Dog breeds american pit bull terrier. Most Dangerous Breed or Loyal Friend: American Pit Bull Terrier

The pit bull (officially called the pit bull terrier) was bred in the UK, where it was used for the favorite entertainment of aristocrats - dog fights, in which these pets showed excellent results. To create the breed, breeders took bulldogs and terriers with clean characteristics.

From the first pit bulls received an incredible supply of strength and perseverance, and from the second - the ability to quickly respond to external influences. After some time, the animals ended up in the United States. It was there that the breed was officially registered and taken to the appropriate bureau.

Pit bull dog breed. Characteristics of the Pit Bull Terrier

In addition to the primary destination in the form of dog fights, pit bull terriers faithfully served as devoted guards for the house, and also repeatedly helped hunters in catching large prey.

Despite this, nowadays there is a rapid growth lost popularity, and, as in the far West, and in the CIS countries. Today, these brave dogs are used for various secret operations and chasing criminals. Many state security services, namely the police, breed the breed to search for drugs and explosive objects. The fact is that pit bull terriers are distinguished by an amazing ability to determine the location of dangerous objects.

Gallery: pit bull dog (25 photos)

Main characteristics

Another name for the pit bull breed is the pit bull terrier (American Pit Bull Terrier). An adult male grows up to 49 centimeters at the withers and gains about 30 kilograms of weight. Bitches weigh 20-24 kg with a height of 44 centimeters. Purebred pit bull terriers can wear a wide variety of colors (from a solid solid color to brindle with small marks). The coat remains short, shiny and dense. Life expectancy rarely exceeds 13 years, provided that the pit bull is provided with proper care and nutrition. Among the key benefits breeds should be distinguished:

The cost of an American Pit Bull Terrier puppy starts at $150 and ends at $1,200.

Many claim that the American Pit Bull Terrier is a variation of the Staffordshire Terrier, while others are of a completely different opinion. Be that as it may, in the American Kennel Club the Staffordshire Terrier was registered as a separate independent breed, and the American pit bull was missed, although the latter is more common and popular.

because of negative facts related to the former purpose of the ancestors of the breed, people treat pit bulls and their owners very badly. In addition, in some countries of the world, the breed is prohibited at the legislative level. If you are going to buy a puppy of this breed, be sure to consider all the features and "pitfalls" that may arise in the future.

When providing right conditions content muscular beast will become the most devoted friend for you and your family. Even if he had to give his life for the master, he would do it without much thought.

Among the main varieties pit bull:

  1. dwarf pit bull;
  2. Cuban pit bull;
  3. bulldog type;

Historical facts

The history of the Pit Bull Terrier breed goes back to the 19th century. The first representatives were bred in England, Ireland and Scotland. When creating, breeders conducted various experimental crosses using different terriers and bulldogs. The main goal was to develop a universal pet that could be baited on bulls until the huge beast fell to the ground dead. After the ban bullying in the early 19th century, pit bulls began to be used for dog fights. Immigrants from Europe quickly brought the breed to North America and then to other continents.

The breed standard was recognized in Great Britain in 1898, and in the United States this happened in the mid-30s, but there it was called the Staffordshire Terrier.

Despite their dubious reputation, American Pit Bull Terriers are distinguished friendliness and the qualities of an excellent companion for the family. Currently, keeping a pit bull as a pet is a very popular activity. The number of owners of this beautiful four-legged is steadily growing.

Pit bull character traits

Adult pit bulls are distinguished by excellent companionship properties. In many ways, they resemble mastiffs, who guard the family and its property with great responsibility. Dogs are acutely aware of their surroundings and know who to be friendly to and who to be aggressive towards. But excessive love for people does not prevent pit bulls from being responsible watchmen and protecting their families at the cost of their own lives.

Like many other dog breeds, the American Pit Bull Terrier needs stable contact with people. Since early age it needs to be socialized, introduced to other animals, different places, sounds and smells. In this case, the puppy will be able to grow up healthy and obedient, and there will be no pronounced negative aspects in his character.

Representatives of the American Pit Bull breed rarely complain of health problems, but still undergo some dangerous diseases. Before buying a puppy, you should understand the main types diseases that can hit him:

Features of keeping an American Pit Bull Terrier

It is important to understand that, like other large dogs, including mastiffs, pit bulls need a daily walk that should last at least one hour, constant play and other entertainment. It is necessary to train a pet from an early age, otherwise it will grow uncontrollable and aggressive with its morals and self-confidence. Proper training is the key to a strong and good relationship between the owner and the puppy.

pit bulls negatively belong to sharp climatic changes, so a long walk in the open air in strong winds or low temperatures may cause various diseases. It is better to keep the dog in apartment conditions, because. in this case, it will very quickly become attached to family members and will fully develop.

The Pit Bull Terrier needs 2-2.5 bowls of good quality dry food every day. But basically, the amount of food consumed is determined by the following factors:

  • the size and weight of the dog;
  • age;
  • metabolism;
  • structure and activity level;

To prevent unforeseen obesity, regularly monitor the amount of food your pet consumes. The pit bull should have a clear waist, with well-developed muscles. If the ribs are overgrown with fat, it is necessary to reduce the amount of feed.

