List of prescription medications for asthmatics. DLO in medicine - what is it? Additional preferential provision of drugs, list of drugs

Legislatively in Russian Federation certain groups of citizens are entitled to preferential drug provision. Today, about 20 million Russians have the opportunity to receive medicines free of charge.

The indicator is confirmed by the official data of Rosstat. At the same time, about 15 million beneficiaries receive monetary compensation, while the rest of the persons purchase drugs included in the list of free drugs approved by the state.

This article will be devoted to the issues of providing citizens with medicines free of charge or at a discount. We will consider the procedure for providing funds, as well as draw up a complete list of persons eligible to apply for this type of assistance.

Beneficial groups of the population who have the right to obtain medicines free of charge are enshrined in the Federal Law-178 of 07/17/1999. According to the provisions of Art. 125 of the law, the list includes:

  • people with disabilities and children with disabilities;
  • military men who did not serve in active army units during the Second World War, as well as those awarded medals and orders from the times of the USSR;
  • participants in the Second World War and persons who received a disability as a result;
  • combat veterans and their families;
  • family of dead disabled people and participants in military battles;
  • persons with a badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad";
  • citizens who worked in the rear during the Second World War at military facilities;
  • Chernobyl.
The list does not end here, since patients suffering from various complex diseases fall under the allocation of benefits. As an example, one can cite such as: multiple sclerosis, hemophilia, Gaucher disease, cystic fibrosis. In addition, the medicine will be available to people who have undergone transplantation of internal organs.

How is the drug list established?

First of all, it is worth noting that the list of free medicines is compiled by the Government of the Russian Federation. To approve the list, the Ministry of Health and Social Development issues a special order.

For the first time such a list was compiled in the fall of 2006. This list is updated almost every year. Some medicines are excluded from the register, while others are included.

Scroll medicines for privileged categories of citizens for 2019 includes the following funds:

  • opioid and non-narcotic analgesics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • medicines used to treat allergic manifestations, Parkinson's disease, gout;
  • anticonvulsants, as well as anxiolytic and antipsychotic drugs;
  • antidepressants, sleeping pills, antibiotics;
  • antiviral and antifungal forms;
  • compositions for the treatment of diseases of SJS, respiratory and digestive systems;
  • hormonal compounds.

In turn, each group includes individual medicines.

Amendments made to the list in 2019

The Government of the Russian Federation this year considered and adopted a new list subsidized medicines. Starting April 1, 2019, an increased list of drugs is in effect. The new list includes additional medicines, and now the number of items is 646 items. It should be additionally noted that six items are produced in the Russian Federation.

Certain categories of people can use an additional list of subsidized medicines, which has also been expanded by 15 units. The section of expensive positions included one new name, and the necessary positions were replenished with two units.

The cost of medicines is approved by the government and is based on average purchase prices. A special area of ​​medicines is the provision of polyclinics and other medical institutions.

The procedure for issuing free medicines

To clarify what rights different categories of citizens have, you should contact the attending physician or the management of the medical organization that pays for the treatment of the patient. Free Medicines prescribed only by the attending physician on a special prescription form. In the future, the document is certified by the head of the doctor's department.

It is important that the prescription has an expiration date. As a rule, the issued form is valid for 30 days. During this time, a citizen is obliged to receive the drug at a pharmacy. If the written position is not available, then the patient should be offered similar medicine. In this case, the prescription period is extended by 10 days. In case of damage or loss of the document, the form is issued again.

When writing a prescription, the doctor must be guided by the results of the patient's medical examination. For example, for the disabled, medicines are provided in accordance with the severity of the person's condition.

A disabled person of group 1 can use expensive medicines, and a disabled person of group 2 or 3 has the right to receive medicines that are included in the minimum permitted list, and some other drugs. Children also have the right to receive medicines free of charge in the same manner as adults.


Free provision of medicines is considered one of the social support measures for vulnerable categories of citizens. To provide this type of assistance, the responsible authorities use a special list of drugs, which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

About 100 million rubles are annually spent from the state treasury of the Russian Federation on drug provision of privileged categories of citizens. This measure allows to open access to the necessary medicines to the population. But not everyone is aware of their right to a drug list under federal or local law. According to the latter, the conditions for issuing drugs, their number, names and persons claiming preference vary at the discretion of the regional authorities.

The Federal Law establishes general rights for all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of material status and nationality. Benefits depend on belonging to a special category (disabled, veteran, poor).

Unfortunately, it is possible to receive medicines only on one of the grounds (although there is no direct ban on the simultaneous use of federal and regional preferences), so the beneficiary will have to make a choice. Payment for medicines to the state beneficiary is carried out by the Pension Fund, and to the regional one - by the social protection authority.

People who have limited opportunities, more often than others are forced to use drugs to maintain health. Often the cost of these drugs is "unbearable" for them. If you look at the situation directly and without any exaggeration - modern medicines not always affordable for most citizens of our country. Several reasons can be found at once - ranging from inflationary shocks against the backdrop of sanctions and cheap oil to the lack of well-developed production medical preparations in Russia. Both the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economic Development are working on this, but everyone understands that it will not be possible to reach the required (and even more advanced) level of production of free medicines for the population in a short time, even if significant amounts are injected into this industry.

Free medicines for the disabled (list below) for 2018 will be replenished with 25 items at once. The decision on this was made at one of the meetings of the Ministry of Health back in September 2016, and later it was supported by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who said that until the moment of complete import substitution of vital medicines, their purchase will continue from foreign suppliers and the disabled and beneficiaries will receive free medicines in 2018 in full.

List of free medicines for the disabled, children and beneficiaries for 2017

Approved on December 30, 2014 by Government Decree No. 2782-r, the list of free medicines () for children, the disabled and includes:

I. Anticholinesterase agents

Galantamine - coated tablets.
Ipidacrine tablets.
Pyridostigmine bromide - tablets.

II. Opioid analgesics and mixed action analgesics

Buprenorphine - solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection; sublingual tablets; The therapeutic system is transdermal.
Morphine - solution for injection; film-coated tablets of prolonged action.
Morphine + Narcotine + Papaverine hydrochloride + Codeine + Thebaine - solution for injection.
Tramadol - capsules; injection; rectal suppositories; film-coated tablets of prolonged action; tablets.
Trimeperidine - solution for injection; tablets.
Fentanyl is a transdermal therapeutic system.

