Black paraffin for warming up the name. Peculiarities of carrying out and prescribing the procedure of ozokerite treatment

In contact with


Heat treatment (thermotherapy) - application with medicinal purposes heated bodies, called coolants. Heating of fabric happens at direct contact to the heat carrier.

Heat therapy is one of the oldest and most common methods of physiotherapy. Previously used and currently used a large number of various coolants offered by both folk and official medicine.

Thermal effects cause a change in metabolism. With an increase in tissue temperature by 1 °, the intensity of metabolic processes in it increases by approximately 10%. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is enough to increase the temperature of the tissue by 4-5 °, but the heating should be long enough, and the heat flow should be uniform and stable. In this regard, the coolant must have certain physical properties, due to which such heating is provided.

We remind you of the following main effects of heat: antispastic, analgesic, intensifying blood and lymph circulation and tissue metabolism. The resolving and regenerative effect of heat is associated with the latter effect, in particular in inflammatory processes.

The main indications for thermotherapy procedures:

  • Inflammatory processes (without suppuration) in the resolution stage
  • Degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Diseases and injuries of the peripheral nervous system.
  • Consequences of injuries for the purpose of pain relief (bruises, sprains).
  • Hypermotor dyskinesias internal organs.
  • Spastic muscle contractures (before therapeutic exercises).

The main contraindications for thermotherapy

  • Acute and subacute stages inflammatory process, purulent inflammation, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Violation of thermal sensitivity of the skin.

Therapeutic use of paraffin and ozocerite

Paraffin(parumaffinis - inactive, lat.) - a mixture of solid high-molecular hydrocarbons of the methane series, has a microcrystalline structure. Paraffin is received by special processing of some grades of oil. Depending on the degree of purification of paraffin, the content of petroleum oils in it, highly purified, purified and unrefined varieties are distinguished. In physiotherapy, highly purified and purified paraffins are used, which are a mass of white color.

Melting temperature different varieties paraffin varies widely. In medicine, high-melting paraffins are used, the melting point of which is 52-55 ° C.

Paraffin has a high heat capacity, very low thermal conductivity and is practically devoid of convection. AT therapeutic effect of particular importance is the latent heat of fusion - the amount of heat spent on the transfer of paraffin from a solid to a liquid state. During the reverse transition from a liquid to a solid state, the latent heat of solidification is released, equal to the latent heat of fusion. During this transition, the temperature of the paraffin mass used for application remains constant, which ensures a stable heat flux for quite a long time. medical procedure its temperature is brought to 95 ° C. For this, a special paraffin heater with electric heating is used, which works on the principle of a water bath.

The following paraffin treatments are used

Cuvette-application method: an enameled cuvette is used, the size of which corresponds to the area of ​​paraffin overlay. Melted paraffin is poured into a cuvette lined with medical oilcloth in a layer 1-2 cm thick. Frozen but still soft paraffin is removed from the cuvette along with oilcloth, applied to the area of ​​the body to be treated, and covered with a padded jacket or blanket. This method is the simplest in terms of technique, execution, and can be used at home. The cuvette can be transferred to the ward and the procedure can be carried out outside the heat treatment room.

Napkin-application method: molten paraffin is applied to the surface of the skin with a brush to a layer thickness of 0.5 cm. A napkin made from 8-10 layers of gauze and soaked in molten paraffin is applied to this layer. The napkin is covered with oilcloth, then with a padded jacket or blanket.

Layering method: melted paraffin is applied to the surface of the skin with a brush to a layer thickness of 1-2 cm, covered with oilcloth, then with a padded jacket or blanket.

Paraffin bath method: are used to influence the hand or foot, which are covered with paraffin by layering. Then the hand or foot is immersed in molten paraffin, heated to 60-65 °, which is filled with a special bath or oilcloth bag.

During paraffin treatment, it is necessary to ensure that the skin affected by paraffin is absolutely dry in order to avoid burns. Hair should be shaved or the corresponding area of ​​​​skin should be smeared with petroleum jelly so that they do not stick to the cooled paraffin.

