Fights of Caucasian Shepherd Dogs against. Caucasian Shepherd in dog fights

How do dog fights work and can they be banned, how much does a champion dog cost and how important is a pedigree. And in general - why did God give us living creatures? Revelations of the Dagestan breeder.

“First in line was Kaplan. He took all the titles and became the main producer. Goroch, his son, performed no worse than his father. Buynak, the son of Goroch, became the champion of the Caucasus. Pirate, Nelson went from him ... ”In the reverent enumeration of males, biblical motives seem to be. As in the surrounding landscape - a meager river, chipped stones and a rock hanging over Bagin Bakhulov's dwelling, because of which his trestle beds and puppies' cages are almost in a cave.

Here, in the mountains near Sogratl, the dog trainer spends all summer. Lean, wiry, big-headed, he himself looks like his pets, and his stone closet under a natural roof looks like a wolf's lair. A sociable donkey spins with its ears, which is soon destined to turn into food. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs with cropped ears come up to the guests, poke their wet noses into the lens.

It is hard to imagine that these complacent beasts in the ring will tear their opponents with their teeth and fight to the last. After all, Bagin is one of the best suppliers of dogs for test trials in Dagestan, better known as dog fights. Animal advocates around the world are calling for their ban. But how scary are these fights? What pushes to participate in them - the thirst for profit? Excitement? Cruelty? Bagin shakes his head. He is sure that even the world of bloody dog ​​fights is ruled by love. Fear and loyalty.

How did you become a dog trainer?

For as long as I can remember, I have had roosters and dogs. I have loved them since childhood. We have all this tukhum. If you don't love animals, you can't teach them anything.

What dogs become champions?

- The dog should be nimble, strong, not too short. But the main thing is character. The rest will follow. Training only gives strength. Let my male dogs with a bitch go - they themselves will climb to the top of the mountain. They like to run. And nothing can be done from the spineless. Puppies open their eyes - and you can immediately see what they will grow up to be. I'm guessing seventy percent right. For example, if the hair on the back rises from the smell of a wolf or other danger, this is not a good sign, a sign of cowardice.

- Where do you get wolves for such checks?

“Once I raised a she-wolf myself, nicknamed Maychik. The hunters killed the mother, but they took pity on the baby and gave it to me. Wolf cubs are very different from puppies. Their eyes open at eight days, and for dogs at thirteen or fourteen. When you give them milk formula and take the bottle away, the wolf cub clings and does not let go. I fed Maychik the same way as puppies - broth, meat, but after a couple of months she began to lose weight. I consulted with veterinarians, tried medicines - it was useless. Then I realized that in the wild the wolf will fill his belly once a day - and rest. He immediately piled on her a mountain of scalded tripe - she swallowed it in an instant. Has recovered, has grown so, that even puppies has overtaken. She was not afraid of her acquaintances, and they were not afraid of her either.

When strangers came here, she wandered around in a spiral, getting closer and closer. And as soon as I left, she stood next to me. Once she stole a chicken, so I hit her with a hose until she peed herself. After that, at the sight of walking chickens, she ran away. I had one bitch who didn't get along with her, and I gave Maichik to a baker friend for the summer.

I come in the fall, and he complains: people are afraid to go to the bakery. I called her and she came right away. Only four months did not see each other, and already a serious beast waved. She saw me - and let's jump, dance, lick my neck. I fed the she-wolf from my hands, put her in the aviary and left - a place to cook to pick her up. I return, and he killed Maychik. He said she pulled out a lot of bags from the bakery and tore them up, so he couldn’t stand it. This year, wolf cubs were offered, but I didn’t take them - their eyes were already open. If the wolf has seen the light, he will not become a devotee. Only keep this on a chain. But Maichik was free.

How are dogs trained?

Every dog ​​needs a special program. Goroch exercised on his own. The coach took him at three in the morning a couple of kilometers from the village - the dog did not like living creatures, he attacked cows like dogs. There he walked until evening. Some male trainers chase the car, hang weights on them, hook the wheels ... I myself am not a supporter of this.

- Does it happen that they rebel?

I have been teaching them since childhood. How will they get angry? Caucasian dogs need rigidity. When they don't listen, I screw up. If the dog is not afraid of the owner, the owner will be afraid of the dog.

What have you learned from dogs?

