Stories about animals for schoolchildren. Jack

    1 - About the little bus that was afraid of the dark

    Donald Bisset

    A fairy tale about how a mother-bus taught her little bus not to be afraid of the dark ... About a little bus who was afraid of the dark to read Once upon a time there was a little bus in the world. He was bright red and lived with his mom and dad in a garage. Every morning …

    2 - Three kittens

    Suteev V.G.

    A small fairy tale for the little ones about three restless kittens and their funny adventures. Small children love short stories with pictures, that's why Suteev's fairy tales are so popular and loved! Three kittens read Three kittens - black, gray and ...

    3 - Hedgehog in the fog

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about the Hedgehog, how he walked at night and got lost in the fog. He fell into the river, but someone carried him to the shore. It was a magical night! Hedgehog in the fog read Thirty mosquitoes ran out into the clearing and began to play ...

    4 - About the little mouse from the book

    Gianni Rodari

    A small story about a mouse who lived in a book and decided to jump out of it into Big world. Only he did not know how to speak the language of mice, but knew only a strange bookish language ... To read about a mouse from a little book ...

    5 - Apple

    Suteev V.G.

    A fairy tale about a hedgehog, a hare and a crow who could not share the last apple among themselves. Everyone wanted to own it. But the fair bear judged their dispute, and each got a piece of goodies ... Apple to read It was late ...

    6 - Black Pool

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about a cowardly Hare who was afraid of everyone in the forest. And he was so tired of his fear that he decided to drown himself in the Black Pool. But he taught the Hare to live and not be afraid! Black pool read Once upon a time there was a Hare ...

    7 - About the Hippo who was afraid of vaccinations

    Suteev V.G.

    A fairy tale about a cowardly hippopotamus who ran away from the clinic because he was afraid of vaccinations. And he got jaundice. Fortunately, he was taken to the hospital and cured. And the Hippo was very ashamed of his behavior... About the Behemoth, who was afraid...

    8 - Lisa is waiting for the bus

    Nurdqvist S.

    One day, the girl Lisa and her mother went to the city in puppet show. They were waiting for the bus, but it didn't come. At the bus stop, Lisa played with the boy Johan and did not regret at all that they were late for the theater. …

dog stories

Page 3

I was on the bus. At one stop, a dog came in the front door, walked across the bus, and settled under an empty seat. When the required stop was announced, the dog went out in a first-come-first-served manner. People on the bus began to talk: "What a smart dog ...". To which the conductor replied: "She travels this route every Friday, there is a kiosk with shawarma near this stop and on Fridays they throw out the leftovers."

I'm coming from work. I want to eat, it's unbearable. I understand that I will not make it home. I went to the food stall and bought some sandwich. I stand, I chew. A dog sits next to me and looks at me with sad eyes. I took pity on her, tore off a piece of sandwich and threw it on the ground. And she sniffed him, poked her nose into him, and did not even try! I looked at all this, then at the sandwich that I had in my hands, and somehow I immediately got sick of eating it - you never know, I think what it was made of that even a dog won’t eat! I threw it into the nearest trash can, and went.

I turn around and what do I see? This cunning beast climbed into the trash can, pulled out my sandwich and calmly eats it up! That's it! This dog needs to go to college, to teach applied psychology there!

Dad told a case from practice when he worked as a district police officer. We went out to detain especially dangerous criminals, took a bunch of people with them, even took one dog handler with a shepherd Jack.

They ring the doorbell, they open the standard "neighbors from below." The dog, apparently, felt the beginning of the operation and rushed ahead of all the participants. Only the corpulent district police officer Zhenya from the neighboring district blocked her way. A hefty dog ​​crawled between his legs and rushed into the apartment. However, Zhenya, out of surprise, sat on Jack's back. So they drove into the brothel - district police officer Zhenya, brandishing service weapons and uttering heart-rending obscene cries, riding the fearless Jack.

Batya says that he had never seen hardened criminals sob with laughter before. On that day, even handcuffs did not come in handy.

