Why do you want to sleep at the end of winter. Why you constantly want to sleep: from fatigue to diabetes

You wake up - you want to sleep, you come to work - you want to sleep, you have lunch - you want to sleep ... Sometimes drowsiness overtakes even on weekends, when, it would seem, you have slept for a sufficient number of hours. Familiar? Drowsiness not only interferes with studying, working and relaxing, but can also be life-threatening - for example, if you drive a car. We understand why Morpheus wants to get you into his arms so much.

Look around you: a young guy is sleeping while standing on a bus, an office worker is taking a nap at a boring presentation, and a whole queue of sleepy citizens is lining up in a coffee shop for a latte! A modern person processes a huge amount of information, and drowsiness indicates that the brain needs a break. Here are the main signs of sleepiness:

  • heavy awakening in the morning;
  • lack of vivacity and energy during the day;
  • an urgent need for daytime sleep;
  • feeling irritable and restless;
  • deterioration in concentration, memory;
  • loss of appetite.

The reasons why you constantly want to sleep are different. Some of them are natural and can be dealt with on your own. In other cases, we can talk about serious disorders and diseases - here the help of a specialist is already needed. The main causes of drowsiness are:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • overwork and stress;
  • various diseases;
  • poorly ventilated area.

Let's consider them in more detail.

Most common cause drowsiness is the most obvious: You just don't get enough rest at night. Everyone needs a certain amount of time to sleep. As a rule, it is 7-8 hours, but there are exceptions. In addition, the feeling of drowsiness arises from a violation of sleep cycles: waking up in the middle of a cycle, a person feels overwhelmed, even if he slept enough.

You may not know how much sleep you need. And if you know, you can sacrifice sleep due to work or other duties. Intentional restriction of sleep is one of the most important problems in modern society. Many people think that in this way there will be more time for business, but this is not entirely true: for someone who “nods”, attention is scattered and motivation disappears. The body does not work at full strength and goes into reserve mode.

Drowsiness occurs not only due to lack of sleep, but also due to its poor quality. Insomnia may have the most different reasons one of them is the presence of artificial light. For example, watching TV or reading a news feed on a smartphone before going to bed stimulates brain activity and does not contribute to good health in the morning.

The constant desire to sleep often worries people with sleep disturbances and flexible work schedules. Those who often travel on business trips, fly from one time zone to another, and also work the night shift are most prone to sleep problems.

Do you like to discuss interesting topics with friends over a cup of coffee or with colleagues in a smoking room? Then the cause of lethargy lies on the surface. Caffeine in moderate doses can improve focus for a short time, but too much caffeine can have devastating effects. The adrenal glands produce the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, which "pump" the body and give us a feeling of cheerfulness. But if the adrenal glands work too hard and often, as happens with lovers of caffeinated drinks, then a new portion of hormones simply does not have time to form. And we know about the dangers of smoking from an early age. Nicotine causes a spasm of blood vessels, the brain receives less oxygen, and against this background, the smoker develops a feeling of lack of sleep. By stimulating the nervous system, both caffeine and nicotine can cause insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Some people like to have a hearty meal, thinking that a hearty meal will provide the necessary energy for the rest of the day. However, this is not quite true. Why do you always want to sleep after eating? After the body has spent a significant part of the energy on digesting food, it is difficult for it to maintain other activities: after all, to ensure normal digestion, blood from the brain flows to the stomach and intestines. So you should not overeat: to digest excessively a large number of food, the body will need more strength.

In addition, the lack of breakfast is directly related to drowsiness. Many people get ready for work in the morning at a frantic pace, forgetting about the first - and most important - meal. Eating breakfast within an hour of waking up starts your biological clock. And when, on the contrary, you skip breakfast, the body has nowhere to take energy from.

Many people are faced with a situation where drowsiness manifests itself in winter. The reasons for this "winter hibernation" lie in the peculiarities of the season. In winter, daylight hours decrease, and in general the sun can be seen infrequently in winter. Due to the central heating in the apartments, the air becomes dry. To avoid this, it is advisable to use a humidifier. Also in winter you often want to sleep because of. We don't always get the right dose. useful substances from food, and vegetables and fruits in winter, we consume less. Therefore, doctors advise taking vitamin and mineral complexes.

Sleepiness due to health problems

Some want to sleep because of acceptance certain medicines that have a sedative (calming) effect. These are antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, etc. In this case, it is worth discussing the existing problem with your doctor - perhaps he will advise another drug that causes less drowsiness.

Someone constantly sleepy because of cloudy and rainy weather. This is not surprising: melatonin, the hormone that controls our sleep, ceases to be produced only when exposed to daylight. Also, changes in atmospheric pressure in bad weather provoke a decrease in blood pressure, we get less oxygen and because of this we want to get to bed faster. Meteorological dependence is most clearly observed in hypotensive patients.

Drowsiness can be a sign of serious health problems: brain pathologies, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, etc. Therefore, if you cannot explain the causes of fatigue and drowsiness, you should consult a doctor.

