Coursework: The development of creative thinking of preschoolers. What activities develop children's creative thinking and creative abilities? The development of creative thinking in preschoolers

Each parent always wants his child to grow up as an intelligent and creatively developed person. The development of creative thinking implies the ability of a child to think creatively at an early age.

Some people think that in preschool age, creative thinking can be well developed only in gifted children, however, this is an erroneous opinion of insecure parents. If you engage with a preschooler and develop a love for creativity, such as music, from an early age, then after a while you will notice that your child can think creatively. It is not for nothing that in many kindergartens with a child they begin to engage in music, modeling and artistic activities from a very early age.

The development of creative thinking in preschoolers can be achieved with the help of special games and exercises. For example, you can give your child a ball or a jump rope and ask him to come up with some kind of exercise for morning exercises. You can read a poem aloud to a preschooler and ask him to draw this poem on a piece of paper. The child can be given the task to come up with a little fairy tale himself and also draw it on paper.

One of the most important factors in the development of creative thinking in children is the creation of conditions conducive to the formation of their creative abilities. Based on the analysis of the works of several authors, in particular J. Smith and L. Carroll, we have identified six main conditions for the successful development of children's creative thinking.

The first step to the successful development of creative thinking is the early physical development of the baby: early swimming, gymnastics, early crawling and walking. Then early reading, counting, early exposure to various tools and materials.

The second important condition for the development of a child's creative thinking is the creation of an environment that is ahead of the development of children. It is necessary, as far as possible, to surround the child in advance with such an environment and such a system of relations that would stimulate his most diverse creative activity and would gradually develop in him precisely that which at the appropriate moment is capable of developing most effectively. For example, long before learning to read, a one-year-old child can buy blocks with letters, hang the alphabet on the wall and call the letters to the child during games. This promotes early reading acquisition.

The third, extremely important, condition for the effective development of creative thinking follows from the very nature of the creative process, which requires maximum effort. The fact is that the ability to develop is the more successful, the more often in his activity a person gets "to the ceiling" of his capabilities and gradually raises this ceiling higher and higher. This condition of maximum exertion of forces is most easily achieved when the child is already crawling, but is not yet able to speak. The process of knowing the world at this time is very intensive, but the baby cannot use the experience of adults, since nothing can be explained to such a small one. Therefore, during this period, the baby is forced more than ever to be creative, to solve many completely new tasks for him on his own and without prior training (if, of course, adults allow him to do this, they solve them for him). The child rolled far under the sofa ball. Parents should not rush to get him this toy from under the sofa if the child can solve this problem himself.

The fourth condition for the successful development of creative thinking is to provide the child with great freedom in choosing activities, in alternating tasks, in the duration of doing one thing, in choosing methods, etc. Then the desire of the child, his interest, emotional upsurge will serve as a reliable guarantee that even more stress of the mind will not lead to overwork, and will benefit the child.

But granting a child such freedom does not exclude, but, on the contrary, implies unobtrusive, intelligent, benevolent help from adults - this is the fifth condition for the successful development of creative abilities. The most important thing here is not to turn freedom into permissiveness, but help into a hint. Unfortunately, prompting is a common way for parents to “help” children, but it only hurts the cause. You can't do anything for a child if he can do it himself. You can't think for him when he can think of it himself.

It has long been known that creativity requires a comfortable psychological environment and the availability of free time, so the sixth condition for the successful development of creative abilities is a warm, friendly atmosphere in the family and the children's team. Adults must create a safe psychological base for the child to return from creative search and his own discoveries. It is important to constantly stimulate the child to be creative, to show sympathy for his failures, to be patient even with strange ideas that are unusual in real life. It is necessary to exclude comments and condemnations from everyday life.

But the creation of favorable conditions is not enough to raise a child with a high creative potential, although some Western psychologists still believe that creativity is inherent in the child and that it is only necessary not to prevent him from expressing himself freely. But practice shows that such non-intervention is not enough: not all children can open the way to creation and maintain creative activity for a long time. It turns out (and pedagogical practice proves this), if you choose the appropriate teaching methods, then even preschoolers, without losing the originality of creativity, create works of a higher level than their untrained self-expressing peers. It is no coincidence that children's circles and studios, music schools and art schools are so popular now. Of course, there is still a lot of debate about what and how to teach children, but the fact that it is necessary to teach is beyond doubt.

Thus, the education of children's creative thinking will be effective only if it is a purposeful process, during which a number of particular pedagogical tasks are solved, aimed at achieving the ultimate goal.