III. Non-narcotic analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Acetylsalicylic acid - tablets.
Diclofenac - gel; eye drops; ointment; rectal suppositories; enteric-coated tablets; prolonged action tablets.
Ibuprofen - gel for external use; cream for external use; coated tablets; oral suspension.
Indomethacin - ointment for external use; suppositories; coated tablets.
Ketoprofen - capsules; cream; suppositories; retard tablets; forte film-coated tablets.
Ketorolac - coated tablets.
Meloxicam tablets.
Metamizole sodium and combined preparations containing metamizole sodium - tablets.
Paracetamol - rectal suppositories; tablets.
Paracetamol + Phenylephrine + Pheniramine + Ascorbic acid - powder for solution for oral administration.
Piroxicam - gel.

IV. Means for the treatment of gout

Allopurinol tablets.
Colchicum splendid alkaloid - coated tablets.

V. Other anti-inflammatory drugs

Mesalazine - rectal suppositories; rectal suspension; enteric-coated tablets.
Penicillamine - tablets.
Sulfasalazine tablets.
Chloroquine - tablets.
Chondroitin sulfate - capsules; ointment.

VI. Means for the treatment of allergic reactions

Diphenhydramine tablets.
Ketotifen - tablets;
Clemastine tablets.
Levocetirizine - coated tablets.
Loratadine tablets.
Mebhydrolin - dragee.
Hifenadine - tablets.
Chloropyramine - tablets.
Cetirizine - drops for oral administration; coated tablets.

VII. Anticonvulsants

Benzobarbital - tablets.
Valproic acid - drops for oral administration; syrup; enteric-coated tablets; film-coated tablets of prolonged action.
Carbamazepine - tablets; prolonged action tablets; film-coated tablets of prolonged action.
Clonazepam tablets.
Lamotrigine tablets.
Primidone - tablets.
Topiramate - capsules; coated tablets.
Phenytoin - tablets.
Phenobarbital - tablets.
Ethosuximide - capsules.

VIII. Remedies for the treatment of parkinsonism

Bromocriptine tablets.
Levodopa + Carbidopa tablets.
Levodopa + Benserazide - capsules; dispersible tablets; tablets.
Piribedil is a film-coated, controlled release tablet.
Tolperisone - coated tablets.
Cyclodol tablets.

IX. Anxiolytics

Alprazolam - tablets; prolonged action tablets.
Diazepam - tablets.
Hydroxyzine - coated tablets.
Medazepam - tablets.
Nitrazepam - tablets.
Tofisopam - tablets.
Phenazepam - tablets.

X. Antipsychotics

Haloperidol - drops for oral administration; tablets.
Zuclopenthixol - coated tablets.
Quetiapine - film-coated tablets.
Clozapine - tablets.
Levomepromazine - coated tablets.
Perphenazine - coated tablets.
Risperidone - lozenges; coated tablets.
Sulpiride - capsules; tablets.
Thioproperazine - coated tablets.
Thioridazine - dragee; coated tablets.
Trifluoperazine - coated tablets.
Flupentixol - coated tablets.
Chlorpromazine - dragee.
Chlorprothixene - coated tablets.

XI. Antidepressants and normothymic drugs

Amitriptyline - tablets; coated tablets.
Venlafaxine - modified release capsules; tablets.
Imipramine - dragee.
Clomipramine - coated tablets.
Lithium carbonate - tablets of prolonged action.
Maprotiline - coated tablets.
Milnacipran capsules.
Paroxetine - coated tablets.
Pipofezin - tablets.
Pirlindol - tablets.
Sertraline - coated tablets.
Fluvoxamine - coated tablets.
Fluoxetine - capsules.
Escitalopram - film-coated tablets.

XII. Means for the treatment of sleep disorders

Zolpidem - coated tablets.
Zopiclone film-coated tablets.

XIII. Other drugs affecting the central nervous system

Baclofen tablets.
Betahistine tablets.
Vinpocetine - tablets; coated tablets.
Gamma-aminobutyric acid - coated tablets.
Hopantenic acid - tablets.
Nicotinyl gamma-aminobutyric acid - tablets.
Piracetam - capsules; oral solution; coated tablets.
Tizanidine tablets.
Phenibut - tablets.
Phenotropil - tablets.
Cinnarizine tablets.

XIV. Means for the prevention and treatment of infections

Azithromycin - capsules; coated tablets.
Amoxicillin - capsules; coated tablets; tablets.
Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid - powder for suspension for oral administration; dispersible tablets; coated tablets; tablets.
Gramicidin C - cheek tablets.
Josamycin - tablets; dispersible tablets.
Doxycycline - capsules.
Clarithromycin - coated tablets.
Clindamycin - capsules.
Midecamycin - coated tablets.
Rifamycin - ear drops.
Tetracycline - eye ointment.
Fosfomycin - granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration.
Fusidic acid - cream for external use; ointment for external use; coated tablets.
Chloramphenicol - eye drops; liniment; tablets.
Erythromycin - eye ointment; ointment, for external use; enteric-coated tablets.

Synthetic antibacterial agents

Co-trimoxazole - oral suspension; tablets.
Levofloxacin - coated tablets.
Moxifloxacin - coated tablets.
Nitrofurantoin - tablets.
Nitroxoline - coated tablets.
Norfloxacin - coated tablets.
Ofloxacin - coated tablets.
Pipemidic acid - capsules.
Sulfacetamide - eye drops.
Furazidin - capsules; tablets.
Ciprofloxacin - eye drops; coated tablets.

XV. Antivirals

Arbidol - coated tablets; capsules.
Acyclovir - tablets; ointment for external use; eye ointment.
Interferon alfa-2a - solution for intranasal use.
Interferon alfa-2b - lyophilisate for solution for intranasal administration.
Interferon gamma - lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intranasal administration.
Ribavirin - capsules; tablets.
Rimantadine tablets.

