Day of the worker of the security agencies of Russia. "Day of the Chekist"

In order to find out how and when the inhabitants of our country will celebrate the Day of the FSB of Russia 2018, and what events are planned by the organizers of the holiday, we suggest doing brief digression prepared by our information guides.

Historical information about the creation of the department

The "ancestor" of the modern structure of the Federal Security Service is the Cheka (All-Russian Extraordinary Commission), created by decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on December 20, 1917. The organization was headed by Lenin's closest associate, Felix Dzerzhinsky.

In the post-war period (a year after Stalin's death), this structure was "transformed" into the KGB (State Security Committee), which was entrusted with the mission of ensuring law and order throughout the USSR.

The main functions of the newly formed organization were:

  • control over the state borders of the USSR;
  • investigation of especially grave crimes;
  • management of Soviet intelligence agencies;
  • suppression of the activities of criminal organizations that threaten the integrity of the state.

The leaders and employees of this department often occupied the most important state posts both under the Soviet regime and in the post-Soviet period. An example of this is the successful career of the current head of the Russian state, Vladimir Putin.

What date is FSB Day celebrated?

Like most state celebrations, the professional holiday of an FSB employee has a fixed date. According to the decree of Russian President Boris Yeltsin of 1995, its official date is December 20th.

What is the FSB in our time?

Today, the Federal Security Service is an elite power structure of the state responsible for:

  • ensuring national interests Russian Federation;
  • constitutional order and security of citizens;
  • preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country;

Taking into account the importance of the assigned tasks, security officials are required to have a wide range of personal characteristics, a special mindset, devotion to the ideals of the country and faith in the justice of their cause.

Thanks to the careful selection of employees, the history of the Russian special services is rich in outstanding deeds and legendary names that more than one generation of our compatriots will be proud of.

Holiday traditions

Despite the fact that in Russia this holiday is not a day off, it is celebrated at the highest state level. According to a long-standing tradition, in many cities of our country solemn military training camps are held, at which the best employees of the department represented are awarded.

In 1994, the Russian government approved an honorary award - the distinctive "Badge for Service in Counterintelligence", which was annually awarded to outstanding employees whose experience in the security agencies is more than 15 years.

In addition to the above events, festive corporate parties and music concerts are organized for employees of the department, at which they are congratulated by the first persons of the state, famous politicians and stars of the national pop scene.

The perception of the holiday by Russians

Unfortunately, many people in our country have an ambivalent attitude towards the holiday. For retirees and current employees of the FSB, this is an important day associated with great achievements in protecting the security of Russia and the constitutional rights of citizens. At the same time, people remember the crimes of the NKVD structures involved in mass repressions and extrajudicial executions of "dissenters", the exact number of victims of which remains unknown to this day.

Despite the "ambiguous" attitude of Russians to the past of the KGB and the NKVD, one should not underestimate the current merits of the federal security agencies. Today it is a well-organized structure that performs the functions of a guarantor of peace and order in the country. Acting exclusively within the framework of the law, FSB officers ensure the constitutional rights of citizens and respond in a timely manner to existing threats aimed at destroying the integrity and sovereignty of our state.

Congratulations on FSB Day:

No, if you want, you have every right to drink your glass of vodka every December 20 in your personal kitchen. For Chekists. But there is no such holiday in the official calendar of the Russian Federation.

There is a "Day of the Russian Security Service Worker", which is celebrated on December 20. What's the difference, you say. The FSB is the legal successor of the KGB, and therefore it does not matter what the holiday is called. It's still a "bloody gebya" holiday. And you are completely wrong.

Now I'll tell you why you're wrong.

On October 22, 1991, in accordance with the decision of the State Council (it is interesting that such a body was not provided for in the Constitution of that period), the USSR State Security Committee was abolished, i.e. liquidated. The same decree created: the Central Intelligence Service of the USSR, the Committee for the Protection of the State Border of the USSR and the Inter-Republican Security Service.

On December 3, 1991, the liquidation of the KGB was confirmed by the Council of the Republics of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

In accordance with the "Temporary Regulations on the Inter-Republican Security Service (MSB)", the created MSB is the legal successor of the KGB exclusively in part material and technical base and property.

You will say, but people have remained. The ones who are "gebyo". And you will be wrong again. For some time they were still listed in the newly created security body. Then the SME was headed by a well-known professional and reformer V.V. Bakatin. He first reformed the corrupt bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: he fired most of the operational staff, in fact forbade undercover work among criminals, but allowed the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to “earn extra money” in their free time, i.e. receive money in commercial and other structures. And he did a lot of other democratic things in the militia.

