"Children about teeth. An incredible journey through Zubland" Olga Epifanova

Ivona Radyunts: "Dental book. All about your milk teeth." A book that combines an encyclopedia and game design techniques: secrets, valves, windows. Review (review).

Ivona Radyunts: "Dental book. All about your milk teeth"

Once, my newborn daughter and I were walking in the yard. Two neighbor five-year-old girls looked into the stroller and looked at me in horror: "She has NO TEETH!" I explained to them that all children are born without teeth, and their teeth appear later. The girls listened in disbelief. It was difficult for them to imagine themselves, their relatives, acquaintances and other people without teeth in early childhood.

And how many questions and fears appear in children when their teeth begin to sway and fall out! Therefore, it is very important that the child knows about this even before the start of this exciting event. And the "Dental Book" will help with this!

What is this book about

"The Dental Book" by Ivona Radyunts is a useful, educational and entertaining novelty from the MIF.Children publishing house. Interactive children's encyclopedias are one of the most convenient and interesting ways of learning about the world around us. This wonderful book will help your child learn everything they need to know about teeth:

  • why do all babies have no teeth and where are their teeth,
  • what are milk teeth, when do they grow and how does it happen,
  • are milk teeth the same and can they grow,
  • why milk teeth are loose, how they fall out,
  • Where are permanent teeth located and how do they grow?
  • What do they do with baby teeth that have fallen out? different countries,
  • how teeth are arranged and can they get sick,
  • how to keep your teeth healthy, how to brush them properly and what else to do to keep them healthy,
  • why go to the dentist and what he does during the examination.

Also in the book is:

  • safety mirror for examining your own teeth,
  • milk teeth calendar,
  • gallery with frames - you need to paste photographs in them, which show all the important stages of a child’s life associated with teeth (the period when there are no teeth yet, the first teeth, teeth at three years old, the first gap),
  • gift - two samples of children's toothpaste "Rocs",
  • a beautiful metal box for storing lost milk teeth or for leaving them in it for the Tooth Fairy.

Information about caries, prevention of dental diseases and maintaining their health is very clear and relevant for many children, especially for those who do not like to brush their teeth.

Book design

The book is colorful, bright, the format is almost square, the cover is hard, the pages are made of cardboard, stitched with nylon threads along the entire length. The content is interactive - there are many secrets, valves and windows in the book.

Funny characters tell the child about teeth - Teeth.

To find out the timing of the appearance of milk teeth in children, you need to spin the disc.

A mirror will help you examine your teeth.

Whether or not our teeth grow will be clearly demonstrated by the proposed experiment with the ball.

This page will help you find out why milk teeth fall out and what adults would look like with them (the arrow shows where you need to pull the strip to see it).

You can also find out where permanent teeth come from ( interesting opportunity look under the gums)

help the boy to pull out the staggering baby tooth(which can then serve as a bookmark) and much more!

It may seem that because of the convex box on the cover, the book will be inconvenient to put on the shelf. But if you put a thick book of a small format right after it, then nothing interferes with the neat look of the bookshelf.

Of the minuses, I will note the faces of children in the illustrations of Thomas Roener. The characters of Zubka are drawn nicely, but the faces of children and adults (doctor - dentist) raise doubts about the usefulness of their owners. Disproportionately huge forehead (half face) and nose (about a third of the width of the face) with almost absent eyes. Instead of eyes - dots somewhere in the area of ​​the cheeks. But the drawings should be children, not pigs! Eyes are the window to the soul...

Despite this, I really enjoyed the book. Useful, interesting and simply necessary for children of preschool and primary school age! I have never come across such simple, understandable, detailed and visual explanations of this important topic.


  • information about this book on the publisher's website;
  • buy in the "Labyrinth";
  • buy at Ozone.

I suggest looking at others, for example, reviews of new products from the MIF. Childhood publishing house:

All the very best to you! Especially for blog readers"MORE creative ideas for kids"(https: // site), with sincere respect, Yulia Sherstyuk

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  • Books "Snow" and "Miracles in a Pocket"

Why should you brush your teeth and how to make it fun? Why do milk teeth fall out, who is the tooth fairy and how to pull out a loose tooth with a thread? In today's book selection, we have collected useful stories for you that will help answer these and many other questions and cope with dental fears.

Rotrout Suzanne Berner

Bunny Karlchen does not want to brush his teeth before going to bed at all, because his favorite toys - a penguin, a dog and a bear - do not do this either. But they don't even have toothbrushes. But Karlchen has it. So what's the deal? It turns out that after dinner, such a pleasant taste of carrots remains in the mouth, and the bunny does not want to part with it at all. But the wise mother has already found a way out: she bought a new toothpaste with carrot flavor. And the toys can watch Karlchen from the edge of the tub.

