Ultrasonic whistles for dogs. Will an ultrasonic whistle help against stray dogs? What is it for

Disciplining a dog and teaching it to follow exactly all the commands is a difficult, painstaking task and requires patience. Cynologists for these purposes use a special whistle for dogs, capable of reproducing a sound of increased frequency.

Anyone who wants to independently train their four-legged friend can use the device. But besides this, an ultrasonic whistle (due to its properties) can also be used.

How does a whistle work and how to use it?

The dog responds quickly to ultrasound, as its hearing aid is able to perceive it. The person does not feel these sound waves. For the first time such a device was presented in England. Invented by his trainer from the circus. By means of a whistle, he achieved the exact execution of commands and the process of learning animals was reduced.

The dog training whistle produces a special sound that is produced by a resonator when pressurized gas is applied to it. The sound intensity depends on the diameter of the nozzle, on average for all devices the value is 170 kHz, this is the frequency that the animal's ear perceives. It is inaccessible to a person to hear it, since the threshold is 20 kHz.

When buying, each device is accompanied by an instruction, using it you can adjust the sound frequency, for this, tighten the lock nut. There are templates in the description, following which the training of the animal takes place in a calm atmosphere and at a fast pace, it is important not to forget to reward the pet with a treat.

Where can an ultrasonic whistle come in handy?

To educate a dog, an ultrasonic whistle is recommended to be used from puppyhood. The dog develops reflexes faster, it gets used to such commands and quickly finds contact with the owner.

The device will be useful:

  • for dog training
  • from teaching from barking;
  • repel aggressive or stray animals.

In order to inform the animal of a command, the owner only needs to blow the whistle (or press the button if the whistle is electronic) in compliance with the duration and equal intervals of time. Each team has its own signal, as in Morse code. Several courses and the animal begins to show results.

Gradually, the dog subconsciously begins to perceive the synchronization of the whistle signal, hand gestures and voice as a command. After it has been worked out, only exposure to ultrasound is enough to fulfill the requirements of the owner. Several options for conventional signs can be developed, of course, you should not abuse it.

What we call ultrasound is just sound to the animal. For a person, a silent whistle for dogs proves to be working only when the result is visible. In other cases, one can only guess about its effect. It is important to monitor the condition of the nutrient element installed in the device; some manufacturers equip the whistle with an indicator.

By means of a whistle, it is easier for the owner of the animal to control it; when giving a voice command at a great distance, it is difficult for both the pet and the person himself. The wind and the noise drown out the voice. But ultrasound can reach the ears of an animal up to 450 meters, depending on the design of the whistle and the area where the person and dog are located.

How to choose a whistle model?

The manufacturer takes into account that the device will be used daily and actively, so the whistle body is made of steel or durable and high-quality plastic. The design of the model is also given great importance, because the whistle is used by amateurs, cynologists and professional observers in sports centers where animals participate.

The whistle has a cast eyelet for attaching a strap or ring, so that the whistle is convenient to use and not to lose.

Pictured is a metal Chinese whistle for dogs Hunter

There is a nut on the body with which you can adjust the frequency of the sound so that it is recognizable for the dog. In addition, by changing the tone, it is easy to change the frequency of the sound so that it becomes unacceptable for the dog and can suppress his aggression or scare him away. Does an ultrasonic whistle help against stray dogs? - Internet users are interested in preparing for unforeseen situations that may arise.

There are many opinions on this matter, some claim that the device is useless and the dog does not change its behavior when using the whistle.

It is noticed that service and fighting dogs are not so sensitive to ultrasound. Stray dogs will react faster to an unfamiliar sound.

How to protect yourself when meeting with an aggressive animal or distract its attention with a whistle?

It is necessary to blow the whistle continuously (or at different intervals) until the animals move to a safe distance. Slowly move back from the source of danger and leave the meeting place with the dog as soon as possible.

Ultrasonic whistle for animal training. It was taken for the purposes of defense against stray dogs. About the main thing: it is useless for the intended purpose.
The product arrived without any packaging. The Chinese battery of the "krone" type, as stated, was in the kit, brand new in a protective film.

