Caring for a child up to 8 years old. Monthly child allowance

I'm retiring in six months. In 1991, I quit my job caring for a child under 8 years old. Child born in 1985. More recently, I learned that this article was renamed in 1990 to care for a child under 14 years old. This was approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of November 24, 1990 N 1177. How can I change the entry in the work book? At the place of work, where I left in 1991, or do I need to apply to other organizations, the court? The labor book did not even indicate the Labor Code of the RSFSR, it simply says: "Dismissed from work to care for a child under the age of 8."

With an application for correcting an entry in the work book, you can contact your previous employer who made this entry (or his successor), and in his absence (liquidation) - to the employer at the new place of work with the submission of supporting documents (in this case, official publication of the text of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of November 24, 1990 N 1177).

In all other cases (if the employer refuses to make corrections to the work book, if you are not in an employment relationship and, at the same time, the previous employer is absent, etc.) with the above requirement, you have the right to go to court.

Legal rationale:

In sections of the work book containing information about work or information about rewards, crossing out inaccurate or incorrect entries is not allowed. Changes to entries are made by invalidating them and making correct entries. In the same manner, a change is made to the record of the dismissal of an employee (transfer to another permanent job) if the dismissal (transfer) is recognized as illegal (clause 30 of the above Rules).

The courts consider individual labor disputes based on the applications of the employee, the employer or the trade union protecting the interests of the employee, when they do not agree with the decision of the labor dispute commission or when the employee goes to court, bypassing the labor dispute commission, as well as on the application of the prosecutor, if the decision commission on labor disputes does not comply with labor legislation and other acts containing labor law norms (

Often, employees go on maternity leave or take leave to care for a child. A woman can be on vacation until the baby is three years old. Often, during this period, the employer may consider such an employee unnecessary and issue his dismissal (if the employee does not first apply for parental leave up to 3 years in 2018: sample). Will such actions be lawful and what compensation is due upon dismissal of an employee who cares for the baby, more in the material.

If the employee is an accountant in whose name agreement on the liability of the cashier (sample 2018), then the situation becomes a little more complicated. The details of the issue are discussed in the article at the link.

Dismissal to care for a child under 14 years old in 2018 - changes in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Mothers who care for a child belong to a special category of employees whose work responsibilities differ from those of other employees (although the material liability agreement, model 2018, is about the same for them). Such conditions of the Labor Code are valid until the child is 14 years old. During care, the employee, regardless of the mother or father, has the right to refuse:

  1. Performing complex work that has life-threatening working conditions.
  2. Business trips, night assignments and shifts.
  3. Sign a letter of resignation from the position at the request of the employer.

Based on the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each employee who cares for a child under 14 years of age can only quit at his own request. This applies to dysfunctional families in which one parent brings up and feeds the whole family. In the case of employees who are raising children with disabilities, this right is valid until the age of majority of the youngest family member.

By the way, it is also worth finding out whether parental leave is included in the length of service.

The reasons why an employee wants to be fired can be:

  • inappropriate schedule;
  • changing of the living place;
  • serious health problems for the baby;
  • a better offer.

The system of staying on extraordinary leave for employees who care for their children is being improved every year. Legislation does everything to make mothers feel as good as possible during the holidays and after going to work. Mothers on maternity leave today can even get a loan. Details at the link:

Compensation upon dismissal after parental leave up to 3 years

Even if the employee decides to issue a dismissal on her own initiative after the vacation, the employer makes payments of compensation funds. Based on part 1 of article 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the manager calculates compensation for vacation that was not used. This applies to the situation when the ward decided to quit without leaving the vacation. The employer must calculate the amount of the benefit based on the average wage for the last 12 months and the number of unused vacation pay.

To get the exact number of unused vacation days, the manager takes into account:

  1. Experience.
  2. The length of days that are provided after dismissal.
  3. The days that the employee used for the period of leaving work.

The employer takes the vacation period and calculates the amount of the benefit based on the ratio with the days worked. For the calculation you need:

  1. Multiply the length of maternity leave by 140.
  2. Divide by 12 the amount of paid vacation days.
  3. Add the resulting two numbers to each other.
  4. The average earnings are multiplied by the resulting number of legal holidays and days of maternity leave.

