People who see the subtle world. The development of clairvoyance

This article is intended to transform the consciousness of modern man.

Dear friends! At the moment of planetary transformation, our top employees El Morya and Helena Roerich from the supermundane world offer their help to us, earthlings, so that it would be easier to learn the worlds, including the Subtle World, to understand it more or less, to understand some moments of life in the Subtle World, how people live after the transition to That World, how long a person stays in Subtle World, causes and much more you can understand for yourself within the limits of this article, which is offered by the Lord El Morya through H.I. Roerich for us.

E.I. R.: “The length of stay in the Subtle World depends on many reasons. Among the karmic reasons, two circumstances should be noted. Usually they say that karmic terms do not change, but in reality everything is in motion, and among the wheels of life there may be different circumstances. One of them is there will be a zealous participation in the labor of cognition.There may be such experiments that cannot be interrupted while being in the Subtle World, and in such a case one must apply the law in accordance with the benefit.

In the Subtle World, people are constantly working in order to then translate all this into the Physical World. Ordinary people have a distorted idea of ​​the Subtle World. They think that after the death of their physical body, life generally ends. Many people think so, unfortunately. But there is such a thing as continuity of life. This needs to be learned very well. This means that a person or his soul never dies, but only constantly incarnates on Earth to increase consciousness in physical body living in a dense world. Here, in the dense world, we become stronger both in spirit, and soul, and in body, knowing ourselves from different angles: mental (mental), emotional (sensual), bodily (physical).

Every time a person leaves the physical world, he loses the thread of his consciousness (memory) due to the lack of connection with the Higher World. If a person leaves the dense world with fear of the unknown, then he loses his memory: getting into the subtle worlds, he cannot understand who he is, where he is, what happened, where his body is, and many other incomprehensible questions arise before him. To prevent this from happening, you must leave the dense world consciously, understanding that life does not end there, you simply move to another level of vibrations and continue to live there. Life is endless, understand that. The soul never dies, it just constantly learns different worlds, collects experience for his individual Self (or Higher Self, as we call it).

A person, first of all, is a Universal citizen, an employee of three worlds at the same time: dense (physical), subtle (astral), fiery (where the spirit lives). This is what continuity of life that a person every time leaving the dense world should not lose thread of consciousness (memory) that he is not only an employee earthly dense world, but also subtle and fiery, including. That is, a person must leave with expanded consciousness. Then he will always remember about his incarnations and, most importantly, he will no longer need to return here, to Earth, if he has realized his fiery essence. If you constantly keep your consciousness open (that is, you know that you simultaneously live and act in three worlds), then you do not need to constantly incarnate here on Earth, you just want to go further, to know other worlds, galaxies, the universe already from other angles, because the book of life is built not only on Earth, but also in other worlds.

The fiery nature of man constantly promotes communication with the spirit, i.e. with the Higher Worlds, but only the person himself believes little or does not believe in this at all (he considers himself a little worthless little man and constantly belittles his spiritual abilities for creation, although he does something every second, but unconsciously and, even, I would say, irresponsibly, not thinking about the consequences of their thoughts, actions and actions.Why is a person constantly attracted to the Earth?Because he has a narrow outlook, firstly, and secondly, memory loss - because of this, he thinks that there are more than Earth there is nothing to know, the Universe is limited to this. Yes, it’s a sin to hide: some scientists even still claim that the Earth is the center of the Universe, and that there is no life anywhere else except the Earth. These are the “scientists” we have, unfortunately. such "teachers," how far can you advance along the path of knowing the truth? Where will they lead you? To the dead end where they themselves are.

E.I. R: "There may also be such a strong desire to help earthlings that such a desire will delay the duration of stay. As you can see, selflessness is valued in both cases. It is not easy to help earthlings, they are afraid of such help. They are able to faint from the first manifestation. Also experiments in The Subtle World requires great discipline, and some states are not easy.

You may ask what does "a strong desire to help earthlings"? When a person incarnates here on Earth, he does not come alone, he is followed by a whole string of people from the Subtle World. These are relatives and friends (both good and bad by karma, etc.). So these people from the Subtle World all want to help you in fulfilling your mission on Earth. Therefore, their time of incarnation is delayed until they complete their work in the Subtle World to help you. This is considered selfless work to help earthlings from the Thin Plan. But earthlings, when they begin to feel someone's invisible hand from the Thin plane, they begin to be afraid, they do not listen to them, think that it seemed to them or heard, and in every possible way brush off such invisible help from the subtle astral plane, or the fiery Higher plane. And so people, voluntarily, with the help of fear, lose the help of people from the subtle plane, although at the same time they still continue to ask for help and are indignant - " Why hasn’t anyone helped me so far – after all, I pray day and night, but they don’t hear me.”? That is, people lack faith and trust in the Higher Worlds.

