Where to relax in Belarus in the summer. Where to go for a weekend in Belarus - where to relax in the summer

Here you have plenty to choose from. Let's start with the fact that in Belarus there are a number of attractions that you need to visit. But let's start about everything in order.

You have several options. This is to buy a ticket to one of the Belarusian sanatoriums and combine relaxation with treatment, which is in high demand. The most demanded and promoted is the Naroch rest house. This is Belarusian Switzerland. It makes complete sense to drive or rent a car in Belarus. Rarely stolen. The traffic police do not get impudent. The cost will be the same as in other European countries. No matter what they say about Belarus, it is an attractive and still European country. Even in small towns clean and beautiful. And the prices for many things, like accommodation and meals, will pleasantly surprise you. In any case, compared with Moscow, you don’t even have to say. Well, it’s not worth talking about the quality of Belarusian products once again. On URA goes to all countries. They even try to defend themselves against it. Staying at the hotel is no problem. There are a lot of them in Minsk and for every budget. It makes no sense to settle in hotels "Minsk", "Paradise" and the like. Center, rooms from $100, and no pluses. Cheaper is the same Orbit or Tourist. Most importantly, near the subway.

A double-decker bus with a city tour runs around Minsk from the central station. The cost of the trip is approximately 7 dollars. You will be shown and told about the main attractions. For that, look at the Minsk museums. The National Gallery, St. Mary's Cathedral, the Historical Museum - all in the area of ​​​​st. Metro Oktyabrskaya. Immediately admire the residence, Belsofprof's palace, the Town Hall, the Holy Spirit Cathedral. Walk around the Trinity suburb. Look at the Orthodox Diocese. The metro will take you to the National Library and its observation deck. In general, any Minsker will tell you where to go and how to get there. In Minsk, all the main attractions are located along the metro line and bus number 100. Minsk residents are quite sociable and will always tell you where and how to get there. You should also visit Loshitsky Park. There is a manor where a ghost lives. And also there during the war lived Cuba, Gauleiter. True, he was blown up not here, but in a city apartment on Engels. It is worth visiting the Minsk Zoo and the Dolphinarium. For children in Minsk Aquapark and Dreamlinepark. Lots of rides. And everything is close by. Several stops. Well, if you want to swim, go to the Zaslavl reservoir. If it works out, the golden option is to book a hotel room at the Yunost rest house. Here, for sure, the city is nearby, 20 minutes from the center (if by high-speed train) or 20 minutes by bus.

Here, a high-speed comfortable train will take you to Minsk in 20 minutes. Yes, and a forest, a large lake and a sandy beach, the view is gorgeous. And the city is literally within walking distance. For recreation in Minsk perfect place. Well, if you are located in Minsk itself, for barbecue and nature, book a trip to Agro Estate. But it's better to do it in advance. During the season, Minskers and Belarusians themselves are not averse to spending the weekend in such estates. And it can be quite difficult to find from Friday to Sunday evening. Then plan a trip to Nesvizh Castle and Mir Castle. You can book a tour through the travel agency. But it doesn't make much sense. In Nesvizh and Mir, from the bus station "Central" there is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200btransport both there and back. Just buy a ticket and go. Well, if by car, then by purchasing a map you certainly won’t get lost. Everything is on busy highways. By the way, most of the roads are very good. Well, motorways generally meet European requirements. By the way, Belarusian policemen are not very fond of bribes. You can poke around and get into a mess. result of the fight against corruption. So it's better not to try to negotiate. Especially in Minsk itself and the Minsk region.

Next, it is worth driving through the cities. The option is this, plan to arrive in the morning and leave for Minsk in the evening. First of all, Brest with the Brest Fortress and Grodno. On the way from Grodno you will stop (if by car) to see the town of Lida. Here the noble castle and the best beer in the Republic of Belarus are brewed. As well as the Stalin Line, the Duduki ethnographic museum. In general, you will like it in Belarus. And most importantly, it is calm here, as in Soviet times. And no one really cares where you are from and what color your skin is. Belarusians are really peace-loving people ... as long as they are not touched, judging by history.

Well, proposals for organizing hunting and fishing are just a sea. In winter, you should book a vacation in the Brest region to Santa Claus in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Relax with the kids better than in Finland. In general, in Belarus there is a lot to see and there is where to relax. So you won't be able to see everything at once.

In Belarus there is no sea and mountains, there is no exotic or some particularly outlandish architecture. But, nevertheless, this country takes pride of place in the tourist ratings of Russians for several reasons. Firstly, no difficulties with entry and even a passport is not needed. Secondly, it is already almost Europe with the corresponding attributes: castles, churches, fortresses and medieval ruins. Well, the last argument is the magnificent natural landscapes, from which you simply cannot take your eyes off.