Calculating compensation is a necessity not only for the employer, but also for the employee.

Will I have to work 2 weeks when I am dismissed to care for a child?

Dismissal without working off to care for a child under 14 is one of the conditions when an employee can quit and not work, in accordance with Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The list of reasons why you do not need to work out includes: the liquidation of the enterprise, the reduction of the team due to the difficult financial condition of the company, on the occasion of pregnancy, the start of training. You can find out more about whether it is necessary to work 2 weeks upon dismissal in another material. Workers who retire or are drafted into the military may also be off work for two weeks. The working off period allows the manager to find a replacement for the person leaving, and the employee will finally be convinced of the firmness of his intentions.

To carry out the procedure for dismissal on the occasion of caring for a baby, an employee writes a statement. Based on the application, the head issues an order for the expulsion of the ward. After that, compensation is paid, a salary and a work book are issued, in which an entry is made before that about the termination of labor duties. Despite the circumstance of the employee to care for a child under 14 years of age, this does not relieve her of the obligation to apply for dismissal from office two weeks in advance on the basis of generally accepted rules.

Application for dismissal for childcare under 14 years old - sample 2018

To apply for a dismissal from work, an employee must write an application taking into account the following information:

  1. In the right corner of the document, the name of the company, data and position of the employer are indicated.
  2. Personal information about the filling citizen: full name and position.
  3. The reason why the employee wants to quit.

At the end, the date of the planned departure from work and a signature are put. A copy of the birth of the smaller family member is attached to the document. Taking into account the statement, the head issues an order to reduce.

Entry in the work book upon dismissal to care for a child under 14 years old

The final stage in the registration of deductions from work is filling out a work book. The boss makes a record of the employee's expulsion based on the application. After that, the workbook is issued to the former employee along with salary and compensation for unused vacation.

Leaving work due to the fact that you need to support children is not a sentence for an employee. If you wish, in the future you can register with the labor exchange, apply for unemployment benefits and even receive free education. All options for improving the lives of people who care for children under 14 are carried out on the basis of the provisions of the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

Benefit for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old in 2019 paid to persons who take care of the child during the leave of the same name.

Please note that leave is granted until the child reaches the age of three, and benefits are paid only up to one and a half. Also, until the child reaches the age of three, a monthly compensation of 50 rubles is paid.

To whom is the allowance for the care of a child up to 1.5 years old paid?

Unlike the maternity allowance, which is paid only to the mother of the child, the allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old in 2019 can also be received by other relatives: father, grandmother, etc., the main thing is that they actually take care of the child and therefore deprived of the opportunity to receive wages or other income. If the baby is cared for by two or more relatives, at their choice.

The amount of the allowance for the care of a child up to 1.5 years

By general rule,child care allowance is . In some cases, the payment is made in.

From February 1, 2019 minimum care allowance for the first child is 3 277 rubles 45 kopecks, for the second and subsequent children - 6 554 rubles 89 kopecks, from January 1, 2019 maximum size care allowance - 26 152 rubles 27 kopecks. The following persons are entitled to the allowance in the specified amount:

    mothers dismissed during pregnancy in connection with the liquidation of the organization

    mothers, fathers, full-time guardians

    relatives caring for a child in case of deprivation of mother and (or) father of parental rights

Calculation of allowance for child care up to 1.5 years

For convenience, we present the calculation algorithm childcare benefits in 2019 in the form of a diagram:

Child care allowance

average earnings for the previous two calendar years (should not exceed for each year the maximum value of the base for calculating insurance premiums to the FSS: in 2017 - 755,000 rubles, in 2018 - 815,000 rubles, that is, for calculations, we select the amount that is less)
we divide
by the number of calendar days in the same period (excluding periods of temporary disability, maternity and childcare leave, the period of release from work with pay). We get the average daily earnings, which cannot be more than the control value (= the sum of the limit values ​​\u200b\u200b(see above) divided by 730)
at 30.4
by 40%

Terms of payment of child care allowance up to 1.5 years

You can apply for childcare allowance in 2019 no later than from the day the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

Note: regardless of the date of application, the allowance in 2019 will be paid for the entire period from the date of granting parental leave until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years.

