Is it possible to insulate the booth with basalt wool. How to make a warm booth for a dog with your own hands

Winter is a difficult time for both people and animals. But it's not easy if you're not prepared. If the necessary measures are taken in time, both people and pets will be comfortable. Since more often than not there is a dog in the household, insulating the dog house will be the first important step in preparing for winter.

Photo of an insulated booth

There are different opinions about whether a doghouse needs to be insulated. Some cynologists argue that only smooth-haired dog breeds need a warm kennel. There are those who offer only hay on the floor of the kennel as a heater. And yet, it is worth considering that our pets live in different regions. This may be the Leningrad region, and sunny Crimea. And with the latest climatic estates, even winters in primordially warm regions can be cold. So, if you think insulation is necessary, how to carry it out?

Warming approaches

Let's single out four main approaches to how to insulate a booth for a dog:

  • Floor insulation with hay;
  • Use of a curtain;
  • Creation of a vestibule;
  • Integrated insulation.

The choice of approach depends on three factors: the region in which the owner lives with the pet, financial possibilities and, of course, the attitude towards the dog. Apparently, you definitely have the latter, since you are looking for information about the insulation of the kennel.

Hay on the floor

  • Price. Hay should be changed regularly (at least once a season). It takes money and time to buy.
  • Fleas. Some argue that fleas can start in hay. But, if you regularly change the flooring, this will not happen. By the way, your dog will be happy to help with this, regularly pulling the flooring out of the booth in parts.

Of the advantages, the highest environmental friendliness can be noted. This type of insulation is most similar to the natural habitat of the animal and will definitely appeal to him. Some owners buy hay from pet stores, such as hay for rabbits. Others prefer a more economical version of their own harvesting.


The shutter is attached to protect the main source of heat leakage - the manhole. If this particular structural element is not well protected, many other insulation actions will not make much sense. What material to choose for curtains?

Some breeds of dogs do not like curtains. For example, these include german shepherds.

Precisely durable because the dog will inevitably play with it. The curtain needs to be replaced from time to time, so there is no point in using too expensive fabric either. Most often, the canopy is made from an old bedspread, which is available on the farm. In online stores you can buy a silicone curtain at a price of 400-500 rubles.


The tambour or "hallway" will significantly insulate the dog's home. This method of thermal insulation does not exclude the possibility of hanging a curtain, but even if there is none, it will be effective. With the correct structure, the hole into the booth and the hole from the vestibule into the main part of the booth should not coincide. A tambour, done correctly, will be a buffer zone that does not allow warm air to escape from the kennel.

All of the above are mediocre methods of insulation and are suitable for warm winters and / or temporary insulation. If the winter is going to be cold, and you want to insulate the doghouse for many years, you need to take comprehensive measures.

Complex thermal insulation

Immediately it is worth mentioning that you can buy a home for a dog. Such an insulated booth for a dog will cost from 5 to 30 thousand rubles. The price depends on the size and material. However, if you want to make a warm house for a dog with your own hands, detailed instructions find further.

The choice of insulation for the kennel

How to insulate a dog house? Most often, dog houses are insulated with foam. This material is relatively inexpensive. If you look in the pantry of many households, you can even find scraps left after the owners themselves have been insulated. In some cases, the material is enough. Mineral wool is also used, although less often. Such a heater is considered breathable and in the summer it will create less problems pet. Also, sprayed polyurethane foam can be used. However, this is rather an expensive exotic, although its application is technically simpler than the same foam.

Let's take a look at the most popular budget option- polystyrene. It is worth saying about mineral wool: if you decide to use it for a kennel, be sure to cover the plates with a vapor barrier layer. In this case, the insulation will be protected from moisture and the fibers will not harm the pet.

Making a frame

If the booth is already ready to be insulated with foam plastic, you need to make a kind of crate by attaching a beam to the walls. In the voids formed, we will lay the foam. The rails are fastened on the inside with self-tapping screws. A similar crate is made on the floor and on a removable roof.

If the roof is fixed, especially pitched, it is best to redo it. A non-separable roof will not make it possible to maintain cleanliness in the kennel. In addition, dogs love to climb on their homes.