I'm going to visit a friend one day. They have a wonderful courtyard - closed, on one side there is an arch, on the other a path. I enter along the path and see: a huge dog, either a black terrier or a Moscow watchdog, is carrying a small child in its teeth. What to do? Freezing in horror, I am preparing to squeal in a voice that is not my own, but the dog calmly puts the child in the sandbox, where two more of the same are swarming. And he himself fits next to him - his muzzle on his paws, like he is dozing.

The second kid, looking back at the dog, gets out of the sandbox and slaps to the arch - it’s so interesting there: people, cars, a busy street ... The dog watches from under shaggy eyebrows. When there are 5 baby steps left before the arch, the dog gets up, catches up with the "violator" in two jumps, takes it by the hood, takes it to the sandbox and lies down again ... The border is locked!

The fact that many dogs, even stray ones, cross the green road with people has long been known, I have seen it myself many times. But what happened today, I saw for the first time.

A pack of four dogs runs up to the crossroads. The red light is already on, but the cars haven't started yet. One young dog is eager to run across, but another, larger and wiser by experience, quietly, but authoritatively, barks at him. The young one obediently returns and waits with the others until the green light turns on, and then the whole pack calmly and leisurely crosses the roadway. Apparently, even dogs are smarter than some people who run through red lights in the hope of saving a couple of extra seconds.

We have an addition to the family that no one expected. The culprit was our Cocker Spaniel Misha. He brought a cat into the house!

This story lasted for a week. Misha and I go out for a walk, and then a cat comes out to us from somewhere. And yesterday he flatly refused to go home, ran up to me, then to the cat. Then I said, "Well, call her too." And the dog really somehow called her, because they already went to the entrance together.

There was a time when we were teaching our dog all sorts of tricks right in the apartment. For example, a good exercise is to bring the ball. The daughter is sitting on the couch, with a ball in her hand, goodies in the box, and sliced ​​carrots as goodies, from which our dog just drags himself. The daughter throws the ball, the dog is in no hurry to run, traces where the ball rolled, and then goes to get it. He returns with a sad muzzle: they say, she could not get it. The daughter goes to look for the ball, the dog, as it were, goes with her. But when the daughter returns with the ball, she sees how the dog calmly eats a carrot from the box. So, who is training whom?

Yesterday with a friend, after drinking two liters of beer, we decided that it would be very funny to paint my Dalmatian red with henna. No sooner said than done. Rushed to the supermarket, bought two bags of henna. And they painted it. How they painted it is a separate story, because the dog did not really like the coloring procedure. But the effect exceeded all expectations - we really got a leopard. That is White color painted over, but black spots remained.

And in the morning on the first walk was just a sensation. He walks with me without a leash, and people just shied away from him with demands to remove this creature. No one believed in all the explanations that it was a dog!

One man installed a special system so that his dog would not run away from the site: a fence with sensors and a special collar. The essence of the device is that when approaching the fence, the collar starts to squeak, and if the dog runs out of bounds, then it will be hit by a weak discharge of current.

One day we got a puppy. And, despite his young age, he was already knee-high in height (now this monster freely looks into a person’s eyes, standing on its hind legs). In general, we put a collar on him, but we didn’t have time to bring him up. And the little one fled somewhere for the whole day. In the evening he returned home, and a note stuck in his collar: "You don't have to feed him. He has already gobbled up our slippers. Your neighbors."

It's just about the symbol of the year - red earthen dog. She came to me from overexposure. Its owner died, and his relatives closed the dog alone in the apartment for three days, and then decided to take it and leave it in the garden.

So the dog came to me in 2011. She was just over three years old, she had health problems due to malnutrition, as well as a whole range of funny cat habits, because she was brought up with a cat. There are two stories about Zhulka in Mouse Stories: “about the red-haired Zhulka” and my favorite is “Beauty”.

I think this year should be especially successful, because its symbol lives with me - a red earthen dog.