Have you heard something about the "rampant crime" in the nineties? This was already a direct result of the reform and democratization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Gorbachev, on the other hand, liked the reforms in the Ministry of Internal Affairs so much that he transferred Bakatin to state security.

I suppose you have heard about the wiretapping scandal at the American embassy? This is when Mr. Bakatin (let me remind you - already the head of the SME) handed over to the Americans not only the scheme, but also the latest Soviet equipment, which they managed to attach to the American embassy back in Soviet times. He managed to convey a lot more, but couldn’t manage even more (although he really wanted to), and therefore wrote Gorbachev a memo in which he complained about the damned “gebyo”, who stubbornly hides documents, does not want to share information, hides the latest technical means, etc. .d.

That's when the real reforms began with the reduction of units and the dismissal of employees. Scouts were pulled out of "friendly Western countries" and fired (subsequently, Primakov recalled that when he headed the foreign intelligence service, he simply went nuts - a whole 1 (!) Russian intelligence officer worked in the United States), the number of employees in military counterintelligence was reduced by almost 90%. , about the same number of employees "went to the national economy" and from the "territories".

I remember the joy in the media when they announced that the 5th KGB Directorate had been completely liquidated. These are the same bastards who stifled freedom and persecuted Saint Solzhenitsyn. And other representatives of the creative intelligentsia were tyrannized. The people rejoiced. And the 5th Directorate was largely engaged not in the Solzhenitsyns, but in the prevention of terrorist acts and sabotage.

Why were the people not so happy when they started blowing up houses in Moscow? Where are the police looking? The police, in accordance with government decrees, are engaged, in their spare time, in the extraction of the bob. And it's not their job. And whose? So now it's a draw. “Professionals are behind the attacks.” Where are your professionals? It takes years for them to appear. It is not at all an easy job to prevent terrorist attacks.

But, not all employees Bakatin fired. Bakatin not all. Since August 1991, over the next four years, seven (!) Chiefs have been replaced as head of the security service. All were reformed, reduced and, what is especially interesting, changed the name of the service. I don't even remember all the abbreviations. Even the all-knowing Wikipedia does not already know this. The KGB certificate was taken away and a "mandate" was issued - a sheet of writing paper, which confirmed that the bearer of this was an employee. Then they demanded to surrender the "mandate" and issued another "mandate". And then, in the end, they took one piece of paper and promised, then, to send another. Yes, they didn't send it.

However, not only our “democrats” were involved in the reform. The director of the FBI, L. Free, came to Moscow and offered to train managerial and operational personnel for the Russian special services for free computers. His proposal was accepted in part.

A commission was created, which included such interesting characters: Webster (former director of the CIA), Shenfill (former US Deputy Attorney General), Snyder (the current chief adviser to the US Senate Intelligence Committee) and some other equally interesting personalities. This commission worked for three days in the Lesnye Dali sanatorium near Moscow - they held secret negotiations on the further activities of the foreign intelligence service and the security service (representatives of our services were not allowed to negotiate). There was a conversation between the Democrats.

And Mr. Soros was noted in the reform of the KGB - he began to finance human rights activists. Think it's so harmless? Human rights activists, for example, demanded, and the deputies supported, to make public the lists of agents who worked in the Middle East for the "damned KGB". The same human rights activists from all screens demanded to completely liquidate the special services in Russia. And the public seems to be supportive.

And there was also the American Heritage Foundation, which worked under the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation - the parliamentary commissions of the Supreme Council undertook to hold open hearings on national security issues, the security service could now only fight banditry and terrorism on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Foreign Intelligence Service and the GRU did not have the right to conduct intelligence activities against Western intelligence agencies and had to completely refuse to work with agents who worked in the KGB.

Mrs. Starovoitova gave birth to a bill on the lustration of all KGB officers. However, this bill did not turn into law, for obvious reasons.

There were many things. And as a result, today the FSB is not the KGB. This is a completely different service. Including in terms of their capabilities. Therefore, do not blame the guys - they are now literally pulling security with a hump and are well aware that they can close only certain areas. Such pinpoint state security. For which, if anything, you will have to answer. Heads may be deprived of their posts, and employees ... Buried at public expense.

Yes, in it, in the FSB, a number of former KGB officers still work. Former officers serve in the Ukrainian army Soviet army, but who today will say that the army of Ukraine is Soviet?

