The long-haired dachshund is a characteristic of the breed. Standard and features of long-haired dachshunds


Origin: Germany

Classification: FCI group 4, dachshunds

Application: hunting dog for work in holes. Often plays a decorative role, a good watchman

Color: solid, bicolor, brindle or spotted

Dimensions: height at the withers - 14-20 cm, weight - no more than 4 kg for a male, females weigh up to 3.5 kg

Lifespan: 12-15 years old

The rabbit dachshund is one of the most recognizable dog breeds. What is so attractive miniature dachshunds dog breeders - with an elongated body and short legs?

Appearance, first of all, is an indicator of the hunting abilities of the dachshund. The dog is loved for its penetrating mind and absolutely unique character.

History of the breed

For the breeding of the breed, we must pay tribute to the German breeders

For hunting hares, or rather, for exploring rabbit holes, a dog of precisely such a constitution has always been in demand, as

German breeders did not stop working on reducing the size of the animal and sought to make the dachshund even smaller.

The narrow rabbit hole determined the parameters of the assistant - the dog had to not only climb through there, but also maneuver back and forth there.

As a result, it was possible to breed such a breed. Breeding miniature dogs was complicated by the fact that only a few puppies were born by dwarf dachshunds.

A special society was created to work on the breed. At the end of the 19th century, breeding of rabbit dachshunds was established in Germany.

Obtaining the breed took place in 2 stages. The usual dachshund was crossed with, but it was not immediately possible to get what you needed.

Dogs did not always have the required hunting excitement and anger. Or they turned out with long legs and big eyes, which was also not the goal of scientists.

It was decided to refuse to introduce the blood of other breeds for breeding, and they began to look for another solution.

The second stage was even more laborious and lengthy. For selection, only the smallest representatives of the breed were used, giving dwarf offspring.

In 1905, a center for rabbit dachshund lovers was created, which was headed by the breeder F. Engelmann, he was an admirer of the breed. Since that time, many documents have remained that describe what difficulties had to be overcome in breeding the rabbit dachshund.

The dwarfs used in breeding are not normal in their physiology. When breeding them, it was not always possible to maintain the correct body proportions, as in ordinary dachshunds.

The selection of the rabbit dachshund was very laborious

In some cynological essays, you can sometimes find information about rabbit dachshunds, which is supposedly an independent breed of dogs.

This is a delusion, since each variety has its own standards and parameters, and the requirements for the breed are the same. This applies to color, coat, body proportions.

In Russia, rabbit dachshunds appeared relatively recently. They were brought from abroad. Very few owners use them for hunting, but mostly they serve as a decorative dog.

Prices for puppies are not too high, so getting such a pet is quite simple.


The famous Russian scientist L. Sabaneev very accurately described the psychology of the dachshund:

“They are too smart, accommodating, they understand their master at a glance and are very attached to him, sometimes annoying.

Rabbit dachshunds require an affectionate attitude towards themselves, strict treatment of them is unacceptable - there are notes of pride in their character, they are stubborn, and sometimes vindictive and even touchy.

For a home, a dog of this breed is more suitable than many other breeds - excellent hearing never fails, so they never make a fuss, how much in vain, like terriers and barking for any reason.

The rabbit dachshund is extremely balanced and calm


In modern conditions dwarf breed used as indoor decorative dogs. As it is now fashionable to call it - a companion dog.

The dog is able to bring joy to all family members, although he is completely devoted only to the owner.

In appearance, such a cover is outwardly similar to a smooth one, the only difference is that the hair on the muzzle is more shaggy - there are eyebrows, a beard and a mustache.

Dachshunds come in both shorthair and longhair.

How to choose a dog

Having settled on the choice of the rabbit dachshund breed, it is necessary to prepare all the conditions for the puppy. It is necessary to equip a place where the dog will sleep, spend time in games.

Decide who you need: male or female. Boys are much more active and aggressive, and girls are more patient and attentive.

When choosing a female, you need to consider that you will have to breed dogs. This is, in principle, a profitable occupation, but if your plans do not include messing with puppies, then it is better to get a male.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to his appearance. A healthy baby should look plump, frisky

The coat at the age of one month is already smooth and shiny. Paws are thick, squat, but not long. The muzzle should not be sharp, but on the contrary - the shorter (dumbder) it is, the better.

Features of care

You can wash dogs with clean running water often, but with soap - only twice a year

It is necessary to monitor the eyes in a timely manner, care consists in wiping the secretions soft cloth. If the eyes become watery, then rinse them with a 2% solution of boric acid or strong tea.

At least twice a month, the ear canals are examined, dirt is removed with a cotton swab lubricated with petroleum jelly or a 3% peroxide solution. At education ear plug, it is recommended to drip the ear with paraffin oil and remove the cork with a cotton swab.

Dirt often collects on the paws between the claws. It must be cleaned after every walk. The nails themselves are carefully filed with an abrasive file as needed.

Hygiene is especially important when there are small children in the house.

You need to carefully monitor the condition of the dog


Smooth-haired dachshunds are always ready for the show. Their coat is always ideal, it does not require additional care and combing, dirt does not stick to it. The same can be said about wire-haired dachshunds.

It is enough to brush these varieties sometimes with a brush, starting from the head and all over the body in all directions.

Rabbit dachshunds with long hair look more decorative. They periodically need to comb out the hair on the limbs, below and on the tail.

Dogs are combed with a natural bristle brush, which is not capable of damaging the skin. Care should be taken that the hair behind the ears does not fall into lumps.

Long-haired breeds should be combed out - this device is ideal for caring for a pet during molting.

Dachshund - sanguine in temperament, has a strong stable character


The rabbit dachshund loves walks, because the hunting instinct is in her blood. Walking freely, she often finds and digs holes of rodents.

Once A.P. Chekhov said: "This dog has a long body and small crooked paws, but it is unusually smart."

The peculiarity of dachshunds is that, if necessary, they themselves are ready to analyze the situation and proceed to decisive action. This demeanor developed in varieties of dachshunds when they had to make optimal decisions on their own underground in burrows.

Adaptability to prolonged loads, determination, resourcefulness, the ability to wait and compromise - these are the distinguishing features of the behavior of these dogs.

There is an opinion that dachshunds have an overly stubborn disposition. But this is not stubbornness, but a pronounced independence. Again, this is a feature of the character of a hunting dog.

Accustomed to dealing with rodents or rabbits in a one-on-one burrow, dachshunds had no way to obey commands at that moment. Along the way, the dog relies only on his resourcefulness and determination. Dachshund is independent in everyday life, but by no means stubborn.

Dachshunds need a protein-rich diet.


The rabbit dachshund has more energy requirements than dogs large breeds.

For 1 kg of weight, she needs 85-90 kl, while a large dog, for example, or, needs only 50 kkl.

To maintain energy in an adult dachshund, food should contain as little fat as possible.

When an adult dog continues to be fed puppy food rich in fats, it is at risk of obesity.

The diet of an adult rabbit dachshund should consist more of fiber rich in carbohydrates.

You can use high-energy, designed for dogs with increased activity.

You need to feed the dachshund strictly twice a day, do not accustom to snacking in between


If the dog's behavior has changed dramatically - the nose has become hot, and not wet as before, heavy breathing is felt, an intestinal disorder has manifested itself in the form of vomiting or diarrhea, then without a diagnosis it can be determined that the dog is sick.


Before vaccinating, deworming should be carried out, since vaccination by infected animals is more difficult to tolerate. An ordinary pyrantel will do.

The first vaccination can be carried out at 1.5 months. It can be a vaccination against hepatitis or enteritis - it all depends on the prevalence of diseases in the region of residence.

Puppies tolerate these well, but it’s better not to take them outside until after it. Two weeks later, a second course of the selected vaccine is given.

