Treatment at thermal springs in Serbia. Serbia resorts

Serbia has been famous for its thermal healing springs since ancient times. Even the ancient Romans built baths here and used the healing power of nature.

Thermal waters are the basis of balneology, waters of various temperatures, rich in minerals, which are used in health tourism, in order to treat joints, tendons, muscles and even internal organs. Below we present the most popular Serbian terms, the so-called baths, in translation - medical thermal resorts in Serbia.


Vrnjacka Banja is the most famous and popular resort in Serbia. A balneological resort in the central part of the country, or rather a resort town with a beautiful park and all the necessary services, was once a favorite place for relaxation and treatment of the royal family, and today - for thousands of local and foreign tourists.

The Vrnjacka Banja resort has 4 sources of healing water, which help in the treatment of gastritis, gallbladder channels, rehabilitation after stomach surgery, etc. Depending on the source, the water temperature ranges from 14 to 35 degrees Celsius.

You can time your visit to Vrnjacka Banja to coincide with numerous events taking place in the city, such as the Vrnjacka Carnival or the Love Fest music festival.

Vrnjacka-Banya, sanatorium "Merkur"

In the main facility of the resort Vrnjacka Banja "Merkur" guests have at their disposal wellness treatments, a whole team of doctors, thermal pools, saunas, etc. The spa hotel is located in the very center of the spa town of Vrnjacka Banja and has over 300 rooms, modern center, spa and fitness room.

Lukovska Banya

Lukovska Banja is located in the south of Serbia and has 28 springs with water temperature from 28 to 68 degrees. They are rich in hydrogen sulfide, which helps in the treatment rheumatic diseases. In the healing process, therapeutic mud is also used in combination with thermal water.

Accommodation can be provided in hotels "Jelak" and "Kopaonik", which offer numerous wellness treatments, excursions to beautiful surroundings and enjoyment in a true air resort, as Lukovska Banya is located on the slopes of Mount Kopaonik at an altitude of 680 meters and even offers its guests a small ski resort, and a particularly memorable moment will be swimming in the outdoor hot pool in the snow during the coldest winter months.

Lukovska Banya, Elak Hotel


Prolom Banya is also located near the Lukovska Banya resort. natural temperature mineral water The break is between 26 and 31.5 degrees Celsius. It is characterized by high alkalinity, which beneficial effect on kidney disease especially on sand and rocks. Water Prolom also reduces stomach acid and is used as healthy drinking water, which can be drunk directly from the tap in the hotel itself, and then bought in many Serbian stores and brought to family and friends.

Prolom-Banya, Radan Hotel

Mud is also used for treatment, which is created by mixing soil with a high mineral content with Prolom water. The Prolom Banya resort is located on the slopes of Mount Radan, in a picturesque region of southern Serbia, and the Radan Hotel offers guests outdoor and indoor pools, a spa center and more than 200 single and double rooms.

Not far from the resorts of Prolom-Banya and Lukovska-Banya, there is a natural attraction "Devil's City" (Serb. Javolya-Varosh). Despite the name, a large number of tourists come here to see it with their own eyes. unusual phenomenon- earthen figures of various types and hear many legends related to their origin. This natural monument is under state protection and was also Serbia's candidate for the eighth wonder of the world.

Bath Vrdnik

This resort is located on the territory of the Fruska Gora National Park, between the cities of Belgrade and Novi Sad, thus being a suitable place for every tourist. Thermal waters in the Vrdnik resort have a temperature of 35.3°C at the source, and after treatment, the temperature drops to 31 degrees. it optimal temperature for muscle relaxation and water activities, since it retains all the healing properties, and it is this water that is used in the pools of the Premier Aqua Hotel.

Banya Vrdnik, Premier Aqua Hotel

This hotel offers a modern spa, outdoor and indoor pools, and richly furnished rooms and suites. The Premier Aqua Hotel also has a modern Aqua Medica physical medicine center, where thermal water is also used for treatment.

Photo and Additional Information:

Serbia has more than a thousand thermal mineral water springs, rich deposits of natural mineral gas, as well as therapeutic silt. Since Roman times, fifty-three balneological resort places have appeared in Serbia, where wealthy people came to heal various diseases, by taking medicinal water inside, or taking a course of baths with mineral water. Almost all Serbian climatological resorts are located in very picturesque natural places: in valleys, on mountain slopes, in the middle of the forest, in glades. All thermal resorts in Serbia are very well maintained, with magnificent parks, walking areas, modern hotels, sports grounds and swimming pools, so it is not only pleasant to be treated here, but also wonderful to relax.

