Theater who said meow with their own hands. The scenario of the puppet theater based on the fairy tale by V.G. Suteev "Who said" meow "for staging by middle-aged children

"Who said meow?" This is a performance filled with kind and bright emotions. As you know, nothing cheers up like communication with a pet, a cat or kitties. What could be cuter than cats and cats? Mischievous and playful, flexible and restless - that's what they are, furry friends. A curious baby puppy, having heard a meow, goes in search of an unfamiliar beast - a troublemaker who said "meow". Along the way, he meets various inhabitants of the house and yard. But none of them said "meow": not a rooster, not a mouse, not a frog, not even a shaggy cat. Everything is like in life. Each kid, staying at home alone, becomes a magician, fantasizes, dreams, imagines his own fabulous, extraordinary world. So, any toy in the imagination of a child can turn into a living puppy or kitten, which will certainly brighten up the loneliness of the baby. And what could be more wonderful and more important than finding yourself a true, kind friend? Performance "Who said "meow"?" this is a story about children's spontaneity and curiosity, about the first acquaintance with the world, a story that will undoubtedly appeal to both a small and an adult viewer.Author - Alena Lysova (based on the story by V. Suteev). Production designer - Alexei Mitrofanov, Honored Worker Arts RT. Musical arrangement - Nadezhda Evdokimova, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.

We invite you to a puppet show Who said "MEW"? (27/02/2017)

We invite guys
March 14 (Tuesday) at 15.40
to a puppet show
Who said "MEW"?

In the most popular fairy tale by V. Suteev: Who said "MEW"? tells about the Puppy, who tried to find out which of the inhabitants of the yard makes this mysterious sound: “Meow!”. For a puppy, this is a real trip to new world, he will learn how a chicken, a piglet, frogs talk, get acquainted with the toad queen, a butterfly, a bumblebee, a funny worm and have fun with an overseas guest - an ostrich. But none of them says Meow and upset by the failure, the puppy returns to his home yard and, to his joy and surprise, meets the one who said Meow. Angela the cat becomes a real friend for the puppy. Watching this story, children will get acquainted with the characters and habits of the heroes of the fairy tale. Learn to really make friends.

The fairy tale involves two actors, 11 large tablet puppets, all the characters sing live. Beautiful, large, voluminous decorations. The performance is decorated with musical compositions.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Creative abilities in children are manifested and developed on the basis of theatrical activities. This activity develops the personality of the child, instills a steady interest in literature, theater, improves the skill to embody certain experiences in the game, encourages the creation of new images, encourages thinking. There is a problem that worries many teachers, psychologists, parents: some children have fears, breakdowns, lethargy, while others, on the contrary, are free and fussy. Children often lack the skills of voluntary behavior, memory, attention and speech are not sufficiently developed. Most short cut emotional liberation of the child, removal of conciseness, learning to feel and artistic imagination - this is the way through the game, fantasizing, writing. All this can give theatrical activity. Being the most common type of children's creativity, it is dramatization that connects artistic creativity with personal experiences, because the theater has a huge impact on the emotional world of a child.

For four years now I have been involved in dramatization, one of the types of theater. The main goal is to form a thinking and feeling, loving and active person, ready for creative activity.

What do we do, and why did I choose the literary and dramatic circle?

I am deeply convinced that in our time - a time of stress, sharp ups and downs in people's lives - everything is overgrown with a lot of problems. The press, television, films, even children's cartoons carry a fairly large charge of aggression, the atmosphere is saturated with negative, disturbing and annoying phenomena. All this falls on the unprotected heads and psyche of the child. How to protect them from this terrible and destructive force? That is why I decided through the circle to instill in children a love for literature and theater, for the Russian word and to develop creative abilities in children. Also, in my opinion, classes in a literary and dramatic circle will help the child to perceive the world around him and reality more easily, find the right answers to his questions, act correctly in certain situations and enter the reality around us as a developed and full-fledged personality.

I set the tasks of the literary and dramatic circle:

- The development of the child's personality, the formation of a worldview based on the best traditions of Russian national culture.

Instilling a steady interest in the literary word, theater, and Russian folklore.

Improving the skills of embodiment in the game and certain experiences.

- Development of patriotic, moral education (education of love and respect for one's Motherland, its history, culture of one's people).

- Development of children's ability to perceive an artistic image.

- Development of the creative abilities of the child.

