How to wean a man from smoking. How can I stop my husband from smoking cigarettes? Little female tricks

So, your beloved husband smokes. And you don't like it. Agree, when you get married, you did not sign up to constantly endure the smell of tobacco smoke, and no one has yet canceled the harmfulness of passive smoking. What can we say about the fact that your significant other risks their health and strength.

The smoking man in the advertising poster may look like a confident attractive male, casually holding a cigarette in his hand. In real life, it can be quite the opposite. Many members of the stronger sex understand this, and perhaps your loved one also wants to quit smoking, but he does not have the willpower or incentive to quit the addiction.

What is the wife for then? To be a faithful ally, friend and just loved. Believe me, you can influence the situation in a drastic way, but get ready for the fact that this will require a lot of strength and nerves.

Let's look at a few ways that will help your missus no longer smoke.

By the way, these methods are also useful for girls who want to know how to help a guy quit smoking:

  • the easiest way is to tell him about the dangers of your health. The habit of smoking negatively affects the lungs and Airways. Chronic asthma is the most innocuous thing you can earn by smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. Cigarette smoke, getting into the lungs, inflames the mucous membrane, leaves tar on the surface, which can lead sooner or later to lung cancer. Smoking also hurts the heart. Disruption of this important muscle leads to serious illnesses, not to mention the constant shortness of breath. If these arguments did not help persuade your husband, then put pressure on the most important thing. All men who smoke are potential impotents. Perhaps this will make him think;
  • This advice may not work for everyone, but it's still worth mentioning. If you are going to have a baby in the next year, then explain to the future father that his bad habit can have a very bad effect on the health and development of the child. It is unlikely that he will want this;
  • take "weakly". Men are very sensitive to their ego, and then his female half doubted his willpower;
  • go on a diet or give up the same coffee or sweets at night when the husband is trying to quit smoking. Your loved one will be pleased to see that you not only support him, but also feel his torment in your own skin. In the end, the same coffee or cakes do not bring benefits. So you will literally kill two birds with one stone: you yourself will become slimmer, and you will persuade your husband to quit smoking;
  • make your husband jealous... for posters with handsome athletic men. As a rule, smokers bypass gyms. Cheer up your man with pictures, just don't go too far and don't forget to sign up for a gym. Believe me, he will want to go with you, at least for the purpose of protecting his soulmate. And there, look, he will have a desire to lift the dumbbells once or twice, which is not so easy to do with an addiction;
  • the material side of the issue is also important. Just do not say that the money saved on cigarettes could go to you for a new dress. It is enough to explain that once a year you can arrange an additional vacation for this money. And in five years you can save up for a good car;
  • do not forget to support your man not only with words, but also with deeds in relation to him. Less harmful electronic cigarettes are a great replacement for the same cigarettes. Also, if you notice that the hand of a loved one reached for a new portion of tobacco poison, slip him candies, seeds, nuts. Many people smoke, so to speak, from boredom or from a desire to occupy their hands with something. Sometimes unlearning the cigarette manipulation reflex can be more difficult than getting rid of nicotine addiction;
  • many people also think that smoking calms them down, but in fact this is a cruel self-deception. Talk calmly to your husband, he may be nervous about work or other problems. Offer him your help, moral support, explain that the same job can always be replaced with another, but it is very difficult to restore your health;
  • hobbies are a great way to quit smoking. Especially when it comes to your favorite activity with a sports basis. Tell the man that you want to go rollerblading or hiking. Surely at least one of the ideas you proposed will appeal to him, and after a while he himself will quit smoking, deciding to take the path healthy lifestyle life.

What not to do when fighting your husband's smoking

  1. Many women in the fight against nicotine addiction of their man do not compromise. Perhaps you have said these words: me or your cigarettes-beer-games! Such an ultimatum, firstly, will not lead to anything other than a quarrel, and secondly, it will not save the husband from smoking cigarettes.
  2. Also, very often, ladies make such a mistake as attracting children as allies, if there are any. It is not necessary to set up a child against smoking in a radical way, because in his eyes the father should remain a hero. Of course, the head of the family himself will not approve of such manipulation of children. However, you can organize a healthy lifestyle day with your children without bad habits and arrange, for example, a bike ride, as well as a delicious healthy lunch. If the husband does not give up cigarettes, then he will smoke them clearly less per day.