- a great place in the eastern part of Serbia, on the banks of the Moravica River. From the north, the resort is protected by Mount Rtan, from the south - by the mountains Ozren and Devitsa. This is one of the most famous balneological resorts, which since 1992 has received the title of "The First Ecological Municipality of Serbia". Soko Banya is the largest source of healthy air in Europe. The local atmosphere contains a lot of ions, the waters of the springs are saturated with radon. There is a pleasant climate, with the absence of winds and fogs. The resort of Soko Banya is incredibly beautiful, the mountains surrounding it are buried in greenery. In Soko Banya there is a health center for the prevention, treatment, rehabilitation of non-specific lung diseases. According to legend, the Soko Banya resort was founded after a rich man was passing through these places, who was thrown off by his horse and injured his legs. The wounded man was able to crawl to the spring and washed his wounds in its waters, drank water, and, to his surprise, the pain disappeared. Then the rich man ordered to lay the city next to this miraculous source. The healing properties of the water of local springs in Soko Banya were also known during the reign of the Romans here, this is confirmed by finds made during archaeological excavations: household items from the Neolithic period, Roman tombstones dated to the first century AD. Already on top of the ancient Roman buildings, the Turks who captured these territories built their "hammam" - the oldest building in the Soko Banya resort. After the liberation of the territory from the Turkish invaders in 1833, the resort began to be actively built up by order of Prince Milos Obrenovic. Organized tourism in Soko Banya began in 1837. In the twentieth century, the resort began to be actively built up, parks were laid out here, water supply, transport infrastructure were laid, the first comfortable hotel "Europe" was erected, now it is called "Park". Treatment is provided in the following medical institutions: Sokobanya Health Center, Banitsa Sanatorium, Hospital for lung diseases"Ozren". Here they help to heal respiratory diseases in children and adults, rheumatism, chronic gynecological diseases, neurological diseases, neurosis, Parkinson's disease, hypertension.

This is a popular spa resort in the Rasha region of Serbia and an excellent recreational center. The resort is located in the center of Serbia, on the mountain slopes of Goč in the river valleys of Vrnjacka and Lipovacka. People visit this balneological resort in Serbia not only for treatment, but also for a pleasant stay in the bosom of nature. Mount Goch is covered with coniferous and deciduous forests, creating a unique microclimate. For the convenience of the guests of the resort, there is everything for sports and for a carefree holiday. The resort has excellent hotels, restaurants, magnificent ski slopes, cross-country skiing tracks, toboggan runs. The resort is surrounded by mountains on all sides, so one hundred and seventy days a year it is quiet and calm here. This Serbian balneological resort successfully treats diseases of the digestive system and alleviates the symptoms of diabetes. Local thermal springs have a temperature equal to the temperature human body. They are located in the middle of a large park area, surrounded by monasteries and other ancient buildings listed by UNESCO. People knew about the beneficial properties of the thermal springs of Vrnjacka Bani already in the fourth century BC, at that time the Scordis - Celtic rulers lived here. Under the Romans, the first buildings appeared in the resort, about them, as silent witnesses, the ruins of ancient Roman sources narrate - pools and an ancient Roman fountain, a well, archaeologists' finds in the form of ancient coins, which depict portraits of Roman emperors. In the second century AD, the Romans built the Aquae Orcinae hospital on the warm waters of the spring, where soldiers from the province of Moesia Superior came for treatment and rehabilitation. According to legend, when the Turks took possession of the lands, local Serbs deliberately buried healing springs so that the wounded Turkish invaders could not be healed with their waters. Today at the resort they will help you cure the following diseases: diabetes the first and second type, problems of the digestive system and the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, pancreas, stomach ulcers, duodenum, liver disease, infectious diseases kidney and Bladder, gynecological diseases.

Thermal resort "Atomska Banya" or "Hornja Trepcha" - a beautiful corner, isolated from the noise of cities. There are wonderful landscapes, hills covered with green meadows, fruit plantations, vineyards. This Serbian health resort is surrounded by dense and impenetrable beech forests, which create a beneficial climate. Medicinal properties The balneological resort of Atomska Banya has been known since the Roman period. Here were discovered the ruins of Roman baths, which were visited for treatment by Roman legionnaires. The first hot tub in the resort of Atomska Banya was built in 1890, and then it became the starting point for tourism. In 1970, a physical and chemical analysis of the thermal mineral water of this resort was made, and Atomska Banya was included in the list of health resorts. In 2008, the resort was privatized and the new owner rebuilt all the facilities located here. In 2010, a hospital was opened for the rehabilitation of people with rheumatic and neurological diseases. In 2012, an excellent hotel "Vuyan" was built in the Gornja Trepca resort. Treatment takes place in rehabilitation center"Atomskaya Bath". Here they treat: rheumatism, Bechterew's disease, arthritis, arthrosis, spondylosis, spondylarthrosis, discopathy, myofibrositis, fibrositis, paniculitis, tendinitis, bursitis. Help to get rid of neuropsychiatric diseases: multiple sclerosis, arachnoiditis, post-traumatic myelopathy, cerebral palsy, polyneuritis, neurosis, neurasthenia, dystonia, depression. They treat diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis, duododenitis, ulcers, and also help to recover from peripheral vascular diseases.