At 2.5 months, it is the turn of vaccination against the plague. It makes no sense to do it before, and delaying it further is dangerous for the dog’s teeth.

The fact is that vaccination against plague affects the growth of teeth, which begin to change later, when the vaccine is left behind.

After this procedure, for 3 weeks, it is better not to walk the puppy in public places, to protect it from hypothermia and not to bathe.

Re-vaccination against plague is done at 6-7 months - just after the change of teeth.


On average, there will be 3 to 6 puppies in a litter.

To detect on time, inspect the litter daily. The day you find the signs will be the first.

Rabbit dachshunds usually have 3-6 puppies. For this, 3 matings are carried out, the last test for certainty. The first mating on the 10th day of estrus, and then every other day.

If everything went as it should, the bitch may show the first signs at the beginning of pregnancy. She may refuse food, sleep a lot, be lethargic.

Dachshunds carry offspring for up to 70 days. If there are many puppies, then childbirth occurs 10-12 days earlier. When the dog crosses its term, you should contact the veterinarian.

The belief that dogs can cope on their own during childbirth is wrong.

Help during childbirth is definitely needed - this will guarantee that all puppies will survive, and in case of complications, help will be provided in a timely manner.

Rabbit Dachshund: A loyal companion with common sense

The rabbit dachshund is one of the most recognizable dog breeds. Appearance, first of all, is an indicator of her hunting abilities. The dog is loved for its penetrating mind and absolutely different character.

In the mind of the average person, the dachshund is nothing more than a cute dog with a long body, short legs and long ears, which has a pronounced problem of being overweight.

It is in a similar vein that they speak about this breed, which for many has become synonymous with lap dogs. Although in reality, by nature, dachshunds are very capable and formidable hunters.

The first samples of the pygmy dachshund appeared back in the fifteenth century in Germany. At that time, it was used mainly for hunting burrowing animals - foxes, rabbits and badgers. Perhaps this will surprise someone, but the dachshund, which has such an inexpressive size and unsightly appearance, has enough strength to cope with such a dangerous animal as a badger. To date, many breeds of dachshunds have been bred, which differ in size, type of coat and color. However, they all have common characteristics.

Dwarf dachshund: photo, features of the breed

This dog got its name not by chance, because it has a rather inexpressive size and looks rather miniature even against the background of its standard relative. Since the creation of this breed, it was assumed that it would also be used for hunting. However, it immediately became clear that such a crumb would not be able to win in a fight with a badger, so they took her only for hunting rabbits. If hunting is not one of your hobbies, and you have been dreaming of a small lap dog in your apartment for a long time, then a dwarf dachshund will be an excellent choice for you.

This dog can also bring considerable benefits to owners of private houses who are tired of listening to and putting up with the constant visits of neighboring cats, because this crumb is strong enough to cope with these uninvited guests. Of course, this dog will show such dislike only in relation to other people's cats. She will treat her own differently, perceiving them as a toy or a playmate. There are cases when dachshunds began to take care of kittens, preventing their own mother from getting to their offspring. They are easy enough make friends with children, as a result, the dog quickly becomes the child's favorite friend.

Dwarf dachshund: character

Considering the small size of the long-haired dachshund, most probably will not be able to take the pygmy dachshund seriously, although in reality it is a rather dangerous and very biting animal. It is because of this deceptive impression that people harm themselves. Seeing a tiny dog ​​on a leash nearby, a person may have a desire to stroke it, but this does not lead to what he expects at all - a painful bite follows on the hand, and sometimes in the face.

Usually those people who do not understand how to treat these cute dogs suffer in this way. Many owners know that dachshunds - very loyal creatures, which at the same time are always on the alert when strangers and unfamiliar people approach them. And today, dachshunds are among one of the most popular breeds for keeping in an apartment environment.

If we turn to statistics, then about 20% of all dog bites are committed by these short-legged hunters. But the long-haired mini dachshund is a very inquisitive animal and always responds positively to the offer to go for a walk or a trip. If you are the owner of a personal plot and you decide to work in the garden, then keep in mind that it is at this moment that a dachshund will be somewhere nearby. At this time, she can do the most different things- help you plant seedlings, be interested in the contents of the prepared holes, or settle down nearby in the shade and watch you from afar.

Long haired dachshunds - pretty funny creatures who are ready to convey their cheerful mood to the owner. And games for her are one of her favorite pastimes. Therefore, if something saddens you, then you can easily cheer yourself up if you take a couple of minutes to this dog. But we advise you to refrain from raising your voice or using physical force against the dachshund. So you will only make it worse and spoil the character of your pet. The dog may perceive your attempts to scold her for any act differently than you expect, and may be offended. This is confirmed by numerous reviews, where the owners indicate that one of the characteristic features of dachshunds is excessive touchiness.

If you act so unfairly with your pet, then he will hide in a secluded corner and from there he will look reproachfully at you. He can demonstrate this behavior for several days, expecting that you will finally apologize to him. Only one conclusion can be drawn from this - dachshunds are very intellectually developed animals. They can easily understand what they are told, and therefore easily master various commands. Sometimes the owner has the impression that his pet is ready to tell him something.

Caring for pygmy dachshunds

Taking care of a dog of this breed is not so difficult, however, here too has its own nuances which must be taken into account.

Least of all problems arise in a person who keeps smooth-haired dwarf dachshunds at home.

It is somewhat more difficult to care for wire-haired dachshunds. Combing such dogs should be carried out much more often - about once every two days. Besides, they trimming required which they need about two to three times a year. Experts call trimming a haircut. This service is provided by many specialized salons. However, if you have experience in this matter, then you can save money and cut your pet yourself.

Keep in mind that caring for a long-haired dachshund will not be as easy as caring for a dwarf smooth-haired counterpart. And the reason for this lies in the length of the coat. Given that the dachshund is a short dog, pellets can form on its coat. This can be avoided if you regularly comb the animal's coat once a day after the next walk.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the condition of the ears and teeth of the dog. Especially often this should be done in the spring, because it is at this time high risk of catching ticks that can easily get into the dog's ears. Do not forget about bathing: this procedure is recommended to be carried out at least once a week or every time the dachshund gets dirty.

It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the eyes, and this must be done in any case, regardless of the breed of the dog. At the first sign of souring of the eyes, it is necessary to treat them using a special solution that is sold in a pharmacy, or weak brewing of black tea. But if you find redness, inflammation, tearfulness of the eyes, then in this case you should not self-medicate. With a dachshund, you must immediately see a doctor.

A haircut

A mandatory procedure that must be carried out in relation to the dachshund is cutting the claws. This can be done by the owner himself at home or use the services of the clinic. If you decide that you can handle this on your own, then you will have to buy special tongs.

If you can't coax your pet into this final finishing touch, then you can do something else - take your dog for a walk on the pavement or just run.

Dwarf Dachshund breed: nutrition

How often your pet will get sick depends on how you will care for him, starting from the very beginning. early age. Here nutrition is of particular importance. One of the first questions that needs to be answered is how often a dachshund puppy should be fed during the day. You have to be very careful here, because these dogs are prone to obesity. If you do not adhere to the diet, it is very easy to overfeed them, and this is fraught with health problems. Therefore, you need to determine in advance for yourself the amount of food for the dachshund.

If a young dachshund puppy eats too much, then this will negatively affect the condition of the joints. For a puppy under the age of four months, you need to follow a feeding schedule that should include 5-6 meals per day. Thus, it turns out that you should feed the puppy once every two to three hours. When determining the portion size, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the puppy should be hungry by the next feeding. To do this, you need to look at his bowl: if there is food left over from the last time, then you are overfeeding him.

Make it a rule - there should never be food in the bowl after the puppy has eaten. If something is left after eating, then it must be removed before the next meal. If this is not done, then the dachshund will know that he always has food and can choose the time of eating for himself.