E.I. R.: “Sometimes one can be convinced that some inhabitants stay for a long time in the Subtle World. One cannot suspect by their nature that they deviate from service. They work there in a way that they could not manifest themselves on Earth. Thus, some strive to be incarnated as soon as possible, such a feat is valuable, but striving work in the Subtle World also has its own reason.”

Yes, life in the Subtle World is much longer than Earthly. No one has the right to force a person to incarnate in the dense world. For this, there is freedom of expression of a person. Not of his own will, a person can incarnate only when he needs to pay off or work off a large karmic debt. Then he is forcibly sent to pay his debts if he maliciously violated the Laws. You can say that we violated everything, that's why we ended up on Earth. Yes, in general, it is, except for some purposeful people who want to help people already here on Earth. They might not incarnate, but for the sake of the enlightenment of people who are lagging behind, they make such sacrifices, they come again and again to push through the evolution of mankind. If not for such selfless people, humanity would still be in a dormant state (amnesia). The work of such outstanding, advanced people is priceless. But do we appreciate their work? After all, most of humanity does not care who helps them and who leads them. They are simply consumers of someone else's labor.

Also, some debts can be easily worked off in the Subtle World, clearing the Subtle World from the influence of the dense world (for example, wars, explosions, chaos, natural disasters and other negative phenomena). All this has a negative effect on the Subtle Worlds.

After earthly explosions large holes are formed in the space of the Subtle Worlds. The inhabitants of these worlds suffer greatly from the disgusting behavior of earthlings. We disturb their peace. So, who should patch up these huge holes? They also help to reanimate the subtle planes - their habitat. Just as we cannot live in our dirty, leaky apartment, they also cannot live in an ugly room. And people in the Subtle World work in such a way that they could not manifest themselves on Earth! That is, they work out their karma in an accelerated manner in order not to incarnate on Earth again or to extend the terms of their incarnations for a long time (many motivations).

E.I. R.: “One can imagine how necessary some workers are in the Subtle World. In addition, some of them should not bring their knowledge to Earth prematurely, therefore they can usefully apply knowledge in the Subtle World. They can help so that the Subtle Worlds are not cluttered "disgrace. On Earth, only sometimes a person's abilities are fairly evaluated, but in the Subtle World such service is always expedient. The Thinker (Plato) knew that true talent would always be appreciated, if not on Earth, then in the Supermundane World."

In the Subtle World there are people with a learned mindset. They can bring much more benefit there than on Earth, where their work simply will not be understood and appreciated. There are people whose work is too early to show earthlings. People are not mature enough to receive such information. The time has not come. And there their work is of great help.

So it's time to remove your fears before the Subtle World, before the unknown. Your fears, superstitions, ignorance and prejudices are nothing but limitation of consciousness. Give freedom to your spirit!

The conditions of the Subtle World are completely different from those on earth. In order to join the Subtle World, one must observe purity of thoughts. Accustom yourself to observe the Subtle World. But what is meant here is to observe the Subtle Higher World, and not the Subtle Lower World - these are two different concepts: pure thoughts will connect you with the Higher Subtle World, and dark, dirty, malicious, aggressive, etc. thoughts will connect you with the Lower World. Remove despondency, pessimism, suffering, unbelief. Stop gossiping, judging each other, slandering each other. With such heavy qualities, you can never get into Higher Worlds. In general, all human vices you know very well - get rid of them. Change your thoughts.

Which World you choose - decide for yourself.

The process of perceiving our world is based on the simple principle of energy reflection, when light falls on bodies, is partially reflected, then enters the eye, is absorbed, converted into a signal, and a picture of the world is formed, since all bodies have different surface reflectivity.

I consider light to be an excess pressure, a positive electric potential, which, when moving, forms a closed wave, like a donut from air or a soliton on the surface of water. Therefore, during propagation, we do not see the positive property of light, but we see in the example of the photoelectric effect, when light hits a negatively charged plate, it reduces the negative potential precisely because of the positive property of light. When light moves, energy is fixed by us as a mass!

