Long-haired dachshund care and maintenance. Who will suit the long-haired dachshund

For those who want to get in the face of a pet not a living toy, but a friend and companion, the long-haired dachshund is truly a godsend. This lively, inquisitive, playful and accommodating dog will be indispensable for a walk and for noisy fun games with children.

The first mention in the literature about dogs of this species occurs in 1820. This breed of dachshund was bred by crossing a spaniel with a standard smooth-haired dachshund with an admixture of several breeds of cops.

The appearance of the dachshund in our area dates back to the post-war period (we are talking about the Second World War).

Then these dogs did not differ in the quality of the breed, as they were of unknown origin.

At first, long-haired dachshunds were used as hunting dogs, then working qualities decreased, as a result, dachshunds became decorative.

Persistent breeding work has led to the appearance among the dachshunds of this type of certified producers.

Anatomy, structure, become

Length from 20 to 40 cm, weight from 3 to 9 kg.

Breed traits:

  • Elongated muzzle;
  • Elongated, rounded at the ends of the ears;
  • Strong massive skeleton;
  • Developed strong back;
  • Volumetric deep chest with a keel;
  • Short powerful paws (hind legs are smaller than the front ones);
  • Thick, especially dense tail at the root;
  • Silky soft wool.

The hairline of males is longer than that of females. The silhouette is clearly visible, despite the density of wool, which forms silky fringes on the head, stomach and paws.

On the tail, it creates a fringe effect. Matte, hard and overdried wool is an indicator of the absence of a fatty layer that does not allow moisture to pass through.

  • Curls and wavy curl tendencies are not allowed by the standard in these dogs, as the fluffy and shaggy coat is highly absorbent.

Being visually warmer and thicker, it creates problems with care, intensively collecting dirt, as a result of which the long-haired dachshund becomes like a dust collector.

Colors, colors

There are the following colors:

  1. Redheads (golden, chestnut, orange, mahogany and cherry);
  2. Coffee (brown and light beige with tan);
  3. Black and tan (pure brown and black color has not been found since the 20s of the twentieth century).
  4. The moire color, the most common among fans of this breed, implies a golden color of the hair root and black tops. The lower abdomen and on the paws are dominated by a red color, on the head, back and sides - dark.

As a result, the dog looks as if a veil has been thrown over it. The elegant and exotic appearance of the dachshunds of this color explains the increased demand for them.

Briefly about physiology

The dog goes through several molts before the coat is finally formed. This happens around the age of two.

A thick “fur coat” protects the dachshund from cold and wind in winter, but at the same time snow freezes to it, which makes it difficult to walk normally. In the warm season, their gait is sweeping and free.

Character and temperament

An inquisitive and lively dog, the limousine is patient in search, persistent in work, friendly in the family and wary of strangers. Due to the bright facial expressions, the expression of her muzzle is easy to read.

Bright character traits:

  • calm;
  • Perseverance and endurance;
  • Communication skills and friendliness;
  • Ability to adapt and accommodating;
  • Ability to quickly change actions;
  • Playfulness and carelessness.

Dachshunds copy the gait of the owner, adapting to his movements. They are well oriented in space, instantly switch, while remaining attentive.

Sensitivity is expressed in angry grunts at unfamiliar sounds or smells perceived as a source of danger.

Territory limitation is highly characteristic of these small creatures, which account for a large percentage of bites.

Do not forget that dachshunds are hunters. They love to dig in the ground. Therefore, in summer cottages with flower beds and lawns, they must be carefully monitored.

Species and subspecies

By size, the long-haired dachshund is divided into standard, rabbit and miniature.

The difference between this variety of dachshunds is that it is divided into subspecies according to size, taking as the main criterion not the height at the withers, but the girth of the chest.

  • Standard weigh over 5.5kg, girth chest they are over 35 cm.
  • Rabbits weigh up to 3.5 kg, chest girth - up to 30 cm.
  • Miniature dogs (despite the name) are larger - weight varies from 4 to 5.5 kg, chest girth in girth is from 30 to 35 cm.

