Map of cool cars in GTA 5 online. Where to find rare cars

It's no secret that the games in the Grand series Theft Auto or GTA, since the very first part, are among the most popular in the world. Millions of people all over the world participate in these games. Each time with the release of a new part of the fans of this series, it became more and more.

Grand Theft Car

No wonder, because the game gave the player the opportunity to be in the shoes of the Great Car Thief - a man who builds his career in the criminal world. In each part of the game, a huge city was available for research, in which, as in real life, people walked, cars drove. In each of the games in the series there was a strong story about the criminal life of the protagonist. It had everything to chain the player to the computer or TV screen and make them worry about the main character. In free from the passage of the main storyline time, the player was given complete freedom of action: car theft, gang wars, chases, shootouts with the police - and all this in one game. Of course, over time, the games changed, became more beautiful, more and more different features were added to them. Now they have become more like a life simulator in which the player can go to the hairdresser and change their hairstyle, buy new clothes, a house, a car, play tennis or golf... But the main charm of the game from the very first part remains, as you can understand from the name

In this article I would like to talk about the fifth, last released part of the game, namely about GTA 5 cars.

Cars in GTA 5

The fifth part of GTA became the champion among computer games. The game has sold over fifty million copies since its release. An impressive number, isn't it? All thanks to the fact that Rockstar Games have created a real masterpiece: an interesting story, a large world worked out to the smallest detail, many secondary missions and entertainment, addictive multiplayer, and most importantly - a lot of beautiful cars, the prototypes of which were real car models. It makes no sense to list them all, so we will only talk about the most interesting, fast and expensive - about supercars.

Supercars in GTA 5

There are a lot of supercars in the game, and the price for them varies from one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to one million nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars. We list some of them:

Coil Voltic - $150,000;

Vapid Bullet - $155,000;

Pegassi Vacca - $240,000;

Pegassi Zentorno - $725,000;

Truffade Adder - $1,000,000;

Pegassi Osiris - $1,950,000.

And this is only a small part of the supercars in the game.

Contrary to the misconception, the most expensive of these cars is not the fastest, but only the third fastest after the Zentorno. The first place is proudly occupied by Adder, which was recently the most expensive car in the game. Still, because its prototype is the Bugatti Veyron.

Where to find "Bugatti" in "GTA 5"

But is it worth spending money earned by hard work in the process of passing a game in which you can steal any car? Of course not. Therefore, I would like to tell you where to find the Bugatti in GTA 5.

The Adder car in GTA 5 is one of the rarest, and it is not so easy to find it, unless, of course, you know where to look. Get in the game for free - a great temptation. Where is the Bugatti in GTA 5? Impatient players are waiting for valuable information.

Before answering the question “where to find the Bugatti in GTA 5”, I would like to remind you that you can get this car for free only in single player mode, since in GTA Online the developers provide a restriction on the class of cars that can be stolen and later sold player. This is done to make money more difficult, encourage players to complete joint tasks and maintain game balance.

So, back to our sheep. Where to find the Bugatti in GTA 5 - this is the question many people ask when they find out that this car exists in the game. You can search for a very long time, driving around the elite areas of Los Santos, and finally find the place where this car periodically appears - the Rockford Hills area, next to one of the shops on Portola Drive. Here it is, "Bugatti Veyron" in "GTA 5".

If you arrived there and did not find the desired car - do not despair, try to return there after a while.

Sooner or later, Adder will definitely appear.

Also, switching to Franklin in a single player game, it is possible to get into a rare scenario where the hero is in a traffic jam next to Adder.

Now you also know where to find the Bugatti in GTA 5. Luck with searching!

AT Grand Theft Auto V more vehicles than any other GTA. But due to the limitations of outdated consoles, you will see no more than three or four models of cars on the streets of Los Santos at any time. They are replaced, as a rule, every few game hours.

Often the cars in the game do not have a permanent parking place, so you can not come and pick up any desired car. If the vehicle you are looking for has not yet been ordered via the Internet, then be prepared to spend hours (and this time real ones) looking for the right model. But when you get the coveted car, the game, as if mocking, puts exactly the same models in all parking lots and streets of the state. However, this mechanic is already familiar to us from past games in the series.

In this section, we will try to save your time and tell you about the most likely ways to get car models if they suddenly disappeared from among those often appearing on the roads. We will not forget about the cars, which can still be found in certain parking lots, as well as aircraft with helicopters.

Karin Sultan

To get this rally sedan, head to the Franklin garage parking lot on . If the Sultan is not here, get out of the car and save the game using your phone. Then load this save from the menu. Keep loading until the Sultan appears. It may take a good ten times to try, but it's still better than wandering around the city.

If you are looking for a car while playing as Franklin, instead of loading you can try going in and out of the garage, but this method is usually less efficient. You can try the same save trick in the parking lot behind the motel:

AT GTA Online meeting the "Sultan" is somewhat easier: follow the prison and inspect the parking lot near the checkpoint. If Sultan is not on it, go to settings and make sure Spawn Location is set to Last Location . Then click Find New Session and keep doing this until you are in the lobby where the car will be parked.

Karin Futo

Sometimes when switching from another character to Franklin, you will find him stuck in traffic. In this case, one of the neighboring cars will almost certainly be Futo. Do not get lost and take it to your collection. You can transfer the car to another hero by making an appointment with him: pick up a friend, get out of the car and take Franklin away. Quickly switch to another character and get back behind the wheel of the Futo. Or, on behalf of Franklin, ride with a friend around the city until you meet another one of the same car model. After that, change the character and immediately get into a new car.

Another way to get "Futo" is a little easier, although it also does not give a 100% guarantee. First go with Franklin to the Vinewood area. The approximate area you should be in is marked with . It's best to stay at the busy intersection of the avenue of stars. Then start the replay of the mission of the random character Beverly Felton "Paparazzo - The Sex Tape" and go through it completely.

The fact is that in this task in the Vinewood area, Futo begins to ride in in large numbers. So when you complete the mission, you will most likely be able to steal one of the cars on the street.

AT GTA Online"Futo" can be found in some car parks in. As in the case of the Sultan, change the lobby until you find a car.

Kortz Center

- a large cultural complex located on the hills in the northwestern part of the city. And parking next to it is a real mecca for fans of expensive sports (and not only) cars. In particular, cars such as Maibatsu Penumbra, Coil Voltic, Vapid Bullet, Pegassi Infernus, Grotti Carbonizzare, Invetero Coquette and some others are often found here.

To update the list of models in the parking lot, just drive a hundred meters from the main entrance and go back. The save and load trick described above also works here.

Truffade Adder, based on the Bugatti Veyron, is rightfully the fastest car in the game. Finding it is quite simple - it is often parked at the entrance to a fashionable shop on. By the way, an interesting fact: in Los Angeles in the same place on Rodeo Drive you can see a real Veyron, it has literally become a symbol of the street. The car belonged to an Iranian fashion designer who died in 2011. Despite this, Veyron can still be found at a boutique founded by the former owner of the car.

If your game characters have extra money, you can order Adder to the garage of any of them at Pleasure will cost one million dollars. The purchase of this car will fly into the same amount and in GTA Online.

Vapid Sandking XL

Do not rush to give 45 thousand for Sandking XL on the car dealership website, the car can always be found on the beach near the pier. In one of the patches Rockstar Games fixed that bug and made the Sandking 4WD, so it's now one of the best off-road cars in the game. Don't forget to drive in and pump up the acceleration so that the jeep has enough power to climb steep slopes.

On the roads of Blaine County, you can find a two-door version of this car with a shortened wheelbase. It's called Vapid Sandking SWB, where SWB stands for Short Wheel Base.