Felicity Brooks

Masha loves to swim. For her, this is a whole ritual: she splashes cheerfully in the bathroom, fiddles noisily with a toy fish and a frog, wraps herself comfortably in a warm towel, puts on clean pajamas with bunnies with pleasure ... But, as soon as it comes to brushing her teeth, Masha is no longer fun, and dad has to brush her teeth under an uninterrupted hoarse roar. But one day Misha comes to visit Masha, he brushes his teeth with joy and teaches Masha a funny dental song, brushing her teeth with her is not at all scary, but even fun. And then you can also dance the dance of clean teeth.

Ivona Radyunts

This is a real encyclopedia of milk teeth with windows, retractable elements and even a small mirror (so that you can see your own smile in the process). The book explains in detail and in a very accessible way how and in what sequence teeth appear, how they are arranged, how they are called and how they differ functionally. The child learns how to properly brush his teeth, how often to change the toothbrush and why in the bathroom hourglass, will understand why teeth can hurt and how to keep them healthy, why milk teeth stagger and fall out and where molars appear in their place. You can even try to pull out a loose "tooth" with a thread (after a successful operation, it will turn into a bookmark). The kid will be interested to know what children in different countries traditionally do with their teeth that have fallen out. And he himself will choose whether to put the tooth under the pillow so that the tooth fairy exchanges it for something pleasant, give it to the mouse (or ant) ​​or even throw it on the roof or under the veranda, as is customary in Japan. A whole spread is devoted to visiting the dentist. It explains how often you need to go to the dentist, what is the name of his metal stick, why he needs a small mirror and other curious things. As a bonus, the book comes with a very nice box for lost milk teeth.

Astrid Lindgren

Ulle from Bullerby has a loose tooth. And he always has to check with his finger whether he is in place - there is no time for studying! The teacher sends him home to pull out a tooth, but it turns out to be not so easy. It may not hurt, but it's scary, even if they promise to give you a ten-er coin in return. Friends come to the rescue with advice: they offer to gently knock out a tooth or wrap it with a thread, tie its other end to a fence and scare Ulle so that he jumps sharply to the side ... And grandfather tells a rather gloomy story about how a blacksmith pulled out his tooth horse hoof tongs. All this does not console Ulle at all, and he continues to walk with a thread sticking out of his mouth. In the end, friends decide to pull her at night ...

Michael Bond

Paddington Bear is a famous sweet tooth. And, although the bear has as many as forty-two teeth, each one still counts, and very sweet and sticky home-made toffees can sometimes lead - oh horror! - straight to the dentist's office. True, everything there turns out to be not so scary, but even interesting: a comfortable chair that folds out as you like with just one button, perfectly clean and dazzlingly shiny instruments without a single sticky speck of marmalade, a pleasant pink rinse that looks like lemonade ... True, when your patient is a bear, you need to keep your eyes peeled. But all's well that ends well (even if a fallen tooth ends up in a recycling machine instead of the caring hands of the tooth fairy). And with toffees - even if they look very appetizing - you have to be careful.

Now it will be easier for me to figure out which books and games to tell you about first. And I'll start with the book, which, in principle, I myself have long wanted to show. And it was chosen by the majority of respondents.

Book in fact very necessary and today she unique! It provides necessary and useful information about teeth in a playful, exciting way ()) . This is the history, and the structure of the teeth, and their purpose, and the prevention of diseases, and much more.

I don't know about your kids, but my son is not a fan of brushing his teeth. Of course, I tried to convey something to him, to tell. But lack of knowledge (yes, what is there - and time to delve into all this and figure out how to file it). And here is such luck! A book where everything is already invented for us).

Reading the book is very interesting. What I didn’t even expect (Is it interesting about teeth ?? - I thought))). Information adapted. Therefore, although there are various buzzwords like "irrigator", but from the text it is clear what it is and why. In addition, everything is built into various game situations and stories, which increases children's interest, which means that information does not pass by. and is recorded on the subcortex.

Do you know what an irrigator is?

I really liked the idea of ​​existence countries of Zubland where everything happens. There are also heroes here who help the reader get acquainted with the world of teeth. The text is presented here as . There are also comics, and even horror stories (no, they don’t scare dentists here))). By the way, children who can read will read a lot on their own. Which is also a plus (i.e. they will be able to re-read more often).

But the book is not limited to stories. There are a lot of pages on the pages that help to consolidate the material, there are crafts and even experiments.