When melting, the mass of paraffin increases in volume by 10-15%. During hardening, the volume of paraffin decreases accordingly. In the case of using a circular application of paraffin, tissue compression is significant. During compression, a greater amount of heat is transferred, at the same time, this heat is transferred to a lesser extent by the blood to other organs and tissues. "The same paraffin can be used for heat treatment several times. Before reuse, the paraffin is sterilized by heating it to 110 °. Then the heating is stopped.

Reducing the paraffin temperature to 100° under normal room conditions takes time sufficient for its sterilization. To preserve the elastic properties of the reused paraffin, 15-20% fresh paraffin should be added to it. This procedure can be repeated 3-4 times. After that, the paraffin loses its elasticity, crumbles when cooled and is not subject to further use.


Ozokerite(ozo-smell, heros-wax, Greek), "smelling of wax", mountain wax. It is a product of petroleum origin, consisting mainly of a mixture of solid high-melting hydrocarbons of the paraffin series with an admixture of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons of the same series. Ozokerite is a natural rock. Its various deposits differ in chemical composition, different in color: light green, yellow, brown, black. With prolonged storage in air, ozocerite darkens.

Ozokerite is obtained by evaporating the rock in boilers or extracting it with organic compounds. Next Produce a partial distillation of mineral oils, completely free it from water and mechanical impurities. After processing, ozokerite looks like beeswax.

The melting point of ozokerite is from 52 to 68 °. Its heat capacity is higher, and the thermal conductivity is lower than that of paraffin. The heat-retaining capacity is much greater than that of paraffin, heat convection is practically absent.

The therapeutic effect of ozokerite is associated not only with its characteristics as a coolant, but also with the presence of biologically active substances in its composition. active substances penetrating through intact skin. They have an acetylcholine-like effect, increasing the tone of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. There is evidence of more active regeneration peripheral nerves with their diseases and injuries in the treatment with ozocerite compared with paraffin. The presence of folliculin-like substances in ozokerite is mentioned, and therefore it is recommended to use it in the treatment of female infertility associated with underdevelopment of the ovaries.

Heat carriers are used mainly in the form of local effects - applications. The procedure is dosed according to the temperature of the coolant and the duration of exposure (30 - 60 minutes). Procedures are carried out daily or every other day, in an amount of 12 to 20 per course of treatment.

Physiotherapy procedures include warming up with the help of various natural materials. One of the best options for this is ozokerite - the use of this substance at home is as effective as when attending sessions in a hospital. The use of "mountain wax" does not require special skills, only a few devices are needed.

What is needed for the treatment of ozokerite at home?

Before the direct execution of the procedures, it is necessary to prepare the following items:

  • large wide saucepan;
  • chemical thermometer;
  • wooden stick;
  • a pot with a smaller diameter that is not used in cooking;
  • gauze;
  • "waffle" towels or similar fabric;
  • medical oilcloth;
  • cotton wool;
  • warm thick blanket;
  • wax paper
  • metal cuvettes.

In the pharmacy, you should purchase cosmetic ozokerite and paraffin. Also on sale are ready mixes these materials. It is important that the ratio of ingredients is the same.

Indications for applications and compresses of ozocerite

The main effect of the procedures under consideration is thermal. But "mountain wax" additionally has a lymphatic drainage effect. This is due to the fact that ozokerite shrinks during drying, providing a kind of massage of the skin. In addition, this substance, being an oil product, is rich in valuable micro and macro elements, resins and oils. Upon contact with the skin, these compounds are absorbed into the bloodstream and produce a favorable systemic effect on the activity of internal organs and systems.

Most often, the use of ozocerite at home is carried out when coughing and chronic diseases respiratory tract.

Other indications:

  • dermatological diseases;
  • chronic pathologies of the joints;
  • postoperative scars from seams;
  • hepatitis;
  • neuritis;
  • chronic pneumonia;
  • gastritis;
  • consequences of injuries and injuries musculoskeletal system;
  • cholecystitis;
  • diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • chronic inflammation internal organs;
  • pathology of the urinary system;
  • violations of metabolic processes;
  • diseases of large and small vessels of the extremities;
  • injury spinal cord;
  • ulcers (stomach, duodenal ulcer);
  • spine diseases;
  • secondary infertility.

Also, the use of "mountain wax" stimulates regenerative processes in the skin, blood circulation, and contributes to the normalization of its tone. Therefore, ozokerite is often used for cosmetic purposes. Procedures with its use make the skin smoother and more elastic, allow you to stop irritation, avoid dryness and peeling.