About the red Zhulka

Chapter 1

One warm autumn day, Nadya and Vadik went for a walk in the neighboring yard. A crowd of guys gathered in the very center of the site. Nadia came up too, but she couldn't see anything. Then she asked the little girl with the doll:

- What happened?

- Inna and Zhanna are there. They cry.

In the middle of the crowd of children stood a tear-stained girl and a small red dog, resembling a fox, was sitting. She was so sad that she seemed to be crying too.

“Zhanna is the dog of our janitor grandfather Stepan,” explained a tall, dark-haired boy named Fedka. Last week, grandfather Stepan died, and yesterday his relatives arrived and kicked Zhanna out into the street.

- The janitor also had a cat, but she immediately ran away somewhere. And Jeanne always sits under the door and does not go anywhere. Doesn't eat anything we bring,” another younger boy said.

“I wanted to take her home, but my mother drove her away. Pity her! Who will take it now? - choking with tears, stammered Inna.

- We will take! Nadia said. - We have a kind dad, he will not let her drive away. Let's go to us! - Nadia took a short leather leash in her hand, stroked the dog on the head and led her home.

Vadik followed. He was silent. He wanted to argue that Mom would also drive them away before Dad returned from work, but did not. He always wanted a dog very much.

Mom wasn't at home. Nadia brought a sausage to the dog, but she did not eat, curled up in a ball on the rug by the door.

Soon mom and dad brought Grisha from kindergarten. At first they did not even notice the red ball in the hallway. Grisha immediately ran up to Jeanne:

- Doggy! Af-af!

- What's that? We just missed the dog! Mom was outraged.

“Mommy, don’t be angry, it’s Zhanna. Her owner died. She can't live outside, winter is coming. She won't bother you at all!

“I already have three children and a rat!”

Dad scratched the back of his head.

“That's right, mom. We have three children and a rat. Why can't we raise a dog?

Dad's word in the house was always the last.

Chapter 2

On the first night in Nadia's house, Zhanna decided to leave. She tore the door upholstery and all the wires that ran nearby. But over time, the dog survived its loss and began to have fun playing with new owners.

Contrary to expectations, it was not necessary to raise a foster dog. She was already well brought up.

True, Jeanne turned out to be a cunning animal, which corresponded to her fox appearance, and slightly rogue. For which it was gradually renamed Zhulka. The name Jeanne somehow did not take root - it did not go to the dog.

During the first month of life with new owners, she recovered considerably, managing to convince each of the household members to feed the dog.

When Nadia came home from school, Zhulka licked her from head to toe. “Poor Zhulka, you must be hungry,” said Nadia and hurried to the kitchen to pour a couple of bags of dog food into a bowl.

Then, having played enough with the boys in the yard, Vadik would come home. He was greeted with ringing barks and high jumps, so high that Vadka grumpily wiped his licked nose with his sleeve: “What, no one fed you since morning? Let's go, I've got cartilage for you since lunch.

In the evening, my mother came home from work and brought Grisha from the kindergarten. When she sat down to undress the baby, Zhulka stood up on hind legs, put her graceful front paws on her shoulders and looked into her eyes for a long, long time. And my mother gave up: "Well, let's go, I'll give you something."

Dad came home later. He put large bags of groceries on the floor, Zhulka first of all checked their contents, sticking her nose into each bag, and then, looking directly into dad's eyes, she made such a drawn-out roar, only a howl, only a grunt, and maybe even a whole speech in an unknown language. “The house is full of people, and there is no one to feed the dog,” dad was indignant and went to the kitchen to unload food and feed the dog at one time.

And then one day, when Zhulka's sides were already fairly rounded, the truth about enhanced nutrition surfaced, and dad hung a dog feeding schedule on the refrigerator, where each breadwinner had to be marked with a cross in special cells.

In addition to all her cunning, Zhulka had many other unusual habits.

In the mornings she licked herself, washed her muzzle like a cat with her paw, before dinner she took out balls of dry dog ​​​​food from the bowl, tossed them up, rolled them with her paw. In general, she played like a kitten plays with a ball or a cat with a mouse. He won't play, he won't eat. But she did not know how to gnaw bones.