In our practice, we follow these main principles of creating optimal conditions for the development of creative abilities in preschoolers. Mostly such work is carried out in our activities by means of the MHK. The possibilities of solving such problems by means of the MCC will be discussed in the third paragraph.

Children are such creatures that it is very easy to teach something, if at the same time they are interested. Developing creative thinking, any teacher or parent simultaneously solves several problems at once.

Firstly, it forms non-trivial thinking in a child, devoid of stereotypes, which helps in solving various problems.

Secondly, by developing creativity, the teacher (we will use this word in a broad sense, naming parents as well, because they are also teachers) makes the child's mind mobile and flexible.

And finally, thirdly, in parallel with mental abilities, fantasy and perseverance develop. After all, it is no secret that if children are carried away by a task, they are able to deal with it for a long time.

Creativity is the use of ordinary things to create something extraordinary.

In general, it is useful, good, necessary to develop creative thinking in children. But how? Let's try to figure it out.

Question one: what is creative thinking?

The term "creativity" is close to the concept of "creativity". Only if the latter is given by nature, then a creative approach can be developed. It would seem that, creativity- this is a specific talent, and this is not given to everyone. But in fact, this type of reaction to problems can be developed even in adulthood. And there is nothing to say about children. It is only necessary to find the right approach and develop certain tactics aimed at shaping creative thinking in a child.

Question two: how to develop creative thinking?

Of course, special exercises and training. The development of creativity, both in children and adults, can be carried out in different ways. A great many of them have been developed, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to list everything, but it is possible to identify the main ones.

So, how to develop creativity in students and babies?

1. Creative activities

Creativity is impossible without the act of creation itself. And it is better if this act is devoid of any standards. For example, with children, you can do the same application, but present it in a completely different way. You can try to make images by pouring different cereals onto paper. To teach how ordinary things, with due ingenuity and imagination, you can create something unique, inimitable and completely unusual - this is one of the main goals.

2. Setting unusual problems
To develop creative thinking in children, a problem-based learning method is needed. What is it? The fact that the child is given a task, preferably of a practical nature, without offering any solutions. You can give leading questions, but only if your ward does not cope at all with the question posed to him. Independence in decision making is one of the main conditions for the successful development of creativity..
3. Special exercises
Without them, nowhere. Any technique offers a whole range of ways to achieve a better result, particular manifestations of which are just exercises of various kinds. To develop creative thinking, you can use the following:

  • Take some very ordinary thing (a pencil, for example) and invite the child to come up with how it can be used for other than its intended purpose. For example, make an antenna for receiving cosmic messages or as a hairpin to secure a hair bun. In general, there is an unplowed field for the development of imagination and creativity.
  • Another exercise is to add something to your life every day that makes this day different from yesterday or tomorrow. Learn to find new ways to school, try to visit unfamiliar places, bring a new touch to everyday life. This task is not easy, but it is very exciting.
  • The association game is a very effective way to develop a non-standard approach to life. The associative connection is illogical, it is based not on logic, but on the worldview and experience, thereby stimulating the imagination and giving birth to incredible images.
  • Unexplained things must be explained. This is not a pun, but another exercise. Teach your child to explain even what is beyond his understanding. This will help children's thinking go beyond the standard.

So, do not be afraid to develop creative thinking in children. Start as early as possible and over time you will definitely see positive changes in your child's development.

Elena Upilkova
Development of creative thinking of preschool children

Topic: « Development of creative thinking in preschool children».

In our time, the problem of versatile education of a person is very relevant at the very beginning of his journey, in childhood. Education of a Person in which harmoniously developed would be an emotional and rational beginning.

Modern society makes more and more demands on the individual. And especially more often, along with other qualities, such a personality trait as creativity. Word « creativity» on the lips of many today. This term was introduced by the American psychologist Alice Paul Thorens (slide 2, this word is used not only by specialists involved in art and culture, but also by representatives of business, entrepreneurship, management and many other professions. The concept « creativity» has become an integral part of the pedagogical sphere.

In Russian, the word « creativity» appeared not so long ago, and it is used mainly in relation to new ideas and unexpected phenomena.

(Slide 3)Creativity- the creative abilities of the individual, characterized by a willingness to accept and create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted schemes thinking and included in the structure of giftedness as an independent factor.

« Creativity» - this word has become synonymous for many "creativity", but do not rush to generalize these concepts.

Creativity is digging deep, looking both ways, hearing smells, looking through, reaching out to tomorrow, listening to a cat, singing in your own key.” J. Gilford. BUT creativity how to do it with intelligence and thinking.

Their exact neighborhood can be expressed by a diagram. (Slide 4)

(slide 5) The American psychologist Abraham Maslow argued that creativity- this is a creative orientation, innately characteristic of everyone, but lost by the majority under the influence of the existing system of upbringing, education and social practice.

