Spray from chickenpox instead of brilliant green. Ointment from chickenpox instead of brilliant green

Most parents have to learn about all the delights of chickenpox when their kids are still very young. Statistics indicate that the main audience of this disease is children 3–6 years old. This is good, because in adulthood, chickenpox is much more difficult to tolerate and can have a number of complications.

With chickenpox, the main discomfort that accompanies the disease is severe itching and burning, so the child has a desire to comb the bubbles. Typically, when infected infectious disease pediatricians prescribe antihistamines, as well as products for external use.

In this article, we will talk about how and how to smear chickenpox so that it does not itch, except for brilliant green, how this disease is treated and diagnosed, as well as about many of its other features.

Why do you need to smear chickenpox?

Rashes on the skin of a child infected chicken pox, - the first sign of the onset of the disease. In the initial stage, it appears on the face, in the form of single red bumps, they look like ordinary acne, then it rashes on the trunk, limbs, and mucous membranes. oral cavity and genitals.

Only the plantar surfaces of the feet and palms remain intact. Over time, the tubercles turn into bubbles, and the bubbles, drying out, become covered with crusts. All this time, the child is plagued by severe itching: every now and then he scratches the skin, opening the bubbles and tearing off the crusts that form in their place.

If scratching is not prevented in advance, skin recovery will be delayed, and ugly scars will remain at the site of the rash. That is why the treatment of a disease such as chickenpox should be aimed primarily at relieving itching and caring for the skin of a sick child.

How to smear chickenpox?

The most popular "treatment" this disease- greenery. With this remedy, parents smear each “pimple” of chickenpox until the crusts fall off, naively believing that brilliant green helps to cope with the disease. In fact, "brilliant green" has only an antibacterial effect, counteracting the spread and destruction of germs. That is, it is absolutely not necessary to paint the child with greenery - there are more effective means to protect against infection.

Let's look at how it is better to lubricate rashes with chickenpox in children at home, in addition to brilliant green:

  1. Furacilin solution. If chickenpox has affected the oral mucosa or the child's genitals, you can rinse your mouth or treat the rash with a solution of furacilin. For the same purposes, in addition to furacilin, boric acid and hydrogen peroxide can be used.
  2. Salicylic alcohol- according to many pediatricians, this inexpensive remedy, which does not leave marks on the skin of the child, is even better for treating rashes than traditional brilliant green;
  3. Calamine is a lotion with a complex effect. It destroys microbes and bacteria, relieves itching and cools, due to which the baby's condition noticeably improves.
  4. With a solution of rivanol, pockmarks are wiped twice a day.. It has a characteristic yellow, hence the name. The skin after application becomes yellow, but it is easily washed off with soap. But rivanol is not sold in all pharmacies, and it is not always easy to find it.
  5. Tea tree oil. Very efficient and safe remedy, which does not cauterize the skin and does not cause allergies.
  6. Acyclovir. Known antiherpetic agent is available in the form of an ointment and can be used to treat rashes with chicken pox. Unlike all other drugs, Acyclovir has an antiviral effect and can fight not only the consequences, but also the cause of the pathology. Prevents the spread of infection, reducing the duration of the disease. Recommended for use in children over two years of age.
  7. If rashes appear on mucous membranes, under no circumstances should they be lubricated with brilliant green or other similar means! You can wash them with a solution of furacilin or an infusion of herbs, such as string or chamomile.

In any case, no matter what chickenpox remedy you choose, you must first consult with your doctor about the advisability of using this or that drug, as well as about the dosage. This is especially important when it comes to children.


Many identify the action of iodine, but doctors categorically do not advise smearing pimples with iodine, because not only will it not bring any benefit, but it can also cause severe itching and burning of the affected areas, which will aggravate the situation.

How many days do you need to smear chickenpox?

Abuse medical preparations not worth it. If you smear the rash too often, the skin may dry out, which is very undesirable with chickenpox.

One or two procedures per day will be enough. Already seven days after the appearance of the first pimple, the baby becomes non-infectious, but it is better to continue to treat the remaining rashes.

General rules of treatment

When the first rashes appear when infected with chickenpox, it is necessary to smear the pimples with an antiseptic. Having treated at least once a rash on the body, the antibacterial agent will immediately have a drying effect, eliminating itching and burning of the skin. For example, brilliant green and fucorcin are clearly visible on the body, so adults can easily notice the appearance of new rashes and immediately treat them.