Rat loader

An old and unremarkable-looking pickup truck, the body of which is usually clogged with all sorts of rubbish. Nevertheless, this model is very popular due to the rich set of spare parts for. Usually it can be found in the Alamo Sea area: in the town of Sandy Shores and its environs, less often in Grapeseed. We have marked six possible Rat-Loaders on the map. If the car did not appear at any of the points, it is worth driving away a bit and trying again.

Note that in GTA Online Rockstar along with patch 1.07, banned the Rat-Loader from being parked in the garage and removed the car from those players who kept it. This happened due to the fact that, according to the game classification, the car fell into the category of official vehicles. However, the developers corrected the situation and even provided everyone with a temporary opportunity to get both the Rat-Loader itself and any modifications to it for free, as well as keep the wheelbarrow on a permanent basis. Now the car can be easily purchased for $6,000 on or try to find it in Sandy Shores.

fire truck

Vehicles specially prepared for firefighting are parked near all fire stations in the state. Although working as a firefighter (as opposed to San Andreas) is not allowed, pouring water on pedestrians is still allowed. By the way, some believe that if you douse a dirty car with water from a hose, it will become clean. We tested this situation - the myth was not confirmed. To clean the car, you still have to visit a car wash or a tuning salon.

The easiest way to get a Fire Truck is to call the emergency rescue service 911 and call the fire brigade to your place.

Service car for park rangers and forest rangers, based on the Declasse Granger. Periodically found on country roads and trails in the vicinity of Mount Chiliad, but the easiest way to pick it up is from the parking lotlocated above one of the symbols of the city - the Vinewood sign. Although the gates are not locked, the territory of the station is guarded. Be prepared to meet a little resistance.

Another modification of the Granger, this time intended for lifeguards and beach patrols. A plying car can be seen on the beaches of Vespucci and Del Perro, but almost always a couple of these cars are left near the main observation post, which is located at the pier.

Nagasaki Blazer Lifeguard

Beach lifeguards in San Andreas are held in high esteem, so they were given not only SUVs and jet skis, but also special ATVs. You can meet them throughout everything: they are often parked near the rescue booths or are busy patrolling the territory.


Old and rusty tractor. Rides exactly the same as it looks. In one of the secondary tasks, you could get a copy with a special KIFFLOM1 license plate if you remained completely devoted to the ideas of religious fanatics from the Epsilon cult. An ordinary tractor can be obtained on the east coast of the state: look for it near the farmhouse, which is opposite.

Canis Mesa by Merryweather

Mercenaries of the private military company "Merryweather" ride pumped jeeps, which are significantly different from production models. The ground clearance of this modification is much greater, and the engine torque is higher. The body is surrounded by an external safety cage, and an air intake is laid above the windshield. It is no wonder that the game classification refers the "military" version of "Mesa" to real SUVs in the Off-Road group, while the "civilian" model is only an SUV.

Unfortunately, get this car in gta v You can only during the passage of the story. True, there are several chances - usually, after skirmishes with warriors from Merryweather Security Consulting, you can take their Mesa to your garage. Example: The Wrap Up and Meltdown missions.

AT GTA Online pocketing the off-road version of the Mesa is much easier. Having pumped the character up to level 35, you will be able to call for help or set mercenaries from Merryweather on someone. Taking the Mesa away from them is a matter of technique.

Ubermacht Sentinel XS

XS prefix since the days GTA: Vice City stands for a boosted version of the regular Sentinel. Unlike its younger brother, the Sentinel XS has a hard carbon roof, as well as an individual set of tuning parts. The car is based on the BMW M3 E92. The performance characteristics match the appearance - the Sentinel XS version is much faster than a conventional convertible.

Unfortunately, this is one of those vehicles that has no permanent spawn locations. Here everything depends on luck: it is necessary to catch the moment when Sentintel XS will appear among other vehicles in the road stream. They are commonly seen in the Rockford Hills and Vinewood areas. Judging by our tests, riding a regular Sentinel does not affect the frequency of appearance of the XS model. You can try to save the game at a busy intersection and load until you meet XS, but this method is not guaranteed to work. If you can’t get a car for a long time, leave it for later and keep an eye out - you will find it in time!

Declasse Asea

Declasse Asea is a compact four-door sedan. Unremarkable appearance, reminiscent of the Chevrolet Aveo and Dacia Logan, and the acceleration is not the best. Why are we writing about this car? Because this is one of the rarest cars in the game with a unique body paint that can be ordered from . Maybe, Rockstar decided to play a trick on young guys who usually choose these cars because of the low price and try to turn them into street racing cars. This theory is also supported by a huge rear wing that can be installed on the Asea at LS Customs.

For the whole game you will have only one chance to steal this car. To get it, you must fulfill two conditions: the abandoned Sonar Collections Dock for $250,000 and complete the Blitz Play story mission. If everything is ready, take Michael and go to the pier to meet with. She will offer two side quests - "Death At Sea" and "What Lies Beneath". During the latter, you will have the opportunity to get Declasse Asea.

The parked Asea, in which Mrs. Methers will arrive for the second meeting, you will notice at the beginning of the mission. But the car doors will be closed until the end of the scripted scene. But then, regardless of the outcome of your rendezvous with Abigail, her car will be available in its entirety. You can run up the stairs, overtake your companion or finish her on the way, and drive off on a four-wheeled trophy. Or wait until the widow gets behind the wheel of her sedan, shoot her and assign a wheelbarrow.

police transport

The San Andreas State Police Department also has rare cars at its disposal, which we decided to talk about in more detail. The screenshot shows a collection of some of them in Michael's garage. So let's get started.

Unmarked Cruiser

This car is based on a very common model from the Vapid concern: such cars serve as ordinary police officers, Blaine County Sheriffs and even taxi drivers. A civilian version also exists and is called the Stanier. But now we are interested in cars used by special services. If you haven't finished the walkthrough yet, you can relatively easily collect a complete collection of these cars in a task from a minor character.

After completing the "Three's Company" mission, head to the shop in the Textile City area with Franklin. The contact will be marked with a question mark on the map Green colour(with the Latin letter "B" if you have already met Barry before on behalf of other characters). After a short scripted scene, go about your business and wait for a text message. Soon a new acquaintance will remind you of himself and ask you to help him with the transportation of weed.

Several light green circles will appear on the map. We are only interested in the one that is located in the east of the city in the area. If it is not immediately visible, then first complete those tasks that are available. Upon arrival, drive up to the truck parked at the warehouses. Franklin will call Barry and he will report that the cops are wiping out somewhere nearby.

Do not get into the truck, but explore the nearby territory: and indeed - two outfits are just waiting for the opportunity to tie the "drug dealer" Franklin. We have recorded a short video that shows you where to look for:

If you arrived in a normal car, then the patrol cars will most likely be gray and blue. Steal the one you like and drop the "tail" of the police. To keep the car in the garage, fail the mission by blowing up the truck with the goods or waiting until the allotted time runs out. If you want to get both cars, then start the mission again and do the same.

But that's not all. There are Unmarked Cruiser and other colors. To get them, come to the mission and grab the gray car, get rid of the pursuers and fail the mission. But immediately after that, do not deliver the loot to the garage, but return in the same gray cop car to do the job again. In this case, one or both cars of the cops in the ambush will be black. Please note that black cars are found in two versions: with tinted and regular windows. And if you took the blue car, then, when you return to the mission, you will find a red one in its place:

Thus, having failed the task several times, you can collect a collection of multi-colored special-purpose vehicles. As the name implies, there are no extra identification marks on these patrol cars - only the Police Cruiser inscription on the trunk. Cars are equipped with flashing beacons inside the cabin, and the front bumper is reinforced with a kenguryatnik.