The city of Moscow in terms of social support for families with children is one of the most successful regions of Russia. This is confirmed by regular innovations that are introduced at the city level regarding the list and amount of social benefits for children (so many benefits, and even in such amounts, are not paid in any other region of the country). And child benefits from 2018 in Moscow also undergone - many types of assistance for children in the capital increased immediately by 2-6 times. This is an unprecedented increase in child benefits for modern Russia, thanks to which they will exceed the size of many provided for the population of all regions of the country.

However, this increase will mainly affect low-income, large families, as well as parents with disabled children (in contrast to the same state benefits that are paid to all categories of families, regardless of their income level and the number of children - with the exception of mat capital).

Changes from January 1, 2018 in payments for a child in Moscow

Since 2018, significant changes have come into force in the field of payments for children in the capital. At the suggestion of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, changes have been made to city legislation, in accordance with which there are many regional benefits for families with children. What child benefits in Moscow have increased since 2018 and by how much? Here is a list of the main changes since January 1, 2018:

Monthly payments at the birth of a child in 2018 in Moscow

Another significant innovation in 2018 was introduced by decree of Vladimir Putin new monthly payments up to 1.5 years in the amount of the living wage:

  • at the birth of 1 child - from the state budget through the bodies of the Social Protection of the Population;
  • for the 2nd child - at the expense of maternity capital through the Pension Fund (PFR).

The amount of the new monthly allowance up to 1.5 years for such families in Moscow at the birth of the first or second child starting from 01/01/2018 will be 14252 rubles.(children's PM for the 2nd quarter of 2017, year).

They are meant families in need, in which the income for each member does not exceed one and a half subsistence minimum (PM) for the able-bodied, established for the 2nd quarter of the previous year (such a PM in Moscow for the 2nd quarter of 2017 is 18,742 rubles, in one and a half size - 28,113 rubles) .

What is the monetary threshold for earning a family so that it can receive a new monthly allowance for a child in Moscow? In 2018, it should not exceed the values ​​given in the table below.

For all cases indicated in the table above, the amount of the monthly allowance until the child reaches 1.5 years of age will be 14252 rubles- this is the subsistence minimum per child, established in Moscow for the 2nd quarter of 2017. The child must be born starting from 01/01/2018

Payment of state benefits to families with children in Moscow

Federal child benefits in the capital, established in Art. 3 of Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995, are provided in a standard amount without multiplying by any increasing regional coefficients (there are simply none in Moscow). The list of basic state benefits for families with children and their amount (taking into account inflation indexation for 2018 by 4.3% since February 1, 2019) is shown in the table below.

Name of federal benefitThe amount of benefits at the federal level from February 1, 2019, rub.
(for 140 standard maternity days)not less than 51919.00 rubles.
, 17479,73
(up to 1.5 years)
  • 3277.45 - on the first
  • 6554.89 - and all subsequent
(up to 3 years old)11863,27

Scheduling and payment of child benefits

    • From the start of pregnancy

      • 12 weeks pregnant
    • When is issued and paid

      28 or 30 weeks pregnant

      • End of maternity leave
    • When is issued and paid

      Birth of a child

      • 0.5 years
      • (not limited)
      • 3 years
    • When is issued and paid

      End of maternity leave

      • 1.5 years
      • 3 years
    • When is issued and paid

      From birth or from 1.5 years

      • Under 16 or Under 18
    • When is issued and paid

      Adoption of a child

      • 3 months
      • 1.5 years
      • 3 years
      • 3 years
      • 18 years
      • 6 months after adoption
      • (not limited)
    • When is issued and paid

      180 days of pregnancy for a soldier's wife

      • The end of military service of the father of the child
    • When is issued and paid