Why else do you want to sleep during the day? Weakness and drowsiness can be reactions to stress or overwork - both physical and mental. If at the very beginning of the influence of a stressful situation on a person, his condition is accompanied by excitability and insomnia, then after prolonged stress the body wants to recover, and the most effective rest is sleep. In this case, it is recommended to sleep more than usual in order to make up for the lack of rest during the day. Depression, which often develops against a background of stress, also poses a danger to your health and sleep. Often depression is mistaken for a bad mood or bad temper, although in fact it is a very serious disorder. If you feel apathy, fatigue and unreasonable anxiety, you should definitely contact a specialist.
Sometimes the feeling of drowsiness is associated with chronic fatigue syndrome - it manifests itself in the form of lethargy, which does not disappear even after a long rest. Chronic fatigue syndrome often leads to significant deterioration in vital signs.

Sleepiness due to stuffiness

Stuff is another reason constant drowsiness. High levels of CO2 in the air reduce alertness, worsen mood and cause fatigue. If the situation is not corrected in any way for a long time, mild discomfort will turn into severe and insomnia. the only way is to let in fresh air from the street. That's just the house you need right - then drowsiness as if by hand will remove. The easiest and most effective way to organize a good microclimate is a system. Getting rid of street noise and supplying fresh, clean air to the apartment will help.

Sleepiness in different people

Let's see who is more prone to drowsiness. Why does a woman always want to sleep? It is believed that in women drowsiness manifests itself more often due to hormonal fluctuations. However, men also often suffer from a breakdown: for example, low level testosterone provokes muscle weakness and impaired attention.

The issue of drowsiness worries many. Sleepiness is especially characteristic of the first trimester. This happens because the body gets used to hormonal changes and switches to a new mode of operation. Also, during gestation, progesterone is produced, which causes drowsiness. Fatigue and malaise will come to naught when the body is completely rebuilt. Also, the occurrence of lethargy can be affected by the emotional background - unrest and anxiety. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is necessary to adhere to a clear sleep schedule and a calm lifestyle.

Preparing for future motherhood, many women are interested in: ? Usually, newborns and children under one year old spend most of their lives sleeping. The sleep pattern of the baby depends on the daily routine in the family, nutrition, the state of the nervous system, but on average, the allowable number of hours of sleep is 18 hours a day for children aged 1-2 months and 11-14 hours for children under one year old. The child spends so much time in a dream because it nervous system and the brain at the time of birth was not fully formed. In a calm state, that is, in a dream, they develop most productively. However, if you notice excessive drowsiness and suspicious symptoms (for example, pallor, lethargy, lack of appetite) in your child, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

By the way, drowsiness in adults and infants can be caused by the same reason. We all know that parents rock their children to sleep. Therefore, there is no need to worry if drowsiness occurs in transport: the desire to sleep is a normal reaction to motion sickness, familiar to all of us from infancy.


Some people complain that they want to sleep almost constantly. Even following a clear daily routine, they still cannot feel truly rested. It is worth talking in more detail about what can cause such a phenomenon and how to deal with it.

Why you want to sleep all the time and weakness - reasons

There are a number of physiological factors. If a person constantly wants to sleep because of them, then there is no direct threat to life and health. To physiological reasons include these:

  1. Bad night sleep. Even if an adult constantly sleeps for at least eight hours, he may feel lethargic. This is due to poor sleep, frequent nightly rises.
  2. Overwork. Why do people sleep a lot and do not get enough sleep? This means that during the day he gets so tired that even the norm of hours of night rest is not enough to recover.
  3. Lack of light and heat. For these reasons, we so want to sleep in winter, early spring, autumn. Outside the window it is constantly cloudy and cold, artificial light is turned on in the room. This prevents the body from distinguishing day from evening, as a result, you want to sleep all the time.
  4. Freezing. With a decrease in body temperature, you really want to sleep.
  5. Pregnancy. This is a completely natural reason. A girl always wants to sleep during pregnancy, because her body is under increased stress.
  6. Reduced atmospheric pressure. This almost always happens when it rains. A person has a decrease arterial pressure so you want to sleep all the time.
  7. Taking sleeping pills and other pills that make you want to sleep.
  8. Recent meal. After a meal, especially a hearty meal, the body spends energy on digestion. Because of this, there is an outflow of blood from the brain, as a result, a person wants to sleep.

Diseases in which there is constant drowsiness

I want to sleep with such problems with the body and pathologies:

  1. stress or depression. In this situation, apathy and a constant desire to fall asleep is a protective psychological reaction of the body in the face of difficulties. Simply put, the brain prefers not to experience problems, but to “switch off”.
  2. infectious diseases, acute or chronic. If a person constantly wants to sleep very much, then the immune system fighting infection or recovering.
  3. Anemia. With anemia, less oxygen enters the tissues and organs than is required for normal operation, so the person tends to sleep.
  4. Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. A person not only has a desire to constantly sleep, but also a headache, a buzzing in the ears.
  5. Idiopathic hypersomnia. Often this explains why young men and women want to sleep during the day. A complex form of the disease is called narcolepsy.
  6. Intoxication. If a person abuses any alcohol, even beer, smokes, then he is guaranteed to have sleep disturbances. Narcotic substances cause a lack of oxygen in the brain, which makes you want to sleep.
  7. Avitaminosis. If you want to sleep, then this is a symptom of a lack of vitamins.