  1. Providing the child with bed rest for at least seven days;
  2. Lubricate daily existing skin rashes with brilliant green, potassium permanganate or other therapeutic agent that can have an anti-inflammatory effect, as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. To prevent dehydration, the child needs to drink plenty of fluids;
  4. Follow a diet that includes dairy products, pureed vegetables and fruits;
  5. Regularly change the child's clothes and bed linen, while clothing should be worn with long sleeves to limit the possibility of excessive scratching of the rashes;
  6. Provide cooler air in the room, as increased air temperature increases itching;
  7. If the child's body temperature has risen, then antipyretic drugs should be used (for example, Nurofen for children). Aspirin should not be given to a child, as its use in chickenpox can have a detrimental effect on the liver.

Chickenpox is a viral infection transmitted by airborne droplets. The herpes virus, which provokes the development of the disease, is quite volatile and settles on the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory tract. At the same time, adults tolerate chickenpox more difficult than children of preschool and primary school age. Sick leave with such viral infection put to each patient, since the patient must be isolated from healthy people and allow his body to cope with the infection. When treating a virus, many older patients are interested in how to smear chickenpox in adults. After all, few people want to go to work, having a green color after an illness. In the material below, we consider several options for the treatment of chicken rash.

We remove the itch

The most unpleasant thing with chickenpox in both children and adults is itching. He worries both day and night. At the same time, it is in no way possible to scratch judging acne. Scratched vesicles (liquid-filled nodules) will become secondarily infected, leading to complications of the disease. To relieve itching with chickenpox, it is advisable to initially take antihistamines. The following medicines have proven themselves well:

  • Fenistil;
  • Fenkarol;
  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Suprastin;
  • Citrine;
  • Tavegil etc.

At the same time, it is worth knowing that almost all of the above drugs are produced in tablets, which is convenient for an adult. You can also use drugs in the form of suspensions or in the form of intramuscular injections.

Important: Suprastin should be prescribed with extreme caution to patients from the age group 50+, patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency, as well as patients with insufficient body weight for age.

Zelenka for the treatment of chickenpox: pros, cons and alternatives to the drug

Since Soviet times, it has been customary to treat chicken pox with brilliant green. Diamond tincture perfectly dries the rash with liquid contents and relieves itching. At the same time, it is precisely due to the color of the solution that drying and new vesicles can be noted. But using brilliant green for the treatment of adults is not very convenient. First, the solution leaves its traces on the body and on the face. And secondly, bed and underwear get very dirty from such a green treatment. Therefore, the following ointments and solutions can be used as drying and antipruritic agents.


Soda solution, in addition to brilliant green, relieves itching well and dries liquid-filled bubbles. To prepare the composition, you need to add 1 tbsp to one liter of boiled and slightly chilled water. without a slide of soda. Stir thoroughly and several times a day treat all rashes soaked in the solution. cotton swab.

Potassium permanganate

And although it is difficult to get manganese today, it is still used in chickenpox by those who have left its reserves other than brilliant green. To prepare potassium permanganate, you need to dilute a few crystals of manganese in boiled and somewhat chilled water. The color of the solution should be saturated raspberry. All the vesicles on the patient's body are wetted with the finished composition 3-4 times a day.

Salicylic acid

A colorless liquid with a characteristic odor, which can be freely purchased at a pharmacy, except for brilliant green. The bubbles are also treated with this solution several times a day. The acid cauterizes and dries the skin well, while relieving itching.

Important: minus the processing of vesicles salicylic acid is the inability to determine which pimples have already been cauterized and which have not. Although the reviews say "I smear a rash with chickenpox with salicylic acid and am very pleased with the result."

Tincture of calendula

Alcoholic solution of a light yellowish tint. It copes well with the vesicles of chickenpox and at the same time relieves itching. The advantage of using calendula tincture is its relative colorlessness and the ability to distinguish between treated and untreated vesicles on the body.

Methylene blue solution

Something like brilliant green. Colors differ, as can be judged by the name. However, methylene blue is more quickly removed from the skin after recovery. For the treatment of smallpox, you can use a 0.5-3% solution purchased at a pharmacy.


