Long-haired dachshund description of the breed character. Longhaired dwarf dachshund

The Dachshund is a breed of small hunting dogs that are not inferior in strength and endurance to their larger counterparts. This also applies to the long-haired variety, whose representatives also have an elongated body, short legs, but also long, silky hair. Like all hunters, the long-haired dachshund is playful, active and has some behavioral and character traits.

The dachshund is considered the oldest hunting breed, and researchers still do not know for sure when exactly it appeared. As for the official recognition of this breed, its formation began in the 16th century in the southern German lands. Primary data about these burrow hunters dates back to the end of the 16th century.

The ancestors of these dogs were marriages - hardy, squat hounds, from which dachshunds received, among other things, the ability to chase game and give vocal signals. Short legs did not help hounds much in hunting, but they turned out to be most suitable for penetrating minks.

Subsequently, thanks to breeding activities, several pedigree species were developed. The long-haired dachshund was obtained by crossing smooth-haired representatives of the breed and spaniels.

Character of the breed

The character of long-haired dogs and their short-haired close relatives does not differ too much. Such a pet is very curious - not a single event will pass by its long nose. The dog is happy to be near its owner 24 hours a day and is very upset if it is left alone at home.

A dachshund puppy quite quickly finds a common language with all family members, but he will consider only one of them as the owner and faithfully obey him. With other pets - dogs or cats, the long-haired dachshund almost always establishes friendly relations, but this does not apply to other people's animals - the dog can consider them as a subject of hunting. If you keep such a hunter in a private house, then small pest animals will forget the way here.

It is not recommended to bring a dachshund, including one with long fur, into a family with small children. These animals are not known for their patience and, even if you accidentally hurt them, they can not only snap back, but also bite. But still, long-haired dachshunds have a reduced desire to hunt, they are calmer and more balanced, so they are recommended to be kept as pets.

Dachshunds, although small dogs, are very brave; they are capable of getting into fights with their relatives, regardless of the size of the enemy. This should be taken into account when walking. Dachshunds are territorial animals and will defend their territory with all the ferocity they have. It’s not for nothing that these cute-looking creatures top the ranking of the most biting dogs. But for its own, the pet will become a faithful and devoted comrade and even a family member.

Description of the long-haired dachshund breed

There are three types of long-haired dachshunds - standard, dwarf and rabbit. They all vary in size, and are measured not by weight, but by chest circumference. Standard dogs are larger than others, while rabbit dogs are the smallest. In addition to differences in dimensions, the standard describes the breed as follows:

Dachshund color with long hair

Representatives of this type of dachshund have a two-layer coat - smooth and shiny on top, and short, fluffy below. On almost the entire body, the fur fits tightly to the body; in the area of ​​the throat and lower part of the body it is elongated. There is fringe on the edges of the ears, and feathering on the back of the limbs. Due to its long coat, the dachshund's tail resembles a flag.

There are several colors of long-haired dachshunds, the most common are the following:

Caring for Longhaired Dachshunds

Naturally, the long hair of these dogs requires more careful care than their short-haired counterparts. Owners need to comb it regularly, and will also need periodic brushing, including hygienic trimming of areas between the fingers, inside the ears, and in the groin.

If the pet is not a working dog, then it should be done as necessary. These little hunters are prone to gaining excess weight, so they need regular active walks. You need to constantly play with them, run around, and not let them get bored.

Before you begin training, you need to accustom your pet to its name and earn its trust. Dachshunds tend to be stubborn, so the owner must become a real leader for them. For the process to be fruitful, you need to be persistent, consistent and not stop halfway.

As soon as the baby is in the new home, it is necessary to show him his place. You can’t let him sleep with you, even if he makes sad eyes and whines pitifully. Dachshunds are wonderful actors and are able to “press on pity”; if such a trick is performed at least once, the dog will subsequently manipulate its owners.

It is best to toilet train your baby right away on the street, and if this is not possible, then you can put on a diaper. But in this case, weaning from a diaper can be a rather difficult process. During training, it is worth remembering that dachshunds are prone to obesity, therefore, when rewarding the dog, you should use treats less often - 1 treat for 2-3 commands.

In other cases, you can be content with praise, affection, and joint games. Dachshunds are very sensitive to intonation, so even one word of praise can improve the pet’s mood and increase its performance.

Keeping a Longhaired Dachshund

Dachshunds, including long-haired ones, are the most compact hunting dogs. Compared to other similar dogs, they are not inclined to destroy everything that surrounds them. Therefore, you can keep such a pet in a small living space. But the dog will feel best in a country house, however, his love of digging can seriously damage the lawn.