At the household level creativity manifests itself as ingenuity, a witty solution to a problem, i.e., the ability to achieve a goal, find a way out of seemingly hopeless situations, using the situation, objects and circumstances in an unusual way.

Psychologists can not come to a single definition of the term creativity. But it can be said with certainty that creativity is the exact opposite of template thinking. Psychologists agree that creativity and intelligence are not the same thing, but closely intersect. According to numerous results of competent research, not all people with high IQ have creativity.

In a broad sense creative approach is the ability to see ordinary things from an unexpected angle and find an original solution to a typical problem.

Any creative inclinations, any natural craving for creativity, requires special activities that will stimulate the child to create something new and help him to use his potential more fully in the future. Preschool age is the best age for the development of lateral thinking. At this time, children learn to use their imagination and manage it.

To the children of the younger age inherent talent. The initial period is considered the most important in joining the beautiful. Creative assignments contribute to overall creativity personal development which, in turn, brings up responsiveness, artistic imagination, figurative-associative thinking, activates memory, observation, intuition, i.e. forms the inner world of the child.

There are psychological tools for measuring creativity (creative) thinking, the most famous in world psychological practice - the Paul Torrens Test. This test measures the degree creativity both in children and adults. (slides 6,7,8,9)

Torrance dealt with the problems of human intelligence, he found that creative personalities are characterized by the so-called divergent thinking(many solutions to the same problem). Having this type thinking, when solving a problem, do not concentrate all their efforts on finding the only correct solution, but begin to look for solutions in all possible directions in order to consider as many options as possible. Such people tend to form new combinations of elements that most people know and use only in a certain way, or form links between two elements that at first glance have nothing in common. Divergent method thinking is the basis of creative thinking, which is characterized by the following main features: (slide 10)

1. Speed ​​- the ability to express the maximum number of ideas (in this case, it is not their quality that matters, but their quantity).

2. Flexibility - the ability to express a wide variety of ideas.

3. Originality - the ability to generate new non-standard ideas (this can manifest itself in answers, decisions that do not coincide with generally accepted ones).

4. Completeness - the ability to improve your "product" or give it a finished look

The role of an adult is very important in the process development of creative thinking, because the children themselves are not able to fully organize their activities and evaluate the results. At the same time, it is necessary that teachers be friendly and tolerant of the child's activities, able to accept and calmly discuss even such options for decisions that at first glance seem incomplete, absurd or incredible.

The teacher is in creative practice as a screenwriter, director and actor-performer. The task of the teacher is to create a microclimate and conditions for the natural “growing” and maturation of the unique growing personality of the child.

We must know that creative development process occurs in a spiral fashion. At each new “turn”, new qualities appear, but at the same time, old ones are also reproduced. creative development is a system of irreversible qualitative changes in personality. It is necessary to encourage the child to come up with as many solutions as possible, and then evaluate the quality with him.

Psychologists have identified the components creative activities in the light of modern scientific research:

1. Flexibility of the mind - the ability to highlight essential features and the ability to quickly rebuild from one idea to another.

2. Systematic and consistent - ideas are built systematically and consistently analyzed.

3. Dialectic - the ability to formulate contradictions and find a way to resolve them.

4. Readiness for risk and responsibility for the decision.

All children, especially preschoolers love to make art. They enthusiastically sing and dance, sculpt and draw, compose music and fairy tales, engage in folk crafts, etc. Creativity makes a child's life richer, fuller, happier. Children are able to engage in creativity not only regardless of place and time, but, most importantly, regardless of personal complexes. An adult, often critically evaluating his creative abilities, is embarrassed to show them. Children, unlike adults, are able to sincerely express themselves in artistic activity. They are happy to perform on stage, participate in concerts, competitions, exhibitions and quizzes.

Formation creative thinking in a preschool child.

The task facing adults is to form children the following skills:

- reproduce the appearance and properties of an object from memory;

- guess the object by the verbal description of properties and features;

- to recreate the appearance of an object based on some part of it;

- recognize in indefinite graphic forms (ink blots, scribbles) various familiar objects;

- combine and combine in one object the properties and features of other objects and objects;

- find common and different features in two or more objects;

– recognize an object by the description of possible actions with it;

- transfer actions applied to one subject to another;

- compose a plot story, a fairy tale, a riddle about an object.