Pit bull puppies are sold in nurseries at a price of 15,000 to 25,000 rubles.

A breed banned in many EU countries, a dog regarded as a cold weapon, a pet for the purchase of which the future owner living in countries with "working laws" must pass psychological tests - this is the American Pit Bull Terrier. Stately dogs with a cold expression of the eyes are considered dangerous, in fact, the Pit Bull Terrier is an easily trained universal service and fighting dog that can become a threat only in the hands of a stupid person.

The breeding of all fighting breeds is associated with animal whims and perverted interests of people in the bloody sport with dogs. Long before the advent of dog fighting in its purest form, the crown of nature enjoyed watching shows in which four-legged gladiators attacked wild animals - bears, bulls, boars or monkeys. The first universal fighters were dogs of the Mastiff and Great Danes, however, the animals were not particularly agile. The next legendary "gladiator" is the Bulldog or the old-fashioned English Bulldog - a powerful, muscular dog with a square head, wide-set eyes and an "iron grip".

It is interesting! The painting by the famous artist Rubens, painted in the 16th century, depicts hunting with dogs for a wild boar. Captured dogs similar in structure and appearance to the modern Pit Bull Terrier.

After the official ban on bullbaiting in England, the Old English Bulldogs and their heirs Ambouli became unclaimed. Some of the dogs simply died on the streets, many representatives fell into the hands of enterprising breeders and were mixed with other breeds, and only a small number of dogs remained intact.

Note! The common name Pitbull is not correct, as it translates as "fighting bull".

From mating heavy and hardy Bulldogs with terriers of various types, dogs of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed were obtained - universal fighters with lightning-fast reaction and natural endurance, a highly developed instinct for protection, the ability to hunt, graze, search and draft work. There is no doubt about the presence of the gene pool of the Old English Bulldogs, bull-baiting was considered a big event and was reflected in the fine arts, and the silhouettes of gladiator dogs are more reminiscent of Pit Bull Terriers than Amboules, whose muzzles were shortened by crossing small representatives with Pugs. It was not possible to find out what kind of terriers gave part of their genes. Firstly, at that time most hunting breeds were in their infancy, and secondly, almost all types of modern terriers lived in Europe.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is not a "brainchild" of the United States. It has been established that fighting dogs were brought to the New World in 1750-1770. The main number of animals accompanied immigrants from Holland, England and Spain. The field of the official ban on all types of bloody sports, which was proclaimed by the government of England in 1835, despite the fact that the fights were outlawed, the demand for fighting dogs fell sharply in society and Pit Bull Terriers literally found themselves on the verge of extinction. The US government was in no hurry to stop the “shadow livelihood” until the beginning of the 20th century, and in the 1840s, full-fledged and proven dogs, children and “heirs” of the best “gladiators” were imported to America. From the already existing "gene pool base", US breeders formed a breed called the American Pit Bull Terrier. According to the rules of the FCI (International Cynological Federation), the country in which the line originated is recognized as the owner of the breed, however, the “homeland” of Pit Bull Terriers has not been officially established.

After the American blood sport was vetoed, the breeding of all fighting dogs was banned in the United States, however, Pit Bull Terriers and Staffordshire Terriers were given a "special honor". News about the attack of four-legged people on adults and children regularly appeared in the media. In fairness, we note that any dog ​​is prone to biting (according to tacit data, only 10% of incidents that occurred in the United States are connected with fighting breeds), but such “anti-campaign activity” quickly formed a cliché about killer pit bull terriers.

Full-fledged work on the socialization of the breed began in the 1870s. Two breeds of dogs were entered into the register of the Kennel Union of America (AKC or American Kennel Club) - the American Staffordshire Terrier (AST) and the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT). The breeders were not satisfied with the similarity of the names of the breed and the fact that the dogs were associatively put on the same bar.

The only exception that culls a dog from breeding is the merle color. The washed-out color that blue-coated Australian Shepherds are known for is due to the presence of a gene responsible for incomplete dyeing of the hairs. This color is forbidden for many breeds, due to possible pathologies sight and hearing, however, this does not mean that Pit Bull Terriers with merle pigmentation do not exist.

Character and training

A quality and purebred Pit Bull Terrier is a versatile and loyal dog with a friendly disposition. Cynologists strongly do not recommend using the breed as a bodyguard. Yes, the American Pit Bull Terrier has an impressive, sometimes intimidating appearance, but the breed should be friendly to people. It is quite difficult to develop anger towards a person, provided that the dog has a stable psyche, but keep in mind that such experiments will lead to uncontrolled behavior of the pet and, as a result, to tragedy.

Important! American Pit Bull Terriers are prohibited from participating in training programs related to the development of aggression towards humans - such ignorance on the part of the owner leads the dog's mind into an imbalance.