      Birth of a child

      • 3 years
    • When is issued and paid

      The onset of the death of a soldier

      • 18 years
    • When is issued and paid

      Transferring a child to a family

      • 6 months after transfer
      • 18 years


Schedule of child benefits by the terms of their registration and payment

    • 12
    • 28 or 30
    • Birth
    • End
      maternity leave
    • 0,5
      of the year
    • 1,5
      of the year
    • 3
      of the year
    • 16
    • 18
    • regional allowance
      per child*
    • Lump sum payments
    • Monthly payments
    • Payouts possible*

    * the start and end dates of payments are set at the regional level (most often from 1.5 to 16 years)

    • Lump sum payments
    • Monthly payments
    • Payouts possible*

    * the start and end dates of payments are established by regional laws (most often from 1.5 to 16 years), but not earlier than the moment of adoption of the child

    ** the right to receive benefits does not depend on the age of the child at the time of adoption

    • Lump sum payments
    • Monthly payments
    • Payouts possible*

    * can be paid from the moment the child is born until he reaches 3 years of age, but not earlier than the beginning and not later than the end of military service by the father

    ** paid from the moment of death of a serviceman until the child reaches the age of 18 or until the end of full-time education, but no later than 23 years

    • Lump sum payments
    • Monthly payments

As in other regions of the country, it operates in Moscow and. Its program has been extended until 2021, the amount of assistance in 2019 will amount to 453 thousand rubles. In the near future (until the end of 2019), this type of assistance will not be indexed.

Regional child allowances in Moscow

Can apply for Moscow city payments for a child Russian and foreign citizens, refugees and stateless persons.

However, at the same time, one important condition is presented to all recipients - they must have capital registration(both the applicant and the child). One of the parents or the person in charge of the child can apply for help.

Any allowance for a child in Moscow can be done in several ways, including:

  1. Through the city portal MOS.RU. All available types of benefits are listed there and given detailed instructions to receive them. You must first register before applying. This is the most popular way of processing social benefits among Muscovites. In addition to payments, there you can find useful information about vouchers and other types of assistance for children.
  2. To the nearest multifunctional center (MFC) My documents.
  3. Using the website of public services (first select "Moscow" in the "Location" tab at the top).

General list of documents, most often necessary for processing payments:

  • passport (or other identification card, as well as a document confirming registration in Moscow) - both the applicant and the other parent;
  • SNILS, TIN of the applicant;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • a certificate from the registry office in form No. 25 or a death certificate of the second parent (to confirm the status of a single mother, if relevant);
  • court decision on adoption / adoption (if relevant);
  • documents on the transfer to the family of a guardian or adoptive parent (if applicable);
  • extract from the house book (or other confirmation that the child is registered in Moscow);
  • certificate of cohabitation;
  • account number.

In addition to basic benefits, the Moscow government offers benefits, subsidies and ancillary assistance to families with children. Their list is impressive. In general, the capital operates more than two dozen payments parents with children.

Two small features of the social support system for families with children in Moscow:

Below is a list of the main payments to Muscovites for children in 2018, which are discussed in more detail in the following sections of the article.

Lump sum in early pregnancy

Women who got up registered due to pregnancy early dates (up to 20 weeks) are eligible to apply for a lump sum compensation payment. Compensation can only be issued personally by the expectant mother. The allowance is issued even in the case of a stillborn child.

  • Art. 6 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005 "On social support for families with children in Moscow";
  • Clause 10 of Part II "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the appointment and provision of cash payments to families with children in the city of Moscow"
The size600 rub.
Required documents
  • certificate from a medical institution on registration up to 20 weeks of pregnancy;
  • passport, SNILS, TIN;
  • confirmation of Moscow registration
Term of circulationFrom the date of registration until the child is 1 year old

Additional one-time benefit for pregnancy and childbirth

Unemployed women dismissed from work to liquidate the organization during the year preceding the day they were recognized as unemployed are entitled to compensation from the city budget for the period of maternity leave.