You, as the keeper of the family hearth, need to understand that the fight against smoking of a husband should unite and strengthen the family, and not, on the contrary, split it from the inside. Be an ally, not an adversary! Constant “sawing” on the topic of when cigarettes will disappear from this house will only hurt. This will not solve the problem of how to make a man quit smoking cigarettes.

So many people are concerned about the answer to the question: "how to get a person to quit smoking." And the answer is rather sad - no way. No one can force another to give up a bad habit against their will. This should be a conscious decision made by an adult and intelligent person. But this does not mean that relatives and friends cannot push for such a way out of the current situation.

Why is quitting so hard?

To convince your loved one or loved one to give up an addiction, it is not enough just to become an authority for him. It is not enough even to help him at all stages of a difficult path. First of all, it must be understood. Otherwise, you will unconsciously only adjust it and not understand why your loved one does not want to throw a cigarette out the window once and for all.

In fact, quitting smoking is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. First of all, physical dependence interferes with this process. Accustomed to a daily dose of nicotine, the body begins to constantly demand it. And if the poison does not arrive at the usual time, the so-called withdrawal occurs.

Her symptoms are as follows:

  • Weakness;
  • Irritability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • Constant desire to smoke a cigarette;
  • Headache;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Increased appetite.

The second side of cigarette addiction is psychological. Some daily activities, meetings and conversations are strongly associated with tobacco smoke. Therefore, when coming to work, during a lunch break, a person already unconsciously takes up a cigarette.

Why Persuasion Often Doesn't Work

Many mistakenly believe that they know how to wean a person to smoke using simple persuasion. But this technique often does not work. Even if we are talking about the mother, who has always been an authority for a teenager, the situation is only changing for the worse.

The reason for this is simple: no dependent person can admit that he is dependent.

Even if he realizes that nicotine harms the body, understands that he kills his lungs on his own, he believes that nothing terrible is happening in his case. Well, he smokes several cigarettes a day, but he can give up the habit at any moment. However, this “moment” never comes.

In addition, even the very thought of quitting causes aggression in the smoker on a subconscious level. The thought of having to give up daily rituals drives him into a real rage. A lot of excuses and myths immediately come to mind that tobacco is even useful and that quitting is generally harmful.

Non-smokers are also largely to blame for the failure of the operation. Instead of supporting a person, they only begin to annoy him more. As a result, constant disputes about this develop into real scandals and may even lead to a break in relations.

What not to say and do

So, first of all, it is the relatives and relatives of the smoker who should monitor their words and deeds. If there are also dependents among them, all further actions will be simply useless. Nobody will believe the words of a person about the dangers of nicotine, speaking under the next puff. Addiction to alcohol or drugs can play a negative role: a smoker will always justify himself with words like “but I don’t drink, unlike you.”

He has heard these words and phrases many thousands of times, so your sayings turn out to be just informational garbage. At best, they will simply fly past your ears, and at worst, they will lead to another quarrel.

No need to believe the advertising posters offering universal pills or nicotine patches. To offer untested means to a person means to cause even more harm to his health. In addition, the intake of nicotine in this way - albeit in small doses - will not help get rid of psychological cravings.

What are the best methods to use?

You can independently push a person to realize his problem. It can be hinted that in the future this will negatively affect reproductive system- if a woman or a man wants a child, this argument can be decisive. A smoking father or a smoking mother will never be a good example for a son or daughter.

You can gently and unobtrusively periodically express your negative opinion about smoking. Say that you don’t like the smell of tobacco too much, that you care about the health of your loved ones, that you don’t want vague prospects for him. Do not abuse this: use this method need with caution.

Make some kind of compromise. Offer something equally valuable in return for quitting smoking. For example, you yourself can give up some bad habit, do something for a certain period or, on the contrary, not do it.

How to influence teenagers

But most of the ways to convince a person to stop smoking do not work with children. adolescence. As a rule, at this time, adrenaline boils in the blood of boys and girls, they want to try everything, life seems endless. Parents with their stupid instructions are like old people who do not understand what it is to live for real.