Dogs have an active temperament and phenomenal endurance, so physical activity is the key to the mental health of the ward. Usually, the Pit Bull Terrier is unrealistic to tire out playing fetch, running or similar entertainment. Owners are advised to train the dog in the chosen sport (agility, weight pulling, bike and skijoring) and, if necessary, to make the dog's ammunition heavier - this not only exhausts the ward, but also makes his body pumped up.

Despite wandering myths, the Pit Bull Terrier is an easy-to-train breed. The dog is quick and easy to train and enjoys serving the owner. Against the backdrop of anti-propaganda, another myth is spread that the Pit Bull Terrier needs to be beaten, otherwise it will not respect the owner - this is at least pure ignorance. The American Pit Bull Terrier is trained exclusively by a motivational-rewarding method, physical punishment can lead to anger or timidity, which unconditionally disqualifies a dog from breeding work.

The history of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed is interesting in that it did not originate in America, but in the Old World, but it seemed especially useful to the Americans, who began to purposefully develop and improve it. In England and Ireland in the modern era, dog fights were popular between bulldogs.

Also, these dogs were used to protect housing and to hunt large animals. Already in the 16th century there were dogs that outwardly resembled modern pit bull terriers.

Guard qualities
Protective qualities
The size
Attitude towards children

English laws also contributed to the emergence of the breed. In particular, poor people were not allowed to have large hunting dogs, since only the nobility could hunt large animals. Therefore, less wealthy citizens had to keep small terriers for hunting and bulldogs to protect property. In order not to violate the ban on possession large dogs, the poor left the smallest puppies from the litter and used them for further breeding. This is how the first bull terriers appeared, in which the fearlessness and insensitivity of bulldogs were combined with the dexterity and mobility of terriers. The prefix "pit" appeared later, it meant that the bull terrier was used for fighting, since the pit in English is a battle pit where dogs were pitted.

The exact date when the first pit bull terrier swam across the ocean and came to America is unknown, it is only clear that this happened before 1774. Dogs arrived along with emigrants from European countries, especially a lot of them arrived in the middle of the 19th century from Ireland. It should be noted that in Europe public opinion negative attitude to dog fights, as a result of which they began to be officially banned. For example, in England such a law was passed in 1835. In America, on the contrary, such entertainment was welcomed and was legal for a very long time.

Therefore, it was in America that there were people who appreciated the prospects of this breed and began the difficult path of officially recognizing its identity. At that time, the breed did not even have a specific name: such dogs were called pit bulls, pit terriers, pit dogs. Especially in the price was a purebred line of "red-nosed", which was called the "old family". The mistake of the lovers of this line was that they zealously guarded its purebredness, not allowing crossbreeding with pit bull terriers of other lines. Sooner or later, this would lead to undesirable consequences in breeding.

Photo: American Pit Bull Terrier (Pit Bull)

A huge role in the development of the breed was played by the Irishman John Colby, who in 1900 brought excellent representatives of purebred pit bulls. He also referred to his dogs as "the old family," but believed that they should be used as much as possible in breeding work with other lines. Many contemporaries did not understand and even criticized Colby, adhering to other views, in particular, they believed that only the line of "red" dogs should be bred, not mixing it with other representatives of the breed.

However, time has shown that Colby was on the right track: he managed to get and grow many dog ​​ring legends. Until 1900, it is difficult to trace the specific statistics and history of the breed: it is not known how many dogs were brought from different European countries. It is characteristic that they all had the most diverse color, in general, it is very difficult to develop a single breed standard, since the exterior has always been of secondary importance for pit bull terriers compared to their character and qualities of a fighter. After 1900, systematic documentary evidence of the development of the breed already appears.

Many American breeders followed the example of Colby, and began to breed this interesting breed. So the name American was assigned to the pit bull terriers, although, as can be seen from the history of the breed, many European countries could lay claim to it. The first pit bull terriers lived in England, Ireland, Italy, Holland, Spain, but it was American breeders who did the main work on the formation of the breed.

The FCI never recognized this breed, but fans of American Pit Bull Terriers have never stopped this. Back in 1898, the UKC club appeared specifically for lovers of this fighting breed. However, later this club ceased to be a monobreed and officially ceased to support dog fighting.

Another organization in which breeding work is carried out is ADBA, which appeared in 1909. now this international organization, which registers pit bulls from all over the world. Dog fights are not allowed by US law, so the purpose of this organization is to officially maintain stud books that help preserve the breed, as well as to hold popular pet competitions. These are conformation shows where conformation is judged, and weight pulling is a weight pulling competition.

Now this breed is still popular, especially in the USA and in Russia, although it has experienced a number of persecutions, which were reflected in the fact that in some countries it was banned. So, in some EU countries, the import of pit bull terriers is prohibited, and representatives of the breed available in the countries must undergo a sterilization procedure. In Germany, the state maintains strict control over the owners of pit bull terriers, for example, it is required to obtain special permission from the police in order to get this dog, an increased tax on their maintenance has been introduced.