Classes in the circle develop the correct speech, memory and thinking in the child. In the classroom, I have repeatedly seen how difficult it is for even capable children to express their thoughts. When I began to work with children, I realized that each of the children is talented in their own way, that everyone can play the same role, but in different ways, and therefore each child simply needs to be given the floor (the opportunity to speak) so that he was able to throw off this burden of “tightness”. And then every child has a moment when he can do what he could not before - and this is a victory. (Example: one girl came to my group constrained, stuttered, was afraid of everything, but when I took her to my circle, worked with her for some time, and then gave her the main role - she opened up), superbly, she played Masha in Fairy tale Masha and the Bear. In communication with children, she became liberated, and in the classroom she became emotional and expressive.

At the beginning of the school year, I made a plan for the work of the circle on certain topics: “Books are our friends”, “Sorceress Autumn”, “Spring is red”, “Friendship”, “Visiting a fairy tale” included a practical appearance on the stage with the premiere of the fairy tale “Koshkin house”, which we then showed at a seminar dedicated to the game.

I started my classes with the children of the older group, continued to work in the preparatory group, and then with small children. With big ones, I worked with 12 children for 30-40 minutes, and with kids for 20-25 minutes. I did individual work and rehearsals a week or two before the performance. Musical accompaniment and audio equipment were required in the classroom. Our music director helped me with this. For older children, rehearsals took an hour, and for little ones 30 minutes, but the children did not get tired, and even asked to continue their classes. I always started my classes with roll call. The children took turns taking the stage and proudly called their first and last names. She taught me to bow, instilled self-confidence, taught me not to be afraid to speak.

Classes were based on the technique of speech - tongue twisters, tongue warm-ups, clatter, an exercise in vowels and consonants, breathing exercises, tongue twisters, finger warm-ups, gestures. At the first lessons, I told the children about the theater, about how it arose, introduced the children to Petrushka. During the course, the children came up with various stories, learned to come out from behind the curtain and start speaking with expression. She paid special attention to the development of facial expressions and gestures in children. Conducted games “Funny transformations”, “Imagine that we are bunnies, bears and other animals”, “Games with imaginary objects” (with a ball, with a doll, etc.)

During the classes, she used reading fiction, together with the children they composed stories, played educational games “My mood”, dramatization games: “In a forest clearing”, “In a swamp”, played mini-etudes, pantomimes, held literary quiz competitions, which made the children very excited. They used hats, costumes, attributes, tape recordings, and also involved parents in making costumes and scenery for performances in which their children took part.

Constantly acquainted children with the works of children's writers K.I. Chukovsky. S.Ya.Marshak, A.L.Barto. After reading them, she held a discussion of the work, during which the children identified the character of the characters, positive or negative, and how it can be shown, lost.

Often held educational games “What do you hear outside the window?”, “Pass the pose”, “Flies - does not fly”, “Grows - does not grow”, “Live phone”, which develop children's memory, auditory attention, movement coordination, imagination and fantasy.

I used exercises and etudes: “Guess what I'm doing?”, “Turning children” (into insects, into animals), played etudes for the main emotions “SADNESS”, “JOY”, “ANGER”, “SURPRISE”, “FEAR” … Such exercises develop in children the ability to convey their emotional state through facial expressions and gestures. Conducted gesticulation games “GO OUT”, “CONSENT”, “PLEASE”, “REFUSAL”, “CRYING”, “FAREWELL”. As well as games on the technique of speech, “Charging for the tongue”, “Click”, “Pull out the lip, nose, cheek with the tongue” and for breathing: “Echo”. “Wind”, etc. And on the development of the fantasy “Continue the fairy tale ...”.

She gave a big role to work on the performance itself. First, we chose fairy tales with the children that we would like to stage. The roles were assigned according to the wishes of the children. I tried to take ready-made scripts from books only in verse, or remake fairy tales in a new way - into a poetic form. So from simple Russian folk tales "Kolobok", "Teremok" there was a transformation into a new, more interesting fairy tale. Children gladly memorized their, sometimes even big roles in poetry. Then work went on individual episodes with text. Playing each role, she showed the children what gestures should be used and how to express the character and mood of the characters with facial expressions. Then they selected accompaniment with the musical director. They connected various episodes of the fairy tale with the accompaniment of a musical instrument. The final stage of preparing the performance was a re-show and a dress rehearsal. Together with their parents, they made costumes and scenery for productions.