Initially it was thought that develop creativity possible only for the gifted children, but it turned out that develop all normal and even lagging behind in child development. This is due to the fact that in exercises and tasks for the development of the qualities of creative thinking does not exist"wrong answers". The child's own experience, his experiences and the main forms of activity are the main factors of his development. Initial level development the child does not matter, since he can develop their mental abilities through the creative use of their previous experience in relation to new problems, situations, etc.

Creative skills preschoolers will be successful under the following conditions.

Encourage play to become and remain a leading activity preschooler.

Creation developing environment: the teacher must create favorable conditions in the kindergarten in order to satisfy the natural desire of the child for creativity; they must be accessible to the child and be proactive. For example, long before learning to read, a child can be given blocks with letters to play with, hang the alphabet on the wall and call letters to the child during games.

Use the project method in work, when children comprehend the whole technology of solving problems - from raising a question to presenting the result.

Working with children will include various types of creative activities (visual, artistic and speech, musical, plastic, and others).

Capabilities develop more successfully the more often in his activity a person gets "up to the ceiling" its capabilities and gradually raises this ceiling higher and higher. The child rolled far under the sofa ball. Adults should not rush to get him this toy from under the sofa if the child can solve this problem himself.

To teach the child to reflect and formulate his fantasies and thoughts in speech form, which means that you yourself constantly talk to him.

Develop search activity in all areas: stimulate to ask questions, offer answers, take actions to change the state of the subject, draw intermediate conclusions; learn to abandon unsuccessful ideas and continue the search further.

But giving a child such freedom does not exclude, but, on the contrary, implies unobtrusive, intelligent, benevolent help from adults - this is the next condition for successful development creative abilities. The most important thing here is not to turn freedom into permissiveness, but help into a hint. Unfortunately, the hint is a common way among adults "help" children, but it only harms the cause. You can't do anything for a child if he can do it himself. You can't think for him when he can think of it himself.

The development of creative thinking in preschoolers can be achieved with the help of special games and exercises. For example, you can give your child a ball or a jump rope and ask him to come up with some kind of exercise for morning exercises. Can be read preschooler aloud a poem and ask him to draw this poem on a piece of paper. The child can be given the task to come up with a little fairy tale himself and also draw it on paper.

"Blind Artist".

You will need a piece of paper and pencils. "Artist" blindfold, and he, under dictation, must draw a picture that you have made. you say how to carry on pencil: up, down, draw a circle, two dots, etc. The child draws and tries to guess what image it will turn out to be. Choose simple drawings: house, person, tree.

"Space trip"

Cut out several circles of different sizes from paper, arrange them in random order. Invite the child to imagine that the circles are planets, each of which has its own inhabitants. Ask the kid to come up with the names of the planets, populate them with various creatures.

Gently direct the child's imagination, for example, suggest that only good creatures should live on one planet, evil creatures on another, sad creatures on a third, etc.

Let the kid show imagination and draw the inhabitants of each planet. Paper cut, they can "fly" visit each other, get into various adventures, conquer other people's planets.

"Magic Mosaic".

Sets of geometric shapes cut out of thick cardboard are used. figures: several circles, squares, triangles, rectangles of different sizes.

The teacher distributes the kits and says that this is a magical mosaic from which you can add a lot of interesting things. To do this, you need different figures, whoever wants to, attach to each other so that some kind of image is obtained. Suggest competition: who will be able to add more different objects from their mosaic and come up with some kind of story about one or more objects.

The main thing for the teacher is to remember a number of rules: (memo)

Encourage independent thoughts and actions of the child, if they do not cause obvious harm to others;

Do not interfere with the child’s desire to do, portray something in his own way;

Respect the student's point of view, whatever it may be "stupid" or "wrong"- do not suppress it with your own "correct" attitude and opinion;

Offer children to do more free drawings, verbal, sound, tactile and taste images, interesting movements and other spontaneous creative manifestations during classes;

Non-estimation in relation to children's creativity - that is, do not use an explicit system of evaluation of the child's products, discuss individual meaningful moments of these works, do not compare with other children, but only with himself, with his past experiences;

Do not laugh at unusual images, words or movements of the child, as this critical laughter can cause resentment, fear of making a mistake, doing something "not this way", and suppress further spontaneous desire to experiment and search independently;

create and play with children - as an ordinary participant in the process;

Do not impose your program of images and actions, manner of depiction and thinking, their faith, but, on the contrary, try to understand the logic of the child's imagination and fit into it;

Pay more attention to the organization of the creative process of creating something, maintaining this process, and not to the results;

develop sense of proportion children to any kind of creative activity, offering a variety of interesting tasks, including psychophysical workouts, regular gymnastics exercises, etc. in classes; this helps to prevent monotony, overstrain and overwork;

Maintain a predominantly positive emotional tone in the classroom in yourself and in children - cheerfulness, calm concentration and joy, faith in one's own strengths and in the capabilities of each child, friendly intonation of the voice.