All three subspecies are working and hunting in nature - standard dachshund, miniature dachshund, and rabbit dachshund.

It is impossible to distinguish among them a greater or lesser predisposition to a decorative lifestyle - this factor depends on individual features character of each individual dog.

Before buying, be sure to decide on the intended purpose of the future pet. For hunting, one type of dachshund is needed, for lying on the couch another. Hunting and decorative dogs differ in price.

An ad on the Internet is enough to acquire a friend and companion (it is even possible to find a free distribution of puppies on the Internet). To get a hunter, you should go to a special club or nursery. The cost of a puppy, depending on the elite of the producers and the prestige of the place of purchase, ranges from 5 to 500 dollars.

How to educate

Training and education again depend on the purpose for which the puppy was purchased. Future hunters are sent to special schools where they learn to look for and catch animals. Raising a friend is also possible at home, as even a teenager can do this process.

These dogs are memory, they are easy to train all sorts of tricks. And even without regular repetition, the long-haired dachshund remembers commands and executes them with pleasure.

Note to owner

Long-haired huntresses do not overeat, unlike smooth-haired ones. But they, like the breed, are naturally inclined to be overweight, so the diet must be carefully monitored.

Caring for the thick long hair of dachshunds requires a lot of effort on the part of the owner. Brushing recommended. Coming from a walk, the paws are wiped with a special cloth or a damp cloth and rinsed in the shower.

In a situation of infection with insects (ticks, fleas), means are used in the form of a spray, soap, emulsion or collars.

The use of these drugs requires that you first check if the animal has allergies. It is important to consider the dimensions (height and weight).

Compatibility and livability

Long-haired dachshunds are strongly attached to the owner and follow him everywhere. They are inquisitive and strive to join the business of a companion, or at least observe him.

Choosing one owner, with other family members, the dog is polite and friendly, but obeys only one.

But to other people's animals, like cats, these little hunters are aggressive. It is worth paying attention to the intolerance of this breed of dogs to familiarity, rudeness and familiarity towards oneself, if there are small children in the house.

The long-haired dachshund easily finds contact with other animals living in the family, accommodating and not prone to conflict.

Russian classic A.P. Chekhov said this about dachshunds: “The paws are crooked, the bodies are long, but the mind is extraordinary.” Smart and cunning, independent and courageous, these dogs, once used as hunting dogs, are now increasingly acting as companions for city dwellers. The long-haired dachshund, a graceful and dignified dog with a thick beautiful coat, fell in love with many dog ​​breeders. We will talk about the types and features of the long-haired representatives of this popular breed, the features of their maintenance and care in this article.

History of occurrence

According to many experts, the dachshund is a typical German breed, bred for a highly specialized activity, namely for searching and chasing game in holes. The club of German dog breeders - lovers of dachshunds - was created in 1888, and since then the standards of this breed have been set there. Initially, the long-haired dachshund was bred to work in the harsh conditions of the north.

The first mention of dogs of this breed with long hair occurs in 1820. They were obtained by crossing spaniels and some types of cops. The first officially recognized representative of the breed is the long-haired female Schnipp breeder von Bünau, who received a prize in Hannover in 1882 and served as a model in the development of the standard for long-haired dachshunds.

Dogs of this breed became very popular in Europe in the thirties of the XX century. The long-haired dachshund continued to be popular in the West until the second half of the 70s of the last century.

Taxi in Russia

This breed has been known in Russia since the 18th century, but did not become popular. Smooth-haired and kept in most cases as decorative companion dogs and family pets. Dogs of this breed with long hair appeared in the Soviet Union immediately after the Second World War, all of them were taken out of Europe. The long-haired dachshund, the photo of which is presented in the article, was not widely used as a hunting dog, but it became popular as a decorative breed.

Modern views

Today, among modern dachshunds, it is customary to distinguish the following varieties: smooth-haired, wire-haired and long-haired dogs of standard or dwarf size. Animals differ only in the type of wool and dimensions. Among experts, there is an opinion that the long-haired rabbit or dachshund dachshund was obtained by crossing pinschers and terriers with the smallest representatives of dachshunds.