When the puppy is 4 months old, reduce the number of meals to 3-4 per day. Even less often, it is necessary to feed an adult animal - no more than once or twice a day. However, here it is necessary to take into account the time of year, the physical activity of the dog and the calorie content of food.

Dachshund food

Also, especially carefully you need to approach the issue of choosing food. Most inexperienced dog breeders are accustomed to believing advertising and therefore begin to give the puppy dry food. This is a gross mistake, since long-term nutrition with dry food, and even more so of poor quality, can lead to complications:

  • the formation of kidney stones;
  • damage to teeth;
  • bowel disorder.


Dwarf Dachshund is not such a bad choice, especially if a person expects to receive a devoted friend in her person. This dog will fully meet his expectations, because she is very attached to a person and is even ready to protect him if need be. In order to enjoy every minute of being with your pet, the owner will have to regularly care for him. Therefore, he will be required not only to choose the appropriate type of food, but also to monitor the condition of the main parts of the body, primarily wool.

Mini dachshunds

What external features should have, according to the standard, a long-haired dachshund, as well as its character. Rules for keeping and feeding a pet. Features of choosing a healthy puppy.

Dachshunds are one of the oldest hunting dog breeds, the selection formation of which began in the 16th century.

Their ancestors were hounds, which were culled along the length of their paws. Short-legged dogs were not able to catch up with the beast, but because of the pronounced hunting instinct that they retained, they turned out to be convenient for use in burrow hunting. As the popularity of the breed increased, in addition to working varieties, several more decorative ones were bred, which include most of the long-haired dachshunds. They are obtained from crossing a classic smooth-haired dachshund and a spaniel.

The breed has 3 varieties, which differ in size. The long-haired dachshund has a general description of the breed that is similar for all varieties.

  1. Head. Wedge-shaped, with a well-developed occiput and almost no protruding brow ridges. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is noticeable.
  2. Nose. Black or brown color. The lobe is oval. The nostrils are well developed.
  3. fall. Lips not wet, tight fitting. Complete set of teeth. They are strong and large enough, closing tightly.
  4. Eyes. Oval shape, small, moderately deep landing. The color of the iris is more often brown, and in blue merle dogs, amber and blue are not a disadvantage.
  5. Ears. Hanging, triangular in shape, located on the sides of the head. Landing at eye level. The end is rounded. If desired, the dog can actively move them.
  6. Body. Strong, has developed muscles, the body is elongated. The scruff is pronounced, the withers appear. The chest is oval, of medium width. Her line is down below elbow joints. The loin is elongated. The croup is strongly sloping. The abdomen is tucked up.
  7. Paws. Strong, short, with wide pronounced joints. The setting of the carpal joints gives the impression of curvature of the forelimbs. staging hind legs wide, not pulling back. The fingers are strong, collected tightly, with long claws. The pads should be dark in color.
  8. Tail. Hanging or crescent. Landing slightly below the line of the back. Should not lie on its back or stand upright by breed standards. At the moment of excitement, the tail rises, and the dog wags it vigorously.

For each variety of long-haired dachshunds, standards provide acceptable limits for the minimum and maximum size, which, like external characteristics, affect show marks and initial admission to competitions.

Size and weight

When classifying varieties of long-haired dachshunds, it is not their body length or height at the withers that is taken into account, but the girth of the chest. All dogs, including decorative rabbits, are allowed to exhibitions as working burrows.

Dachshund long-haired standard has bust more than 35cm. Dogs with a girth of 30 to 35 cm are miniature. Dachshunds with an indicator of less than 30 cm are classified as rabbits, which are mainly started as decorative pets. The weight dogs of standard size should be no more than 9 kg, miniature dachshunds should not gain more than 7 kg, and rabbit ones should be heavier than 5 kg.

Color and coat type

The breed has a silky soft coat that falls beautifully along the body. It is especially long inside ears, belly, paws and tail. The undercoat is well defined. It is dense, thick, reliably escaping the dog from the cold. These shaggy dachshunds have a particularly refined appearance.

The standard provides for the following color options: solid, two-tone, brindle and marble. In the first case, the most popular is red. Fawn and beige are allowed. The presence of black hairs makes the color fawn.

Bicolor dachshunds are more likely to have a ground color of black or dark brown adjacent to reddish, cream or fawn. On the neck and chest, the presence of small white blotches is allowed.

With a brindle color, on a dark red background, there are black stripes with somewhat blurred borders. He does not meet often.

Marble dachshunds are also rare and are particularly decorative. The main background of their coat is dark red, brown or black, and light spots of arbitrary shape are distributed over it. They can be silver, fawn, or white.

Important! The price of dogs with a rare color is much higher than those with a classic one.

Species and subspecies

Standards distinguish three subspecies of long-haired dachshunds - standard, mini and rabbit. The division into three sizes is also characteristic of the smooth-haired and wire-haired varieties.

The most popular is rabbit dachshund, which has a very decorative look and small size. Despite the fact that the dog has not lost its working qualities, it is more often used as a companion.

Less active than classic smooth-haired pets, rabbit dachshunds feel good even in a small apartment, but only with regular walks lasting at least 1 hour.

Large long-haired dachshunds are mainly bred by hunters as working dogs. The number of representatives of this subspecies is much smaller, and it will be more difficult to find such a pet. The same applies to the mini variety, although it is also in demand as a decorative one.

Health and disease

The peculiarity of the body structure, which gives the dog significant advantages in burrow hunting, predisposes to a number of diseases associated with the spine. When breeding decorative dachshunds, some pathologies become hereditary, appearing due to closely related crossing and selection of animals only for external indicators. When starting a tax, it should be borne in mind that the breed is most susceptible to a number of pathologies.

  1. Swimmer's Syndrome - more often occurs in dogs after an injury or against the background of obesity, but can also occur as a hereditary disease. Its symptoms are quite similar to osteoporosis. With a genetic predisposition, the disease is already detected in puppies. In especially severe cases, they may completely lose the ability to stand up on their paws and will be forced to crawl.
  2. Discopathy. With this disease, damage to the intervertebral discs occurs. They can be deformed, displaced, or damaged from excessive pressure. Pathology is more characteristic of old dachshunds, but it can also develop in young dachshunds with injuries and improper maintenance, when the animal lacks physical activity and the muscular skeleton is not well trained.
  3. Acanthosis nigrikas. This pathology is non-hazardous and is associated with a malfunction sebaceous glands. With it, in some areas of the skin, thickening and the appearance of excessive pigmentation occur. This disorder is genetic and does not require treatment.
  4. Epilepsy. As a rule, it has a hereditary nature and begins to appear even in puppies. Seizure frequency depends on individual characteristics dogs. Treatment, carried out correctly and started in a timely manner, in most cases leads to a stable remission.
  5. Eye diseases. To a greater extent, these pathologies are characteristic of the rabbit variety. The most common atrophy optic nerve, retinal dissection, glaucoma and cataract. Due to the small size of the dog, traumatic eye injuries can occur.
  6. Enteritis. It is also quite a big problem for the owners of the rabbit variety. In a sick dog, inflammation of the intestinal walls occurs, which is caused by inappropriate nutrition or viral damage. With timely regular vaccination, the disease manifests itself due to improper diet. Vaccination protects against the viral form of enteritis.

Important! When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to the closeness of the relationship of his parents. Offspring from closely related mixing should not be bought.


longhaired dachshund lifespan 12 to 15 years old. It is influenced by the type of dog, its health, living conditions and whether it is used for hunting. Domestic dogs, medium or miniature, that do not hunt and are not injured in a fight with an animal, live longer than their counterparts, who are regularly injured. A pet that has the ability to move quite a lot in the fresh air is stronger than a dachshund that spends most of its time in an apartment.