Instructions for the use of ozokerite and paraffin at home

There are 3 main ways to carry out thermal procedures with "mountain wax", but before considering them, you need to properly prepare the raw materials.

Mix recipe


  • paraffin - 300 g;
  • ozokerite - 300 g;
  • water - 2-3 liters.

Preparation and application

Pour water into the largest saucepan and put on the stove, bring to a boil. Break the ozocerite and paraffin into pieces, in a ratio of 1: 1 put them in a smaller saucepan. The number of components can be changed depending on the size of the treated areas. Build a “bath” from pots by placing one inside the other. Melt the raw materials, periodically stirring the mixture with a stick.

When the ozokerite for the procedures is ready, you can start warming up.

Method 1 - compress:

  1. Fold gauze in 6-8 layers, sew the edges.
  2. Lower the resulting cut into a saucepan, soak with an ozocerite mixture, wring it out and put it on an oilcloth to cool.
  3. Make another gauze pad a little smaller than the first. Also soak it with ozocerite and squeeze it out.
  4. Measure the temperature of the first cut. If it has reached 45-50 degrees, apply a compress to the damaged area.
  5. The temperature of the second pad should be about 60-70 degrees, it is applied over the first piece of gauze.

Cover the compress with wax paper, a sheet and a warm blanket. Remove after 40-60 minutes.

Method 2 - napkin:

  1. Soak a waffle towel with ozocerite.
  2. Wring out the fabric, let it cool on oilcloth to 37 degrees.
  3. Place a towel over the area to be treated.

The duration of warming up and the further procedure is the same as when using a compress.

Method 3 - application:

Wrap the application as described in the previous paragraphs. The duration of the procedure is 40-60 minutes.

The course of therapy with ozokerite is 10-25 sessions, which must be carried out 1 time in 2 days.

Ozokerite is a new, little-known word that has become popular due to the procedure of ozokerite therapy. However, if you understand, then there is nothing incomprehensible in it, it is a completely natural natural component, paraffin, which can be successfully used for medical purposes.

Paraffin ozocerite

This is the name of mountain wax, a completely normal natural component from the oil group. It is customary to attribute it conditionally to minerals, although it is a mixture of saturated, high-molecular hydrocarbons, paraffin. Reminiscent of beeswax, the smell is similar to kerosene.

Pharmacies sell it in small blocks, which are heated in a water bath before use. Ozokerite applications are common in medical procedures. The therapeutic effect is due to the high content of biologically active substances that penetrate through the pores of the skin. Chemical compounds of paraffin activate damaged tissues, organs and systems. Ozokerite applications, if they are carried out under the supervision of a doctor, have no age restrictions.

What is included?

Ozokerite contains biologically active ingredients, in the following concentrations:

  • ceresin - from 65 to 80% of the total volume;
  • paraffin - from 3 to 7% of the total volume;
  • mineral oils - from 1 to 3% of the total volume;
  • petroleum resins - from 8 to 10% of the total volume of the substance;
  • asphaltenes - from 0.6 to 5% of the total volume of the entire mass;
  • mechanical impurities - from 3 to 9%.

The composition of the described substance also includes: sodium, sulfur, iron, nitrogen and potassium. Their specific concentration in comparison with the total volume of other constituent components is insignificant.

Where and how is it obtained?

Paraffin is mined in the northern hemisphere, the most famous deposits are in Northumberland, Scotland, Wales, Cheleken Island and Utah, in the USA. Deposits of the element under consideration can be found on both sides of the Carpathian mountain range. The main places of its extraction are the Galician cities of Starunya, Borislav and Dzvinyach. There is also a mining company in Belarus, a plant in the city of Svisloch.

In Ukraine, ozokerite is mined manually, in mines in Galicia, where only movement and lifting to the surface are mechanized. In the development of standard shafts and adits, methods of deep rock drilling are used. Then the workers separate the paraffin rock from the rock.

It is impossible to get ozocerite in its pure form right away - a mixture of rocks and wax is boiled in boilers until the paraffin floats to the surface. For perfect purification from impurities, the rock is boiled again. The finished, molten product is poured into cubic molds, cooled and sold. Raw rock is subject to cleaning with charcoal and sulfuric acid. Ozokerite of the highest purity is called ceresin.