Features of long-haired dachshunds

For dogs of this breed, a rather late formation of the final color and coat length is characteristic, usually at 2-4 years of age. long-haired are born with fluff on the body, which bears little resemblance to wool.

In the future, as a result of several molts, the fluff first changes to teenage fur, and only by the second year of life an adult “fur coat” is formed, which fits snugly to the dog’s body and protects well from moisture, cold and wind.

The long-haired dachshund comes in black and tan, red and coffee colors. The red color is presented quite richly: it can be golden chestnut, light red, cherry brown, but always rich and bright.

rabbit dachshund

Later than all, such a breed of dachshunds as rabbit or dwarf appeared. It was obtained as a result of selective selection and was intended for burrow hunting for rabbits.

Today, few dog breeders use these dogs as hunting dogs; most breed such dachshunds as domestic decorative pets and companions. It differs from all other representatives of its breed in miniature size: their height at the withers varies from 10 to 15 cm, and their weight is about three kg, and her character is more calm. These dogs love to communicate and are happy to find a common language with all family members. Just like standard-sized dachshunds, miniature dachshunds can be of three types: short-haired, rough-haired and long-haired. These mobile dogs can quite easily do without walks on the street, as they are easily accustomed to the tray. Dachshund long-haired miniature can have almost any color, both solid and in several colors.

How to care for long haired dachshunds?

The coat of any long-haired dog requires special care, and dachshunds are no exception. Experts recommend weekly combing out the coat of a pet of this breed with special brushes and washing the dog with special shampoos twice a year. It should be noted that dachshunds are quite clean and do not need frequent washing. Dachshund paws with any coat also need care. First of all, a dog that has returned from a walk should wipe the pads with a damp cloth, removing dirt, dust, and, in winter, chemicals. It is very important from an early puppy age to accustom your pet to trimming the nails, as well as cutting the hair between the pads. In the event that you have never done such procedures, ask for help from professionals: veterinarians, breeders or more experienced owners. As a rule, a few lessons are enough for a beginner dog breeder to be able to do this on their own.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by a lively, active long-haired, the photo of which is presented below, will be happy to walk and frolic with children.

Long walks across rough terrain and swimming help to strengthen the rather weak muscles of the back and legs. FROM early age you need to tame a dachshund puppy to walk in a collar and with a tight leash, which contributes to the formation correct posture as well as the development of an obedient character and the habit of discipline.

A decorative dog that loves to play with children and adults, and which is able to set off in pursuit of a fox or a hare, win in a narrow tunnel and throw a carcass at the owner's feet if it happens on a hunt. This versatility and cute appearance has made the Dachshund one of the most popular dogs for a long time. And of the varieties of dachshunds, of which there are only nine, it was the long-haired dachshund that won the great love of the public. In particular, the long-haired mini dachshund remains a popular breed among toy dogs to this day. The standard long-haired dachshund is slightly less common.

How are they different different types dachshunds? For example, the miniature long-haired dachshund and the long-haired marbled dachshund? Sounds very similar, with a few exceptions. The fact is that initially there was one breed of dachshunds - standard. She was only smooth-haired, and it was exclusively the prerogative of hunters to keep her. The color of the dog then, as now, could be different - marble, red and tan (thus, there were 3 subspecies standard rate). Later, other subspecies appeared, distinguished by the type of wool color. They were wire-haired and long-haired dachshunds. By color, the most common are red and black long-haired dachshunds.

Standard longhaired dachshund. A photo:

Miniature long-haired dachshund. A photo:

Long haired dachshund puppies. A photo:

Long haired dachshund character

If you visit the owners of a long-haired dachshund, the reviews about it will surely be only good, as a faithful and cheerful friend. The long-haired dachshund is a dog, although it is a hunting dog, but the hunter's instinct is less manifested in it than in its relative, the wire-haired dachshund. Due to its long coat, it is less adapted to climbing burrows and tunnels. But it is pleasant to play with her and stroke her silky fur. Some owners tie beautiful ribbons and bows to their pets, and also arrange photo shoots for long-haired dachshunds. Thanks to the good-natured character and indefatigable activity, the long-haired dachshund invariably becomes the center of attention, giving people joy. She herself also sincerely enjoys communicating with a person and may be offended by a lack of attention. You should never punish a dachshund physically, it is better to just leave it alone.

