When to train a German Shepherd puppy. Rules for raising and training a German shepherd

Training german shepherd- this is not only fun, but also an indicator of the discipline of the dog. The German Shepherd is a very smart animal, which is not without reason used in all special services. Raising a pet is half the battle, it also needs to be educated. Dogs of this breed are easy to train. Raising a German Shepherd puppy will not cause much trouble, he will be happy to demonstrate already learned skills and learn new ones. When training, it is important to remember that we train a puppy in order to raise a best friend out of him.

It is important not to confuse concepts such as training and education. They are similar, but have semantic differences. Education is a broader concept, it includes not only training, but also the ability to "behave in society."

The main aspects of training

Any person, from an amateur to a dog handler, can train a German Shepherd puppy, as well as its upbringing. In order to properly raise a German Shepherd, special training is not needed.

The main idea that needs to be conveyed to the puppy from the first minutes of his appearance at home is that the owner is the leader of the pack. Otherwise, training a German Shepherd at home can be a lot of trouble. But do not forget to give your pet affection, remember that it is now a difficult period for him, big changes have taken place in his life. After all, the owner is not only the leader of the pack, but also a friend, a parent.

Before starting training, you need to understand the nature of the dog in order to choose best method motivation for the pet, because favorite treats may not always be at hand.

Most good age for training - 3-4 months.

There are also professional courses for puppies, where a training manual is issued. Owners with no experience in pet training should consider this option. One such lesson costs from 1000 rubles.

The "Germans" have many talents: they can be used as a guard, protector, courier, guide dog, in special services or as athletes. So, let's look at how to teach German Shepherd commands. First you need to choose the direction in which it will need to be developed, and then move on to training.

Basic Commands

Commands that a dog should be able to perform, regardless of its type of activity:

  • "near" - the dog should stand up to right leg trainer;
  • "sit" - the dog must sit and sit for at least 30 seconds;
  • "lie down" - the dog must lie down for at least 30 seconds;
  • "stand" - the dog must stand for at least 30 seconds;
  • "place" - the dog must stay in the indicated place;
  • “to the leg” - the dog must approach the trainer;
  • "Aport" - the dog must bring the object that the trainer threw to her;
  • “fu” - the dog should stop and spit everything out of its mouth, if there was something there;
  • "barrier" - the dog must jump over the obstacle indicated by the trainer.

The study of all these commands is included in the aforementioned general training courses.

How to train a German Shepherd? Any training should be divided into special logical blocks. They should be formed taking into account the age of the dog and logically, because some of them rely on the knowledge of others. To make it easier for the “Germans” to study them, do not forget to use the features of your pet. Remember that raising a German Shepherd is a painstaking but rewarding task.

Teaching basic commands

First block

How to teach a shepherd dog commands? Puppy training begins with the “fu” command. In order for a dog to obey any order, two rules must always be observed: a stern voice and a look into the dog's eyes. Puppies are quickly distracted, which can be used when teaching this command. To do this, distract the puppy from unwanted actions, and do not forget to repeat "fu!". If, nevertheless, the find turned out to be much more interesting than the proposed analogue, then the owner has the right to slap the baby in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe croup. If the find is still winning over the owner's team, then you can increase the blow a little or unclench your teeth yourself.

Together with the “fu” team, the “to the foot” team is being studied.

Training is best done with an assistant. Find a quiet place so that nothing can distract the puppy from activities, then ask a friend to pick up the puppy and carry it 1-2 meters. But the dog must be carried to the chosen distance so that he does not lose sight of his owner. Then you need to lower it to the ground and hold until the command is pronounced. When the dog approaches, pet it and give it a treat.

And another team that is studied along with the “fu” and “to the foot” commands is “place”. When it became clear that the puppy had eaten, played enough, was tired and no longer minds taking a nap, lay him on the bed, while commanding “place!”. If after moving the baby remained there, then stroke him, if he changed his mind about resting, then hold him for a few seconds, commanding “place!” again. You can put the treat on the bed so that the dog can see what you have done, and when he goes to get the treat, command again. You can hide a treat in the bedding, and when the puppy comes into the room, command "place!" and take out the treat in front of him.

Second block

The upbringing and training of the German Shepherd at the second stage involves the study of such commands: “lie down”, “sit”, “stand”, “beside”. The "sit" command is one of the simplest. To study it, you need to raise your hand with a treat to shoulder level and command “sit!”. If the dog does not understand what is required of her, then help her do it. Press lightly on the dog's croup and command again.

The “down” command, as well as “sit”, is performed using combined techniques, that is, with the help of treats and tactile contact. To teach the “down” command, put your hand folded into a fist on the floor and command “down!”. If the puppy does not understand what is required of him, then press on his withers and command again.