- is located in the district of Srem, in the autonomous region of Vojvodina, on the slopes of the Fruska Gora National Park. The first written mention of this settlement dates back to 1315, however, then it was called "Rednik". The city appeared after the discovery of brown coal deposits, which happened in 1804. Miners were the first to test the local healing properties of water. They built three pools and used the warm thermal water to heal rheumatic pains and bruises. Until the middle of the twentieth century, there was a mine here, which was then flooded with thermal waters. In the 1970s, the construction of a sanatorium complex began, and in 1997 Vrdnik Banya acquired the status of a balneological resort. This resort is the medical base of the "Medical Faculty of the University" of Novi Sad. Rest in the resort will delight you with a large number of sunny days, the absence of strong winds and frequent rainfall. There is very clean air, enriched with ozone. Treatment takes place in a special rehabilitation hospital"Thermal". Here they specialize in the treatment of: arthrosis, spinal spondylosis, rheumatism, soft tissue injuries, sports injuries, paralysis, nocturnal childhood enuresis, headache.

- located in the picturesque river gorge Yerme, near the town of Pirot. Zvonacka Banja belongs to the southeastern part of Serbia and is one of the highest natural resorts in the country. This balneological resort in Serbia has become famous for its healing waters since Roman times. But Zvonachka Banya is also a climatic resort, the air of which contains a lot of negative ions, and this has a beneficial effect on a person and accelerates his healing. In 1996, the "Institute for the Prevention of Disability and Rehabilitation" was opened at the resort. In treatment, along with thermal water is often used beneficial features local herbs. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous diseases, circulatory disorders, and rheumatism are treated at the Serbian medical resort Zvonachka Banya.

- stands on the outskirts of the small Serbian town of Magyarkanizsa, on the banks of the Tisza River, surrounded by dense forests. Bath Kanizsa is located in the northern part of Serbia, fifteen kilometers from the border with Hungary. It was founded in 1913, after two wells were dug on the outskirts of the city in 1907 in order to provide water to numerous flocks of sheep, but the water there turned out to be reddish in color, in addition, flammable gas came out of the wells to the surface. People thought that such water was good for nothing, until one local gypsy woman was able to cure her rheumatic pains by accidentally falling into these waters, since then about local thermal springs referred to as "miraculous". The management of the settlement already in 1908 built paid baths. In addition, they created a "Joint Stock Company for the Development of the Resort", and samples of thermal water were sent for analysis to the Royal Institute. In 1913, local entrepreneurs opened the Banya Kanizha hospital, where there were twelve rooms and twenty baths with warm mineral water. In addition, an outdoor pool was built in the local park, also filled with thermal water, and individual cabins for bathers were arranged here. Water began to be bottled, on which was the inscription: "Water of the miraculous source of Stara Kanizha." Until 1976, the local hospital was the "House of Health", and then the "Center for Rehabilitation and Recreation" Banya Kanizha "was opened here. In this health center you can spend treatment, rest, rehabilitation. People come here for treatment suffering from rheumatism, arthritis, degenerative diseases of the spine, gout, chronic pain in the back, osteoporosis, diseases intervertebral disc, developmental disorders of the muscular skeleton, neurological pain. People come to the resort for rehabilitation after injuries of the musculoskeletal system, operations on the spine, joint prosthetics. There is also a department of pediatric physiatry, where for rehabilitation treatment bring children from cerebral palsy. In the hospital of the Kanizha Banya resort there is a program for the prevention of osteoporosis. In addition to thermal water, therapeutic mud is used in treatment.