XVI. Antifungals

Itraconazole - capsules; oral solution.
Ketoconazole - tablets.
Clotrimazole - cream for external use.
Nystatin - ointment for external use; vaginal suppositories; rectal suppositories; coated tablets.
Terbinafine - cream for external use; spray; tablets.
Fluconazole - capsules.

Mebendazole tablets.
Metronidazole tablets.
Pirantel - tablets; oral suspension.
Furazolidone tablets.

XVIII. Antineoplastic, immunosuppressive and concomitant drugs

Azathioprine tablets.
Aminoglutethimide - tablets.
Anastrozole - coated tablets.
Bicalutamide - coated tablets.
Busulfan tablets.
Granisetron - coated tablets.
Calcium folinate - capsules.
Capecitabine - coated tablets.
Letrozole - coated tablets.
Lomustine - capsules.
Medroxyprogesterone tablets.
Melphalan - coated tablets.
Mercaptopurine tablets.
Methotrexate - tablets.
Ondansetron - coated tablets.
Sehydrin - enteric-coated tablets.
Tamoxifen tablets.
Flutamide tablets.
Chlorambucil - coated tablets.
Cyclosporine - capsules; oral solution.
Cyclophosphamide - coated tablets.
Cyproterone - tablets.
Etoposide - capsules.

XIX. Means for the treatment of osteoporosis

Alfacalcidol - capsules.
Dihydrotahisterol - drops for oral administration; oral solution.
Calcitriol - capsules.
Colecalciferol - drops for oral administration.

XX. Means that affect hematopoiesis, the coagulation system

Aktiferin - syrup.
Warfarin tablets.
Heparin sodium - gel for external use.
Dipyridamole - dragee; coated tablets.
Iron hydroxide polymaltose - syrup; chewable tablets.
Iron gluconate + Manganese gluconate + Copper gluconate - oral solution.
Iron sulfate + Ascorbic acid - coated tablets.
Pentoxifylline - coated tablets.
Folic acid - tablets.
Epoetin alfa - solution for injection.
Epoetin beta - lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration; injection.

XXI. Drugs affecting the cardiovascular system

Amiodarone tablets.
Amlodipine tablets.
Atenolol - tablets.
Atenolol + Chlorthalidone - coated tablets.
Acetazolamide - tablets.
Validol - sublingual capsules; sublingual tablets.
Verapamil - coated tablets; film-coated tablets of prolonged action.
Hydrochlorothiazide - tablets.
Hydrochlorothiazide + Triamteren - tablets.
Digoxin tablets.
Diltiazem - coated tablets; film-coated tablets of prolonged action.
Isosorbide dinitrate - sublingual dosed aerosol; prolonged action tablets; tablets.
Isosorbide mononitrate - capsules of prolonged action; retard tablets; tablets.
Indapamide - capsules; coated tablets; modified release tablets.
Inosine - coated tablets.
Captopril tablets.
Captopril + Hydrochlorothiazide - tablets.
Carvedilol tablets.
Clonidine tablets.
Corvalol - drops for oral administration.
Lisinopril tablets.
Metoprolol - coated tablets; tablets.
Moxonidine - coated tablets.
Molsidomin - retard tablets; tablets.
Moexipril - coated tablets.
Peppermint oil + Phenobarbital + Hop cones oil + Ethyl bromisovalerianate - oral drops.
Nebivolol tablets.
Nitroglycerin - sublingual dosed spray; sublingual tablets; prolonged action tablets; transdermal therapeutic system.
Nifedipine - capsules; film-coated tablets of prolonged action; film-coated tablets Rapid-retard; modified release tablets; tablets.
Perindopril tablets.
Perindopril + Indapamide - tablets.
Procainamide - tablets.
Propranolol tablets.
Ramipril tablets.
Reserpine + Dihydralazine + Hydrochlorothiazide - tablets.
Reserpine + Dihydralazine + Hydrochlorothiazide + Potassium chloride - coated tablets.
Rilmenidine tablets.
Sotalol - tablets.
Spirapril tablets.
Spironolactone tablets.
Trimethylhydrazinium propionate - capsules.
Felodipine - tablets of prolonged action, film-coated.
Fosinopril tablets.
Furosemide tablets.
Quinapril - coated tablets.
Cilazapril - coated tablets.
Enalapril tablets.
Enalapril + Hydrochlorothiazide - tablets.
Enalapril + Indapamide - tablets.
Etatsizin - coated tablets.

XXII. Means for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Means used to treat diseases accompanied by erosive and ulcerative processes in the esophagus, stomach, duodenum

Algeldrat + Magnesium hydroxide - oral suspension; chewable tablets.
Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate - coated tablets; tablets.
Metoclopramide tablets.
Omeprazole - capsules.
Rabeprazole is an enteric coated tablet.
Ranitidine - coated tablets.
Famotidine - coated tablets.


Benziklan - tablets.
Drotaverine - tablets.
Mebeverin - capsules of prolonged action.


Bisacodyl - rectal suppositories; coated tablets.
Lactulose - syrup.


Activated carbon - tablets.
Loperamide - capsules.

pancreatic enzymes

Pancreatin - capsules; coated tablets.
Pancreatin + Bile components + Hemicellulose - dragee; enteric-coated tablets.
Holenzym - coated tablets.

Means used to treat diseases of the liver and biliary tract

Ademetionine - enteric-coated tablets.
Allochol - coated tablets.

Combined preparations containing phospholipids - capsules.

Pumpkin seed oil - capsules; oil for oral administration; rectal suppositories.
Ursodeoxycholic acid - capsules.
Phosphogliv - capsules.

Means for restoring intestinal microflora

Bifidobacterium bifidum - lyophilizate for the preparation of a solution for oral administration and local application.

XXIII. Hormones and drugs that affect the endocrine system

Non-sex hormones, synthetic substances and antihormones

Betamethasone - cream; ointment.
Hydrocortisone - eye ointment; ointment for external use; tablets.
Dexamethasone - eye drops; tablets.
Desmopressin tablets.
Clomiphene tablets.
Levothyroxine sodium tablets.
Levothyroxine sodium + Liothyronine - tablets.
Levothyroxine sodium + Liothyronine + Potassium iodide - tablets.
Liothyronine tablets.
Methylprednisolone tablets.
Methylprednisolone aceponate - cream for external use; ointment for external use; ointment for external use (oily); emulsion for external use.
Prednisolone - eye drops; ointment for external use; tablets.
Somatropin - lyophilisate for solution for injection; solution for subcutaneous administration.
Thiamazole - coated tablets; tablets.
Triamcinolone - ointment for external use; tablets.
Fluocinolone acetonide - gel for external use; ointment for external use.
Fludrocortisone tablets.