The rabbit variety, which is actively bred as an ornamental, is less good health, since often when selecting dogs for mating, it is the indicator of appearance that is taken into account first of all.

Advice! Wanting to prolong the life of your pet and keep his health longer, you should visit the veterinarian for preventive purposes once every 6 months, for the timely detection of pathologies if they begin to develop.

Character and intelligence

The long-haired dachshund is distinguished by curiosity and high activity. She is constantly on the move, taking part in everything that happens in the house, regardless of whether she was called or not. The dachshund constantly needs the attention of the owner, and it is unacceptable to leave it alone for a long time.

The intellectual abilities of the dog are high, and it is well trained. The pet in a short time masters even complex skills. This feature makes it easy to socialize the animal.

Attitude towards children and others

With children, a long-haired dachshund easily finds a common language, but only if she is not offended. In response to rudeness, the pet will use its teeth, which cause serious damage. Dachshunds communicate easily with other pets, establishing friendships. Exceptions are small animals such as rats and hamsters, which in most cases are perceived as an object for hunting.

To outsiders, the dog is moderately aggressive or indifferent. She does not have the desire to bite a stranger in the house or on the street without an urgent need. The pet will not impose its society on guests and show a great desire to communicate with them, even when it is called.

Training and education

Training of dogs that will be used as hunting dogs is carried out on specially equipped sites under the supervision of an experienced mentor. In other cases, the pet is socialized and raised independently. From an early age, he is taught two vital commands during walks - “Come!” and "Fu". By the first walk, the dog should already accurately perform them.

During training, rudeness or physical punishment should not be applied to the dachshund. This will make the dog nervous, distrustful and cause disturbances in his behavior. The best method is training with short lessons in the form of a game, when the dog correct execution teams will be encouraged.

Pros and cons of the breed

A dog can only live in a house. She should provide her own bed with a blanket and toys. Dachshunds will need at least 2 walks every day, lasting from 1 hour. Pets need to be brushed daily. Nail trimming is carried out, as well as washing, as needed. Ears and eyes are rubbed once a week. General grooming is similar to that required for any long-haired dog.

Important! You can only let a dog into bed if you always plan to sleep next to it. It is no longer possible to wean a dachshund from such a holiday.

The feeding regimen varies with age, as in dogs of other breeds. The water in the drinker should be constant and change 2 times a day. The diet should include lean meat, boiled low-fat sea fish, buckwheat and rice porridge, vegetables and fruits. You should not give the dog flour, sweet, fried and smoked.

Features of grooming

For show dogs, grooming by a professional is essential. In other cases, you can cut your pet yourself so that in wet weather dirt does not collect on long hair. You can also wear overalls for your dog. For the dachshund itself, shorn wool is more comfortable.

How to choose a puppy

When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to its appearance. A healthy dog ​​should have clean eyes and nose, be active and inquisitive. The puppy should be free of fleas and signs of helminthic lesions, as well as excessive distended abdomen, which indicates bowel problems. An animal older than 2 months must have a veterinary passport, which contains marks about vaccinations already done.

Long-haired dachshunds are lively and active dogs that require a lot of time from their owners for communication and cannot stand being alone. You should not start them if you are not sure that it will be possible to keep the pet correctly.

Video about the breed

The dog has long been considered a true friend of man. For some people, it is customary to get dogs of large breeds, others prefer to have lap dogs, others do not pay attention to the size of the animal, but perceive only the character and temperament of the pet. The only breed that combines the individual preferences of people is the dachshund. These dogs in appearance can be called dwarf animals.

Thanks to their special endurance and musculature, they will be able to give a forum to dogs of large breeds. And by temperament they are suitable for people with any lifestyle and interests, although most often dachshunds are acquired by hunters. To date, long-haired dachshunds have become in high demand.

Origin story

Dachshund is considered an ancient breed, giving rise to the emergence of other types of burrowing dogs. Only scientists have not been able to determine the exact date of origin of the long-haired variety of dogs with an elongated body. However, multiple excavations indicate that the described breed of dogs lived in the territory ancient rome, Greece and Egypt. It was there that the skeletons of animals with an elongated body and short paws were found.

All breeds of dogs with short stature and a long body have the same ancestors, namely the ancient hounds. Tax in this matter is no exception.

Although in that distant past, in relation to the hounds, a long body was considered a disadvantage rather than an advantage. By the standard of the past, hounds were required to have long legs.

Short-legged representatives of dogs with an elongated body became popular after several hundred years and were used to hunt burrowing animals. For the first time, a positive assessment of the disproportionate body of dogs was given by German hunters, after which the breeders took up the development of a squat breed. The official recognition of the Dachshund breed occurred in 1988, after which dog breeders began to actively engage in their breeding and subsequent distribution of puppies.

This fact played an important role in the formation of other subspecies of the Dachshund breed. talking in simple words, the long-haired variety arose by crossing the classic dachshund with a spaniel, and the long-haired rabbit variety was born by mating a dachshund with a pinscher and a toy terrier. Along with other breeds in the history of dachshunds, there are several special dates that every breeder of the short-legged breed should know.

  • XVI-XVII centuries The formation period of the Dachshund breed in Germany. The Germans paid Special attention the breeding of short-legged and undersized dogs, which makes it easier to hunt wild animals living in holes.
  • 18th century It was at this time that the breed and its subspecies acquired their final appearance and characteristics.
  • 1939-1945 During these periods of time, the demand and popularity of the Dachshund breed is sharply reduced, as the world community has negative emotions everything related to Germany. And only thanks to the special efforts of dedicated breeders, dachshunds, after a short period of time, again win the sympathy of the public.
  • 1972 It was then that the XX Summer Olympic Games were held, the mascot of which was a dachshund named Waldi. The popularity of this dog knew no bounds. Her image in a striped T-shirt was placed on envelopes, clothes and dishes.


Along with other thoroughbred dogs, long-haired dachshunds have an official appearance standard. Even the smallest deviation from the norm can indicate culling. Max Height adult dog at the withers does not exceed 35 cm. The standard weight of an adult varies within 9 kg. The shedding of the long-haired variety of dachshunds proceeds according to the season, the process of hair loss itself is moderate and does not bring trouble to the breeder.

In color, representatives of long-haired dachshunds have different variations. They can be one-color, two-color and spotted. The coat itself is long, falling down, rather thick. A distinctive feature of the breed is a dense undercoat that warms the animal in winter. The head of the dachshund has an oblong shape with oval transitions, smoothly and evenly tapering towards the tip of the nose.

The high-set ears are very soft to the touch, rather long. Breeders note their high mobility. The body of the Dachshund should be smooth, with slightly pronounced muscularity. According to the norms of body structure, the thoracic region of the dachshund should bulge slightly. Belly picked up. The harmoniously folded limbs of a miniature calf should be muscular and bony. The tail is located in the upper part of the body, slightly curved at the tip.

The dachshund has a moderately long body, slightly squat and compact in size. Excellent musculature allows it to develop good speed and endure long journeys on its paws. Despite such a low growth, the animals do not have a feeling of discomfort and difficulty during movement. Against, dogs show perfect control over their bodies, are able to overcome the most difficult obstacles.

A distinctive feature of the dachshund is strong claws. thanks to which they easily dig the ground. In a minute of hard work, a furry animal can dig a hole 45 cm deep.

Initially, shaggy puppies were bred for hunters, but now these animals have gained popularity among "dog lovers" with other interests. The long-haired variety is quite common in pedigreed dog shows.


Long-haired dachshunds have a soft, gentle and friendly character. In general, they are considered smart animals, quite energetic, accommodating, gambling masters of the art of hunting. Their main weapons are charm, perseverance and stubbornness. Some representatives of the long-haired species tend to dominate and may show increased selfishness. At the same time, dachshunds are very inquisitive creatures. That is why they try to get acquainted with the outside world, in spite of any obstacles.