There was also a manual on how to use and train dogs in Chinese/English.

The device works in three modes: "flashlight", "attraction", "fright". To select the mode, there is a slider at the bottom of the device. To activate the ultrasonic whistle, there is a button at the top.
Upon receipt, I did not wait for an opportunity, I decided to test it on pets for a start.
“Flashlight” mode: everything works, the LEDs are lit, it’s not good instead of a flashlight, but you can highlight something.
“Attraction” mode: I don’t really like cats, I rarely pet them, so attracted either by a whistle or by the owner’s unusual interest in him, the cat happily purrs and rubs against his legs. Okay, let's say...
“Fright” mode: I was waiting for a reaction and got it ... The device began to flash its LEDs menacingly. Belatedly, I think - Khan to the curtains, now the cat will run to the ceiling from fear. But it wasn’t there - the cat, as if nothing had happened, continued the ritual of licking in the hope that he might drop something ...
Well, I think maybe it doesn’t work on cats, but it will work on a dog. The reaction was identical - no reaction.
I thought. Maybe the ultrasonic whistle is not working? He stuck it to his ear. It was a mistake: the noise was sharp and unpleasant. So now I will try to stay away from people with such a whistle.
Well, I think only the family can not be afraid. They are not accustomed to ultrasound in the house. Stray then they are wild. Alas, the device made a similar impression on the dogs hanging around near the bus stop - they ran waving their tails in the hope of getting an orange sausage in the grub ent :)
Maybe on some dogs the device will impress, but I would not rely on it.
P.S. No animals were harmed during the experiment. Only your humble servant for 8 bucks.

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Ultrasonic whistles are one of the most effective tools for animal training. Many dog ​​owners consider them a great alternative to voice commands. Animals perceive ultrasonic signals better than the varied tones of the owner's voice. Last thing - common cause misunderstanding or incorrect interpretation by the dog of the commands given by the person. While the sound of a whistle, the animal is able to unambiguously perceive at a distance of 500 meters.

Today on sale there are models of ultrasonic whistles with adjustable tonality. Signals of different tones convey information to the dog that corresponds to a particular command.

This is especially convenient for those dog breeders who prefer active walks with their pets (forest, mountain, hunting, etc.), when it is almost impossible to “shout out” to a dog that is at a considerable distance from its owner.

In general, dog training with a scroll is not much different from traditional methods. For example, practicing the command “Come to me!”. When walking with a dog on a long leash, you should stop at a certain moment, blow the whistle three times and pull the leash, making sure that the pet comes to the foot of its owner. Changing the tone of the whistle, you need to repeat this exercise about five times. Thus, you can find out which tone the animal responds best to. Having determined this, you should fix the corresponding thread on the whistle. Dog owners should be aware that the sound that seems weak to them sounds four times louder to the pet.

To learn other commands, you can vary both the number of whistle sounds and their length. For example, in order for the dog to remember the order "Sit!" you can use a long queue of signals, and the command "Near!" - alternation of long and short.

However, despite the obvious advantages, ultrasonic whistles also have significant shortcomings, forcing many dog ​​breeders to abandon this tool. So, with a strong headwind, ultrasound is practically inaudible, which is fraught with the animal's failure to fulfill basic commands. During long country walks and, especially, when hunting, the whistle can become clogged with saliva or dirt, as a result of which the animal accustomed to the whistle risks getting lost. Experienced dog breeders also note that in severe frost this instrument becomes useless after three trills.

In addition to their main purpose, ultrasonic scrolls can also be used for defensive purposes - to protect against attacks by homeless animals. To do this, put the whistle in a special mode, press the button for a long time, turning the tool towards the stray dog. Success is largely determined by the frequency of the ultrasound. If it is low, then the embittered animal will only turn its ears or tail, which may frighten it and allow the person to escape from the attack. In the case where the whistle is capable of producing a serious acoustic attack, the animal in which the ultrasonic wave has overcome it pain threshold, between aggression and the instinct of self-preservation will choose the latter. The only exceptions here are deaf animals, as well as dogs of large and fighting breeds that have undergone special training.