The long-haired dachshund shows an amazing interest in the world around him and will gladly accompany a person on the street. As a result, the usual 20-minute walk can turn into a long walk. You need to take the dachshund outside in the morning, afternoon and evening. During walks, especially when the puppy is small, it is recommended to use a leash, because the dachshund's addictive nature can make her headlong in pursuit of some cat. Another feature of this breed is the tendency to dig tunnels, which should be taken into account by owners living in private homes.

What you need to know about long-haired dachshunds in order to properly feed them? It is important to know that increased mobility requires a large number energy. It is preferable to feed with products of natural origin, but the option of using dry food is also possible. Of course, it is up to the owners to decide what to feed the long-haired dachshund, the main thing is that the food provides the dog's body with the necessary trace elements. Dachshunds should eat before walking, not after. If you decide to buy a puppy of a long-haired dachshund, you need to remember that you can’t pamper and overfeed him, extra meals bypassing the regime are especially harmful. As a result of this, the dachshund can quickly gain excess weight and become less mobile.

Requirements for the care of a long-haired dachshund

Every pet needs care. Long-haired dachshunds are no exception. Caring for them includes several mandatory items:

  • While a smooth-haired dachshund needs a little brushing every day and occasional brushing, the long-haired dachshund is much more demanding. In addition to the usual brushing and frequent bathing, they need regular grooming, such as the grooming of long-haired dachshunds, which is carried out by specialists in dog beauty salons.
  • Regular nail clipping - 2 times a month.
  • Ear cleaning should be thorough, using special hygiene products.
  • Once a week you need to brush your teeth.

Buying a Longhaired Dachshund

If you decide to get a dog and the choice fell on a long-haired dachshund, you should decide on this: will it be a standard long-haired dachshund, miniature or rabbit. Prices for long-haired dachshund puppies differ depending on the specific breed. So, the prices for puppies of a miniature long-haired dachshund will be higher than the standard one.

It is better to make a purchase in specialized nurseries. For example, if you need to buy a long-haired dachshund puppy in Moscow, you can recommend contacting miniature and rabbit long-haired dachshunds.

The long-haired dachshund will be happy to join the family, becoming a member of it. These dogs live for about 15 years, so if you get one with a small child, they will grow and play together. Finally, it is worth emphasizing that the long-haired dachshund is a friendly and sociable breed, so when starting this dog, you need to provide it with comfortable conditions, care and lots and lots of attention.

The dog has long been considered a true friend of man. Some people are used to having dogs large breeds, others prefer to have lap dogs, others do not pay attention to the size of the animal, but perceive only the character and temperament of the pet. The only breed that combines the individual preferences of people is the dachshund. These dogs in appearance can be called dwarf animals.

Thanks to their special endurance and musculature, they will be able to give a forum to dogs of large breeds. And by temperament they are suitable for people with any lifestyle and interests, although most often dachshunds are acquired by hunters. To date, long-haired dachshunds have become in high demand.

Origin story

Dachshund is considered an ancient breed, giving rise to the emergence of other types of burrowing dogs. Only scientists have not been able to determine the exact date of origin of the long-haired variety of dogs with an elongated body. However, multiple excavations indicate that the described breed of dogs lived in the territory ancient rome, Greece and Egypt. It was there that the skeletons of animals with an elongated body and short paws were found.

All breeds of dogs with short stature and a long body have the same ancestors, namely the ancient hounds. Tax in this matter is no exception.

Although in that distant past, in relation to the hounds, a long body was considered a disadvantage rather than an advantage. By the standard of the past, hounds were required to have long legs.

Short-legged representatives of dogs with an elongated body became popular after several hundred years and were used to hunt burrowing animals. For the first time, a positive assessment of the disproportionate body of dogs was given by German hunters, after which the breeders took up the development of a squat breed. The official recognition of the Dachshund breed occurred in 1988, after which dog breeders began to actively engage in their breeding and subsequent distribution of puppies.