After preparing the crate with a construction knife or other tools, we cut out the necessary pieces of foam.

The foam should be 5-10 mm wider than the prepared niche for it. In this case, the material will be tightly fixed.

Having thus insulated the floor, ceiling and roof of the booth, we have done most of necessary work. Some owners make windscreens on top of foam sheets. For example, polyethylene can be used.

This approach will also help protect the upper ends of the insulation from moisture.

Now it remains to close the foam sheets from the outside.


We close the foam sheets with a board or decorative elements, for example, under a beam. Do not leave the foam in the open air, because the sun and moisture will greatly damage it. And the dog himself will not be indifferent to the heater. The roof is covered with tiles, a sheet of slate, sometimes with linoleum.

It is also important to take care of the cracks. Pre-blow them well with mounting foam. Also in our example, a plinth is used, which prevents snow and wind from blowing in.

Useful little things

There is no definite answer to the question: should the booth be painted inside or leave the plywood and boards as they are. Dog breeders claim that the paint could harm the health of animals. But, without paintwork, the booth will become unusable in a few years. This moment is up to you.

It is also good if the booth does not stand on the ground, but is raised, for example, you can substitute a few bricks.

Heating in the booth: isn't it too much?

Well, that's how to say. For example, back in 2012, ClimateRight offered a dog kennel air conditioner. So, heating is not a luxury, but quite a necessity. Seriously, the opportunity is there and it is not so expensive. Although, most likely this approach will be useful only for the coldest regions. How to make heating in the booth?

You can make a heating system using the "warm floor" technology. This approach requires pouring the base. To create an electric underfloor heating you need:

  • Pour the first layer of screed;
  • Lay a layer of foam;
  • Lay an electrical cable;
  • Pour the cable with a second layer of screed.

Of course, this approach is quite expensive, but it would also be wrong not to mention its existence.

Video: how to make heating in a kennel


A do-it-yourself dog house is an inexpensive pleasure. We dismantled the insulation dog house on the example of polystyrene and identified ways to protect the insulation. By applying the recommendations from this article, you will greatly facilitate the life of your furry friend.

Equipping the area around a country house, you have to solve various problems, including the place of residence for the dog and its comfort. Just building a booth will not be enough. In order for the animal to be comfortable in winter conditions, its house must be insulated. What should be considered when choosing a home for a pet?

Booth selection

The size of the booth matters a lot. The house should be large enough so that the dog feels comfortable, can sleep peacefully and hide from the scorching sun and rain.

Therefore, the height of the house should be equal to the height of the dog, and to determine the width, you need to measure the distance from the nose to the tail.

How to insulate a booth

Insulation of the booth is one of the most important activities. What is the best insulation option?

Natural and environmentally friendly materials, such as wood or felt, are best for warming a dog house. If the dog wants to gnaw on his own booth, no harmful substances will remain in his stomach.

Here are a few more material options you can use:

Sawdust or wood shavings

It is difficult to fix this insulation on the walls and ceiling, but it will fit for bedding.

Felt artificial

The raw material for its manufacture is polypropylene, it retains heat well and is easy to install.

In the process of warming, you just need to beat the inner surfaces of the booth with this material.


Styrofoam is the number one insulation. It is very light, cheap, easy to install, well insulates the room from cold and extraneous sounds, does not rot and is not damaged by mice. It can be glued, can be screwed to the surface with self-tapping screws.

They say that it is harmful and contains toxic substances, but the manufacturers deny this. But if there is a danger of a fire, then it is better to refuse it, since the foam plastic burns easily.


Belongs to a new generation of thermal insulation materials. It has low thermal conductivity, does not rot and, like polystyrene, is produced in the form of plates.

Mineral wool

The material consists of the smallest fibers, it is obtained from molten rocks. Mineral wool perfectly insulates rooms from heat loss, does not rot, and can last for a long period.

But if the insulation gets wet, it will no longer be suitable, so the wool should be insulated with a film.

Heating appliances

In addition to traditional insulation materials, heating devices can be used. For example, film-based heaters.