“What if I already completed the story?” - you ask. Don't despair, the multi-colored Unmarked Cruisers are still available, although it's harder to do so.

There are frequent patrols under the Olympic Freeway at night. Head to a small nook between 1:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. If you are lucky, you will immediately meet a black Unmarked Cruiser. But this is a rather rare occurrence: you may have to travel around for several nights. To speed up the process, save near the search site shortly before X-hour, and in the morning reload the save if the night did not bring results.

By the way, in the same place you can meet other rare vehicles of servants of the law: for example, the Bravado Police Cruiser (based on the Buffalo model), a police motorcycle, as well as a Police Transporter van, which is periodically used to block roads if you scored three wanted stars and more.

The next way to get Unmarked Cruiser is not very practical, although it gives a 100% guarantee. Buy Franklin the Smoke on the Water pharmacy, which we talked about in the section about.

If you find yourself in the area of ​​the Great Ocean Highway, sometimes the manager will turn to Franklin for help: you need to replace the driver and pick up the company minivan from the parking lot outside the city. The text of the message may differ from the one shown in the screenshot, it is selected randomly. The main thing is that the geographical location of the van is correct.

Since the game has several options for places and tasks, to increase the chances, we suggest saving near the exit from the western part of the city. This should be done if several days have passed since the last task of the pharmacy manager was completed. Agents are waiting for you on the road, at the exit of the parking lot. The color of their car is chosen randomly, so you may have to complete the mission several times before you find the right one.

FIB Granger and FIB Buffalo

Both of these vehicles are simply named FIB in the game and belong to the transport class. Both are black and, like the Unmarked Cruiser, have no markings other than the bumper stickers. Granger - a large SUV - can also be found with four wanted stars, but it is much easier to pick up from the place indicated on the map in the desert.

Come after 10 o'clock in the morning to the complex of six radio telescopes near Highway 68. If you're lucky, you'll notice scientists doing some measurements there, and two machines of interest to us. If you want a Buffalo, and two jeeps are caught, use a well-known trick: drive away and go back. Cars must change. During the theft, one of the federal agents will try to stop you, but will be shot by his colleague. Funny situation.

P.S. The described method is valid for the original gta v on PS3 and Xbox 360. In the enhanced version of the game on PS4, Xbox One and PC, the FIB vehicles were replaced with a white Washington and a white Burrito. Thanks for the addition to the reader.

P-996 Laser

A new fighter that replaced the Hydra from GTA: San Andreas. Unfortunately, the P-996 Lazer does not have a vertical takeoff function, but is still armed with machine guns and homing missiles. A very fast and sharp aircraft in control, which will take some time to get used to.

You can steal it only from a military base. There are several ways to get there:

Switch between missiles and machine gun with the button / and shoot - or .

Nagasaki Buzzard Attack Chopper

The Buzzard combat helicopter is familiar to us from The Ballad of Gay Tony. The rotorcraft of death is waiting for you at the heliport of the N.O.O.S.E (National Office Of Security Enforcement), whose headquarters is located east of the highway. The area around the complex is fenced with a high fence, but all the gates open in front of visitors and you will not attract the attention of the police by entering here. Several stairs lead to the roof, we have posted a short video to show one of the possible ways top:

medical helicopter

At the helipad of the Los Santos Medical Center in the area, you can find bright red helicopters designed to quickly transport victims to the hospital. The site is located on the roof of the extension to the main building, to the right of the main entrance. You can find stairs on which you can climb up almost from all sides of the building. A small defect of the developers: when landing in this helicopter, the name of the Police Maverick model appears.

Western Duster

The usual old corn, which we were shown back in the trailer of the game. AT San Andreas was its analogue - Cropduster. It is noteworthy that in a single player game, Duster cannot spray pesticides from the air, although in GTA Online on click / everything works correctly.

The aircraft occasionally spawns off the southwest coast of the Alamo Sea at the roundabout at the end of the road west of Sandy Shores. It can also be found landing at local Mackenzie and Sandy Shores airfields. By the way, being at the helm of the maize plant, the heroes put on special aviation goggles and a helmet.

Shitzu Jetmax is the fastest boat in the game. You can find it inside on the east coast of the state. There are usually several Seashark jet skis nearby.

Fixter is a fixed gear bike that has no freewheel. Therefore, the pedals are spinning all the time when the rear wheel is spinning. R I was not too lazy even to do skid braking, because traditional brakes are not often installed on such bikes.

Nowadays, bicycles of this type are very popular with bike couriers and other hipsters. You can get Fixter in one of Trevor's Rampage missions, where he just comes into battle with representatives of this subculture. Head to the East Los Santos area and start the Rampage. After some time, enemy reinforcements will begin to arrive in Issi cars and "fixes". Finish the mission and take the Fixter for yourself.

Dinka Blista

Blista is a compact two-door hatchback. AT gta v this car is quite rare, so there are no reliable ways to get it. However, we found one that might work.

First, go to the Simeon car dealership, it is located on the map. Stop nearby and start the replay of the "Franklin and Lamar" mission (it's the first one after the prologue). Complete the task as required by the game: drive the race with Lamar, then get away from the police and deliver the car to the salon.

After the script scene, go outside to your Buffalo parked nearby. You will notice that the right Blista is standing nearby. Get in it and start making circles around the dealership. Attention! You can't go far because the game wants you to sit in Buffalo. Ride around the block until more Blistas appear on the streets. It usually takes five minutes, no more. Now you can safely leave the area and fail the mission. Refuse to replay and return to the game. In the area of ​​​​the car dealership, the desired Blista should now ride, grab the first one that comes across.

Ordering transport on websites

Some cars, motorcycles, bicycles, special equipment, air and water transport can be ordered on Internet pages. In total, there are six sites in the game that sell vehicles. To quickly get to any of them, go to the Internet and select the Travel and Transport section, then click on the banners. In the tables below we list prices and names of available products. Once purchased online, it may take up to 24 in-game hours for vehicles to be delivered to the storage location.

Legendary Motorsport specializes in luxury sports and classic cars. Among the assortment, we note the already familiar Adder, the transformed Cheetah, and also returned from GTA 2 classic coupe Z-Type. To receive a 10% discount on your first purchase, subscribe to the site page in a parody social network Lifeinvader.

After the purchase, the cars are delivered to the hero's personal garage, where you can store any four models, not counting the bonus ones. Read more about this in our section on gta v.

Model Price Class
$475 000 Sports classic
$185 000 coupe
$650 000 Supercars
$1 000 000 Sports classic
$795 000 Supercars
$490 000 Sports classic
$240 000 Supercars
$1 000 000 Supercars
$10 000 000 Sports classic

On this site you can buy boats, boats and yachts designed for sea travel. Almost all titles are familiar to fans of the series GTA, except that the jet ski got the name Seashark, and not the banal Jetski from Vice City Stories. The Suntrap pleasure boat is another new model from the Shitzu company, which, in addition to water vehicles, also deals with motorcycles.

In order to order anything from the site, you must be the owner of a personal in Puerto Del Sol Marina.

The company that owns the site sells military equipment. Here you can buy a large transport helicopter Cargobob, a combat helicopter Buzzard and even a tank! Unfortunately, the huge Titan cargo plane can only be purchased from GTA Online, and the Canis Crusader jeep (a military variation of the Canis Mesa) is not like a fellow from Merryweather. If you have a Social Club account, visit Warstock Cache & Carry's Lifeinvader page on the Lifeinvader social network and click the + Stalk button to receive a 10% discount on your first purchase.