Zhanna also loved cats very much, as if she recognized them as relatives, and she was afraid of dogs.

One day the guys were playing on a bench at the entrance. Nadya and her friends were preparing a puppet dinner, and Vadik and the boys were fixing the bike. Zhulka dozed, curled up in a ball on the grass. And then my mother called from the window:

- Children, let's go eat meatballs with pasta.

Zhulka was the first to respond to the call: she jumped up, started, in two jumps jumped to the closed entrance door (and there were still wooden doors in their old house), opened it and ran inside.

- Stupid Zhulka, where are you in such a hurry? You won't get the call! Vadik laughed.

- I didn’t understand something, but how did she open the door? - Tyoma's classmate Vad'kin was surprised.

“She poked it from the side with a claw, she always does,” said Nadya.

But dogs don't open doors like that!

How do dogs open?

“They stick their nose into the gap and squeeze through,” Tyoma explained.

“Sometimes it seems to me that our dog behaves not at all like a dog, but like a real cat,” Vadik said thoughtfully.

- So you have a real cat! She was raised by a cat! said Fedka, who was sitting next to him. - When grandfather Stepan picked up your Zhulka on the street, he already lived adult cat Martha. So Martha raised the puppy as best she could.

“Dad always says that upbringing makes a man out of a monkey!” Nadia said.

- It is taught that it can even make a cat out of a dog. That's education for you! Vadik scratched the back of his head.

Chapter 3

Dad strictly ordered that the Beetle not be allowed into the nursery, and the door to it was always kept closed.

Dad said this:

- A dog by nature is a predatory animal, and a rat is a small animal, although it can bite. Our duty is to take care of everyone, and not allow anyone to offend anyone.

But one day Nadia and Vadik found the door to their room ajar.

- Zhulka went into the room! She probably wants to eat Tata. She is like a cat. She must be able to catch mice!

The guys ran into the room: there was no rat in the box. There was no dog or rat in the room.

Rather, we must find them! - the guys rushed to look for Zhulka, ran to her rug in the hallway and saw this:

Zhulka was lying on her rug under the chair. Between her paws, curled up, lay Tata. And Zhulka ... licked her. She also willingly allowed the rat to touch her nose with her paws and even look into her mouth.

Vadik called dad.

Dad squatted down next to the animals and said softly:

“It seems that our Zhulka really wants to become a mother: she has a nest here,” and he pointed to his socks rolled into a ball, neatly laid out around Zhulka on the rug. The socks were obviously taken from a basket of dirty laundry.

The girls play with dolls and the dogs sometimes nurse socks and soft toys. But Tata, it seems, is her first living puppy.

- It turns out that Tate also likes to play mother-daughters with Zhulka?

“More likely, she just likes such care.

- Dad and mom take care of us, we take care of Zhulka, Zhulka takes care of Tata ... Probably, everyone in the world should take care of someone, right? Nadia said.

“Of course, because without this it is impossible to become happy,” dad replied.

Story about pet. Berta is my favorite dog.

Target: pet message.
1. Talk about your favorite pet.
2. Give a sample message about a dog for sponsored children.
3. Cultivate interest and love for animals.
Purpose: use in work with preschoolers and first graders; for chefs-counselors, educators, parents.

Guess the riddle:
She guards the border
On the trail of a crook will catch
They let her in where it's hot
And the name is German ... (shepherd)
The German Shepherd is versatile. It can equally well serve as a companion dog, security, protective, detective, service and guard dog. Successfully used in animal husbandry as a shepherd dog. More often than other breeds it is used in the service in the army, in the police, for the protection of state borders.

According to some information German Shepherd is not monogamous and quickly gets used to the new owner, but ... I personally do not believe in it. For example, in the city of Togliatti, a Monument of Devotion is erected - a monument to a dog that has been patiently waiting for its owners for 7 whole years. The dog was a German Shepherd.