Means for the treatment of diabetes

Acarbose - tablets.
Glibenclamide tablets.
Glibenclamide + Metformin - coated tablets.
Gliquidone tablets.
Gliclazide - modified release tablets; tablets.
Glimepiride tablets.
Glipizide tablets.
Insulin aspart - solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration.
Biphasic insulin aspart - suspension for subcutaneous administration.
Insulin glargine - solution for subcutaneous administration.
Biphasic insulin (human genetically engineered) - suspension for subcutaneous administration.
Insulin detemir - solution for subcutaneous administration.
Insulin lispro - solution for injection.
Soluble insulin (human genetically engineered) - solution for injections.
Insulin isophane (human genetically engineered) - suspension for subcutaneous administration.
Metformin - coated tablets; tablets.
Repaglinide tablets.
Rosiglitazone - tablets, film-coated.


Dydrogesterone - coated tablets.
Norethisterone tablets.
Progesterone capsules.
Estriol - vaginal cream; vaginal suppositories; tablets.
Ethinylestradiol tablets.

XXIV. Means for the treatment of prostate adenoma

Doxazosin tablets.
Tamsulosin - modified release capsules; film-coated tablets with controlled release.
Terazosin tablets.
Finasteride - coated tablets.

XXV. Means affecting the respiratory system

Ambroxol - syrup; tablets.
Aminophylline - tablets.
Acetylcysteine ​​- effervescent tablets.
Beclomethasone is a breath-activated aerosol inhaler ( easy breath); nasal spray.
Bromhexine - syrup; coated tablets; tablets.
Budesonide - dosed powder for inhalation; suspension for inhalation.
Dornase alfa - solution for inhalation.
Ipratropium bromide - an aerosol for inhalation; solution for inhalation.
Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol - dosed aerosol for inhalation; solution for inhalation.
Cromoglycic acid and its sodium salt- dosed aerosol for inhalation; eye drops; powder for inhalation in capsules; solution for inhalation.
Nafazolin - nasal drops.
Salmeterol is an aerosol for inhalation.
Salmeterol + Fluticasone - dosed aerosol for inhalation; dosed powder for inhalation.
Salbutamol is a breath-activated aerosol inhaler (easy breathing); solution for inhalation; tablets; film-coated tablets, prolonged action.
Theophylline - capsules of prolonged action; retard tablets.
Tiotropium bromide - capsules with powder for inhalation.
Fenoterol - dosed aerosol for inhalation; solution for inhalation.
Formoterol - capsules with powder for inhalation; dosed powder for inhalation.
Formoterol + Budesonide - dosed powder for inhalation.

XXVI. Means used in ophthalmology

Azapentacene - eye drops.
Atropine - eye drops.
Betaxolol - eye drops.
Idoxuridine - eye drops.
Latanoprost - eye drops.
Pilocarpine - eye drops.
Pilocarpine + Timolol - eye drops.
Proxodolol - solution-eye drops.
Taurine - eye drops.
Timolol - eye drops.
Cytochrome C + Adenosine + Nicotinamide - eye drops.
Emoksipin - eye drops.

XXVII. Vitamins and minerals

Ascorbic acid - tablets.
Ascorbic acid + Dextrose - tablets.
Ascorbic acid + Rutozid - tablets.
Benfolipen - dragee.
Vitamin E - capsules; oral solution.
Gendevit - dragee.
Potassium iodide - tablets.
Potassium and magnesium asparaginate - tablets.
Nicotinic acid - tablets.
Retinol - dragee; oily solution for oral administration.
Retinol + Vitamin E + Menadione + Betacarotene - oily solution for topical and external use.
Thioctic acid - coated tablets.
Rosehip oil - oil for oral and topical use.
Rosehip syrup plus vitamin C - syrup.
Ergocalciferol - dragee.

XXVIII. Antiseptics and disinfectants

Iodine - solution for external use.
Chlorhexidine - solution for external use.
Ethanol - solution for external use and preparation of dosage forms.

XXIX. Other funds

Hydrogen peroxide - solution for local and external use.
Gentamicin + Betamethasone + Clotrimazole - cream for external use; ointment for external use.
Diosmin - coated tablets.
Diosmin + Hesperidin - coated tablets.
Ketosteril - coated tablets.
Codeine + Propyphenazone + Paracetamol + Caffeine - tablets.
Bacteria lysates mixture - capsules; suspension for intranasal administration; lozenges.
Omega-3 triglycerides (EPA/DHA-1.2/1-90%) - capsules.
Troxerutin - capsules.
Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine sulfate - capsules; coated tablets.