As always, cars will be delivered to the hero's garage, helicopters - to the site in the Vespucci area. The Rhino tank and the Barracks truck are too big to be picked up from the hangar at the Los Santos airport (for Franklin and Michael) or the airfield near Sandy Shores (for Trevor). More about this in our section on gta v.

Model Price Class
$225 000 Military equipment
$450 000 Military equipment

Last month, the long-awaited Grand Theft Auto V went on sale. Cars are still the most important part of the storyline in both single player and online versions of GTA. This time the game uses more than 130 different models of cars, 52 different trucks, 3 models of buses and 15 types of motorcycles. As before, there are no real cars in the game, but all fictional models are made in the style of one or another production car. has collected the top 20 most believable cars from GTA V!

Absolutely all cars in the game have their own name and are divided into certain segments. The classification of GTA V is different from what we are used to, and this is clearly seen in the Online GTA races. A Mini Cooper and a Toyota Prius can be on the starting line at the same time, and the Chrysler Crossfire competes in the same class as the Audi R8. The first pair belongs to the "Compact cars" class, the second - to the "Sports cars" class.

In addition, there are classes "Muscle cars", "Classic muscle cars", "Sport cars", "Classic sports cars", "ATVs" (this class has a motorcycle and an ATV), etc. In the fifth part of GTA, the detailing of car damage is perfectly worked out. The car may be slightly scratched (damaged paintwork looks very believable), or it may be wrecked so that it cannot be driven. Also, after an accident, one wheel of a car is often blocked or the car “leads to the side”. As in previous parts of the game, cars in GTA V can explode. True, for this it is not enough to turn the transport onto the roof.

Some models in the game have a folding roof. For the first time in GTA history, it can be folded into the trunk. As in life, this procedure can only be done at low speed. Note that not all convertibles present on the roads of Los Santos have a folding roof. The player can turn on and off the headlights of the car in which he moves. Many (but not all) models have low and high beams. Cars in GTA are two- and four-seater. Drive - either front or rear.

Rockstar Games does not have contracts with car manufacturers to use the design of real cars (as, for example, in Need For Speed), so you will not see a single "live" car in the game. But "accidentally similar" - in bulk. We bring to your attention the most realistic.

Obey 9F (Audi R8)

Model 9F by Obey can be found in the wealthy areas of Los Santos. In addition to the closed coupe, there is also a roadster (called the Obey 9F Cabrio). Many will immediately recognize in the Audi R8 car and the open modification of this sports car - Spyder. So it is, the creators of the virtual 9F by Obey were inspired by this particular machine. But the round taillights are also reminiscent of the rare Noble M600 sports car.


You can buy Truffade Adder for exactly $1 million in the game. On the street you will not find such a car (unless another player in GTA Online). This supercar is easily guessed Bugatti Veyron. There is no doubt that the designers of Rockstar Games tried to recreate it. But if you look closely, you can see that the car has some common features with the Saab Aero X Concept.

Gallivanter Baller (Range Rover)

In the new part of GTA, there is just a huge number of all kinds of SUVs. One of the most striking and eye-catching is the Gallivanter Baller. Except for the "Chevrolet-like" head optics, this car is almost exactly the same as the previous generation Range Rover. In past GTAs, there were also analogues of this British model, but of older generations.

BravadoBuffalo (Dodgecharger)

One of the best handling and fastest sedans in the game is the Bravado Buffalo. It is easily recognizable as a Dodge Charger. Even untuned Buffalo models in GTA V are often painted in bright colors. The machine has good potential for further improvements. By the way, the Bravado Buffalo is one of five sedans used by the local police (they also have trucks, SUVs and motorcycles).

Vapid Bullet (Ford GT)

Analogues of the Ford GT were found in almost all parts of the GTA. The fifth was no exception. Here (as in GTA San Andreas) the car is called the Vapid Bullet and belongs to the class of sports cars. Interestingly, the manufacturer Vapid in GTA is actually an analogue of Ford. Under this brand in the game there are analogues of Ford Thunderbird, Ford Model A, Ford Taurus, Ford F-Series, Ford Mustang, etc.

(Pfister Comet)Porsche 911)

The Pfister Comet coupe competes in the Sports Car class and looks almost like the previous Porsche 911. This model has been seen in every GTA since Vice City. The only thing about the car that doesn't look like a 911 is the rear lighting. Comet also has a version with an opening top.

Karindilettante (ToyotaPrius)

Back in the fourth GTA, a rather ugly hatchback called the Karin Dilettante appeared. It resembles a Toyota Prius with the head optics of the previous Citroen C5 (after restyling). According to the plot of the game, Dilettante is an electric car (this is indicated in one of the missions with Trevor, the third main character).

Vapid Dominator (Ford Mustang)

What is GTA without the likeness of Mustang? In the fifth part of the game, the Vapid Dominator coupe appears, which almost exactly copies the current generation Ford Mustang. The machine has a rear-wheel drive and two seats. Participates in competitions with other muscle cars. There are also analogues of the Chevrolet Camaro and Dodge Challenger in the game - direct competitors of the Mustang.

Benefactor Dubsta (Mercedes G-Class)

Every Russian student who plays the online version of the game must keep Benefactor Dubsta in the garage. This SUV is very similar to the Mercedes G-Class. Even more likely to the AMG version of the Gelika. The car has good traction and climbs uphill easily. There is a wide range of tuning improvements.

Annis Elegy RH8 (Nissan GT-R)

To meet in a single game Annis Elegy RH8 is almost impossible. This is an expensive car that you need to buy on the Internet (game, not real). But in GTA Online, you can drive such a car by stealing it from another, richer player. The model is made in the style of the Nissan GT-R and is first seen in GTA. Earlier in the game, you could meet the classic Skyline (called in all parts of Elegy).

Overflow Entity XF (Koenigsegg CC)

Overflow Entity XF can be purchased in-game for $795,000. This car most often wins competitions among other supercars. The design of the model intersects with the Swedish hypercar Koenigsegg CC, which has been fighting with the Bugatti Veyron for the title of the best on the planet for several years. This car first appeared on the roads of the city of Los Santos.

Benefactor Feltzer (Mercedes SL)

If Vapid's brand is Ford, then Benefactor is Mercedes. In addition to the G-Class analogue, there is a Feltzer coupe, which is very reminiscent of the Mercedes SL. True, unlike a real car, in the game it is a coupe without a removable roof. The Benefactor Feltzer car is only in a sports body kit, so we are talking more about the Mercedes SL in the performance of AMG.

Schyster Fusilade (Chrysler Crossfire)

It's very common to find the well-managed Schyster Fusilade coupe in the city center. If you can still doubt from the back what car this model was copied from, then the front grille and optics from Chrysler Crossfire are striking. As in life, here the car has two seats and rear-wheel drive.

Fathom FQ 2 (Infiniti FX)

One of the most memorable crossovers in the game is Fathom FQ 2. This model is based on the style of the second generation Infiniti FX. Off-road competitions are also present in the game, and the list of available models includes the Fathom FQ 2. Like the rest of the SUVs, the Infiniti twin is rear-wheel drive.

PagassiInfernus (LamborghiniMurcielago

If you drive into the areas of luxury villas (where Michael lives - the second player to appear in the game), then in the parking lots near private houses you can see Pagassi Infernus. If you try to steal this car, you will notice that its doors open up. Just like the Lamborghini Murcielago, with which they "copied" the virtual car. At the rear, the exhaust system is similar to that of the Pagani Zonda. This model accelerates very quickly, but, unlike the Overflod Entity XF (Koenigsegg CC), it does not steer very well.

