A short interesting story about the year of the dog. Stories about animals for schoolchildren

I have a dog, his name is Mukhtar, but I mostly call him fly. He responds to this nickname, which means he understands that they are addressing him. The fly at the nose appeared as a puppy. He was so small, I even saw his eyes open. They are born completely blind. I saw his first steps, it was so funny to watch him roll from side to side, like a clumsy bear.

When he grew up a little, I began to teach him all sorts of commands. I taught him to walk beside me, when I gave him a command, he followed it, it was so great and he also liked it. He even learned to fetch a stick, and most of all he liked to play with a ball. The fly brought it to me and asked me to play with it. He and I constantly go for walks, we run after each other. He likes it so much. When I'm hiding from him, but he can't find me, the fly starts to bark, you can probably say, and so come out, I give up. I love him so much, my Mukhtar.

About the dog.

Everyone knows that a dog is a man's best friend. She is devoted to a person and can even sacrifice her life for him! Already, probably, no one remembers the moment when the dog became a pet. Seems like it's always been that way.

A dog is not just a friend - it is an assistant in various matters. For example, recently I saw photos on the Internet where a dog holds an unfolded newspaper of the owner, who at that time eats and reads at the same time. But she is sitting, and her muzzle serves as a kind of shelf for washed clothes, which the owner puts in the closet. She may be great companion for a lonely person!

The dog often serves as a guide for the blind. She helps the police find criminals on the trail left. And at customs - this is an excellent detective of smuggling! A specially trained dog will detect drugs and even weapons. The dog faithfully serves with the border guards, protecting his state. It guards various premises and objects of special purpose. The dog can also help in the war. She will carry the wounded and can even deliver the cargo.

There are also sled dogs. They are most common on the server. For example, such a breed as the Samoyed dog. This amazing animal is white color and fine wool, which is used to make medical belts on the back for a person. This name of the breed surprises many. But you need to know that she does not eat herself. It was just the name of a tribe of people who were engaged in breeding them. Even though they didn't eat themselves. In general, it is believed that in this breed of dogs there is no aggression gene, so they can’t even wear a strict collar so that the dog does not withdraw into itself. This is a true friend and helper for any family or single person. And yet, she barks so loudly that she can wake up the whole neighborhood! Therefore, the best watchman also needs to be looked for.

My pet is a dog

Many of my friends have cats, fish, hamsters, rats at home. And my favorite pet is a dog, which I want to talk about in my essay.

My dog ​​White lives at my house, now he is two years old. And he appeared with us very simply: my mom and dad came to the bird market in order to buy a little kitten. At one point, we passed by a grandfather who had a tiny white lump in a box. It was very cold, and the puppy was cowering and shivering all over. We couldn't get past. It turned out that the puppy is given away for free in good hands. They did not ask for money for him, because he is not purebred. Grandpa said that he would grow into a medium-sized dog, and that we would definitely not get bored with him. Without thinking twice, we decided to take the dog to our home.

The next day we took White to the vet and he said he was in perfect health and about two months old. True, due to the fact that he was vaccinated, it was possible to walk with him only after a month.

White, indeed, turned out to be very cheerful and playful. For the first few days, of course, he settled into the apartment and was very modest. But over time, he began to feel like a full member of the family.

I trained White a lot, and now, on command, he can sit, lie down, give a paw, jump over a barrier, bring a toy or a stick, dance and a lot more. White - very clever dog, he understands everything perfectly.

We feed White porridge with meat and vegetables. Most of all he likes buckwheat with beef and carrots.
I take long walks with White, especially in the evening. In the summer we will go with him to the village to visit my grandparents.
White is the most best dog. Our whole family is just happy that we picked him up from the bird market that day. He gives us many joyful moments. White is my best friend and I love him very much.

Option 4

A dog is not in vain said that it is a man's best friend. Her devotion knows no bounds. This is the creature for which you are all life. She is ready to give her life for you. Coming home, I see joyful eyes that are overflowing sincere love and devotion. She worries with me when I'm in a bad mood and rejoices when I'm positive.

She is very sensitive to any fluctuation in my mood.

I cannot but rejoice at the fact that dogs recognize only one owner throughout their lives. This once again shows their devotion to man.

Any pet is a full-fledged member of the family, but only a dog will be completely happy about this, because its distant ancestors have a herd lifestyle and a strict hierarchy.

Any dog ​​needs education, and I can safely be proud that I take part in it, enjoying the results of my work when he obeys my commands. At such moments, one feels an incredible connection between my four-legged friend and me.

Dogs happen different breeds, someone for protection, someone yes in order to graze cattle, someone is just nice to please the eyes with their presence. And each of them is not just a cute creature.