- the most beautiful medical resort of the Balkans, located in the western part of Serbia, on the Drina River, next to the wooded mountain Gučevo, near the town of Loznica, five kilometers from the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since the Middle Ages, people have learned about the healing properties of water from these thermal springs. And the fame of them spread so far that many travelers visited this resort. The first records about the resort date back to 1533 and tell about the popularity of local healing springs. A particularly popular holiday destination in the seventeenth century was Koviljaca Banya among wealthy Turkish subjects who regularly came here for treatment. The first ten-room hotel was erected in 1858, and in 1867 the resort was taken under the protection of the state, and since 1898 its intensive development began, which ended in the thirties of the twentieth century. Luxurious hotels, villas grew up here, a chicken salon appeared. The resort of Koviljaca Banya is very picturesque, in addition, there is the best park in Serbia in the English style, harmoniously uniting the entire infrastructure of the resort. The resort is a balneological oasis due to its location in a low zone - one hundred and twenty-five meters. There is no sharp change in annual seasons, which has a positive effect on people with a weakened immune system. Moderate humidity is ideal for spa guests with respiratory diseases. Treatment is carried out in the "Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation", which is a modern European center. Here they help in the rehabilitation of children with: congenital anomalies, injuries of the musculoskeletal system, nerve damage, central nervous system, rheumatic, neuromuscular diseases, spinal deformities, growth disorders, psychomotor developmental delays, with the consequences of birth injuries, injuries and diseases of the central nervous system, PNS. They also treat adults with rheumatism, diseases of the joints, spine, spinal hernia, osteoporosis, lesions of the central nervous system, peripheral nerves, muscular, gynecological, skin diseases, as well as infertility.

- located in the southern part of Serbia, on the slopes of Mount Kopaonik, and is the highest medical resort in the country, with numerous balneological mineral water sources. There is untouched mountain nature, crystal clear air, various sources of mineral water with different composition, temperature and power, which is why Lukovska Banja is the richest medical resort in Serbia. Also, there is a favorable climate. From all sides the resort is surrounded by high mountains, which gives the absence of winds. The thermal springs of Lukovska Bani provide air humidity, the forests create a large number of negative ions, phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on people suffering from respiratory diseases. Local treatment programs harmoniously combine the adoption of mineral water baths with outdoor walks along special "health paths", which in combination improves heartbeat, relaxes, restores normal sleep, appetite. In the Lukovska Banya spa, diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease in the initial stage, arthritis, degenerative rheumatism, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, sciatica, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, gout. They carry out rehabilitation after fractures, operations of the osteoarticular system, after the installation of an artificial hip, knee joints. In addition, gynecological diseases are successfully treated here: adnexitis, parametritis, infertility. especially important in the treatment of patients suffering from chronic bronchitis and asthma.

It is located near the mouth of the Nishava and South Morava rivers, next to the Koritnik mountain and ten kilometers from the city of Nis. This balneological resort in Serbia became popular during the reign of the Roman emperor Constantine, as an oasis of silence with a large number of sunny days a year and healing underground waters. The Romans built baths with two marble pools in this place. The resort of Nishka Banya was once the most favorite vacation spot for the royal families of Serbia, so the locals built the memorial water source "Three Kings" here. Serbs have known for a long time that the local mineral water cures many diseases well. Today, treatment is carried out at the Institute for the Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Rheumatic and cardiovascular diseases"Nishka Banya". The main medical profile of the Serbian resort Nishka Banya is the prevention and treatment of rheumatic, cardiovascular diseases: angina pectoris, poor blood circulation, high blood pressure, heart defects. They are engaged in rehabilitation after heart attacks and coronary bypass surgery. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are also treated: all types of rheumatism, connective tissue diseases, osteoporosis, gout, cerebral palsy, pain in the spine, bones, joints, muscles. Engaged in rehabilitation after knee prosthetics, hip joints. Heals infertility. in the treatment they use thermal water for drinking and bathing, therapeutic mud and radon gas.

- a unique place in the Balkans, where very rare natural mineral springs are located. Banja break is located in the southern part of Serbia, on the mountain slopes of Radan. According to archaeological excavations, the healing waters of Prolom Bani were known to local residents even before the period of the Turkish conquest, with the advent of which all thermal Serbian resorts felt desolated. The intensive development of the resort began in the twentieth century, and Prolom Banya acquired its official status of a resort in 1977. Mineral thermal water Prolom Bani is used to treat diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract, skin diseases and problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Prolom water is so valuable because it contains a large concentration of various minerals, but in small quantities. All treatment programs of the resort rely on its medicinal properties, and complement balneological procedures, long walks in the fresh air. In addition to diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, the thermal spa treats diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, constipation, inflammation and gallstones. Various skin diseases are treated: eczema, psoriasis, varicose ulcers, as well as diseases of peripheral blood vessels, rheumatism, fibrositis, myositis, tendinitis, periarthritis, bursitis.

As you already understood, Serbia is a land rich in mineral springs. There is excellent ecology, beautiful nature and incredibly hospitable people. The advantage of holidays in the medical resorts of Serbia is the low price of tours to this country, compared to other European countries, which makes trips there popular among people who need budgetary treatment in thermal waters.

Thermal waters are warm mineral-rich waters used in health tourism to treat joints, tendons or muscles. Below you can see the most popular thermal spas in Serbia.