To teach the “stand” command, you must first walk a circle with the dog with the “near” command, then stop, put your open palm forward and command “stand!”. If necessary, you need to bend down, lift the puppy by the stomach, repeat the command and stand with him for a couple more seconds. Then you need to praise the baby, because he is well done and did an excellent job.

To teach the “near” command in the case of a German Shepherd puppy, a parfor is used - this is a collar for large breeds dogs with inwardly curved spikes.

We take the dog on a leash and walk with it so that it does not move further than 50 cm. If the “German” has gone too far, then we pull it back and repeat the command.

Third block

And the last, third block in the general training will be the teams "fetch" and "barrier". Consider how to properly train these teams. To train the “fetch” command, you need to choose an object suitable for your pet: a flying saucer, a ball, etc. We take the dog on a leash and start playing with it with the selected object, now we throw the toy at our feet and command “fetch!”. A puppy who is fascinated by the game will, of course, immediately grab it. Now you need to repeat the action, but throw the toy further and command again. After the dog grabs the object, it is important that it does not run away from the handler. She must return the toy. If she still tries to run away, you need to gently but persistently pull the pet towards you. It is important not to bring down the game mood. After the dog approaches, it must give the item to the trainer. If she did not do this, then the owner has the right to lightly slap the puppy on mandible or exchange the item for a treat.

The methodology for teaching the “barrier” command must be considered in relation to a single pet. The first way is to pass obstacles together with the owner, and while overcoming them, you need to command “barrier!”. You can throw a treat or a toy over an obstacle and again, while overcoming, say “barrier!”. Another option is to command the dog to "sit!" 2 m before the obstacle, then go behind it and command “to the foot!”, And when overcoming the barrier itself, say “barrier!”.

Additional commands

German Shepherd training is not limited to this list of commands. There are additional commands:

  • "voice" - the dog should start barking;
  • “quiet” - this command will help stop barking;
  • “give a paw” - the dog must sit and, after pronouncing the command, stretch out its paw to the owner;
  • "Snake" - the dog must go around the obstacles with a snake;
  • "face" - the dog must attack the person indicated by the trainer;
  • "spit" - an analogue of the "fu" command;
  • "wait" - the dog must remain in place without the supervision of the owner;
  • "turn" - the dog must go around some object;
  • "Roll" - the dog must roll to the side from a prone position.

The easiest way to teach your dog the "voice" command is the stimulus method. As an irritant, you can use food or a toy. It is necessary to show the selected item to the pet and not let him grab this thing, the reaction of the animal will be quite predictable: it will begin to bark. And the owner, taking advantage of the moment, must command "voice!".

Your pet may bark at the most inopportune moment for this.

In order to stop him, the command "quiet" is needed. For training, she needs at the moment when the puppy barked, hold his mouth with his hand, commanding “quiet!”, and be sure to give him a treat.

The “give paw” command is one of the favorites of all guests, why deprive them of such pleasure? To teach this command, you need to hold a treat in your fist and slip it under the dog's nose. Instinctively, the dog will try to get a treat with his tongue, and when it doesn’t work out, he will put his paw, and at this moment it is necessary to command “give a paw!”.

Teaching the "snake" command begins with the "close" command. When the dog has taken the desired position, we take a step with our left foot and circle the delicacy from the formed passage to the left side. When the dog has performed the trick, praise it and repeat the trick, but stepping with the right foot.

As a rule, dogs that work in special services are trained in the “fas” command, but sometimes owners train their pets. So, to train the “face” command, it is better to immediately take an assistant with ammunition with you. It is better if it is a person whom the dog does not know. First you need to tie the dog to a tree and tease, some kind of rag is best for this. If the dog began to react to it, then it is imperative to command “face!”. But it may happen that the four-legged will not be interested in this undertaking, and at this moment an assistant will be needed. He should provoke the dog, for example, by gently tapping on the back. When he starts to attack, you need to say "face!".

The "wait" command is one of the most difficult because it requires execution without the owner's supervision. This command is based on another previously learned command - "sit". In order to learn this command, it is necessary to seat the puppy and gradually move away from him, from time to time saying “sit, wait!”. When it becomes clear that the baby cannot wait any longer, call him and be sure to praise him. Then you need to gradually increase the time and distance between the trainer and the tailed one, and also remove the word "sit".

For the pet to execute the “turn” command, bring a treat to the puppy’s nose and circle around the selected item. The result will not be long in coming, the kid will happily run for a treat, and the owner will only have to command “turn!”.

The “roll” command is executed in the same way as the “turn” command - with the help of a treat. To execute this command, wait until the dog lies down, and then run your fist with a treat along the puppy's lower back so that it does not get up, but rolls over. Do not forget to repeat "roll!".

Mistakes in learning

For a dog like a German Shepherd, training should not be a burden.