Each dog has its own character, which is very important for choosing a particular breed. For me, an important criterion is devotion, love and protection. But not only we can give love to the dog, but she too.

Dogs are one of the smartest creatures on our planet. She can think, assess the situation, show feelings, and even sometimes when she breaks her mother's favorite vase, bashfully lower her eyes to the floor. At times like these, I want to protect her.

A dog is one of the few animals that will live with you all your life hour after hour, because it is dogs who are very emotionally connected with their owner and dependent on him.

Immediately, the words of the Little Prince are involuntarily recalled: "... we are responsible for those whom we tamed ...". The dog will always find its way home, will always faithfully sit at the door, waiting to be let in, fed, walked or played.

A text about a dog is usually given in grades 1,2,3,4,5,7

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Dogs are known to be man's best friend! There are an endless variety of breeds and classifications of these kind and close to man animals in the world. In the books below about dogs, you will learn about the most popular breeds, behavior and character, what dogs of different breeds eat, how to care for them. All the subtleties of raising dogs, how to teach them to respond to your voice and follow commands. Which dogs are very dangerous and what to do if a dog attacks you. The history of their appearance up to ancient myths and legends. You will also find the most popular and important facts about these pets on the pages of books about dogs.

1. $
Lassie, the kindest and most devoted dog, desired by all the dog breeders of the mining town, was secretly sold due to the financial problems of her owner's parents, Joe Carraclough. However, the dog could not accept the new owner, and the faithful Lassie went on a long journey home.

2. $
A great story written by an English writer - Doudy Smith. The book tells about the London adventures of two Dalmatians - Pongo and Mrs., who want to rescue their beautiful puppies from the clutches of a villain who wants to make fur coats from Dalmatians.

3. $
The hero of the story is a small homeless dog who, like other dogs, dreams of finding and even raising a friend of his life - a man. He has to do a huge drink and overcome a large number of barriers to reach your goal.

This book is narrated from the perspective of a dog named Enzo. He is a very loyal dog who loves his owner. Danny is a racing driver, part-time, the owner of this dog, he often encounters difficulties, but Enzo brightens up these difficult days.

5. Dog Stories - James Harriot
Dog Stories is a collection of good-natured stories filled with love for animals and English humour. James Harriot (author of this book) devoted his time not only to books, but also to the veterinary profession, which confirms his love and kindness.

6. The dog who spoke to the gods - Diana Jessup
A book written by Diana Jessup, a professional dog breeder. The book tells about the relationship between people and animals, about the unwillingness of a person to recognize the existence of a soul in dogs, about human cruelty to their pets and the unrequited love of animals for people.

7. I Am Legend - Richard Matheson
A wonderful story about the afflicted dangerous virus the future. The virus infects people, conferring on them the symptoms of vampirism. Main character- last healthy man, who is trying to find a vaccine for a striking disease and survive in his lonely house.

8. Faithful Ruslan - Georgy Vladimov
The story, written by a Soviet writer, tells about the sad fate of a dog named Ruslan. The book leads the reader to think about their own freedom, because the book tells about the complete submission of a dog who served in the camp for 9 years, who died without love and affection.

9. Year of the dog. Twelve months, four dogs and me - John Katz.
The American writer tells in his book a touching story about raising his beloved dogs: two Labradors and two Border Collies. The author gets along with his pets, and also understands them perfectly. The book focuses on people who love their pets.

10. Buddy Tobik - I. Ehrenburg, K. Paustovsky, M. Prishvin
A collection of wonderful stories about the relationship of dogs with other animals and people. The book was written by great Soviet writers: I. Ehrenburg, K. Paustovsky, M. Prishvin. The stories are easy to read and understand and will leave a good impression.

The main character of the novel is an Irish terrier who has lost his owner. The dog ends up on an island inhabited only by savages, but thanks to his courage and courage, the dog copes with all the trials and finds a friend among the hostile savages.

Are performances with trained animals so beautiful? On stage, it looks great: tinsel, confetti, shiny costumes, exciting tricks, however, looking behind the scenes, you can understand and see all the cruelty towards trained animals.

13. Marley and Us - John Grogan
A funny and touching book that tells about the mutual upbringing of a person and a dog. A young couple who get married face various marital difficulties, but they get a dog that helps them get along and shows the beauty of true and selfless love.

14. $
The story of good and smart dog named Bim. Mainly, the author calls for the responsibility of man before all other representatives of the animal world and nature itself. This is shown through Bim, who meets various people on his way.

Difficult novel by Jack London, about the hard life of a dog who got into a difficult situation and suffered Big changes in itself. Home dog you have to forget about a cozy rug, warm food and a loving owner, now he is a predator who has to feed himself.