Many animals, including dogs, are sensitive to ultrasonic waves. Hearing ultrasonic vibrations, the dog changes its behavior, since ultrasound is a strong irritant.

People are deprived of this ability: the sound range perceived by the human ear is 16 - 20,000 Hz, we do not hear higher frequencies. Therefore, the use of a whistle will allow you to maintain silence during classes with a dog, which is especially important when walking in the evening or in the morning. You will no longer need to shout commands in a loud voice, the whistle will do it for you.

Where to buy an ultrasonic whistle?

You can buy a whistle from our online pet store. We deliver throughout Russia.

Why do you need an ultrasonic whistle?

An ultrasonic whistle for dogs will become an indispensable assistant in the process of training all breeds of dogs, it will teach the dog to follow commands. This is an excellent device for communicating with an animal and accustoming it to discipline, including getting rid of unwanted habits.

The device is compact and light in weight. Manufactured from nickel plated brass for long life. The ultrasonic dog whistle is provided with an attachment ring. Many manufacturers offer settings for changing the tone and sound frequency. The whistle signal extends up to 450 meters in free space.

Now there are models on the market, when using which, the owner of the dog can hear the secondary sound emitted by the air when passing through metal tubes, this greatly increases the efficiency of use.

Using an ultrasonic whistle

A few tips to help you along the way:

1. Even dogs cannot hear all sound frequencies. Make sure your dog can hear the sound being made. Test the device while the dog is sleeping. Will she react if you blow the whistle softly?

2. Use alternating signals of different lengths. To execute the command "Come to me" - a long line, a series of short sequences - "Sit".

3. Be consistent using the same signals. Dogs need to understand what you require of them.

4. It takes time and repeated repetition to develop a conditioned reflex. Moreover, the conditioned stimulus (sound) must always precede the unconditioned stimulus (food).

Whistles for dogs have been invented for a long time and today more and more dog breeders prefer to use this accessory. It's no secret that an ultrasonic dog whistle is a great helper for the owner, especially if his four-legged friend is very curious. In this article, we will talk in detail about the principle of operation of these accessories and how to make it yourself.

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General information about whistles

The design of the first whistle was developed by the British Francis Galton back in 1883. Hamilton was a trainer and used whistles in the circus. Today's whistles can be used for any breed of pet. As you know, a dog, unlike a person, can pick up the sounds that a dog whistle makes. In practice, it is clear that dogs pay much more attention to such sounds than to human commands.

The high-frequency sound given to the dog indicates what the animal needs to do, in contrast to the owner's voice, the tone of which can change. In such cases, the animal may not understand what the person wants from it, respectively, it will not feel so confident. Experts recommend training dogs to work with a whistle from puppyhood.

Operating principle

Let's move on to how these attributes work. It is no secret that the whistle emits acoustic vibrations. To make it more clear to you the principle of its operation, consider it using the example of an ordinary kitchen knife, which cuts through the air with the movement of the hand. In this case, its blade is the attribute's cylindrical cavity. Instead of air under pressure, gas is supplied, which is necessary for the appearance of sound vibrations.

In the case of the example, the frequency sound vibrations characterized by the size of the nozzle. Today, almost all models of accessories sold on the domestic market operate at a frequency of 170 kHz. This figure is too high for humans, since the human ear is able to perceive signals whose frequency does not exceed 20 kHz. Accordingly, the sound emitted by the whistle cannot be heard by a person. The pet, in turn, is able to recognize such sounds at a distance of up to 450 meters.

As you can see from the photo, the dimensions of the whistle are very small, this dimension is quite compact. With the help of this attribute, training a four-legged pet is much easier. Since the dog whistle is usually made from a brass alloy, this design is more than durable. According to the principle of operation, the ultrasonic whistle for dogs can be used to scare away stray dogs, which allows you to ensure the safety of not only yourself, but also your animal.

How to use?