The Pit Bull Terrier is officially banned in many EU countries and in Australia.

breed standard

Although the APBT breed is not recognized as the most important cynological organization, standards have been developed for it by two organizations involved in the registration of pit bulls: ADBA and UKC. These 2 standards reflect the different views of the leadership of organizations on the breed. In the first case, it is the fighting mission of dogs that is considered the main one, and their exterior is subordinate to this goal. The UKC standard is closer to the pit bull's show brother, the American Staffordshire Terrier.

Standard from ADBA

The appearance of the pit bull gives the impression of confident strength and good health. Shiny coat, an attentive look that reflects the strength of the spirit, athletic smartness - this is the look of a real pit bull. The relief muscles do not allow obesity, adult pit bulls are even somewhat thin with slightly protruding ribs.

Head type allows for various options. If you look at the dog from above or from the side, then the head has a wedge-shaped shape, somewhat tapering towards the nose. When viewed from the front, the head looks round. The bridge of the nose is well developed, the line under the eyes is wider than the line of the ears. The bite is preferably scissor-shaped, the teeth are closed, the lips fit snugly to the jaws. The eyes are elliptical in shape. Ears may be cropped.

The neck is muscular and long.

The skin is elastic, thick, tight to the body, there are folds on the neck and chest.

The chest is deep and moderately wide. Rib cage tapers towards the bottom and should not have a rounded or cylindrical shape.

The length of the loin is important, which should not be too short or too long, which affects the agility of the dog.

The forelimbs have muscular shoulders, the length of which is somewhat wider than the chest.

The hind limbs have sloping thighs, which are at an angle of 30 ° to the horizontal. The thigh is well muscled and full. The bones of the hind limbs are thinner, which affects the flexibility of the dog, and the muscles are longer, which allows for vigorous movements.

The feet are small and well-knit with firm paw pads.

The tail is set low, thicker at the base, slightly shorter than the hock.

Short and harsh coat should shine.

Almost any color is acceptable, except for the following: albinism and merle.

UKC standard

APBT is a powerful, athletic dog. Strong bones, relief muscles are combined with graceful mobility, the dog should not look overweight and obese. The body is slightly longer than the height at the withers. The dog is energetic, shows interest in life, has a confident strength and should not show aggression towards a person.

The head is large, but does not cause a feeling of disproportion in relation to the body. The head has a clear outline, shaped like a blunt wedge, the superciliary arches are well developed. The length of the muzzle and skull are related as 2:3.

well developed lower jaw. Scissor bite desirable.

Nose with open nostrils, nose leather may have different pigmentation.

The eyes are low set and wide apart. Blue eyes are not allowed.

The ears are set high and may or may not be cropped.

The neck is muscular, without dewlap.

The back is strong and firm with a slightly sloping topline. Strong and short loin, slightly sloping croup.

The forelimbs are strong, located perpendicular to the surface. The distance between them is moderately wide. The scapula and shoulder are approximately the same length.

The hind limbs are strong and muscular, widely spaced. The hocks have well-defined angulations.

The tail naturally continues the topline, tapering towards the tip.

The coat is shiny, smooth, dense. The color of the coat is varied.

Weight of males - 15.9-27.2, weight of females - 13.6-22.7

Height at the withers of males is 40-42 cm, females are 2-3 cm less.

A painting by Rubens dating back to the 16th century depicts wild boar hunting scenes with dogs very similar to modern American Pit Bull Terriers.

American Pit Bull Terrier personality

Modern public opinion is not very favorable towards fighting dogs, which are personified by American pit bull terriers. Each person can draw a conclusion about the nature of this breed only when he gets to know her, taking a small puppy and raising him. For many years, breeders considered the ability and readiness for battle, the so-called "game", to be the main breed characteristic. But at the same time, it was unacceptable to a person and was the reason for the disqualification of the dog.

Therefore, aggressiveness towards people is not inherent in the nature of APBT, although on the other hand, anger in this breed develops quite quickly with purposeful upbringing. If the owner of a pit bull aims to get a reliable companion for an active life, then this breed will perfectly cope with this role. The natural strength and energy makes pit bulls very inquisitive, they are ready to learn and explore the world every second. These are very active dogs that love to play active games with them, they are ready to follow their owner everywhere and follow his commands.

It can be said that it is the owner who creates the character of the pit bull terrier, which is why there are so often opposing opinions about the character of these dogs. From a pit bull terrier, you can grow up as a vicious dog, representing a danger to the people around you, as well as a peaceful and inquisitive companion who will get along well with everyone. Especially important childhood for the formation of a future character, at this time, traumatic factors should not be allowed.

The nature of adult dogs is stable. They are aware of their strength, confident in themselves, but do not strive for superiority over the owner, on the contrary, they show their readiness to constantly benefit him. These are funny dogs, in which the childish spontaneity and playfulness are combined with the attentiveness and prudence of a wise dog. Of course, pit bulls show the best qualities of character only under the condition of proper upbringing and training.

Real record holder
The weight pulling champion American Pit Bull Terrier is listed in the Guinness Book of Records for towing a load 100 times its body weight - 1.7 tons.

Features of training and education of a pit bull

According to the observations of dog handlers and training instructors, the American Pit Bull Terrier easily masters various commands and performs complex tasks. This is facilitated by natural curiosity and liveliness.

