Ultrasonic whistle for animal training. Will an ultrasonic whistle help against stray dogs? Silent dog whistle

Clicker for dogs allows you to attract the attention of your pet or call him, without making loud sounds. You can use it in public places without worrying about harsh or loud noises disturbing others. In addition, an ultrasonic whistle is worth buying for dog breeders who take the dog for training and want to achieve complete obedience from him.

What is it for?

  • ultrasonic whistle to scare away dogs, they are used in training - a certain deterrent signal is used when the dog shows disobedience, bullies other animals, picks up garbage on walks.
  • Such a device helps to drive away other people's aggressive dogs that can attack your pet on the street.
  • Dog training clicker acts as a translator with human language to dog - the pet remembers commands faster when it hears a special sound approving its actions.
  • Whistles are used to interact with the owner of the hunting dogs. Such models have several keys, send a specific sound message.
  • The silent whistle is used to call animals - this accessory has a protected frequency, thanks to which the dog receives a fast and clear signal.

How to use it?

The dog training whistle has an adjustable tone. Having chosen the most understandable wave for the animal, fix the thread on the whistle in the appropriate position.

By changing the number of whistle sounds and their length, you can master several basic commands, each of which will have its own sound.

Do not use the whistle to scare away dogs or call them unnecessarily. The dog must know that the signal comes only on business - when he does badly or when he did an excellent job with the instructions of the owner.

Do not try to make the clicker sound louder - for the animal this ultrasonic signal sounds several times louder than to the human ear.

What are they?

  • Clicker with plate - a simple model that is activated with one click thumb. It produces a loud sound that is well audible during walks and outdoor workouts.
  • With a button - the device is equipped with a protruding button, which is convenient to press with any finger or the whole palm. The signal of this model is not so loud, which can interfere with interaction with the dog in busy places.
  • For convenience, the clicker is complemented by a lanyard to be worn around the neck or a stretchable wrist spring.

When it becomes necessary to buy a clicker for dogs in Moscow, contact us. The catalog contains metal and plastic models with a button and a bracelet on the hand. Owners of four-legged pets who decide to purchase a clicker for dogs in the 12 Monkeys online store will receive not only a quality product, but will also be able to take advantage of the qualified advice of our employees.

Disciplining a dog and teaching it to follow exactly all the commands is a difficult, painstaking task and requires patience. Cynologists for these purposes use a special whistle for dogs, capable of reproducing a sound of increased frequency.

Anyone who wants to independently train their four-legged friend can use the device. But besides this, an ultrasonic whistle (due to its properties) can also be used.

How does a whistle work and how to use it?

The dog responds quickly to ultrasound, as its hearing aid is able to perceive it. The person does not feel these sound waves. For the first time such a device was presented in England. Invented by his trainer from the circus. By means of a whistle, he achieved the exact execution of commands and the process of learning animals was reduced.

The dog training whistle produces a special sound that is produced by a resonator when pressurized gas is applied to it. The sound intensity depends on the diameter of the nozzle, on average for all devices the value is 170 kHz, this is the frequency that the animal's ear perceives. It is inaccessible to a person to hear it, since the threshold is 20 kHz.

When buying, each device is accompanied by an instruction, using it you can adjust the sound frequency, for this, tighten the lock nut. There are templates in the description, following which the training of the animal takes place in a calm atmosphere and at a fast pace, it is important not to forget to reward the pet with a treat.

Where can an ultrasonic whistle come in handy?

To educate a dog, an ultrasonic whistle is recommended to be used from puppyhood. The dog develops reflexes faster, it gets used to such commands and quickly finds contact with the owner.

The device will be useful:

  • for dog training
  • from teaching from barking;
  • repel aggressive or stray animals.

In order to inform the animal of a command, the owner only needs to blow the whistle (or press the button if the whistle is electronic) in compliance with the duration and equal intervals of time. Each team has its own signal, as in Morse code. Several courses and the animal begins to show results.

Gradually, the dog subconsciously begins to perceive the synchronization of the whistle signal, hand gestures and voice as a command. After it has been worked out, only exposure to ultrasound is enough to fulfill the requirements of the owner. Several options for conventional signs can be developed, of course, you should not abuse it.

What we call ultrasound is just sound to the animal. For a person, a silent whistle for dogs proves to be working only when the result is visible. In other cases, one can only guess about its effect. It is important to monitor the condition of the nutrient element installed in the device; some manufacturers equip the whistle with an indicator.

By means of a whistle, it is easier for the owner of the animal to control it; when giving a voice command at a great distance, it is difficult for both the pet and the person himself. The wind and the noise drown out the voice. But ultrasound can reach the ears of an animal up to 450 meters, depending on the design of the whistle and the area where the person and dog are located.

How to choose a whistle model?

The manufacturer takes into account that the device will be used daily and actively, so the whistle body is made of steel or durable and high-quality plastic. The design of the model is also given great importance, because the whistle is used by amateurs, cynologists and professional observers in sports centers where animals participate.