In Belarus there is something to do all year round. Of course, late spring, summer and early autumn are traditionally considered high season, when the sun often appears in the sky (about the weather). It was during this period that large flows of tourists rush into the country, sanatoriums and recreation centers are loaded to the maximum, prices in hotels literally soar. In March, April and October, when the weather is changeable, it is better to go on excursions to memorial complexes and museums, in winter they are popular ski resorts(for example, Silichi) and all-season sanatoriums.

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The cultural program

There are many places worthy of attention in Belarus, each region can boast of something like that. But there is a mandatory minimum that no tourist can pass by. You should start with the classics of the genre (where without it!) - Nesvizh and Mir castles. The first one is an ideal example of European baroque in its northern version, the second one was built in the unique Belarusian Gothic style. Both are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and are considered architectural gems of the country.

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It is worth staying here for at least a few days to see the sights. It is most convenient to start from the Upper Town, which is called the main tourist center. Baroque temples, classical mansions and monuments of the 16th-19th centuries have been preserved there. From there you can walk to the Trinity Suburb - this is a reconstructed historical area, built up with pretty stone manors with a tiled roof. Interesting museums and cozy cafes lurk behind the walls of the houses. And, finally, the Red Church on Sovetskaya Street: strict northern Gothic, rough neo-Romanesque style and ornate constructivism are mixed in its appearance.

And in Minsk, all the ambitions of the architects of the Soviet era seemed to come true. They realized their desire for gigantomania when designing Independence, Pobeda and Railway Station squares. What are the monumental towers of the Gates of Minsk and the huge Government House.

40 km from Minsk there is a museum park "Dudutki", dedicated to traditional crafts and provincial life.

The Brest Fortress is one of the largest monuments on the territory of Belarus, dedicated to the history of the Great Patriotic War. The Khatyn complex was erected in memory of all the victims of the genocide who suffered in those terrible years. These places make a very strong impression on visitors, no one will leave indifferent.

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Nature routes and active recreation

You can fully enjoy the beauty of landscapes, and at the same time fully relax and recharge your batteries in sanatoriums, boarding houses and camp sites of the Braslav Lakes National Park and the Sorochansky Lakes Reserve. They do everything their heart desires there: they walk, fish, ride bicycles and sunbathe on equipped beaches in the warm season.

The best "beach resorts" are considered (Zaslavsky reservoir) and lake. Naroch, located on the territory of the Naroch National Park. By the way, this reserve is the most famous health center in the country.

In the famous Belovezhskaya Pushcha, travelers are waiting for the legendary bison, which allow themselves to be fed by hand, and 600-year-old oaks - the same age as the Grand Duke of Lithuania Jagiello.

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In summer, there is expanse for active tourists: kayaking along the Neman, cycling trips along the picturesque plains of the Poozerye, horseback riding trips deep into the forests of the Berezinsky Reserve. Not far from Minsk there are ski centers "Logoisk" and "Silichi" with slopes for beginners and professionals, as well as with numerous winter entertainments for the whole family.

A real jungle in which giant prehistoric lizards lurk. You can visit the city planetarium with schoolchildren to see spherical films about the structure of the Universe. But the kids will be happy to watch funny performances in the circus.

In winter, you should plan a trip to one of the residences of Santa Claus. The main one is located in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. This is a whole estate with fabulous houses, where guests are greeted by magical characters. And an incredible Christmas tree several tens of meters high will delight even skeptical parents who have long ceased to believe in miracles.

Older children will enjoy spending time in the Sula History Park, located just 50 km from the capital. This is an interactive museum, the so-called "Belarus in miniature". Another entertaining attraction is the children's railway named after. K. S. Zaslonova in Minsk.

To get from Moscow to Belarus, you need to take a plane and spend a little less than an hour and a half of your time. Many people prefer to travel by their car – you will have to travel more, but you will see a lot of interesting things along the way. This article is intended for all categories of tourists.

Belarus is a country of lakes, dense forests and beautiful medieval castles. Most of the sights are located outside of Minsk - these places will be discussed. We will compile a list of the most popular corners of "Blue-eyed Belarus", visit its natural and cultural monuments, drive around this country by car in autumn and winter.

Where to go and what to see in Belarus

Belarus is a compact country, so you won’t spend much time exploring interesting places. In a time pressure situation, one can limit oneself to the Minsk region. Leave for Logoisk, ride on the slopes there. Visit old estates near Minsk. Go to Dudutki - there are a lot of interesting things.