This solution contains resorcinol, pure phenol, boric acid, ethyl alcohol, fuchsin and distilled water. The tool dries the skin well and relieves the itching of the rash.

Important: fukortsin is both colorless and pink. The latter option is poorly removed from the skin after recovery. The process may take about a week.

Suspension "Tsindol"

The composition of the drug includes zinc oxide, which relieves itching and dries the wounds. Use "Tsindol" at least 6 times a day. You can also use just zinc ointment, which is an analogue of the drug.

Tip: washing before the crusts dry is highly discouraged. Otherwise, there is a risk of stretching the course of the disease for a longer period.

Treatment of rashes in the mouth and on mucous membranes

In adults, chickenpox often occurs in severe form. And this means that a rash is possible in the mouth (on the mucous membranes). In this case, the wounds provoke not only soreness, but also the spread of infection during internal organs. Therefore, it is necessary to disinfect the rash with special care. The following are used as remedies:

  • Soda solution. They rinse their mouth several times a day and always after every meal.
  • manganese solution. We prepare for the internal processing of the oral cavity in slightly pink.
  • Chamomile decoction. For one liter of water, add a tablespoon of dry grass and boil for 3-4 minutes. We strain the broth and use it for its intended purpose.
  • Furacilin. Several tablets are diluted in a liter of boiled and cooled water. Rinse your mouth with a warm solution.
  • Propolis tincture.

Important: special gels can be used as painkillers. Kalgel or Kamistad have proven themselves well. They are applied to a cotton swab in the form of a strip of 5-7 mm and the wounds in the mouth are treated before eating. In general, gels can be used up to 3-6 times a day.

It is worth remembering that all solutions prevent the rash from spreading over the skin and dry it. Lotions cool and relieve itching. Ointments work as an anesthetic, drying and antipruritic agent, and gels relieve swelling and pain.

In addition to the use of external agents for the treatment of the patient, it is necessary to create a special regimen. It is important to endure the disease lying down, in a well and often ventilated room with a plentiful drinking regimen. The fluid will flush the infection out of the body, and the fresh air will help neutralize the itch a little.

Chickenpox is a disease that needs to be ill once in a lifetime. Most often, it is young children who suffer from it, the likelihood of infection after 5 years is significantly reduced. Despite the low risk of the disease, any parent worries about their baby, noticing the first symptoms in him. The main symptoms of this disease are profuse and elevated temperature. The pimples that have appeared itch and cause significant discomfort, so the question becomes relevant: “How to smear chickenpox?” Are there any alternative means besides the well-known brilliant green?

Traditional method of treatment

More than one generation of parents has been treating chickenpox with bed rest and treatment of rashes. In Russia, the most popular remedy is the "brilliant green" solution. Zelenka (like any other alcohol tincture) really dries inflamed skin areas well and prevents infection of wounds. Do not forget to ask your doctor how many times to smear chickenpox with brilliant green. Usually, once at the very beginning of the disease, if the symptom does not become less pronounced, then the procedure can be repeated several times. Remember that baby's skin is very delicate. And if you renew the layer of alcohol antiseptic several times a day, its drying cannot be avoided.

What's wrong with greenery?

Outside of our country, no one has even heard that rashes with chickenpox should be treated with brilliant green. Foreign doctors consider such treatment wildness, since "brilliant green" is an alcohol antiseptic and can dry out the skin. A lot of dissatisfaction causes and comical appearance patients, carefully painted "speckled". Do not forget that brilliant green gets dirty, which also makes its use inconvenient. When asked how to smear chickenpox, except for brilliant green, any foreign doctor will answer with a list of easy-to-use and safe antibiotics. However, often in Europe or America, skin irritations are not treated at all, but are limited to recommendations on careful observance of personal hygiene rules. It is also advisable not to break bed rest and adhere to a special diet.

Is it possible to do without processing?

If for some reason you want to stop using brilliant green for chickenpox, you can let the healing process of skin irritations take its course. The bed linen of the patient in this case should be changed as often as possible. It is also important to take a shower regularly, with intense sweating - more than twice a day. It is also necessary to monitor the patient's clothes, only natural fabrics are allowed, it is necessary to completely change clothes at least once a day. Remember that tearing off a pimple is not at all difficult, and an open wound is the entrance gate for infection. In order to minimize the chance of infection, forbid the child to scratch the inflammation. And yet it is much more reliable to find out than to smear chickenpox, and choose from all the recipes the most suitable and reliable for you.