The life of a wolf is hard and harsh. Bloody fights, the struggle for survival, the harsh northern climate - all this awaits us in the exciting story "White Fang". However, wolves are not only cruelty and blood, it is also love, funny wolf cubs and relationships with a person.

The book mainly deals with the relationship of a person with his two closest friends - a cat and a dog, whom he considers friends, not slaves. Also, the author will show the difference in the relationship of a person with a dog and a cat, will affect the relationship of the dogs and cats themselves.

A book whose merit is truthfulness. It is the basis on real events that attracts the reader to this story, the author only embellished the recorded adventures, and diluted them with English humor, which is appreciated and understood even in the CIS countries.

A simple story, understandable to many readers, about the life and death of an eccentric poet and his little dog. The American writer retains his style, so the whole book is filled with light sadness and sadness, unattainable and bright ideals, as well as lofty goals.

The story of the fidelity of a dog and a man, the main character (a dumb janitor) was lucky to meet his beloved woman and a good friend who understands his feelings - a dog named Mumu. But the life of a peasant is not so simple, and the lady separates him from all his life partners.

A sad story of a dog who spends his days in an empty country house. The middle of the story is diluted with the happy days of the dog: in the summer, the owners of the dacha came and fell in love with the dog. But spring came, and the family left for the city, and lonely days came again for the dog.

22. $
Left alone, the boy Romochka slowly eats the supplies that were at home. But nothing lasts forever, and he has to go outside, where he meets a big dog. Time passes, and he is already at home in the dog pack. The boy grows up and he finds new adventures.23. $
Does visual loss affect a dog's life? Of course, but a hunting dog named Arcturus tried to do an excellent job even after he went blind. He developed hearing and smell, compensating for his blindness. The book teaches the reader not to give up and to persevere to the end.


The book is designed for elementary school students, it teaches kindness and loyalty to your friend. The boy Alyosha Seroglazov is the owner of a little puppy, but he considers him the most beloved, faithful and good dog. In a difficult moment, the boy Alyosha did not leave the dog and came to his aid.

25. $
The Mowat family has a dog named Matt, which is the focus of this story. The family constantly travels, so the author described a large number of beautiful places in the country, nevertheless, the book turned out to be fun, and the dog is a full member of the family.

This book was written by a teenager, but it is relevant and vital. For people deprived of a normal worldview, it is very important to feel love and kindness. In the story, the guide dog takes care of the boy and understands all his feelings.

27. Saved - Jim Gorant
The book talks about real crimes solved in the United States. People treated animals cruelly dog fighting, and the defenders of these dogs made a heroic deed worthy of writing a book, which allowed many pets to be saved.

28. $
The book is entirely saturated with friendship and love for dogs, it will also tell about important qualities person. There are a large number of animals in the story, but the main characters are dogs and children who make extraordinary friendships with each other.

29. $
many famous history about a brave and daring shepherd dog, which helped solve a wide variety of criminal cases in the Leningrad police. The book will appeal to all ages, because the book contains the best qualities of a dog, as well as its friendship with a person.

30. $
The story tells about a devoted dog, but abandoned by its owner. She very much wants to return home and goes on a trip. On the way, she meets a wide variety of people, but will she return home, and what will await her upon her return?

The book is aimed at a children's audience. This is a story about a boy Alyosha Seroglazov and his dog named Kysh. This is one book from a whole series of stories about Alyosha, throughout the book the reader will expect a large number of adventures of a boy and a dog in the Crimea.

32. Incredible Journey— Sheila Barnford
Two dogs and a cat live soul to soul with their beloved owner. But he disappeared, and the pets decided to put themselves at risk and go in search of their master. Throughout the book, a wide variety of trials await them, but four-legged friends will overcome them together.

33. While there is Tuesday. The amazing bond between man and dog, with… — Luis Carlos Montalvan
The book is an autobiography of the author - a veteran of the war in Iraq. He received a concussion and various mental disorders, lost his wife and military career. However, he got himself a specially trained dog - Tuesday, which helped him become popular and overcome illnesses.

34. $
A young girl gets a dog for herself, only the dog turned out to be 20 kg more than the mistress herself. But this did not stop them from establishing a strong friendship. The book has a lot of simple humor, and there are sad moments in the book, but they are minor.

35. $
This is a continuation of the book "Varvara and I go as a couple ...". But in this book, the emphasis is on puppies brought by a dog. Like the first part, the book is entirely positive, but also tells about small troubles that happened to the mistress, puppies and their mother.

Franz Kafka - the masterful owner German language, however, he is the most unusual writer of the 20th century. In his surreal story, Kafka appears to readers as a dog who is trying to explore the world and understand its essence, and not every person does this.