This fact played an important role in the formation of other subspecies of the Dachshund breed. talking in simple terms, the long-haired variety arose by crossing the classic dachshund with a spaniel, and the long-haired rabbit was born by mating pygmy dachshund with pinscher and toy terrier. Along with other breeds in the history of dachshunds, there are several special dates that every breeder of the short-legged breed should know.

  • XVI-XVII centuries The formation period of the Dachshund breed in Germany. The Germans paid Special attention the breeding of short-legged and undersized dogs, which makes it easier to hunt wild animals living in holes.
  • 18th century It was at this time that the breed and its subspecies acquired their final appearance and characteristics.
  • 1939-1945 During these periods of time, the demand and popularity of the Dachshund breed is sharply reduced, as the world community has negative emotions everything related to Germany. And only thanks to the special efforts of dedicated breeders, dachshunds, after a short period of time, again win the sympathy of the public.
  • 1972 It was then that the XX Summer Olympic Games were held, the mascot of which was a dachshund named Waldi. The popularity of this dog knew no bounds. Her image in a striped T-shirt was placed on envelopes, clothes and dishes.


Along with other thoroughbred dogs, long-haired dachshunds have an official appearance standard. Even the smallest deviation from the norm can indicate culling. Max Height adult dog at the withers does not exceed 35 cm. The standard weight of an adult varies within 9 kg. The shedding of the long-haired variety of dachshunds proceeds according to the season, the process of hair loss itself is moderate and does not bring trouble to the breeder.

In color, representatives of long-haired dachshunds have different variations. They can be one-color, two-color and spotted. The coat itself is long, falling down, rather thick. A distinctive feature of the breed is a dense undercoat that warms the animal in winter. The head of the dachshund has an oblong shape with oval transitions, smoothly and evenly tapering towards the tip of the nose.

The high-set ears are very soft to the touch, rather long. Breeders note their high mobility. The body of the Dachshund should be smooth, with slightly pronounced muscularity. According to the norms of body structure, the thoracic region of the dachshund should bulge slightly. Belly picked up. The harmoniously folded limbs of a miniature calf should be muscular and bony. The tail is located in the upper part of the body, slightly curved at the tip.

The dachshund has a moderately long body, slightly squat and compact in size. Excellent musculature allows it to develop good speed and endure long journeys on its paws. Despite such a low growth, the animals do not have a feeling of discomfort and difficulty during movement. Against, dogs show perfect control over their bodies, are able to overcome the most difficult obstacles.

A distinctive feature of the dachshund is strong claws. thanks to which they easily dig the ground. In a minute of hard work, a furry animal can dig a hole 45 cm deep.

Initially, shaggy puppies were bred for hunters, but now these animals have gained popularity among "dog lovers" with other interests. The long-haired variety is quite common in pedigreed dog shows.


Long-haired dachshunds have a soft, gentle and friendly character. In general, they are considered smart animals, quite energetic, accommodating, gambling masters of the art of hunting. Their main weapons are charm, perseverance and stubbornness. Some representatives of the long-haired species tend to dominate and may show increased selfishness. At the same time, dachshunds are very inquisitive creatures. That is why they try to get acquainted with the outside world, in spite of any obstacles.

Dachshunds by nature are very attached to the owner and his family. But strangers trying to bypass. As perfect place for recreation, they prefer the knees of their owner. If a person is lying, they are laid on his neck. And at night, be sure to climb under the covers. It is very important to accustom dachshund puppies to society from birth. This is especially true of other dogs, other pets and children. If this issue is not dealt with, her hunting instinct can take over the dachshund.

Like other representatives small breedsDachshunds can show a harsh and wary attitude towards large dogs.. And in the case when big dogs respond to aggression, small animals most often hide at the feet of their master. Dachshunds live as comfortably as possible in large and friendly families that love leisure. Only for a full understanding and maximum adaptation it is necessary to have a puppy of two or three months of age.