Light is waves, like on the surface of water from a stone thrown into it, when excess pressure begins to spread in waves and look for a new point of balance! And this positive energy is absorbed by all bodies, that is, nature uses this energy, it high blood pressure, in order to twist its atoms, it takes some of the energy until the centrifugal forces of the atom again equalize the external pressure of the medium.

And the higher the frequency, the better the absorbing or penetrating ability of bodies, this is clearly seen in the example of X-rays, when energy is practically not reflected. And I think it is for this reason that we do not see the subtle world. The world should be arranged like a nesting doll, with levels and floors of energy, which is a recognized fact in physics, using the example of electronic levels in an atom. And each upper level serves as a source of energy for the lower, lower frequency plan.

It is quite clear that the scheme of simple consumption should not suit nature. At the initial stages of growth, energy consumption is common, but as the energy or mass of the body increases, they switch to radiation mode, this is clearly seen in the example of the Sun, stars, and other emitters.

But mass is not the main cause of radiation, rather it is a consequence, main reason mass gain is the synchronization of vibrations between levels, when energy from the upper level is absorbed by the lower plane, as usual, but due to resonance or multiple coincidence of vibrations, resonance occurs, vibrations increase and due to the environment additional energy comes, which is in the environment in the form of potential. And so part of the energy is radiated back, and part remains, so the body grows, glows and does not go out. Since the more stored energy in the form of mass, the more new energy can be obtained, and the dependence is quadratic.

That's the whole principle, the idea of ​​the visibility of the subtle world is based on the overlap or coincidence of resonant frequencies between levels. Those who deal with Tesla coils must have discovered this effect.

And as evidence of the theory, this is the well-known Kirlian method for obtaining an image of thin fields, when a body (leaf of a plant, etc.) is placed in a strong electric field (usually variable), when a positive electric potential comes, the pressure in the medium rises, and hence the vibration of physical matter rises and pulls up to the desired frequency, most likely a multiple of three or four, relative to the upper level. And so the energy from the upper level begins to radiate, being excited from the upper level of energy!

Another example is the orbs in the photo with a flash, when a powerful stream of light from the flash sharply increases the pressure in the medium and therefore an overlap occurs between the energy levels and we see some balls, shapes, etc. A mirage from the same area, heat, light, Evaporation is all an increase in pressure or energy in the medium and again there is an overlap, resonance and glow.

And apparently this is the goal of evolution, when the energy from the upper level begins not only to be absorbed by the lower level, but due to resonance and the environment, it amplifies, copied in essence, making a return to the source or radiating to others. It turns out an effective and mutually beneficial system. And the main condition for growth is, of course, a constant acceleration in order to attract the energy of the Universe, and the acceleration must be synchronized between levels in order for such a system to work effectively as a single complex!

Are there simple ways to develop clairvoyance? How to apply this ability in our life. For the development of any abilities, it is necessary to have a supply of energy. Otherwise, simple exercises will not work. You will simply fall asleep. Working with energy, its replenishment, saving, collecting are essential for the development of abilities.

I already wrote about the mental screen. What is commonly called clairvoyance is seeing clearly with the mind and not with the eyes. The eyes have their range available to them. We do not see in the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum. If we see with our eyes, the same can be captured with a camera and a video camera.

If this is not possible, then it is not available to the eyes. No matter how they say that they see with the eyes, they see with the mind. The mind can perceive subtle vibrations and translates them into images. The mental screen is one of the ways to bring subtle vibrations into a form that we can understand.
To develop the ability to see the aura or energy, you need to learn how to superimpose the picture created by the mind on the picture seen with the eyes. Only two problems hinder learning to see the objects of the subtle world.
We must learn to see the picture created by the mind as bright as the picture seen by the eyes.
Your fantasy should not interfere with seeing real objects.

Our mind is constantly receiving information from the world around us. We see a lot, but we realize little. You can look with your eyes and not see things under your nose. There are such words, it seemed, it seemed, it seemed. Sometimes you feel the presence of something nearby, usually behind your back. You start to turn around and out of the corner of your eye you see something incomprehensible. You start looking, and everything disappears.
Let's forget about our eyes for a while and start seeing with the mind. The mind must cling to objects that are new to it. Understand and believe in their existence.