One day in May it snowed with hail. Not the best weather for dog walks. I was going to the village. You can’t go along the road: the shepherd dogs will follow me. Then I forded the river, put on my shoes and went on business. Returned seven hours later - no dogs. I am looking for, and they are sitting on the shore. Someone is waiting for me. This is how I learned to appreciate my friends and love them as they love me. A brother will not always save, but a faithful dog will die for you. If you fall off a cliff, she will whine, but will rush after you. But some dogs are like people, they don't give a damn. People and dogs

Speaking of people. How do owners of fighting dogs treat rivals?

- Dog lovers are all brothers. Help each other. It is worth a call - any issue will be resolved. Together we go to visit, go fishing, go to weddings. Sometimes during the fight you curse your opponent, but these are just emotions. Then hug him like nothing happened.

How important is the size of a dog?

Everyone fights in their own weight class. There are even males weighing 106 kilograms. A smart heavyweight strangles, crushes with a mass. And a nimble, light fighter, it happens, so exhausts an opponent that even a larger dog loses.

- Well, just a four-legged Mohammed Ali. Flutter like a butterfly and sting like a bee… The English ethnographer Robert Chanciner wrote about a local dog lover in his book about Dagestan. He said: if his pet wins, he fights regularly, and if he loses, he is given a year of rest to forget about the defeat.

- Some dogs after a loss generally refuse to fight in the same ring. A rare event but I have come across it. Usually dogs fight monthly, from October to April or early May. And so - every year, as long as age allows. Up to six, seven years.

- And then?

“They grow old and die by their own death. You won't kill them. Son Goroch, the grandfather of my puppies, lived with me for fourteen years. He died on November 28 last year. I took care of him from day one. He grew up here. He knew the place well. For days he walked everywhere, but did not harm people and living creatures. Just don't let yourself be insulted and stroked.

— How is the championship system arranged?

- Winner of the championship of Dagestan in next year goes to the championship of the Caucasus. There is already a serious main prize - a car. The winner of these competitions goes to the championship of Russia. Then - to the main tournament, the Super League. It is usually held in Stavropol in October. According to the rules, only males with titles are allowed there. Only Caucasian and Asian Shepherd Dogs participate in the Super League. No bull terriers. They fight in America. Everything is different there, like fights without rules. Huge stakes, the losing dog often dies. Serious injuries are rare for us.

- Who usually wins the Superleague?

- Mostly descendants of Kaplan. Its owner was wrestler Ruslan Karaev. He bought a dog in Soviet times for either 14 or 18 thousand rubles. I continue the line of Kaplan and his son Goroch.

Do foreigners come to competitions?

- Kazakhs are constantly participating. The year before last there were Turks, Italians, Bulgarians. Many foreigners are afraid to bring dogs to the Caucasus, but they buy most of the winners here. The Chinese hold their championships of Caucasian breeds. They also have a Superleague. Very good fights and dogs. Last year I sold my great-grandson Goroch to China. After that, his daughters were immediately snapped up. And my brother went to Baku.

- How much do dogs cost?

- For a puppy of two or three months old, I expose 20-30 thousand. If they give it - good, no - you can give in. You can't cash in on dogs. All earnings are air money, they immediately leave. For food, drugs for distemper. You have to go to Makhachkala for stomachs and offal. Feed donkey meat. And if you are preparing for a fight, you need special nutrition.

“I heard a champion costs a fortune.

- They talk about 2-3 million, but these are rumors. They are allowed to raise the price of the next generation. The price of a shepherd dog is not big and not small. Enough for life - and okay. It's like a hobby. With fighting cocks it is even more difficult. They are fattened with grain, nuts, honey... In Gunib, on the day of the village, races and dog, cock, and bullfights are a must.

“The bulls seem to be so peaceful here…”

- Mountain gobies are very daring. If there is a good bull-calf in the village and a rival of the same age, they will definitely let them fight on the holiday. There are even ram fights here! Terrible. How horns knock - children! As if fired from a gun. They beat their heads, their asses are thrown back, and both fall. Sometimes they die. All the people come to see the living creatures - even more than the wrestlers. The villagers are glad to every guest, but they don't like journalists. They will make a transfer, raise a scandal, and then they try to ban the fights.

"Aren't they banned under the Cruelty to Animals article already?"

- It's impossible. Dog fights in the Caucasus are like bullfighting in Spain.

- Bullfighting in many Spanish cities is no longer held. The Greens are fighting for a total ban.