37. $
The book is intended for children to read. In appearance, an ordinary puppy with cute eyes discovers an unusual ability that allows him to communicate with other animals and even people. The work is entirely devoted to his adventures with his friend Ryzhik.

38. $
A story about 1944. This is the time of the creation of the Soviet-Polish tank division, it is in it that the main characters will serve: three Poles, a Georgian and a dog. A military story that is cleverly diluted with humor and love for animals and people.

39. Tramp - Alan Lazar
A very sad story about a lost puppy. Kate adopted a dog named Nelson, they quickly became friends, but he got lost, got into big trouble, helped an orphaned boy find joy in life, but always remembered his first mistress.

40. Romka, Fomka and Artos - Konstantin Lagunov
A story aimed at children of primary school age, about the adventures of three friendly dogs, their mutual understanding and mutual assistance. Courageous friends can stand up for themselves, as well as stand up for those who are weaker. The book encourages you to be kind and loving.

41. $
A wonderful collection of short stories, saturated with kindness and love. All stories are just recorded stories from life. They tell about the life of the author with five faithful dogs: Bull, Mukha, Tobik, Manyunya and Bobka, each of which has an original character.

The Fly story.

Termer Zarina, 7 years old, student of the 1st grade, MBOU Sarasinskaya secondary school, p. Sarasa, Altai District, Altai Territory
Supervisor: Shabanova Marina Gennadievna, teacher primary school, MBOU Sarasinskaya secondary school, p. Sarasa, Altai District, Altai Territory
Material Description: brought to your attention a story about pet. The story is written independently and recorded from the words of the author.
The goal of the teacher: formation of language competence, maintenance of motivation to compose
Student goal: compiling a story about a pet for a newspaper article.
Manager's tasks:
Tutorials: develop communication skills.
Developing: to develop creative abilities, imagination and fantasy of younger students, observation, sociability.
Educational: to cultivate a careful and attentive attitude towards pets and nature in general, an interest in the world around us.

I have a dog at home, a Miniature Pinscher Mukha. We named her that because she is small, black and runs very fast, as if she were flying.

The fly knows only one command. When we play outside, I drop the stick and she brings it to me.

When it's cold outside, we play at home. I toss her pencils instead of a stick. But Mukha does not always bring them to me, because she is busy. She plays with the cat Simone. They both have a lot of fun! Simone lies on the floor, and the Fly will grab her paw and carry her around the house. Mom says they are cleaning the floor.

Sometimes Mukha wakes me up for school. She jumps onto the bed and starts fiddling with the covers.

When the Fly is guilty, she hides under the sofa.

One day, Mukha fell ill and had an operation. I felt very sorry for her. Mom and I took care of her. And when the Fly recovered, she began to play pranks again.

I love my dog ​​very much.

Edward Uspensky

How to love dogs

Little dog Astra

It was my main dog love. One day, under pressure from my four-year-old daughter Tatiana, I started looking for a new dog. This time I decided not to make a mistake. Since I live in a city, I will get not just any, but a strictly urban dog.

Firstly, it should be small so that you can safely run and jump in a city apartment.

Secondly, it should not be hunting, so as not to yearn for holes, swamps with ducks, badgers and wild boars. Thirdly, it should not be room, like a lapdog, so as not to turn into a toy, but still remain a DOG.

Tibetan Terrier dogs were the best suited for this purpose. This breed had just begun to appear in Moscow then.

As the breeders told me, these dogs were bred by the Dalai Lama in Tibet. The dogs were small, shaggy enough not to be afraid of the snow. Biting, not to be a toy. And very self-respecting and even majestic, because Tibet does not tolerate fuss. Lamas did not allow them to be taken out of Tibet:

We brought them out for ourselves, and not for some Europeans there!

But once an English doctor cured the chief Tibetan lama, and he was given two little things of these dogs as a gift. And dogs appeared in Europe.

And we decided:

Daughter, let's go.

When we entered the room where the dogs lived, the dog's mother rushed to bite us.

And cheerful shaggy puppies, on the contrary, were very happy and urgently ran to us to lick their fingers.

They are so cute, - said the hostess, - that it is a pity to give them away.

Therefore, we sell them, - put in the husband.

My daughter and I chose the most active puppy with a white chrysanthemum on a black shaggy nose, paid the due money (one third of a monthly engineer's salary) and left happy.

It turns out that we have chosen best puppy(female), the rest were rejected by specialists from the club, as not corresponding to the indicators of the breed (sometimes the paws are longer, then the tail is shorter).

The name for the dog became clear immediately - because of the white chrysanthemum on the nose, it was called Astra.

I decided that I would raise her as a soldier dog. No sofas, no pillows. Sleep on the mat, eat from a bowl (not from your hands), all commands (“lie down”, “sit”, “come to me”, “cannot”) be followed unquestioningly.