Dachshunds by nature are very attached to the owner and his family. But strangers trying to bypass. As perfect place for recreation, they prefer the knees of their owner. If a person is lying, they are laid on his neck. And at night, be sure to climb under the covers. It is very important to accustom dachshund puppies to society from birth. This is especially true of other dogs, other pets and children. If this issue is not dealt with, her hunting instinct can take over the dachshund.

Like other representatives small breedsDachshunds can show a harsh and wary attitude towards large dogs.. And in the case when large dogs respond to aggression, small animals most often hide at the feet of their master. Dachshunds live as comfortably as possible in large and friendly families who love outdoor activities. Only for a full understanding and maximum adaptation it is necessary to have a puppy of two or three months of age.

At this age, it is much easier to accustom a baby to society, and along with this, to educate in all family members a sense of respect for the animal, especially for children. If the child shows harshness and cruelty towards the dachshund, she may show aggression.

Some owners of long-haired dachshunds claim that these animals can replace a professional psychotherapist. They are attentive listeners and are sensitive to their master. Without much difficulty, they distinguish the mood of people, and in the absence of positive, they try to cheer them up. Although sometimes they can overdo it and even start biting in a playful way.

If the dog is purchased to live in a private home, the owner of the garden plot will have to make strong barriers for fruit plantings and flower beds. On free range, the dachshund develops a digging instinct, which will cause deep minks to be found throughout the territory.

How many years do they live?

Life cycle long-haired dachshund largely depends on the care and maintenance. Average rates range from 10 to 15 years. Although some owners claim that their pets lived to the age of twenty. Dogs that die in early period life, most likely, had a bad genetic heredity or caught a disease that did not manifest itself from the outside.

Color variations

Before starting to deal with color variations, it is necessary to become more familiar with the wool of the shaggy variety of dachshunds. In its structure, the hairline of the represented breed is particularly smooth. When exposed to bright rays, a natural luster is visible. Under the main part of the hair is a small undercoat, which has a soft structure. Next, we can talk about color. Long-haired dachshunds have a variety of colors.

  • Single color wool. The hairline can be red, fawn or reddish-yellow. Although the most popular is considered a pure color with a small admixture of black.

  • Two-tone wool. In this case, dark, black and brown shades are characteristic. But in each individual case, small tan marks of cream and fawn color are visible.

  • Marble wool color. The main color of the hair can be black, red or gray, on top of which small spots of a gradient shade are visible.

  • Brindle coat color. In this case, shades of red, fawn and brindle-dark are assumed.

Very rare, but still possible dachshund with white wool. Usually these are representatives of the short-haired variety of the breed. Despite this, the nose and eyes have a pronounced line dark colors. According to scientists, albinos are born by crossing dachshunds with a marbled coat color.

Features of care

Grooming for most amateur dog breeders is a mystery, although everyone is familiar with its basics. We are talking about the rules for caring for pets and their appearance. Grooming knowledge is especially important for owners of long-haired breeds, including dachshunds.

  • Bathing. Bath procedures should be carried out only if necessary, but not more than 4 times a year, otherwise the dog's skin may dry out. To bathe a long-haired dachshund, you will need to purchase a special shampoo and balm, thanks to which the coat is easy to comb. The first communication of a dog with water should be carried out at the age of six months.

  • Combing. Dogs with long hair should be brushed several times a week, and daily during the shedding season. To do this, you will need to purchase a special massage brush with rare teeth.

  • A haircut. If a long-haired pet participates in exhibition events, the trimming procedure should be entrusted to a professional master, since the hairstyle of the contender for victory should emphasize the breed standard. And to maintain a clean and tidy look, haircuts can be done independently. Moreover, it will be much more comfortable for the animal. Long hairline is an advantage, although there are still some disadvantages.

Long and dense coat protects the baby in severe cold, but during the walk, snow accumulates on the tips of the hairs, gathers in lumps. And when it rains, dirt will accumulate on it.

Due to the miniature size and kindness of the dog, caring for a dachshund at home is not difficult. In general, standard rules for keeping a pet are assumed, familiar to every person. Expecting the appearance of a four-legged friend in the house, the new owner needs to buy a sunbed, various toys, a collar, a leash, a toothbrush and toothpaste.

It is enough to take care of your pet's teeth once a week. Thus, freshness of breath is preserved and plaque is removed. It should not be forgotten that long-haired dachshunds require special care for their claws. For example, dachshund puppies need to file their claws regularly; in an adult, they grind off on the asphalt during walks. It is important to inspect the ears of a long-haired beauty daily. In case of contamination, clean with a cotton pad and vegetable oil.

It is necessary to walk the baby twice a day, for two hours. In this case, the dog should be as active as possible. Upon returning home, the pet's paws must be wiped or washed. Some owners who are overly fond of their animals purchase overalls for them for the winter. However, in the case of long-haired dachshunds, this clothing option is not ideal. First, the wool cover deteriorates. Secondly, clothing restricts movement. Thirdly, there is no possibility of natural hardening of the dog.

Education and training

The process of raising a dachshund must begin from its very birth. Initially, this is done by the mother. Puppies carefully study her habits and try to copy the behavior. At the age of one and a half months, babies begin to be weaned from their mother, and from that moment on, the owner must begin to train the animal to live in a new home. Before starting training, the baby must learn the basic knowledge.

  • Nickname. It is important that the animal has its own name from birth. Although most newly minted owners try to rename the animal or purchase a puppy that does not have a nickname.
  • Place command. It is necessary that the puppy has its own separate place for privacy. Otherwise, the baby will climb onto the sofa or bed.
  • "No" command. In this case, prohibitions are assumed on begging for food or stealing it from the table.
  • Collar. A small puppy should have its own accessory from the first days of birth. As you grow up, the collar will change, and the habit of it will not disappear.

From birth, a puppy should have a variety of toys with which he will have fun. Otherwise, furniture, shoes and other personal belongings of the owner may be damaged.

Black Smooth Dachshund
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Dachshund- a breed of hunting, characterized by a small height at the withers, short legs and a long body. It looks quite unusual, due to the unusual for dogs, disproportionate build. This appearance arose as a result of the selection of specimens suitable for hunting burrowing animals. There are several varieties of this breed of dog - standard, dwarf, rabbit, which, in turn, are divided into smooth-haired, long-haired and wire-haired. Dachshunds can be of various colors, the most common of them are black and tan, red, brown and tan, marble: black or coffee. Also there are animals of brindle and black with brindle tan colors.

Images of dogs with a long body and short legs have been found during excavations on the walls of ancient Egyptian temples, and stone and clay figurines of animals similar to modern dachshunds have been found in Mexico, Greece, Peru and China. Nevertheless, many experts believe that dachshunds are an original German breed of dog. In Germany, on the sites of ancient Roman settlements, animal remains were also found, very reminiscent of the skeleton of a modern dachshund. Most likely, variations with shortened legs and an elongated body have arisen more than once over the centuries-old history of the existence of dogs.

There are six varieties of modern dachshunds - smooth-haired, long-haired and wire-haired animals of standard or dwarf sizes. They differ only in size and type of wool. It is believed that the first dwarf or rabbit dachshunds were bred by crossing terriers and pinschers with the smallest and lightest dachshunds. Such pets are used to hunt small burrowing animals such as rabbits.

Brown Smooth Dachshund
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Despite the fact that the dachshund has been known in Tsarist Russia since the 30s of the 18th century, it has not received much distribution. Nevertheless, in 1900, the Russian Society of Fox Terriers and Dachshund Fans arose, which kept stud books and organized specialized exhibitions. Oddly enough, but the inhabitants of the Russian state regarded this breed more as, and not as a worker. Many families kept dachshunds as pet. Very quickly and successfully, such pets spread among the creative intelligentsia.