Thermal films work on the basis of infrared radiation and can be heated up to 60 degrees.

They are attached to inside the buildings.

The panels are powered by electricity. They are assembled in a metal case 2 cm thick and operate in the infrared range. Can heat up to 50 degrees.

Install the heating panel inside the booth, attaching it with self-tapping screws. You will also need to drill a small hole to bring the electrical wire out.

Warming technology

It is necessary to insulate all structures: walls, floor and roof. The booth is quite small, so cracks and gaps between the insulation materials should be avoided. Even a small draft can spoil all the work.

The insulation you have chosen should be fixed with your own hands on the inner surface of the walls and ceiling of the booth. How to fix? Felt can be nailed. Styrofoam is glued or screwed. But the insulation structure must be sewn up. To do this, it is better to use thin plywood, lining, OSB board. It is better not to use fiberboard and chipboard, because after wetting they are deformed and disintegrate.

It happens that over time the plywood begins to exfoliate. To fix it better, you can nail a semicircular glazing bead in the corners and around the perimeter of the booth.

To prevent heat from leaving the house through an open entrance, the hole can be closed with a curtain made of felt or tarpaulin. It is important that the curtain covers the entrance with a margin. It is better to fix it on top of the entrance with a wooden plank.

The floor of the house should be covered with dry straw or hay. These materials will retain heat if left dry. Such insulating bedding sometimes needs to be changed and shaken every few days.

But if you insulate the house with your own hands, even a well-insulated booth may not be a salvation for the dog during severe frosts. This is the best time to take her home.

The owners of private houses try to make every effort to make it cozy and warm during the cold season. But what about the dog that guards the yard and the owners? The booth in which the pet lives also needs thermal insulation. From our article you will learn how to insulate a dog house for the winter.

Everyone freezes in winter. And this applies not only to people. Even long-haired dogs feel uncomfortable and chilly. Especially if the kennel is not insulated and not ready for winter. You should definitely take care of creating the proper conditions for the animal in advance.

Taking a dog into a house that is constantly on the street is not the best option. The animal may feel uncomfortable. The dog may ask to go outside, tear things, spoil furniture and even show aggression. In order for everyone to be comfortable and familiar, it is necessary to prepare the booth in advance, protecting it from rain and cold.

Video "Building a warm dog house with your own hands"

This video will show you how to build your own warm booth for a dog.

General rules

There are a number of rules and requirements that must be observed:

  1. It is better to position the booth so that the entrance is located in a calm - with minimal wind movement.
  2. The ideal option is a kennel made of wood.
  3. To eliminate the risk of rain or melt water, you can use one of two options: make high-quality insulation or place the kennel on a hill.
  4. The dimensions of the booth should correspond to the size of the dog. The main thing is that the animal does not crowd there.
  5. It is better to put the kennel not in continuous shade, and not in the open sun. Choose the golden mean.
  6. It is important to repair the roof in time to prevent leaks.

What material to choose

The owner has many different materials at his disposal, each of which guarantees good thermal insulation and neat appearance kennels.

mineral wool

Mineral wool leads among other materials in terms of technical characteristics. She needs to be handled very carefully. Fiber negatively affects the health of the animal. Wherever the owner uses it - inside or outside the booth - the layer must be covered with a cladding. Don't forget about waterproofing.

When using mineral wool, thermal insulation resembles a layer cake:

  • wall of a dog house made of wood;
  • polymer film that protects against moisture;
  • a layer of mineral wool;
  • membrane;
  • outer cladding.

As for the ceiling and floor, they will also be insulated with several layers.


Styrofoam is another very popular material that is presented on the current market. It is not affected by moisture and does not contain dust. Mounting the structure is not difficult. By the way, branded mineral wool is many times more expensive than polystyrene.

The material is versatile. It is used and placed on the walls and floor of the booth. They also insulate the kennel from the outside. If the owner of the dog settled on this option, additional waterproofing is not needed. A facing material can be easily applied to the insulation layer.

As a rule, insulation work occurs as follows:

  • measurements are taken and foam is cut out;
  • insulation material is fixed with a special adhesive foam;
  • cladding is installed.


