Zoshchenko smart animals to read. Smart Animals: The Stupid Thief and the Smart Piglet by Mikhail Zoshchenko

smart dog (story)

Elephants and monkeys are said to be very intelligent animals. But other animals aren't stupid either.

Here, look what smart animals I saw.

I had big dog. Her name was Jim.

It was a very expensive dog. It cost three hundred rubles.

And in the summer, when I lived in the country, some thieves stole this dog from me. They lured her with meat and took her away with them.

So I searched, searched for this dog and did not find it anywhere.

And so I once came to the city to my city apartment. And I sit there, grieving that I lost such a wonderful dog.

Suddenly I hear someone on the stairs call.

I open the door. And you can imagine - my dog ​​is sitting in front of me on the playground.

And some upstairs tenant says to me:

- Oh, what is your clever dog She just called herself. She poked her muzzle into the electric bell and rang for you to open the door for her.

It's a pity that dogs can't talk.

Otherwise, she would tell who stole her and how she got into the city. Probably, the thieves brought it by train to Leningrad and wanted to sell it there. But she ran away from them and, probably, ran through the streets for a long time until she found her familiar house, where she lived in the winter.

Then she climbed the stairs to the fourth floor. She lay at our door. Then she sees that no one opens it, she took it and called.

Ah, I was very glad that my dog ​​was found, kissed her and bought her a big piece of meat.

The story of Mikhail Zoshchenko. Illustrations.

Elephants and monkeys are said to be very intelligent animals. But other animals aren't stupid either.

Here, look what smart animals I saw.

One goose was walking in the yard and found a dry crust of bread.

Here the goose began to peck this crust with its beak in order to break it and eat it. But the crust was very dry. And the goose could not break it. And the goose did not dare to swallow the whole crust at once, because it was probably not good for the goose's health.

Then I wanted to break this crust so that it would be easier for the goose to eat. But the goose would not let me touch its rind. He must have thought I wanted to eat it myself.

Then I stepped aside and see what happens next.

Suddenly the goose takes this crust with its beak and goes to the puddle. He puts this crust in a puddle. The crust becomes soft in water. And then the goose eats it with pleasure.

It was a smart goose. But the fact that he didn't let me break the crust shows that he wasn't all that smart. Not that he was a fool, but he was still a little behind in his mental development.


The story of Mikhail Zoshchenko. Illustrations.

The main character is an ordinary chicken. This hen, along with her chickens, was looking for food in the owner's yard. Suddenly, a dog ran into the yard. Seeing the chickens, she, without hesitation, ran up to them and grabbed one chicken. All the other chickens immediately ran away in all directions. The chicken, too, at first rushed to run away, but then she returned, approached the dog and deftly pecked him in the eye.

In surprise, the dog released the chicken. He was not hurt by the teeth of the dog and also ran away from her. And the dog began to look who attacked her. Realizing that a defenseless chicken pecked at her, the dog got angry and rushed to attack the chicken. But then the owner showed up. He grabbed the dog by the collar and led him out of the yard.

The danger has passed. The hen, as if nothing had happened, gathered her chickens together and continued her family walk around the yard.

Takovo summary story.

The main meaning of the story "Smart Chicken" is that in case of danger one should not succumb to panic. Escape is not the only way out. If you do not panic, but calmly assess your capabilities, you can defeat a stronger opponent.

M. Zoshchenko's story "Smart Chicken" teaches not to get lost in difficult situations and not to be afraid of a superior enemy. The main thing is to find the weak point of the offender and not hesitate to fight back. Which is what the chicken did.

In the story, I liked the main character, a brave chicken. She did not lose her head in an extreme situation, she was not afraid of an animal that is much stronger than her. The chicken found the most vulnerable spot in a formidable dog - the eye. And immediately attacked the offender of her chicken. This situation clearly showed that among chickens there are very smart individuals.

What proverbs are suitable for the story "Smart Chicken"?

They do not beat the beast with a race, but with a trick.
If a smart fighter - the end of the enemy!
For the brave victory.

people, especially
who keep pets are convinced more than once of their
rationality. Each of them has its own character, habits and tricks, but
many are still surprised that they are still simulating, directly
like some people. There is a belief in Vedic culture that
pets in the next life are born a step higher -
people, but after the stories below, we can conclude that
some people are born in the next life as pets...