Dachshunds are brave, agile, agile dogs, with self-esteem and independence. Smart, fearless, attentive, aggressive to the beast. Very strong and durable. Loyal to their owner and distrustful of strangers. In urban environments, some specimens may bark on walks and even try to bite people passing by. They have great instincts. On the hunt, they work on a fox, a raccoon, a badger, a blood trail, if necessary, they will serve a duck from the water, warn about a wild boar and a bear. The dog has a loud voice, courageous, with protective qualities, purposeful and independent. With flaws in education, in a city apartment, it can become a domestic tyrant.

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This is how the Germans describe their pet. Strong, with a massive skeleton dog, standing firmly on the ground, with a long elongated muzzle, the ears are long, soft, rounded at the ends. The back is muscular, strong, the chest is voluminous, deep, with a characteristic “keel” in front. The tail, thick and strong at the base, set low, usually carried just below the line of the back, sticking up like an antenna when excited. The limbs are short, thick, with relief muscles, especially pronounced on the front. In addition, the front paws are wider and larger than the hind legs. The animal moves freely, sweepingly.

Given the hunting history of the breed, walks with dachshunds should be regular so that the dog does not get fat in urban conditions. It is better to walk her more often and give the pet plenty to run around in a fenced area. The coat of dachshunds is easy to give in. Smooth-haired dogs should be wiped with a special mitten and a soft cloth once a day. A hard brush and comb are needed only in the care of long-haired and wire-haired dachshunds.

In cold weather, in rain and sleet, it is better to dress smooth-haired dachshunds for a walk. Usually, overalls, blankets or knitted blouses are used for these purposes. Almost any clothes can be bought at specialized pet stores, and if necessary, sew or knit yourself. Here is an example of a pattern and instructions on how to sew a jumpsuit.

You will have to take only one measurement - the length of the back. To do this, put a collar on the dachshund without tightening it and measure the distance from it to the root of the tail - this is the length of the back (line AB in the diagram). Now divide the resulting number by 8 to find out the size of the side of the grid square on which the pattern is built. It remains to draw a grid and transfer the pattern pattern to it. Part 1 should be a pair - this is the right and left halves of the overalls. Detail 2, unpaired, half is shown in the diagram - this is a wedge sewn between the front legs with a narrow end; it covers the chest and stomach. The pattern is designed for a poodle, but is perfect for square format dogs of any size, only for them you will have to slightly reduce the width of the legs. The width and length of the legs are adjusted when trying on, the bottom of the legs is assembled with an elastic band. Such a jumpsuit does not prevent the dog from moving at all, it perfectly protects against wet snow, rain and wind, especially if it is made of two layers: the top is made of raincoat fabric, the lining is made of flannel.

long haired dachshund

long haired dachshund
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long haired dachshund, without a doubt, a beautiful dog: unusual, elegant, spectacular. Hence its popularity in many countries, although in terms of prevalence it is inferior to its smooth-haired counterpart. There is an opinion that this breed is not sufficiently forced to "show malice", that is, it is simply treated little or not at all as a working dog. For urban conditions, this is even a plus, although this variety was originally created for work, like the smooth-haired one. It was only intended for more severe weather conditions.

For the first time in the literature, a long-haired dachshund is mentioned in 1820. This variety was bred by crossing smooth-haired dachshunds with long-haired breeds. Most likely, the blood of spaniels, as well as some breeds of cops, flows in the veins of the long-haired dachshund. It is not for nothing that the long-haired variety of the hunting direction, for the most part, works better on a duck than smooth-haired or wire-haired dogs.

Although the long-haired dachshund does not freeze and can follow the trail for a long time in cold weather, it is the coat that stops skeptical practitioners. It collects a lot of dirt, and in winter snow freezes on it. Snow pellets, freezing to the coat on the underside of the body and on the back of the legs, make it very difficult for the dog to move.

The final color and coat length of these dachshunds are established after several molts, usually in the second year of life. Their hair grows rather slowly. But when the long-haired dachshund "dresses" completely, its fur coat becomes long and silky, on the body it is smooth and tight-fitting, has a natural gloss. It is this "shirt" that protects well from dampness and rain.

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According to the standard, the coat should not be shaggy or have a tendency to curl. Sufficiently thick "shirt", however, does not hide the outlines of the dog's body. On the ears, under the throat, on the underside of the body, on the back of the legs, the hair forms long silky, but not fluffy, feathers. On the tail it forms a dewlap in the form of a fringe, which looks very elegant. This is the beauty and pride of the long-haired dachshund. As soon as this "beauty" is not called - and plumage, and dressing wool, and decorating wool.

But the wool is shaggy, wavy, in the form of curls causes serious criticism of experts. Fluffy hair and "curls" are generally not acceptable. An "open", loose or fluffy coat, although it may appear thicker and warmer, absorbs moisture like blotting paper. It becomes a dirt and dust collector and requires constant brushing and brushing to keep it clean. additional measures for cleaning. Wool matte, without shine, dry and hard to the touch indicates that it does not have a fatty layer, which is necessary so that it does not let moisture through.

Long-haired dachshunds are bred in red, black and tan and coffee colors. Interestingly, in this variety until the 1920s. there were pure black and pure brown dogs, without tan marks. The range of shades of red in long-haired dachshunds includes red - the color of polished mahogany, dark cherry, chestnut, golden chestnut, orange, light red, but bright and saturated.

Red long-haired dachshunds also have a color with the exotic name "moire". At the same time, the lower part of the hair has a golden color, and the upper part is dyed with a thin black. Dark color is most common on the ears, neck, shoulders, on the body, on the sides. Below, to the stomach, on the chest, the red color begins to predominate. The general impression is that a dark veil is thrown over the golden base. The red color begins to predominate in a purer form in those places where a black and tan dog should have tan. In fact, they seem to be slightly "drawn". The color is extremely refined and elegant.

Dwarf or rabbit dachshund

Dwarf or rabbit dachshund
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Dwarf or rabbit dachshund, which differs from its counterparts in a more compact size, was born a little later and immediately became very popular all over the world. The dwarf dachshund is distinguished by a calmer disposition and a penetrating mind, easily finds a common language with all family members, individually adjusting to each of them. These dogs are very friendly with children, but you need to explain to the guys that such a pet is not just another toy in their collection. With permanent residence in an apartment, a dwarf dachshund may well play the role of a decorative dog.

Despite their diminutive size and clumsy build, the pygmy dachshund is bold, active and very agile. As true trackers, they are very inquisitive and enjoy exploring new places. Dachshunds are perfectly trainable, although from time to time they like to demonstrate their stubbornness and independence to their owners. With good upbringing, these miniature pets can make excellent watchmen or faithful companions.

The dwarf dachshund is the smallest of the dachshund breed, with a chest volume of up to 30 cm and a weight of about 3.5 kg., is a specialist in narrow passages in rabbit holes. It owes its origin to breeders who bred dogs suitable for burrow hunting for rabbits. By crossing dachshunds and pinschers, small dogs suitable for hunting rabbits were bred, however, they had little in common with the desired type of dachshund: they were too long-legged, and the head remained very similar to the head of a pinscher for a long time. As a result, they returned to breeding purebred lines, for which the smallest individuals of dachshunds were selected for breeding and selection was carried out on this basis.

Dachshund breeding

As you know, dachshund dogs are capable of breeding as early as 8-12 months. However, at this age, the body of young animals is not yet fully formed. Early mating can lead to serious illnesses and complications. The optimal age for reproduction is 1 year for males and 20 months for females. Veterinarians recommend the first mating of bitches only after the third estrus.