In the preparatory group, under my leadership, fairy tales were put in a new (poetic) way, - this is “ Kolobok”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Teremok”, “Boletus mushroom”, “The Snow Queen”, “cat house". And everyone who saw our performances, both kindergarten employees and employees of the Department of Education, and especially parents, gave them a positive assessment. According to parents, after classes in the circle, their children became more emotional, more relaxed and expressive.

We also showed our fairy tales to children of younger groups, and once in a literary quiz, the mother of one child played the role of “Storyteller”, and she herself also liked it very much. And how the children rejoiced at the applause, how much happiness was in their eyes at the same time! And I saw the result of my work.

Now I work with children of the middle group, and currently 10 children of 4-5 years of age are involved in the club. I spend 20-30 minutes with them. We learn nursery rhymes, jokes, short rhymes, fairy tales and games, mini-scenes with the kids. In the classroom I use puppet, table theater. First, the kids watch small puppet shows, or mini skits, and then I give the child a toy and encourage him to interact with it, take a good look at it and try to play. I use teaching methods to control puppets “BEAR, CAT, HORSE ...” - using poems by A.L. Barto. I take toys soft, or made of cardboard. Children of the younger, middle group enjoy playing with them and are looking forward to meeting new friends.

Of particular interest is shown when they themselves play their roles and wait for new rehearsals. Together with the children, they prepared and showed theatrical performances based on fairy tales “ A wolf and seven kids” “Turnip”, “Mitten”, “Who said MEW?”, "Forest Fire" in which the kids themselves played, which caused them great delight from the game.

I present to you one scenario of a fairy tale for kids.

Scenario of the fairy tale “Who said“ Meow ”?

(For children of the middle group).

Characters: Host, Puppy, Cat, Dog (Mom), Rooster, Frog, Bee .

(In the center of the hall there is a house with a window. There is a rug on the floor near the house.)

Lived in the puppy house
Cheerful, mischievous.
He could play
With you and with me
He barked very loudly
Didn't get bored at all
And mother dear
Didn't upset at all.

(Puppy appears with mom)

Woof woof woof! Let's be
It's fun to play together.
Run together, jump together.
Who will start?

(Puppy dance with mom).

Our Puppy was very cheerful,
Very fast, very fast
But tired. And here, yawning,
He lay down to sleep on the carpet.

(Mom puts the Puppy to bed. He curls up on the rug near the house. The Cat runs in, sneaks up to the Puppy).

Went to bed without dinner...
I'll wake up my neighbor.
Wait, my dear
I will joke about you
Meow meow! (runs away).

Puppy: (wakes up)

"Meow!" who said now?
Who did not let the Puppy sleep?

Puppy looked out into the yard,
Sees: Petya-Cockerel.
In brand new red boots
Teaches everyone to play on spoons.

Ko-ko-ko, Ku-ka-re-ku!
I can teach everyone.

(Playing on spoons).

"Meow!" Did you say now?
You didn't let the Puppy sleep?

I scream: Ku-ka-re-ku!
I can't do it any other way. (Leaves).

Completely sad Puppy
He wants to know soon.
Who is "meow!" He speaks,
And runs away.

(The puppy jumps out the window into the yard. A Cat peeks out behind him, meows, and hides. “Meow” is heard)

"Meow!" who said now?
Who did not let the Puppy sleep?

I am a green belly
Bubble-eyed Frog.
Anyone who asks without difficulty,
I answer: Kwa-kva-kva! (runs away).

Suddenly he hears “Meow!” again……
He sees a flower in the garden
The puppy came up to the flower,
He stuck his nose in and ran away.

"Meow!" who said now?

J-J-J. Liver-zhlevee dog,
Take care of your poor nose.
W-w-w, you won't meddle in vain
Know that you can't attack the bees. (Stings the puppy in the nose).

(The puppy closes its nose and runs around the house).

Oh how my nose hurts
Ay-yay-yay, how it burns!
I'm the most unfortunate now
I'll call my mom for help.
Mom knows everything in the world
And answer my question.
Mother! Mother!

I lay down to sleep for an hour,
Someone said to me loudly:
"Meow!" - immediately ran away.

Look at the window
Who's sitting there, see?

The cat "meow" says
And she purrs too.

Moore, meow.

(The cat approaches the puppy)

My mom suggested
It was You who said “Meow!”.