Application of ozokerite

The use of mountain wax is common in two areas: cosmetology and medicine, less often in industry.

In cosmetology

Paraffins are widely used in cosmetology. So ozocerite applications speed up metabolic processes subcutaneous tissue through biological active compounds ozocerite. The latter is used as an integral component for the preparation of creams and ointments for the care of the skin of the face, hands, body.

In addition to accelerating the regenerative abilities of the epithelium, the remedy improves immune defense indicators, protecting against inflammation and skin manifestations.

In medicine

For medical purposes, ozokerite is a very valuable remedy, which is the basis of one of the methods of therapy - ozokerite therapy.

High specific melting point, low thermal conductivity, allow the use of paraffin in several medical directions. Ozokeritotherapy received the greatest popularity in the treatment of:

dystrophic and nervous diseases musculoskeletal system:

  • arthritis,
  • arthrosis,
  • myositis,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • consequences of injury.
  • radiculitis
  • neuritis;

inflammatory processes of the acute phase of development:

  • in dermatology:
    • ulcerative lesions;
    • furunculosis;
    • bedsores;
  • in the genitourinary system:
    • cystitis;
    • pyelonephritis;
    • prostatitis;
    • urethritis;
  • in the gastrointestinal tract:
    • cholecystitis;
    • gastritis;
    • gastroenteritis;
  • in the respiratory organs;
  • in the male and female genital areas.

It has been proven that ozokerite therapy is more effective than other methods of paraffin therapy.

Home treatment with ozokerite

Mountain wax is widely used for the prevention and treatment of diseases on their own. This is explained by the simplicity and safety of the procedure (subject to the advice given in the instructions).

How to heat up ozocerite at home?

The home method of heating the substance is as follows:

  1. The right amount of wax is placed in a bowl. Depending on the site of application and the age of the patient, this can be from 100 grams (in a glass jar) to a kilogram (in a saucepan).
  2. A second pan (deep basin) of a larger diameter is installed on a gas (electric, induction) stove. At the bottom, it is desirable to place a small heat-resistant object of a cubic shape: a piece of brick, a wooden block, a matchbox filled with pebbles or sand.
  3. A jar with pieces of ozocerite is placed on the footboard. The design is carefully filled with water to the level of paraffin. It is necessary to ensure that water does not get into the vessel in mountain wax, so the jar is covered with a lid before that.
  4. Adjust the heat of the stove to a minimum, remove the lid. The process has begun.
  5. When the paraffin starts to melt, start stirring. The thinner the mass, the more often.
  6. After complete melting to a homogeneous substance, the substance is cooled to a temperature of 55 ° C, it can be used.

How to use at home?

The method of using ozocerite does not differ from other paraffin procedures:

  1. The skin, at the site of waxing, is preliminarily lubricated with petroleum jelly to protect yourself from burns.
  2. Melted to the desired temperature (55°C) paraffin is applied to the area of ​​the skin in which treatment is required.
  3. Subsequent layers of the substance are applied heated to a temperature of 60 to 80 degrees. (Sometimes it is necessary to heat the composition to a temperature of 90 ° C.)
  4. The layer of the applied substance is made up to two millimeters thick.
  5. A heater is applied over the applied layers: a warm scarf, cotton wool in gauze, a blanket. The goal is to keep warm as long as possible.

Means and methods of treatment

There are such means and methods of treatment with ozokerite:

Baths with ozocerite. Bath therapy is used to treat diseases of the joints of the limbs and diseases of the skin of the hands, feet and the whole body. Fifty-five degree ozocerite is thickly lined with the bottom of the tank, where limbs are lowered for heating. Then more is added, but already in a molten form (temperature up to 75 ° C). Legs with a basin are wrapped in a blanket. If there are no medical instructions, then the bath is taken until the legs no longer feel the heat from it. The procedure with the hands is identical to the foot.

Compresses with ozocerite. A gauze layer is impregnated with a pre-melted substance, the compress is squeezed out and laid out on an oilcloth. Layers of gauze at least eight. After they are cooled to a temperature of approximately 45 ° C, lay them out on a sore spot. From above, the compress is insulated with a blanket or scarf.