I have many pets: dogs, chickens, turtles. But I want to talk about one of them. As you guessed, of course, this is a dog.
Bertha is a German Shepherd. She has a big black nose. Brown eyes that will always look at you so plaintively that you will give everything you want and do not want. Ears stand and hear every rustle, the slightest sound. A cone is a shaped cute muzzle. Long tail that keeps spinning. Her coat is black and red, in some places white spots are visible.
Berta is an active dog, she is always on the move. Either he jumps from the stump to the ground and back, then he drags a stick, then he runs around the owners without stopping. But she is not stupid and performs the basic commands: “Come to me!”, “Sit!”, “Place!”, and others. My Bertochka is very affectionate. It will definitely climb under the arm or hug it with its paws, loves to lick the hand and face very much.
What an amazingly smart and beautiful animal lives in my house. A smart and well-mannered dog is an example of loyalty and devotion to its owner, that is, to me.

There are many breeds in the dog world.
They go through life, they can not be counted,
But, despite the changes in fashion,
The second such dog cannot be found:
A stern look, set ears,
Solid muscles and exquisite saddlecloth.
They have souls devoted to man,
And the bold heart beats with the master's to the beat.
Who is this dog? German Shepherd!
It is impossible not to guess her portrait.
And it just happens to be unbearably sorry,
That this article is consigned to oblivion.
Their run will be compared with an arrow shot,
And their appearance is filled with beauty.
In any job and in any fight
These dogs have proven their loyalty.
Smart, obedient, sensitive and loved ...
German Shepherds, you are unique!

In Moscow, in a quiet lane, there is the Moscow City Service Dog Breeding Club. When I first came to the old premises of this club, I involuntarily drew attention to the stuffed animal of a huge dog with protruding ears. Below, at the feet of the dog, one could read her nickname: "Karo".

Karo was a wonderful dog, an all-Union champion. Champion means "winner". Here Karo also was the winner at all dog shows.

I was interested in the fate of Karo. From conversations with club instructors who were dog handlers during the war, I learned that Karo is just one of many wonderful dogs that faithfully serve man. I began to write down everything that was told by instructors and dog owners who often come to the club. And so many stories have gathered about dogs that took the wounded from the battlefield during the war, helped sappers find mines, went with scouts behind enemy lines, and about dogs that save travelers during landslides or snow drifts in the mountains, and about dogs, who guard apartments and go shopping with their owners, and even about a dog that I raised myself.

The Moscow Service Dog Breeding Club has playgrounds in various Moscow parks. Every Sunday dog ​​owners, including many boys and girls, bring their animals there for training. Dogs jump over barriers, learn to follow various commands.

Every trained dog must be fluent in as many as fifteen dog disciplines. As if these disciplines are simple and each consists of only one word: “next to”, “sit”, “fetch”, “to me”, “lie down”, and try to teach the dog to walk the way it is supposed to - clinging tightly to the left side of the owner, instantly lie down and get up, bark on command. It takes a lot of patience and perseverance. You can’t get angry and annoy the dog yourself; one must be able to caress the animal, praise it if it performed the command well, give a piece of sugar, sausage or meat.

But there are still guys who tease dogs, beat them, not realizing that they are true friends of man.

I decided to tell all the stories that I happened to collect to my little readers.

Those dogs that you will read about in this book - and Dick, and Dzhulbars, and Reggie, and Malysh, and Orlik, and Elbrus, and Chalk and Rozka - are real, living dogs. The stories about them are not made up.


Slava was still in the fifth grade, when dad brought home a light gray fluffy ball. From this ball of soft wool, only a black cold nose peeped out and brown eyes, like small chestnuts, blinked.

This is Palma, said dad. - If you study well, I will allow you to raise a dog, train it.

Slava fell in love with the puppy, walked with him, played and tried to bring home only fives.

In the summer everyone went to the country. Palme made a bed in the shed. Next to her, behind a low partition, lived a heifer. At first, Palma was angry with her, growled, and, although she was ten times smaller than the heifer, she even bit her good-natured muzzle. Then I got used to it. They became friends ... They walked together. When the heifer was sleeping, Palma climbed onto her head and settled comfortably between her big ears. The two of them slept so sweetly that snoring could be heard from the shed.