To begin with, it is recommended to go through the OKD (general training course) in order to accustom the dog to obedience. After that, many opportunities open up for the owner of the pit bull to develop the abilities of his pet. As practice shows, representatives of this breed successfully cope with the commands from the course of the ZKS (protective guard service). In the process of mastering this course, a very important skill for a pit bull is developed - the ability to control their aggression, and the owner learns to control his dog.

It should be noted that it is not recommended to pay too much attention to the development of aggressiveness against a person. A pit bull terrier that has taken this path is a great danger to others. He always does not just bite, but as an experienced fighter, he instinctively selects vital places. Add to this the destructive power of his bite, and you will understand how dangerous a pit bull accustomed to aggressive behavior is.

There are many scary stories about his aggressiveness, but according to statistics, pit bull attacks make up no more than 10% of the total number of dog attacks on humans. Such a wide public outcry is caused precisely by the devastating consequences of a pit bull attack. A bad role in creating the image of the breed was also played by some owners who purposefully start pit bulls as bodyguards and thoughtlessly poison them on people, frightening everyone around.

Fortunately, there are other fans of this breed who open the pit bull terrier from the other side. They participate with them in interesting competitions: agility (overcoming an obstacle course for a while), weight pulling (weight towing), springpol (hanging on a rope), dog pulling (tug of war). These spectacular events are becoming more and more popular and serve to increase the popularity of the breed.

Care and maintenance of the pit bull terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier is an easy-going dog that is easy to care for. The main thing is to provide a balanced one, on which the formation of the physique and health of the dog depends. A simple feeding rule for active dogs is to choose foods that have a high energy value. It is not necessary to feed the dog only with meat, her diet should also contain vegetable components, however, it is meat that is the main source of proteins that are necessary for the growth and development of the dog and for the development of immunity.

There are many examples of dog diets that take into account calories and other important features. You can take one of these schemes as a basis. Some owners prefer to use ready-made dry or canned food. This breed may show some food components.

In order for all the work on compiling a balanced menu not to be in vain, it is necessary to give the dog anthelmintics both for treatment and as a preventive measure.

The rest of the care of the American Pit Bull Terrier is very simple. You need to bathe him on average once every six months, comb out and wipe his ears about once a week. The dog gets along well in the apartment, provided there are sufficient physical activity.

Choosing a puppy

Before choosing a pit bull terrier puppy, you need to decide on the goals of its acquisition. As pets, pet-class puppies are suitable, which are not intended for further breeding and attending exhibitions. These are not necessarily puppies without a pedigree, they can also appear in star litters.

Breed class puppies are those with which you can already qualify for prizes in shows and for breeding. The dog aristocracy is show class puppies that will be able to make a brilliant show career.

The main problem is that it is very difficult to predict the future of a puppy at a young age. Therefore, abroad, for example, there is a practice of buying grown puppies. At 6-8 months, as a rule, it is already possible with greater confidence to buy a future champion exemplarily grown by experienced breeders.

On the other hand, a puppy at this age has already formed a character and habits that you may not like, and it will not be easy to retrain it to your taste. This is all the more difficult to do with such a serious dog as a pit bull terrier, so most people prefer to buy small puppies.

You can not succumb to a momentary impulse and buy a puppy at the first advertisement that comes across. It is better to compare several litters, look at the general conditions of keeping and the health of the puppies. If there are at least 2 puppies with any defects in the litter, this already speaks not in favor of the rest of the puppies. It is best to collect as much information as possible about the breeder you are going to buy a puppy from. It is best if he has contacts of buyers of previous litters who can be contacted and inquired about how their dog has grown.

Price of pit bull puppies

If you are offered an elite puppy for a lot of money, then this is an unreasonable purchase, since only an adult dog that has achieved excellent results at exhibitions and competitions can be elite. Therefore, basically the price of American Pit Bull Terriers is made up of the ambitions of breeders and the presence of interesting pedigrees registered in American organizations. Average price for a puppy with documents - 20 000 rubles. Remember that the RKF does not recognize this breed, so it is impossible to have an RKF pedigree, and most pit bulls in our country are sold without documents at more affordable prices - 5-10 000 rubles.

Photo of a pit bull

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The Pit Bull, or American Pit Bull Terrier, is one of those breeds that are known for being bullying and intimidating. "Pit Bull" is not really a breed, but rather a term used to describe the American Pit Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Some consider the American Pit Bull Terrier to be the same breed as the American Staffordshire Terrier. But others believe the opposite, that it is completely different breeds. Be that as it may, the American Kennel Club recognized the American Staffordshire Terrier, but did not recognize the American Pit Bull Terrier, although the latter is a much more common dog.

The sad and often undeserved reputation of a "bad" fighting dog has led to the fact that the pit bull has become legally banned in some countries and cities around the world. If you are a Pit Bull Terrier owner, then you should be aware that you can meet dog hostile people who are misinformed about this wonderful dog.

With proper socialization and training, the pit bull becomes great companion for kids. He loves and respects his family members. American Pit Bull Terriers are devoted and truly loyal to their owners and will defend them to the death when needed.