At this age, it is much easier to accustom a baby to society, and along with this, to educate in all family members a sense of respect for the animal, especially for children. If the child shows harshness and cruelty towards the dachshund, she may show aggression.

Some owners of long-haired dachshunds claim that these animals can replace a professional psychotherapist. They are attentive listeners and are sensitive to their master. Without much difficulty, they distinguish the mood of people, and in the absence of positive, they try to cheer them up. Although sometimes they can overdo it and even start biting in a playful way.

If the dog is purchased to live in a private home, the owner of the garden plot will have to make strong barriers for fruit plantings and flower beds. On free range, the dachshund develops a digging instinct, which will cause deep minks to be found throughout the territory.

How many years do they live?

Life cycle long-haired dachshund largely depends on the care and maintenance. Average rates range from 10 to 15 years. Although some owners claim that their pets lived to the age of twenty. Dogs that die in early period life, most likely, had a bad genetic heredity or caught a disease that did not manifest itself from the outside.

Color variations

Before starting to deal with color variations, it is necessary to become more familiar with the wool of the shaggy variety of dachshunds. In its structure, the hairline of the represented breed is particularly smooth. When exposed to bright rays, a natural luster is visible. Under the main part of the hair is a small undercoat, which has a soft structure. Next, we can talk about color. Long-haired dachshunds have a variety of colors.

  • Single color wool. The hairline can be red, fawn or reddish-yellow. Although the most popular is considered a pure color with a small admixture of black.

  • Two-tone wool. In this case, dark, black and brown shades are characteristic. But in each individual case, small tan marks of cream and fawn color are visible.

  • Marble wool color. The main color of the hair can be black, red or gray, on top of which small spots of a gradient shade are visible.

  • Brindle coat color. In this case, shades of red, fawn and brindle-dark are assumed.

Very rare, but still possible dachshund with white wool. Usually these are representatives of the short-haired variety of the breed. Despite this, the nose and eyes have a pronounced line dark colors. According to scientists, albinos are born by crossing dachshunds with a marbled coat color.

Features of care

Grooming for most amateur dog breeders is a mystery, although everyone is familiar with its basics. It is about the rules of pet care and their appearance. Grooming knowledge is especially important for owners of long-haired breeds, including dachshunds.

  • Bathing. Bath procedures should be carried out only if necessary, but not more than 4 times a year, otherwise the dog's skin may dry out. To bathe a long-haired dachshund, you will need to purchase a special shampoo and balm, thanks to which the coat is easy to comb. The first communication of a dog with water should be carried out at the age of six months.

  • Combing. Dogs with long hair should be brushed several times a week, and daily during the shedding season. To do this, you will need to purchase a special massage brush with rare teeth.

  • A haircut. If a long-haired pet participates in exhibition events, the trimming procedure should be entrusted to a professional master, since the hairstyle of the contender for victory should emphasize the breed standard. And to maintain a clean and tidy look, haircuts can be done independently. Moreover, it will be much more comfortable for the animal. Long hairline is an advantage, although there are still some disadvantages.

Long and dense coat protects the baby in severe cold, but during the walk, snow accumulates on the tips of the hairs, gathers in lumps. And when it rains, dirt will accumulate on it.

Due to the miniature size and kindness of the dog, caring for a dachshund at home is not difficult. In general, standard rules for keeping a pet are assumed, familiar to every person. Expecting the appearance of a four-legged friend in the house, the new owner needs to buy a sunbed, various toys, a collar, a leash, a toothbrush and toothpaste.

It is enough to take care of your pet's teeth once a week. Thus, freshness of breath is preserved and plaque is removed. It should not be forgotten that long-haired dachshunds require special care for their claws. For example, dachshund puppies need to file their claws regularly; in an adult, they grind off on the asphalt during walks. It is important to inspect the ears of a long-haired beauty daily. In case of contamination, clean with a cotton pad and vegetable oil.