To properly train a German Shepherd, it is important to understand it. It is necessary to take into account its character, temperament, to know what the dog likes and what not. Sometimes problems in training are created by the owner with a misunderstanding of the characteristics of his dog. But that's not the only mistake beginners make. trainer mistakes:

  1. Puppies are quickly distracted, and if you train only one team for a long time, then soon they will become uninteresting and classes will be unproductive. Therefore, train several teams at once.
  2. Never yell at a dog, as you can completely lose your authority in her eyes.
  3. Do not feed your pet with treats - this is permissible only at the beginning of study, then it is better to just praise.
  4. German Shepherd training should take place in a playful way, because the “Germans” should like training.
  5. There is no need to rush and demand a result from the puppy right away, he is still just learning, the baby needs to first understand what they want from him, and then remember. He will succeed.
  6. Practice voice commands and gestures.
  7. Train teams constantly.
  8. During training, be sure to praise the puppies for their success.
  9. Dog training should not involve physical punishment.
  10. German Shepherd training lessons should take place in a quiet place so that the puppy is not distracted by extraneous sounds.

Many dogs are not able to learn commands when they are older, but this is not the case with "Germans". The training of an adult German Shepherd is quite real and even productive. To do this, it will be enough just to reconsider the approach to learning. Of course, training a German Shepherd puppy will be much easier, but there is no need to despair if you have an adult dog.

How to train a German Shepherd? The upbringing of a German Shepherd will be almost entirely based on training. Good training will make the dog more disciplined. Although many say that the German Shepherd has a good upbringing from birth, the breed obliges. During training, it is important to remember that you can both raise a friend from a dog and get an enemy.

Teaching German Shepherd commands is a fascinating business, it should be enjoyed by both the owner and the pet.

The main characteristics of which are a high level of intelligence and human orientation. Thanks to this, teaching a pet commands will not be difficult even for those who have not previously trained a dog.

How to teach German Shepherd commands?

Training for basic exercises should begin from the first day the puppy is in the house. To avoid difficulties, the pet owner should adhere to the following rules:

At the initial stage, classes are held in a calm environment, the puppy should not be distracted from learning by environmental factors - passers-by, cars, other animals and others.

It is allowed to give the dog a treat (small pieces of cheese, food or other food that is safe for the pet) - this will be an incentive to perform the actions correctly.

Training is carried out before feeding, not after it. A well-fed dog is harder to motivate to follow commands with treats.
To consolidate the skill, 12-15 repetitions in one session are enough, but they are carried out in several approaches, and not in a row.

The process of teaching the puppy commands should alternate with games so that interest in classes is not lost. If your pet does not live in the house, but in, then you need to consider that he spends much more energy on activity than a domestic dog

Important! Teaching a pet is much easier than retraining, so when practicing basic commands, you should achieve perfect execution. every time and only after that encourage the pet.


The earlier the training is started, the more impressive the result will be. You can start learning basic commands from the very first day finding a puppy with the owner.

It is the impeccable execution of the main commands that will help the owner to avoid unpleasant situations (for example, the indignation of a passer-by, to whom a puppy ran up to stain his clothes) and ensure the safety of the pet itself (in particular, the “come to me” command will make the dog run up to the owner, and not go out onto the roadway).

The list of basic commands is small, but each of them must be performed by the dog. without delay. The first thing to teach a shepherd dog is the "come to me" command. She is given by the owner when you need to call the pet.

To accustom to it, you should say “to me” when the dog is called for feeding, to stroke or play with it, and so on - that is, the shepherd must know that after the approach he will receive a pleasant reward. After the kafk dog has approached and received praise, it is released with the word "walk".

Important! You can not punish the dog if it did not run up to the owner instantly, it is also forbidden to move towards the puppy on its own. As soon as the pet approaches, it should immediately be praised and treated with a treat.

"No" and "Fu" are used by the owners to stop the unwanted actions of the pet. It is better to work them out in a confined space or by keeping the dog on a leash. In the first case, a dog that performs an undesirable action is punished with a slight slap (for example, a rolled up newspaper) and pronunciation, and in the second - with a sensitive jerk on the leash, while the action is accompanied by a command.

The owner must be consistent- he should not allow a dog at a young age to do what would be forbidden to an adult pet.

The algorithm for teaching a shepherd dog to other teams is as follows:

  • "Sit" - the puppy stands in front of the owner, in whose hand a treat is squeezed. The owner holds a hand with a treat over the dog's head, at the same time pressing the puppy's croup with the other hand and says "sit".
  • "Lie down" - performed by the dog from a sitting position. The owner holds the hand holding the treat in front of the dog's muzzle forward and down to the ground. Actions are accompanied by a single pronunciation of the command word.
  • "Next" - the puppy is led on a leash so that the front of its body is in line with the owner's leg, and when the owner stops, the dog must sit down. Attempts to move away from the owner are stopped by a jerk of the leash, and correct execution encouraged.

Important! Working out basic exercises begins with 1-3 repetitions, over time their number increases. The main thing is to finish classes before the puppy gets tired, then he will not lose interest in training.