These dogs are very smart and learn almost all commands and tricks with ease. They enjoy everything that life gives them and love to participate in any family activity. Their mind remains "young" even in adulthood, which makes them cheerful and cheerful dogs. Once you get to know this breed better, you will wonder how you ever lived without it.

History of the breed

The origins of the Pit Bull Terrier breed can be traced back to the 19th century in England, Scotland and Ireland. The dog's ancestors were the result of experimental crossbreeding of various bulldogs and terriers to create a powerful bull-baiting dog, a dog that would attack until the big animal was defeated. When bullying was banned in the 1800s, dogs began to be used in dog fighting. European immigrants gradually brought the pit bull to North America and then to other continents.

The British Kennel Club recognized the dog in 1898, and a similar American club recognized the breed in the early 1930s, but under a different name, namely, the American Staffordshire Terrier.

Contrary to its dubious reputation as an aggressive breed, the pit bull is considered by many to be a friendly dog ​​with a good disposition. Those who come across this breed and actively train and train it quickly become accustomed to it. Recently, the popularity of the pit bull as domestic dog is growing all over the world.

Pit bull sizes

The height of pit bull terriers is from 43 to 49 cm, and their weight ranges between 20 and 30 kg.

The nature of the breed

Pit bulls love people, their family, and their guests. They are confident dogs that are acutely aware of their surroundings. The pit bull is a watchdog and will always alert you to the presence of strangers, primarily to greet them.

Even though their love for people makes them poor guard dogs, their courage is unmatched and they will protect their family even at the cost of their lives.

Like many dogs, the American Pit Bull Terrier needs early socialization - familiarity with different people, places, sounds and smells. Socialization can ensure that the puppy grows into a trained and well balanced dog.


American Pit Bull Terriers are generally healthy, but as with many breeds, they are prone to certain medical conditions. Not all pit bulls can develop these diseases, but it's important to be aware if you plan to keep this breed.

  • Allergy. Allergies are quite common in pit bulls and develop, as a rule, to environmental allergens such as fleas, plant pollen and dust. Food allergies can also develop, but much less frequently. Allergies in pit bulls can develop to beef, rice, corn, and wheat. Food allergies can cause severe itching and discomfort.
  • Dysplasia hip joint: this disease can be very painful depending on its severity.
  • Hypothyroidism: dysfunction thyroid gland, which causes weight gain, deterioration of the coat and some other problems. Hypothyroidism usually develops in middle-aged dogs and can be controlled with daily medication.
  • Heart diseases. Heart disease is relatively more common in pit bulls than in other breeds. These dogs are also characterized by congenital heart defects. However, many dogs show no signs of the disease or only mild symptoms.

Be prepared to spend about an hour a day walking, playing, or any other interaction with your dog. Pit bulls need early obedience training that will require reinforcement throughout the dog's life. Training is the basis for a strong relationship with the American Pit Bull Terrier.

Pit bulls do not tolerate cold well, so they are not suitable for a long stay outside the house. Regardless of the climate, these dogs do best indoors. They bond strongly with their family members and will suffer if left unattended for long periods of time.


Pit bulls are recommended to be fed with a ration of 2 to 2.5 bowls of quality dry food per day, divided into two meals. However, the amount of food your dog needs depends on many factors, including age, metabolism, build, and activity level.

To prevent obesity, measure the amount of food your dog eats and feed him at a set time each day. The pit bull should have a defined waist when you look down on him, and you should be able to feel his ribs under the layer of muscle, but not see them. If the ribs are under a tangible layer of fat, then he needs a diet.

Children and other animals

American Pit Bull Terriers love children, and certainly not for breakfast. Strong, energetic, tolerant, they make perfect playmates. However, no dog of any size should be left unsupervised with children.

When no adult can control the pit bull, the dog should be kept in a restricted area. Once puberty is reached, the pit bull will require particularly careful supervision as it begins to attempt to become a "pack" leader.

Do not allow children to pinch the ears and tail of the pit bull. Teach them to respect any dog ​​and not to approach the animal when it is sleeping or eating.

Due to their fighting heritage, some American Pit Bull Terriers retain a tendency to be aggressive with other dogs. However, with early and proper socialization, such aggression can be minimized or completely eliminated, which is why most pit bulls are friendly to both dogs and cats. Just for safety, they should not be left unattended with small pets.

Key Features

  • Pit bulls require early obedience training and socialization so that they can overcome their stubbornness and desire for leadership at a young age. Their strength and stubbornness in adulthood can complicate relationships with them.
  • The American Pit Bull Terrier is not suitable for those people who cannot give them enough attention.
  • A pit bull should always be on a leash in public to prevent aggression towards other dogs. In the fight they do not retreat and fight to the end.
  • Pit bulls have powerful jaws, so they have a frequent need to chew. For chewing, toys that are hard and durable enough that they cannot swallow are suitable for them.
  • A Pit Bull is best suited for an owner who can offer tough and fair training, but gentle and consistent discipline.