Cakes of their ozocerite. The method is used very widely. Waxed paper or oilcloth is placed at the bottom of the container, molten ozocerite is poured on top. After reaching a temperature of approximately 80 degrees, the material is removed, it must be applied to the surface of the skin and insulated. After the operation is completed, the substance is removed with cotton wool or tampons.

Contraindications and side effects

You can not use paraffin in the initial, acute stages of the development of the disease. During pregnancy. In chronic and in the period of exacerbation, carefully and under medical supervision.

Ozokerite is contraindicated for tumor lesions of any stage and formation, for stomach and intestinal ulcers, for pathologies of the heart and pancreas, tuberculosis, stones in the bladder and kidneys. In all cases where there is or is likely to be bleeding.

It is forbidden to treat with mountain wax for diabetes and epilepsy, diseases with inflammatory manifestations on the skin and pyogenic foci.

The main side effect of ozocerite is skin irritation at the site of application, allergic reactions, local redness. There may be particularly severe side effects in the form of nausea, insomnia, or worsening general condition.

Ozokerite for children

The procedure for making homemade ozokerite for children is simple, and parents should not have any questions. A mixture of paraffin and ozocerite in equal proportions is laid out in a metal container and melted in a water bath. When the paraffin becomes liquid, an oilcloth or cellophane is placed on a baking sheet, onto which the molten substance is poured. A layer up to one and a half millimeters thick is being prepared. After paraffin hardening, the necessary part of ozokerite is separated from it with a knife.

The procedure lasts no more than a quarter of an hour. Another warm substance is applied to the skin of the child in sore spots, cellophane or a blanket is placed on top. Such heating procedures, in order to obtain the desired effect, must be carried out up to ten, during one course of treatment.


Restrictions for children are:

  • pustular rash on the skin;
  • allergic reaction to ozocerite;
  • irritation of the upper epidermal layer;
  • child intolerance to the components of the drug.

In all other situations, you can use the tool without any restrictions.

Features of use

When a physiotherapy procedure is carried out with a small child, there are always a number of observations that parents should follow:

  • do not heat ozokerite to temperatures in excess of the permissible for a particular procedure;
  • Raising the temperature of the raw material must be performed sequentially, with little difference between the layers;
  • observe the time frame for children, in no case overdo it on the skin;
  • comply with all prescriptions of the attending physician.

How to cook ozocerite for a child at home

The child is preparing a remedy in the following way: up to one hundred grams of the substance is placed in a steel dish, standing on a slow fire. Do not add any components to the container and wait until the required melting temperature is reached. Then, the composition is removed from the heat and gradually cooled to the temperature of readiness. You can gradually increase the temperature of the mixture by adding new portions of the substance.

Ozokerite boots

Paraffin boots are available for children with infancy- one of the earliest children's procedures. If the newborn has muscle hypertonicity, then after the first month, it is already possible to treat the legs. For older children, boots can replace foot baths or mustard powder in socks. For an already running baby, ozocerite boots will help get rid of injured leg joints.

After warming up and preparing the ozocerite (in the form of sheets), they wrap the child's legs: the sheet is placed under the leg, at a level just below the knee, and wrapped on the front. After the end of the procedure, a boot should form from the toes to the knee.

On top of the ozokerite boots, cellophane, a cropped stocking for fixation and insulation (a blanket, woolen socks for adults, a diaper) are applied.


Positive influence

The property of the material to retain temperature is manifested in the ability of heat to penetrate deep into the tissues of the body, warming up the joints. This relieves inflammation, eliminates the effects of spasms, regenerates tissues and cells of the body. Joints can be treated completely safely up to a temperature of 70°C.

The positive effect of ozokeritotherapy occurs in three areas:

  1. Chemical. The composition of the mineral element contains inorganic and organic substances, which, after penetrating the skin, irritate the receptors and cause a persistent warming effect.
  2. Thermal. Thermal exposure improves blood circulation, increases the nutrition of tissues and internal organs.
  3. Mechanical. Gradually, very slowly, shrinking as it cools, the paraffin massages the surface of the body - an effect unattainable with other types of massage.