And decision I put into practice, despite the plaintive requests of my daughter and wife:

Dad, can the dog sleep with me? - asked daughter Tanya.


Listen, well, let the dog lie down on the sofa, - the wife demanded. She keeps me warm.

Astra, here you go! Sit! I ordered in a stern voice.

My friend, writer Yuri Postnikov, aka Yuri Druzhkov, a great writer and publisher, author of Pencil and Samodelkin, could hardly stand such an attitude towards animals. One day he came to me with a homemade protest poster. The poster had a sad dog's muzzle crossed out by black prison bars, and along the bars was a bright inscription:


This poster he attached to the bottom shelf of the wardrobe - where the shoes live. Because Astra, in the depths of her boots, chose a vantage point for herself.

My Finnish writer friend Hannu Mäkelä still shouts that slogan when I want to change his route in Moscow or take him to the wrong museum he wants to visit.

And then Astra showed one valuable quality. She could not survive if something was taken out of the house. The man leaving the house with a briefcase was the enemy. Even animal rights activist Yura Druzhkov left the house separately from his briefcase. The briefcase was brought to him later.

So Astra became our guard dog.

Then it turned out that I lived alone with my four-year-old daughter in the country. And sometimes I had to go to the store, leaving my sleeping daughter alone.

Astra sat next to her, and if someone approached, she immediately ran up to this "someone" and tried to bite him on the nose. I could be calm for my daughter.

So Astra became our guard dog.

I have never seen a smarter dog in my life. If she wanted to eat, she went to the refrigerator and touched it with her paw. If she was thirsty, she would go to the washbasin with a faucet and bark.

She also liked to get the ball out of the water. I remember late autumn. I walk with Astra around the dacha village of Mozzhenka, picking dung beetles. Such umbrella on a thin leg. Nobody collects them, but I love them. Especially since I was poor then.

In the process of searching, I walk along the steep and high bank of the Moskva River and see below - summer residents bathe their dogs. They throw sticks into the water and order:

Shah, come on!

Caesar, fetch!

Dogs joyfully enter the water on half a paw, and then joyfully run back. Not a single parcel is delivered.

I have a ball with me. I swing and throw it in the middle of a fast river.

Astra, come on!

Little Astra rolls down a high bank in a hairy ball, jumps into the water and desperately swims after the ball, carried by a strong current. She grabs the ball, gets out on the shore and rushes up to me.

That's it, the ball is in my hands. I calmly move on. And from below there is a cry of wiser and enlightened summer residents:

Shah, to whom I say, give!

Caesar, go ahead!

Astra was ready to swim for the ball in any body of water, in any weather, a hundred times.

Then I taught Astra to play hide and seek with my daughter.

Little Tatyana climbed into a wardrobe or onto a refrigerator, and I ordered Astra:

She ran, ran around the apartment. Then she ran to the closet and said:

Af! - to the complete delight of the whole family.

Tanya got out of the closet and gave Astra a piece of sausage.

So Astra became our nanny.

And now we are already constantly living in the village of Troitsky near Pereslavl-Zalessky. My wife and daughter and I bought a house there next to the artists Viktor Chizhikov and Kolya Ustinov.

First of all, I improved the huge cowshed that adjoined the house. I cut a few windows into it. Fortunately, in Moscow they could be found easily and for free. Many people, entering new buildings, changed everything that was possible: doors, windows, floors.

And everything that was replaced was put out in the yards.

With three bright large windows (to the surprise of the entire neighborhood of Pereslavl, I cut one window into the ceiling), the barn turned into a magical house. In any thunderstorm, in any evening, he was bright and comfortable.

In the barn I set up a table tennis table, and all the village and country children grazed with me from two o'clock until dark. Unless, of course, Astra was locked.

Astra was friends with the village children and even played with them - she brought a ball from the water. But this is only outside the home. On the pond, in the forest, in the field - please. But as soon as the whole group of us approached the gate of our site, Astra stood on the threshold and growled terribly. Like, everything, friendship is over, then the service begins.

The guys were even offended:

Astra, Astra, we are our own.


If I went into a house with Astra, the first thing I did was throw some object of my own in the corner - a backpack, a bag, a hat, or just Astrin's leash.

Astra sat on the floor and began to protect the leash. If one of the owners approached closer than a meter, she growled and made small attacks. Then she expanded the protection radius of the object, the owners were allowed to come no closer than two meters. And in the end, she rushed at the one who just stirred on his stool.

The villagers had great respect for Astra. They called her Extra in honor of the famous Extra vodka and asked for puppies.

Once Astra gave birth, though only one puppy. And in general it is not known from whom, from some rural Sharik.