Cost of pit bull puppies

The cost of American Pit Bull Terrier puppies with a pedigree in Moscow and St. Petersburg is on average from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles. Only an adult dog that has shown good results in competitions can be more expensive. Therefore, you should consider if you are offered elite puppies for a larger amount.

Pit Bull Video (American Pit Bull Terrier)

Dimensions:Height: 42-48 cm, weight: 10-35 kg
Character:Fearless, tenacious, dedicated
Where is used:Fighting breed, watchdog
Color:Any color except merle

The American Pit Bull Terrier was bred as a fighting breed, it was distinguished by its strength, aggressiveness and anger. Many people around the world have a negative attitude towards this breed, as they consider it the most dangerous. But a properly bred pit bull terrier can be a good companion and an excellent watchdog. The article tells the history of the origin of the breed, gives its description, characteristics, recommendations for care and feeding. In addition, videos and photos are posted, giving a more visual representation of the dog for fighting.

Origin story

The American Pit Bull Terrier is considered not only a fighting breed, but also a service one. The development of this breed lasted about 300 years. Terriers and Old English Bulldogs are considered the progenitors of this breed. Initially, the English Bulldog had a courageous and fearless character, the body was small with well-developed jaws and muscles. They were bred specifically for inciting a bull. The persecution was carried out by attacking the dogs on the bull, tied to the stake, and clung to his nose.

On the engravings you can find an image of a fighting bull terrier, which is similar in its physique to a pit bull terrier. According to ancient records, bulldogs differed from other dogs in their extreme mobility. They had long, rat-like tails, straight legs, and smooth muzzles. Therefore, the bulldogs of those times were more like modern pit bull terriers than today's bulldogs.

Regarding another ancestor of the breed, namely the terrier, opinions differ. Usually everyone agrees that the white terrier from England, which was mated with a bulldog, served as the ancestor for the emergence of the pit bull terrier breed. However, they wanted to breed a dog for fights, which were gaining popularity at that time all over the world. But English terriers were definitely not suitable for this role, since by nature they were not bold. Therefore, most likely, a working breed terrier, namely the fox terrier, was taken for mating with a bulldog.

As a result, after crossing a terrier with a bulldog, a new breed was born, combining in its character the courage, strength and cruelty of bulldogs and the assertiveness, aggressiveness and dexterity of terriers. It turned out the most dangerous dog. The new breed also inherited the physique of a bulldog, but at the same time became mobile and agile. The breed was called "bull terrier" and was perfect for participating in dog fights. Also, the breed had other names that were distributed in the world. Such names were pitdog, which translates as "fighting dog", "half and half", which means half and half, and pit bull terrier.

As a result of selections in the fighting arena, over the course of several decades, the breed improved and gained popularity in the world, since only victorious dogs were allowed to reproduce. On the territory of England, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier developed from the breed of these dogs, which received more blood from terriers and Dalmatians, as a result of which the English Bull Terrier breed appeared.

But in 1835, dog fights were banned in England, so the breeds of fighting dogs became illegal. However, in the middle of the 19th century, the Bull Terrier came to America, where fights were still allowed. In this territory, the breed took root and was called the Yankee Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier or American Pit Bull Terrier.

In early 1898, the world's first club (UKC) was founded, which was engaged in breeding pit bull terriers. Therefore, many owners of fighting dog breeds hastened to join it in order to preserve the purity of the blood of the breed. This club, which exists to this day, helps to breed fighting dogs around the world and takes into account only the American Pit Bull Terrier, not classifying the Staffordshire Terrier as a separate breed.

In the early 1900s, some UKC owners and breeders left the club and formed their own ADBA (American Breeders Association), which became international as a result. This organization registered pit bull terriers from all over the world. In addition, competitions of representatives of this breed were held, and educational activities were carried out, which were aimed at the prosperity and preservation of the breed. This breed has long remained unrecognized in the world.

Not all owners of dogs of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed participated in dog fights, many tried to obtain the right to participate in dog shows. In order to achieve this goal, the standardization of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed began in the early 1900s. And the direction of their breeding has changed from the development of fighting qualities to improving their appearance.

As a result, a breed was obtained, which, although outwardly identical to the pit bull terriers, was not suitable for participating in battles. This breed is called the American Staffordshire Terrier. She was a show variant of the Pit Bull Terrier, which was officially registered only in 1936.

To date, pit bull terriers are officially allowed to participate in exhibitions. Video from Ivan Stefansky is dedicated to the American Pit Bull Terrier.

Characteristics of the breed

The American Pit Bull is memorable and interesting at first sight. This breed of dog is subconsciously associated by people all over the world with readiness for decisive action, fighting qualities and devotion. One gets the impression that this is the most dangerous dog.

Appearance and standard

The head of these dogs is wider in the cheek area, which is favorable for the placement of a powerful mouth. The head smoothly passes into a powerful, well-muscled neck, which clearly stands out against the background of the whole body. The neck connects the head with a powerful and deep, well-developed chest. Despite its muscular and stocky build, the American Pit Bull Terrier is a very agile dog. Most often, the ears of dogs are cropped, however, this is not fixed by breed standards.