There are several ways to remember how to see, or to learn again.
You must be convinced by a person who sees himself. If he sees, then I can too. Live contact is desirable here. Video courses and books do little to help with this. We need answers now, not later.
Take a peek into the subtle world. Usually, after contact with the subtle world, the mind continues to see objects from there for several days.

With the help of various techniques, bring the mind to the so-called intermediate state. This state is not a trance or hypnosis, but a different perception of the world. An intermediate state is the ability of the mind to perceive information unchanged without introducing its own conclusions and conjectures into it. An altered state similar to the state when waking up, falling asleep, or when you look into the void and do not think about anything. A state of focus and relaxation at the same time.
Those who are engaged in meditative practices know this state well. There are many gradations of this state, but that is not the point.

With practice, you can enter an altered state quickly. After entering an altered state, work begins in the subtle world.

How to distinguish your images from information from the subtle world?

Consider the example of working with a mental screen. Create a mental screen in light gray or white color. We create a rose, we achieve the best sharpness. We begin to focus on the edges of the petals. If you look closely, you can see a multi-colored glow. This will be the aura of the rose we created. In the same way, you can create yourself and look at your aura. The rose is a fruit of our imagination, and its aura is information from the subtle world. For verification, you can create your friend and see his aura. Here it is important not to draw the aura yourself, but to see it as it is. Let the colors do not match the generally accepted ones. It doesn't matter in this exercise. Everyone has their own vision, and with further development it will be possible to see the shells of people with open eyes.

We are constantly in contact with the Subtle World without even noticing or attaching any importance to it. Therefore, I would like to draw your attention to some differences between the information received from the Subtle World and that created by our imagination.

What is the difference between images from the Subtle World and fantasies, dreams. Very few people can imagine an object in their imagination with clarity, as when seeing with their eyes. Although we constantly create pictures in our imagination, we understand this is our imagination.

You can change objects, people, the place of what is happening and the time, as you like, but these will not be real objects and facts. Being in one place, you can imagine objects that are in another room, for example, on a table. Remember, and then check. If the items matched with your imagination, you considered the information, and if they did not match, it was only imagination.

With dreams a little more interesting and more difficult. Dreams can be very real, vivid. Waking up, we understand that everything we saw is only a dream, but when we sleep, we think that everything is real. There are dreams with a vision of catastrophes, natural disasters, the future and the past. In these dreams, there is a vision of catastrophes without dates and the exact place of the event. We do not interfere with sleep, but only observe, without the ability to influence it. One of the ways to decipher dreams is through dream books. There is a huge amount various dream books. They give ready-made interpretations of dreams. Everyone's dreams are so individual and unique, they have so many nuances, so some interpretations coincide, others do not. You can make your own dream book, and it will be accurate for you. There are dreams with a vision of recently deceased loved ones. In them, relatives behave as in life, they are also dressed and sometimes ask to return their belongings.

Lucid dream. Being in this dream, we understand that we are dreaming and we are dreaming. Once understanding comes, the flow of sleep can be manipulated and changed. bad dreams there will be no more, you can always turn the dream in the direction we need. It will be possible to see the same dream and its continuation. For example, beautiful places, other worlds. You can create your own world and be anyone there.

Runs after you big dog, you run with all your might, but the dog catches up, jumps, and you wake up.

This is a simple dream.

Just run away, and the dog catches up with you. You turn to face her, ready to fight. Act like you would when meeting a real dog. You can create a weapon in your hand, run into the house you created and close the door behind you. You can sing a song, and the dog will dance and go about his business. You can slow down and sit next to the dog, run together in one direction, making small talk.

Another example of a dream. You run along a wide road, you run up to the edge, and there the abyss of the bottom is not visible. Run, jump and wake up.

But if, running along the road, you realize yourself in a dream and consciously jump into the abyss, you can go to another reality and find out what is there, beyond the edge of the abyss. This is a lucid dream.

I don't use the word "fear" for nothing. When entering the Subtle World, this is the most frequent state, as well as delight and surprise. And it is fear that prevents us from studying and using the possibilities of the Subtle World.

Understanding the situation during sleep and applying the knowledge and experience acquired during life to solve it is an example of a lucid dream. Later, having understood that the seen world can be changed, new ways of changing it come from simple ways to fantastic. Having tried once to change dreams, you can do it all the time.

The only difficulty in obtaining information is to separate what is your imagination and what is information.