Another nuance - dachshunds are hunters of burrowing animals, so it will not be difficult for them to dig under the fence if something outside arouses their interest. It is not worth taking a dachshund into a house where there is already a pet - a cat or other small animal, especially if the dog will not participate in hunting and baiting. Otherwise, the dog will direct its hunting instinct to the animals living nearby.

When setting up a place for your future pet, you should take into account that dachshunds love to wrap themselves in blankets and blankets. Therefore, in addition to the bed, he needs to have his own bedspread, but such that the fabric has a dense structure and there is no fringe, otherwise the dog will cling with his claws. Dachshunds have a weakness for the owner's bed, therefore, if the owner is categorically against such proximity, it is necessary to immediately stop all attempts.

Feeding a longhaired dachshund

Dachshunds have a good appetite, but the owner should take into account their peculiarity - the pet should receive food in small portions. You can independently calculate the serving size based on the dog’s body weight - 45 grams per 1 kilogram of weight.

Often dogs of this breed have digestive problems, so it is better to take care of the feeding regime from the first days. Dachshunds are essentially hunters, so most of the diet should consist of protein foods, with the obligatory presence of fats.

Owners need to follow a number of rules, especially if they choose natural feeding:

Dachshund owners have a choice - to feed their pet natural food or commercial food. But it is worth considering that you need to choose a high-quality product - premium, or holistic class. The latter is preferable if the dog suffers from digestive disorders or food allergies.

Diseases of the breed

Dachshunds have an original body structure, which gives them advantages during hunting, but can cause a number of diseases. In addition, there are a number of ailments that can be inherited. Future owners should be more attentive to their pet, identifying diseases as early as possible:

Without timely vaccinations, dachshunds can develop serious diseases - distemper, rabies, piroplasmosis, etc. But if you carefully monitor your pet and properly care for it, you can avoid the occurrence of a number of pathologies.

Photo of a long-haired dachshund

Video about the longhaired dachshund

Where is the best place to buy a longhaired dachshund puppy and how much does it cost?

Despite the fact that long-haired representatives of the breed are much less common than smooth-haired ones, interest in them has only increased recently. You can purchase such a baby either at the poultry market, or in a nursery, or from a private breeder; naturally, in the first case, the guarantee of getting a purebred baby is much lower.

In addition, not all cities have nurseries that breed these original dachshunds, so you may have to travel to get your pet. The price of a puppy without a pedigree starts from 5,000 rubles. But a pet with documents costs much more – from 20,000 rubles.

The most expensive are the long-haired rabbit dachshunds - they are considered a rarer species, and the litter of these babies usually consists of 2-3 babies. Here you will have to pay, on average, 50,000 rubles.

The most famous long-haired dachshund kennels with an excellent reputation:

  1. Moscow “From the Cherry Grove” http://svr-dachshunds.ucoz.ru/ .
  2. Kyiv “STRANA LIMONIA” https://stranalimonia.jimdo.com/.

The long-haired dachshund is a small dog with hunting habits, which also perfectly fulfills the role of a family pet. This is an active, cheerful pet that requires attention and affection, and is not devoid of its own dignity, which means that the dog should be treated with respect.

The long-haired dachshund is an object of fascination for a wide variety of people.

For some, she is a comrade and assistant in hunting matters, for others, she is a friend who brightens up their leisure time.

Some people value the breed's exterior, while others see the breeding of dachshunds as a subject of practical interest.

But everyone who has encountered this wonderful dog in their life notes its extraordinary intelligence, strength, devotion, courage and affection.

An adult long-haired dachshund looks different from its relatives.

She has luxurious, rich feathering on her paws and flowing, slightly wavy hair on her ears; The dog's tail is decorated with a beautiful woolen pendant.

Representatives of this line have their own distinctive character traits: the dogs are calm and balanced.

In the field, the dachshund exhibits a high level of working qualities; She is characterized by consistency and greater persistence in her search.

Along with a lively passion for hunting, longhairs show outstanding companionship: even as companions, adult animals are diligent helpers.

With the role of affectionate pet these beautiful animals cope just as well.

Like most representatives of decorative breeds, dachshunds are distinguished and classified by size.

The long-haired dachshund retains all the properties and characteristics of a special breed of burrowing dogs: a long, elongated body on short legs with wide toes, strong muscles, and wide bones.

Her head is set straight and proud. Eyes – expressive, attentive; The bridge of the nose is elongated, slightly tapering towards the lobe.

Two features in the classification of this species:

  • First: The initial parameter is not the height at the withers, but the chest circumference. If this value is more than 35 cm, the dog is standard. Dachshunds are considered rabbits, girth chest which are less than 30 cm. Individuals that fall under intermediate parameters are classified as miniature.
  • Second: All dogs are hunting and working dogs. This is evidenced by the name of the subspecies (rabbits) and: representatives of the breed are allowed to all types of burrow hunting competitions.