And today we are together
Let's sing a song together. ( sing a song)

Mothers help children
Mothers protect them
Mothers teach all children
Both big and small.

Animals sing a song about mom.

The children bow. The curtain closes.

Tatyana Gavrilova

Performance for children of the senior preschool age.

Who said meow

Music sounds (man is a friend of a dog)


Lived in a puppy house

Cheerful, mischievous.

He could play

With you and with me

Puppy comes out to the music.


I am cheerful, mischievous,

I am a young puppy.

I like to wag my tail

Very fun to play.


Our Puppy was very cheerful,

Very striker, very fast.

But tired. And here, yawning,

He lay down to sleep on the carpet.

The cat appears.


What a cute little puppy!

How he curled up into a ball!

The fidget went to sleep ...

I'll wake up my neighbor.

Wait, my dear

I'll poke fun at you.

Meow meow! (runs away)

Puppy.(wakes up)

"Meow" who just said?

Who did not let the puppy sleep?


Looks in the yard, in bright silver,

In brand new red boots

The rooster stands on legs

Rooster comes out.


I have a Rooster with enough worries,

And I work hard all day long.

I have a big family to feed

And I need to wake everyone up in the morning.


Did you say "meow"?


What are you, I can't.

I scream - "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

I can't do it any other way.



The puppy began to think here

Suddenly it was heard again

Meow! (cat)

He saw a mouse.

Mouse exit.

little mouse.

I am a little mouse

gray baby

And let me have a small stature,

Long but cute ponytail.


Meow did you just say?

Little mouse.

Meow is a scary word.

Terrible for mice!

I can say "wee-wee".

Ouch! B-boo! I'm r-running!


Suddenly, behind the booth, where Barbos is,

Again "meow" came.

He is there, towards - dog ... -

The exit of the dog.

Rrr! What is my question?


Y-you said "meow", y-yes?

Yes, what nonsense?

Are you laughing, puppy?

How could you think? Rrr.


He ran as fast as he could.

Puppy. Oh, I messed up a little

I'll lie down at the threshold.

I'll sleep quietly

I love this business.

Cat. Meow!


Do not let the puppy sleep!

He sees on the path in a puddle,

The pig lies, does not grieve.


pink belly,

pink barrel,

Tail - curl,

The nose is a snout.

Grunting with happiness

I'm running into a puddle

And in the mud embrace

I lie happily.


Did you say "meow"?


The pig answers.

Oink oink oink-

I sing songs like that.

He sees a flower in the garden

The puppy came up to the flower.

He stuck his nose in and ran away.

Suddenly the flower buzzed

Exit bee.


I work all day long.

So that there is a lot of honey,

I'm not too lazy to work.

All day long I'm buzzing

And I am friends with flowers.


Don't buzz in your ear

You better tell me.

"Meow" who just said?

Didn't let me sleep again?


W-w-w. More polite, dog

Take care of your poor nose.

Well, well, you won't meddle in vain,

Know that you can't attack the bees.

You are very stupid, I see.

You do not hear? I am buzzing!


Oh how my nose hurts

Ai, -yay, - yay, how it burns.


And the puppy in pain - immediately,

I ran to the river and into the water ... boule.

But only barely surfaced,

Hear those same words...

- Meow!

A fish swam past...

Exit Rybka.


"Meow" is that what you said?


He didn't get an answer...


The fish just wagged its tail

And dived quickly.

Frog saw it

The wah laughed.

Frog exit.


“Qua-ah! Haha!

funny puppy,

Wet to the skin!”

Fish cannot speak.

Questioning won't help here.


Well, maybe it's you?

I am a green belly

Bug-eyed frog.

Anyone who asks without difficulty

I answer: “Kwa-kva-kva!”

Ouch! How funny are you

Go-qua home… qua!


Somehow he made his way home.

“Meow,” he hears again.

Raised up his eyes =

In front of him is a goat.

Exit Goat.


I am a funny goat

Horns, keen eyes.

Ears are long, upright,

Black capped nose.

I chew grass

I give milk to everyone.


Did you say "Meow"?


Meowing is not for me

I say me-e yes me-ee.


Nothing is clear to me

You say "me" yes "me".

Who knows everything in the world?

And answer my question?


I'm ready to tell you.

If you want to know

You must catch him.

Look, don't fall asleep

And wait for the trick.

Just get close

And start meowing

Look, don't miss

And grab it quickly.


Okay, I'm going to sleep again.

But... now I'll pretend.