"Day of the worker of the security agencies of the Russian Federation" was established by the decree of B.N. Yeltsin in 1995. Why did you choose December 20? I do not believe that Yeltsin wanted to maintain some kind of continuity. Most likely, Boris Nikolayevich was simply cheated - they slipped him an insignificant document, and he waved it.

Therefore, live in peace - the KGB is no more.

Why am I writing about this? You probably guessed it - I'm a "former". And even worse - I'm from the "dead". Do you know what SMERSH is? These are freaks who slept all day long, ate sweetly and drank a lot during breaks, and at night they tortured "fighters against the Stalinist regime." They (we) also organized detachments, shot millions of innocent civilians in Europe during the “Second World War”, drowned peaceful democratic protests in Hungary and Czechoslovakia in blood.

By the way, I can give you a little help. During the Great Patriotic War military counterintelligence officer (SMERSH) lived in the war, on average, three months. SMERSH has never dealt with detachments. However, there was one case - during the defense of Stalingrad, one of the detachments was commanded by a military counterintelligence officer. But let's not judge him harshly - he stayed in Stalingrad.

I can tell you about Senior Lieutenant Pyotr Anfimovich Zhidkov - this is the first military counterintelligence officer who was awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union. Do you think he got a "hero" for torturing a Democrat? No, he raised a company that was left without officers to attack "against a superior enemy," in hand-to-hand combat personally destroyed six Nazis. The title was awarded posthumously.

Lieutenant SMERSH Mikhail Petrovich Krygin in August 1945, as part of the landing force, took part in the liberation of the port of Seishin. The lieutenant's group had a special mission in the territory occupied by the Japanese. However, when the commander of the paratroopers died, Lieutenant Krygin took his place and personally led the attack 12 (!) times. Then the SMERSH group continued to carry out its task. After the liberation of the port of Seishin, the body of Lieutenant M. Krygin was found with signs of torture: more than 20 bayonet wounds, a tongue was cut out, a five-pointed star was carved on the chest, and the stomach was cut open. Lieutenant Krygin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

There were many such “deaths” in that war.

However, I have more recent examples. Senior Lieutenant Ivanov (surname changed) took (with a light machine gun) a position at a commanding height and fought for two hours with a group of spirits, which numbered almost 500 heads, which allowed the Soviet motorized rifle battalion to leave the gorge with virtually no losses (there were wounded). The military introduced the starley to the title of "hero", but personally Kryuchkov was against it. Since there was an order - military counterintelligence officers for "infantry exploits" should not be presented for awards. Why? “We didn’t send you here to run the attack with the infantry. And who will do your work? However, in that case, the military resisted and the senior lieutenant of his "hero" received. This is not a fairy tale. I personally know this person, and his portrait hung in one of the educational institutions (in the open press it was called “Higher Courses for the Retraining of Commanders and Operations of the KGB SSS”) on the second floor in the central corridor. Along with portraits of KGB officers who were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

By the way, military counterintelligence had its day during the Soviet era - December 19th. Now there is no such holiday. Not even analgia. Guys, I think it would be a shame. However, the dead don't care. Thank you for not canceling Victory Day. Otherwise, our soldiers raped all of Europe, occupied it, and did something else. Liberals know.

And I will celebrate a holiday that does not exist. Eternal memory, it happened, did not work. Therefore, those who left - rest in peace to them! And who is still alive - God bless you guys, health and long years. And do not be offended by people - they do not know what they are doing.

19 Dec 2017 Tags: 4983
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Today, December 20, when Russia celebrates the Day of the State Security Bodies Worker (“Chekist Day”), it is appropriate to recall the history of the origin of domestic special services, their role and contribution to the difficult and dramatic history of our country.

Like most modern "departmental" holidays, the Day of the State Security Organs has its history since Soviet times - known in the USSR as the Day of the Chekist, it was timed to coincide with December 7/20, 1917, when the Cheka was formed - the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission, which later repeatedly changed its name - GPU, OGPU, NKVD, MGB, KGB. And since 1995, this day has become an official holiday for all those who serve in the Federal Security Service (FSB), the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), the Federal Security Service (FSO) and the Main Directorate of Special Programs of the President of Russia.