And here is the situation in other regions of the country:

  • Vitebsk region. Lake District, where you can have a good rest by renting a campsite or living in a sanatorium. The region is dotted with small towns, there is a very favorable environment.
  • Brest region. There you will find two obligatory points of the cultural program - the Brest Fortress and Belovezhskaya Pushcha.
  • Gomel region. The most interesting places are concentrated in Gomel and Mozyr. It also does not interfere with visiting Vetka - the original museum of local lore is localized there.
  • The Grodno region. This is the western region of Belarus, and therefore the most significant historical monuments are concentrated here - churches, medieval castles, ancient estates and pre-revolutionary houses. Be sure to visit Lida during the knight tournament there.
  • Mogilev region. There is practically nothing to see here. There are several ancient buildings, temples and monasteries in Mogilev. Be sure to visit Bobruisk - the legendary city of "padonkaff", to which all individuals who did not speak the "Albanian language" were "reported".

In a time pressure situation, limit yourself to the Minsk region.

Top 5 most interesting places in Belarus

From a superficial overview of the areas, let's move on to particular examples. We have gone through the most popular Belarusian sights, removed some of the "mainstream" and left the corners that really deserve your attention. Do not be surprised if there are little-known sights of Belarus here:

To Belarus by car - where to go

If you are going to Belarus in the summer, you may well go to own car. The roads in Belarus are good, and there are no problems with roadside hotels.

Nothing prevents you from visiting the Belarusian lakes and relaxing at the campsite, and then going to the legendary Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Three-day trip around Belarus - minimum program

If you are inspired by the idea of ​​a summer trip, but do not have extra time, it is worth planning an express trip to key places in the country. A detailed acquaintance with the sights of the Republic of Belarus will force you to limit yourself to the Minsk and Vitebsk regions. However, a lot can be done in three days. So, what to see in Belarus in three days or over a weekend by car in the summer:

From Grodno go to Lida (you should visit the brewery and the Lida Castle there), then to Smorgon and finally to Polotsk. Perhaps you won’t have time to see anything else, since it’s better to set aside a whole day for Polotsk.

The arrival of cold weather and Belarusian sights

With the onset of autumn, many things change. Lakes, biosphere reserves and ethno-cultural villages fall out of the list. In the fall in Belarus, you can see this:

  • Chagall House Museum. To see this memorable place, you need to go to Vitebsk, to Pokrovskaya street, 11. It was here that the famous artist lived, whom all Belarusians are proud of. Visiting the art center, you can admire the graphic works of the master. The ticket price ranges from 20-90 thousand "squirrels".
  • Boris stone. This unique artifact is located in Polotsk. In autumn, the stone looks especially harsh, reminding tourists of the frailty of life. A mysterious text and an image of a cross are carved on the boulder. You can find this "Belarusian Stonehenge" on Zamkovaya street, house 1.
  • Golshany Castle. The majestic ruins of the castle are located in the Grodno region (near the town of Golshany). After leaving this settlement, move in the direction of Yuratik. To the right of the road you will see the ruins.

It is better to allocate a whole day to Polotsk.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, it is worth thinking about visiting some specific corners of Belarus. On the New Year we recommend watching this:

Most tourists begin their acquaintance with Belarus from the capital. And when all the key sights in Minsk have been seen, it's time to explore the country from the inside. There are many interesting and beautiful places in Belarus, which will take only one or two days to explore. This is a good opportunity to diversify your leisure time and spend a busy weekend.

Museum complex "Dudutki"

If you want to spend an interesting weekend with the whole family, with children, pay attention to the museum complex "Dudutki". The territory of the complex is quite large and well-groomed. The interesting thing is that the organizers created a model of an ancient Belarusian village on the territory of the complex. There are various sectors with artisans, where you can watch the work of masters, and cheese tasting with moonshine, and souvenir shops, and even an exhibition of retro cars. For children, there is a cute zoo and playgrounds. In general, the Dudutki complex will appeal to both adults and children.

The cost of an entrance ticket to the territory of the complex is 5 USD. for adults and 3 c.u. for kids. You can also order the services of a guide for additional money, so visiting the museum complex will be even more interesting. On the territory of the complex there is also a cafe where you can relax after an informative tour. A visit to Dudutok will take 4-5 hours. The complex is open daily, except Monday, from 10:00 to 17:00.

How to get there

Museum of crafts "Dudutki" is located in the village of Ptich, 50 km from Minsk. You can get from Minsk to the museum complex by bus, which goes from the Central bus station. Buses depart from Minsk at 9:45 and 12:55, of course it is better to go in the morning to slowly explore the entire museum complex.