Weeny Issi (Mini Cooper)

In the fifth part of GTA, a compact convertible Weeny Issi appears. The roof of the car can be folded into the trunk. To the naked eye you can see the resemblance to the Mini Cooper convertible. The key difference from a real car is the head optics, which are more reminiscent of the headlights of a Porsche 911. Issi performs in the compact car class.

On the full map you can find all the cars, unique vehicles for GTA 5. Rare cars are hidden in unfamiliar gloomy areas of the city.
All of them are visible on the transport map, you just need to look closely and go through some missions, as required by the search for a secret car location. In the game, everything is quite simple.

Secret places with cars

Ever since the first versions of the game, there have always been places to get unusual vehicles in it. GTA also has many such unique places:
  1. In a place called Rockford Hills, you can get an Adder car.
  2. To the west, near Richman, rare cars such as Infernus and Cheetah are in the parking lot.
  3. Tuned cars can be found east of South Los Santos in Porto.
  4. Start your search for a tow truck at the Los Santos airport parking lot.
Search options for different brands of cars are marked with icons.
In GTA 5, at any time you can invite your mechanic for the main machine, which is paramount for you. Calling the primary car at any time is one of the best features that only came with the new variant of the game. The main car does not need to be installed, it has been in your garage since the beginning of the game.
When completing certain missions, the main car can be updated or changed by clicking on the link provided.

There are, of course, many who want to get an armored car in GTA 5, which is a fairly rare vehicle in the game. Two ways are suitable for this: just buy it by going to the car store via the Internet from a computer or from a phone. After completing the mission "Bank Robbery" it will be possible to do this without any problems. You can steal it or find it on the map of cars. It's more dangerous and more difficult. We must try to find the armor, stealing is quite difficult to perform.

Grand Theft Auto 5 features nearly 300 vehicle models, far more than any previous installment in the series. Some of them are found only in Los Santos, others come across only in Blaine County or on the coast of San Andreas. There are also rare ones that are present exclusively in story missions.

The variety of transport on the streets depends, first of all, on the platform (on previous generation consoles, due to technical limitations, no more than five types of vehicles can be found at the same time) and graphic settings in the case of a PC (the "Population variety" option is responsible for this). Transport is changed approximately every four or five game hours, and this happens almost imperceptibly. Most of the cars in the game do not have a permanent parking place, so it is far from always possible to arrive at a certain place for a specific car. And often the search for the desired vehicle takes more than one hour, so sometimes it's easier to buy a car than to steal it. But having found the desired car, and finally sitting behind the wheel, you will be surprised to find that the streets are full of the same ones. The law of meanness, as it is. However, this mechanic is related to the technical features of the game engine and is probably well known to fans of the Grand Theft Auto series from past games.

Below you will find a list of the rarest vehicles with directions on how to get them in the easiest way.

Truffade Adder

Truffade Adder is a chic supercar, the real prototype of which is the Bugatti Veyron, the fastest car in the game. Although it is inferior to several other models in overclocking, the Adder is not a substitute for long distances. Finding it is very easy - this supercar is almost always parked at the entrance to one of the boutiques on Portola Drive, and even if you pick it up from there with one character, it will reappear, so it will not be difficult to put Adder in the garage of each of the heroes. It is noteworthy that at about the same place on Rodeo Drive in real Los Angeles, a real Bugatti Veyron constantly stands, which has become a real tourist attraction in a few years. The car belonged to an Iranian fashion designer who died a few years ago, and since then the expensive supercar has been gathering dust outside the boutique once founded by this designer.

Of course, if it comes to the end of the game, and you, following our tips on making money, have accumulated decent amounts on the accounts of Franklin, Michael and Trevor, the car is quite possible to buy: the Adder is sold at the store and costs one million dollars. You will have to pay the same amount for a car in GTA Online.

Karin Futo

Sometimes, when switching from another hero to Franklin, you can find him stuck in traffic. And almost certainly in this case, one of the cars standing next door is Karin Futo - an old, but rather powerful sports car, which is very rare in the game. And this is one of the best opportunities to take it to the collection.

Well, if you want to transfer this car to another character, just make an appointment with him. Then, having picked it up, get out of the car as Franklin, switch to the person to whom the car is intended, and get behind the wheel. It remains only to drive the car to the garage. However, do not forget about the peculiarities of the game mechanics: if you ride Futo around the city for a while, you will surely meet another (and probably not even one) of the same car, and you can put this rare model in the garage of each of the heroes without the hassle .

There is another way to get this sports car, but it will take more time. You need to go with Franklin to Vinewood at any intersection with heavy traffic, for example, the one located at the Avenue of Stars. After that, you need to start the re-passage of the task and go through the mission to the end. Upon completion of the mission, Franklin will be on the street in the same area of ​​​​the city, and there is a very high probability that there will be several Karin Futo cars near him at once, so stealing one of them will not be difficult.

In GTA Online, the vehicle you are looking for can be found in several parking lots in the port of Los Santos, but the easiest way to find the Futo is near Simon Etarian's garage, where he accepts stolen cars. If there is no car in the parking lot, you will have to drive away and return, or change the session.

Karin Sultan

Karin Sultan is a racing sedan well known to all fans of the series. Despite the rather plain appearance, this sports car has good technical characteristics and can show excellent results even without.

To get this car for free, that is, for nothing, you need to go to the parking lot, which is located near Franklin's personal garage on Grove Street, or to the parking lot behind the Bilingsgate Motel, located near the Towing Impound parking lot on Jamestown Street. If the car is not here, the easiest way is to save the game using a smartphone using the quick save function, and then load the saved game through the menu. If the car does not appear, you need to load the game again and again until the coveted sedan is in the parking lot. You may have to boot up ten times, but it's much easier than driving all over the city looking for a car. As Franklin, you can get the Sultan in much the same way, but instead of saving and loading, you just need to go in and out of the garage again and again and again until the car appears. Of course, this method only applies to the Grove Street parking lot.

Getting the Karin Sultan is much easier in GTA Online, with a couple of these cars almost always parked in the small parking lot at the Bolingbroke Prison checkpoint. If the car is not here, you need to open the interaction menu by pressing the "M" key and set the last point as the starting location. After that, you need to go to the network game settings and select the "Find a new session" item. Repeat the procedure until Sultan appears in the parking lot. It remains only to drive the sports car to the garage.

Rat loader

The Rat-Loader is an old, shabby pickup truck that usually has a lot of junk in the back. Despite the unsightly appearance, this car is one of the most interesting in the game in terms of cosmetic tuning: very few cars can boast of such a number of parts for changing the exterior.

The easiest place to find a Rat-Loader is in Sandy Shores - here such cars often drive on the roads, although they are often parked, for example, a pickup truck is almost always behind the Ammu-Nation store. If it is not there, drive around the town - you will surely find the car you are looking for elsewhere. In the event that the car still does not appear, you can call in Grapeseed, a small town located on the northeast coast of Lake Alamo. Sometimes Rat-Loaders are also found in Paleto Bay, so if you are in the upstate, it makes sense to go there first.

In GTA Online, the car can be found in the same place - in Sandy Shores, Grapeseed and Paleto Bay. It is noteworthy that there are sometimes tuned pickups near the Beeker's Garage in Paleto Bay, which can be sold at a profit. But if you need a car for personal use, it's much easier to buy it from than to drive around San Andreas looking for a pickup truck, because the Rat-Loader costs only six thousand GTA dollars.

