Jackson syndrome symptoms. Brain stem and alternating syndromes

Ability to improve existing conditions of employment and working methods. Poor choice of subordinates. Suitable for working with documents, their preparation and accounting, it is possible to work in the waste processing industry or in the development of projects related to new technologies, nuclear energy.
Health, as a rule, is weak and requires constant attention, the medicine against diseases is often ineffective. We must try to think positively, eat right, follow hygiene rules.
Mediumship, excellent intuition, healing abilities, perseverance and a sense of responsibility are possible.
Tendency to fanatical manifestations. Predisposition to infections, dropsy and leukemia.
You can be preoccupied with your health, self-improvement and self-development. You are interested in the psychological elements of the disease, and you can subject yourself and others to endless psychoanalysis.
You can also be insatiable at work and exhausted by overworking. For your employees, you may be a tyrant and, perhaps, it will be easier for you to work alone.

B. Israelite. planets in houses

The causes of ailments are similar to those on Mars. The distribution of energy in the body is doubly important. Excess, energy and its incorrect passage. Reflexology helps. If the planet is in a water sign and is not affected, then there may be tumors (non-cancerous).
The man himself is an excellent reflexologist, masseur, chiropractor, has magical abilities, doctor-psychic.
Professions are different: military personnel, miners, geologists, archaeologists, metro builders (law enforcement, mining, etc.), as well as radiologists, nuclear physicists, financiers, representatives of the "mass" profession - ordinary engineers. This position of the planet can bring great changes in the profession.
Pets: black cats, bats, reptiles, crocodiles, large black dogs.

Francis Sakoyan. planets in houses

A person comprehends the full measure of his imperfection only when he starts work.
This position of Pluto tests the attitude of a person to his work; right choice, perseverance, concentration, disinterestedness, non-attachment to results. A person’s work is fatal, and if it is chosen incorrectly, something goes wrong, and all efforts go to waste, and after a while it becomes clear that nothing can be corrected. Here the first lesson of Pluto is humility in the face of concrete failures in work. His second lesson is the requirement of the necessary perseverance: when it is not enough, everything ends in failure, and the third lesson is the ability to switch to the new kind works when the old one has already exhausted itself. Insufficient development leads to a loss of faith in the possibility of doing something, because there is a feeling that any work is doomed to a crushing failure. Realistically, this is not so. Pluto shows only outdated techniques and tools, as well as irrelevant for this person activities. The fourth lesson of Pluto, when the first three are learned, is non-attachment to the results of labor, which can completely disappear for a given person (for example, a manuscript is stolen and a novel is published under a false name).
The study of this position of Pluto gives a high quality of work and the ability to do something, if not eternal, then important for a whole people or a large egregor. But some gloom during work, as well as dryness with Saturn in the VI house, always remains and affects the results.
Health may be good, but periodic cleansing conditions are possible - influenza with high temperature, disorders. It is useful from time to time to starve or follow fasting diets.

Bill Herbst. Horoscope Houses

Disease and treatment. Illness is caused by blockage of the vital force. The source of the disorder lies in the subconscious, invading the body due to the need for spiritual purification. The cure lies in understanding the motivating nature of the desire to control and master. When trying to control what cannot be controlled, or master what cannot be mastered, obsession can turn you into a ram's horn, cutting you off from changes in life. Emotions become toxic, poisoning your body and spreading in the body in the form of a disease. The challenge is to first discover which attachments you need to free yourself from, and then visualize the release of bad emotions. Health is restored by eradicating old feelings and transferring oneself to new emotional ground.
Unequal relationship. You can work diligently under the direction of your superiors, completely obeying them, which reflects deep loyalty. But you can also subtly undermine their power. This can provoke hostility and distrust, which will eventually lead to a general battle with very powerful enemies. If you are in a leadership position, then you are capable of either charismatic leader, to whom followers are fanatically devoted, or a despot demanding unquestioning obedience, or else ... A serious trap is the inability to see the truth in both cases, because your motives are often hidden even from yourself. The task is to find and destroy all abuses of power by distinguishing between true and false authority.
Duty and service. Service is cyclical. At times you are "filled" with understanding. You become a divine finger, sending your messages from heart to heart, reaching other people with the intensity of the awakened consciousness. But after a while, your fervor again goes into the subconscious. Ultimately, your messages become mechanical, mere repetition of a truth that once emerged and is now nothing more than a cliché. This planar phase persists until the next cycle of consciousness awakening. The pitfalls are to go through cycles of awareness and forgetfulness without extracting any wisdom. The task is to remember what you have been through, what you have learned. With each new cycle, remember all the previous lessons of humility in order to offer people not just ardor, but deeper truth. Let each new planar phase of service take place on a higher level, with each cycle directing you to heaven.
technical thinking. Your thinking is changeable. At times, you penetrate the outer shell of life and reveal the secret threads that connect it into one. At other times, you act inefficiently, practically not noticing what is happening around you. This happens due to the paradox of perception of either the whole or the parts. When these perceptual paradigms conflict, your vision of the world becomes flawed. When they are consistent with each other, then your analysis acquires a depth and refinement that amazes other people. The task is to change your life in moments of super-clear vision. However, do not curse darkness, for it is the fertile source from which such marvelous thinking springs. When the process of seeing is taking shape, don't interfere with it. Let the birth of the mind happen by itself.
discipline and patterns. Ecological systems develop naturally, expanding and growing through a network of relationships between various types. This is the phase of sustainable existence, biomass accumulation. As soon as the system reaches the critical point of biomass accumulation in its development, it suddenly plunges into chaos. The system is falling apart. However, almost magically, she respawns at a higher difficulty level. Your lifestyle patterns develop similarly. Discipline and productivity increase consistently and purposefully.
Then suddenly everything changes at once. Habits break down, becoming meaningless. Labor productivity is stagnant. Then there is a change in the direction of development, and gradually you reach a higher level of existence. The challenge is to allow both the phase of stability and the phase of chaos to exist in the spiral of your work.