  • Compensation is provided regardless of the average per capita income of the family.
  • It is calculated at the rate of 1,500 rubles. per month.
  • It also applies to women who have ceased their activities as a notary, lawyer, individual entrepreneur.
What law establishes
  • Art. 6 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005
  • Clause 11 of Part II of Decree No. 37-PP of January 24, 2006;
The size
  • 7 000 rub. - with a standard vacation period for BiR 140 days (70 days before and after childbirth);
  • 7 800 rub. - on vacation 156 days (70 days before delivery and 86 after);
  • 9 700 rub. - on vacation 194 days due to multiple pregnancy(84 days before delivery and 110 after)
Required documents
  • sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • an extract from the work book, indicating the last place of work;
  • a certificate from the employment center that the woman is unemployed;
  • if a woman worked as an individual entrepreneur, notary, etc. - decision from the tax office to terminate activities
Term of circulationNot later than 6 months. after the expiration of the vacation on BiR

Lump sum payments in connection with the birth or adoption of children

After the appearance of a child in the family, numerous costs fall on the shoulders of the parents. The one-time compensation payments provided by the city authorities are designed to reduce the financial burden and help with the purchase of the most necessary. There are several such payments in the capital at once.

Their registration requires compliance with a number of conditions. For example, one of the payments will be given to all Moscow families without exception. There are special types of assistance for young parents and those who.

One-time compensation payment at birth and adoption

The city's lump sum for newborns is also referred to as the expense allowance. by birth and adoption. It is due to all families living in the capital without exception. Material wealth, age of parents, receipt of other payments are not taken into account.

  • It applies to legal relations that arose from 01/01/2010.
  • At the birth of twins paid for each(for one - as for the first, for the next - as for the second).
  • It is prescribed only for children born alive.
  • Can apply parent, adoptive parent or guardian with whom the child actually lives.

One-time allowance for the simultaneous birth (adoption) of three or more children

Compensation payment is a kind of analogue of maternity capital. It is provided to families with three or more at the same time living children ( blood, adopted). Issued one per family.

  • It can be issued regardless of the city compensation payment at the birth of children (that is, both that and this will be given at the same time).
  • For registration, the financial situation of the family does not play a role.
  • Parents immediately receive the status of large families.
  • A parent or guardian may apply.

Additional one-time allowance for young parents

Families where the age of both parents (single parent) under 30 years old are entitled to additional payment due to birth or adoption baby. This child allowance for a child in Moscow is provided for each of the children in a family born before the moment when one of the parents is 30 years old.

  • Another name that is common in everyday life is "Luzhkov's payments" to young families.
  • The amount of the benefit is determined PM value at the time of birth. Changes quarterly.
  • The applicant can only be Russian citizen.
  • The age of the parents is determined on the day of birth (adoption) of the child.
  • At the birth of twins payments are made in the order in which they are received. For example, for one - as for the first child, for the other - as for the second.
What law establishes
  • Art. 23 of Law No. 39 of September 30, 2009 "About Youth";
  • Decree No. 199-PP dated April 6, 2004
The size
  • 5 PM values ​​per capita (80,800 rubles as of January 1, 2018) - for the first child;
  • 7 PM per capita (113,120 rubles) - for the 2nd child;
  • 10 PM values ​​​​(161,600 rubles) - for the 3rd, 4th and each next baby
Required documents
Term of circulationWithin a year after the birth of the child

The payment is provided independently of other state and federal benefits. Its registration is not an obstacle to receiving compensation at birth and other types of assistance.

Monthly allowance for a child under 18

The purpose of this benefit is to help poor families, in which the average per capita income is less than provided for by the annually established norms. Allowance for a child under 18 in Moscow is paid for each of the children: relatives and adopted, foster and adoptive, stepsons and stepdaughters.

What law establishes
  • Art. 7
  • No. 67 of 03.11.2004 "About the monthly allowance for a child";
  • Decree No. 911-PP dated December 28, 2004
The size

Base size:

  • 10 000 rub. - for children 0-3 years old;
  • 4 000 rub. - for children 3-18 years old.