Declasse Asea

The Declasse Asea is a small four-door sedan, the real prototypes of which, apparently, are the Dacia Logan and Chevrolet Aveo, popular with American housewives. The car does not shine with technical characteristics, and its appearance is unremarkable. But, firstly, Asea boasts a unique body coloring, and secondly, it is one of the rarest cars: there is only one way to get this car on the previous generation consoles.

So, first you need to purchase an abandoned sonar station, which will cost the character 250 thousand dollars. Then you need to go through the story mission, after which Michael will be able to meet at the pier of this station with. Mrs. Mathers, who recently lost her husband, will ask Michael to collect evidence of her innocence in the death of her husband, promising him money, and then, when it turns out that she has no money, she will try to escape - on the same Declasse Asea.

By the way, killing the inconsolable widow is not at all necessary: ​​you can simply get ahead of her by overtaking her on the stairs, so that when Abigail gets to the top platform, Michael will be far away. But you can also kill: in the end, by her grace, you will have to work hard, mining scattered along the bottom of the Pacific Ocean around San Andreas.

In the version of the game for new generation consoles (Xbox One and PS 4) and PC Asea, you can get it in another way: the car is found in traffic, although very rarely. So rare that it's often easier to steal Abigail's car than to roam around the state looking for a sedan.

It is noteworthy that in addition to the unique coloring of the body, the model boasts a rather strange tuning. So, for example, if desired, a disproportionately large spoiler can be installed on this slow-moving sedan. Probably in this way Rockstar jokes about schoolchildren and students who buy cheap cars and try to turn them into real racing cars. In fairness, it must be said that sometimes these nondescript cars really become favorites of major street racing competitions. But don't expect this from Declasse Asea - even if you put a wing, neon lights and chrome wheels.

Vapid Sandking XL

The huge Sandking XL pickup truck, familiar to fans of the series from GTA Vice City, is one of the best SUVs in the game. And although its cost is only 45 thousand dollars, it is better to steal it - after all, there is no extra money. Finding a pickup truck is easy - it is always parked near the Del Pierro pier on the side where the rides are located. Having picked up an SUV, it is worth stopping by the Los Santos Customs salon in order, firstly, to improve its performance (stock acceleration leaves much to be desired), and secondly, to ask for cosmetic tuning - the model boasts several unique options.

If you like the Sandking XL but are intimidated by its size, then maybe you should take a closer look at the Vapid Sandking SWB, a two-door pickup truck with a slightly shorter wheelbase (SWB stands for Short Wheel Base). You can get hold of such a car in Blaine County, for example, in the town of Sandy Shores.

In GTA Online, the car can be found in the same places as in the story mode. And if you drive a Sandking XL to the Discount Store on Highway 68 in the Grand Senora Desert during the day (from 9 am to 5 pm), a customized Sandking XL may appear in the store's parking lot. Even if you don't need a second off-road pickup, you can sell it for a very good price.

Ubermacht Sentinel XS

Ubermacht Sentinel XS, the real prototype of which is the BMW M3 E92, is an improved version of the conventional coupe. Unlike the regular Sentinel, the XS version has a carbon fiber hardtop and boasts unique tuning options. In addition, it has the best technical characteristics.

Alas, there are no parking lots where this car would be permanently parked, so you will have to look for it in traffic: most often Sentinel XS is found in Vinewood and Rockford Hills, occasionally a car can be seen parked at the curb. The easiest way is to save yourself at some busy intersection using your smartphone, and then load the game over and over again until the desired car appears. Trying to “summon” the XS while riding a regular Sentinel is not worth it: it will not bring results. If you can't get the Sentinel XS for a long time, it's better to forget about it for a while - sooner or later you will meet this car, and then don't miss your chance.

You can find Sentinel XS in GTA Online in the same places. Also, sometimes the car is found in traffic on the Great Ocean Highway. In addition, a tuned Sentinel XS sometimes appears on new generation platforms: at night it can be found near the Eclipse Tower (the tower with the most expensive apartments), and during the day it can be found parked at Los Santos Customs in Burton. Even if you don’t need a car, you can sell it profitably at any auto repair shop.

Albany Roosevelt

Albany Roosevelt is a real guest from the past, looking very unusual and interesting against the backdrop of ultra-modern supercars so popular with the residents of Los Santos. It is not surprising that for almost all players this is one of the most desired.

Getting this car on new platforms is much more difficult than on older consoles, where Roosevelt is available in the garage of each of the main characters almost from the very beginning of the game. In the PC, PS4, and Xbox One versions of the game, the vehicle you're looking for occasionally appears in the parking lot of Richards Majestic Productions near Solomon Richards' office. To steal him from here, you need to complete the story mission, after which Michael will get free access to the territory of the studio (otherwise, the character will receive two wanted stars for entering the territory of Backlot City, and the security of the film studio will open fire on him), and then save somewhere anywhere near her using a smartphone. Now it remains only to check if the car is in place, and if not, load the save again and again until Roosevelt appears.

In GTA Online, the car can be purchased from for GTA$750K, while the upgraded version of the car, the Albany Roosevelt Valor, is available for $982K. The ability to purchase these machines appeared after the release of the update.

Tractor (rusty)

There are only two old and rusty tractors in the game that are still on the move. One of them can be obtained by completing all the tasks of the Epsilon Program. This instance is notable for having a unique license plate "KIFFLOM1". True, by taking this tractor, you will lose the opportunity to take revenge on the cultists for all the bullying, and at the same time steal the exclusive Obey Tailgater from them. blue color with two million dollars in the trunk. Do you really need this license plate, which, moreover, if you wish, can be reproduced using iFruit, decide for yourself.

The second such tractor is located on the east coast of San Andreas. He can be found at the house, standing on the edge of the cliff opposite the El Gordo lighthouse. In this very house lives the strange girl Ursula, whom Franklin or Trevor can meet on Norf Calafia Way northwest of Alamo Lake.

In GTA Online, unfortunately, a rusty tractor is not found at all, although it can be obtained with the help of some glitches. As for the conventional tractor, it is not a problem to find it both in single player and in a multiplayer game: you need to look for special equipment where it should be - in the fields in Grapeseed and Paleto Bay, as well as in the vicinity of Sandy Shores.

Pegassi Zentorno

Zentorno is one of the fastest cars in the game, besides, it has excellent acceleration, second only to the Progen T20 in this parameter. The cost of this hybrid supercar in is 725 thousand dollars, so it would be more correct to steal this car.

True, finding Zentorno is very difficult. Occasionally, this car appears at LS Customs car tuning salons, and is even less common in traffic, and only in wealthy areas of the city: in Rockford Hills and Vinewood. Also, several times the supercar was seen in the center of Los Satos, near the intersection of San Andreas Avenue and Strawberry Avenue. In GTA Online Zentorno can only be bought.

Dinka Blista

Blista is a small sports hatchback that is extremely rare on the roads of San Andreas, not counting the Go Go Monkey Blista - a special version of the car that is given as a reward for taking pictures of all 50 images.

There is only one way to get an ordinary Blista, and even that does not give one hundred percent probability. First, you need to reduce the "Population Diversity" parameter in the game's graphic settings to the minimum value. After that, you need to go to Simon Etarian's car dealership (it is located near the Ammu-Nation store with a shooting gallery), and, being near the salon, start replaying the first story task after the prologue.

The mission must be completed in full, driving the entire route with Lamar, getting rid of the cops and delivering the car to Simon's salon. When Franklin enters the street after the cut-scene, the two-door hatchback he is looking for will be parked near his personal sports car Bravado Buffalo S. You need to get into this car, but it's too early to leave the car service area - according to the terms of the mission, Franklin must leave for Buffalo. After making a few circles around the block, you will see that other Blista begin to appear on the streets. Typically, this takes five to ten minutes. Now you can leave the area. The task will fail, but it doesn't matter - you need to abandon the replay and get back to the car dealership as quickly as possible before the hatchbacks disappear. It remains only to take one of them and drive to the garage. However, sometimes other "Blisters" do not appear, in which case the only thing left is to try again from the very beginning.