They were very good and fun together. And, if some other dog ran up to the heifer, Palma growled at her.

When the family returned to the city, Palma immediately had enemies: on the street - a car, and at home - a broom. Palm looked at the brush for a long time from around the corner. She doesn't look like anyone else! And it doesn’t look like a cat, and it doesn’t look like a dog: there is no muzzle, no tail, and the hair is black, hard! The palm tree could not in any way pass the brush indifferently - it will bite it quietly, then it will bounce off and sideways, sideways away ...

The cat Barsik lived in a city apartment. Somehow Palma wanted to play with him. But the cat was not young, did not like liberties, and grabbed Palma in the muzzle with his paw. And on his paws he has sharp claws, like thorns on a fence. Palma squealed and since then began to politely bypass Barsik. If Barsik is lying on a chair, Palma does not even look in that direction, as if there is no chair.

Once Barsik was given two pieces of sausage. He ate one piece, but did not stop the second: he left it on a saucer and went to sleep on the sofa. Palma cautiously approached the sausage, sniffed it, wanted to take it, but at that time Barsik raised his head. Palma dropped the sausage, licked her lips and moved away from the saucer.

One day my dad said:

Well, how long will you be chasing each other to no avail? You need to learn Palma.

Slava went to the kennel club and talked to the instructor there. He said that if he wants to teach a dog to obey, he must first complete the course of young dog breeders himself.

So the classes began: in the evening, after school, Slava studied with an instructor, and early in the morning he taught Palma.

Oh how difficult it was at first! Palma thought that they were playing with her: she jumped, grabbed Slava by the pants and did not pay any attention to his commands. Many days passed until Palma realized that if Slava says “to me”, you need to run up to the owner and obediently walk beside him. The command “stop” was especially difficult to remember. This is not because Palma is such a goofy dog, but because she is lively, agile, loves to run and hates to stand still.

Gradually, Palma became quieter, more restrained. Sometimes, however, she forgot herself and began to misbehave on the street: she rushed to small children to play with them, ran away from the owner. Then Slava said menacingly to her: “Fu!” It means “no”, “stop”, “stop”. With this prohibition command, Palma immediately stopped with a guilty look.

When Slava trained Palma in the yard, spectators gathered. But Palma ignored them. She looked only at Slava with her moist brown eyes. Everyone laughed a lot when Slava commanded: “Voice!” Then Palma barked briefly, abruptly. Barks twice: "Woof, woof!" - and waits for Slava to repeat his command again.

When Palma correctly followed Slava's orders, he told her every time: "Good!" - stroked and gave something tasty: a piece of sausage, meat or sugar. Sausage Slava began to call himself a four, and sugar - a five. He was so used to it that once at breakfast he said to his mother:

Unsweetened tea, give five!

And everyone laughed.

Once Slava accidentally deceived Palma. He told her: "Walk!" Palma ran for a leash, for a collar, put them near Glory and wagged her tail. She was always very happy when they were going for a walk.

But someone came, Slava lingered and forgot that he wanted to go for a walk with Palma.

Then he called Palma again, but she no longer believed him and did not bring her leash. Slava told the trainer on the playground about this, and he said:

Never cheat on a dog. She must be sure to trust her master. You deceive her once, twice, a third, and then she will cease to obey at all.

Since then, Slava has never deceived Palma.

Slava and Palma are great friends. Palma guards his little master, guards the apartment.

Once firewood was brought to Slavin's parents. Firewood was dumped right on the street, and there was no one to put it in the barn - everyone was at work. Then Slava said: “Guard!” The palm tree lay down near the firewood and looked at everyone passing by with distrustful, watchful eyes.

Slava's comrades decided to play a trick: they silently crept up from the other side and pulled out a few logs. Palma jumped up and rushed at the guys. No one else dared to approach the firewood while the Palm lay beside them.