The whistle has a cast eyelet for attaching a strap or ring, so that the whistle is convenient to use and not to lose.

Pictured is a metal Chinese whistle for dogs Hunter

There is a nut on the body with which you can adjust the frequency of the sound so that it is recognizable for the dog. In addition, by changing the tone, it is easy to change the frequency of the sound so that it becomes unacceptable for the dog and can suppress his aggression or scare him away. Does an ultrasonic whistle help against stray dogs? - Internet users are interested in preparing for unforeseen situations that may arise.

There are many opinions on this matter, some claim that the device is useless and the dog does not change its behavior when using the whistle.

It is noticed that service and fighting dogs are not so sensitive to ultrasound. Stray dogs will react faster to an unfamiliar sound.

How to protect yourself when meeting with an aggressive animal or distract its attention with a whistle?

It is necessary to blow the whistle continuously (or at different intervals) until the animals move to a safe distance. Slowly move back from the source of danger and leave the meeting place with the dog as soon as possible.

Ultrasonic whistles are one of the most effective tools for animal training. Many dog ​​owners consider them a great alternative to voice commands. Animals perceive ultrasonic signals better than the various tones of the host's voice. Last thing - common cause misunderstanding or incorrect interpretation by the dog of the commands given by the person. While the sound of a whistle, the animal is able to unambiguously perceive at a distance of 500 meters.

Today on sale there are models of ultrasonic whistles with adjustable tonality. Signals of different tones convey information to the dog that corresponds to a particular command.

This is especially convenient for those dog breeders who prefer active walks with their pets (forest, mountain, hunting, etc.), when it is almost impossible to “shout out” to a dog that is at a considerable distance from its owner.

In general, dog training with a scroll is not much different from traditional methods. For example, practicing the command “Come to me!”. When walking with a dog on a long leash, you should stop at a certain moment, blow the whistle three times and pull the leash, making sure that the pet comes to the foot of its owner. Changing the tone of the whistle, you need to repeat this exercise about five times. Thus, you can find out which tone the animal responds best to. Having determined this, you should fix the corresponding thread on the whistle. Dog owners should be aware that the sound that seems weak to them sounds four times louder to the pet.

To learn other commands, you can vary both the number of whistle sounds and their length. For example, in order for the dog to remember the order "Sit!" you can use a long queue of signals, and the command "Near!" - alternation of long and short.

However, despite the obvious advantages, ultrasonic whistles also have significant shortcomings, forcing many dog ​​breeders to abandon this tool. So, with a strong headwind, ultrasound is practically inaudible, which is fraught with the animal's failure to fulfill basic commands. During long country walks and, especially, when hunting, the whistle can become clogged with saliva or dirt, as a result of which the animal accustomed to the whistle risks getting lost. Experienced dog breeders also note that in severe frost this instrument becomes useless after three trills.

In addition to their main purpose, ultrasonic scrolls can also be used for defensive purposes - to protect against attacks by homeless animals. To do this, put the whistle in a special mode, press the button for a long time, turning the tool towards the stray dog. Success is largely determined by the frequency of the ultrasound. If it is low, then the embittered animal will only turn its ears or tail, which may frighten it and allow the person to escape from the attack. In the case where the whistle is capable of producing a serious acoustic attack, the animal in which the ultrasonic wave has overcome it pain threshold, between aggression and the instinct of self-preservation will choose the latter. The only exceptions here are deaf animals, as well as dogs of large and fighting breeds that have undergone special training.

On the streets of both large cities and the smallest villages, you can meet packs of stray dogs. This is happening because people are careless about their four-legged friends, special services are inactive, shelters are overcrowded. But the fact remains - whole flocks of hungry animals can cause serious harm to life and health. Then how can you protect yourself?

Varieties of repellers

Technology does not stand still. Various devices and devices are replacing improvised materials. In order to avoid a collision with an angry animal, there are special repellers for dogs, which come in different types:

  • ultrasonic;
  • Electronic;
  • Gas;
  • Stationary.

Ultrasonic repellers are the most effective to date, as they emit a strong ultrasonic signal that is completely safe for humans. But the hearing of animals is different from human, so the right frequency can scare away different animals.

Electric devices are represented by stun guns, which, among other things, also emit an unpleasant sound for dogs, as well as the smell of ozone.

Ultrasonic Dog Repeller

Gas cartridges can be used at a distance of one to one and a half meters from animals. But here it is important to choose the right gas, because certain substances do not have any effect on dogs.

Stationary repellers work on the principle of ultrasound, which can protect the home area from being visited by various animals. Directing them to a certain place, it immediately becomes undesirable for dogs to visit. Another plus is that their frequency is constantly changing, which avoids addiction.

Note! Another small variation is the ultrasonic whistle. However, users note its low efficiency.

The principle of operation of the ultrasonic dog repeller

At the heart of any ultrasound device is work based on special noise waves, which is able to capture the animal's ear. While the perception of humans is limited to sounds up to 20 kHz, dogs are able to perceive audio signals up to 40 kHz. Basically, ultrasonic devices emit a sound with a frequency of 116 decibels.