Increased size (for single moms or dads; if the other parent does not pay child support or is doing military service)

  • 15,000 - for children 0-3 years old;
  • 6,000 - for children 3-18 years old
Required documents
Term of circulationRe-registration - annually from 01.01 to 30.09

About 2 million children live in Moscow, of which about 265 thousand are in low-income families. On average, about 170,000 families receive benefits for the poor each year. In addition to payment, there is another type of assistance: providing free medicines for outpatient treatment children under 3 years old(according to the doctor's prescription).

Monthly compensation payment for a child under 1.5 years old

Special compensation for the child is due to mothers, laid off during maternity leave(for pregnancy and childbirth, child care) in connection with the liquidation of the organization. It is paid monthly, regardless of family income, until the child turns 1.5 years old.

Monthly allowance for food for children under 3 years old

Certain categories of families may receive monthly compensation payments due to rising food prices. This allowance is due for each child up to 3 years to such families (without taking into account the level of income):

  • incomplete;
  • in which the parent serves in the army and because of this has no income;
  • if the parent is hiding from the payment of alimony;
  • the family has a child with a disability;
  • large families;
  • student, including if the parent is on academic leave (but not available to graduate students, doctoral students).

The student family is considered where both parents (single parent) are in full-time education at an elementary, intermediate or higher level vocational school. The age of the parents does not matter.

What law establishes
  • Art. 7, Art. 12 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005;
  • Clause 26 of Part III of Decree No. 37-PP dated January 24, 2006
The size
  • 1 875 rub. - student families;
  • 675 rub. - other categories of families
Required documents
Term of circulationBefore the child is 3 years old. When applied within 6 months. from the day the baby is born, the payment will be scheduled from the month of birth

Monthly compensation for expenses related to rising cost of living

The least socially protected categories of families are entitled to a monthly compensation payment. Her task is reduce the impact of inflation to the standard of living of the family. You can apply regardless of parental income. Compensation paid for each child under the age of 16(up to 18 years old if studying at school):

  • who are raised by a single mother;
  • whose father serves in the army or is hiding from paying alimony, or cannot pay them due to circumstances (for example, being in prison);
  • from large family(up to 18 years old, regardless of education);
  • for children under 1.5 years old, if both parents are disabled or pensioners;
  • The listed categories of families include substitute families.
What law establishes
  • Art. 7, Art. 10, art. 11 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005;
  • pp. 27-29 of Part III of Decree No. 37-PP of January 24, 2006
The size
  • 750 rub. - single mothers;
  • 600 rub. - for a child of a military conscript or a father who is a non-payer of alimony;
  • 600 rub. - for a child under 1.5 years old, if his parents are disabled or pensioners;
  • 1 200 rub. - for each child from a large family with 3-4 children;
  • 1 500 rub. - large families with 5 or more children
Required documents
Term of circulationUntil the 16th birthday (18th birthday) of the child. If the parent has time to apply before the expiration of 6 months. from the date of birth (adoption), compensation will be assigned from the month of birth

Monthly payment for the maintenance of children in foster families

Foster parents(guardians, trustees, adoptees) are entitled to a payment for the maintenance of children adopted into the family. "Children" means every child under 18 having the status orphaned or deprived of parental care.

  • The purpose of the allowance is the purchase of food, clothing and footwear, soft inventory(bedding), equipment, household items, hygiene products, toys, medicines, books and other things.
  • When making these payments, the monthly child allowance for the poor is not available, and vice versa.

Other types of assistance to foster families:

  • Monthly payment for housing and communal services 928 rubles. (one per family).
  • Extraordinary placement of foster (guardian) children in kindergartens and free admission.
  • Free meals at school.
  • Free travel in public transport for a guardian, foster parent, foster caregiver of a child under 18 years of age.
  • Other benefits and types of assistance listed in the articles of Law No. 61 of November 30, 2005

Various compensation payments and benefits for large families

A family with many children in Moscow is considered in which at least three children under 16. If the child continues school after this age, then until the age of 18. In this case, relatives, adopted children, stepchildren and stepdaughters are taken into account. Families with foster children of 3 or more are equated to large families.