This situation should be dealt with by simple manipulation.

Forget about tantrums and scandals, do not even try to protect the child from the smoking company. In this case, the habit will only get worse: the teenager will begin to act in spite of his parents.

It is better to play on the desire to "be different from everyone else." Gently and subtly lead the child to the conclusion that every second person is sitting with a cigarette. On the contrary: only some people were able to give up nicotine. He doesn't want to be in the crowd, does he?

Wives of heavy smokers are concerned about how to help their husband quit smoking. The desire to wean a loved one from a bad habit is dictated by concern for both his health and his own well-being. After all, passive smoking affects the body in almost the same way as active smoking, and if the health of everyone living with a smoker under the same roof suffers from a smoking room in an apartment. Even if the husband refrains from smoking in your presence, the smell of tobacco, eating into clothes, hair, can poison your life together.

The harm of smoking for men also lies in the fact that under the influence of nicotine, testosterone is not produced so actively. And without it, a man is no longer quite a man: the muscles are flabby, the sexual desire is weak, the sexual possibilities are far from ideal, the ability to conceive is reduced. What kind of wife would like that? We should not forget about the financial moment: smoking is a very tangible item of expenditure, and if you refuse it, you can count on an increase in family budget. Helpful Hints how to get a guy to quit smoking, you will find in this article.

If you can't, we'll help you, if you don't want, we'll force you

If your spouse or boyfriend himself is aware of the benefits of quitting smoking and wants to quit, but he lacks determination, willpower, knowledge about effective methods overcoming nicotine addiction, you can help him in many ways:

  • find a good specialist, narcologist or psychotherapist;
  • buy medications recommended by your doctor to relieve withdrawal symptoms;
  • to master with him a set of breathing exercises to cleanse the lungs;
  • introduce into the diet the most useful dishes during the adaptation period, prepare herbal teas;
  • come up with an exciting activity that can distract from thoughts about smoking.

But with men who do not want to hear about quitting smoking, it is more difficult to cope. They will prove that:

  • their body is in excellent shape;
  • doctors exaggerate the harm of smoking;
  • a cigarette is an invariable attribute of a real man;
  • they earn enough to afford this habit;
  • smoking helps to cope with stress;
  • Quitting smoking is more harmful than continuing.

And they will find a dozen more excuses to continue to poison their own, and at the same time your body. In this case, the question is not how to help your man, but how to make your husband quit smoking. And a frontal attack is usually ineffective, it is better to resort to female tricks.

How to start influencing a man?

Practice shows that it is useless to paint the harm of smoking for men. They know very well about lung cancer, about the risk of stroke, about chronic bronchitis. But deep down, everyone believes that smoking does not affect his body, that diseases threaten someone else. They are only afraid of impotence, but if the guy is young, he produces testosterone in such quantities that the effect of smoking on the genital area is almost imperceptible. In addition, a man can simply answer that his health is his problem, or remember the saying: "Who does not smoke or drink ..."

So try not to intimidate your man with problems that threaten his health, but complain about your own. Here's a good way to get a guy to quit smoking: tell him directly that you don't like the smell of tobacco, ask him to refrain from smoking at least during the time that you spend together. This is the first step in reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke. Try to reward your man for abstinence with affection, delicious meals, little surprises so that he feels the benefits of quitting smoking. And often emphasize how pleased you are with his attention to your request, his fresh breath, admire his willpower.

And if you are expecting a child or planning to conceive it, this is the best reason to get the future dad to stop smoking. Tell him about nicotine and testosterone, emphasize that non-smoking men produce more active and better sperm, and this is important both for conception and for the health of the unborn child. If it was not possible to force him to give up a bad habit before conception, take advantage of your interesting position. Remind that passive smoking has an extremely negative effect not only on your body, exhausted by toxicosis, but also on your unborn child. And when he is born, he will need fresh air and a healthy dad, so it's better to take care of this in advance.