Weight standard rate should not exceed 9 kg, the weight of the rest corresponds to their size.

Cynologists note that it is more common among smaller species - rabbits, dwarfs.

Puppies of the same breed are more preferable as pets.

When choosing a dog with high decorative qualities as a family companion, you need to have an idea of ​​the standard requirements for a representative of the breed.

Long-haired, made of wool that fits tightly to the body.

On the back along the croup, the clothing is smoothed and slightly shortened.

On the chest and sides the cover falls in beautiful folds, and a slightly wavy fringe descends from the ears.

Under the belly, the fur lengthens and reaches its maximum size on the tail.

Disadvantages of the coat:

  • "flares" on the paws. Excessive feathering between the toes and on the metatarsus is unacceptable;
  • curly, shaggy, equally long hair all over the body;
  • excessively short hair;
  • lack of cover on the ears, tail, and underbelly;
  • clearly defined parting along the croup;
  • black without tan fur all over the body;
  • dullness, lack of shine.

Acceptable colors of the breed:

  • The color of a dog can be one color, if it is fawn, reddish, yellow. The long-haired red dachshund is especially prized. Black hair is allowed; significant white spots may disqualify the dog. Dogs with a black nose and claws are considered more preferable in the eyes of experts; an admixture of yellow and brown is allowed.
  • Bi-colored dachshunds can be black or red, brown and tan along the chest bone, under the belly, on the paws, and on the first third of the tail. The nose and claws should match the color of the coat.
  • Moiré and marbled dogs are distinguished by the presence of dark stripes randomly scattered throughout the coat.

The representative of the long-haired breed differs from its fellows in one more feature.

Her expressive appearance is formed by the age of 15 – 24 months.

According to experts, changes in cover can last up to four years.

In the first months of life, puppies are covered with fluff, in which it is difficult to guess both the color and length of the coat.

The first changes occur by five to eight months: the puppy is covered with delicate fur, and the color of the future color is already visible in its color.

Dogs of this breed require regular coat care. It needs to be combed and trimmed regularly.

Dog handlers say: the chemically active reagents that cover sidewalks - salt, oxidized emissions of petroleum products, sulfur - are absent in suburban conditions.

In nature, the puppy gets rid of unwanted substances in its fur during play; in cities he only acquires them.

Therefore, dachshund owners need to pay regular, at least minimal, attention to caring for their small pets.

In the process of hygienic treatment, from the age of one month, puppies have their hair cut between their toes, with inside ears, in the groin area.

If a dog moves relatively little, it needs to have its nails trimmed regularly.

Puppies need regular physical exercise. Dogs' interest in games and jogging must be constantly maintained.

With the advent of adulthood, a recent puppy may become a chair sloth, prone to obesity.

They largely depend on the owner physical qualities dogs, and exterior.

Long-haired puppies are trained just like... Basic grooming requirements are standard for all dachshunds.

Puppies need to be trained - to instill in them the skills of obedience and social discipline.

When working with a dog, you need to remember that the weak point of the breed is the spine.

And, of course, we should not forget that harsh training is not for dachshunds.

This breed boasts a high degree of aristocracy, and each puppy seems to carry this knowledge into its genes.

Photo gallery

In our small selection of photos we invite you to enjoy the natural beauty and grace of these wonderful animals.

The long-haired dachshund is a lively and hardy dog. She becomes attached to her family and loves to play with children. If you take into account the peculiarities of her character and follow the rules of care, you will be able to create good conditions for her, and your family will find a devoted, cheerful friend.

Features of the longhaired dachshund dog breed

The ancestors of dachshunds were hounds with short legs. These dogs were very hardy, and their advantage among other dogs was their ability to crawl into holes. This quality has been successfully used for hunting. Through selection as a result of crossing a smooth-haired dachshund and a spaniel, a long-haired subspecies of the breed was developed. Over time, people began to have such dogs not only for hunting, but also just for fun.

Long-haired dachshunds are graceful dogs

A photo of a long-haired dachshund cannot convey all the charm of its character traits. They will become visible only in the process of communicating with the animal. But it will be useful for you to know about them before you bring such a pet into your home:

  • Amenability. The dachshund is not aggressive and behaves affectionately with members of its family.
  • Cheerfulness. Dogs of this breed are cheerful, active, and playful. They subtly sense the mood of their owners, and there is never a dull moment with them.
  • Dachshunds are smart and attentive, so mastering commands is easy.
  • The character of a long-haired dachshund is formed during the training process. Experts recommend starting to train a puppy at 2–3 months of age.

Representatives of this breed are suitable for schoolchildren, students, and elderly people. Dachshund – a good option for city residents. These dogs are often found in families with small children.