On December 7/20, 1917, in accordance with the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage (VChK) was formed, headed by F.E. Dzerzhinsky. Officially, the Cheka was the body of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" for the protection of the state security of the RSFSR, "the leading body in the fight against counter-revolution throughout the country." The initiator of the emergence of the Cheka was personally Lenin, who pointed out that the corresponding structure should be "a striking weapon against countless conspiracies, countless attempts on Soviet power" and emphasizing that without her "The power of the working people cannot exist as long as there are exploiters in the world".

Initially, the punitive measures of the Cheka were rather “soft”: since the death penalty was initially abolished in the RSFSR, the Chekists did not apply it, punishing counter-revolutionaries (real and imaginary) by publishing lists of “enemies of the people”, deprivation of food cards, confiscation of “counter-revolutionary property”. But with the outbreak of the Civil War, everything changed radically: having received emergency powers, the Chekists began to use the most severe methods of fighting "counter-revolutionaries and saboteurs", as well as speculators and bandits. Since February 21, 1918, according to the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR "The Socialist Fatherland is in danger!", Chekists were ordered to shoot "enemy agents, speculators, thugs, hooligans, counter-revolutionary agitators, German spies" at the crime scene. And from September 5, 1918, when the Bolsheviks officially proclaimed the policy of red terror, the Chekists received an almost unlimited right to reprisal anyone who would be regarded by them as an enemy of the Soviet regime.

As a result, in addition to fighting real pests and doing a lot to combat homelessness, the Chekists "distinguished themselves" by unprecedented terror unleashed against the Russian people, accompanied by torture and sophisticated executions. Things got to the point that even in the Central Committee of the RCP (b) already in 1918 a number of representatives of the party condemned "the absolute power of an organization that places itself not only above the Soviets, but also above the party itself", a number of party workers demanded the elimination of the activities of the Cheka "arbitrariness of an organization stuffed with criminals, sadists and decayed elements of the lumpen proletariat", and Kamenev, as Chairman of the Commission of Political Control, proposed in connection with the facts voiced and completely abolish the Cheka as a structure. However, this position did not receive party support, because. Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky and Sverdlov criticized the opponents of large-scale terror. According to Lenin, the Cheka was subjected to "unfair accusations" by "limited intelligentsia ... unable to look at the issue of terror in a broader perspective". After that, a decision was made prohibiting any criticism of the activities of the Cheka.

As you know, the traditions of the Cheka, including the repressive one, were then continued by its successors - the GPU, the OGPU and the NKVD. And since the strengthening of Stalin's position, these repressions have already fallen on the heads of the employees of the repressive bodies and as a result of large-scale "purges" most of Dzerzhinsky's associates who held leadership positions in the Cheka (A.Kh. Artuzov, G.I. Bokiy, M.Ya. Latsis, Ya.Kh. Peters, M.A. Trilisser and others) lost not only their posts, but also their lives.

But it would be unfair to attribute only bloody terror and repression against the people to the Soviet state security agencies. In addition to these well-known facts, there were others. The border troops, which were a division of the NKVD, heroically proved themselves in the fight against the Basmachi, in protecting the state border and were the first to courageously take the blow of the Nazi troops in June 1941. A lot was done by the state security agencies during the Great Patriotic War in the fight against enemy spies, agents and saboteurs. Suffice it to recall the legendary "SMERSH", which came out of the special departments of the NKVD and was a whole structure of counterintelligence organizations that successfully fought enemy agents. Employees of the Soviet special services also showed themselves heroically during the liquidation of Bandera gangs in Ukraine.

Today's activities of the state security agencies involved in the neutralization of foreign spies and agents, enemy agents, terrorist gangs and the prevention of terrorist attacks continue the really best traditions of the Soviet special services. However, the linking of the modern holiday of state security workers to the day of the establishment of the Cheka, which shed rivers of blood of innocent people and left a bad memory among the people, today seems to be a clear relic of the communist past. After all, the Russian special services undoubtedly have a more ancient and glorious history, and by no means did 1917 become the year of their birth - the special services in Russia have existed since time immemorial. The chronicles of the times of the Sovereigns Ivan the Terrible and Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov testify to the appearance of a special personal guard of the Kings, and in 1649 the first legislative foundations of the special services were officially recorded in the Cathedral Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Then, other well-known departments from history were in charge of ensuring the security of the Russian State, for example, the Preobrazhensky Prikaz and the Secret Chancellery of Emperor Peter the Great, the Secret Expedition under the Senate, as well as the legendary Third Department of the Chancellery of Emperors Nicholas I and Alexander II.