It is necessary to walk the baby twice a day, for two hours. In this case, the dog should be as active as possible. Upon returning home, the pet's paws must be wiped or washed. Some owners who are overly fond of their animals purchase overalls for them for the winter. However, in the case of long-haired dachshunds, this clothing option is not ideal. First, the wool cover deteriorates. Secondly, clothing restricts movement. Thirdly, there is no possibility of natural hardening of the dog.

Education and training

The process of raising a dachshund must begin from its very birth. Initially, this is done by the mother. Puppies carefully study her habits and try to copy the behavior. At the age of one and a half months, babies begin to be weaned from their mother, and from that moment on, the owner must begin to train the animal to live in a new home. Before starting training, the baby must learn the basic knowledge.

  • Nickname. It is important that the animal from birth has given name. Although most newly minted owners try to rename the animal or purchase a puppy that does not have a nickname.
  • Place command. It is necessary that the puppy has its own separate place for privacy. Otherwise, the baby will climb onto the sofa or bed.
  • "No" command. In this case, prohibitions are assumed on begging for food or stealing it from the table.
  • Collar. A small puppy should have its own accessory from the first days of birth. As you grow up, the collar will change, and the habit of it will not disappear.

From birth, a puppy should have a variety of toys with which he will have fun. Otherwise, furniture, shoes and other personal belongings of the owner may be damaged.

The long-haired dachshund is just the kind that seems to be coming back into fashion among non-hunters and is becoming a popular lap dog. Long-haired dachshunds are very cute - a kind of stretched caricature of a spaniel.

But for the preservation of working qualities, such popularity is of little use.

Long-haired dachshunds were singled out as an independent variety at the same time as smooth-haired, in 1915. The first mention of them occurs in 1820, but German breeders began to carry out serious work with them from 1874. This species has the blood of long-haired hunting dogs:, cops, possibly.

They conveyed to the dachshund a great instinct and ability to work not only in a hole, but also on the trail, and in places where even spaniels could not overcome dense thickets. But among hunters, long-haired dachshunds have never been as popular as smooth-haired and even wire-haired.

Long-haired dachshunds were brought to the USSR after the war, and the dogs were not of the best quality, many of them were of unknown origin.

For 30 years, persistent breeding work was carried out, and among the long-haired dachshunds appeared good producers with field diplomas, but by the 90s of the 20th century, there were practically no dogs of this variety in the stud book

Although the long-haired dachshund does not freeze and can follow the trail for a long time in cold weather, it is the coat that stops skeptical practitioners. It collects enough dirt, and in winter snow freezes on it. Snow pellets, freezing to the coat on the underside of the body and on the back of the legs, make it very difficult for the dog to move.

Long-haired are not as widespread in our country as smooth-haired.

They are concentrated mainly in large, traditional breeding centers: in Moscow (the largest population), St. Petersburg, in the Urals. There are good "nests" of working long-haired dachshunds in Yaroslavl, Novgorod, there are these dogs in Voronezh, Orel.

The FINAL color and coat length of these dachshunds are usually established after several molts, usually in the second year of life.

Their hair grows rather slowly. But when the long-haired dachshund "dresses" completely, its coat becomes long and silky, on the body it is smooth and tight-fitting, has a natural gloss.

It is this "shirt" that protects well from dampness and rain. The coat should not be shaggy or tend to curl. Sufficiently thick "shirt", however, does not hide the outlines of the dog's body. On the ears, under the throat, on the underside of the body, on the back of the legs, the hair forms long silky (but not fluffy!) feathers.

On the tail, the hair forms a dewlap in the form of a fringe, which looks very elegant. This is the beauty and pride of the long-haired dachshund. As soon as they don’t call this “beauty - and plumage, and dressing wool, and decorating wool.

Wool shaggy, wavy, in the form of curls causes serious criticism of experts. Fluffy hair and "curls" are generally not acceptable. An "open", loose or fluffy coat, although it may appear thicker and warmer, absorbs moisture like blotting paper.

It becomes a dirt and dust collector and requires constant brushing and brushing to keep it clean. additional measures for cleaning. Wool matte, without shine, dry and hard to the touch indicates that it does not have a fatty layer, which is necessary so that it does not let moisture through.