Out-of-body experience, OBE for short. During sleep and lucid dream there is no sensation of the body. The OBE begins precisely with the sensations that occur with the body. Various vibrations, paralysis with a clear consciousness of the mind. We understand that we are not sleeping, but we cannot control the body. When experiencing fear or other strong emotions, body sensations disappear, and we begin to feel our body as usual.

With an OBE, you can see your body lying down and the environment in the room. Go through walls and glass. These actions will cause sensations in the body. On the one hand, everything is possible, but on the other, it is difficult to do. A person feels as if he is in his body and at the same time in not his. If you realize yourself in a non-body and understand that the walls of houses are not an obstacle to movement, you can visit other worlds or other levels. This knowledge already carries reliable information that can be verified and refined.

Sleep, lucid dream, OBE have more in common than differences. You can move from one state to another without noticing the difference. The only difference is in the state of mind.

N.D. Spirin

What is the lower astral?

The lower astral plane is the body of feelings and desires, experiences and passions, these are all our aspirations for something low, for example: jealousy, envy, fear and other negative feelings. This is the sphere of the astral that annoys us enough, and if a person does not cope with this state, then the raging astral unbalances him, which has very serious consequences for the mental and physical health of a person.

“But God! How the passions played with his obedient soul! - these are the words from Pushkin's poem "Gypsies", which tells how Aleko, tormented by jealousy, stabbed his beloved and her friend. Pushkin very well expresses the idea that passions play with an "obedient soul", that is, Aleko's soul is in slavery to his own passions.

How to deal with low feelings?

Feelings are energies that cannot be destroyed by themselves, like any other energies; but the lower senses can be transmuted into the higher. Egoistic love, which causes insane jealousy, can be transmuted into a lofty feeling, into such love when a person is no longer loved for oneself, but for him, when he is dear as such, not to mention love for the Highest, which is the highest degree of love. This is the transmutation achieved by our Saints, Ascetics. Seraphim of Sarov, Sergius of Radonezh - how they loved God, how they loved the Mother of God, who, responding to this love, came to them! This is the highest stage of love. Therefore, the transmutation of our earthly feeling of love into love for the Highest is the task of our self-perfection.

What is a dream?

Sleep is when the spirit does not completely leave the body, but can stand out from it and then return again. Sleep is not a complete departure into the Subtle World, it is only a partial similarity to the so-called death. We stand out into the Subtle World, but most often in our dreams we see not it, but the remnants of some daily events, that which struck or impressed us. These can be called brain reflexes. There are dreams symbolic, prophetic, warning, almost real. Prophetic dreams mean contact with another world, when we see what we cannot see on the gross material plane. They always leave a special impression.

What is the difference between the state of a person during sleep and after the so-called death?

On Earth, a person comes into contact with the Subtle World through dreams or through direct sensation of it, but still he lives in earthly conditions. During the final transition there, both the body and earthly conditions are completely discarded, and the person - his essence - passes into the Subtle World already completely, without any remainder on the earthly plane, and there is a difference in these states. Stay in the Subtle World is a different state than sleep, and this is evident from the fact that what it is said in the Teaching.

Should all the accumulations collected in past incarnations be revealed in this life?

It is said that only an Arhat remembers all his accumulations, and we, except for unconscious and vague desires and memories, do not remember anything. Some of the previously accumulated qualities can be brought to life and developed if the necessary conditions are created for this. If this does not happen, then these qualities will remain in the “cup” of accumulations, will not be revealed and, as it were, will die out for this earthly life. In the "bowl" nothing is lost, but all this must be called from there, and this is not easy. We may have the richest savings, but, according to our karma, in the next earthly life we ​​use only a part of them. Therefore, we must strive to create the necessary conditions already in early childhood to identify the ability that requires special concentration and development.

What will happen in the Subtle World with those abilities that a person could not realize in earthly life?

Abilities that for some reason could not be realized here will definitely manifest themselves there. For example, in earthly life a person for some reason did not learn to draw, he does not know how to hold a brush, use paints, etc. He did not have the opportunity to create himself, but his abilities were expressed in the understanding of painting. And in the Subtle World he will be able to draw pictures, because there no brushes or paints are needed, but only imagination. And there he will be very happy.

What is the significance of creativity for the Earth and the Subtle World?