Canis Mesa ("Merryweather")

Mercenaries from the private military corporation "Merryweather" have the most modern equipment and weapons and use modified vehicles that differ significantly from production models. One of these cars was the Canis Mesa jeep. Unlike the original Mesa model, the Merryweather boasts improved technical characteristics and a significantly increased ground clearance, which provides the car with greater cross-country ability: the “civilian” version of the Canis Mesa is a regular SUV (SUV), and the model used by the Merryweather is positioned as a full-fledged SUV. The body of the special version of the jeep is reinforced with an external roll cage, and the engine air intake is brought under the roof, which, however, will not prevent the car from stalling as soon as the water level rises above the hood, so be careful.

There is only one way to get a paramilitary version of Canis Mesa in the single player mode of the game - by stealing during or after one of the story missions, during which skirmishes with Merryweather fighters take place. Tasks and are best suited.

Stealing a Mesa owned by mercenaries in GTA Online is much easier: once your character reaches level 35, you can use the services of Merryweather Security Consulting. In particular, you will be able to set mercenaries on other players and call them to your aid. It will not be difficult to take away the desired SUV from them. But if you don't want to mess with it, you can buy it at for 87K GTA$.


In this mission, Trevor will have to clash with excessively arrogant hipsters, who will be reinforced by Weeny Issi compact cars and Fixter bicycles, characteristic of this subculture. You can pick up the "Fixter" in the collection at the end of the mission, however, for this you will need to carefully deal with grenades, bombs and other explosives when exterminating hipsters.

In GTA Online, this model is not at all.

Declasse Park Ranger

The Park Ranger is a utility variant of the Declasse Granger Jeep designed specifically for rangers and park rangers. From time to time, this car can be found on country roads in the forest of Paleto, in the vicinity of Mount Chilliad and many other places. But the easiest way to hijack the Park Ranger is from the satellite station, which is located near the Vinewood sign - one of the main tourist attractions in Los Santos. It's not hard to get into the telecommunications facility since the gates are open, but the station is guarded, so you'll probably have to shoot a guard or two and get rid of the . After that, it remains only to put the car in the garage. It is noteworthy that the Park Ranger can be driven into the Los Santos Customs workshop exclusively for repairs - unfortunately, you cannot modify official cars.

Declasse Lifeguard

The Lifeguard is another variant of the Granger that has been designed for rescuers. From time to time, lifeguards patrol the beaches of Del Perro and Vespucci Beach in this jeep, but it is much easier to steal one of the cars parked at the main lifeguard observation point, which is located near the pier.

Nagasaki Blazer Lifeguard

Los Santos attracts many tourists not only as the world capital of the entertainment industry, but also as a beach resort, so its beaches are always full of lifeguards, whose high efficiency is ensured by an abundance of special equipment: in addition to Declasse Lifeguard patrol jeeps, they also have modified ATVs, equipped with first aid kits. They are often found both on Del Perro Beach and Vespucci Beach - lifeguards use them to patrol the territory entrusted to them. And when the rescue service employees are resting or leaving for a shift change, they park their ATVs near the observation towers, and it is most convenient to steal them from here.

fire truck

Fire service vehicles can be found at all fire stations in San Andreas, but the easiest way to get one is with your smartphone: you need to call the emergency number 911 and call the fire brigade. Well, when the valiant fire fighters arrive, it will not be difficult to take the car from them - they will not show much resistance. It is noteworthy that although it is impossible to earn extra money as a firefighter as in previous games in the series, the Fire Truck's hose works properly, so beware, passers-by! Putting the Fire Truck in the garage, alas, will not work.

By the way, if you want to use a fire truck to wash your car, we will disappoint you - nothing will come of it: neither a jet from a Fire Truck hose, nor even diving into the ocean will rid your car of dirt. So if you like to drive a clean car, you will either have to go to the nearest Los Santos Customs or a car wash.

Unmarked Cruiser

The San Andreas State Police Department has an extensive fleet of vehicles that includes several very rare models. A separate place among them is the Unmarked Cruiser, built on the basis of the Vapid Stanier civilian sedan, which also formed the basis of the Sheriff Cruiser used by Blaine County cops, and taxi cars. As the name implies, special purpose police vehicles do not have any identification marks, except for the Police Cruiser inscription on the trunk. The front bumper of the Unmarked Cruiser is reinforced with a yoke, and flashing beacons are installed inside the cabin.

The easiest way to get Unmarked Cruiser is during the execution - a passionate marijuana lover, agitating the people of Los Santos to take part in his campaign to legalize weed. After completing the story mission, playing as Franklin, go to the Textile City area and meet with Barry (on the map, the meeting point is marked with , or if you have already met the agitator while playing for other characters). After a short cut-scene, during which it turns out that Barry's signature weed, which he is so proud of, is, to put it mildly, not of the best quality, you can go about your business. After some time, the agitator will send Franklin a text message indicating the location of the vans with marijuana, which is needed for the "sticking strike", and ask them to drive them to his yard.

After that, several circles of light green color will appear on the map, marking the zones in which there are cars with a load of grass. To get an Unmarked Cruiser, you need to go to the one located in the Murietta Heights area in the eastern part of the city. True, it occasionally happens that this circle appears only after the van is delivered, which is located west of the Maze Bank Arena, apparently due to a bug. In this case, you will first have to deliver the first car with weed, and only then go for a unique police car.

Upon arrival, you need to drive up to the truck, which is parked at the warehouse. Franklin will call Barry for further instructions, and the agitator will inform him that the cops are prowling somewhere nearby. Well, you need them. If you wander around a bit without getting into the marijuana truck, you will see two outfits on the Unmarked Cruiser in gray and blue. Feel free to throw out the driver and steal the car you like. It remains only to break away from the annoying drug cops and fail the task by waiting until the time allotted for completing the mission expires, or by destroying the van with marijuana. If you want to get both special purpose police cars into your collection (we remind you once again - you can’t modify official cars, including repainting them), start the mission again and do the same thing again.

But that's not all: Unmarked Cruiser come in other colors - red and black. To get a red one, you need to do everything as described above, steal the blue one and get rid of the pursuit, and then replay the task again, arriving at the place in the same car. In this case, one or even both cars of the police sitting in ambush will be red. And if you first steal a gray Unmarked Cruiser and come to replay the mission on it, the cop cars (at least one of them) will be black. Moreover, black Unmarked Cruisers come with both tinted windows and without tinting.

It is easy to calculate that in order to collect a complete collection of special vehicles (not counting the options that differ in tinting, which come across randomly), the mission will need to be restarted six times. But this method only works if the plot of the game has not yet been completed. However, it is still possible to get all variants of the Unmarked Cruiser, but it will be more difficult to do so.

At night, police patrols often drive under the Olympic Highway, and the cops use not only the standard Police Cruiser, but also the black Unmarked Cruiser, although the latter come across very rarely, and only in the interval from one to four in the morning. You may have to come here several nights in a row to catch this car. To speed up the process a little, just come to the place and save the game using your smartphone, and then load the saved game over and over again until the desired car appears. The consolation prize for the time spent can be other rare law enforcement vehicles, including a police motorcycle, a Police Transporter van, which the cops set in motion when a criminal with a three-star wanted level appears in the state, and a Bravado Police Cruiser (based on a Buffalo sports car) .