To develop a conditioned reflex, training is necessary with a certain period of time, as well as regular repetitions. In any case, the whistle is an irritant for the animal, so we recommend that in any case, when working with it, periodically reward your animal with treats. Think about what your dog likes (for example, processed cheese) and stock up on it before training.

To train an animal, it is necessary to alternate signals of different lengths. For example, if you want to tell a dog to come to you, it is better to use a long signal. If you want her to execute the command "down", accustom her to this with a short burst of sound. In this regard, it all depends on your desires. When walking with a pet on the street, the leash must be loosened to its full length.

In practice, experienced breeders recommend using a triple whistle to call a pet. When you have whistled three times, stop and pull the leash towards you. This way you let the animal know that you want it to come to you. The corresponding steps must be repeated at least three times, the more the better. It is quite possible to change the tone of the signal until you understand which one is the most favorite for the animal.

When the dog fixes the commands, you should remove the leash and try to call him with a single whistle.

To scare away stray dogs, you can switch the accessory mode and point it at the necessary objects. In this case, it is recommended to keep the button pressed for two to four seconds. Most likely, if the dog is not, as they say, "sick in the head", then he will run away, tail between his legs, or he will whine and move back. Of course, the whistle does not always help to scare away the animal. In such cases, usually either the batteries of the accessory (if it is electronic) run out, or the dog simply has poor hearing or is completely deaf.

What are there?

Designs and manufacturers

To date, dog breeders use one of two types of whistles with different designs:

  1. The first type and the simplest is the standard one. Standard accessories are not fundamentally different from those used by the police or the referee on the football field. The cost of such an attribute is minimal, but it has practically no opportunities. The standard accessory allows you to emit only one signal, and you can change it only by volume level. To date, such accessories are considered obsolete.
  2. Models with adjustable tone. Such devices allow you to send your dog a variety of signals with adjustable tone.
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As for manufacturers, the most popular products today are:

  • Kamon;
  • Sprenger;
  • SportDog;
  • Phoenix;
  • Trixie;
  • Nightcore;
  • Elless;
  • BizTees;
  • Triol;
  • Ferplast.

ultrasonic whistle

The ultrasonic accessory is considered one of the innovative developments. It allows you to make high-frequency sounds that are picked up exclusively by four-legged pets. In this case, your signals will not distract people, and they will help the dog even more, because for him they stand out from other sounds.

Master class on making an ultrasonic whistle with your own hands

How to make such an attribute with your own hands, we will describe further. To do this, you only need a sharp knife and a willow branch up to 25 cm long. Its thickness should be at least the thickness of your thumb.

It looks like a blank whistle for a dog from a willow branch


  1. Take a branch and cut one end of it with a knife at an angle of 45 degrees. FROM sharp side you will whistle, so this part can be shortened a little for more convenient use.
  2. The next step will be the most critical, since you will need to create the desired sound frequency. On top of the willow stick, you need to make a small hole, in this case you will also need a knife. The hole should be small to ensure the most optimal sound of the accessory.
  3. Next, we proceed to remove the crust from the branch. Take the future whistle in such a way that the part with which you will blow is in front of you. Measure about 10 centimeters and make a small notch in a straight line. After that, the crust should be cut along the entire diameter of the branch. When this is done, start tapping the bark with the back, that is, the blunt side of the knife blade, to make it easier to remove. But it is better not to damage the bark, because later it will come in handy.
  4. When the bark is removed, a groove should be cut in the remaining part. Here, keep in mind - the deeper this groove is, the deeper the whistle itself will be. In addition, a small notch should be made in the bark above the groove.
  5. Now you need to moisten this part of the branch with plain water. After that, insert it into the crust that was removed earlier.

Thus, the dog training whistle is ready. Wait until the twig dries and swells so that the device is more durable. We will not explain how to use such an attribute, everything is clear here anyway. We hope our material helped you make a whistle with your own hands.

Video "The reaction of the dog to the sound of the whistle"

How a four-legged pet reacts to the sound of a whistle - look at the video.