The ability to create is being strengthened on Earth, but how high such creativity will be when people realize that they are creating not only for the Earth, but also for higher, majestic spheres. This means that when we create something beautiful on Earth, it certainly remains for the Earth, but also, if it is in tune with the higher spheres, it will also belong to them. Why is there so much beauty in the Subtle World? Because many created, not limiting their creativity only to the Earth; all the most beautiful works of art are found in the higher spheres of the Subtle World. I hope that in the Subtle World it will be possible to see the paintings of Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich, not limited by their material form, - to see them as he saw them in his imagination.

Is it possible, being on Earth, to communicate with those who have gone to the Subtle World and help them?

If there was close contact with the departed, then you can feel it. Once in a dream, I saw one of my acquaintances: old and sick, she was sitting by her hut in the same form in which I saw her on Earth. I said: “Why are you sitting here, because you are not old, but young, take off your rags, let's fly!” I took her hand, we flew and climbed a tree. After all, there we can take our shape as we wish. If a person feels like a 25-year-old, then he will look like that there too. And if a person imagines himself to be old, sick, and cannot remember or imagine himself in any other way, then he will go there like that, and this is very regrettable. It’s good if he allows a Leader who will help him and say: “You really are a spirit, you have no age, it’s your shell that is so miserable, and you yourself are young and healthy!”

High Spirits on Earth can consciously dwell in the Subtle World during sleep. Boris Nikolaevich Abramov once told in class how he stood out in the Subtle World, where he continued to work throughout his earthly life, and met a blind boy there. The boy was blind in earthly life, and there he also continued to see nothing. Boris Nikolayevich approached him and said: “Boy, it was on Earth that you had sick eyes and you lost your sight, but here they are healthy and you see!” It was only necessary to tell him that "here you see," and the boy received his sight! This is how important it is to understand the possibilities offered by work in the Subtle World, if one realizes it.

If we have a very strong spiritual contact with the departed, then we can send our thoughts there: support him there, remind him that he needs to rise higher, guide him. Of course, it is easier to help a leader who is already there, but if there was a lot of contact with this person during his lifetime, then you can help from here.

Why is it commanded to pray for the departed? In the church, a memorial service is served for the deceased, prayers are sent for the repose of his soul. If this is the soul of a believer, maybe it is pleasant for her, it is difficult to say, but, in any case, we are obliged to help always and everywhere, as well as to think well about the departed.

Why is it said that no one speaks ill of the dead? Because they feel it, but they cannot defend themselves. If you speak badly about a living person, then he can react accordingly, and there the person cannot defend himself and therefore is to some extent subject to these condemnations. Therefore, one must always think for the good, in all cases, both here and there.

Is it possible to see the earthly plane from the Subtle World?

Spiritually advanced beings can see the physical plane under the condition of a very strong desire and a bright concrete goal. To do this, they need to specifically direct their consciousness to what they want to see: relatives left on Earth, some events taking place there, or something else.

Is there day and night in the Subtle World, as on Earth, or is it always day there? Does the sun shine there or is it not there at all? Can you see him there?

There is the same nature, only sublimated, beautiful, refined. Of course, the sun is there, and the stars can be seen in subtle, beautiful, high layers. And in the lower ones twilight reigns, but they come from the inhabitants themselves, who on Earth have departed from the light and in the Subtle World dwell in twilight. And in general, it is unusually beautiful there. And the stars, and everything that we love, we will see there.

Is it possible to continue studying the Teaching of Living Ethics in the Subtle World?

Judging by what is said about this in the Teaching, there is an opportunity to learn whatever we want, including, of course, continuing to study the Living Ethics. After all, this is the Teaching of all Existence, which means it is an infinite Teaching. In the Subtle World there are all possibilities for such learning: there must be libraries, there are also Guides who are ready to explain and help. I myself would very much like to continue the study of the Teaching there, because, having read it since 1941, I can say for sure, from my own experience, that every time I read another book, I always find something new there that I had not previously noticed. I already remember something by heart, but I discover something for the first time. This means that if we want, there will be a continuation: aspiring to knowledge will definitely receive it.

Can the inhabitants of the Subtle World listen to our conversations?

Of course they can, and they listen to us. What is said here should also be of interest to them. When in Harbin we were very intensively studying Living Ethics with BN Abramov, he said: “Many people here listen to us, but when we leave, who will they listen to? Then they will search for us until they find us along the line of spiritual attraction.” He felt that they listened to us, and listened with great interest, those who passed into the Subtle World without having received this knowledge during their life on Earth. Space is far from empty; on the contrary, it is full and overflowing.