Bialowieza Forest

Belovezhskaya Pushcha can be safely called the pride of Belarus. Why is it worth going there? At least in order to take a break from the noisy city and enjoy the cool freshness of the forest. Belovezhskaya Pushcha is the oldest nature reserve in the world, which stretches over the territory of two states - Belarus and Poland. Rest in Belovezhskaya Pushcha is a walk through the ancient forest, acquaintance with wild animals.

By the way, wild animals live here in their natural environment, although it is not always possible to meet them in the forest. But on the territory of the reserve, large enclosures with bison, deer, elks, wild boars, foxes, and raccoon dogs are fenced. To visit the enclosures - you need to buy a ticket in advance at the central box office. Also on the territory of the reserve there is an amusing museum of local lore, where you can learn the history of Belovezhskaya Pushcha, as well as Interesting Facts about local forest dwellers.

Tourists also like to visit the residence of the Belarusian Grandfather Frost in Pushcha, which is open in any season. Here they arrange a whole performance for visitors, which will appeal to both adults and children. And here everyone can make a wish with Grandfather Frost, may dreams come true all year round!

The territory of the reserve is very large, but it can be explored on a rented bike. The Pushcha also took care to make convenient marked cycling routes. The shortest cycle route will take one and a half hours, and the longest - four. You can safely allocate a whole day, or even two, for rest in the forest. By the way, there is an inexpensive hotel near the reserve.

How to get there

Belovezhskaya Pushcha is located 360 km from Minsk, which is 4-5 hours by car. You can also get to the Pushcha by public transport. First you need to take a train from Minsk to Brest. In Brest, buses run from the bus station to the village of Kamenyuki. And from the station Kamenyuki to the reserve - about ten minutes on foot.

Park "Augustovsky Canal"

Where to go to relax in the heat? Of course, closer to the pond! So, one of the popular tourist destinations in Belarus is an excursion to the Augustow Canal park. The Augustow Canal is a hydraulic structure that connects rivers and lakes. The canal was built at the beginning of the 19th century. The canal begins at the Neman River in the Polish town of Augustow, and ends at the Vistula River in the Belarusian Grodno. The length of the entire canal is 102 kilometers.

In the Grodno region, on the territory adjacent to the water canal, the authorities arranged a park. Here you can go on a boat trip along the river. You can also rent a boat or kayak. People fell in love with this place for the beautiful nature. Quiet expanse of water, and tall birches and pines on the sides. Why not a romantic trip? By the way, there are places for camping in the park. Therefore, you can take a tent with you and stay for a couple of days. And on the second day, there is also something to do, for example, go to the forest to study local trails. By the way, not far from the park there is a bike rental point.

How to get there

From Minsk you need to take a train to Grodno. The distance from Grodno to the Augustow Canal is 35 km. And you can get to the reservoir by bus, which leaves from the bus station in Grodno. Buses go to the Augustow Canal in the direction of the settlements of Sopotskin, Goryachki, Nemnovo, Kolety.

Braslav Lakes National Park

If you want solitude with nature - head for the Braslav Lakes. What to do in the national park, of course, besides swimming in the lakes and sunbathing? The park organizes various programs for active recreation. The easiest thing is to rent bikes and go explore the area! If you want water adventures, you can rent a boat or a catamaran and go swimming on the lakes.

A very interesting safari tour "Wildlife" is held in the national park. By appointment, the guide picks up travelers by car late in the evening. Then the group goes to secluded corners of the park - habitats of wild animals: elk, roe deer, foxes. Vivid emotions from observing animals that are almost at arm's length are guaranteed!

On the territory of the national park it is possible to stay in tents. Gazebos with barbecue facilities were built right there, why not organize a picnic trip with friends together? And if overnight stay in the wild is not included in your plans, there are recreation centers nearby where you can rent a room or a house.

How to get there

The Braslav lakes are located in the Vitebsk region, 250 km from Minsk. From Minsk from the bus station "Central" you need to take a bus to Braslav. And already from Braslav you can take a city bus to the lakes.

Lake Naroch

Some 160 km from Minsk there is another miracle of nature - Lake Naroch, the largest in all of Belarus. This is undoubtedly a beautiful body of water surrounded by a dense pine forest. In rainy weather, the opposite shore is not visible at all, which is why Lake Naroch is often called the “Belarusian Sea”. You can't think of a better place to swim or organize a picnic in nature. Often people come here to relax with children. The water here is clear, and the shores are low and sandy.

Hiking and water tourist routes have been developed in the Narochansky National Park especially for tourists. There is also an opportunity to fish here. True, this service is paid. If you have time, you can go sightseeing. So, the Naroch region is interesting for its ancient temples and estates.