Various benefits and types of social assistance for large families (regardless of income):

  • Monthly utility allowance (one per family):
    • RUB 1,044 for families with 3-4 children. Provided until the youngest child turns 18 (art. 17.1).
    • 2 088 rub. for families with 5 children.
  • Compensation payment 250 rubles. for the use of a city telephone. It is transferred monthly one per family until the youngest child reaches the age of 18.
  • Medicines for children under 6 are free.
  • Free food for children under 7 years old (a doctor's opinion is needed).
  • Priority provision of places in kindergartens.
  • Two meals a day at school for students for free.
  • Free travel on public transport up to 16 years old (18 years old if studying at school).
  • Free repair and manufacture of dentures for mothers who have given birth to 5 or more children (except for dentures made of precious metals, porcelain, metal ceramics).
  • Other types of assistance provided for in Art. 29 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005

Monthly payment for the purchase of children's goods for families with 5 children or more

The compensation payment is intended large families with 5 or more children. It is paid monthly one per family regardless of his average per capita income. Families eligible for payment:

  • with 5 or more children under 18;
  • with 10 or more children, if at least one of them is under 18 years old.

Monthly compensation for families with 10 or more children

One of the natural or foster parents in a large family with 10 or more children can apply for compensation. She is appointed per child under 18(or up to age 23 if he receives professional education face-to-face).

  • Annual payments are assigned one per family, provided that the application for them was written before the end of the calendar year. Provided until the youngest of the children is 18 years old, according to Art. eighteen . These payments:
    • for International Family Day (May 15) in the amount of 20,000 rubles;
    • by September 1 (Knowledge Day) - 30,000 rubles.
  • Monthly payments to families in which parents or children with disabilities

    For registration of these types of assistance, in addition to the basic documents, a certificate of disability from the ITU is required. Disabled children are expected to receive such in-kind assistance (Article 30):

    • Provision of social housing owned by the city.
    • Subsidies for the construction of own housing.
    • Free admission to kindergartens for children with disabilities.
    • Free travel for a disabled child and his parents, as well as a person under 23 years old from among disabled children (if they are trained) and one of the parents in public transport.
    • Release of free food (if there is a doctor's opinion).
    • Provision of medicines and medical products.
    • Free entry to museums, exhibitions, zoos, city parks.
    • The opportunity to use the services of sports facilities free of charge.

    Monthly allowance for the care of a disabled child

    Families in which one of the parents from a complete family can't work for caring for a disabled child under 18. And also for a person with a disability from childhood to 23 years. Compensation is also provided to working citizens:

    • single mother (father);
    • widow;
    • a parent who is divorced from the other parent of a child with a disability;
    • one of the parents with many children;
    • the parent in respect of whom paternity has been officially established;
    • guardian or adoptive parent of a disabled child who is not under parental care.
    What law establishes
    • Art. 7, art. 9 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005;
    • Clause 39 of Part III of Decree No. 37-PP of January 24, 2006
    The size12 000 rub.
    Required documents
    Term of circulationFrom the month of examination of the child in the ITU institution, during the period of validity of the certificate of disability (up to the 18th or 23rd anniversary of the child)
    The size12 000 rub.
    Required documents
    Term of circulationFrom the moment of dismissal of parents or their examination by the ITU as disabled

    When applying for social assistance, family income is not taken into account. Compensation is not assigned simultaneously with the monthly regional payment for the care of a disabled child.

    Monthly social supplement to the pension for a disabled child

    This type of assistance is provided as pension supplements child with a disability under 18 established at the federal level. It does not take into account the level of family income. May be appointed without application, if the responsible body (department social protection) has all the necessary documents.

    To apply for an additional payment, you must comply with the conditions of residence in Moscow. Child under 18 must be registered in the capital:

    • at least 10 years;
    • less than 10 years old, but from birth;
    • if not respected, the 10-year registration must be held by the child's representative or the child's deceased parent.
    What law establishes
    • Art. 7, art. 16 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005;
    • Decree No. 1268-PP dated November 17, 2009 "On the regional social supplement to the pension"
    The sizeIt is determined individually depending on the period of residence in Moscow, the type of registration (at the place of residence or stay) and the amount of material support. In the general case, the size is the difference between the PM (or the value of the city social standard) and the actual material support. See more details.
    Required documents
    Term of circulationAt any time after receiving a disability pension, for the period of validity of this pension

    For reference. The size of the city social standard in 2018 will be 17,500 rubles. The living wage per child is determined quarterly. For the 3rd quarter of 2017, it is 13,938 rubles.