XXX. Means Applied by Decision medical commission approved by the head physician of the medical institution

Altretamine - capsules.
Asparaginase is a lyophilizate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.
Atorvastatin - coated tablets.
Acetylsalicylic acid - enteric film-coated tablets.
Bevacizumab is a concentrate for solution for infusion.
Bisoprolol - coated tablets.
Bortezomib is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration.
Botulinum toxin - lyophilized powder for solution for injection.
Buserelin is a lyophilizate for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action.
Valganciclovir - coated tablets.
Valsartan - tablets, film-coated.
Vinorelbine is a concentrate for solution for infusion.
Ganciclovir - capsules; lyophilisate for solution for infusion.
Gefitinib tablets.
Hydroxycarbamide - capsules.
Glatiramer acetate is a lyophilizate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration, a solution for subcutaneous administration.
Goserelin - capsule for subcutaneous administration.
Chorionic gonadotropin is a lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular injection.
Dacarbazine is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration.
Dalteparin sodium - solution for injections.
Iron hydroxide polyisomaltose - solution for intramuscular injection.
Iron hydroxide sucrose complex - solution for intravenous administration.
Zoledronic acid - concentrate for solution for infusion.
Imatinib capsules.
Imiglucerase - powder for solution for injection.
Normal human immunoglobulin - solution for intravenous administration.
Inosine - solution for intravenous administration.
Interferon alfa-2a - lyophilisate for solution for injection; injection.
Interferon alpha-2b - lyophilisate for solution for injection and topical application; lyophilized powder for solution for injection; injection.
Interferon beta-1 a - solution for subcutaneous administration.
Interferon beta-1 b - lyophilisate for solution for injection.
Interferon gamma - lyophilizate for solution preparation for intramuscular and subcutaneous injection.
Infliximab is a lyophilized powder for solution for intravenous administration.
Irbesartan tablets.
Cabergoline tablets.
Calcitonin - nasal spray.
Candesartan tablets.
Colecalciferol + Calcium carbonate - chewable tablets.
Lovastatin tablets.
Losartan - coated tablets.
Losartan + Hydrochlorothiazide - coated tablets.
Mycophenolic acid - enteric-coated tablets.
Mycophenolate mofetil - capsules; coated tablets.
Nadroparin calcium - solution for subcutaneous administration.
Oxybutynin - tablets.
Sodium oxodihydroacridinyl acetate - solution for intramuscular injection.
Octreotide - microspheres for suspension for injection; solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration; injection.
Paclitaxel is a concentrate for solution for infusion.
Peginterferon alfa-2a - solution for injection.
Peginterferon alfa-2b is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration.
Raltitrexide is a lyophilisate for solution for infusion.
Risperidone - powder for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action;
Rituximab is a concentrate for solution for infusion.
Rosuvastatin - coated tablets.
Roxithromycin - film-coated tablets.
Simvastatin - coated tablets.
Temozolomide - capsules.
Ticlopidin - coated tablets.
Tolterodine - capsules of prolonged action; coated tablets.
Trastuzumab is a lyophilisate for solution for infusion.
Tretinoin - capsules.
Trimetazidine - coated tablets; coated tablets with modified release; capsules.
Triptorelin is a lyophilisate for the preparation of a suspension for intramuscular administration of prolonged action.
Tropisetron - capsules.
Coagulation factor VIII - lyophilized powder for solution for injection.
Coagulation factor IX - lyophilized powder for solution for injection.
Fludarabine - coated tablets.
Fluticasone - dosed aerosol for inhalation.
Celecoxib capsules.
Cerebrolysin - solution for injection.
Cefazolin - powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.
Ceftriaxone - powder for solution for intravenous administration; powder for solution for intramuscular injection.
Cyproterone - tablets.
Exemestane - coated tablets.
Enoxaparin sodium - solution for injection.
Eprosartan - coated tablets.
Eprosartan + Hydrochlorothiazide - coated tablets.
Eptacog alfa (activated) - powder for injection solution

Taking care of the population, the state provides an opportunity not only to be treated free of charge, but also to receive medicines at a 100% discount. The list of drugs is established by the Ministry of Health and is intended for certain categories of citizens, which are determined both at the level of the entire state and in each region individually. Preferential medicines

The Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 601 dated 09/28/2005 contains a list of subsidized drugs provided free of charge to the population. For convenience, the list of drugs is divided into categories depending on the effect and direction of treatment.

An approximate list of drugs, divided into groups, is as follows:

  • analgesics (Analgin, Ketofen);
  • antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Cefazolin);
  • antihistamines (Cetirizine, Ketotifen);
  • drugs for heart disease (Bisoprolol, Digoxin);
  • medicines for the gastrointestinal tract (Bisacodyl, Omeprazole);
  • drugs used in the treatment nervous system(Zolpidem, Phenotropil);
  • antiviral drugs (Arbidol, Interferon);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac);
  • anticonvulsants (phenobarbital).

Important! The list of discounted drugs can be clarified with the insurance company that pays for the patient's treatment. Also, the attending physician should have information about free medicines.

Strategy drug supply population of the Russian Federation

Who is eligible for drug benefits

The state has defined a list of persons entitled to guaranteed receipt of subsidized medicines. It is necessary to distinguish between citizens who are provided with subsidized medicines on the federal list, and persons who receive medicines at the regional level.

Federal beneficiaries

  • participants, veterans and disabled people of various military operations;
  • home front workers during the Great Patriotic War;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad;
  • disabled people regardless of disease and age;
  • liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
Who is entitled to free medicines

There are also a number of special diseases for which free medicines are prescribed:

  • tuberculosis;
  • oncology;
  • hemophilia;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • organ transplant;
  • cystic fibrosis.

Regional beneficiaries

The list of citizens entitled to free medicines is established independently for each region. Usually it includes the unprotected and low-income segments of the population:

  • families with children (usually there should be more than 3 or 4 people);
  • children without parental care;
  • single pensioners older than the age established by the region (for example, older than 75 or 80 years);
  • children up to a regionally determined age (up to 3 years or up to 1.5);
  • honorary donors;
  • labor veterans.
Who prescribes "free" prescriptions

What is the difference between federal and regional beneficiaries

The main difference between the two categories of beneficiaries is the source of funding. Citizens on the all-Russian list receive funds from the federal budget. Persons identified at the regional level are financed from the local budget.

Another difference is that the list of all-Russian beneficiaries is enshrined in federal law and is a constant value. It rarely changes. Regions have the right to change the lists of drug beneficiaries at their own discretion. The main measure for them is the availability of money in the local budget.

There is also a difference in the way in which benefits are granted. For federal beneficiaries, an appeal to the department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is required, regional ones are included in the list directly when contacting the clinic.

Video - Where and how to get prescription drugs?

How to get a free drug benefit

Receipt of benefits will depend on the list to which a particular citizen belongs.

Benefits for the federal list

To apply for a nationwide benefit, you must contact the department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where the personal presence of a citizen receiving medication is required. An application for benefits is being made. You will need the following documents with you:

  • Russian passport;
  • benefit document;
  • SNILS;
  • OMS policy.

The citizen will receive a certificate of the right to receive free medicines. At the first visit to the clinic, you need to show the certificate to the attending physician, who will enter the information from it into the outpatient card.