How to get there

From Minsk you can get directly to the village of Naroch by bus, which leaves daily from the Central Capital Bus Station.

Nalibokskaya Pushcha

Nalibokskaya Pushcha is also a great place if you want to relax in

Belarus in summer. Currently, there are many different tourist programs aimed at resting in Nalibokskaya Pushcha, including ordinary rest, ecotourism, weekend rest, leisure, children's rest. On the booking you can order a house for a day, a cottage, a manor. There are all conditions for lovers of hunting and fishing. Nalibokskaya Pushcha is one of the most picturesque and romantic corners of Belarus.

How to get there

From Minsk there is a bus from the Yugo-Zapadnaya station in the direction Minsk - Traby (07.40), Minsk - Volozhin (08.30, 12.40, 14.20, 15.30, 17.40, 18.30 (Fri), 19.00 (except Sat)), Minsk - Desyatniki ( 15.10) to the village of Dovbeni.

The best excursions in Belarus

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Belarus is a country in the tourist sky that is not very bright, almost homely for Russians, but no less interesting for that. It turns out that in this small country you can see old towns, and well-preserved castles, improve your health, and go skiing - well, just a complete set. And the price tag is very humane (which is nice at the current euro/dollar exchange rate).

Belarus is not only fields with wheat and sanatoriums. These are also old cities, and castles (Polish-Lithuanian), and Catholic churches, and Orthodox churches, and nature reserves, and many lakes, and even ski resorts.

You can get to Belarus by plane (1:30 to Minsk from St. Petersburg, cost from 2500 rubles one way by Aeroflot), train (from 3000 rubles one way), bus (from 1700 rubles) or car. The main disadvantage for a tourist in Belarus is not very convenient transport links (mostly all routes go through Minsk) and not a very developed tourist infrastructure. So, a personal top list of interesting Belarusian places where you can relax in a variety of ways:

1) Nature

3) Fortresses, castles, cathedrals

  • Nesvizh Castle- a palace and park complex located in the city of Nevsizh, Minsk region and included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In the 16-18 centuries. was the residence of the Radziwills, the richest family in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, who owned these lands. At present, the castle itself is in a rather deplorable state (due to the fact that in Soviet times a sanatorium was located there, and all the interiors were destroyed). However, from the outside, the castle makes a majestic impression. It is surrounded by ponds and a large park, where it is pleasant to ride a bicycle and catamarans, and in the city of Nesvizh you can go to the Farny Church and the Nesvizh Town Hall.
  • Mir Castle- the most real European castle on the territory of Belarus. Looks modest but impressive. The castle is a square building with towers about 25 m high protruding at the corners. The fifth, western tower, is a gate tower, and once had a drawbridge across a wide moat. The thickness of the walls reached 3 m and a height of about 13 m. Currently, you can visit the towers with an exposition of weapons, povals with displayed knightly armor, take part in a jousting tournament, eat in a restaurant of old Belarusian cuisine and even live in a medieval-style hotel located there. It is convenient to visit Mir and Nesvizh castles in one day with an excursion from Minsk, or by car.
  • Brest Fortress was built in the 30s - early 40s of the XIX century at the intersection of the Western Bug and Mukhavets rivers on the site of old Brest. During construction, the entire city was moved to a new territory east of the citadel. The fortress was located on 4 islands formed by branches of the Mukhavets and Western Bug rivers and a system of canals. After the war, the fortress was not completely restored. A memorial complex was created on its territory to perpetuate the feat of the defenders in 1969–71.
  • Golshany Castle ruins of the residence of the Sapieha family, located in the Oshmyany district of the Grolno region. The capital of Belarusian ghosts, covered with dozens of legends, immortalized in the immortal work of Vladimir Karatkevich “The Black Castle of Olshansky”. Unfortunately, the golden age of this place is gone, leaving the ruins of the castle, the church with the monastery and much more to the travelers.
  • Cathedral and park in Mosar(Vitebsk region). The so-called "village of teetotalers". Such a “miracle” became possible thanks to the Lithuanian priest Jozef Bulka. In his old age, he moved to an ordinary Belarusian village and began to improve the local way of life. In parallel, Bulka began a campaign to combat drunkenness: he refused to perform a funeral, baptize or marry when there was a drink nearby. In Mosar, you can stroll through a beautiful garden with ponds, listen to the organ in the church of St. Anne of the 18th century, admire the rural landscape design and watch the ostriches. In parting, you can finally enhance the impressions of what you saw by visiting the local Calvary - here on the hill stands the largest cross in Belarus, 27 meters high. A trip to Mosar can be combined with the nearby Braslav Lakes.