This material is natural. It is inexpensive, and guarantees complete safety. Felt is an ideal material for warming a dog kennel.

Among its characteristics is vapor impermeability. This means that the booth will always be dry. The material is also not blown, so it is not necessary to close it. If desired, you can fix the insulation layer with ordinary nails with large caps.

liquid insulation

An alternative to the options proposed above is a liquid insulation that will protect the animal from the cold. In appearance, the material resembles foam, after spraying it solidifies. When choosing a liquid insulation, remember that the layer must be at least 5 cm. The material has shown good wear resistance, and "promises" 30 years of service. Cured foam does not absorb moisture and steam. At the same time, after applying a layer of liquid insulation, lining is simply necessary.

Warming technique

Each of the above materials has its own characteristics. Speaking about the technique of warming a dog kennel, it is important to remember the following rules:

Among the advantages of a collapsible booth are:

  • ease of repair - a dog can gnaw a manhole, and then the owner dismantles the damaged elements, changes the damaged boards and fastens new parts again;
  • ease of manufacture - the kennel is manufactured in an equipped and convenient location, after which it can be easily transferred to the yard and quickly installed;
  • ease of cleaning - in order to completely disinfect the dog's home, the owner must completely disassemble it, carry out all the work, and assemble it again.

Non-separable booth

  1. No possibility of blowing. In a non-separable booth there are no places where its elements are joined. The same can be said about the absence of micro-slits, because the floor and walls come together.
  2. No draft. Dogs tolerate it much worse than frost. So the dog will be protected from the constant wind flow, will not catch a cold and get sick.
  3. The corners of the kennel have the maximum continuous thickness of the wooden layer.
  4. All elements are rigidly connected. This is a guarantee of durability and reliability of the booth. The owner will also not need to periodically tighten the connecting fasteners, which is extremely important in collapsible kennels.

Alternative Methods

Sometimes, while looking for an alternative way to warm the booth, the owners use bold, but ineffective methods:

  1. Heating the kennel with a light bulb. The heating lamp can create the desired temperature. But do not forget that the dog can burn or overheat due to a hot device. 50 cm is the minimum distance that must be between the device and the animal. Given the size of the standard booths, it would not be easy to enforce such a rule.
  2. Autonomous heater. Often runs on batteries. There are models that resemble heating pads. Their filling allows you to retain heat for a long time. In order for the device to work well and generate heat, it must be heated. Using a battery-operated heating pad, the owner connects it to the main heating complex as an addition.

electric heater

The simplest and most popular method among dog owners is the installation of a panel electric heater. Electrically powered infrared panels maintain the optimal temperature inside the dog kennel. In this case, the owner does not bear special costs for insulation and electricity. The system attracts with such advantages:

no noise during operation;

  • small-sized equipment (2 cm - standard thickness);
  • the air is heated no higher than 50 ° C, moderate heating does not dry out the air, so it is not necessary to cover the heater with a wooden grate;
  • ease of installation - it is enough for the owner to fix the electrical panel with self-tapping screws on the desired surface;
  • fire-fighting characteristics - it is possible to use the panel constantly during the day, while there is no need to monitor the booth.

IR film

Used to insulate booths infrared film. This is an ultra-thin heater that accumulates heat by emitting IR waves.

The heating element distributes heat, so the animal will definitely not overheat.

The film heater consists of three components:

  • heating element - necessary for conversion electrical energy in thermal;
  • foil - needed so that the heat evenly diverges throughout the kennel;
  • laminated film - guarantees excellent insulation and protects all components of the system inside from mechanical damage.

A dog house insulated with such a system has the following advantages:

  • electricity is used economically;
  • the output is healthy heating, which has a positive effect on immune system animal;
  • good level of heat transfer - uniform distribution of heat contributes to the fact that there are no "cold zones";
  • the air humidity in the kennel remains unchanged.

Pick up best option, and insulate the home for your pet in advance!

If the issue of warming the booth for the dog is acute and you need to take some measures quickly, then you can . But this is just a temporary measure, so that the kennel is really warm, you need to use one of the well-known heaters of natural or artificial origin, and also eliminate heat loss through the manhole.