About the sly dog

The driver picked up a hit dog on the road.
Living but not walking. Whether it was some kind of trauma or shock, it is not clear. But not
walks. Showed the vet, like there are no fractures, but the legs are still not

The dog lies silently, eats reluctantly. pointed nose
pokes his paws and looks like that from under his eyebrows, plaintively, plaintively. He is in her
built a bedding in the garage, put a bowl of food next to it. To the toilet
regularly carried the street on his hands. Carry out, put on her paws, she
swaying will do his business, he back to the garage for a warm
bedding. The morning began with a story about the health of the dog. How did you eat
how I looked ... Every day he complained to me, worried that the animal
crippled does not walk. Whole week.

Somehow I forgot to close the garage,
I realized three hours later, went to close. fit, open
gate, quietly, so as not to wake the patient, penetrates into the garage.
Injured, helpless and almost paralyzed dog by hellish whirlwind
rushing around the garage, chasing some kind of rag on the floor.

Have you seen how surprised dogs are? Dropped jaw, saucer eyes are
nifiga not a metaphor. I saw him, stood for a second, dropping his jaw, then
legs buckled sharply, the body plopped down on the floor and with a quiet squeak,
raking with its front paws, crawled to its bedding, dragging its hind

Another trick

Fine!!! I remembered my dachshund, male
Screw (no longer exists). Bandyugan was - God forbid! Got into a fight with the yard
dogs, his thigh was slightly torn. You should have seen how he played the role
dying wounded soldier: rolling his eyes at the ceiling, painful groans,
hind legs do not hold at all, cannot walk - only lie in

Here an old cat Simochka comes up, jumps on an armchair and gives
paw voiced plop Screw in the face! He recovered instantly! Rushed along
apartment 25 m/s

Market economy

A friend has a dog - Yorkshire
terrier. This is such a small shaggy funny dog. Alex is her
favorite, so he is allowed a lot, and he has acquired a bunch of harmful
habits. One of them - if something fell on the floor, then Alex immediately drags
it’s in your “booth”, and it’s not easy to take it away from him.

No one is trying, so there are deposits of small items in the "booth". …AND
one day a hearty friend came to her, sitting, drinking tea with a cake.
Alex, of course, sits right there, and looks at him intently: like
"Share, come on!". The peasant jokingly says to Alex: “I won’t give it to you! Dog cake
harmful!" He took a thoughtful look, and scratched in the "booth". After a couple
minutes later, he returned, carrying something in his teeth, went up to the "greedy man", put
brought at his feet and again looked at him demandingly.
After looking at what Alex brought, those present were upset - it was
Of course, the cake was given to the dog immediately!.. Here it is, the market!...

Simulator cat

my cat fell from the 8th floor, brought it home, gave painkillers injections and
put in place, I think if he dies so that it doesn’t hurt so much, on
in the morning they found him near his mother's bed - he loved her very much, well, so we became
him to the toilet and carry him to the bowl in his arms. The cat got stronger, but still limped on
leg and everyone felt sorry for him, once I look, when he doesn’t see me, he doesn’t limp
runs as it should, and I tell him, poor fedechka, his leg is sore, and what
Do you think the cat began to limp on his former sore leg. Like this
we had fun - as soon as you say - poor fedechka - he immediately chrome chrome
on his leg, and when he forgets, he runs like a young man.

We talked

I go up to the house, I see a red cat lying. Ear
wounded, emaciated, seemingly so weak ... Like, that's just up to
I reached the entrance and I'm dying. Looks like the month of March has dragged on too long. Knowing
that the cat is from the 4th floor, I take it in my arms and bring it into the entrance. There he is a little
comes to life, jumps down the steps and hobbles up after me.
Along the way
I QUIETLY conduct an educational and preventive conversation with him on the topic of fornication.
Precisely a conversation, because he answers me in his feline way. Apparently, by
the intonation of the voice responds.
- Hungry for a walk?
- Meow...
- Got into a fight?
- Meow...
- Because of the woman, right?
- Meow...
- Was it really that good?
My knees are already bent.

No. It wasn’t the cat who was talking ... The men from the 3rd floor went up the stairs to smoke and talk ...