Caring for a Longhaired Dachshund

Dachshunds are unpretentious pets, so you won’t need a lot of time and effort to care for them. This is very convenient for older people or families with children. The main thing is to follow a few simple rules.

  • The dachshund is a born hunter. In search of adventure, she can look into a pile of autumn leaves or climb into a puddle. Therefore, purchase a special overall for walking that will protect her long coat from moisture and dirt.
  • By nature, all dachshunds tend to be overweight, so it is important for owners to strictly monitor their pet’s diet. Otherwise, the dog is at risk of obesity. For puppies up to six months old, 3-4 feedings per day are recommended, and for older animals it is enough to eat 2 times a day.
  • Thick and long hair is the pride of this subspecies of dachshunds. To keep it smooth and shiny, stock up on a brush and brush your furry pet regularly.
  • For bathing, you should use only specialized products designed specifically for this breed. In this case, the dog is guaranteed to have no tangles and a silky, shiny coat.
  • Representatives of this breed love to play, but due to the peculiarities of the spine, they cannot often do vertical stands or jump a lot - this can cause intervertebral hernia, disk displacements.
  • It is important to develop in young dachshunds correct posture and strong paws. Walks with such a dog should be long and regular.
  • At the same time, you need to teach the animal to discipline. It is better to do this gently and calmly, since dachshunds are sensitive and sometimes touchy people.

Caring for a dachshund will not cause much trouble and will not take much effort. As a reward for their care, the owners will receive a healthy and active tailed friend.

These pets are very beautiful and funny. Dachshunds will gratefully accept care and become excellent companions.

The Dachshund is the most popular breed among dogs. This breed became known more than a hundred years ago. A person who has ever kept a dachshund at home will never exchange it for a dog of another breed.

Why does people still not lose interest in this particular breed? Yes, because this dog is small in size, easy to care for, smart and very friendly.

But before purchasing a dog of this breed, you need to familiarize yourself with their characteristics and care rules.

U dwarf dachshund there is another name - this is a Miniature Dachshund or Mini Dachshund. This dachshund breed is short in stature - thirty centimeters. Weighs no more than six kilograms.

Dwarf dachshunds come in single-color, two-color, and spotted varieties. As for the coat of dachshunds, it can be smooth, long or hard.

Dachshunds have a long lifespan, approximately twelve years old.

The miniature dachshund has many advantages. Let's list them:

  • Gets along well with other pets and small children.
  • Different from other breeds good health and simple care.
  • Loyal to their master.
  • Dwarf dachshunds are strong and brave.
  • Smart and resourceful.
  • Dogs of this breed are small in size.

But there is some disadvantages:

  • Doesn't like to be alone at home.
  • Loves to hunt small animals.
  • Very stubborn and touchy.
  • In this breed, the disease can be inherited.

History of origin and purpose

The dwarf dachshund was developed in Germany. For this purpose, the smallest dachshunds were crossed. It was bred to hunt small animals that live in burrows.

Mostly they were rabbits. Some people still breed them for this purpose, but others buy them because of their unusual appearance as decorative dogs.

Miniature dogs are very inquisitive, intelligent, friendly, quick-witted, active, fearless, and independent.

How to choose the right puppy.

If you decide to buy yourself a miniature dachshund, it is best to do this in a special nursery. Why? Yes, because you will be sure that you are purchasing a purebred dachshund. And in the future, you will be able to breed this miniature breed yourself and participate in exhibitions.

As a rule, the sale of puppies begins when they are three months old. At this point, they should have already received their first vaccinations, they can feed themselves and are toilet trained.

But some dog breeders prefer to buy older puppies. This is due to the fact that they easily get used to a new owner and home; their thoroughbred characteristics are more clearly visible: proportional head and paws, developed muscles, an uncurled tail, a straight back, long and smooth ears.

When buying a puppy, you need to pay attention to the condition of their coat. She should be without bald spots, bright and rich color. There should be no white spots on the body of a miniature dachshund. The puppy should be friendly, active and curious. You should not buy aggressive or cowardly puppies. They are not suitable for exhibitions, breeding or hunting.

What name suits a dwarf dachshund?.

The name of the dog depends on the owner and pedigree. Most often they are given nicknames of foreign origin. For example: Greta, Bunny, Charming. Bitches are most often given nicknames such as Thumbelina, Baby, Blondie. And cables are given nicknames such as Hobbit, Prince.

Your puppy should respond to this name with pleasure.

Dwarf dachshunds love to go for walks a lot. Therefore, they need to be taken to the park or to the dacha so that the dog can run around to its heart’s content. If the weather is cool, then she must be dressed in warm and waterproof clothing.

If the weather permits, the dog should be walked twice a day. If it is raining or very cold, then you should not torture the animal, because miniature dachshunds They are also accustomed to patching.