A puppy should not be taught the "voice" command from the very beginning. early childhood, since the really important skills have not yet been mastered and the expenditure of strength and energy on this training will take a lot of strength from the baby.


The development of this command should begin only after the pet begins to flawlessly perform the basic ones. Training is preferably carried out on a training ground, with the participation of an experienced cynologist and the defendant against whom the aggression will be directed. The learning algorithm for the “fas” command is as follows:

  • the dog is next to the owner;
  • the ygurant passes several times in the immediate vicinity of the shepherd dog, causing her aggression (while waving his arms is allowed);
  • as soon as the pet begins to react negatively to the helper, the owner says “face”;
  • the helper runs away, and the dog receives praise and treats.

Important! You can train only dogs with a stable psyche so as not to provoke the manifestation of unmotivated aggression.


There are two ways to learn this skill:

  1. The owner utters a "voice" at the moment when the shepherd barks, and encourages action with a treat.
  2. The owner holds a treat in his hand, arousing the interest of the pet. As soon as he barks, he immediately gives him a tidbit.

Important! Before studying, the forbidding command is worked out to automatism, otherwise the owner risks accustoming the shepherd dog to barking for no reason in order to receive encouragement.


The execution of this command is a manifestation of aggression by the dog towards a specific person, but without attacking him. Training is worth doing under the guidance of a cinematographer and with the participation of a person who is unfamiliar to the shepherd dog, which will cause aggression.

Remember that - comes first, and only then such serious skills as this one.

You can teach the “alien” team like this:

  • the dog is near the owner;
  • a helper passes by, he can wave his arms, make small attacks towards the owner, talk loudly;
  • the owner says “alien” in a low but clear voice;
  • as soon as the shepherd begins to bark, growl and prepare for an attack, the helper leaves, and the pet is encouraged by praise.

Important! It is worth working out the “alien” with dogs that have reached the age when the psyche is fully formed.

How to teach a German Shepherd to show stand?

To teach a shepherd dog to stand in the correct exhibition position will require a lot of patience, since it is quite difficult for a dog to be still. There are 2 ways to study:

  1. Coercion - the owner sets the pet in the desired position with his hands, repeating "stand". With regular repetition, the skill is worked out to automatism and the dog, on command, independently assumes an exhibition pose.
  2. Motivation - the helper keeps the dog on a leash, and the owner steps back a few steps. The shepherd will reach for the owner and reflexively take the desired position. In this position, she should remain for a few seconds, after which she is given a treat. Gradually increase the holding time.

Important! In the correct exhibition position, the ears should not be pressed. To get the dog to pick them up, it is worth working out a command that makes the pet alert (for example: “Where is the cat?”).

Useful video

In the video you can visually familiarize yourself with the basic commands for a dog in the city:

To raise an adequate and balanced dog, the owner must provide the German Shepherd with a sufficient amount of attention, regular mental and physical exercise. Need to train a German Shepherd daily, it is advisable to devote time to working out commands on each walk, bringing their implementation to automaticity.


RULE ONE. During classes, the puppy should not have discomfort, therefore, sharp shouts, strong mechanical influences, frequent repetitions of the command should be avoided. The puppy should do everything with pleasure and interest. First, classes should be carried out in a calm environment. Cars, people, outside dogs - nothing should distract the puppy's attention.
RULE TWO. Periodically call the puppy to you with the “come to me” command (and after completing it, reward him with a treat, an exclamation of “good” and stroking (you can do it in any order, but be sure to use all three types of encouragement).
RULE THREE. When you feel that the puppy has begun to follow the command reflexively, the treat should be gradually removed, leaving only a voice encouragement and stroking. To do this, when the puppy executes the command "come to me", remove the treat after one, two, three times. This sequence must be constantly changed (two, one, three ... times) so that the puppy does not get used to it. Your task in this exercise is to fool the puppy. He doesn't have to guess when you give him a treat and when you don't. But in any case, you need to exclaim "well, come to me" and stroke. This is so that he knows that he was told "good" for following the command "to me." If the puppy becomes stubborn after the deception, it is better to give the treat. And... start all over again.
RULE FOUR. Make sure that after the command "come to me" the puppy stays next to you long time. This should also be done gradually. First, hold it for 15 - 20 seconds. At this time, you can stroke, talk to him. With each subsequent command, increase the time spent next to you by 5 - 10 seconds. Gradually bring this time up to 1 minute. If the puppy still does not obey, hold him with your hand.
RULE FIVE. Once your puppy gets used to being around you for long periods of time, you need to teach him to be around for as long as you need. To do this, after executing each command, alternate the time spent: first, for example, hold it nearby for 20 seconds, then 40 seconds, then 10 or 15, etc.
RULE SIX. Each time the command "to me" is canceled by the command "walk".
RULE SEVEN. If the puppy initially reacts badly to the "come to me" command, sit down or run away, drawing attention to yourself with these movements and calling him with a nickname and command. He must run after you.
RULE EIGHT. After the puppy gets used to following all the previous rules in a calm environment, add extraneous external stimuli. But again, gradually. To do this, first move the classes to a not very noisy courtyard, then to the street, etc.