Cat and hedgehog - who wins

We had a cat and a hedgehog. In general, they had a common cup because of which
they were constantly at war. The cat was bigger, so he just pushed the hedgehog away
from the cup, then the hedgehog came up with the following - he crawled under the cat and
let out needles the cat hissed, ran away. Then the cat learned to get up "on
chicks" and began to ignore the hedgehog.

once again we observe this picture: the hedgehog calmly eats, the cat approaches
pushes it away, the hedgehog crawls under the cat, releases needles, the cat on tiptoe and
continues to eat. Then the hedgehog makes a non-standard move - he approaches
the cat from behind and leaning on the hind legs of the eating cat bites him for the most
valuable. I have never heard such a cry of a cat in all his feline age!


A neighbor, an old woman of about 80 years old, told interesting story. Her daughter
lives in a private house, where she periodically lives. There is little
living creatures: six cats, a dog, a rooster with chickens. Rooster is 2 years old. And
for some reason he disliked the old woman. All these two years will stealthily get,
gouge - and flow. And stroked him, and treated him, and scolded, and beat him in
revenge, and threw it into the water (barrel) - no, it still bites. somehow
I was about to leave the yard - he swooped in and pecked at the head. Yes so
painfully! She told her daughter to cut off his head and boil it out of
him soup, enough to endure!

home. The rooster stands near the gate and stubbornly pretends that the old woman is not
sees. She is no longer haunted. The daughter said that as soon as the mother left,
she reprimanded the rooster, shook her finger and pointed at the ax,
which, as usual, was stuck in the deck. Rooster got it! Moreover, when
they see him through the window, heading around the path to the neighbor's house
(that one has 20 hens, and they have 13), one has only to shout: "Where are you going?" -
he cackles indignantly and returns.

dog herself
nursed with a pacifier, picked up by a blind puppy. Black beautiful three year old
Aza. They leave the house - Aza is waiting on the porch, guarding the house. somehow
the old woman told her, leaving: "Wait!" She sat on the porch. And the old woman
I drowned in the apartment and appeared in the house only after almost three weeks. Aza
sat on the porch, in the rain. Seeing the senior mistress, flew to her,
painfully grabbed her wrist with her teeth and dragged her to the porch. Then
she let go of her hand and turned away. The hostess stroked her, she raised her muzzle, and in
eyes - such a shame!

but the daughter said that she had to feed Aza on the porch, not in the house
came in. And she went to the toilet literally one and a half meters under a tree
(usually ran further) and back to the porch.

Rat - lifeguard
I once heard a story that one
a man tamed a rat by feeding it, so deciding to pay him off
she dragged him money from some hiding place. About the mind of rats have long been walking
legends, however, that they save lives, I hear for the first time. happened
another amazing case...

During the lunch break in the mine, no one climbs up, they have lunch there. And one miner crouched down and fell asleep after dinner ...

who worked with him in the same shift, should have him after graduation
break wake - that was the deal. But they disappeared somewhere
a few minutes, but it doesn't matter.

A man wakes up because
someone bites his finger. Not to blood, but very unpleasant. And don't sleep
gives. Opens his eyes - a rat! He drove her away with the help of his hands and obscene
words. He just closed his eyes again, bites again, an infection. He threw himself into
her breed, and what he did not do - does not lag behind. Spat, got up and
chased after her...

Half a minute later, where he was lying, everything completely filled up.
Cover collapsed.

this case every time a man comes to work and has lunch, to
a rat comes to him, the same one. He takes off a third of his brake and gives
her. They sit together and eat. Ate, she got up and left. And so every time.

How does she know when his next shift, no one can understand ...


Smart Goose - Zoshchenko's story

Short story Zoshchenko about a goose who was thinking how to eat a large bread crust, and a boy who talked about the mental abilities of a goose.

smart goose read

Here the goose began to peck this crust with its beak in order to break it and eat it. But the crust was very dry. And the goose could not break it. And the goose did not dare to swallow the whole crust at once, because it was probably not good for the goose's health.

Then I wanted to break this crust so that it would be easier for the goose to eat. But the goose would not let me touch its rind. He must have thought I wanted to eat it myself.

Then I stepped aside and see what happens next.

Suddenly the goose takes this crust with its beak and goes to the puddle. He puts this crust in a puddle. The crust becomes soft in water. And then the goose eats it with pleasure.

It was a smart goose. But the fact that he didn't let me break the crust shows that he wasn't all that smart. Not that he was a fool, but he was still a little behind in his mental development.

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