To develop the creativity of preschoolers, the teacher must be creative: constantly overcome inertia, patterns and formalities in teaching, strive to discover and apply new methods in teaching, forms of creative communication, self-improve. The educator needs in the course of professional self-improvement develop constructive personal attitudes that help children maintain confidence in their significance, in the interestingness of their ideas and images, in the fact that independent trials and searches are an important and respectable process that is useful for self-development of personality.

Principles of building work on development of children's creative abilities:

1. Organization of interaction between the teacher and children on the basis of cooperation and co-creation.

2. Accounting age and individual characteristics of the child.

3. Individual approach and faith of the teacher in the potential of each child

4. Respect for the opinion of the child, his personal position.

Conclusion: Work on the formation of creative (creative) abilities will be more effective if parents take an active part in it. There is no doubt that it is the formation of creative (creative) abilities preschoolers will help us"turn" of each child into a competent person capable of adequately thinking, feeling and acting in a cultural society.

The main pedagogical task for the development of creative thinking in preschool age is the formation of associativity, dialectics and systemic thinking. Since the development of these qualities makes thinking flexible, original and productive.

Associativity is the ability to see the connection and similarities in objects and phenomena that are not comparable at first glance.

Thanks to the development of associativity, thinking becomes flexible and original.

In addition, a large number of associative links allows you to quickly retrieve the necessary information from memory. Associativity is very easily acquired by preschoolers in a role-playing game. There are also games that contribute to the development of this quality.

Often, discoveries are born when seemingly incompatible things are connected. For example, for a long time it seemed impossible to fly on aircraft that are heavier than air. To formulate contradictions and find a way to resolve them allows dialectical thinking.

Dialecticity is the ability to see contradictions in any systems that hinder their development, the ability to eliminate these contradictions, to solve problems.

Dialecticity is a necessary quality of talented thinking. Psychologists have conducted a number of studies and found that the mechanism of dialectical thinking functions in folk and scientific creativity. In particular, the analysis of Vygodsky's works showed that the outstanding Russian psychologist constantly used this mechanism in his research.

The pedagogical tasks for the formation of dialectical thinking in preschool age are:

  • 1. Development of the ability to identify contradictions in any subject and phenomenon;
  • 2. Development of the ability to clearly articulate the identified contradictions;
  • 3. Formation of the ability to resolve contradictions;

And another quality that forms creative thinking is consistency.

Consistency is the ability to see an object or phenomenon as an integral system, to perceive any object, any problem comprehensively, in all the variety of connections; the ability to see the unity of interconnections in the phenomena and laws of development.

Systems thinking allows you to see a huge number of properties of objects, to capture relationships at the level of system parts and relationships with other systems. Systems thinking learns patterns in the development of the system from the past to the present and applies this in relation to the future.

Systematic thinking is developed by correct analysis of systems and special exercises. Pedagogical tasks for the development of systematic thinking in preschool age.

  • 1. Formation of the ability to consider any object or phenomenon as a system developing in time;
  • 2. Development of the ability to determine the functions of objects, taking into account the fact that any object is multifunctional. How to develop creative thinking. [Appendix #3]

The second direction in the formation of creative abilities of preschoolers is the development of creative imagination.

Imagination is the ability to construct in the mind from the elements of life experience (impressions, ideas, knowledge, experiences) through their new combinations to relationships something new that goes beyond the previously perceived.

Imagination is the basis of all creative activity. It helps a person to free himself from the inertia of thinking, it transforms the representation of memory, thereby ensuring, in the final analysis, the creation of a deliberately new one. In this sense, everything that surrounds us and that is made by human hands, the whole world of culture, in contrast to the world of nature - all this is a product of creative imagination.

Preschool childhood is a sensitive period for the development of the imagination. At first glance, the need to develop the imagination of preschoolers may seem reasonable. After all, it is widely believed that the imagination of a child is richer, more original than the imagination of an adult. Such an idea of ​​the vivid imagination inherent in a preschooler existed in the past among psychologists as well.

However, already in the 1930s, the outstanding Russian psychologist L. S. Vygotsky proved that the child's imagination develops gradually, as he acquires certain experience. S. Vygotsky argued that all images of the imagination, no matter how bizarre they may be, are based on the ideas and impressions that we receive in real life. He wrote: "The first form of connection between imagination and reality lies in the fact that any creation of the imagination is always built from elements taken from the activity and contained in the previous experience of a person" Vygotsky L.N. Imagination and creativity in preschool age. - St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 1997. p.52.