The dog should have its own warm and cozy place where it can sleep or just lie down.

Due to the fact that dachshunds have a weak spine, they cannot be forcibly pulled by a leash, jumped from heights, or lifted up by the withers.

And also don’t forget about caring for your ears, teeth, fur, and claws.

Ear care.

You should clean your dog's ears no more than once a month. It's easy to do. Take a cotton pad, wet it with soapy water, wrap it around your finger, and then wipe all the folds of the ear from the inside and outside.

If your dog's ear smells bad and there is discharge, this means inflammatory process. For prevention and treatment, you need to purchase Anadin drops. Place three drops of this drug in the sore ear twice a day. This procedure must be carried out for a whole week.

Dental care.

Sweet and soft foods provoke the formation of stone and dental disease. If this is not dealt with, the dog may be left without teeth. Therefore, it is worth giving your pet toys and special bones so that he can chew on them.

It’s also worth brushing your dog’s teeth twice a week with a toothbrush.


Dachshunds need to be bathed once a week. In this case, you need to use a special or baby shampoo. Bathing your dog will be easy because they love water. After bathing, the dog should be thoroughly dried with a towel, its fur dried, and then combed with a special brush.

Nail care.

A dog, like a person, also needs to trim the overgrown part of the nail. To do this you need to use a nail clipper. Nail trimming should be done twice a month. If you don’t do this, the dog can injure its paw by getting its overgrown claw caught on something.

If your pet spends a lot of time outside, then you can trim its claws once a quarter, since they themselves wear down on the surface of the ground. If your dog walks, but not enough, then you need to trim its nails once a month.

Vitamins and vaccinations.

Many dog ​​breeders are interested in the question: do you need to give your dog vitamins?

If your pet has the right diet, then there is no need to give vitamins, since good dry food already contains everything necessary vitamins. But if your dog is stunted and has bad hair, then this indicates a lack of vitamins. In this case, you need to contact your veterinarian, and he will prescribe you the necessary vitamins.

The following vitamins are suitable for dachshunds:

  • "Gamavit"- contains all necessary minerals and vitamins. This drug comes in small bottles and is injected under the dog's skin.
  • "Calcide"- Suitable for nursing dogs and puppies.
  • "Glucasamine"- suitable for young dogs and puppies. Contains only phosphorus, calcium and vitamin C.
  • "Pervinal Excel for Puppies"- intended for puppies. The drug is available in tablets. Contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for puppies.

What vaccinations does your puppy need?

There are several options for which vaccine can be used for vaccination.

First option. The first vaccination is against plague and paraviral enteritis. It needs to be done for a puppy in one month old. The Nobivak Pappy vaccine is suitable for this. At one and a half months you need to get another vaccination with the Nobivak DHPi+LEPTO vaccine, and at two months you need to get a third vaccination with Nobivak DHPi+LEPTO.

Second option. The Eurican vaccine is suitable for this vaccination. It develops immunity against diseases such as plague, leptospirosis, adenovirus, parainfluenza, parovirus. It is placed at one and a half or two months. The second vaccination with this drug is given a month later.

To prevent your pet from getting hypothermia during the cold season while walking, you need to dress him in special clothes.

It must comply with the following rules:

  • The dog's chest should be covered.
  • Clothing should not interfere with the pet's bowel movements.
  • Clothing should be comfortable and not restrict movement.

Toys for dachshunds.

To keep your puppy from getting bored, you need to buy special rubber toys. An excellent option would be those toys that make sounds.

Puppies often start chewing shoes. You need to wean yourself off this immediately, otherwise your shoes will be constantly damaged.

Raising a dog.

A domestic dachshund needs to be taught only three commands: “fu”, “place”, “come”. If your dachshund is intended for hunting, then it must undergo special training and training. Dachshunds are generally easy to train, but can sometimes be stubborn. At this moment, you should not shout at them, as you can easily traumatize their psyche.

The longhaired dachshund is different from other dachshunds. She has wavy hair on her ears and paws, and they are also more balanced and calm.

But this breed also has disadvantages to its coat:

  • No shine.
  • The parting along the croup stands out.
  • In some places the fur is very short.

Long-haired dachshunds come in several colors.

  1. Plain: red, yellow or fawn.
  2. Two-color: black-red, brown. The nose and claws should match the color of the coat.
  3. Mauraceae. This is when dark stripes are scattered throughout the coat.

Raising and caring for long-haired dachshunds.

Dachshunds of this breed are distinguished by the fact that they do not immediately develop such long fur, but only after a year. Their coat needs careful care. It needs to be brushed and trimmed. Once a month, the dog needs to trim the hair between the toes, ears and groin area, and also remember to trim the claws. These dogs are trained in the same way as smooth-haired dogs.