Procedures in ozokeritotherapy are used as follows:

  1. Gauze napkins. A piece of gauze folded several times is wetted in ozocerite and squeezed out. After cooling down to 55°C, the gauze pad is placed on the sore spot. Each subsequent napkin is higher in temperature than the previous one.
  2. Cuvette method. Liquid paraffin is poured into a special form, while it cools, the body is lubricated with oil. The formed cake is superimposed on the body and covered with a warm blanket.
  3. layering method. Semi-liquid paraffin (60-65°C) is applied to the skin, previously treated with petroleum jelly. Then, after cooling, a new layer is applied on top. Each new layer is higher in temperature than the previous one, but not more than 90°C.
  4. baths. With their help, limbs are treated by placing the last container with preheated wax. Gradual additions bring the temperature to the maximum. Wrap in a warm cloth and leave for an hour.

Statistical study

After ozokeritotherapy, significant improvements were observed in 39 patients out of forty examined. 26 patients were treated with ozokerite applications. The temperature of the taken substance was maintained at the level of 45-50°C, the time was one hour. The course of therapy is from 15 to 20 procedures.

The use of ozokerite and paraffin at home is easy to carry out. Procedures must be performed carefully and only after consulting a doctor, so as not to cause serious complications instead of a healing effect.

What is ozokerite and its properties

Ozokerite is a natural mineral substance that is formed among rocks as a result of evaporation from oil veins. This substance is mined on the territory of Ukraine, Romania, Poland and England. This substance may be solid or waxy, dark brown in color, sometimes with green streaks. The substance has a specific smell, reminiscent of kerosene, and is highly soluble in water and kerosene. Mineral wax is almost 90% hydrocarbons. Ozokerite has a high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity. This natural substance retains heat for a long time and slowly releases it.

In medicine, purified ozokerite is used, which does not contain harmful impurities. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or ordered online. Outwardly, it is very similar to paraffin, sold in small blocks. Special skills for using this substance at home are not required.

Ozokerite at home is used for muscle pain, vasospasm. Applications with ozocerite help to get rid of pain, improve blood circulation. Vessels under the influence of this substance expand, blood flow to the affected area is activated, damaged tissues are quickly restored.

Ozokerite treatment at home improves the condition of problem joints, restoring their motor activity. This procedure has an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic effect on the muscles. Ozokerite treatment is often prescribed for osteochondrosis, radiculitis, arthritis, arthrosis, myositis. Procedures are prescribed for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, gastrointestinal tract, as well as skin diseases and in gynecology.

Preparation of funds

Before using ozocerite, it must be melted. To do this, you need to prepare 2 pans: one with a smaller diameter, not used for cooking, the second - any, but with a larger diameter. Ozokerite and paraffin are placed in a smaller dry container in a ratio of 1: 1. Fill a large saucepan halfway with water, put it on the fire and bring the water to a boil.

A small container is placed in a large one, covered with a lid and a mixture of ozocerite and paraffin is melted over low heat in a water bath. Heating must be carried out carefully so that water does not get into the smaller pan. The molten mass is placed on a prepared medical oilcloth, after 20 minutes a kind of frozen cake is formed, which is applied to the sore spot. After the procedure, the therapeutic mass can be stored in a container in which it was melted.

Methods of application of ozocerite

With the help of ozokerite, after a course of treatment, the symptoms of the disease disappear. The remedy is used in several forms:

  • compress;
  • applications;
  • baths.

In order to treat joints with ozokerite therapy using compresses, gauze, previously folded in 8 layers, is moistened in a melted mixture, cooled to + 50 ° C and applied to the problem area. The second gauze pad is also moistened, but its temperature should be + 70 ... + 80 ° C, it is placed on the first bandage. From above, the patient is covered with oilcloth and a blanket so that the thermal effect lasts longer, and the diseased joints warm up well.

So you can use ozocerite when cervical osteochondrosis, use it in the treatment of the spine. The remedy can be applied to the legs and to the area of ​​​​the hands. This substance is also used in surgery and traumatology after surgery. The procedure is effective for fractures of limbs and spinal injuries. Heat, acting on problem areas, improves blood circulation and nutrition of diseased tissues.

To apply applications, you can use special containers that are covered with wax paper. The size of the container will depend on which surface the cake is to be applied to. The melted solution is poured into the prepared container, cooled to + 50 ° C and the finished cake is taken out. The application is applied to the problem area, a warm bandage is applied on top of the paper.