universal interpretation. planets in houses

This is a pronounced individualist, in a strange way always ready to help others. Inclined to engage in healing, classical medicine or diet therapy. He believes that he is invested with a certain mission and for the sake of his own well-being and self-respect is obliged to serve people. Feels a deep need to help others. Willingly engaged in research and accumulation of scientific information. Serious health problems are possible, especially when the planet is affected. With the wrong use of energies, a person becomes a hypochondriac, passing from one doctor to another. Suppression of one's own energies, passions and instincts can lead to the formation of bad habits, which later will be difficult to overcome. Such a person is able to transform working conditions and improve working methods in a strange way. He should monitor his health very carefully, which means thinking positively, eating right and accustoming to hygiene. He has the hidden power of a healer, and therefore can become a self-taught physician. Such a person is characterized by arrogance and excessive idealism in relation to employees, superiors and subordinates. Professional breakdowns lead to self-doubt. Dishonesty in work ends for such a person in conflict with the law. Only super-responsible and conscientious activity brings profit and recognition. In the treatment of such a person, it is rather necessary to change his lifestyle than to resort to a potent remedy. He is predisposed to infectious disease, fanatically trusts his healer, in self-healing he shows an amazing sense of perseverance and responsibility. Such a person needs to carefully select his subordinates, a lot depends on this in his work. You need to carefully monitor your lifestyle, carefully monitor activities and streamline personal goals. You should often listen to your inner voice and follow it even if it suggests something completely unusual. It is very important to take unusual steps in life and stick to what you believe in with perseverance and perseverance. Often such people become practicing magicians, parapsychologists and astrologers. They are characterized by powerful self-expression and a passion for self-affirmation.

We met with the energy of Pluto in the previous one. We learned how this energy manifests itself in the first three astrological houses, and in this article we will learn how Pluto manifests itself in the 4th, 5th, and 6th astrological houses.

Pluto in 4th house

The energy of influence, transformation, change falls on the themes of the 4th house: family, housing, parental home. For example, in a house from frequent repairs or rearrangements of furniture, oddities and crises can occur, since Pluto carries the symbolism of the 8th house: fires, robberies, black real estate on the topic of real estate, etc. Naturally, in order to draw such conclusions, it is necessary to weigh the sum of indicators for such an event, and Pluto itself does not give black realtors or a fire.

Also, this position of Pluto may indicate abrupt moves, forced emigration (read what emigration looks like in the natal chart), about the early death of one of the parents (directional Pluto is often marked on the 4-10 axis both on the death of parents and grandfathers - grandmothers).

Pluto in the 4th house of a woman can say that one of the parents carries the energies of Pluto, from where the atmosphere of the parental home could be somewhat oppressive, heavy, for example, I often notice this situation in the cards of military children, this also applies to men with Pluto in the 4th house.

Parsing karmic layer of this position, we can say that in the family there were people involved in magic, witchcraft, occultism.

Also, such a situation may indicate a difficult childhood, life in plutonic conditions, for example, in a communal hostel, next to asocial elements: a cemetery, a prison ...

Pluto in 5th house

From the free course on the basics of natal astrology, we learned that the 5th astrological house corresponds to the following areas of human life: business, creativity, hobbies, recreation, sex, children's topics, so Pluto's energy will be distributed over these topics. Look, psychologically Pluto creates the effect of looping on something, in the 5th house a person can loop on the creative state, on the topic of sex and satisfying one's desires, on the topic of excitement (fiery lion's house), full control loved one, child.

Pluto in the 5th house in a woman can serve as an indication of problems with childbirth, the difficulty of conception, with multiple indications in time reversal charts, a threat of miscarriage. It is not uncommon to come across cards of mothers who are hyper in control of both their children and their husbands.

Pluto feels good on stage when you need to “neigh”, in business, when the game is worth the candle and you need to take risks, in any activity where you need to take risks. A good compensatory measure for Pluto in the 5th house is to consciously create risks in your life, for example, install a virtual casino or poker on mobile phone and play, you can and without investing real money, Pluto will work.

Retrograde Pluto in the 5th house I consider direct, without the “r” index. Since the higher planets are in this phase for half a year.

Transiting Pluto in the 5th house can indicate the following events: an increase in personal popularity, changes in hobbies and hobbies, romantic events, problems with children / childbearing. Be sure to look into other forecasting methods to form final conclusions.

Pluto in 6th house

The energy of concentration, work “for wear and tear” goes to the sphere of the 6th house, and these are: routine, work, health, pets. Now let's try to figure it out.

Pluto in the 6th house of a man can go into over-plowing at work, and a person can both subdue the team, manager/supervisor role and be subordinate. In the case when a person is a subordinate, Pluto is realized in pressure from the authorities, and in strong control over a person, these can be, for example, the spheres of internal government bodies, financially responsible, etc. This also applies to the female chart.

On the topic of health, Pluto can serve as an indication serious illnesses such as cancer, injuries with surgery on the body, with other indications of Pluto in the 6th house of the natal chart.

Transiting Pluto in the 6th house of the natal chart indicates the following events: blockage at work, layoffs, deterioration in the health of both relatives and personal health. always double-check your conclusions by synthesizing indications with other forecasting methods (directions, solariums, transits).

And that is not all!

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