Popular antiseptics

If the cosmetic effect is of little importance to you, you should consider using it. You can buy powder at a pharmacy. With chickenpox, it is recommended to make a concentrated solution that leaves on the skin brown spots. You can simply wash the inflamed areas with a weak pink solution. But remember that this method is less efficient. If you ask pediatrician: “How to smear chickenpox besides brilliant green?”, You will probably be recommended. You can buy it without a prescription, but if you use it too often, dry skin is possible. The use of "Tsindol" also gives good results. This tool has a low cost, it not only dries skin irritations well, but also speeds up the healing process.

Other drugs from the pharmacy

You do not know how to smear chickenpox prefer abroad? One of the most popular drugs can be purchased from us. Its name is "Fenistil". If the entire tube is not used during the child's illness, do not rush to throw away the remnants. The tool is suitable for the treatment of any skin irritation, including allergic origin. It is used against chickenpox and "Fukortsin" - a pink-colored disinfectant solution. If we talk about the combination of the acceptable cost of the drug and its safety, tea tree oil deserves attention. As well as other means, it is applied with a swab to the affected areas of the skin, after which it is left until it dries completely.

How long to smear chickenpox with antiseptics?

Most often, skin irritation with chickenpox resolves within one week. In particularly difficult cases, the disease lasts about three weeks, but rashes are not observed for the entire period. If you listen to the doctors, each specialist will issue his own prescriptions. One will say that it is enough to smear pimples at the first detection, the other will argue that it is necessary to treat the inflammation until they are completely healed. If you decide to use antiseptics, it is necessary to disinfect the affected areas of the skin in the first days of the disease. Next, focus on the patient's condition. The question of how many days to smear chickenpox is purely individual. It is necessary to assess the patient's condition and make a decision independently.

Remedies for itching

Chickenpox delivers the greatest discomfort to the patient precisely because of the burning sensation and the desire to scratch the inflamed areas of the skin. It is possible and necessary to deal with this symptom. Pharmacological companies offer a number of lotions and ointments that have a cooling effect. With chickenpox, it is recommended to use Calamine. By agreement with the doctor, you can also take drugs with a complex antiallergic action. This is "Tavegil" and analogues. It is necessary to choose a medicine based on the age of the child; when taking, the dosage should be carefully observed. If you do not know how to smear chickenpox from, refer to folk wisdom. Many plants help get rid of discomfort. These are chamomile, peony and string. You can use it in the form of lotions, washings or even baths. Good for itching

Baths with chickenpox and folk remedies

Pediatricians of the past generation confidently said that water procedures for chickenpox should be minimized. This recommendation is not considered relevant today. In the absence of an increase in body temperature in a patient, water procedures are not only not prohibited, but are also recommended. It is useful to take baths with decoctions of herbs that have antiseptic and healing properties. The most useful are chamomile, sage, string and celandine. You can brew one herb or a collection of several. Lotions can also be made from the infusions of these plants. To do this, you need to brew the collection tightly: two teaspoons of herbs for half a glass of water. After cooling, the infusion must be filtered and moistened with a cotton swab or a piece of clean cloth. A lotion is applied to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin for several minutes. You can use such an infusion instead of lotion, washing irritation with it. To the question, with chickenpox, ethnoscience gives other answers. Infusions and calendula are considered safe to use. If you plan to use a more complex recipe, such as a mixture of vodka and vinegar, to decontaminate an inflamed area of ​​​​skin, consult your doctor.

Zinc ointment (26 rubles)


The drug acts on the herpes virus, inhibiting its spread. It is recommended to use in the form of an ointment or cream, tablets are used only if the disease is very severe. The course of treatment is 5-10 days. Apply the ointment in a thin layer directly on the rash. Acyclovir reduces itching and dries out papules, so it goes faster when treated. As contraindications, the manufacturer indicates hypersensitivity to the active substance. Be wary appoint children under 3 years.