RULE ONE. To train the dog, you need to use a short leash. Buckle it up, take it in left hand at a distance of 20 - 30 cm from the collar and position the dog so that its shoulder blade is on the same level with your leg. The dog must be in the same position when moving. Say the command "near", give the leash a little tug (in that order) and start moving.
RULE TWO. The leash from the hand to the collar should be in a weakened state (slightly sag). If the leash is tight, the dog will develop the habit of pulling the owner along. Keeping the leash free is also necessary in order to provoke mistakes in the dog. Most often in this state, she runs ahead or steps aside. Each such mistake must be corrected with the “near” command and again, gently pull the leash towards you. If the dog, on the contrary, lags behind, then after the command you need to pull the leash forward.
RULE THREE. The dog needs to be constantly encouraged. As soon as she corrects the mistake and gets into the correct position, stroke her lightly without slowing down and reward her with the word "good". A treat should be given rarely and only after the movement has stopped, gradually removing it completely.
RULE FOUR. If the dog does not obey you, reacts poorly to the command, the jerk of the leash when walking should be stronger.
RULE FIVE. In the first lessons, you need to move in a straight line and at the same pace. To do this, it is better to choose a not very wide path or sidewalk. Then complicate the situation: change the pace and direction. Every time you change pace or direction, be sure to say the command "near" and gently tug on the leash.
RULE SIX. Gradually, the leash must be removed. To do this, while moving, quietly throw it to the ground - let it drag behind the dog. If the dog makes a mistake, you need to step on the leash with your foot, say the nickname and the command "near". The leash can not be thrown to the ground, but when assembled, put on the back of the dog. With any mistake, you can quickly pick it up and correct the situation.
RULE SEVEN. When the dog learns the listed rules, proceed to the last moment of training - walking nearby without a leash. After unfastening the leash, at first keep your hand over the collar in order to pull the dog away in time.


RULE ONE. It is traditional: for classes you need to choose a quiet place without external stimuli. Prepare a treat in advance to encourage the dog: pieces of meat, sausages, cookies, crackers.
RULE TWO. First place a piece of treat in your right palm and press it down with your thumb. Then put the dog next to you on the left, say the command "sit", put your left hand on the lower back closer to the croup and press, forcing the dog to sit. At the same time, the right hand with the treat must be brought to the muzzle so that the dog sniffs it, but do not give it away yet, but raise it above its muzzle. As soon as the dog sits, praise him with the “ok, sit” command, pet him and give him a treat at the same time. Let the dog sit for 20 - 25 seconds, then release it with the "walk" command. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times with a break of 4-5 minutes.
RULE THREE. The next goal that you must achieve is for the dog to follow the command while being at a distance from you. To do this, start moving away from her for a while, leaving her sitting still. First move away by 1 - 1.5 meters, then increase the distance. When performing this exercise, you should always be facing the dog in order to track its actions and correct mistakes in time. If the dog tries to get up, follow you, or otherwise change position, take a step forward while giving the command "sit" with a threatening intonation. After each correctly performed exercise, approach the dog or call it with the “come to me” command (this must be alternated), then praise it and release it with the “walk” command (reward less and less with a treat, gradually removing it altogether). Repeat the exercise, increasing the time of the command and the distance from which it is given. If the dog will unquestioningly carry out the command from a distance of 15 meters, consider that you have worked it out.
RULE FIVE. The dog must not be overloaded. Therefore, do 3-4 sessions per walk. Between classes, take breaks from 7 to 15 minutes.


RULE ONE. Sit the dog at your left foot and turn halfway towards it. Place your left hand on the withers of the dog and at the same time hold the collar. AT right hand take the TREATS. Say the command "down", at the same time move the treat in front of the nose and press the withers with your hand, forcing the dog to lie down. When she lies down, praise her and give her a treat.
RULE TWO. In the prone position, you need to withstand the dog for 10 - 15 seconds and release the "walk" command. If she tries to get up earlier, give the command "down" in a threatening tone and press harder with your left hand on the withers, forcing the action. In order not to miss the moment of defiance, after the impact with your hand, straighten up slowly, without removing your left hand from the withers.
RULE THREE. Repeat this exercise several times to reinforce the skill. After that, start making things harder. Move away from it, gradually (in each exercise) increasing the distance. Teach your dog to simultaneously maintain a lying position for a longer time.
RULE FOUR. Practice this exercise, and then complicate it. Gradually increase the distance from which the command is given and the time it takes to execute it. Bring the time to 15 minutes, and the distance to 15 meters. If the dog obeys you, the command is considered fulfilled.