Doesn’t it look strange when the government, on the one hand, takes certain steps to revive the imperial traditions of historical Russia, and on the other hand, continues to tie the Day of the State Security Officer to the day of the establishment of the Cheka, which physically destroyed the best people of the Russian Empire, often guilty only of the fact that they did not accept Bolshevik power and were true defenders of traditional, Orthodox and state values? After all, back in 2000, V. Putin, recognizing that the history of domestic security agencies is "ambiguous", emphasized that today's agencies are "fundamentally different domestic special services." And if so, then maybe the time has come to postpone the celebration of this day to July 3 (15), when in 1826 the Third Department was created by Emperor Nicholas I, which became a highly professional state security body, and which is much more in line with the direction of modern Russian special services? Isn't it more worthy than the bloodthirsty recommendations of Lenin, the words that, according to legend, were said by Emperor Nicholas I, handing over a white handkerchief to his chief at the establishment of the Third Department: “Here are all your instructions. The more tears you wipe off with this handkerchief, the more faithfully you will serve my purposes!”

Prepared Andrey Ivanov, Doctor of Historical Sciences

The level of perfection of state security distinguishes a truly independent state from a country under external control. If a couple of decades ago, the main thesis voiced by the Russian authorities was the thesis that the Russian Federation no longer has and cannot have enemies - everyone around is friends and friends of friends, then over time, the understanding of the fact that the friendly intentions of partners are aimed to serve exclusively their own interests and utterly ignore the interests of Russia itself.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, which (collapse) became the main victory of the “partners” in the 20th century, Russia was literally flooded with organizations that base their activities on plundering Russian assets, gaining access to military information, entering the management bodies not only of strategic objects, but and power in general. These organizations bred at an incredible pace, promoting a new ideology for the Russian state, which had nothing to do with the interests of both the state itself and the people of Russia. The country, and it would be strange not to admit it, fell under real external control, in fact transferring the levers of doing business both in politics and in the economy to persons who received an explicit directive to continue the fragmentation of Russia along national, religious and, as they said several decades earlier, , class attributes.

At some point, a huge state - Russia - was actually on the verge of collapse. Terrorist attacks, separatist manifestations were already something familiar to millions of Russians. The media broadcast from TV screens, the work of many of which also had nothing to do with real journalism, but fit into the more than obvious service of foreign interests.

The reasons for such rampant anti-statehood can be understood. After all, together with the state in 1991, the system of state security was destroyed, which in last years the existence of the Union and itself gave a clear crack. The system lost stability and ceased to perform its functions, which led to consequences that then seemed irreversible.

However, despite all the efforts of the "partners", despite the monstrous destruction of the very base of the national statehood, something happened that did not allow Russia to be put on the shoulder blades and finished off under the exclamations of jubilation of the "friendly" states of the near and far abroad.

We are talking about the restoration of the state security system, which continues to improve and work, as they say, on an invisible front, the heat from which sometimes reaches even an ordinary citizen.

Today, December 20, Russia celebrates the Day of the Worker of State Security Bodies. This holiday appeared in new Russia at a time when state security was not at all in order - in 1995. The then President Boris Yeltsin signed Decree No. 1280 "On the Establishment of the Day of the Worker of the Security Organs of the Russian Federation."

The date of December 20 as the date of the professional holiday was chosen with a historical, so to speak, sight. On this day, back in 1917, the Cheka was formed - the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission, headed by a man who later received the nickname "Iron Felix" - F.E. Dzerzhinsky. The official task of the new body was the task of the following nature: the fight against counter-revolution and sabotage. The Cheka is a structure that worked under the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR and had its own regional divisions involved in the implementation, as it was said at that time, of the plans for the dictatorship of the proletariat. From the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR under the chairmanship of V.I. Lenin on the creation of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission:

To suppress and eliminate all counter-revolutionary and sabotage attempts and actions throughout Russia, they did not come from anyone; bring all saboteurs and counter-revolutionaries to trial by the Revolutionary Tribunal, and develop measures to combat them ...

The structure of the Cheka consisted of three main departments: information department, organizational department and wrestling department.

In August 1918, the tasks of combating speculation and malfeasance were added to the tasks of the Cheka. Earlier, the concept of "red terror" officially appeared as a kind of response to another concept - "white terror". The bloody flywheel comes into motion civil war, which claimed such a number of human lives that historians still cannot calculate (estimate) with more or less acceptable accuracy.