Acyclovir (26 rubles)


According to the reviews of mothers of babies and pediatricians, Viferon has proven itself perfectly. The drug for chickenpox is used in the form of an ointment. A big advantage over other products is colorless (does not stain the skin and clothes). Affects the cells of the virus, relieves itching. It is applied pointwise 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days. You can use the medicine for children older than a year. There are no other contraindications, with the exception of personal intolerance, the drug has.

Viferon ointment (179 rubles)


Calamine is one of the most effective colorless ointments for chickenpox to relieve itching. For babies, it is better to use in the form of a lotion. Apply pointwise. The drug is prescribed in combination with antihistamine drugs up to 4 times a day. Perfectly dries the rash and promotes rapid healing of wounds. Contraindicated in hypersensitivity to the main or additional components included in its composition.

Calamine (689 rubles)


Antihistamine. Exists in the form of drops and gel - Fenistil-Gel. It can be used from birth. Drops are given undiluted to the baby or added immediately before feeding to milk or infant formula.

Fenistil-Gel is applied topically to relieve severe itching, applying with a cotton swab 3-4 times a day on rashes. Contraindications include kidney disease.

Fenistil-gel (400 rubles)


Gistan is non-hormonal ointment which prevents skin infections. Apply a thin layer up to 4 times a day. Soothes itching and relieves redness. The downside of the drug is that it can cause allergic reactions. There are no age restrictions.

Gistan (172 rubles)


Zovirax - antiviral ointment, the main active substance which is acyclovir. It is necessary to apply the remedy at the appearance of the first rashes every 4 hours up to 5 times a day. Apply a thin layer on the rash itself and the area around. Do not use for longer than 10 days. It is allowed to treat them with babies older than 1 month.

Zovirax (189 rubles)

What to do if a rash appears in the mouth

In this case, it is recommended to use Furacilin solution (from birth), Miramistin spray (from 3 years old) and sea buckthorn oil (from birth). Importance has nutrition and oral hygiene. You can't force feed your baby. It is necessary to monitor the temperature of food - dishes and drinks should not be hot, and their consistency should be mashed or pureed. It is necessary to exclude salty, spicy, spices, fried, smoked - everything that contributes to irritation of the mucous membrane.

To prepare a solution of Furacilin, dissolve 2 tablets in a glass of warm water (200 ml). Rinse up to 3 times a day. Can be used from any age. Contraindications: bleeding or allergic dermatoses.

Furacilin (144 rubles)

Children over 3 years old can use Miramistin spray. It is an antiseptic that promotes disinfection and healing. skin rashes. The duration of the course is 4-10 days, depending on the degree of mucosal damage. Individual intolerance to the active substance is declared as a contraindication.

Spray dosage:

  • 3-6 years - 1 press 3 times a day;
  • 6-14 years old - 2 presses 2-3 times a day;
  • over 14 years old - 3-4 presses up to 4 times a day.

Miramistin (356 rubles)

Sea buckthorn oil has a good healing effect. To apply it, you will need an ear stick or a gauze swab. Can be used 2-3 times a day for up to 4 weeks.

After eating, rinse your mouth with disinfectant solutions or boiled water.

How long does the treatment last and how often do you need to lubricate the rashes

Treatment of the disease lasts about 7 days. How much to treat a child with brilliant green or other ointment depends on the nature of the rash. As a rule, drugs are used until the itching disappears and crusts form. In the case of marking rashes, staining preparations are discontinued at the moment when new papules do not appear.

In this saw a children's doctor will talk about how to properly treat chickenpox. Video taken from the TV channel Belarus!

Ointments for scars after chickenpox

If it was not possible to avoid scratching the rash, or the size of the bubbles was large, and the localization was extensive, special gels should be used. Assign them to avoid scarring and apply during the appearance of crusts. Best proven: Contractubex, Mederma and Dermatix. All three drugs can be used from birth.


Gel Contractubex stimulates the regeneration of skin cells, has an anti-inflammatory effect. During the use of the drug, exposure to UV radiation and cold on the child's skin should be avoided. Apply 2-3 times a day for 4 weeks. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug is indicated as contraindications.


Ointment Mederma has no contraindications. Course duration - from 3 to 6 months. It is necessary to apply the product 2-3 times a day with a thin layer.


The gel is applied 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening for 2 months. It is extremely rare that the occurrence allergic reactions in the form of reddening of the skin.