Smooth-haired dachshunds

Smooth-haired dogs have short and coarse hair, so they are easier to care for than long-haired dogs. For such a dog, you don’t need to purchase several scratchers. A regular soft brush will do. It is easy to comb and takes little time.

A smooth-haired dog should only be bathed when necessary. Shampoo or soap should not be used. These products can only be used three times a year.

If the dog begins to shed, the hair can be removed with a wet hand. Wet your hand and rub it all over your pet's body.

A smooth-haired dog does not require careful care of its nose and eyes. The eyes should only be wiped if liquid has accumulated in them. This can be done using a damp cotton pad. Dachshund ears should be cleaned once a month cotton swab. Twice a month you need to trim your dog's nails. If this is not done, then she may catch her overgrown claw on something and injure her paw.

The smooth-haired dachshund, like other dachshunds, has a weak spine, so it cannot jump from high places.

You should feed your dog strictly at the right time and in a specially designated place. You shouldn’t give in to her if she asks you for a piece of something tasty. This can become a habit, and it will be difficult to wean your pet off of it. You shouldn't overfeed her either. This can lead to obesity, which is very harmful to her health.

Let's sum it up. Due to its small size, a dog of this breed is ideal for keeping in an apartment or private house. And with proper care and upbringing, you will have it a great companion and a security guard.

If you are fascinated by a long-haired dachshund and have the opportunity to keep a pet, then it is advisable to purchase this dog. But the main thing is not only to choose the right puppy, but also to train it and create a suitable diet for it.

History of the breed

The pedigree of elongated dogs goes back a long way. Even in the tablets of the ancient Egyptians there is a mention of the dachshund. The name of the breed appeared much later and was translated from German language means "badger dog". The first short-legged creatures began to be bred in Germany.

At first it was culling hounds. The dogs were not suitable for running long distances and could not participate in driving the beast. But thanks to its amazingly sensitive sense of smell, the breed began to be used in another type of hunting - norn.

Here the combination of short legs with an elongated body came in handy. Rejected hounds easily penetrated the holes of badgers, foxes and other animals. The fishing turned out to be so successful that it became the reason for selection. Thus a new breed of slow-moving hounds appeared.

The first representatives of the species are short-haired individuals. After crossing with spaniels, the shaggy dachshund was born, which immediately gained popularity among hunters due to its gentle disposition.


Since the 17th century, Germany has been looking at short-legged dogs for burrow hunting. In just one century, varieties of elongated dogs appeared, which were already bred outside the country. This was the reason for the approval of breed standards.


Since the 19th century, representatives of short-legged hounds have become pets everywhere. In selection, a new direction emerges - breeding miniature dogs. Among long-haired dachshunds, 3 varieties with chest volume appear:

  • standard – more than 35 cm;
  • “dwarfs” – 30-35 cm;
  • “rabbits” – up to 30 cm.

This is the main parameter by which representatives of species are assessed. Such dogs are further divided into 2 types - large dachshunds (8-12 kg) and small ones (6-8 kg). Miniature animals, accordingly, have even less mass.

Otherwise, the features are identical: a well-defined keel on the deep sternum, an elongated body and muzzle, short legs, excessively hairy ears and tail.

Characteristics of the Dachshund

When purchasing a dog, many people want to be sure of its purebred. Each species has certain characteristics. The long-haired standard dachshund also has them.

  1. The head is triangular, but without points, with a narrowed muzzle.
  2. The neck is muscular, with pronounced withers.
  3. The transition from the forehead to the nose is fuzzy, all lines are smoothed out.
  4. The brow ridges and cheekbones stand out sharply.
  5. The eyes are dark, not slanted, placed on the same line. The cut is oval. The iris is most often brown, but some dogs have blue and amber.
  6. The nose is usually black, and in light-colored dachshunds it is often combined with a shade of fur.
  7. Ears hang down and are soft to the touch.
  8. The body is strong, with a tucked belly, an oval chest, and an elongated lumbar region.
  9. The hind legs are shorter than the front legs, but have developed joints. Toes on widely spaced feet always point straight ahead.
  10. The tail is a continuation of the chord line, is in a hanging position and reaches the ground.

The given description of this breed refers to the standard representatives of long-haired dachshunds. Small animals – “dwarfs”, “rabbits” – are also assessed based on these characteristics. As for the dog’s weight, they don’t pay attention to it.

Coat type and color

The main cover is two-layered - fluffy, short below, shiny and smooth above. Despite the name of the breed, dachshunds are not hairy everywhere. In the lower part of the body and on the throat of the dog, the hair is elongated. The breed's ears are framed with "fringe" hind legs- tows. The dachshund's tail is also fluffy.