I really want to know

Who will meow me again?

The puppy appears to be asleep. A cat appears.


The puppy is sleeping again - silly,

Like a gray mouse

I'll play with him again

I will scream loudly.

Meow-meow, kitty-kitty-kitty.

You quickly - quickly wake up.

The Puppy wakes up, grabs the Cat.


That's who's in my clutches!

That's who was running from me!

Who meowed under the window?

Who is it, children?

Children: Cat!


Forgive me, my friend!

Let me go, puppy!

I won't do that anymore.

And I will forget about the quarrel.

Everyone goes to the screen.


To know a lot in the world

And live in friendship with everyone

Treasure strong friendship.

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Puppet show "Who said meow"

puppet show

"Who said"Meow"?

Characters: Host, Puppy, Cat, Dog, Rooster, Frog, Bee.

In the center of the screen is a house with a window. There is a tree in the distance.

Vedas: Lived in the puppy house

Cheerful, mischievous.

He could play

With you and with me

He barked very loudly

Didn't get bored at all.

But who knew how to meow, the puppy did not know about it!

The puppy appears.

Song of the Puppy

I am cheerful, mischievous,

I am a young puppy.

I like to wag my tail

And drive cats everywhere.

Woof-woof-woof, woof-woof-woof,

I have a cheerful disposition. - 2 times


Woof woof woof! Let's be

It's fun to play together.

Run together, jump together.

Who will start?

Game with spectators.

Our Puppy was very cheerful,

Very fast, very fast

But tired. And here, yawning,

He lay down to sleep on the carpet.

The puppy curls up in a ball near the house. The Cat runs out, sneaks up to the Puppy.

Song of the Cat

My cat's paws are like pillows.

And inside there are scratches, sharp toys.

Meow-meow, meow-meow, sharp toys.

Quietly I walk, paws do not knock.

Let the tails of the mice in the mink tremble.

Meow-meow-meow, ponytails tremble.


What a cute little puppy!

How he curled up into a ball!

Apparently, he sleeps very sweetly,

Doesn't even look at me.

And I want to play like that

I'm tired of work

Catching mice all day.

Eh, who to play a joke on?

I'll play a joke on the puppy.

Let him find out later

How to always drive me

And grab me by the tail.

Did you go to sleep without dinner?

I'll wake up my neighbor.

Wait, my dear

I'll poke fun at you! Meow meow! (runs away).

Puppy: (wakes up)

"Meow!" who is now said?

Who did not let the Puppy sleep?

Where did I breathe it?

Did someone scream in a dream?

I'll take a look in the yard.

I see, in bright silver,

In brand new red boots

The rooster is chirping on the spoons.

Rooster comes out.

Song of the Rooster:

I have a Rooster with enough worries,

And I work hard all day long.

I have a large family to feed.

And I need to wake everyone up in the morning.

I'm always on the alert, and I scream coo-ka-re-ku. -2 times


Ko-ko-ko, Ku-ka-re-ku!

I don't lie on my side!

And play on loud spoons

I can teach everyone.

(spoon game).

Music playing on spoons. Playing with children.


Did you like the game?

And you sing to me, kids.

Song "Cockerel"


Hello dear Rooster.

"Meow" you could say?

"Meow" you now said?

You didn't let the Puppy sleep?


I scream: Ku-ka-re-ku!

I can't do it any other way.

I sit on the fence and watch the chickens.

I don't deserve to meow

You do not see? I'm a man.

I am a rooster with spurs, and I scream at the top of my lungs.

Hurry up, save my nerves!

And not how I will fly, I will repay the offense!

The rooster cries ku-ka-re-ku, rushes at the Puppy. The puppy runs in one direction, the Rooster goes in the other direction.

Completely sad Puppy

He wants to know soon.

Oh, I messed up a little, I'll lie down at the threshold.

I will sleep quietly. I love this business.

Woof-woof-woof-woof. and look, you won't wake me up.

As soon as the Puppy falls asleep, as the Cat peeks out behind him,


People tell the truth that we don't like dogs.

If they want to sleep, we will wake them up.

Ha ha ha - 2 times, he made the Rooster laugh.

Who meows does not know

Let him receive from me.

The cat meows again and runs away.


"Meow!" who is now said?

Who did not let the Puppy sleep?

Who meowed in my ear? (sees Frog)

Isn't this the frog?

A Frog appears on the screen.