Here are a few basic rules, the observance of which will facilitate the mating process for both animals and their owners. Mating should take place on the territory of the male, since it is at home that the males are most active. A suitable time for mating is in the morning, before feeding. Before the "date" dogs need to walk well. Overcrowded intestines can cause mating without a "lock" and unsuccessful cages.

For mating dogs, choose a quiet place where there are no strangers, other animals. Give the dachshunds time to get to know each other, to get used to the new place. But you should not delay the process, as the male can simply "lose the hunt."

Choosing a Dachshund Puppy

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It is recommended to buy a dachshund puppy at the age of about two months. By this time, the young animal no longer needs mother's milk, he has received the first vaccination and deworming. In addition, the psyche of a 2-month-old puppy is already sufficiently formed to start an independent life next to a person.

When you come to the seller, first of all, pay attention to the conditions for keeping pets. The room in which the puppies live should be clean and warm, it should not have a heavy smell. Ask the breeder to show you at least one of the parents of the young. So you can see firsthand what your pet will turn into when it grows up.

When choosing a dachshund puppy, inspect the entire litter to be able to determine the best copy. Choose the puppy that is the most active and agile. A young dachshund should not be too thin or too fat. In a healthy puppy, the paws are strong and short, and the body already has characteristic proportions.

The next thing you should pay attention to when choosing such a pet is wool. After all, it is she who is the main indicator of the health of the dog. Whether the Dachshund is long-haired, smooth-haired or wire-haired, it should be shiny and free of bald spots and dandruff. Also carefully examine the skin of the animal. It should be clean, without rashes, scratches, sores.

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Next, you need to examine the muzzle and head. The pigmentation of the mouth of dachshund puppies should be light, that is, the tongue and gums should be pink, they should not have wounds or plaque. There should be no unpleasant odor from the mouth. The bite of the animal, according to the standard, scissors. The ears, eyes, nose of the puppy must be clean, without discharge and sores. At good puppy clear eyes, cold and wet nose.

Dachshund males should have both testicles descended at 7-9 weeks of age. If you see a deviation, it is better not to take such a pet in the hope that everything will still bounce back, as this may not happen. As a result, the dog will not be allowed to show and breed.

Pay attention to the back of a young dachshund - it should be absolutely straight, without deflection or hump. Such defects in the future can lead to serious health problems. The tail of the puppy should be straight, without creases. The dewclaws, or fifth toes, should be docked.

To protect yourself from possible problems and disappointment in the pet, do not hesitate to ask the seller for documents confirming the puppy's pedigree, but it is better to conclude a contract of sale. A conscientious breeder who is not indifferent to the fate of each animal will be happy to provide you with all the necessary documents, as well as a veterinary passport of the dog and a puppy card.

Dachshund - hunting dog

The question of whether fox hunting is necessary for this dog, as a rule, causes a negative reaction from the newly-minted dachshund owners. Everyone tends to take the dog for themselves, which means for the couch. And you can't blame anyone for that. Dachshund - wonderful companion and will find something to do even sitting on the couch and without hunting for a fox. Another thing is when you decide to become a breeder or owner of a cattery. Here you have a great responsibility for this breed.

And the dachshund breed was created exclusively for hunting. Hence the features of its exterior. Everything in it is designed to work in a hole: and a long rib cage, accommodating colossal lungs for the size of the dog in order to avoid oxygen deficiency in the hole and a certain ratio of height at the withers to the distance from the bottom of the chest to the ground. The dachshund must be mobile and move freely in the hole, and the body must not “scrape” the ground, as is common with some foreign dachshunds that are not used for hunting. And the weight of the dog should not exceed 9 kg, since it is difficult for a large and overweight dog to work in a narrow hole and outcrops. If you remove the need to hunt, then the above features of the exterior of the dachshund become rather meaningless. The exterior of a non-working dachshund can take on a somewhat stylized, exaggerated character, and our dachshund will become somewhat reminiscent of its American version: the chest is lowered low and “creeps” along the ground, legs that are too short and “folded” do not allow it to move quickly, the dog is “cheese and loaded ”, and weight - well, it cannot be measured.

“The paws are crooked, the bodies are long, but the mind is extraordinary,” A.P. Chekhov wrote about the dachshund. Unusual mental abilities, cunning, courage, independence, determination, their own opinion about everything in the world - these traits were inherited by the dachshund from her hunting ancestors and were formed over decades. Those whose dachshund “fell ill” with a hole know that without a beloved fox, a dachshund yearns and can become a grump and a bore. Depriving the dachshund of its habitat, we thereby contribute to a change in its character, and this, as you know, as well as hunting qualities, is inherited and will ultimately lead to mental degradation and complete degeneration of the breed.

There is a certain relationship between the characteristics of the psyche of the dachshund and its ability to hunt, as, apparently, in other breeds. That is, the state of the dog's psyche can be judged by its ability to work in a hole. A Dachshund suffering from the above disadvantages will not be able to hunt, and therefore should not be used for breeding. In other words, a dachshund that does not hunt should not be used in breeding.

Now about another category of owners, whose dachshunds might have been hunting if their owner had not been so lazy or timid and would have reached the hole. Sometimes we ourselves come up with many reasons why we cannot do something, trying to justify ourselves first of all by this. But if you only go to the “baiting” once - only once, you will “get sick” with it along with your dog. “I'm ready to climb into the hole myself and show my dachshund how to work,” you hear almost constantly from beginners. The sight of a dog working in a hole is unusually impressive. Everything surprises: from the first steps of a puppy in a hole to the high-class work of an already experienced dog. And what a pleasure to watch the dog gradually, step by step, gain experience. There are no serious injuries on grafting with an experienced nor-master - everyone remains alive: both dogs and foxes. The fears of beginners who explain that they do not go to the hole because they are afraid that the animal will bite their dog are unfounded - often this is just a convenient excuse for oneself. And don't take it seriously. The training of a young dog, like a person, follows the classical path: from simple to complex. A frightened puppy or a young dog may no longer enter the hole, and this is not necessary for either the teacher or the student. The dachshund is an intellectual being, and her sense of self-preservation is highly developed. It is for this property that hunters appreciate it: to take or drive out the beast and at the same time survive. Everything is done with the mind, everything is “with the head”. The training of a young dog goes gradually, and the dog, like his owner, should leave the hole in a good mood, with a feeling of even a small, but victory, and with a feeling of something unfinished. And all week they will think that next time they will show this ...

Having good contact with a person, a dachshund shows miracles in hunting - it works not because the hunting instinct pushes it, but because its owner needs it. She works for the person. Dachshund is able to give all the best. Proper education from this dog can achieve the full realization of all its hunting capabilities. A person who has not been able to understand what level of relationships the dachshund is capable of will complain and complain in vain that the dachshund is far from being the best hunting dog, and he got an unsuccessful copy at all. Work for such a dog will not bring joy, illuminated by communication with a person. The dog will start working for itself. Only the dachshund has nothing to do with it: "don't blame the horse, blame the road." That the person - the creator "blinded" from a dog, then it turned out. Experts at the end of the last century noticed this ability of the dachshund: "It happened that a severely punished dachshund lost his heart and refused to work, but if, on the contrary, treat him kindly, they work with such zeal, which is better than you can wish for."

In addition to burrow hunting, dachshunds are successfully used on the surface for other types of animals and game. If necessary, a hard worker - a dachshund, despite his short legs, will be able to act as a walking hound, and a spaniel, and even a husky. And he will do it to the best of his ability and responsibly and conscientiously.

But it makes sense to start practicing the skills necessary for other types of hunting only when the dachshund begins to work well on a burrowing animal. It must also be borne in mind that among the dachshunds there are dogs that, having successfully hunted on the surface, cool down to the hole.