Getting monthly payments instead of drugs

A person who is eligible for drug benefits may file another application that says no to social support. In this case, instead of medicines, a citizen will receive a strictly fixed amount of money every month. So the benefit will be monetized (FZ No. 122 of 08/22/2014).

Submit an application for the establishment or waiver of benefits for next year need by October 1st current year. For 2020, the amount for free receipt of medicines is 807.94 rubles.

Cash compensation instead of a social package

Benefits for the regional list

You can apply for a regional benefit for medicines directly when you contact the clinic. If in the region this citizen fits the list of beneficiaries, then a note on the presence of such a benefit will also be entered in his card. At the same time, some categories of citizens will be able to receive drugs for free, others - at a 50% discount. In Moscow, honorary donors and pensioners have such a discount.

For children under 3 years old certain medicines are provided free of charge. Such a benefit for them is issued automatically when the baby is registered.

Free Medicines for Children

How to get free medicines

Discounted medicines are provided only on a special prescription, which is issued by the attending physician. You should contact city clinics, hospitals or dispensaries.

The prescription is issued on a special form 148-1 / y-04 (l) or 148-1 / y-06 (l), which contains digital coding. It specifies:

  • medical institution code;
  • code of the preferential category of a citizen;
  • source of payment;
  • doctor code;
  • drug code.

The prescription must be stamped. medical institution and a doctor.

Special prescription form

You can get a free prescription drug only in special pharmacies. They are usually located in the buildings of clinics or dispensaries.

The recipe has a time limit, usually it is a month. For children and citizens with disability group I, the prescription period is extended to 3 months.

Important! If the prescription has expired, then you need to re-contact your doctor.

Sometimes the drug you need is not available in the pharmacy. In such a situation, the pharmacist should:

  1. Record a preferential prescription in a special electronic journal. It will be assigned the status of a delayed document.
  2. Enter the desired medicine in the electronic queue. Within 10 days, drugs from the federal list must go to the pharmacy. For the regional list, this period corresponds to 15 days.

If during this time the prescription has expired, then it is not necessary to renew it, since it is included in a special list.

How to get free medicine

You can find out about the availability of drugs on a reduced-price prescription at It is enough to enter the prescription number and the system will show a list of pharmacies where you can get a free medicine.

Important! If the required drug is available in the pharmacy in a lower dosage than what is written in the prescription, the pharmacist can release the medicine in the right amount in terms of the required course of treatment. The recipe does not need to be modified. If the dosage of the drug available is higher than indicated in the prescription, the patient should consult a doctor. He will either issue a new prescription, adjusting the dosage, or replace the drug with its analogue.

Features of the provision of drugs by regions

Usually, regions are given the right to independently decide which categories of citizens will be provided with medicines on a preferential basis from the local budget. Regional authorities can also adjust the list of subsidized medicines. The most extended list of drugs has been approved in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Tatarstan. In some places, the provision of free drugs does not depend on a certain category to which a citizen belongs, but on his disease. This approach is used in St. Petersburg.

Any citizen cannot receive medicines from both the federal and regional budgets at the same time. When applying, you should find out which benefit is more profitable for a citizen: where the medicines needed by a particular patient are provided free of charge.

Discounted medicines for pensioners

Pensioners who are not disabled are offered a certain list of medicines at the regional level as a benefit. The amount of the discount depends on the amount Money allocated from the budget of the local government. Usually these are medicines with a 50% discount.

To receive benefits, the pensioner must contact the clinic, where the attending physician will prescribe the required drugs by writing a prescription. To do this, you need to have SNILS and a medical policy. With the received prescription, the pensioner must go to special pharmacies that give out free medicines or medicines at a discount. What medicines are given out for free

A pensioner can receive a refund of part of the amount for purchased medicines for. This requires the fulfillment of certain conditions:

  1. Medicines must be prescribed by the attending physician.
  2. For a prescription, the pensioner applied to a state medical institution.
  3. A citizen must have deductions of 13% from earnings for the last 3 years.

Pregnancy drug benefits

Medicines for pregnant women are allocated from the regional budget. To receive them, you need to register in the antenatal clinic. Usually, expectant mothers are prescribed vitamins and medications to maintain a normal pregnancy. Obstetrician discharges the right drugs after 30 weeks if it is a normal pregnancy, and after 28 weeks if multiple pregnancy. You can get drugs only in special pharmacies, either free of charge or with a 50% discount. A list of pharmacy kiosks is provided at. In the absence of the necessary medicine, its replacement is offered, or it is additionally supplied within a 2-week period. Free medicines for children and what to do if there are no medicines in the pharmacy

What to do if you refuse to provide free medicines

The right to free medicines in Russia is vested in weakly protected and especially deserving citizens, as well as persons with a number of serious illnesses. But not all beneficiaries enjoy the privilege they are entitled to under the law. The reason for this is the lack of awareness of their rights and the availability of necessary drugs on the state list. To correct the current situation, consider the list of subsidized medicines and the categories of their recipients under the federal benefit.

Who is entitled to free medicines from the state?

Free medicines along with preferential spa services and travel are included in the package social services, fixed . The categories of beneficiaries are given in article 6 of the said law, and are also described in more detail in These include:

  1. participants in the Great Patriotic War, including those who were in military service during this period, were part of civilian personnel or partisan detachments working at military facilities;
  2. invalids of the Great Patriotic War;
  3. members of other military companies (Syria, Chechnya, Afghanistan, etc.);
  4. relatives of the dead soldiers;
  5. blockade of Leningrad;
  6. heroes of the USSR and Russia;
  7. Knights of the Order of Glory;
  8. prisoners of fascist concentration camps;
  9. Chernobyl victims;
  10. children under the age of 3 years, and in the case of large families- up to 6 years;
  11. disabled children;
  12. adult disabled people of group 1, as well as group 2 in the absence of employment;
  13. small indigenous peoples of the northern regions.

Free drugs can be provided to other citizens, provided they have the following diseases:

  • dystrophy;
  • HIV infection;
  • oncology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • myocardial infarction (only in the first six months);
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • cataract;
  • epilepsy;
  • schizophrenia and other mental disorders;
  • severe condition after organ transplantation.
  1. pensioners whose pension does not exceed the subsistence level;
  2. employed disabled people of the 2nd group;
  3. unemployed disabled people of the 3rd group;
  4. persons affected by political repression;
  5. home front workers.