From this it follows that the creative activity of the imagination is directly dependent on the richness and diversity of a person's previous experience. The pedagogical conclusion that can be drawn from all of the above is the need to expand the experience of the child if we want to create a sufficiently strong foundation for his creative activity. The more the child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and learned, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, other things being equal, the activity of his imagination will be. It is with the accumulation of experience that all imagination begins. But how to convey this experience to the child in advance? It often happens that parents talk with a child, tell him something, and then complain that, as they say, it flew into one ear and flew out of the other. This happens if the baby has no interest in what they are told about, no interest in knowledge in general, that is, when there are no cognitive interests.

In general, the cognitive interests of a preschooler begin to declare themselves very early. This manifests itself first in the form of children's questions, with which the baby besieges parents from 3-4 years old. However, whether such a child's curiosity becomes a stable cognitive interest or whether it disappears forever depends on the adults around the child, primarily on his parents. Adults should in every possible way encourage the curiosity of children, educating love and the need for knowledge.

At preschool age, the development of the cognitive interests of the child should go in two main directions:

  • 1. Gradually enriching the child's experience, saturating this experience with new knowledge about various areas of reality. This causes the cognitive activity of the preschooler. The more aspects of the surrounding reality are revealed to children, the wider the opportunities for the emergence and consolidation of stable cognitive interests in them.
  • 2. Gradual expansion and deepening of cognitive interests within the same sphere of reality.

In order to successfully develop the cognitive interests of the child, parents must know what their child is interested in, and only then influence the formation of his interests. It should be noted that for the emergence of sustainable interests, it is not enough just to acquaint the child with a new sphere of reality. He should have a positive emotional attitude to the new. This is facilitated by the inclusion of a preschooler in joint activities with adults. An adult can ask a child to help him do something or, say, listen to his favorite record with him. The feeling of belonging to the world of adults that arises in a child in such situations creates a positive coloring of his activity and contributes to the emergence of his interest in this activity. But in these situations, the child's own creative activity should also be awakened, only then can the desired result be achieved in the development of his cognitive interests and in the assimilation of new knowledge. You need to ask your child questions that encourage active thinking.

The accumulation of knowledge and experience is only a prerequisite for the development of creative imagination. Any knowledge can be a useless burden if a person does not know how to handle it, select what is needed, which leads to a creative solution to the problem. And this requires the practice of such decisions, the ability to use the accumulated information in their activities.

Productive creative imagination is characterized not only by such features as originality and richness of produced images. One of the most important properties of such an imagination is the ability to direct ideas in the right direction, to subordinate them to certain goals. The inability to manage ideas, to subordinate them to one's goal, leads to the fact that the best plans and intentions perish without finding embodiment. Therefore, the most important line in the development of the preschooler's imagination is the development of the orientation of the imagination.

In a younger preschooler, the imagination follows the subject, and everything that he creates is fragmentary, unfinished. Adults should help the child learn not just to fantasize fragmentarily, but to realize their ideas, to create small, but complete works. To this end, parents can organize a role-playing game and, during this game, influence the child's performance of the entire chain of game actions. You can also arrange a collective composition of a fairy tale: each of the players says several sentences, and an adult participating in the game can direct the development of the plot, help the children complete their plans. It is good to have a special folder or album where the most successful drawings, fairy tales composed by a child would be placed. This form of fixation of creative products will help the child to direct his imagination to the creation of complete and original works.

The best option is the introduction of a special program of classes for the development of children's imagination. Recently, a large number of methodological developments of such classes have appeared. In particular, in our country, the Public Laboratory of Invention Methods developed a special course "Development of Creative Imagination" (RTI). It is based on TRIZ, ARIZ and G.S. Altshuller. This course has already been tested in various creative studios, schools and preschool institutions, where it has proven its effectiveness. RTV develops not only creative imagination, but also creative thinking of children. In addition, we can offer a methodology for the development of children's imagination O.M. Dyachenko nor N.E. Verakses, as well as special game trainings of the imagination, developed by the psychologist E.V. stutterer.

If it is not possible to introduce additional classes, then the educator can be offered, on the basis of the program according to which he works, without drastic changes in the form of classes, to use TRIZ elements to develop the creative potential of children. Also, in special classes in music, drawing, design, speech development, children should be given tasks of a creative nature.