You know what the most important in this book? Firstly, she dispels fear. Learning everything about the structure of the teeth, about the processes that take place, we become, as it were, involved in the action. and it’s not so scary to go into the dentist’s office or, for example, put on braces.
And secondly, the book, without unnecessary moralizing, helps children understand why they need to brush their teeth, why it is harmful to eat a lot of sweets, and why it is impossible to chop nuts with your teeth. For us personally, it really helped. Now Dima not only tries to do everything himself, but also teaches others)).

After listing all the advantages of the book, I want to touch on the shortcomings a little. With all due respect to the artist, I would like others. And it's not just about taste. Sometimes it was very difficult to guess what was drawn from the pictures. For example, in the photo below, it was necessary to find the artist's mistakes.

My child and I wondered for a long time what was in the hands of the floss (dental floss). It turned out ... macaroni. Although, perhaps this is the fault of the one who came up with the task. Because the answer says that the artist's mistake is that he painted pasta instead of ... a hose. Dima and I had a question - why should he have a hose ??? Therefore, the second drawback is just a few errors or inaccuracies in the tasks. In addition to the above, there is also a logic puzzle, which clearly lacks input. Well, the tasks themselves (some) are difficult for a 5-year-old child. But again, the age on the book is recommended from 7 to 10. Therefore, the problems will be tough for them.

All these minor flaws do not spoil the overall enthusiastic attitude to the book. Dimka asked her to re-read it several times in a row. Until I protested))). He learned the names of teeth, what they are made of, how to brush your teeth properly and much more. On the wave of interest, we made several heroes of the book, built our own Zubland and arranged a holiday (how they did it and from what

Some time ago, the Eksmo publishing house released a series of books for children from 7 to 10 years old called "I want to know everything about health."

I have seen four books in this series:

Children about eyes. Visiting Glazastik, Gnome and Professor Eye

Children about nutrition. Incredible journey through Nutrilandia

Children about hygiene. In pursuit of harmful microbes

Children about teeth. Incredible journey through Zubland

All books in this series are designed in the same style, large format hardcover with partially varnished cover.

Focusing on the title of the book "Children about the teeth. An incredible journey through Zubland" and trusting a large number rave reviews, I expected to see an interesting educational book, which in a fabulous form will introduce children to such important bone formations for a person as teeth.

The cover of the book promised a lot. interesting facts about teeth, exciting tasks, exciting comics and research on a topic of interest to us. Immediately, as we assumed, the heroes of the book were depicted, five named teeth.

When I opened the book and started reading it, I was disappointed. The book is not very clearly organized. There was no cross-cutting plot, which the title of the book hinted at. The information is torn and presented haphazardly. Drawings exacerbated the negative impression. As for the drawings, I was in solidarity with the children, who absolutely did not like the drawings, which is extremely rare.

The book turned out to be really full of all kinds of tasks addressed to children. There are mazes and crossword puzzles and instructions for conducting experiments and master classes. I didn't really like that many tasks were offered to be solved right in the book. All the same this book published not in the form of a journal with assignments, but in the form of a very solid hardcover book. Due to a certain upbringing, no one's hand rose to scratch a pen on the pages of a book.

The book is addressed to children of primary and secondary school age. There is a 6+ sign on the edition itself. In my opinion, children and younger children can be introduced to the book, but not everything will be interesting to them. However, so are older children. Because most of the book is about introducing the child to dentistry and dental products. For example, the bracket system was given as many as two book spreads. The authors will introduce the child to dental floss, an irrigator and a toothbrush and, of course, they will send the reader to the dentist constantly.

Every child loses their first milk tooth at some point. For him, this is a whole event and a reason for pride. But at the same time, all this is a little exciting and incomprehensible: why did the tooth begin to stagger? Why did he fall out? And will something grow in its place?

This book will take away all the fears of the child. In an accessible and interesting way, she talks about what milk teeth are, why they are needed, how they are arranged and how teeth are replaced. The child will trace the entire cycle - starting from the incisors in infants and pumping the first gap of a permanent tooth. And also learns why it is so important to take care of your teeth and how to do it right. This book will help your child love brushing their teeth.

book chips

  • This is one of the best children's books about teeth. It has been reprinted since 1999 in various European languages.
  • The book is interactive. It has moving parts, windows, a place for photos, a mirror to look at your teeth, and a tooth-shaped bookmark.
  • Toddlers will love the fun experience with the balloon!
  • Cardboard box for teeth included

Who is this book for?

For children who have not yet lost milk teeth.

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