At the regional level, the list of beneficiaries can be expanded. Most often, it is supplemented by labor veterans and low-income citizens. Regions make their own lists of free drugs, which may differ from the federal one.

List of drugs under federal benefit

You will only be able to get the medicine you need if it is on the government-approved list, which is reviewed annually. For 2020, the list of medicines under the federal benefit is fixed. It consists of several blocks, each of which is dedicated to diseases of certain organs and body systems. In total, for 2020 it includes 706 positions.

Block number 1: the digestive tract and metabolism

The first block includes drugs aimed at treating the gastrointestinal tract, liver, biliary tract, as well as diseases associated with hormonal disorders (diabetes mellitus).

Means for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers:

  • "Ranitidine";
  • "Famotidine";
  • "Omeprazole";
  • "Esomeprazole";
  • bismuth tripotassium dicitrate.

Preparations for elimination functional disorders Gastrointestinal tract (spasms, nausea, impaired intestinal motility, etc.):

  • "Mebeverine";
  • "Platifillin";
  • "Drotaverine";
  • "Atropine";
  • "Metoclopramide";
  • "Ondansetron".

Medicines for the treatment of the liver and biliary tract:

  • ursodeoxycholic acid;
  • phospholipids;
  • solutions based on succinic acid.


  • "Bisacodyl";
  • sennosides A and B;
  • lactulose;
  • macrogol.

Antidiarrheal drugs and sorbents:

  • smectite dioctahedral;
  • "Loperamide";
  • "Mesalazine";
  • "Sulfasalazine";
  • "Bifidum".

Enzyme preparations that improve digestion:

  • "Pancreatin".

Drugs for the treatment of diabetes:

  • short, medium and long-acting insulin solutions ("Aspart", "Glulizin", "Lizpro", "Isofan");
  • hypoglycemic drugs ("Metformin", "Glibenclamide", "Gliklazid", "Alogliptin", "Repaglinide", "Dapagliflozin", etc.).

Block 1 also includes anabolic steroids (nandrolone) and various vitamin supplements - retinol, alfacalcidol, thiamine, ascorbic acid, pyridoxine, calcium gluconate, etc.

Block number 2: blood and hematopoietic system

The second block contains a list of drugs that prevent the formation of blood clots, as well as improve blood clotting and its composition.

Antithrombotic drugs:

  • warfarin;
  • heparin and enoxaparin sodium;
  • clopidogrel;
  • ticagrelor;
  • enzymes (alteplase, prourokinase, recombinant protein);
  • dabigatran etexilate;
  • apixaban;
  • rivaroxaban.

Hemostatic drugs (to stop bleeding):

  • aminocaproic and tranexamic acids;
  • aprotinin;
  • menadione sodium bisulfite;
  • fibrinogen;
  • anti-inhibitory coagulant complex;
  • blood coagulation factors in various combinations;
  • romiplostim;
  • eltrombopag;
  • etamsylate.

Remedies for anemia:

  • iron preparations;
  • cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12);
  • folic acid;
  • darbepoetin alfa;
  • epoetin (alpha and beta).

Blood substitutes (fluids that perform the functions of blood in the human body):

  • albumen;
  • hydroxyethyl starch;
  • dextran;
  • gelatin;
  • emulsions for parenteral nutrition;
  • solutions for water and electrolyte balance (sodium lactate, sodium chloride, etc.);
  • osmotic diuretics (mannitol);
  • irrigation solutions (dextrose);
  • electrolytes (potassium chloride, magnesium sulfate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride).

All drugs from the list are presented in the form of solutions for both intravenous injections and infusions (dropper).

Block number 3: cardiovascular system

The third block contains funds intended for the treatment of disorders in the work of the heart and blood vessels, as well as the normalization of blood pressure.

Arrhythmia drugs:

  • procainamide;
  • lidocaine;
  • propafenone;
  • amiodarone.

Cardiotonic drugs (increasing contraction of the heart muscle):

  • dobutamine;
  • dopamine;
  • norepinephrine;
  • phenylephrine;
  • epinephrine;
  • levosimendan.

Vasodilator drugs:

  • organic nitrates (nitroglycerin, isosorbide mononitrate, etc.);
  • pentoxifylline.

Medicines for high blood pressure:

  • methyldopa;
  • clonidine;
  • moxonidine;
  • bosentan;
  • captopril;
  • enalapril;
  • losartan.

Diuretics (diuretics):

  • hydrochlorothiazide;
  • indapamide;
  • furosemide;
  • spironolactone.

Beta-blockers (reduce the strength and frequency of heart contractions):

  • propranolol;
  • sotalol;
  • atenolol;
  • bisoprolol;
  • metoprolol;
  • carvedilol.

Calcium channel blockers (slow down the flow of calcium into cells, while improving blood flow and oxygen supply to the heart muscle):

  • amlodipine;
  • nimodipine;
  • nifedipine;
  • verapamil.

Lipid-lowering drugs (lowering cholesterol levels):

  • atorvastatin;
  • simvastatin;
  • fenofibrate;
  • alirocumab;
  • evolocumab.

Block 3 also contains separate tools aimed at solving various problems. of cardio-vascular system, - alprostadil, ivabradine, meldonium, urapidil, digoxin, etc.

Block 4: dermatological preparations

The fourth block is represented by products intended for the treatment of skin problems:

  • antifungal (salicylic ointment);
  • wound healing (epidermal growth factor in the form of a solution for injection);
  • hormonal (mometasone);
  • antiseptics (chlorhexidine, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, ethanol);
  • drugs for the treatment of dermatitis (pimecrolimus).

For treatment skin diseases beneficiaries can receive ointments that combine antibiotics and antimicrobials. They are made on the basis of dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, trimecaine, sulfadimethoxine and other components.

Block number 5: the genitourinary system and sex hormones


  • natamycin;
  • clotrimazole;
  • doxycycline;
  • tigecycline.

Uretronics (stimulating the tone of the uterus):

  • methylergometrine;
  • dinoprostone;
  • misoprostol.