The included device works at a distance of up to 30 meters. The greatest efficiency is achieved with a short distance. Such a mechanism is able to put animals to flight or keep a distance of 10 meters.

How to choose the right device?

When choosing an ultrasound device, you need to be guided by several parameters. First of all, depending on the type of mechanism, you need to pay attention to the frequency.

Again, a dog's hearing is stronger than a human's, so a good repeller should operate at a frequency of 20 to 30 kHz. The average indicator of quality fixtures is from 24.3 kHz. Naturally, stationary devices are much more powerful, because they create a sound load of more than a hundred dB. Compact versions are much weaker, but individual instances can create sound up to 250 dB.

The principle of operation of the ultrasonic dog repeller

It is important that the pocket repeller works at a distance of 10 meters or more. This will help keep animals away. Devices that start to work at a shorter distance are best for children.

The choice of range for stationary models should be based on the size of the area to be protected. So, there are options that cover the territory of a small yard, and there are those that work on several hundred square meters.

Note! As a rule, the batteries in repellers are enough for 1000 uses (depending on the model). Batteries of the Krona, AA or AAA type are used as batteries. Stationary models run on mains power (220 V) or solar panels.

Of course, it is worth paying attention to some additional features. For example, some devices may be equipped with a strong sound siren, which provides additional security and may also attract the attention of other people in the event of an attack.

The most effective additional function is a light flash, which blinds a dog that comes close.

Most Popular Models

The market offers a wide range of this kind of devices from different manufacturers. Which one is the best to choose?

One of these devices is the "Cobra", which is made in Smolensk. This is a portable uz emitter, which is available in a plastic case. It is also equipped with an LED light. According to the manufacturer's description, the power of the device is 120 dB at a distance of 0.5 meters, the frequency is from 22 to 25 kHz. According to reviews, the device is weak.

  • It really does scare the dogs away.
  • The emitter is framed by a metal ring, which is able to concentrate the direction of energy.
  • Unreliability and water permeability of the case.
  • The LED works continuously, which reduces the operating time, and also does not bring any additional benefit during the daytime. Switching on occurs with the push of a button.
  • Small working distance.

Another domestic pocket dog repeller is "Dogs. No Flash +". It has a power of 120 dB at 1 meter. The maximum range is 20 meters. Equipped with LEDs that work in 2 modes: flash or flashlight.

  • Compact and lightweight body.
  • Rugged construction.
  • Charging level indicator;
  • Does not harm animals.
  • Automatic operation as well as LED mode switch.
  • Deaf, hard of hearing, rabid animals may not perceive the device.

"Anti Dog Dazer II" is a powerful device that affects not only dogs, but also cats, rodents, etc. The device has a frequency of 24.3 kHz and a power of 166.5 dB. It works effectively at a distance of up to 15 meters.

  • Repels various animals.
  • High power.
  • Fastening for belts.
  • Small range.
  • There is no way to adjust the strength of the radiation, for example, for training.
  • There is no light source.

Anti Dog Dazer II

The manufacturer of the compact Rexant device guarantees that it can scare away even the most aggressive dogs. Work is carried out at a distance of up to 30 meters. The frequency is 25 kHz. Equipped with a flashlight.

  • Ability to switch between scare and training mode.
  • Great distance.
  • Does not harm animals.
  • Does not scare away all types of dogs.

The MELEON ultrasonic repeller works at a distance of 10 to 15 meters. It has a frequency of 25 kHz. Country of origin - China. Available in black and yellow colors.

  • The ability to switch between training, scaring and flashlight modes.
  • Proven to drive dogs away, but at closer range than indicated.
  • Low range of use.
  • The LED works only in flashlight mode, there is no flash.

MELEON ultrasonic repeller

One of the best devices of domestic production is SITITEK Grom-250M, the range of which is limited to 20 meters. Operating frequency - 25 kHz.

  • High range of use.
  • Equipped with flashlight and siren.
  • Safe for animals and people.
  • Compact size.
  • High price.

It is worth noting that all compact views have a similar working principle. To activate ultrasound, you must press the button and direct it to the animal. With the appropriate functions, many models have a special signal power switch for training and scaring, as well as flashes and a flashlight.

Repellers of wide action are stationary. Of these, the Tornado-115 model stands out the most. The device is equipped with 2 emitters, which helps to expand the angle of the device. It is usually placed in front of the entrance of the home area. The power is 115 dB, the range is 20 square meters. meters. Powered by 220V.

Model "Tornado-115"

Another a good option- EcoSniper LS-937CD. It works at an angle of 90 degrees, with a range of 15 meters, which provides a coverage area of ​​200 square meters. meters. Frequency from 16 to 23 kHz.

  • Large area of ​​influence.
  • Guaranteed to deter dogs.
  • Safety for people and light weight.
  • Rugged body.
  • Permanent connection to the power supply (220V)

Thus, there is a large number of options for scaring away stray dogs both on the site and from a specific person. The main thing is to take into account when choosing all the necessary parameters to achieve the best result.