And everyone who asked for puppies began to say:

I wouldn't mind, but my wife...

We are soon leaving for the city, and it is difficult to bring up a dog there.

Well her! Will bark in winter, scare.

I had to keep Iris. By this time we lived in a small wooden house at the Klyazma station. But if Astra was a gold dog, then Butterscotch turned out to be bullshit. She took everything bad from daddy. She barked at trifles, was afraid of anything bigger than a chair, and stole food. But what to do - lived with us for twelve years.

And Astra lived with us for fifteen years. And suddenly she got cancer. She developed huge cancerous tumors. We learned that at the institute where they treat cancer, there is a department for sick dogs. I brought Astra there, they examined her and asked to leave. She was operated on soon after. The operation was successful. We went to the dog department, fed Astra, stroked.

And here she is, alive and well, again working as a commandant of the house.

Unfortunately, cancerous tumors are designed in such a way that, once disturbed, they metastasize throughout the body.

And very soon they finish off a living being. This is what happened with Astra. She died three months later. In subsequent years, I did not allow dogs to operate, and they lived with tumors for quite a long time.

Dog Leech

The dog that caused me the most grief was called Leech. The most interesting thing is that the name was given to her many days before her leechiness really manifested itself. I gave her this name ahead of time. Just for the breed. And as it turned out, not in vain.

What kind of breed is this? This is a Jagd Terrier. A dog bred to hunt burrows - badgers, foxes. And for boar hunting.

These dogs are usually kept in barns: they are not well suited for family life, since they are completely uncontrollable.

Here is what one English book says: “Jagd terriers can serve to deliver ducks from the water when hunting. But, as a rule, the duck is not given to the owner.

Why did I decide to get such a dog? Because of the small angry dogs, she was the most inexpensive. (As a result, the most inexpensive dogs cost more than the most expensive ones. One of my acquaintances had a jagd terrier make a hole in his featherbed. And the other jumped from the refrigerator to the chandelier and crashed to the floor with the chandelier.)

Just one racing driver told me that his jagd terrier Mishka perfectly guarded his racing car. Not a single hijacker dared to approach her. And in general, his dog was the favorite of the family. This is what bribed me.

Later, when I spoke to his wife, it turned out that the dog was not so happy. In her youth, she jumped from the refrigerator to the chandelier, and in her middle years she made herself a hole from a downy feather bed.

When my secretary Anatoly and I came for a jagd terrier either to Lyubertsy or Bitsa, it turned out that the dogs do not live in the city where the owners are, but in the neighboring dacha village, in a barn.

Let's go to the holiday village.

In the holiday village, inside the barn, a booth was made, and in front of the booth there was a small pen for poop. A dog flew out of the booth, looking like a large rat with thin legs, and with a growl began to gnaw at the pen net.

Following her, two cheerful puppies poured out, one more cheerful than the other, and began to drag each other by the tail. With one of these merry fellows we went home.

At first, the dog was like a dog, obeyed, came to me at the call and merrily rushed around the house.

Then it became noticeable that she did not really want to approach the owner. She had to beg for a long time and show her something interesting. She approached, considered this interesting thing and quickly rushed away. Sometimes it was possible to capture her, but this happened rarely. Her movements were instantaneous.

Once, much later, they did not have time to close the gate in the yard. The leech immediately looked out, saw the departing citizen and, without asking anyone, flew towards him like a torpedo. She quickly grabbed her uncle properly and, satisfied, flew home. And with all her appearance, she showed:

“That's what I'm good at! I don’t eat bread in vain.”

The unfortunate citizen limped back to our gates and rang the bell.

I know your dog is in good hands and has had all his vaccinations. I'm not going to make a fuss, I'm just asking you to buy me new trousers for a thousand rubles.

We immediately allocated him the required amount. The citizen softened a little:

I know this breed. These are hunting dogs. On a boar. In our village, two such dogs killed a bull.

It is a pity that I was not at home, all negotiations with the citizen were conducted by my family. I would have known everything in detail about this fallen bull, and so I say without details.

If Leech bites him again, I will question him in detail.

Together with Leech, we had a dog, Dira, a black terrier. And while Leech was small, she obeyed Dir. But as soon as the small Leech grew up, she somehow imperceptibly became the main one. She pats Dira by the legs, hangs on her ears. Sleeping on Deer.

The leech always chooses a more interesting bowl and always manages to be the first to grab a piece of bread or a bone that is thrown to the dogs. And then both pieces.

She brought her terror to the point that Dira became useless as a guard dog. Both dogs live in the same big Dirin's booth, although Leech has her own small one.