Can be applied with a brush in several layers of ozocerite on knee-joint for the treatment of gonarthrosis, on the arm area to cure osteoarthritis. Paraffin therapy in the form of an application is useful for children with injuries, increased muscle tone or a cold. In adults, ozokerite is often used for arthrosis of the knee joint.

Ozokerite and paraffin baths can be done for the legs and hands. With the help of a brush, the problematic limbs are lubricated with wax, and then they are immersed in a container with a prepared healing solution. The procedure lasts 1 hour. The remnants of the product are removed from the skin with petroleum jelly, and the patient is advised to rest after the session in order to increase the therapeutic effect.

Contraindications for the use of ozocerite

Like any remedy, ozokerite has contraindications:

  • do not use when acute stage diseases;
  • procedures cannot be carried out inflammatory diseases skin, the presence of bleeding and with a predisposition to them;
  • a contraindication is the presence of peptic ulcers, heart disease, diseases of the liver and pancreas, the presence of tumors;
  • It is not recommended to use ozokerite for women during pregnancy.

Features of using ozocerite

Before applying the lozenge to the problematic part of the body, it is necessary to measure its temperature. The cake is covered with oilcloth, and a warm scarf or scarf is placed on top.

According to the instructions, the patient should be in the supine position. After the procedure, the cake is removed, and the skin is wiped with a napkin.

Before a new treatment session, a small amount of new ozocerite can be added to the melted mixture to the paraffin. Only 1 person can use the same cake, family members can prepare a separate mixture for themselves. You can not re-apply ozokerite, which was applied to the purulent focus.

The average duration of the procedure is 40 minutes, they are carried out every day or every other day. A full course of physiotherapy can last from 15 to 20 procedures, depending on the disease. Strict implementation of the instructions for use makes the procedure available for use at home.

Ozokerite is a natural material belonging to the group of petroleum bitumen. It is a mineral wax and is used for medical purposes in a dehydrated form. It is used in melted form as a warming, activating metabolic processes and anti-inflammatory agent.

General indications

Ozokeritotherapy is appropriate if the patient has the following health problems:

  • associated with neurology - traumatic damage to the elements of the nervous system, neurological diseases(neuritis, sciatica, neuralgia, consequences of a stroke);
  • dermatological diseases of a non-infectious nature, without purulent discharge;
  • ailments of the musculoskeletal system, in particular joints (osteochondrosis of the cervical, lumbar and other parts, bursitis, arthritis and arthrosis, tendovaginitis, gonarthrosis, spinal hernia), complex therapy flat-valgus foot, heel spurs, as well as elimination of the consequences of injuries;
  • diseases digestive system- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, ulcerative lesions, intestinal dystonia, obstruction of the biliary tract, chronic hepatitis;
  • urological problems - inflammation of the bladder, urinary tract, stones in bladder etc.;
  • recovery period after operations on the elements of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract, inflammation (bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, etc.), cough.

Appointments for children

  • complex therapy of children's cerebral palsy;
  • incorrect setting of the feet, flat feet due to birth injuries;
  • spastic muscle paresis in infants;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • torticollis.

Often performed in combination with massage and electrophoresis.

Diseases of the genital organs

The use of ozokeritotherapy is relevant for diseases:

  • inflammation of the uterus and ovaries;
  • infertility;
  • inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum;
  • uterine myoma;
  • prostatitis;
  • sexual weakness in men, decreased libido in women;
  • dysmenorrhea.

Methods of application for medicinal purposes

Instructions for use implies primary training material. The substance is sold in pharmacies in the form of black candles, which must be melted in a water bath to a liquid form, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. AT medical institutions for heating use special equipment. It is forbidden to melt the substance in the microwave because of its easy flammability. Further, the melted mass in the required dose is used relative to the selected method.