The treatment of pimples that appear when the chickenpox virus enters the body is traditionally done with a solution of brilliant green. However, such a method of treatment is not as effective as it seems to many: the remedy is not capable of killing the virus, which means that the effect is limited only by external influences, which are also very short-lived. What, besides brilliant green, can be smeared with a rash that has appeared? Let's turn to modern medicine to answer this question.

How to smear acne with chickenpox and whether it is necessary to treat watery blisters at all - this is what interests a person suffering from such an ailment. Often, nothing comes to mind other than greenery. However, doctors say that brilliant green does not affect the cells of the virus: its use causes unpleasant consequences in the form of overdried skin and soiled clothes. In addition, to get the result, it is often suggested to smear acne, which takes a lot of time. Fortunately, now there are drugs that can alleviate the patient's condition and avoid inconvenience.


With chickenpox in children, especially in severe form, an indispensable component complex therapy aimed at treating the disease are antiviral agents. Here's what you can smear the abscesses that have appeared:

Smear acne with anti-inflammatory drugs if chickenpox is severe. Such drugs are especially carefully used during pregnancy or in infancy.

Medications to relieve itching

The most unpleasant symptom that accompanies the disease is the constant itching of the affected areas of the skin. Investigating the better to smear the pimples that have appeared, the doctors came to the conclusion that they are suitable for processing:

You should not try to smear every pimple that appears, especially with heavy rashes.

If large areas are treated, then an overdose of drugs occurs, which is fraught with the appearance of complications.

Drying and cauterization of acne

So that the active phase of the disease does not last long, the affected areas should be dried. A good cauterizing effect, giving quick results, is provided by drugs:

With the simultaneous use of ointments and antipyretics, carefully monitor your well-being: this can cause dizziness, nausea and other negative manifestations.

Help with inflammation

Removing inflammation is an important step in the cure for chickenpox. It is these processes in the body that cause elevated temperature body and pain syndrome. It is recommended to use the following means in complex therapy:

  • Kamistad. Ointment, which contains a strong analgesic component - lidocaine. Helps to relieve pain in the affected areas. In addition, it effectively disinfects emerging wounds, helps to eliminate infection.
  • Ibuprofen. Reduces body temperature, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Suitable for the treatment of pimples in children.

The drugs are used only as prescribed by the attending physician: it is quite difficult to independently calculate the dosage and frequency of use.

Do not self-medicate with chickenpox. It is best to contact a specialist.

For scar healing

In addition to painful sensations and a general feeling of malaise, with the advent of chickenpox, another problem arises - aesthetic. During the healing of acne, scars often remain, which are difficult to get rid of at home. So that there are no scars on the body and face that remind of the disease, take care of proper healing in advance:

  • Bepanthen. Promotes accelerated regeneration of skin tissues, preventing the appearance of marks and scarring of wounds. It has a moisturizing effect, eliminating the dryness of the skin observed after chickenpox.
  • Mederma. Used after wound healing, helps to get rid of the remaining marks. It is not necessary to treat the affected areas too often: several times a day is enough.

Timely use of healing agents will allow the skin to remain clean, without damage. Even with severe forms chickenpox when using such ointments does not leave ugly marks.

With a rash on the mucous

In adults, a severe degree of chickenpox is usually observed: acne appears not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

Most ointments are not suitable for treating damaged areas of this kind: their use is limited to external use.

If abscesses are found on the mucous tissue, the rashes are treated with a solution of furacilin. Most often, rinses are prescribed with the indicated remedy, but you can simply lubricate acne with a drug diluted in the proportions indicated by the doctor.

Folk medicines

Alternative medicine advocates also won't have to wait for the virus to go away on its own. A number of herbs help to get rid of the itching that has appeared and relieve inflammation. First of all, you should pay attention to:

  • Calendula. Alcohol tincture used for cauterization of papules.
  • Chamomile. Calming agent, reduces the intensity of the course of inflammatory processes.
  • Series. Relieves itching in the affected areas.

In addition to decoctions from medicinal herbs soda is allowed. The powder added to the bath disinfects acne and wounds, and also eliminates itching. However to avoid overdrying skin it is not recommended to take the drug more than once a day.

Chickenpox is a disease that causes a lot of trouble. But if you know how to deal with it, then you can minimize the consequences of the disease.