But in the book of the prophet Ezekiel (9, 1-2) there appear seven men—punishers—apparently angels (cf. Zech. 4:10), and the Apocalypse speaks more than once about seven spirits or angels standing before the throne of God (Apocalypse 1 , 4; 4, 5; 8, 2, 6). At the same time, both the book of Tobit and the book of the Apocalypse represent these seven angels as the highest, i.e. archangels. “Why are there only seven main angels, no less and no more? This is the secret of creation, brought to the knowledge of the Lord and the Creator of angels. We can only note with reverence that the number of seven is a sacred number: for shall we look upon the kingdom of grace? We receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments. Shall we look at the realm of nature? — we find seven rays of light, seven tones of sound, seven days of creation, and so on.” (From the writings of Innokenty, Archbishop of Kherson.) - a symbol of rebirth, renewal, resurrection.