Undoubtedly, the size of the dachshund narrows the range of its capabilities in ground hunting. But being small has its advantages. The low position of the dachshund's torso above the ground allows it to use its senses excellently. And at the same time, the dachshund has a large margin of "strength" - it is hardy and efficient. No wonder they say: the dachshund's instinct is in its paws.

The dachshund follows the blood trail well. Skill in this work comes with experience, in addition, in the future "blood dog" it is necessary to develop flair as much as possible. To do this, use every opportunity, inventing all sorts of exercises. The hunter must be able to "improvise". A well-trained dog will find its owner along the most difficult and confusing trail. Training this quality can be developed.

Some dachshunds, having found a wounded animal on a blood trail, give a voice, calling the hunter. Such a call The best music for the hunter. In blood trail tests, this ability of the dog is called announcing. Self-announcing dogs are not so common, and the quality is very valuable.

Dachshund can lift and drive and not wounded animals. A deer or an elk does not take a small short-legged dog seriously and moves away from it slowly, which is very convenient for the hunter. The same can be said about the wild boar - a small dachshund cannot frighten this large animal. However, when chasing a wild boar, dachshunds sometimes show such excitement and viciousness that they literally work closely. Particularly vicious dachshunds can not only delay him, diverting attention to themselves, but stop the beast for gacha. Of course, not a billhook. Watching such a work of a dachshund, you do not believe your own eyes - it seems incredible. Because of the difference in the size of the dog and its "prey". In some regions, even roe deer are hunted with dachshunds.

The dachshund can also be used for serving game. Dachshund, unlike high-legged dogs that quickly examine the territory, will spend more time on this work, but will do everything thoroughly and carefully. Hunters are well aware that many dogs are good at fetching - they bring various objects, having a natural inclination for this. But the dog can be trained to serve. Among the dachshunds there are quite a few fetching dogs. This inclination is used to serve game.

Duck work is not a mandatory use for the dachshund. It can be used in this type of work only under appropriate weather conditions, taking into account the size of the dog, and also if she herself shows a disposition towards it. Dachshunds with a penchant for water can be of invaluable help to the hunter. They inspect the reeds, pick up prey from the water, drag the shot game and bring it back. Of course, the dachshund is not very suitable for such work, but, if necessary, he knows how to adapt to it.

History reference

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According to scientists, the formation of the modern dachshund began in the 16th century in southern Germany. The first reliable references to this breed of dog, then still under the names “badger crawler” and “badger warrior”, are found in books written before 1700. There are also earlier references to "badger dogs" and "burrowing dogs", however, they refer to a hunting purpose rather than a specific breed. The ancestors of the dachshund were undersized German hound marriages. From them, she inherited the ability to pursue prey with a return of her voice, quick wit and endurance, excellent instinct, fearlessness in combat with the enemy and hunting passion. And what was a disadvantage in the hound dog - the disproportionate ratio of the standard body with short legs - became an advantage for the norna.

German hunters, appreciating these qualities, began to breed a certain type of dog: squat, short-legged, so that it could freely penetrate holes and burrows. Hunting was an expensive and prestigious occupation, but the maintenance of a dachshund did not require large expenses. This was another significant plus, for which the poor burghers and petty nobles fell in love with the breed. In the middle of the 17th century, two types are mentioned: bow-legged dogs for underground hunting and coarse-haired low foot hounds. Over time, the Germans become more and more attached to dachshunds, appreciate their energy, hunting zeal and diligence, loyalty, reliability and intelligence.

By the end of the 18th century, the dachshund practically acquires modern features. The number of dachshunds is increasing so much that they are being exported to other countries. And in Germany itself, a wide network of nurseries is being formed. Their owners bred dogs, adhering to personal sympathies. But over time, the division into decorative and working specimens begins. Naturally, there is a need to establish a breed standard, which was adopted in 1870. At the moment, the generally recognized standard for the Dachshund breed is the FCI standard.

General form dachshunds

Short, short-legged, stretched, but strong physique, with dense muscles; head held high. The look is smart. Despite short legs in relation to the body, dachshunds do not seem ugly, clumsy or constrained in their movements, thin (narrow), like a weasel or ermine.

Dachshund head

Elongated, extremely expressive, dry, when viewed from above and from the side, evenly tapering to the nose. The upper part of the head is only slightly arched, without a sharp transition from the forehead to the muzzle (the smaller the transition, the more typical the head), smoothly merging into a gracefully formed, slightly convex bridge of the nose. The superciliary ridges are clearly defined. The cartilage of the bridge of the nose and the tip of the nose are long and narrow, the lips are tightly taut, they cover well lower jaw, shallow, not pointed, with easily marked corners; nostrils well open. The mouth is long, far stretching and wide open even behind the eyes, with strongly developed teeth and jaws; strong, exactly one after the other fangs.

Dachshund teeth

A complete set of permanent teeth in an adult dog consists of 42 teeth, including 12 incisors, 4 canines and 26 molars. Sometimes the number of molars varies from dog to dog.

Dachshund eyes

Medium size, oval in shape, set obliquely, with a clear, energetic and friendly expression. The color of the eyes is bright dark brown or black-brown in any color of the dog. A glassy, ​​fisheye or pearly eye in gray or spotted dogs is not a great fault, but is undesirable.

Dachshund ears

Set on high and not very far back, of moderate length, nicely rounded, not narrow, pointed or not wrinkled, very mobile. The front edge is close to the cheekbones.

Dachshund neck

Fairly long, muscular, lean, without wrinkles in the throat, slightly arched, the dog easily holds it high.

Forelimbs of the Dachshund

Correspond to the hard work that the dachshund performs underground: muscular, massive, short, paws long and wide. The dachshund's shoulder blades are long and widely set, close to a well-developed chest, with strong and plastic muscles. The shoulders are as long as the shoulder blades, forming a right angle with them: with strong bones and elastic muscles; adjoining in the ribs, but freely moving.

Dachshund's torso

The back is long, the withers are high, the thoracic vertebrae form a straight line, moderately convex in the lumbar region. The sternum is powerful, stands out noticeably, as a result of which pits form on both sides; the chest is oval in section, when viewed from the side and from above, spacious, well developed, relatively long and gradually merges into the line of the abdomen. With the correct length and angle of the shoulder and shoulder-blade joint, the front leg from the side closes the lowest point of the chest line. The abdomen is moderately tucked up.

Hind limbs of a dachshund

The croup is long, wide, rounded and muscular. The pelvis is not very short, rather well developed, moderately sloping. The thigh is strong, proportionally long, forms a right angle with the pelvis. The sacrum is completely rounded. The knee is wide and strong. Lower leg compared to lower leg of other breeds dogs short, amounts to femur right angle, with well developed muscles. The hock joint is wide, with a strongly protruding calcaneus. The metatarsus is long, movable, freely moving forward, set slightly obliquely forward. The hind feet have four closely knit toes; the weight of the whole leg falls on the fingers; short nails. Seen from behind, the hindquarters must be perfectly straight.

Dachshund tail

Smoothly continues the line of the back, straight.

And in conclusion, we list the advantages and disadvantages of this breed..


    Unusual, original pet.

    Always warn about uninvited guests.

    May be used as a hunting dog.

    Cheaper content, compared to large dogs.

    From short-haired specimens there is little wool in the apartment.

    Companion in children's games.

    Gets along well with other pets.


    In an apartment, it tends to damage furniture, shoes.

    Can wake up in the morning with a loud bark.

    When traveling to the country, she tends to break the site.

    A significant amount of wool in the apartment is from the long-haired variety.

    Quite wayward and difficult to train dog.

    A glutton, able to sit down a couple of kilograms of meat left unattended.

    Often aggressive towards strangers and other dogs.