As soon as Dira wants to leave the booth to bark at the guest, Leech clings to her fur, starts to growl and does not let her go to work. I had to keep them on opposite sides of the paddock.

Thank God, one of our pets, the raven Claudius, did not obey the Leech. On the contrary, he drove her crazy.

She used to run up to his enclosure and start yapping for half an hour. This uninterrupted yap-yap-yap of hers ... lasted for kilometers and hours with short breaks for taking in air.

The raven also learned to bark. But he barked calmly and importantly: “Aw! Aw! Aw-aw!”

He walked to the edge of the enclosure and pecked Leech in the nose. She wanted to grab him by the beak, and he pecked aimingly and pecked at her nose.

When a crow was given a meat bone as a delicacy, Leech first rushed to the crow and raised a wild scandal - how come, why did they dare to give this bone not to Leech, but to some stupid big-nosed dog?

One day a raven struck us. Instead of flying up to the pole in the enclosure and calmly dealing with the bone there, he sank to the floor, went up to the net, lay on his side on the wing and, taking the bone with one paw, began to swing it in front of Leech's nose.

The scream that Leech raised was unbelievable. It was a long one: “Tyayayyyyyyy… for half a kilometer…yyyyav!” It seems to me that Leech did not die of anger just because she lost consciousness.

It was difficult to walk with Leech in the park. She wanted to run in all directions, just not where we wanted to go.

There was a way to keep Leech around.

This is a ball. If she saw a tennis ball in your hands, she looked at it as if hypnotized. It was necessary to throw the ball as far as possible, and she ran after him with an arrow. No sooner had the ball hit the ground than she grabbed it with her teeth and rushed towards you.

The ball could be thrown twenty times, fifty, a hundred. And she ran after him twenty, fifty, a hundred times.

In the end, the hand dried up, and at the last serve of the ball, it was necessary to urgently grab the Leech and stuff it into the collar. Otherwise, she was hiding on the unknown paths of the park with unpredictable consequences ...

Two additions to Leech


Once we took Leech to a city apartment. She quickly sniffed all the corners, ran across the dining table, drank water from a saucer and noticed a cage with a parrot.

The cage was empty. Usually our parrot Jean Jacques (Rosella) flew around the rooms freely. Putting him in a cage was unthinkable.

He gnawed on skirting boards, bit off the spines of books, and flew home only to have breakfast or dinner. Moreover, he watched very carefully, no matter how we closed the cage door behind him.

The leech realized: since there is a cage, there must be a bird, and she went to look for this very bird.

She found her in the next room sitting on the door. The leech found her not by the noise of the wings, but by the droppings under the door. She looked up and, seeing the bird, ran up the door to the parrot.

It just looked like she was running.

In fact, she jumped and, moving her paws, flew almost to the top. And it looked like she was running.

The parrot grabbed his heart and did not even take off from horror.

The leech jumped a second time. This time, her mileage was slightly lower. But she stubbornly jumped and jumped. Each time she managed to fly less and less. From the outside, her senseless jumps caused laughter, because it was clear that soon she would not jump above the plinth, but her character and breed took their toll. So she could have died of a broken heart.

The compassionate Eleanor took Leech in her arms and slowed down this senseless ride.

And for the first time in his life, the parrot Jean Jacques rushed straight to his cage. I even thought he closed the door behind him.


In our aviary, partly overlooking the street, lived the raven Claudius. The one who teased Leech with a bone. He could speak a little.

Once a very pleased old woman came to us and said:

And I was talking to your raven.

How did you talk to him?

I tell him: "Karlusha, Karlusha", and he says to me: "Get out of here!"

We were taken aback. May our Claudius say such things! And then we thought and understood. When we talked with the raven, Leech constantly interfered. She ran around the enclosure and barked. And we always shouted to her:

Get out. Get out!

This is how he learned. Ravens are very capable.

The leech lived with us for a long time. Her hard work was incredible. Asking to enter the house or be free to Dira, she could bark and squeal for several hours in a row, without stopping. This is especially unpleasant in the early summer at five in the morning.

In order not to injure the neighbors, we locked the Leech in the garage. And then only we alone heard her incessant, muffled barking.

In short, for the last two years our whole life has been a constant struggle with Leech.

I beg you very much, if you do not need to hunt wild boars, do not hunt foxes and badgers, do not get yourself a jagd terrier.
Copyright: dog stories for kids

In the deep autumn I had a rest on the Volga near Saratov. A huge shepherd dog lived loosely at a nearby recreation center. Every morning she ran to the house where I lived to get "breakfast" from me. She knew that I would always have food for her.
One evening I was walking past the base where this shepherd lived, and I saw that she was lying not far from the road and was carefully watching me. I called out to her as if greeting her and continued to walk towards my house. When I caught up with her, she suddenly got up, jumped on me and bit me painfully.