How to help a person who has crossed over in the Subtle World, is it possible to talk to him and about what?

Mentally, one can greatly help one who has passed into the Subtle World, imagining that he is well and calm there. A person who has moved there can be very agitated if he does not understand what is happening to him and where he is. Therefore, you need to talk to him, reassure him: “You are not on Earth, but in better world; you are no longer sick, you are healthy, young and happy, fly - because you can fly! Rush up, it's very beautiful there! But the worst thing will be if you start to sob, cry, call him back (in Russia there were even special mourners who mourned the dead). But if he loves you, it will be hard for him to see how you grieve.

Why is it customary to remember ordinary people on the ninth and fortieth day after their death? Because until that time they still cannot renounce the earthly spheres. Those people who do not know anything about the other world and therefore do not rush more quickly there, upward, they roam around the Earth.

If prayers help someone, prayers can also be remembered; but you are in ordinary life you do not talk with your loved ones with prayers, but with kind words. When your friend is sick or upset, do you find some good words for him, as well as here. If he is still close to the earthly spheres, he will understand you. When the spirit has already rushed and flown away, it no longer cares about the earthly plan, you can no longer disturb it and you won’t talk to it especially, because it is already busy with something else.

What is the continued existence of suicides? And how could they be helped during their lifetime?

It was necessary to keep them from committing suicide by all means during their lifetime, somehow influence them, explain to them the fallacy of this act. And then you need to find out what leads them to suicide - maybe some kind of desperate situation either in the house, or in the family, or financially - and somehow keep them from this, help them. What awaits them in the next world - the Teaching does not say, but probably their fate is very difficult, because they interrupt their assigned period of stay on earth and thus violate the law of karma.

How to help a terminally ill person who will soon die if he does not believe in life after death? Offer him books? Wouldn't it be tactless? Or is it better to mentally talk to him and pray for him?

I don't think it would be tactless to suggest that he read books like Life Without Death. We must try. If he doesn't, that's his business. But everything that can be done for him must be done. What if he responds to this book and at least the slightest grain of the idea of ​​immortality sinks into him; this will already be the beginning of his awareness of the existence of the Subtle World and the guarantee that he will not remain in an unconscious state there. If he rejects this idea, that is his business, but I think it would be useful to give this book. Let him respect it just in case.

How will the evolution of humanity continue on another planet? For example: on Jupiter or Venus will a person incarnate as a human being or will he have to go through in his incarnations one by one the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom, etc., as it was on Earth?

On other planets, man will continue his human evolution, but will never again be a plant, stone or animal - his evolution, in new conditions, with his accumulations; everything that he has accumulated here, he will carry with him further, to other planets.

In “Sparks of Light” (issue 1, p. 29) it is said: “The Teacher turned in the lower layers of the Astral world and Said: Why do you forever tie yourself to the earth with thoughts about the earth? And many rebelled and rose up higher. Does this mean that people there continue to think about their worries and experiences?

Some people, having left their earthly body, nevertheless often continue to think about earthly affairs in the world they have left, and thus bind themselves to the earth, instead of ascending to higher, more subtle spheres.

How to help a person who has passed away ahead of time? Guide him higher? Or will our words not help?

It all depends on what sphere the person who left before the deadline will fall into. It is necessary to speak with him according to consciousness, but try to put into him the idea of ​​our destiny - not to stand in the left place, but to strive to advance to higher spheres; to think not only about the conditions of earthly life he has abandoned, but, if possible, break away from them in order to rise to a higher level. You can learn more about this condition in this book.

“Community”, § 21: “We are not lovers of the world of bodily survivals, but it cannot be bypassed in spiritual development, like everything that exists. The world of bodily survivals contains some elements necessary for intercourse with the worlds. What is the world of bodily survivals and what elements are we talking about?

The world of bodily remnants is the astral world, in which there are still many elements from the earthly world. Having passed into the astral plane after the so-called death, a person, not knowing its laws, continues to act in an earthly way: to walk when it is possible to fly; cut through the wall when you can go through it; ride a train, when you can instantly be transported by thought to another place, etc.

“When people learn to honor the Cosmic Laws, then, of course, the Cosmic Magnet will show them the way to completion” (Fiery World, III, § 131). What are the most important Cosmic Laws?

Cosmic Laws are Hierarchy, karma and reincarnation (i.e. immortal life, immortality). The adoption of these laws will ennoble people.