Lukovska Banya

Lukovska Spa has 28 springs with water temperature from 28 to 68 degrees. They are rich in hydrogen sulfide, which helps in the treatment of rheumatic diseases. In the healing process, therapeutic mud is also used in combination with thermal water.

Accommodation can be provided in hotels that offer numerous wellness treatments, excursions to beautiful surroundings and enjoyment in a true air resort, as Lukovska Banya is located on the slopes of Mount Kopaonik at an altitude of 680 meters.

Elak Hotel, Lukovska Banya


The temperature of the natural mineral water Prolom ranges from 26 to 31.5 degrees Celsius. It is characterized by high alkalinity, which beneficial effect on kidney disease especially on sand and rocks. Prolom Water also reduces stomach acid and is used as healthy drinking water.

Prolom-Banya, Radan Hotel

Mud is also used for treatment, which is created by mixing soil with a high mineral content with Prolom water. The Prolom Banya resort is located in the south of Serbia and offers outdoor and indoor swimming pools, wellness services and as many as 212 single and double rooms.

Bath Vrdnik

Thermal waters in the Vrdnik resort have a temperature of 35.3°C at the source, and after treatment, the temperature drops to 31 degrees. it optimal temperature for muscle relaxation and water activities, since it retains all the healing properties, and it is this water that is used in the hotel pools

Hotel Premier Aqua in Vrdnik

This hotel features a state-of-the-art spa, outdoor and indoor pools, and richly furnished rooms and suites. The Premier Aqua Hotel also has a modern Aqua Medica physical medicine center, where thermal water is used for treatment.


The Vrnjacka Banja resort has 4 sources of healing water, which help in the treatment of gastritis, gallbladder channels, rehabilitation after stomach surgery, etc. Depending on the source, the water temperature ranges from 14 to 35 degrees Celsius.

Zvornik Spa, Vojvodina region).

It is believed that the Romans used the mineral waters of the Gamzhigrad Bath 2000 years ago. The Romans built in this region, which collected many healing sources of mineral water - pools, wells for the rehabilitation and recovery of legionnaires.

After the Romans, the fame of the healing springs of Serbia spread throughout the world; this is truly the richest region in Europe with healing springs.

All this is evidenced by numerous archaeological excavations from the 19th century and later. Thus, thanks to archeology, the first traces of the Roman period were discovered. Which testify to the evidence of the use of healing springs on the territory of Serbia, even by the Romans.

Serbian resorts are specifically associated with the Ottoman period of history. During this period, the famous Turkish baths were built, which you will find in large numbers on the territory of the Serbian Baths.

More modern studies of the Baths in Serbia began in 1834, when water samples were taken for research in a laboratory in Vienna. A chemical analysis of some of the water sources was carried out there. A significant event was the arrival in Serbia of mining specialists from Germany, Baron Sigismund August and Wolfgang Herder, who first lived in eastern Serbia, and then arrived in Kraljevo and analyzed 12 samples of thermal waters. Their conclusion, stated in special works, is that the waters of Serbia are significantly superior compared to the known waters of Europe.

The first "law on resorts, mineral and thermal waters" was adopted in 1914. At the same time, the first Serbian balneotherapy institutes were created. In the Kingdom of Serbia, and later the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the status of the Resorts was regulated by law, which established the requirements of public order, the spatial design of settlements, architectural requirements, the construction of public buildings and villas, and the editing of park space.

After the Second World War, there was a rapid development of Spatrism and therapeutic rest in Serbia, since the 1960s, spas have been given the status of natural areas by law. This law coordinates the development of residential premises, as well as regulates accommodation in the private sector. During these years, there is an active development of modern hotels and construction medical institutions and rehabilitation centers.

The international importance of Serbia as a tourist country is growing! The European Agency for Therapeutic Resorts notes an increased interest in the Baths of Serbia. It is believed that Serbia is the owner of the most a large number mineral lakes in Europe. There are more than 1000 mineral water springs, which are presented in 40 resorts.

Mineral thermal mineral springs, recreation centers and health centers are located throughout the country, each with its own set of minerals and specific geographical conditions. The true wealth of Serbia is the variety of mineral, thermal and mineral springs.

Resort places are surrounded by natural beauty and are in the center of cultural and historical heritage. All places are suitable for tourism, and are able to receive guests both in summer and in winter. Sanatorium-resort treatment is provided by the use of modern methods treatment and use of natural factors. Spa treatments are ideal for all types of disease prevention and will also help you restore your physical state, mental balance, bring you into excellent physical form and give appearance freshness and well-being. Thanks to their healing properties the elasticity of the skin is restored and it helps to relax the muscles that are in good shape. Therapy and recovery is carried out under the supervision of experienced medical staff.