Docked tail is not accepted by ADBA standards. ADBA does not accept blue eyes and coat. Scissor bite. The coat of representatives of this breed is wool, consisting of shiny and thick hair. The tail of the dogs tapers towards the end.

The height at the withers in dogs varies from 42 to 48 cm. The weight ranges from 10 to 35 kg. The American Pit Bull Terrier is both an agile dog and incredibly powerful, so proportions are extremely important to the breed, rather than actual weight and height. The colors of pit bull terriers are very different, according to the standard, only merle color is not allowed.

There is an erroneous opinion that dogs of this breed are carcasses with muscles, the weight of which reaches more than 40 kg. Dogs live an average of 12 years. About 8 puppies are born at a time.


According to owners, the American Pit Bull is a funny, good-natured dog that is very devoted to the family and gets along well with other pets. She gets along well with small children and owners. In most cases, unquestioningly obeys commands, extremely devoted to his master.

Dogs of this breed are not deprived of intelligence and courage, they love an active lifestyle. They will always stand up for the protection of the owners and their property, if they attack the enemy, they will not let him go until death. Without a clear threat to the life of the owners, the dogs behave calmly and friendly, but if something threatens someone from the owner's family, they immediately provide protection.

Features of keeping at home

If pit bull terrier puppies from birth see other pets in the house next to them, then they get used to them and live with them in friendship. If properly raised puppies, dogs grow up with a friendly character and obedient. For those who do not know how to train dogs, it is not recommended to start such a breed.

The pit bull terrier immediately needs to be shown who is in charge in the family so that he knows his place and respects the owner. To do this, you need to ensure proper education and care. According to the owners, he gets along well with children who are part of the family for him, but this does not apply to strangers.

It is not recommended to leave the pit bull terrier alone with strangers and especially with children. In order for pit bull terriers to behave normally in the presence of other people, they need to be taught this as puppies. At proper care and education home pet will be an excellent guardian of the family.


Care for Pit Bull Terriers should begin when they are still puppies and are able to calmly respond to training and situations that they will encounter in future life. Given that the coat of these dogs is not long, it does not need special care. Dogs are very clean and do not require regular baths.

They do not need to be bathed often, once every six months or as they become dirty is enough. Special attention when bathing, it is necessary to give auricles as they must be kept clean and dry. In addition, you need to monitor your pet's nails, since they should be ground down naturally. But it happens that they twist and do not allow the dog to walk normally. Therefore, you need to shorten your nails in time if the pet starts to limp.

The American Pit Bull is a fighting breed, so it is essential that the dog is exercised and in good shape, even if it does not participate in fights. Dogs of this breed tend to be always on the move, so they need to provide this activity on the street, otherwise they will begin to triple the fights in the house.

Everything can be suitable as physical activity: obstacle course, game fights and even training of some fighting qualities as for participation in fights. The main thing is that the dog has the opportunity to throw out his accumulated energy.

Optimal Diet

The first priority when planning a dog's diet is to clearly plan its daily routine. To decide what to feed pit bull terrier puppies, you need to understand how much you are willing to spend on food. Both natural products and various feeds with bioadditives, which are common throughout the world, can serve as feed.

Puppies need to be fed at least 6 times a day, giving food in small portions. As the puppies grow, the portion should be increased, and the frequency of eating, on the contrary, should be reduced. It is optimal to feed an adult dog 1 time per day at the same time. Food should always be put in one bowl, which will belong only to the pet. It is also necessary to provide sufficient clean water.
It is very important that in the diet adult dog there were no foods that could harm her health.

Your pet's diet must include:

  • beef or boiled veal (by no means pork);
  • boiled fish;
  • raw eggs are useful, but they should be given no more than 2-3 times in 7 days;
  • dairy products, in particular cottage cheese, sometimes cheese, which is best given as a reward or treat;
  • Definitely fruits and vegetables.

It is important that the dog eats with appetite, so at first you need to monitor how he eats certain foods. You don't need to force your dog to eat something he doesn't like or force him to starve until he eats what you want to feed him.

Possible diseases

The American pit bull, according to breeders, rarely gets sick, but there is still a tendency to certain types of diseases, for example, allergies. Most often, an allergy can develop to allergens that are present in environment. These can be fleas, pollen from flowers, dust and some food components. Food allergies are rare and often develop to wheat, rice, corn, and beef. Manifestation food allergies there may be itching or some discomfort.

A disease that is very painful for American Pit Bull Terriers is dysplasia. hip joints.
A disease such as hypothyroidism causes a disruption in the functioning of the thyroid gland, which leads to weight gain in the dog, deterioration in the quality of the coat and a number of other problems. This disease most often occurs in middle-aged dogs and is treated by taking special medications.

Heart disease is more common in Putbull Terriers than in other dogs. This is the most dangerous disease for them. They may also be predisposed to such diseases. However, in general, heart disease does not manifest itself or minor symptoms may appear.

Photo 3. Black pit bull

Video "American Pit Bull Terrier"

In this video from DogLove given Full description breeds.