Medicines used in urology:

  • solifenacin;
  • alfuzosin;
  • doxazosin;
  • tamsulosin;
  • finasteride.

Drugs that normalize phosphorus-calcium metabolism:

  • calcitonin;
  • paricalcitol;
  • cinacalcet;
  • etelcalcetide.

Synthetic hormonal preparations:

  • androgens (testosterone in the form of a gel and a mixture of esters);
  • gestagens (progesterone, dydrogesterone, norethisterone);
  • ovulation stimulants (chorionic gonadotropin, corifollitropin alfa, follitropin alfa, clomiphene);
  • antiandrogens (cyproterone);
  • somatropin;
  • pituitary hormones (desmopressin, terlipressin);
  • oxytocin;
  • cetrorelix.
  • hypothalamic hormones (lanreotide, octreotide, pasireotide);
  • corticosteroids (fludrocortisone, betamethasone, hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone, etc.);
  • hormones thyroid gland(levothyroxine sodium);
  • pancreatic hormones (glucagon);
  • parathyroid hormones (teriparatide).

Hormonal agents are presented in the form of tablets, capsules, solutions for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration.

Block #6: Antimicrobials

The sixth block includes various types of antibiotics:

  • tetracyclines (doxycycline, tigecycline);
  • amphenicols (chloramphenicol);
  • penicillins (amoxicillin, ampicillin, etc.);
  • 1-4 generation cephalosporins (cefazolin, cefuroxime, cefotaxime, cefepime);
  • carbapenems (meropenem, ertapenem, etc.);
  • macrolides (azithromycin, josamycin, etc.);
  • quinol derivatives (levofloxacin, ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, etc.).

Like other prescription medicines, antibiotics can only be obtained with a doctor's prescription.

Block number 7: drugs for tuberculosis and HIV infection

For HIV therapy, the following can be provided free of charge:

  • atazanavir;
  • saquinavir;
  • narlaprevir;
  • fosamprenavir;
  • simeprevir;
  • didanosine;
  • lamivudine;
  • phosphazide;
  • etravirine;
  • oseltamivir etc.

The list of preferential medicines for tuberculosis includes:

  • aminosalicylic acid (bacteriostatic);
  • antibiotics (capreomycin, rifabutin, cycloserine, etc.);
  • isoniazid;
  • protionamide;
  • bedaquiline;
  • pyrazinamide;
  • terizidone;
  • ethambutol.

A preferential prescription can also be issued for a combined agent - isoniazid + pyrazinamide, isoniazid + rifampicin, etc.

Block number 8: anticancer drugs

The list of anticancer drugs on discount includes:

  • bendamustine;
  • melphalan;
  • cyclophosphamide;
  • busulfan;
  • carmustine;
  • dacarbazine;
  • methotrexate;
  • raltitrexide;
  • mercaptopurine;
  • azacitidine;
  • cytarabine and many others.

Separately allocated anticancer drugs vegetable origin:

  • vinblastine;
  • vinorelbine;
  • etoposide;
  • docetaxel;
  • paclitaxel, etc.

The block contains antibiotics (daunorubicin, mitoxantrone, bleomycin, mitomycin), as well as hormonal anticancer drugs such as medroxyprogesterone, buserelin, leuprorelin, triptorelin.

Block number 9: immunostimulants and immunosuppressants

The number of free drugs that increase the body's defenses include:

  • filgrastim;
  • interferon (alpha, beta, gamma);
  • peginterferon;
  • azoximer bromide.

Immunosuppressants in the preferential list are represented by the following names:

  • abatacept;
  • alemtuzumab;
  • vedolizumab;
  • mycophenolic acid;
  • natalizumab;
  • tofacitinib;
  • fingolimod;
  • eculizumab;
  • tilorone.

These drugs are used to artificially reduce immunity in the treatment of autoimmune diseases and transplantation of internal organs.

Block number 10: musculoskeletal system

Preparations aimed at the treatment of rheumatism and the removal of inflammation:

  • diclofenac;
  • ketorolac;
  • lornoxicam;
  • ibuprofen;
  • ketoprofen;
  • penicillamine.

Muscle relaxants (relieve muscle tension):

  • suxamethonium iodide and chloride;
  • rocuronium bromide;
  • baclofen;
  • tizanidine.

In addition to drugs for rheumatism, osteochondrosis, arthritis and other joint diseases, the block contains drugs that affect bone mineralization - alendronic and zoledronic acids, denosumab, strontium ranelate, etc.

Block number 11: nervous system

The block contains drugs aimed at getting rid of pain, cramps and various kinds neuroses and mental disorders.

Anesthetics (for local anesthesia):

  • halothane;
  • sevoflurane;
  • trimeperidine;
  • ketamine;
  • procaine;
  • ropivacaine.


  • opioids (morphine, fentanyl, buprenorphine, tramadol, etc.);
  • salicylic acid and its derivatives;
  • paracetamol.

Epilepsy drugs:

  • benzobarbital;
  • phenobarbital;
  • clonazepam;
  • ethosuximide;
  • levetiracetam;
  • pregabalin, etc.

Remedies for parkinsonism:

  • biperiden;
  • trihexyphenidyl.

Sleeping pills and sedatives:

  • midazolam;
  • nitrazepam;
  • zopiclone.

The block also includes antidepressants, psychostimulants, drugs for the treatment of alcohol dependence.

Other medicines

In addition to the above groups of drugs, in the list of free medicines under the federal benefit, you can find:

With expanded lists of free drugs, as well as dosage forms, in which they are provided, can be found in Appendix No. 1 to Order No. 2323r.

How can I get free medicines?

Preferential drugs are issued exclusively by prescription in pharmacies that have concluded an agreement with government agencies. Before contacting the clinic for a prescription, you must confirm your eligibility at the PFR department. After providing identification and title documents (certificates of disability, state awards, veteran certificates, etc.) there, the beneficiary is issued a certificate confirming the right to receive medicines free of charge.

Before applying for a benefit, make sure that the medicines you need are on the federal list. Additionally, you can consult with your doctor about possible analogues of prescribed drugs. In the absence of the necessary funds and their substitutes in the state list, it is more expedient to replace the benefit with a cash payment, which is also issued through the PFR branch.