- All the same, they will quietly arrange it. Why did God give us life? Cut and eat. The only thing I don't like about bullfighting is that they stick those ... yes, banderillas into the bull. They don't kill, they just torture. I would ban them. And the bullfighters voluntarily go there and risk their heads themselves. They have a right.

A person who does not like and does not understand dogs sees only pain and bites in fights. He wants a ban. And I raise puppies up to four years. When there is little money, I buy medicines for them earlier than for myself. I nurse, cook and let fight. If the fighter whined, lowered his tail, gave up, the dogs were immediately separated. What is the cruelty here?

- But it looks brutal - growl, blood ...

- Fighting dogs have skin on the front - like iron armor on knights or a mane on a lion. Thick and durable. A dog with character, if it hurts, it endures. If a dog squeaks from a bite, then it is not suitable for fighting. But we do not kill cowards and do not drive them out. They make excellent guards. The Stavropol Territory is full of wolves, there is a great demand for such dogs. It happens that the dog does not fight with other shepherd dogs, but drives the wolves away from the herd. And vice versa also happens. Once, a wolf was brought to the competition and dogs were baited on him. Even some of the winners were embarrassed. The champion of the world may be afraid of the wolf, but the coward will fight to the death.

Those who are not fit for battles or shepherds, we attach to the rich for beauty. Such was the brother of the males bought by the Chinese and Bakuvians. I sold it to Novorossiysk. They sent a photo from there - lying on the couch, next to children, toys ... Usually cowards are lucky. A kennel with a tiled roof, a swimming pool, a gilded fence. And the champion is tearing himself up and licking his wounds.

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Both the Caucasian Shepherd Dog and the Alabai are representatives of the wolfhound family. Dogs of these breeds are able to boldly go both to the wolf and to the invader in order to protect the herds or the property of the owner. But what happens if you organize their fight against each other? The answer to this question, as well as how a Caucasian shepherd dog can behave in battles with other breeds of dogs, you will learn in this article.


Mankind has faced various dangers throughout the history of its existence. Initially, people tried to save themselves and their property from predators. For this they domesticated wild dogs, making them guards and defenders capable of defending their territory.

Looking at this state of affairs, many people have clearly established the stereotype of a fighting dog. They began to believe that these are terrible, aggressive, uncontrollable animals that do not know pity, the main goal of which is to destroy all of humanity.

But this statement is fundamentally wrong. Of course, all dog fights took place not without the participation of fighting dogs. They were also used to bait various predators, for example, a wolf - a spectacle, to put it mildly, not for the faint of heart. But officially open bloody open fights have sunk into oblivion, and the definition of "fighting dog" has been assigned to many dogs. As the stereotype has become entrenched in the minds of people.

In fact, modern fighting dogs have excellent physical abilities and a strict character, nothing more. Their owners make them evil, due to poor or harsh training.

As mentioned above, now officially open dog fights are prohibited - this is regarded as cruelty to animals. However, in Russia there are test fights for wolfhounds and other breeds of dogs capable of going into battle. This helps to maintain their certain working qualities. Such as the ability to overcome the wolf, protect the owner from the attack of intruders and others.

You need to feel the difference - this is a test controlled by experienced Russian cynologists, and not a deadly fight. For example, in the West, trainers specially train a pit bull, making it a vicious murder weapon.

Basic Rules

To understand who is better, stronger, more agile, smarter among dogs large breeds had to put them against each other. Specialists who have long been involved in the selection of dogs through dog test fights have come up with certain rules. In the overall picture of the battle, it is thanks to the rules that it becomes clear what qualities this or that dog has.

Here are the main points of the summary of the rules so that you can understand what exactly they pay attention to during an organized dog fight:

  • fights are held with the aim of forming the breed;
  • fights are held in strict accordance with the sports rules and article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (cruelty to animals);
  • all fights are voluntary - owners should not force their dogs to fight;
  • the fight can be stopped if the animal is injured, while the injured dog is considered the loser;
  • if the opponent whined, he is considered a loser due to hypersensitivity to pain;
  • if one of the opponents left the ring during an active fight, he is considered a loser due to cowardice;
  • if the dog does not want to go towards the opponent, then they are changed places, if the same thing happens again, the dog is disqualified.

Thanks to the rules, you can identify the shortcomings and advantages of any dog. However, the assessment is not mechanical, each case is considered individually.