Most resorts in Serbia have a mild climate and environmentally friendly environment. The resorts are mainly located at the foot of the mountains or in the lowlands of the valleys, surrounded by forests, pastures and orchards. Mountain resorts are protected from strong winds. Beautiful natural landscapes are complemented by numerous parks and places for walking, modern living quarters, sports grounds, swimming pools - contribute to improving health.

Serbian resorts are equipped with the latest technology for seminars, conferences, events and other meetings. The so-called congress tourism is becoming more and more popular, as a combination of a beautiful and useful pastime, as well as solving business issues.

In the immediate vicinity of the Resorts there are unique medieval monasteries and many other historical sights..

Spas are rich sources of thermal and mineral water, we can divide them into groups: alkaline, with low mineralization, sources with salt, with sulfur, containing radioactive substances and lakes (therapeutic mud).

By geographical location can be divided into: Resorts of Northern Serbia, Resorts of Central Serbia, Resorts of Western Serbia, Resorts of Eastern Serbia, Resorts in the southern part of Serbia.

It is not difficult to get to any resort; bus traffic is developed in the country. The Serbian language will not cause difficulties, it is very similar to Russian.

Stay and treatment is not expensive, unlike similar resorts in Europe, however, Serbian resorts are able to compete in price with Russian resorts: Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, etc. At the same time, in the Serbian resorts you will receive European service and high-quality medicine and the attentive attitude of doctors.

Approximate costs that await you: from 1200 rub/day till 5000 rub/day depending on the resort. And this is the price with stay food and treatment! In addition, there is the possibility of accommodation in the private sector with outpatient visits to doctors and medical appointments. This form of stay is much cheaper.

Even if Serbia does not have direct access to the sea - it does not matter! This country, located in the center of the Balkan Peninsula, nevertheless collects a rich tourist harvest all year round. In winter, mountain resorts attract those who like to conquer difficult ski slopes. At any time of the year, the ancient Orthodox monasteries. Balneological clinics at mineral thermal springs and healing mud make it possible for the sick to improve their health. Beautiful nature and a lot of historical and cultural sights provide the basis for a rich excursion program. Wine and gastronomic tours to Serbia are very popular. After all, this country has a unique cuisine. And besides, Russians do not need a visa to enter Serbia (if the duration of stay does not exceed thirty days). Well, what about the sea? Serbia is located in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula. Therefore, there are plenty to choose from. During the division of Yugoslavia, the Adriatic coast went to Croatia and Montenegro. Eastern neighbors - Romania and Bulgaria - have access to the Black Sea. Not far away are Albania and Greece. Therefore, many travel agencies offer combined tours "Serbia + Seaside Holidays". When is the best time to go, which country to visit next, what to see and what were the prices in 2016 - read about all this in our article.

Climate of Serbia and its nearest neighbors

First, let's decide when it is better to go to the Balkan Peninsula. Southeastern Europe lies in the temperate continental climate zone. Winters here are not particularly severe, but protracted. Snow falls already at the end of autumn and lasts until March. However, the temperatures are far from the Siberian frosts. In January, the coldest month of the year, the temperature fluctuates from -1 to -9 degrees Celsius. There is a lot of snow in the mountains, which attracts skiers from all over the world to Serbia. Holidays at sea in the resorts of the former Yugoslavia are possible from the first days of May. Summer in this region is hot and dry. The duration of the beach season is not the same everywhere. The earliest resorts in Romania are empty - in early September. And at the end of the month, say goodbye to the beaches and the Black Sea cities of Bulgaria. At the Adriatic resorts in Croatia and Montenegro (the western neighbors of the Republic of Serbia), sea holidays in September are most comfortable. The beach season curtain falls only in October. But for those who went on vacation only by mid-autumn, there is an opportunity to sunbathe and swim in the sea. They are waiting for the resorts of Albania and Greece. In the latter state, there are two seas to choose from - the Ionian and the Aegean. And this is only if we consider the mainland of Greece.

In Thessaloniki, Patras, Athens is possible until the end of October.

Why choose Serbia

The question arises: if we want to relax at sea, why go to a country located deep in the mainland and not having access to the coast? We explain. Serbia is a very colorful country. Many villages seem to have left the frames of Kusturica's films. Enchanting in its beauty nature, hospitable people, excellent cuisine, excellent wines, ancient monasteries, thermal springs, mountains and plains - all this is Serbia. Rest on the sea photos are illustrated as "seals". Wherever there is a coastal resort, everything is the same: sand, sun loungers, umbrellas, water. And tours that combine leisure and passive sunbathing on the beach, give both food to the mind and health to the body. In addition, prices in Serbia are much lower than in the promoted Croatia and Montenegro. Such a combined tour as "Three Balkan countries" allows a budget traveler to see Europe. There is also a more extended program, for example, five states. And for those who are looking for a very economical tour "Serbia + seaside vacation", travel tips reveal the secrets of inexpensive bus trips from Brest (Belarus) and Uzhgorod or Lvov (Ukraine). So you can see several countries of Eastern and Central Europe at a time. More costly travel - by plane, with accommodation in Greece. In order to get to this state of the European Union, you need a Schengen visa.