RULE ONE. As in the previous exercise, sit the dog at the left leg, then give the command "stand" and with your left hand lift the puppy's torso under the stomach, holding the collar with the other hand.
RULE TWO. When the puppy tries to sit or lie down, put your left hand under the stomach again, supporting him in a standing position and repeating the “stand” command. Wait 10 - 15 seconds and release it with the "walk" command.
RULE THREE. After the dog learns this exercise, gradually make it more difficult by increasing the distance from which the command is given and the exposure time. Be patient - usually this exercise is the most difficult (of all listed here) for a temperamental shepherd dog.

The favorite of cynologists, one of the most famous breeds, a true friend and protector is the German Shepherd. Any person, even very far from dog breeding, knows that the German Shepherd is the best breed in the world.

Universal dog, strong, strong, smart - is used in all areas of training and shows the most remarkable results.

German Shepherds are widely used in various human services:

  1. Territory protection;
  2. Search and Rescue Service;
  3. Shepherd's helper
  4. Companion;
  5. The dog is a bodyguard;
  6. Military service;
  7. Search for drugs and explosives;
  8. Border Service;
  9. Companion for the police.

It is difficult to imagine a more versatile dog that could cope with such a huge range of tasks.

For their wide distribution and ability to learn, German Shepherds have long been considered the most smart dogs- it is a myth.

German Shepherds are really tremendously quick to learn various skills and remember familiar commands for a long time. But the main breed feature is the execution of commands not only by the owner, but also by other guides. This is especially important when serving - the convoy has changed, the dog remaining at the post must unquestioningly obey the new leader. The next feature that brought shepherd popularity is incredible endurance. The Germans can work tirelessly for 10 hours in a row, and with additional training, and even more.

Raising a German Shepherd Puppy

Small puppies should be handled very delicately, and if they are punished, then not cruelly. The psyche of a young animal is very mobile, kids quickly forget insults, but overshooting the level of punishment can lead to extreme shifts in the nervous system, which will have irreversible consequences. It is strictly forbidden to beat a puppy - the skeleton is not yet strong, and cotton on the croup can lead to dislocations or arthrosis (not always, of course, but this happens in practice).

Raising a German Shepherd puppy is best built on mutual trust and love."Germans" are incredibly devoted animals, the lack of attention of the owner is already a punishment for them - this is the way you can use to show dissatisfaction with the behavior of a small shepherd dog.

The transition from education and games to training

Games for a young dog are very important, while running after the ball, the muscles develop, pampering with the rope trains the grip and chewing muscles. In addition, after active games, the puppy will sleep sweetly, and not look for activities on his own. As a rule, what the dog does out of boredom is destructive to the home.

Through play instincts, you can teach your dog:

  • fetching;
  • Proper grip (important for service dogs);
  • Command "give";
  • Carry objects in your teeth.

The list of skills may be more extensive, depending on the severity of the hunting or game instincts.

Play is as important to a puppy as discipline is to adult dog . During fun games, the dog gets used to the owner, sudden movements and subsequently is not afraid of them. Running after the ball can be the motivation for the execution of any team.

Before moving on to teaching commands, it is necessary to educate a friend in the dog who loves and trusts the owner infinitely. Only then will training be effective. If the owner's puppy is afraid, he will avoid following orders in every possible way, and even the right motivation may not work.

Fear is one of the most powerful feelings, directly related to the instinct of self-preservation. Fear unbalances, the puppy loses his temper, this definitely affects the execution of commands.

The first six months of a dog's life are the most difficult and at the same time the most productive in training. At the age of 2 to 6 months nervous system German Shepherds are going through a huge amount of stressful situations. A puppy goes outside for the first time - this is already stressful. New substrate under paws, a large number of people whom the pet has never seen before.

And most importantly, a huge flow of information enters the brain from street smells. That is why, before starting classes, the dog needs to be taken out several times, just take a walk to the training ground, and only then start training in this place.

  • You can’t scold the baby for being confused or afraid of a new place, you need to show that the playground is not at all scary and give the puppy time to get used to the new place.
  • Destructive behavior on the site is not associated with stubbornness or dominance - the pet's nervous system is under enormous stress from the amount of information that the brain has to process on each new site.

1 – 2 month

The first 2 months of life, the puppy learns no less than the next. The most important skills the baby receives at this time.

During the first 60 days, a small predator learns a huge number of skills:

  • Hear (dogs are born deaf);
  • See;
  • Use the nose (even the blind can smell the mother's scent);
  • Walk;
  • Taste solid food;
  • Communication with relatives;

The first stage of socialization takes place exactly up to 2 months. Puppies, playing with each other, learn to control their strength, learn the body language of canines. So that in the future, there will be no problems with communication.

2 – 4 months

At the age of 2 to 4 months, puppies leave their mother and relatives, the second stage of socialization begins. Little shepherds begin to explore the world around them and are already quite capable of learning the first skills and commands.