  1. Compresses. For a warming compress, a wide bandage or piece of gauze is folded into 8 layers and the resulting pad is dipped into the melted ozocerite mass. Squeeze out the excess, wait for it to cool to a comfortable temperature and apply it to the affected area. From above, a second similar pad is applied, but with a temperature higher - about 70 degrees, it should not touch the skin, but only the previous layer of gauze. From above, everything is wrapped with waxed paper and insulated.
  2. flat cakes. The melted mass is poured into a thin layer (up to 1.5 centimeters) on baking sheets covered with waxed paper. When cooling to a temperature of 45-50 degrees, the mass partially solidifies. From it you will need to cut a piece of the desired size for the application. The layer is carefully separated and applied to the required area of ​​the body, covered from above with a piece of polyethylene or a cotton-gauze bandage a couple of centimeters larger than the piece of ozocerite itself. At this method exposure temperature is lower.
  3. paraffin boots. Paraffin treatment for foot problems in newborns and children is usually implemented in this way. The preparation of ozocerite is carried out in a standard way; two identical pieces of the mass are required, sufficient in size to wrap the child's legs from fingertips to knees. Upon reaching a comfortable temperature of the formation, it is first applied to the back surface of the lower leg, after which the free ends are bent to the front of the leg and foot. A kind of boot is formed on the legs, which is fixed with polyethylene and elastic warm socks on top.
  4. Baths. The method involves immersing hands or feet in a bath with a melted substance for a certain period of time.

The course, regardless of the specific method, usually consists of 12 procedures performed daily with a break after every two procedures for a day. If necessary, therapy is repeated after 3-4 months.

The use of ozokerite in cosmetology

In cosmetology, mountain wax is used as part of procedures to improve skin condition, treat dermatological problems, and increase the efficiency of other cosmetics. The benefits of procedures with ozocerite are revealed in the following areas:

  • increasing the tone and improving the general condition of the skin for the aging and devoid of moisture of the dermis, the fight against wrinkles;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • complex effect on the problem of cellulite.

Cosmetic paraffin is used for procedures - it is mixed with petroleum jelly and other additional components. It is applied in different ways:

  • layered with a brush on the face and chin in a melted form, where each subsequent layer has a higher temperature than the previous one. It is used to warm tissues and improve their nutrition;
  • apply warm compresses;
  • carry out heat treatment with ozocerite cakes, making wraps with them;
  • foot baths.

At home, it is better to use the cake method, applying them in the form of a mask to the skin, as the safest of all those listed.

Side effects

Numerous reviews about the effectiveness and safety of the technique do not guarantee the absence of harm to ozokerite therapy. Side effects usually occurs in patients with hypersensitivity to a substance that requires discontinuation of treatment. A local skin reaction may form in the form of irritation, itching, rash, as well as a short-term violation of the functional state of the internal organs.

The possibility of burns is not excluded - mountain wax is applied in melted form, and it is important to strictly observe the temperature regime so as not to harm the skin. The greatest chance of a serious burn occurs when using it yourself.

Contraindications to ozokeritotherapy

It is worth refusing to carry out physiotherapy if there are contraindications:

  • allergy to a substance;
  • increased body temperature, fever;
  • a decrease in the pumping function of the heart, due to which there is a deterioration in the blood supply to organs and systems;
  • diseases of the heart muscle in an acute form;
  • high blood pressure;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • the presence of neoplasms (both benign and malignant);
  • reduced blood clotting;
  • chronic ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines;
  • severe liver disease;
  • gangrenous forms of inflammation of the walls of blood vessels;
  • blockage of the veins;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • some gynecological diseases with an increased risk of suppuration;
  • pregnancy.

Chemical composition and properties

By its structure, the product is a mixture of solid saturated hydrocarbons, resinous substances and mineral oils. The composition of mountain wax includes numerous components useful for humans: magnesium, titanium, sodium, sulfur, zinc, mineral oils, petroleum tar, ceresin, etc. The substance has an unlimited shelf life.

Mountain wax treatment is common in physiotherapy due to the properties of a unique substance:

  • low thermal conductivity combined with high heat capacity make it possible to use ozokerite as a raw material for heating in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and circulatory disorders;
  • irritating effect - when applied to the skin, mineral wax stimulates blood circulation processes, improves metabolism in tissues;
  • analgesic property;
  • light compression action that helps relieve swelling;
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • antiseptic effect.

Video about the nuances of physiotherapy

The use of ozokerite at home requires special care due to the peculiarities physical properties material. The video describes a private experience of using mountain wax and how it is conveniently melted and applied.