"Three Balkan countries": description

Many operators offer such a voucher as part of the Serbia + seaside vacation tour. It lasts ten days (nine nights) and costs from nine hundred thirty-five euros. The tour includes flight Moscow - Belgrade - Moscow, overnight stays in three-star hotels with breakfast, bus trips, guide accompaniment, tickets to some museums. It is best to make such a trip in April or at the end of spring, when the heat has not yet set in the Balkans. After getting acquainted with the sights of Belgrade, tourists are taken to the "Serbian Athos" - Fruška Gora, where they visit two medieval monasteries. After a pilgrimage to holy places, it is not a sin to drink. In Sremski Karlovici, tourists are offered a tasting of authentic Serbian wines. Then the group moves to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The tour program includes a visit to the bridge over the Drina (on the UNESCO list), a gastronomic lunch in Andrichgrad, excursions to Mostar, Trebinje. And since the package includes not only Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia, sea holidays are organized in a three-star hotel in Budva (Montenegro). To enrich the experience of spending time on the beach, excursions are also offered in this Balkan country. The group then returns by bus to Belgrade and takes a plane to Moscow.

"Five Balkan countries"

The tour, which includes visits to such republics as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, + a seaside vacation in Montenegro, lasts fifteen days. If you live in a double room of three-star hotels with breakfast, then the cost of the tour starts from one thousand three hundred and seventy-five euros per person. The package includes flights, bus trips, support of a Russian-speaking guide. During the study tour, tourists will see not only the Bay of Kotor, where the beach part of the program is supposed to be. They will see Skopje, a unique UNESCO World Heritage Site), John Bigorsky Monastery in Macedonia. And in Albania, tourists will visit the sights of Tirana and Duress. The last city is a coastal resort. In terms of latitude, it is located just north of Brindisi (Southern Italy). Tourists will also see the ancient Albanian city of Shkoderr. During this half-month trip "Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia + sea holidays" the reviews note that the visit to Lake Skadar stuck in their memory most of all. This is the pearl of Montenegro, the beauty of which is breathtaking. No less significant was a visit to one of the relics of Montenegro - the Cetinje Monastery.

Serbia + sea holidays with children

Of course, bus tours across Europe are not for little travelers. It is best to choose a package of services, where excursions will be reduced to a minimum, and most of the time will be spent resting in one place. The greatest demand is for balneological resorts in Serbia. Moreover, you can come to them from April to November. Prolom Banya, Vrnjacka Banya, Vranjska Banya, Zlatibor - everywhere you will be provided with high quality spa services and wellness treatments. The healing properties of Serbian mineral springs and carbon dioxide-enriched mud have long been known. A mild climate, clean air and beautiful nature will complete the process of the child's recovery. In winter, it's time to visit such as Stara Planina, Kapaonik, Zlatibor. The slopes here are very gentle. Well-equipped slopes are suitable for those young athletes who have recently started skiing. Such resorts have a completely Western European level of service. There are ski schools and Russian-speaking ski instructors. Little travelers will surely like the nature reserves and national parks of the country, where rare species of birds are found. But what about holidays in Serbia at sea? Reviews of tourists praise the resorts of Bulgaria. In summer, the weather is very comfortable there. Sandy beaches and a gentle entry into the sea make Bulgaria a "country of children's recreation."

Acquaintance with Hellas

If you have a Schengen visa, you can expand your acquaintance with Southern Europe. There are several tours that can be conditionally called "Sea holidays in Greece + Serbia". Their cost largely depends on the type of transport (an expensive flight or a long bus trip to Belgrade, Athens or Thessaloniki), accommodation, duration, length of stay in a seaside resort hotel. Consider, as an example, a tour from Brest (Belarus) through Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. Tourists observe the first two countries only from the bus window. But in Budapest, a sightseeing tour of the city is provided. By the way, transfers are made only during the day. Tourists spend all nights in hotels. Only on the fourth day after leaving Moscow did the group reach Belgrade (Serbia). Rest on the sea, reviews of which are mostly very good, comes on the sixth day of the tour. Before that, tourists inspect Meteora. A full four days are allocated for a beach holiday in the seaside Greek resort of Loutraki. One of these days a trip to Athens is planned. Then the group moves to Delphi and Thessaloniki. After spending the night in this city, tourists return to Serbia through Macedonia. From Belgrade the group moves to Novi Sad. In this city, which bears the unofficial title of "Serbian Athens", a sightseeing tour is held. And then the tourists go through Hungary, Slovakia and Poland back to Brest.