The first thing every dog ​​should learn is its own nickname.. The name should be short, sonorous, easy to pronounce. It is best if it has no more than two syllables.

Among lovers of German shepherds, there is an opinion that the letter “P” should be present in the nickname, which is complete nonsense. AT German this letter is pronounced differently than in Russian and “R” in the name, will not affect the speed of its memorization in any way.

After mastering the nickname, you should begin to master the following skills:

  • Accustoming to ammunition;
  • To me;
  • You can't (fu);
  • Place;
  • Sit, lie down, stand (in the complex).

Up to 4 months, the puppy is in quarantine, all these commands can be mastered without leaving home. Also, it will be very useful, during quarantine before immunization, to take the shepherd dog outside, to acquaint you with the outside world, to study smells - but you can’t put it on the ground and contact other dogs and people.

Thanks to walks in the hands of the owner, the "German" will gradually get used to the noise of the street, smells, people - this will facilitate the second stage of socialization and speed up the learning process.

4 – 6 months

Starting from 4 to 6 months, the baby shepherd is already actively walking down the street, getting to know other dogs. During this period, it is very important to introduce the dog to as many people and animals as possible (only non-aggressive ones). The more the shepherd learns territories, the more self-confident it will be in adulthood, it will not be afraid of every stirring of the bush.

Children's fears, the strongest, as a rule, remain for life and are very poorly corrected.

Classes from home, can be transferred to the yard or training area. When practicing reflexes, one should not forget to actively praise the little “German” for successful completion. The more positive in the classes, the stronger the concept is formed in the shepherd's brain that training is fun, respectively, the pet works with great pleasure, wanting to please the owner.

To the already studied commands at home, the command “ beside». It is very important not to confuse a walk on a leash with an order " beside". Walking on a leash involves the arbitrary direction of the dog at a distance that allows the length of the leash. Team " beside» - movement near the left leg of the handler, the shoulder blade of the dog at the level of the knee of the person, each stop of the movement implies the landing of the dog. In both cases, the leash should not be pulled.

After 6 months

At the age of six months, more disciplined training begins. German Shepherd can begin to teach endurance. Despite the fact that the pet has grown up, he is still a child, and you should not demand a long exposure. Sitting in one place even for 5 seconds for a choleric puppy is a big burden on higher nervous activity. It must be remembered that this is only the first step towards controlling emotions and not demanding more from a shepherd dog than she currently can.

After 7 months, service shepherds begin to learn the skills of a special training course. Through the game they are taught to find objects, grab the training sleeve, teaching the correct grip with a full mouth.

In working kennels, German Shepherd puppies to 8 – 10 months may be ready to pass the standard for OKD (general training course), but professionals work there several times a day. For pet this whole course is not needed, basic obedience is enough.

Control base in the city:

  1. Attitude towards others (level of socialization);
  2. To me;
  3. Fu (not possible);
  4. Beside;
  5. Place;
  6. Sit, lie down, stand;
  7. Aport, come on.

The OC course includes:

  • Movement next to the handler (without a leash).
  • Show bite and attitude to the muzzle.
  • Laying, shrinkage, stand.
  • Command "to me".
  • Return to place.
  • Aportation of an object (in combination with the “give” command).
  • Attitude to the feed scattered on the ground.
  • Team Walk.
  • Cessation of unwanted actions (fu).
  • Overcoming obstacles (commands "forward" or "barrier" depending on the type of obstacles).
  • Shot attitude.

Each owner decides for himself what he needs from the dog and how many commands to teach the pet. But it must be remembered that a true shepherd needs training, as it is service dog, and in a number of countries (including Russia, Belarus, Ukraine) belongs to the list of “potentially dangerous breeds". The destructive behavior of such a breed on the street is unacceptable, otherwise it will bring a lot of problems with society.

German Shepherd Training

Training a German Shepherd is not difficult, the main thing is to show patience and assertiveness. With small puppies, it is necessary to work with the method of encouragement and guidance, paying attention Special attention socialization. With grown-up individuals who already have a base of skills, methodically work out endurance and reflexes.

Uncontrolled and unsystematic breeding of German Shepherds in combination with cruel training methods greatly undermined the mental state of the breed. More and more in the practice of cynologists there are individuals with mental disorders (fears, phobias) at the genetic level. It is for this reason that cruel punishment cannot be applied, otherwise behavioral problems will not be long in coming.

Commands and Owner Behavior

  • During classes, even if something does not work out, it is very important not to lose self-control. Having lost psychological balance, the owner begins to make mistakes, reinforcements are not made in time, commands are not given correctly.
  • During unsuccessful training, it is necessary to remain calm and it is better to interrupt the session. Having calmed down a bit, analyze the situation in detail in order to understand what the mistake was.

There are no stupid, untrainable German Shepherds, there are non-professional trainers.