Little female tricks

Here are some tips on how to help a guy quit smoking if he agreed with your arguments and decided to try:

  • never give him any smoking accessories such as expensive ashtrays, lighters, cigarette cases;
  • “forget” buying cigarettes;
  • from the first day of quitting, announce to everyone you know that your husband (boyfriend) has quit smoking. It was he who quit, but does not quit, he tries. Then simply male pride will not allow him to back down;
  • celebrate every day spent without cigarettes, try to find and emphasize the advantages of a healthy lifestyle (improved complexion, freshened breath);
  • if lately you have had problems in the intimate sphere, note the progress, flatter the man, call him a real male, whose testosterone is going through the roof;
  • praise his willpower, talk about quitting smoking as a fait accompli, not as an attempt.

Remember that nicotine affects the hormonal and nervous system. When it ceases to enter the body, testosterone and other hormones that increase aggressiveness are more actively produced.

A man after quitting smoking can be angry, lash out at others. Treat bursts of aggression with understanding, do not scandal in response.

Let him throw out the negative or find a distracting activity (let him beat the carpets or play a shooter on the computer).

Psychological leverage and other methods

Praise affects a man much better than scolding and criticism. Do not "saw" him for his addiction to smoking, do not accuse him of being weak-willed. Flattery is the best lever of pressure on a man, so praise him for every step towards the goal, celebrate the slightest achievements. If he feels bad (and a complete cessation of smoking is very painful), take pity on him, encourage him. Convince yourself that difficulties are temporary, and improved health will bring joy for many years, and this is a joy for you and your children.

Testosterone has a strong influence on male behavior, so sex is another powerful leverage. Putting an ultimatum and categorically providing a man with intimacy until he quits smoking is not the best tactic. But it is possible to encourage for quitting smoking, embodying his sexual fantasies, it is well motivated. A good way to demonstrate the benefits of quitting cigarettes is to buy yourself erotic lingerie for the nth day of his abstinence from smoking and claim that the purchase was made with money saved that used to go to smoking.

There are many recipes to help discourage a person from smoking. Some drugs that cause aversion or suppress the craving to smoke can be given to a smoker without his knowledge. There are also folk recipes herbal preparations, processing cigarettes (for example, soak them in milk). You can resort to conspiracies, amulets or prayers. Every woman knows better what approach to her husband will work best. Good luck!

Smoking is definitely a bad habit. It often harms not only the smoker himself, but also those around him. When an addiction is observed in one of the family members, the rest try to convince him that it is time to give it up. Often wives try to figure out how to make their husband quit smoking, but not everyone succeeds.

To understand how to wean a person from smoking, it is necessary to analyze what women usually do in such situations. As a rule, these are quite tough measures that only anger a man, not allowing him to compromise.

Women use the following methods:

  • they constantly focus on the habit of a man, showing with their appearance how unpleasant it is;
  • give ultimatums;
  • talk endlessly about the harm that smoking causes;
  • they say that Petya, Vasya do not smoke, so they are great;
  • blackmailed by the performance of marital duties;
  • hide and throw away cigarettes;
  • forbid smoking, not trusting a man and constantly checking him.

All these methods have nothing to do with how to help your husband quit smoking. They are very effective, only they work in the opposite direction. A woman, believing that she is doing for the good and taking care of the health of her loved one, only aggravates the situation, annoying her partner. There is not a single person who does not know that smoking is the cause of cancer and a whole bunch of other diseases. It is useless to persuade in this way. The stronger sex is attentive to their health, but only after the symptoms of the disease have already appeared - in other cases, no arguments will help.

How to do it right?

The problem is solved easier if the man himself wants to quit. In most cases, smokers themselves want to get rid of the addiction forever, but the addiction is very strong and does not let go. In such situations, the above means that a woman uses to wean her partner "put pressure" on the psyche.

A girl should gently lead her husband to such a heroic - without exaggeration - act. Try to negotiate with him so that he does not smoke at home when he returns from work. This is not easy for everyone, but if you go to bed without smoking a cigarette before going to bed, then in the morning it turns out that the body has been doing without nicotine for 12 hours. If you manage to start your next day without cigarettes, this is another small victory that will show a man that you can live without tobacco.

It is very important to praise and support your husband. A man must be sure that he is loved regardless of the presence or absence of a bad habit. If the husband himself said that it would be nice to quit, support him in every possible way. For example, buy a nicotine patch, casually reminding that the man himself decided to give up tobacco. Various preparations are used as support: tablets, drops, spray, even gel for rubbing into the gums.