It is possible to develop creative imagination not only in special classes. Of great importance for the development of children's imagination is the game, which is the main activity of preschoolers. It is in the game that the child takes the first steps of creative activity. Adults should not just observe children's play, but manage its development, enrich it by including creative elements in the game. At an early stage, children's games are of an objective nature, that is, this is an action with various objects. At this stage, it is very important to teach the child to beat the same object in different ways. For example, a cube can be a table, a chair, a piece of meat, etc. Adults should show children the possibility of different ways to use the same items. At the age of 4-5, a role-playing game begins to take shape, which provides the widest opportunities for the development of imagination and creativity. Adults need to know how and what their children play, how varied the plots of the games they play. And if children play the same “daughters - mothers” or war every day, the teacher should help them learn to diversify the plots of the games. You can play with them, offering to play different stories, take on different roles. The child must first show his creative initiative in the game, plan and direct the game.

In addition, to develop imagination and creativity, there are special games that can be played with children in their free time. Interesting educational games developed by B.N. Nikitin Nikitin B. Developing games. - M.: 3nanie, 1994., O. M. Dyachenko and N.E. Veraksoy Dyachenko O.M., Veraksa N.E. What does not happen in the world. - M.: Knowledge, 1994. 157 pages.

The richest source of development of the child's fantasy is a fairy tale. There are many fairy tale techniques that educators can use to develop children's imagination. Among them: "distorting" a fairy tale, inventing a fairy tale in reverse, inventing a continuation of a fairy tale, changing the end of a fairy tale. You can write stories with your children. Propp's maps will be invaluable help in this. Speaking about the development of children's imagination with the help of a fairy tale, one cannot but recall the wonderful book by J. Rodari "Grammar of Fantasy".

Many children need to develop such a creative ability as the supra-situational and transformative nature of creative solutions. In order to develop this ability, children must be presented with various problem situations, solving which they must not only choose the optimal one from the proposed alternatives, but create their own alternative based on the transformation of the initial means. Adults should in every possible way encourage the creative approach of children to solving any problem. The development of the ability under consideration is closely connected with the formation of dialectic thinking. Therefore, games and exercises for the formation of dialectical thinking can be used to develop the ability to be analyzed.

Speaking about the problem of the creative abilities of children, I would like to emphasize that their effective development is possible only with the joint efforts of both preschool teachers and the family. Unfortunately, teachers complain about the lack of proper support from parents, especially when it comes to the pedagogy of creativity. Therefore, it is advisable to hold special conversations and lectures for parents, which would explain why it is so important to develop creative abilities from childhood, what conditions must be created in the family for their successful development, what techniques and games can be used to develop creative abilities in the family, as well as parents would be recommended special literature on this issue. [Appendix #4]

Green Parenting: All children are naturally creative. You can either develop them or muffle them. In this article I will write how they can be silenced. And, of course, I advise you not to do this.

All children are naturally creative. You can either develop them or muffle them. In this article I will write how they can be drowned out. And, of course, I advise you not to do this.

Children's creativity

1. The first most simple is the example of parents.

If parents believe that their life is over and there is nothing more they can do and learn, it subconsciously absorbs the child. In order to "develop", parents should not at all play music, draw, sing, dance and stand on their heads "for a child" - it is enough that they have their adult meaningful affairs, without clowning "for the sake of development".

But if they themselves have complete apathy and an aimless existence, then this will be projected onto the child, no matter how he is “developed”.

2. Life "instead of a child."

I sometimes feel uncomfortable with the questions "how to play with a child." How to arrange a house for a child, how to teach him to play, how to organize a game, how to develop a story game, how to teach a child ...

To begin with, you need to understand that play is a NATURAL STAGE of child development. You can not teach him this, just as you did not teach him to breathe. Moreover, if parents play instead of the child and constantly “organize”, this takes away from the child his leading role in the game and hinders the development of imaginative thinking. Because game is image generation. And if you have a problem "how to play with a child", in children's language it sounds like "how to think instead of a child."

Leave him alone, remember your childhood - did you somehow cope with the game? That's how he'll do it! No need to change places with children. Adults should not play as a primary activity (unless you are a professional animator). They should have adult activities, housekeeping, their own affairs, and not a story game in the store.

Of course, if the children are playing and invited their mother to "drink tea with dolls", you can come. But this one-time invitation is very different from the constant "organization of the game." You can build a house together, but giving the child a leading role in the game, and not a passive observer.

You can submit an idea, but not develop it from and to instead of a child. It is great to play board games with children - the child must go through the feeling of losing and obeying the rules. Team sports games together are great, family rallying. But to "help" a child to play plot games is to take away his right to play. Adults play in their free time and at will, and not because "the child needs to be developed!"

When a child says "I'm bored!" - this is the best reason for him to think and come up with a new idea for himself.