    Monthly payment to disabled children who have lost their breadwinner

    Disabled children under the age of 18 and disabled children from childhood up to 23 years of age are entitled to this compensation. Paid including for the past period, if the appeal did not occur immediately (but not more than 3 previous years).

    Annual payment for school preparation

    Schoolchildren from large families and students with disabilities are entitled to an annual payment. It is intended to offset the costs for the purchase school uniform . Provided for each of the children from a large family attending school, and for each of the children with disabilities. Until the end of 2017, this payment applied only to large families.

    Benefits and types of assistance in kind

    In addition to financial assistance, all families with children in Moscow can count on the following:

    • Free delivery of products to pregnant women and nursing mothers (according to a medical opinion).
    • Sets of linen for newborns in maternity hospitals for free.
    • Free provision of dairy products by prescription for children in the first, second and third years of life. Children next to chronic diseases may receive such products until the age of 15.
    • Travel for children under 7 years old in public transport is free (except minibuses and taxis).
    • Free breakfast at school for students in grades 1-4. And for schoolchildren of any age from socially unprotected families - two meals a day.
    • Free admission for children under 7 years old to museums, exhibitions, parks (if they are under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Government).
    • Free admission to the Moscow Zoo, reduced prices for tickets to museums, exhibitions and cultural events for children under 18.
    • Benefits for paying for a kindergarten for children of military personnel, students.

    Regional supplement for a child to a survivor's pension (Article 7, Article 17 of Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005, Resolution No. 1268-PP of November 17, 2009).

    It is determined depending on, or they are called the limit value, the limit of the base for calculating insurance premiums to state non-budgetary funds. We will show the calculation of the maximum benefit

    • 2017 is - 23,089.04 rubles. ((670,000 rubles + 717,000 rubles): 731 days x 40% x 30.4).
      The maximum earnings for the billing period (365 + 366), and not by 730. And all due to the fact that 2016 is a leap year.
    • 2016 is - 21,554.85 rubles.
    • 2015 is - 19,855.82 rubles.

    Note: that the average daily earnings for calculating the maternity allowance and the monthly childcare allowance cannot be more than the value obtained by dividing the sum of the limit values ​​\u200b\u200bof the contribution base for the previous two calendar years by 730.

    6. Maximum maternity allowance 2019 = 301 095,89 rub.

    2018 = 282,493.15 rubles

    2017 = 266,191.78 rubles

    2016 = 248,164.0 rubles

    2015 = 228,602.74 rubles

    If the insurance period of a woman is less than six months, she will be paid an allowance not exceeding a full calendar month.

    Table of child benefits 2019

    CHILD allowance indexation coefficient for 2019 table


    COMPENSATION for child care from 1.5 to 3 years

    All employees who are on leave to care for a child under three years of age, employers are required to pay a monthly compensation in the amount of 50 rub.

    The procedure for appointing and paying compensation was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 1994 No. 1206. It says that compensation is assigned at all places of work. And taking into account regional coefficients.

    An allowance of 50 rubles is paid from the beginning of parental leave until the age of 3, that is, you must pay it from the very beginning. It is paid only at the request of the employee, if there is no application, you may not pay. And for the month it is paid in proportion to the days of vacation.

    Note : This type cash payments, by their legal nature, are actually state benefits, and therefore, on the basis of paragraph 1 of part 1, for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood.

    When, from what week they go on maternity leave in 2019, how the allowance is paid and accrued. What week does maternity leave start? What should you expect if you are a new mother and are going to take maternity leave from work? The article tells everything in detail how to calculate maternity payments in 2019, as well as how maternity payments are calculated and paid for all women.