Breed comparisons

A large and powerful Caucasian Shepherd Dog is able to lead a herd and can save it from a predator attack. This animal can follow the trail of both the wolf and the man. These abilities have made him a versatile breed: he is an excellent guard dog and a devoted protector.

The fighting qualities of the Caucasian Shepherd Dogs were tested mainly in mixed fights against different breeds. As a result, it was proved that the Caucasian can fight no worse, or even better than any fighting dog or wolf, often winning. Let's look at a few examples.

If we take the fight of the Caucasian Shepherd against the Alabai as an example, it will not immediately be clear which of them will be stronger. To figure out who will emerge victorious from the fight, you first need to say a few words about the Alabai.

Alabai is also an excellent guard dog, however, its protective qualities are territorial. This means that a dog of this breed will not pay attention to someone who is outside the meters imputed to her, unlike a Caucasian. But as soon as the “enemy” crosses the line established by the animal, he will not be greeted.

Alabai often takes part in dog fights to preserve their unique features. Being one of the most big dogs in the world, alabai is able to overcome many rivals, because it has not only great weight, but also remarkable strength.

It is very difficult to say with accuracy who will be stronger - the Caucasian Shepherd Dog or the Alabai. These representatives of the wolfhound family have almost the same set of physical and mental qualities. Which of them will show itself better in battle depends on some parameters: weight category, conditions of detention and training, individual characteristics.

If the Moscow watchdog goes into battle against the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, then, most likely, the second breed will show itself better. Of course, if the Caucasian Shepherd Dog developed correctly both psychologically and physically.

The Moscow watchdog appeared as a result of crossing the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, St. Bernard and the Russian Pinto Hound. Therefore, many cynologists and connoisseurs consider her a "worse" version of the Caucasian, incapable of many power tasks.

Despite the fact that the Moscow watchdog considers its main task to be the protection of the owner, it is also able to protect its territory. These qualities, combined with obedience and unpretentiousness, were what breeders tried to get when creating this breed. The Moscow watchdog rarely participates in test battles. Based on the foregoing, it is generally accepted that the Caucasian Shepherd Dog is stronger.

In the case of a comparison of the Caucasian and German Shepherds, the first breed is likely to be better again. The German Shepherd does not have such strength as the Caucasian, although both dogs perform the same tasks at home: to protect and protect the owner and his family.

But even here everything will depend on the development of animals. If a German Shepherd will be ready to enter the ring, that is, to have everything necessary qualities and features for this, and the opponent will be less capable, then the German Shepherd will win.

If you set up a Caucasian Shepherd Dog against some fighting dog, for example, a pit bull, then if she doesn’t win, she will fight no worse. Naturally, in the presence of certain fighting qualities, such as endurance, ingenuity, courage.

What do you think about the role of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog in dog fights?

How do dog fights work and can they be banned, how much does a champion dog cost and how important is a pedigree. And in general - why did God give us living creatures? Revelations of the Dagestan breeder.

“First in line was Kaplan. He took all the titles and became the main producer. Goroch, his son, performed no worse than his father. Buynak, the son of Goroch, became the champion of the Caucasus. Pirate, Nelson went from him ... ”In the reverent enumeration of males, biblical motives seem to be. As in the surrounding landscape - a meager river, chipped stones and a rock hanging over Bagin Bakhulov's dwelling, because of which his trestle beds and puppies' cages are almost in a cave.

Here, in the mountains near Sogratl, the dog trainer spends all summer. Lean, wiry, big-headed, he himself looks like his pets, and his closet lined with stones under a natural roof looks like a wolf's lair. A sociable donkey spins with its ears, which is soon destined to turn into food. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs with cropped ears come up to the guests, poke their wet noses into the lens.

It is hard to imagine that these complacent beasts in the ring will tear their opponents with their teeth and fight to the last. After all, Bagin is one of the best suppliers of dogs for test trials in Dagestan, better known as dog fights. Animal advocates around the world are calling for their ban. But how scary are these fights? What pushes to participate in them - the thirst for profit? Excitement? Cruelty? Bagin shakes his head. He is sure - even the world of bloody dog ​​fights is ruled by love. Fear and loyalty.

How did you become a dog trainer?

For as long as I can remember, I have had roosters and dogs. I have loved them since childhood. We have all this tukhum. If you don't love animals, you can't teach them anything.