Song of the Frog:

Everyone calls me frog.

Yellow-eyed friend.

I eat mosquitoes

And I'm tumbling in the swamp.

Kwa-kva-kva, that's all my words - 2 times


I am a green belly

Bubble-eyed Frog.

Anyone who asks without difficulty,

I answer: Kwa-kva-kva!


Dear friend, you

Bug-eyed frog.

Who is "meow" here said?

And didn't let me sleep?


No time to talk to you

I need to call for rain.

As the frog sings, it immediately rains.


And what are the words?


Kwa-kva-kva, yes kva-kva-kva.

Sounds of thunder, the sound of rain. rain show (light strokes of shiny tinsel or New Year's rain).The frog jumps behind the screen, the Puppy runs away from the rain into the house and looks out the window.


I don't understand anything

Who is telling me "meow"?

Maybe I should sleep now?

And in a dream about how to find out?

The puppy is asleep. The Cat sneaks up on him again.


Not! You won't sleep, puppy.

Well, you're stupid, my friend.

I still haven't figured out

Who was laughing at you?

I'll poke fun at him again.

And then… run, run.

The cat again meows over the Puppy, and runs away. Puppy wakes up, looks around.


Here comes the rain again

You can have fun walking.

Who is me said here"Meow",

Again I will go looking.

He sees a flower in the garden

The puppy came up to the flower,

He stuck his nose in and ran away.

Suddenly a flower buzzed


Who is sitting in the flower now?

Is it buzzing on me now?

Come on, take off quickly

Answer my question.

A bee flies out of a flower, buzzes.

Song of the Bee.

I am a bee all in worries,

I work all day long.

So that there is a lot of honey,

I'm not too lazy to work.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, I'll tell you

That I am friends with flowers.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, I'll tell you

I find joy in this.


Don't buzz in your ear

You better tell me

"Meow" who is now said?

Didn't let me sleep again?


J-J-J. More polite, dog

Take care of your poor nose.

Well, well, you won't meddle in vain,

Know that you can't attack the bees.

You are very stupid, I see.

You do not hear? I am buzzing!

I collect honey in the hive,

Who meows, I don't know

And stay away from the bees in the future

Well, it's time for me to fly.

The bee stings the puppy in the nose and flies away. The puppy closes its nose and runs away and hides under a tree. From behind the tree is heard again "Meow".


Oh how my nose hurts

Ay-yay-yay, how it burns!

Who meows me again?

Are you screaming, cow?

A cow comes out in front of the screen.


Who meows me again?

Can you give me to tell, Cow?


No time to talk to you

I need to eat grass.

And girls and boys

To give milk. Mu-mu-mu- 2 r

Song of the Cow.

Walks, wanders through the meadow aunt - a cow.

She will give you a pair of milk by the evening.

Only if you treat me with weed,

And make the cow happy.

The children are clapping, the cow is dancing.


I don't understand anything

you tell me "mu", Yes "mu"

Who knows everything in the world?

And answer my question?


I ready to tell you,

Very smart cow.

If you want to know

You must catch him.

You are a dog! You are a hunter!

You are the defender of the house!

You, look, do not fall asleep,

And wait for the trick.

Just get close

And start meowing

Look, don't miss

And then, hurry up.

Well, it's time for me to walk

Chewing fresh herbs.

So that for the growth of the children

Give a lot of milk.

The cow leaves with the words:

A big one to everyone - a big hello from the pockmarked cow.

Drink, children, milk, you will be healthy!

The cow leaves. The puppy goes to the house and sings the words: Children drink milk. wow, be healthy!


Okay, I'm going to sleep again.

But... now I'll pretend.

I really want to know

Who will meow me again?

The puppy appears to be asleep. The Cat sneaks up on him again.


The puppy is sleeping again - silly,

Like a gray mouse.

I'll play with him again

I will scream loudly.

Meow-meow, kitty-kitty, kitty

You hurry up. wake up.

The Puppy wakes up, grabs the Cat.


That's who's in my clutches!

That's who was running from me!

Who meowed under the window?

Who is it, children?

Children: Cat!


Forgive me, my friend!

Let me go, puppy!

I won't do that anymore.

And I will forget about the quarrel.

If you only knew a little

What can a cat meow

You wouldn't run and growl

I would take the books and read them.

Everyone goes to the screen:

To know a lot in the world

And live in friendship with everyone.

Treasure strong friendship.