All evening I wondered about the reason for such an ungrateful act. And he was completely surprised when he saw the dog again the next morning at his door. Then, it seems, he understood yesterday's incident: despite a close acquaintance, the shepherd dog strictly observed its watchdog functions and vigilantly guarded the territory entrusted to it.


I will tell you about another dog that lived with my friend. This dog was very beautiful and smart, but when left alone in the house, it became uncontrollable. Left to her own devices, she tore curtains, gnawed furniture, ruined carpets. The hostess understood that this was how her pet expressed her anger at the forced loneliness, and could not do anything with her.

For some time now, shiny small things began to disappear in the apartment: gold rings, chains, earrings. Even the little gold watch was gone somewhere. There were no strangers in the house, and the search did not lead to anything.

Meanwhile, further living with the dog became unbearable and the woman decided to give it to other hands.
After the new owner took the four-legged friend, the hostess decided to do a general cleaning in the apartment. Under the carpet that lay on the floor, she discovered all her losses.

Rich is a jealous dog

Rich is a huge dog with thick black hair. At the bottom of his paws are painted light brown and it seems that he put on beautiful socks for style. He has an unusual pedigree: his mother is a real she-wolf, found in the mountains as a small animal and raised at home, and his father is a shepherd. Despite such formidable parents, Rich in general dog kind. She always treats my arrival kindly and even wags her tail as a sign of special disposition.

Once I came to the hostess of the house for her birthday and she hugged me in joy. "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" came a sudden sound behind me. I turned around and saw a menacing grin growling at me. Apparently, he did not like the too warm welcome given to me by the hostess, and I had to calm him down.
Rich followed me all evening, and when everyone sat down at the table, he settled down at my feet. Peace was achieved only when I treated him to something delicious.

The next time Rich saw me, he growled again. Noticing, however, that no one was showing warm feelings towards me, he quickly calmed down.
Why do you think he behaved this way? He was jealous of me for his mistress.


When I was still at school, we were given a beautiful puppy. He had a broad muzzle with large eyes, thick short paws and dark thick fur.

Our new lodger was very fond of boiled potatoes and milk. After the meal, he minced on his mat. After a while, he began to respond to the name that we gave him. The puppy grew quickly, and became so fat that it looked like a barrel.

Once he whined all morning, and then lay down in his place and fell silent. I thought he choked on a bone and opened his mouth, but he bit my finger. And he didn't make another sound. After a while he died.

They took the miserable dog to the veterinary clinic. There, the doctor opened the body and found that the entire abdomen was full of worms. And four long worms stuck out even in the throat. They strangled the poor puppy.


When we lived in the city of Starodub, in the Bryansk region, we had a small garden with fruit trees. So that the ripened fruits would not be stolen, the garden had to be guarded, and for this purpose we were given a dog. Or rather, a puppy. On the same day I built a wooden kennel for him, set it up in the yard, and tied the puppy to it for the night. In the morning he was not there. They stole it.
Of course, we were sad, and in the evening we went to visit relatives. We told them about our loss, and they offered us their dog, nicknamed Lady. The lady was small, similar in muzzle and red fur coat to a fox.

They brought her home, tied her up, and went into the rooms themselves. After a while I go out to visit - there is no Lady. A rope with a collar is lying on the ground - which means that she herself got out of the collar and ran away. However, she soon returned, and we fed her. And the next time, when she wanted to take a walk, she easily left her collar and again ran back.
The lady was a quiet dog, did not bark, but we wanted her voice to be heard far beyond the fence. At night, however, she slept peacefully, and we had to guard the garden.

Once, however, the Lady broke off her leash, rushed at an elderly woman and tore her dress. But that only brought us trouble.

Sometimes our "guard" would run away for a few days, and after that she would appear thin, hungry and wagging her tail guiltily. Somehow she ran away once again and did not return - we did not see her again.

Angry dog

It happened in Kazakhstan, where I once lived. I had to get into one house, but a huge angry dog ​​lived in his yard. No matter how much I knocked on the window that overlooked the street, no one answered. From the house, meanwhile, came voices. What to do, how to enter the house?

I thought that dogs, no matter how evil they are, also have fear, like people. He opened the gate and entered the yard. The terrible dog with a wild bark rushed at me, but the chain holding him made it impossible to approach me. However, I still could not go into the house - then I would have to close the distance between me and the dog, and she could grab me with her teeth. But I made up my mind: I began to approach the house very slowly. The dog got even angrier. Before him there was very little, and I came closer and closer. And suddenly he... backed away from me! I took another step. Now the dog could bite me if he wanted to, but he continued to move back. Until I drove him completely into a kennel.