3. Too many toys.

The same applies to the game. It's not even a matter of quantity, but of the thoughtfulness of every action and every detail.. For example, for a puppet tea party, there are ready-made dishes, ready-made toy cakes, which are even cut into pieces fastened with Velcro! In addition to the machine itself, there is a ready-made parking lot, a garage, and ten more kits for it in the set. there is everything ready - and what to do to the child?

Move these finished items back and forth? No, I do not urge to put the child in bare walls and give sticks. But you can give him the freedom of creativity in the game- come up with these same cakes for dolls, figure out how to make a parking lot out of an old box. If a child cannot see an image in a substitute object in a game, this limits his thinking. Invite the child himself to make something from improvised means for a new doll or a new car? FROMthis includes overly thought out toys - what can you imagine for a doll that cries, walks, calls for mom and even pisses? what to do with her? wait for the battery to run out?

4. An excess of "didactic" games.

Games that set one action and have one solution - assemble a pyramid, fold a pattern, do it this way, and not otherwise. And the more such "developing" games a child has, the less he thinks.

Vice versa, the more "raw materials" he has from which something can be adapted - the more he thinks. Build with bricks, constructor, make a house out of blankets, make a "telephone" out of a broken rattle, tie a box to a toy dog ​​- it's a "zoo cart pony", and so on.

Do everything from everything, in different ways! If a toy allows you to do something with yourself and out of yourself - it developing. If it is "fold according to the pattern" - this is sample. pyramid, of course, you can collect Smiley "smile" just if the child has only toys with a given action - he does not need to learn the variability of thinking. And this is the main property of good intelligence.

5. Template creativity.

This is when "mom must definitely draw with the child", when there are coloring pages, when creativity is done by the hour and a given amount (two crafts must be done today), when it only "comes down from above", and the child does only what the mother said, teacher and educator. When a child does not look for his image, does not try, does not change different materials, does not experiment. Beautiful drawing from a sample is not creativity. Coloring pages are not art.Mom's obligatory templates "how to draw a dog" are not creativity. Stenciled Christmas trees for the new year are not creativity.

Creativity is the search for your own idea, it is an expression of YOUR thoughts. Let your child "think with his hands", do not break his images with your patterns!

6. Lack of initiative.

It is connected with "life instead of a child". The child does not need to invent - he receives a ready-made schedule of "developmental activities." He has no time to organize his game - mom has already said what we are playing today.

Only if the child has free time for "their" affairs and his own decisions about what and how to do - is it possible to develop initiative. If he follows a clear schedule without the "right to escape" - when should he think?

I think this rule is true - the younger the child, the more free time he should have to choose activities, play. It turns out the other way around - at the age of three, a child goes to all possible “razvilki” so that he does not have any time to play and think for himself. And by adolescence (when he should just be very busy), he was completely tired of all his studies and was not interested in doing anything.

7. Mass media at an early age.

Parents are very worried that their children will be "outdated" if they are not planted in front of the screen a year. And even better - from birth put. But the later the child gets acquainted with technical achievements, the better for his intellect..

At preschool age, during the period of active knowledge of the world, the child must learn it is the WORLD, not technical innovations. He must cognize the surroundings with all the senses, and not see from the screen.

Cartoons fill the brain with ready-made images - when will the child come up with them? What will he draw himself, besides cartoon characters? Computer games offer ready-made "virtual reality" - how will a child develop their "worlds" in the game? Everything has already been thought up for him and for him, and he is just a "cog" in this industry. The more a small child "communicates" with screens of different formats, the less his brain works.

8. Lack of communication with nature.

Some mean "communion with nature" living in the jungle. But for observing nature, dandelions in the yard and a bug on a branch are quite suitable. The child does not need "a lot" of objects, he needs a deep understanding of the available ones.

The more ready-made information is given to a child and the less empirical experience he has, free observation, the worse his intellect develops. because the basis of reflection is the processing of the experience gained from all the senses.

The child must observe and ask questions How do ants crawl? How does a sparrow eat grain? How do doves fly? How do clouds move in strong winds? - and not to receive dry facts and scientific data. Nature has inspired great scientists and inspired great inventors for many centuries. Maybe it will be useful for us too?

9. Lack of observation as such.

Who will let a child look out the window? No, let him sit, write letters in a notebook, play educational games, study cards! On a walk, you also can’t stand on the sidelines and watch - you need to be active, let's play, let's do this and that!

Although observation is the first stage in the operation of the brain, it is the accumulation of information. The child cannot observe the object, he is not allowed to simply look and analyze the information. This is where all the information needs to be said in advance. It turns out that the child does not have time to draw his own conclusions and ask questions.published If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project

photo: Kristina Varaksina