Sleepiness can be caused by diseases internal organs that cause depression of the central nervous system:

  • heart failure;
  • encephalopathy;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • neuroinfections;
  • dehydration;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • hypocorticism;
  • diabetes.

What to do if you want to sleep

There are a few effective ways cheer up:

  1. Cold water. Spray your face and neck to stop feeling sleepy.
  2. Coffee. Brew a strong drink and drink hot. Coffee will replenish energy reserves.
  3. Green or black tea. These drinks invigorate no worse than the previous one, so if you are constantly very sleepy, drink them more often.
  4. Traffic. Just walk around the room, do exercises, at best, briefly go outside or onto the balcony.
  5. Airing. Let fresh air into the room you are in. Open a window or vent.
  6. Change of activity. If you fall asleep at work that requires you to be attentive and understand the details, take a break for a while, do something dynamic, for example, look at your vacation photos.
  7. Ration. Eat vegetables, fruits. Prepare light meals, do not overeat.
  8. Cold. Apply ice cubes to forehead, eyelids, temples.
  9. Citrus. Carry out aromatherapy with the oils of these plants, their smell is very invigorating. If this is not possible, add a slice of lemon to the tea.

Folk recipes

Try to prepare and take these remedies:

  1. Chop a glass of walnuts. Pass one lemon through a meat grinder with a peel. Mix these ingredients with 200 ml of honey. Eat a tablespoon of the mixture three times a day.
  2. 1 tsp pharmacy chamomile pour a glass of homemade milk. Bring to a boil, boil over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Cool, add 10 grams of honey, drink 30 minutes before going to bed.
  3. 5 grams of Icelandic moss, pour 200 ml of water, boil for five minutes, cool. Drink 30 ml at a time throughout the day. By evening, the glass should be empty.

The alarm clock has become the worst enemy, it is impossible to swing in the morning. You come to work with a heavy head, yawning desperately. It is hardly possible to collect oneself drop by drop for dinner, but the working enthusiasm does not increase, because soon one wants to fall back on the sofa again. And after the holidays, this state only intensified - at least climb into the lair to suck your paw.

According to Professor Mikhail Vinogradov, a whole range of reasons makes us fall into hibernation - from oxygen starvation to beriberi and seasonal depression.

More oxygen for sleepy people!

Cold winter air is thinner, it contains less oxygen than our body needs to be active. The blood becomes thicker, the blood flow is slower, the load on the heart and blood vessels increases. Hence fatigue, headaches caused by vasospasm, yawning (by the way, it is hallmark tissue hypoxia).

What to do?

Go to bed only in loose-fitting linen or cotton clothing, and avoid sweating at night.

And to train yourself to get up normally in the morning, use the "rule of 10 minutes." It's very simple: set your alarm clock 10 minutes earlier every day. As a result, in a week you will be able to get up an hour earlier without straining your body.

Come out of suspended animation

In winter, our body, in step with all nature, falls into light suspended animation - the metabolism slows down, work begins in an energy-saving mode. And drowsiness in this sense is a natural seasonal protective reaction. But after all, life makes us spin in the usual frantic rhythm without any allowance for our close relationship with the rest of the animal world! There is no point in waiting for favors from nature, you have to deceive her.

What to do?

In winter, we lack ultraviolet radiation. And with it vitamin D. So we lean on its natural sources - at least three times a week we cook dishes with fatty fish (herring, mackerel, tuna, salmon), cod liver, do not deny ourselves a piece of butter at breakfast ( rumors about bad cholesterol in it are greatly exaggerated).

If possible, visit the solarium once a week. But in winter mode - no longer than 5-10 minutes per session.

Citrus acids perfectly stimulate the body and, as it were, return it to summer. Make it a rule to eat half a grapefruit, an orange, or a couple of tangerines every morning. Make refreshing face and body masks with lemon juice.

Enhance metabolism and spices, especially basil, marjoram, cumin, cinnamon, green pepper.

At night it is good to take sedatives, soothing herbal preparations- valerian, motherwort, peony, lemon balm, and in the morning stimulants - Chinese magnolia vine, ginseng, eleutherococcus.

Watch the pressure - in the morning it can be lowered. Therefore, it is better to replace morning coffee with strong and sweet black tea. The tannins contained in it will give energy for a longer time than caffeine. To stimulate brain activity, you can add a couple of glycine tablets.

And plan the most responsible and demanding work for the middle of the day - from 12 to 15 hours.

BTW: And what else makes you sleepy?

Sometimes increased drowsiness can be one of the signs of a variety of problems with the body. For example, it often accompanies:

  • asthenic depression,
  • chronic liver disease,
  • bronchopulmonary problems
  • heart failure.


90% of people in the winter suffer from increased sleepiness. Moreover, men endure this condition more severely, while women have higher adaptive abilities of the body.