The breed has different colors:

  • single-color, which stands out in reddish, fawn and red shades;
  • two-color, if lighter tan marks are distributed in places on a brown, black or chocolate background;
  • marble, with gray, red and black tints (small inclusions are allowed);
  • brindle – there are dark spots on the fawn or red coat.

Each of the described shades refers to breed standards. Dachshunds with the last two colors are less common in nature, so the dogs are more valuable.


Even individuals trained for hunting are distinguished by their docileness and peacefulness. This dog can be safely adopted in a family with small children - standard representatives of the breed are characterized by affection.

Dachshunds have a cheerful character, pets are active, love to play and will not let you get bored. Dogs easily pick up on their owner’s mood and show sympathy if they feel bad.

They attract attentiveness and intelligence in dogs. This is why the process of training a dachshund is easy and relaxed.

Education and training

By owning short-legged dogs with long hair for hunting or as pet, they approach training a puppy with all responsibility. The future habits of the pet depend on the owner.

The dog’s behavior is formed from the first days, as soon as it gets into its new home.

  1. To prevent the puppy from spoiling household things, the pet is accustomed to its toys.
  2. The baby is not allowed to grab food uncontrollably while the owner puts it in the bowl.
  3. Dachshunds have hunting qualities in their blood; the puppies do not miss a single cat or dog on their way. Therefore, when raising such a pet, they develop restraint in it.

Dachshunds begin training from infancy. Already at 4 months, puppies quickly learn commands. If the goal is to raise a non-hunting dog, it is enough to limit yourself to a small set of the most common exercises. Classes are structured taking into account the pet’s disposition.

Breed training methods:

MechanicalThe command is reinforced by influence (slap, light blow of a twig, pulling on a leash) in case of an incorrect reaction. Here important point– don’t “go too far”
IncentiveFor each well-executed command, it is recommended to reward the dog with praise, affection or a tasty bonus.
CombinedIncludes features of the first two methods
ImitativeThe method is used in joint training of adult dogs and puppies

In order for training to give an effective result, a number of basic rules are followed:

  • training begins if the owner and puppy are in a good mood;
  • during classes, at first, exclude all surrounding stimuli;
  • commands are pronounced in a clear, calm voice so that the dachshund understands the meaning of what was said;
  • to reinforce past lessons, they are repeated in new lessons, changing the sequence;
  • If the puppy loses interest, training is stopped.

To attract the dachshund's attention to learning, education is carried out in a playful way. It is not advisable to use only the mechanical method for small dogs. Giving your puppy rewarding treats can be more effective.

Caring for a dachshund is not difficult.

A special overall, worn on the dog before going outside, will save you from dirt. There is no need for unnecessary water procedures immediately, since frequent washing of the puppy is the cause of the development of seborrhea.

They bathe the dachshund once a week, but after each walk the dog’s paws are washed. Shampoos are selected taking into account the breed. This will make the coat healthy, silky and avoid tangles.


Short-legged dogs are big eaters, so following the regime is important, otherwise the dog will gain weight. Set specific hours for eating. At the same time, kids eat at least four times a day, and older dogs only in the morning and evening.

When choosing a diet for a pet, take into account what the breeder fed the puppy. If new owner decides to rebuild the menu, then this needs to be done gradually. Ready-made foods are selected according to age.

Scroll necessary products for dachshund:

MeatBeef, veal, lamb, and rabbit are given raw, and poultry is boiled. Pork and tubular bones not included in the diet
FishFreshly frozen seafood, previously scalded with boiling water, is added to the menu 1-2 times a week.
VegetablesCan be raw or cooked. Required: carrots and potatoes
FruitsAll are recommended except grapes
CerealsOf the porridges, the exceptions are pearl barley and semolina; the rest are cooked by adding herbs and seasoning with vegetable oil.
PastaNo more than once a week, and only from durum flour
DairyMilk is given with caution and is not combined with other foods. Introduce cottage cheese and yoghurts without additives into the diet
EggsBoiled - whole. In its raw form, only the yolk is absorbed by the body.
BreadOccasionally allowed, but not freshly baked. Baking is completely excluded

Unleavened crackers, biscuits, and crackers are not recommended to be included in a dog’s regular diet. But this is a good way to encourage a puppy during training.

Feeding rules

The smaller the pet, the more often it is fed. The number of meals depends on the age of the puppy.

Standard diet for a dog:

  • up to 3 months - every 3-4 hours;
  • from 3 to 8 – 3 times a day;
  • adult – twice a day.

Serve small portions so that the dog does not overeat. The dose is determined taking into account the pet’s body weight - for every kilogram of weight, 40 g of products are required. Sedentary dachshunds are given less food.

If the dog does not eat the proposed amount, then the bowl is immediately removed, and next time the dachshund is given less.