- Which dogs become champions?

The dog should be nimble, strong, not too low. But the main thing is character. The rest will follow. Training only gives strength. Let my male dogs with a bitch go - they themselves will climb to the top of the mountain. They like to run. And nothing can be done from the spineless. Puppies open their eyes - and you can immediately see what they will grow up to be. I'm guessing seventy percent right. For example, if the hair on the back rises from the smell of a wolf or other danger, this is not a good sign, a sign of cowardice.

- Where do you get wolves for such checks?

Once I myself raised a she-wolf, nicknamed Maychik. The hunters killed the mother, but they took pity on the baby and gave it to me. Wolf cubs are very different from puppies. Their eyes open at eight days, and for dogs - at thirteen or fourteen. When you give them milk formula and take the bottle away, the wolf cub clings and does not let go. I fed Maychik in the same way as puppies - broth, meat, but after a couple of months she began to lose weight. I consulted with veterinarians, tried medicines - it was useless. Then I realized that in the wild the wolf will fill his belly once a day - and rest. He immediately piled on her a mountain of scalded tripe - she swallowed it in an instant. Has recovered, has grown so, that even puppies has overtaken. She was not afraid of her acquaintances, and they were not afraid of her either.

When strangers came here, she wandered around in a spiral, getting closer and closer. And as soon as I left, she stood next to me. Once she stole a chicken, so I hit her with a hose until she peed herself. After that, at the sight of walking chickens, she ran away. I had one bitch who didn't get along with her, and I gave Maichik to a baker friend for the summer.

I come in the fall, and he complains: people are afraid to go to the bakery. I called her and she came right away. Only four months did not see each other, and already a serious beast waved. She saw me - and let's jump, dance, lick your neck. I fed the she-wolf from my hands, put her in the aviary and left - a place to cook to pick her up. I return, and he killed Maychik. He said she pulled out a lot of bags from the bakery and tore them up, so he couldn’t stand it. This year, wolf cubs were offered, but I didn't take them - their eyes had already opened. If the wolf has seen the light, he will not become a devotee. Only keep this on a chain. But Maichik was free.

How are dogs trained?

Every dog ​​needs a special program. Goroch exercised on his own. The coach took him at three o'clock in the morning a couple of kilometers from the village - the dog did not like living creatures, he attacked cows like dogs. There he walked until evening. Some male trainers chase the car, hang weights on them, hook the wheels ... I myself am not a supporter of this.

- Does it happen that they rebel?

I have been learning them since childhood. How will they get angry? Caucasian dogs need rigidity. When they don't listen, I screw up. If the dog is not afraid of the owner, the owner will be afraid of the dog.

What have you learned from dogs?

One day in May it snowed with hail. Not the best weather for dog walks. I was going to the village. You can’t go along the road: the shepherd dogs will follow me. Then I forded the river, put on my shoes and went on business. Returned seven hours later - no dogs. I am looking for, and they are sitting on the shore. Someone is waiting for me. This is how I learned to appreciate my friends and love them as they love me. A brother will not always save, but a faithful dog will die for you. If you fall off a cliff, she will whine, but will rush after you. But some dogs are like people, they don't care at all. People and dogs

- Speaking of people. How do owners of fighting dogs treat rivals?

Dog lovers are all brothers. Help each other. It is worth a call - any issue will be resolved. Together we go to visit, go fishing, go to weddings. Sometimes during the fight you curse your opponent, but these are just emotions. Then hug him like nothing happened.

- How important is the size of the dog?

Everyone fights in their own weight class. There are even males weighing 106 kilograms. A smart heavyweight strangles, crushes with a mass. And a nimble, light fighter, it happens, so exhausts an opponent that even a larger dog loses.

Well, just a four-legged Mohammed Ali. Flutter like a butterfly and sting like a bee… The English ethnographer Robert Chanciner wrote about a local dog lover in his book about Dagestan. He said: if his pet wins, he fights regularly, and if he loses, he is given a year of rest to forget about the defeat.

Some dogs after losing generally refuse to fight in the same ring. It's rare, but I've come across it. Usually dogs fight monthly, from October to April or early May. And so - every year, as long as age allows. Up to six, seven years.

- And then?