For many, switching to vaping becomes a salvation. E-Sigs have a number of advantages - they are less harmful, and also do not leave a smell, so you do not have to expel your husband into the entrance or into the street.

How to stimulate a man

And if refusing sex to a man, forcing him to quit the habit, is not allowed in any case, then adding variety to intimate life as a bonus is a very good idea. You can tell a man that sex has become better, bring his fantasies to life, please him with a new erotic set.

A woman should be prepared for the fact that the withdrawal syndrome can be very pronounced. Many people sigh in their hearts, “It would be better if I smoked” - it is really difficult for non-smokers to assess the severity of the condition of a loved one who quits after many years of experience. Don't react to outbursts of emotion. If the spouse smoked again, you should not talk about a weak-willed character, emphasize the merits: you are proud that he lasted without cigarettes, and even if you need to take a couple of puffs, this is not a reason to stop there.

A similar relationship is observed with prolonged hookah smoking. Nargille is a way to relax and get away from worries. To drive out this habit, it is recommended to find a replacement for it - something that will give good emotions.

If you are planning a pregnancy, then this will be an excellent reason to give up cigarettes. At the planning stage, both partners get rid of bad habits in six months or a year, take vitamins. This improves the quality of sperm, increasing the likelihood of a quick conception and the birth of a healthy baby.

Weaning from cigarettes is good to carry out in the post. In Orthodoxy, smoking is considered a sin. Churchgoers know this, but not everyone can break the habit. However, on the eve of big holidays, when it is necessary to cleanse both the body and the soul, it is believed that God himself helps to get rid of the habit.

Folk advice suggests that you can wean yourself from smoking without the knowledge of a person by adding finely chopped nails to tobacco or soaking a cigarette in milk. Feelings become so unpleasant that you no longer want to smoke. To alleviate the condition, they drink oatmeal broth, but a rare man will agree to this.

Psychology recommends addressing those motivational factors that may influence the decision to quit the habit. For men, this is primarily their sexual capabilities. If bronchitis does not scare them, then the chance of becoming impotent will make them think. Men rarely turn to a psychologist themselves, but no one bothers their spouse to consult in order to understand which method will be most effective in relation to her husband.

Some women go for the trick: they persuade a doctor they know, who tells the man that they need to quit urgently, otherwise ... - you can think of the consequences yourself. Not every doctor can get consent to such a scam, but if possible, why not try.

How to stop smoking weed?

Convincing people to stop smoking marijuana, marijuana, hashish, cannabis is a more difficult task. This habit is observed in men different ages- far from always these are young guys who decided to try something new. The difficulty lies in the fact that weed smokers do not consider their habit a problem: weed relaxes and improves mood.

Unfortunately, there are no magic pills that could help in this case. A person with drug addiction needs to see a specialist. If the husband smokes weed, how to wean him from this should be decided together with the doctor.

If a strong addiction has not yet formed, then you can try to activate the moral and volitional qualities of a person. But in most cases, it is impossible to do this at home, so women who lived with such husbands say that it is not worth fighting and listening to promises - you need to leave such a man.

And if such talk is about “light” marijuana, what can we say about more dangerous smoking mixtures like spice, salt. Such a product can easily cause hallucinations, after which neither the smoker nor the one who was nearby will be alive.

Can you convince your wife to quit smoking?

Nicotine addiction is also widespread among women, so situations where a spouse smokes and a man does not are also not uncommon. Even if the husband tries to manipulate (for example, using his financial resources), the girl will hide and hide her habit. It is necessary to support each other in any situation, even if you really do not like that a woman smokes.

The main motivating factor used in this case is appearance women. If you calmly talk and explain that the smell of cigarette smoke is unpleasant and does not suit her, pay attention to the change in the color of the skin and teeth, then the girl will most likely give up the habit herself. Often women are afraid to quit so as not to gain weight. This fear is justified, so you must be ready to support your partner, even if you have to go on a diet.

Useful video

Here are some tips on how to quit smoking the right way:


Getting someone to quit smoking is not an easy task. Success cannot be achieved through force. It is necessary by any means to activate the will of a person and his own desire to get rid of the habit.

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