Accommodation and meals

"For your money - any whim", - tour operators think so. Therefore, you can choose the conditions of accommodation when purchasing the tour "Serbia + vacation at sea". Hotels, of course, will be three-star when moving. After all, you will need to collect the whole group early in the morning and move on. But if the client wishes, the hotel room may not be a double standard. You can pay for deluxe or suite. If you are traveling alone, you do not need to share a room with a stranger. But then you need to pay extra for occupying a double room yourself. All hotels during transfers offer breakfast only. Other meals are not included in the tour price. The bus makes a stop at roadside cafes. Accommodation and food conditions change when you arrive at the seaside resort. As a rule, tourists are given three to five days for a beach holiday (maybe more, depending on the tour). For this period, travelers are accommodated in a hotel of the category that they paid for. The type of food is also changing. This is usually half board (breakfast and dinner). What are the prices? Let's take an average tour to Serbia with a holiday in the seaside resort of Greece. Bus trips, overnight stays in double "Standards" of three-star hotels will cost one person six hundred and fifty-five euros for fifteen days. The same, but with a beach holiday in the resorts of Montenegro or Croatia will cost less.

Independent travel

For those who like to plan their own vacation, it is not necessary to buy tours to Serbia. Holidays at sea will be better if you choose a resort to your taste and book a hotel. You will not have to pay extra for the services of a tour operator. But no one will "lead you by the hand" and tell you about all the sights. It's hard to say which is better here. solo travel or an organized tour with a group. Everywhere has its pros and cons. Independent travelers can only be advised on how to get to Belgrade. Aeroflot, the leader of Russian aeronautics, and JAT Airways operate regular flights from Moscow to Belgrade. You will have to spend about two and a half hours on board. If you want to spend a couple of days at sea first, then you should choose the S7 airline, which regularly sends its planes to the capital of Montenegro, Podgorica. In the summer there is an opportunity to get hooked on a charter to the resort of Tivat (Montenegro). From there, a train runs to Belgrade. There is also an air connection, you will have to fly for half an hour. But tourists are not advised to travel by train in the direct carriage "Moscow - Belgrade". Firstly, for a long time - more than two days. And secondly, a visa is required for transit through Hungary.

Wellness holidays in Serbia

More than a thousand healing springs gush from the ground in this unique country. And there are also deposits of no less valuable mud, which have a beneficial effect on joints damaged by rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis. Clean air, warm climate and beautiful nature are among the auxiliary healing factors. In Serbia, there are several dozen balneological resorts. It is difficult to list them. But if you see on the map of the country a settlement with the word “banya” in its name, you should know that there is a hydropathic facility there. The only exception is Zlatibor. Diseases are treated at this world-famous resort in Serbia thyroid gland and respiratory tract, metabolic disorders, all types of anemia, depression. The spa centers offer weight loss and youth and beauty programs. At the Prolom-Banya resort, stones and sand are washed out of the kidneys, rheumatism and various skin diseases. The main healing factor of Buyanovachka-Bani is volcanic mud - one of the best in the world. There are also thermal springs in this resort. Even hypertensive patients can swim in them - arterial pressure from healing water will only decrease. Those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract should go to Vrnjacka Banya. Acquired diabetes and female infertility are also cured here. That is why it is worth visiting the balneological resorts of Serbia first. Rest on the sea will only consolidate the healing effect.

Gastronomy and wine tours

You can also taste prosciutto, pleskovica, various bureks with a good glass of lozovacs or kaisievacs as part of the Serbia + seaside vacation tour. Photos of travelers often show colorful feasts in authentic restaurants. However, to arrange a real feast for the stomach, you need to go on a special gastronomic tour around the country. These are organized from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The tour lasts only five days. The ticket costs twenty-nine thousand rubles. The package includes a flight to Belgrade, accommodation in a double hotel room with breakfast, four bus tours of Belgrade plus Novi Sad, Topola, Oplenac, wine tasting and various kinds crayfish. The highlight of the program are lunches and dinners in the best restaurants in Serbia with an authentic atmosphere and live music. At the end of the tour, each participant is given a bottle of wine. It should be said that the cuisine of Serbia is mainly meat. It's hard to be a vegan in this country. The most common snack is "mixed meso". She presents a dish with at least half a kilo different kind meat. There are lamb, and chevapchichi (homemade sausages), and chicken, and pork and beef. This portion, which will cost five to twelve euros, can be overcome if you drink about a liter of young Serbian wine.