But there is also a more practical method of obtaining multi-colored Unmarked Cruisers - it gives a 100% guarantee of obtaining a car. To do this, playing as Franklin, you need to purchase a medical marijuana store. When, after purchasing this pharmacy, Franklin finds himself near the property, or at least near the Great Ocean Highway, the manager will ask Franklin for help in delivering the goods: the owner of the company must replace the driver who did not show up for work and pick up the weed van from the parking lot outside the city. And since the game has several options for this task and the places where the van will be located, and you only need where the truck is in Chumash, in order to increase the chances of a “correct” mission, you need to save somewhere around the turn to the Del Pier Perrot. Moreover, the save must be created a few days after the completion of the last task of the Smoke on the Water manager. After saving the game, you need to move in the direction of the exit from the western part of Los Santos.

Having picked up the van, at the exit from the parking lot you will run into drug cops on the desired Unmarked Cruiser, all that remains is to steal the car and deliver it to your garage, after getting rid of the wanted stars. The color of the car of the servants of the law in this case is chosen randomly, so to get a certain mission, you will have to restart several times. Nevertheless, sooner or later all possible options come across.

FIB Buffalo and FIB Granger

The FIB Buffalo and FIB Granger, which are simply referred to as FIB in the game, like the Unmarked Cruiser, do not have any identification marks, except for the inscriptions above the bumper. Both cars of FIB agents are made in black and are quite rare in the game. And if the FIB Granger - a huge jeep made on the basis of the civilian model Declasse Granger - can be stolen by getting four wanted stars, then you can either pick up the FIB Buffalo during story mission, or steal in one place in the Grad Senora desert, where you can also get hold of a jeep (it's much easier than trying to steal it with a four-star wanted level).

To get cars, you need to arrive after ten in the morning at the radio telescope complex located near the Yellow Jack Inn bar, which is the only place in San Andreas where you can play darts - six huge dishes are visible from afar, so don't miss it. If you're lucky, you'll see scientists making some measurements here, as well as FIB agents guarding them in two vehicles - FIB Buffalo and FIB Granger. Sometimes two jeeps come across, and if you need a Buffalo, you have to go to tricks: if you drive away and then come back, the cars will change. Of course, the theft will not go unnoticed - one of the FIB agents will try to stop the kidnapper, but by chance will be killed by his colleague. Bravo Rockstar!

Shitzu Jetmax

In GTA Online, the boat appears from time to time at almost all marinas, but since it will not be possible to save it, the only option to get hold of it is to buy it on the website for 299k GTA dollars.

Nagasaki Buzzard Attack Chopper

The Buzzard attack helicopter is familiar to all fans of the series from the TBOGT add-on to GTA 4 - this rotorcraft is one of the best attackers in the game. The only serious drawback of the helicopter is the open-type carbon-fiber hull, which is very easy to shoot through even with conventional small arms, but this disadvantage is compensated by the lightness and maneuverability of the machine along with a small silhouette, which makes it much more difficult for opponents to aim. In the hands of an experienced pilot, the Buzzard Attack Chopper turns into a serious combat unit capable of successfully assaulting fortified objects, effectively suppressing armed opponents on the ground with fire, and eliminating any air targets.

The easiest way to get this helicopter is to purchase it from for the modest sum of two million dollars. But if you don't have two million and want to fly the Buzzard, you can steal a car from the helipad of the headquarters of the national security agency N.O.O.S.E. The territory of the complex, located east of the Palomino Freeway Highway, is surrounded by a high chain-link fence, but all the gates are open, and the security at the checkpoints does not react in any way to the penetration of outsiders into the object - apparently, a visit to the headquarters of N.O.O.S.E. prohibited to civilians. Once on the territory, you need to climb to the roof along one of the many stairs and pick up the helicopter. At the same time, you will again not meet any resistance and you will not receive wanted stars.

In addition, the Buzzard Attack Chopper can be found on one of the heliports of the Fort Zancudo military base, but since the army is not as hospitable as N.O.O.S.E., we do not recommend just popping in there.

In GTA Online, the helicopter can still be purchased at the same military equipment store, but already for 1.75 million GTA dollars. You can get it for free at almost any helipad in the state, but most often it appears at the sites at the airport and near the Sandy Shores airfield.

Buckingham Police Maverick (medical)

Medical helicopters, designed on the basis of a police modification of the civilian Buckingham Maverick, are found only in one place - on the helipad of the Los Santos Medical Center in Davis. The site is located on the roof of the extension located to the right of the main entrance to the medical facility, which can be reached by any of the stairs.

In GTA Online, this helicopter appears in the same place, but only occasionally, and it is impossible to buy it. However, it is not much different from the usual Maverick, so trying to get it does not make sense.

JoBuilt P-996 Laser

The P-996 Lazer fighter is an ideal combat vehicle armed with heavy machine guns and heat-seeking missiles, which, unfortunately, is not officially sold even by dealers from this aircraft can only be stolen from the Fort military base -Zancudo.

A special ability will help you dodge enemy fire if the military appears on the runway or near the hangars. You can also try to get to the base by jumping from any plane, helicopter or airship with a parachute. In order not to fall under the bullets of the military, you need to adjust the flight in such a way as to land near one of the unguarded hangars with open gates. Since the fighter does not need acceleration to take off (a dozen meters is enough), you will have time to hide before the warriors open fire. But we do not recommend entering the territory of Fort Zancudo through the gate - even if soldiers armed with assault rifles do not shoot you, you can easily run into a tank that will destroy your car with one volley.

Unfortunately, the fighter is also not for sale in GTA Online, so if you suddenly want to fly the Lazer, you will have to steal it using the method described above.

Western Duster

The Western Duster is a common old corncob used by farmers in San Andreas to irrigate fields and spray pesticides, slow and clumsy. The easiest way to get a plane is at one of the rural airfields, but it appears more often in Sandy Shores than at Mackenzie Airfield. In addition, sometimes Duster is found off the southwest coast of Alamo Lake at the very end of the Marina Drive road, in the area of ​​​​the turning circle. If you want to buy a plane, look for it at As in story mode, the purchase of Duster in GTA Online will cost 275 thousand dollars.

It is noteworthy that the characters of the game, being at the helm of the maize plant, put on a special aviation helmet with goggles. In addition, it is worth noting that for some reason the corn grower does not spray pesticides in a single player game, although such an opportunity is present in GTA Online. Whether this is due to bugs and shortcomings, or, according to the developers, the possibility of spraying pesticides can somehow affect the balance of the game, is not known.

Where to look for supercars

There are several places where you can almost certainly get hold of an expensive supercar, so if you want to steal a couple of fast and beautiful cars, be sure to visit them. First of all, you need to visit the parking lot at the cultural complex Kortz Center, located in the northwestern part of Los Santos on the hills. You can almost always see a few sports cars here, such as the Grotti Carbonizzare and Maibatsu Penumbra, as well as one or two supercars, in particular, the Vapid Bullet, Coil Voltic, Invetero Coquette, Pegassi Infernus and many other rare cars.

If you don’t see anything of interest when you arrive at the parking lot, try driving a couple of hundred meters from the main entrance to the Kortz Center and returning back. As a result, the cars in the parking lot will be updated. A quick save followed by loading a save will lead to a similar result - repeat this procedure until something interesting comes across.

In addition, it is worth visiting the garage of The Gentry Mfnor Hotel located in West Vinewood, the same one where Franklin filmed Poppy Mitchell's intimate entertainments together. Wealthy guests of the hotel leave their luxury sports cars and sports cars here, among which there are even tuned options, for example, the Grotti Turismo R and the racing Dinka Jester.

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