They grow old and die by their own death. You won't kill them. Son Goroch, the grandfather of my puppies, lived with me for fourteen years. He died on November 28 last year. I took care of him from day one. He grew up here. He knew the place well. For days he walked everywhere, but did not harm people and living creatures. Just don't let yourself be insulted and stroked.

- How does the championship system work?

The winner of the championship of Dagestan next year goes to the championship of the Caucasus. There is already a serious main prize - a car. The winner of these competitions goes to the championship of Russia. Then - to the main tournament, the Super League. It is usually held in Stavropol in October. According to the rules, only males with titles are allowed there. Only Caucasian and Asian Shepherd Dogs participate in the Super League. No bull terriers. They fight in America. Everything is different there, like fights without rules. Huge stakes, the losing dog often dies. We have serious injuries - a rarity.

- Who usually wins the Superleague?

Mostly descendants of Kaplan. Its owner was wrestler Ruslan Karaev. He bought a dog in Soviet times for either 14 or 18 thousand rubles. I continue the line of Kaplan and his son Goroch.

- Do foreigners come to competitions?

Kazakhs are constantly participating. The year before last there were Turks, Italians, Bulgarians. Many foreigners are afraid to bring dogs to the Caucasus, but they buy most of the winners here. The Chinese hold their championships of Caucasian breeds. They also have a Superleague. Very good fights and dogs. Last year I sold my great-grandson Goroch to China. After that, his daughters were immediately snapped up. And my brother went to Baku.

- How much do dogs cost?

For a puppy of two or three months old, I expose 20-30 thousand. They will give - good, no - you can give in. You can't cash in on dogs. All earnings - air money, immediately leave. For food, drugs for distemper. You have to go to Makhachkala for stomachs and offal. Feed donkey meat. And if you are preparing for a fight, you need special nutrition.

- I heard a champion costs a fortune.

They talk about 2-3 million, but these are rumors. They are allowed to raise the price of the next generation. The price of a shepherd dog is not big and not small. Enough for life - and okay. It's like a hobby. With fighting cocks it is even more difficult. They are fattened with grain, nuts, honey... In Gunib, on the day of the village, horse races and dog, cock, and bull fights are a must.

“The bulls seem to be so peaceful here…

Mountain gobies are very daring. If there is a good bull-calf in the village and a rival of the same age, they will definitely let them fight on the holiday. There are even ram fights here! Terrible. How horns knock - children! As if fired from a gun. They beat their heads, their asses are thrown back, and both fall. Sometimes they die. All the people come to see the living creatures - even more than the wrestlers. The villagers are glad to every guest, but they don't like journalists. They will make a transfer, raise a scandal, and then they try to ban the fights.

- Aren't they already banned under the Cruelty to Animals article?

It's impossible. Dog fights in the Caucasus are like bullfighting in Spain.

- Bullfighting is no longer held in many Spanish cities. The Greens are fighting for a total ban.

All the same, they will quietly arrange. Why did God give us life? Cut and eat. The only thing I don't like about bullfighting is that they stick those ... yes, banderillas into the bull. They don't kill, they just torture. I would ban them. And the bullfighters voluntarily go there and risk their heads themselves. They have a right.

A person who does not like and does not understand dogs sees only pain and bites in fights. He wants a ban. And I raise puppies up to four years. When there is little money, I buy medicines for them earlier than for myself. I nurse, cook and let fight. If the fighter whined, lowered his tail, gave up - the dogs are immediately separated. What is the cruelty here?

- But it looks brutal - growl, blood ...

Fighting dogs have skin on the front - like iron armor on knights or a mane on a lion. Thick and durable. A dog with character, if it hurts, it endures. If a dog squeaks from a bite, then it is not suitable for fighting. But we do not kill cowards and do not drive them out. They make excellent guards. The Stavropol Territory is full of wolves, there is a great demand for such dogs. It happens that the dog does not fight with other shepherd dogs, but drives the wolves away from the herd. And vice versa also happens. Once, a wolf was brought to the competition and dogs were baited on him. Even some of the winners were embarrassed. The champion of the world may be afraid of the wolf, but the coward will fight to the death.

Those who are not fit for battles or shepherds, we attach to the rich for beauty. Such was the brother of the males bought by the Chinese and Bakuvians. I sold it to Novorossiysk. They sent a photo from there - lying on the couch, next to children, toys ... Usually cowards are lucky. A kennel with a tiled roof, a swimming pool, a gilded fence. And the champion is tearing himself up and licking his wounds.