Dog dishes are served slightly warmed. Do not use spices or salt when cooking. If the dog has a mixed diet, food is given separately from natural food, at the same time (for example, in the morning).

Eating adult dog combined with walking hours, but feed the pet upon returning from the street. Active movement with a full stomach leads to volvulus in the breed.

In small puppies, the digestive mechanism is structured differently - after eating, the need to defecate immediately arises. This feature is taken into account when toilet training the dog.

Baby food

Taste preferences are formed from the first months, which is why it is so important to provide your puppy with a balanced diet. At first they limit themselves to dry food for small dachshunds. Then gradually add meat puree from baby food, mixed with a small amount of viscous porridge.

Babies often eat more than normal, but this is not a big deal. A dog's developing muscles are harmed by malnutrition. A properly developing dachshund puppy is a well-fed little guy.

Diseases and treatment

Dachshunds are one of the few dogs prone to allergies. Itching and dandruff appear when “wrong” foods are introduced into a pet’s diet. A similar reaction, as well as weak stools, is provoked by a sharp transition to a new menu.

Puppies should not jump a lot and do vertical stands. Such movements during games or training lead to displacement of the spinal discs and the development of a hernia in dogs, which affects the posture of dachshunds. Due to the specific body structure of the breed, this is a common health problem for these dogs.

The breed is susceptible to other diseases. What do dachshunds get sick with?

NameDescriptionWhat to do
Intervertebral herniaThe pain comes unexpectedly. The decline in activity occurs instantly or occurs gradually. Usually the hind legs fail. Over time, the animal loses control of urinationAfter the examination, the veterinarian prescribes conservative treatment (medications, physical procedures, massages) or resorts to surgical intervention
OsteoporosisPuppies get sick more often, and the reason lies in the wrong menu, lack of vitamin D, and rare walks. If the baby moves on his stomach because his paws are moving apart, this is a clear sign of the disease.Balance the menu, introduce healthy ingredients into the diet, expose them to the sun more often
Acanthosis nigricansThe skin is affected, turning into an elephantine skin - with hanging thick folds. Foci of the disease appear on the abdomen, thighs, chest, and armpits. In these places, the hair falls out completely and the pigmentation changes. Scientists have not yet figured out the true cause of the disease. Some people think it’s genetics, while others blame it on endocrinology. But everyone agrees on one thing - stress is the impetus.Therapy consists of treatment with corticosteroids, the use of special shampoos and ointments containing tar, sulfur, vitamin A. Preventive measures are important - hypoallergenic nutrition, avoidance of stressful situations
OtodectosisThe first symptom is severe itching, causing the dog to scratch. At the site of the sores in ears dark crusts are noticeableThe best product is Vectra 3D

Specific pathologies can be avoided if you provide your pet with proper care in compliance with the regimes.

On average, the long-haired dachshund breed lives 14 years. But the sensitive treatment of the owner can extend this period. If you don’t pay attention to diet and health, your furry pet will barely live to be a decade old.

Advantages and disadvantages

A dog in the house is a joy and at the same time a small problem. Each breed has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of the breed:

Disadvantages of the breed:

There are few downsides to a long-haired dachshund. Even strict adherence to the pet’s diet does not become a burden.

Selection rules

It is better to buy a dog when it is a puppy, since it is easier to raise a dachshund than to retrain it.

When choosing a pet, pay attention to such signs as:

  • healthy ears, clean eyes;
  • saber-shaped tail without curvature;
  • smooth, without humps and deflections, the line of the back;
  • smooth, glossy coat.

The puppy you like should be moderately well-fed. The dog's behavior is active and playful. Carefree mobility is a sign that the puppy has no health problems.

Dachshund puppy cost

Hairy breed dachshunds are offered by cynological centers in Russia operating in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. Private breeders are also involved in breeding short-legged dogs. Therefore, puppy prices fluctuate.

  1. Titled dachshund babies bred for exhibitions cost 60 thousand rubles.
  2. Miniature varieties of long-haired dogs cost a little less - 30-40 thousand rubles.
  3. The price of purebreds with documents is 15-20 thousand.

If the passport and pedigree of the dog do not matter, then you can look at the bird market. Here the price for puppies starts from 2-5 thousand rubles.

Dachshunds have been considered a symbol of Germany since ancient times. The image of a “sausage dog” is found on the family coats of arms of the burghers. Therefore, in Europe after the war, these dogs found themselves out of favor; they even tried to exterminate the breed.

Short-legged hounds remain the most numerous breed, second in popularity only to German Shepherds. And in the village of Gergveis, dogs are bred in every yard, which is why the area received the status of the capital of dachshunds.

The Egyptians are trying to dispute the nationality of the animal, presenting ancient papyri as evidence. The drawings clearly show the silhouettes of dogs with a long body and short legs.