In 1921, the Cheka began to deal with the elimination of homelessness and neglect of children. By that time, on the territory of Soviet Russia, homeless children had actually become a separate class of the population, numbering several million children of the most different ages. In a relatively short time, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission managed to work out a set of effective measures. These measures led to the fact that millions of yesterday's homeless children were eventually not only torn out of the underworld, but in the end were able to get a decent education, become completely law-abiding members of Soviet society, and many even follow in the footsteps of those who helped them find themselves in, to put it mildly, a difficult post-revolutionary life.

During their existence, the Russian (Soviet) state security agencies have repeatedly changed their official name. The Cheka lasted until 1922, then it was replaced by the State Political Directorate (GPU) under the NKVD of the USSR, which in turn lasted about a year. From 1923 to 1934, the state security agencies were called the OGPU under the NKVD. Then there were the NKVD of the USSR, the NKGB of the USSR, the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR, etc.

In 1954, the State Security Committee was formed as the central Union-Republican body, which until 1978 functioned under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 13, 1954:

In the mid-1950s, well-known political figures decided to declassify the archives of the security agencies, which made it possible to learn about a large-scale reduction in the number of employees. In 1955, about 7.5 thousand security personnel were laid off, and about 8 thousand more were transferred to civil servants.

On December 3, 1991, the State Security Committee of the USSR was dissolved - the country tried to live in a new way under the slogan "there are only friends around." Friends, offering their hand and smiling, held the other hand behind their backs, and it quickly became clear that this hand was by no means a bouquet of flowers.

Today, the range of tasks of security officers is very wide. This is not only work in the direction of counterintelligence activities, but also a wide range of anti-terrorist tasks. Thanks to the work of security officials (the Federal Security Service of Russia), hundreds of terrorist cells in different regions of the country were liquidated, leaders of the gang underground, whose contacts extended to representatives of international terrorist groups, including the so-called Islamic State, were destroyed and sent to jail. Every day, painstaking and hard work is going on, aimed at keeping Russian borders intact and preventing the spread of destructive anti-state ideology and other similar manifestations on the territory of Russia itself.

"Military Review" congratulates security officials on their professional holiday and hopes that security agencies will remain a structure that guards the interests of both the state as a whole and its citizens.

Very timely, the question was asked about the day of the FSB in 2020, what date. Often, in the vain preparations for the New Year, this professional day is simply forgotten. This is fundamentally wrong, because FSB workers on this day, like representatives of other professions on their professional days, are sure to expect congratulations, kind words and high marks in their service.

Every year, December 20 is the exact date when FSB day is in 2020. So it turns out that in current year the holiday falls on Sunday, from which its celebration in every family where the event is relevant should be given special attention.

From the history of the establishment of the holiday

FSB Day was included in the list of state official holidays only in 1995. But since then, this year is already the twentieth year, as all employees of the Federal Security Service celebrate this important event for them magnificently.

It is no coincidence that December 20 was chosen as the date, the day of the FSB. The fact is that in the Soviet Union on this December day they celebrated the Day of the Chekist.

The event was established back in 1917, when the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission was created. Then, in 1954, the Cheka was replaced by the KGB, which already existed until the collapse of the USSR. The FSB is the modern Russian version of the Soviet KGB, but the holiday for them is modern Russia was installed only in 1995. But, since then, the event has been constantly celebrated and a lot of attention has been paid to it. Relevant on the festive table.

About celebrations

In addition to the fact that FSB officers are congratulated on their professional day by relatives and friends, they, of course, congratulate each other. Only colleagues can understand how dangerous and difficult, sometimes unpredictable, this service is.

In addition, celebrations are held throughout the country. During the events, artists and folk groups perform, as well as employees of the security services, who especially stood out during the year, are awarded for special achievements in their official activities.

Possible options for congratulations on the day of the FSB:
You are at the security control of our country day and night, like all your colleagues. This is hard and difficult work, but very important. Guys, I wish you not to lose heart, solve more crimes and, of course, do not forget to rest.
In our country, FSB Day is celebrated quite widely, we hasten to congratulate you on this event. Let the work go well, and you, as an already experienced employee with experience, set the right example for young people.
I wish you a good rest on your holiday from working days. Let at work you are always expected and appreciated, and experience, intuition and skill help to solve as many crimes as possible.
Let me congratulate you on FSB Day. With all my heart I wish you and all of us a clear and peaceful sky above your head. Let life and work in all its manifestations be on a high note. On the festive table can be served for dessert