Voice commands

Orders are given in a clear, clear voice. Always with the same intonation and only once. When practicing the “come to me” command, you can draw attention to yourself as many times as you like by saying the dog’s name, but a specific and firm order is given once.

It has long been no secret that canines do not understand specific words, they remember the number of syllables and intonation. Therefore, it is very important to always pronounce commands in the same way.

Many train German Shepherds using German instead of Russian orders. In sports training of the international IPO system (IPO), voice commands in German are also used for all breeds of dogs. They also do this so that strangers cannot freely command the shepherd dog.

Team names in Russian and their German pronunciation:

  • Nearby - fuss (fuss).
  • Fu - aus (aus).
  • To me - chia (here).
  • Aport - bring (bring).
  • Sit - zits (sitz).
  • Lying - parade ground (platz).
  • Walk - geh raus (geh raus).
  • Stand - shtey (steh).

Gesture commands

When the dog sits or lies down by gesture, it looks very impressive. But few people realize that teaching a German shepherd to gestures is also useful. All animals grow old, sooner or later the beloved pet will become less able to hear the owner, and here commands with gestures come to the rescue.

Commands and gestures:

  1. To me- the hand is raised parallel to the ground, palm down - command is given - the hand drops sharply to the thigh, without clap.
  2. walk- a gesture away from you in the direction forward, palm down.
  3. Sit- the arm is at chest level, bent at the elbow, the palm is looking at the dog.
  4. Lie– hand at chest level, palm pointing to the ground.
  5. Stand– hand at chest level, palm pointing up.

All gestures are made with the right hand.

You need to teach the German Shepherd commands with gestures after the pet has already mastered the voice commands. Canine gestures are remembered much faster, and if you start with them, then there will be problems with obedience to the sound command.

Reward and discipline

It is imperative to discipline a pet, and remember that everything depends on the owner. From the first day in the house, the puppy should have clear boundaries of what is permitted. If something is forbidden to a pet, then forever. And vice versa, if allowed, then for good.

An example would be lying on the couch: as a small puppy, the pet always slept on the bed, along with the owner. When the first season of shedding began, the owner expressed his dissatisfaction with the wool in the bed and began to drive the dog out to sleep on the bedding. At this moment, the dog is in complete bewilderment, for several months it was possible, but suddenly it suddenly became impossible. The habit has already formed, it is now difficult and long to wean.

Encouragement is very important detail in the education and training of German Shepherds. Choosing the right reward is half the battle. During the given reinforcements, the second half of the achievements on the way to an obedient dog.

At the first stage of the formation of skills, you need to reinforce every correct action. It takes about 3,000 repetitions to develop a full-fledged reflex. The number of repetitions is not limited to 3000 - this is considered the norm, in practice, many "Germans" learn much faster. But if you have to practice for a long time and hard, but there is still no reflex, there is no need to despair, the main thing is patience and perseverance.

Encouragement should follow immediately after the execution of the order. Otherwise, it makes no sense. It can be considered that the shepherd simply had lunch not on schedule. The sequence of actions should be like this:

  1. Team.
  2. Execution.
  3. Instant reinforcement.

If, after the command to lie down, the dog eats a treat, when he gets up, the termination of the command is reinforced, not the execution.


The method of coercion is not a panacea in the education of German Shepherds. With the right motivation, the dog will obey without the use of coercive actions. The canine family has a rather selfish character, dogs are happy to follow orders if it is beneficial for them.

But it is important to know that the command is given only once, then, if the dog ignored the command, it is necessary to apply a correction that prompts the shepherd dog to perform the action the trainer needs. If the pet realized that orders can be ignored, he will do it with enviable regularity.

For example: the owner gives the command to sit, the “German” knows it, but for some reason does not follow it. No need to repeat the same word several times, the maximum that can be achieved in this way is to teach the dog to ignore orders.

If no action followed after the voice command, you need to take the pet by the collar, lift it up a little and at the same time press on the croup. Such actions will bring discomfort to the animal, which can only be avoided by following the instructions of the trainer. Only then will the promotion be given.

Basic rules of training

Training is an important stage in the life of both the owner and the dog. During classes, the German Shepherd learns to hear and understand the owner. For training to be productive, you need to follow the basic rules of training:

  1. Choose the right motivation (this is not only goodies and toys).
  2. Keep calm and be patient.
  3. Do not demand more from a shepherd than she can.
  4. Do not beat the dog during classes, do not vent evil on it.
  5. Produce reinforcements promptly.
  6. Give orders once.

Video film about German Shepherd training

The German Shepherd is one of the ten most easily trained breeds, taking an honorable third place in this ranking. Therefore, problems with the upbringing of a mentally balanced individual should not arise. But if something does not work out, it is better to entrust the training to a professional who will help to understand the pet, tell you which method is better to use in a particular case. A good owner can raise his dog, and a good cynologist can train any dog.