How to insulate the manhole of the booth

The entrance to the vestibule and the booth are from different sides.

Even the highest quality insulation of a dog house will be useless if the hole through which the animal enters its apartments is open. All the stored heat in this case will quickly evaporate. Therefore, the first thing to do is to reduce heat loss through the manhole and prevent precipitation from entering the kennel. Insulation of the manhole booth for a dog can be done in two ways:

  • hang a curtain;
  • build a vestibule.

Hanging a curtain is the easiest. To do this, you need to take a dense weave or thick polyethylene and fix it over the inlet to the kennel.

The curtain consists of two or more segments, which must overlap each other and be larger than the manhole.

However, this method has some disadvantages. It happens that the curtain does not close tightly after the dog has entered or left the kennel. There are breeds of dogs, for example, German Shepherds, who do not like curtains at all. You can insulate a booth for a dog by building a vestibule - this is much more effective method. It is important that the inlets in the kennel and vestibule are on different sides. This will prevent the wind from blowing into the booth, and prevent snow or rain from getting in.

Naturally, a dog needs bedding. Many people use old blankets or jackets, but often the dog drags them outside or tears them apart. In addition, the litter must be constantly changed, so practice has proven that the best option is hay or straw. If there is a vestibule and a thick layer of scrap, then in warm winter you can do without additional insulation of the booth for the dog.

If there is a vestibule, the problem arises of how to change the litter. To make the process as convenient as possible, you can make the opening roof of the booth or leave the vestibule attached without rigid fixation. It should also be borne in mind that the temperature in the kennel is affected by its size. The smaller the booth, the warmer it is for the dog.

Materials for warming the booth

Mineral wool can be insulated dog kennel. The main thing is to close access to thermal insulation with interior decoration.

The enclosing structures of the kennel (walls and floor) can be single-layer and two-layer, by analogy with a frame house. If you do not plan any finishing when insulating single-layer walls, then it is better to fix the thermal insulation from the outside. In this case, it is better to use foam. Two-layer structures can be insulated with anything.

How to insulate a booth for a dog with your own hands:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Polynor;
  • natural heaters.

Many say that it is impossible to insulate a dog house with mineral wool, arguing this . We devoted a separate article to this topic, they insulate residential buildings with mineral wool and everything is in order, but here is a doghouse.

Insulation of the booth with mineral wool

Even taking into account the fact that you choose the cheapest, dustiest and prickly mineral wool, there are still methods on how to insulate a dog house for the winter so that nothing threatens the health of the animal. The main thing is to lay a vapor barrier and waterproofing. The films will not allow small particles of insulation to leave the heat-insulating cake. Layers from the inside:

  • inner wall;
  • vapor barrier polymer film;
  • mineral wool;
  • diffusion membrane advertising outside, and fleecy side inside;
  • outer wall.

When insulating the floor, the layers are arranged in the same way.

Styrofoam for insulation of a dog kennel

Peoplast is an excellent insulation for a booth.

Polyfoam unlike mineral wool does not dust and does not shrink. It can be laid on single-layer walls and floors even without finishing. In this case, it is better if it is on the outside, since the dog from the inside can damage the thermal insulation. The foam is attached with adhesive foam, which has excellent adhesion to any surface. It should be borne in mind that the foam is afraid of sunlight, from which it collapses. So you need to at least paint it.

Two-layer walls are insulated with polystyrene foam according to the same principle as with mineral wool. Thermal insulation simply fits into the interstitial space, no additional films are needed. A do-it-yourself insulated dog house will create comfortable conditions at any time of the year. It will be warm in winter and cool in summer. In addition to different densities, there are three modifications of foam:

  • in sheets;
  • chit;
  • extruded polystyrene foam.

Liquid insulation Polynor

- This is a one-component polyurethane foam, which is sold in cylinders. In appearance, it looks like mounting foam, and the same gun is used when applied. For installation, it is enough to wind the cylinder onto the gun, point its nozzle at the work surface and pull the trigger. The layer should be about 5 cm, but keep in mind that during polymerization, the composition increases in volume.

Polynor is insulated exclusively for finishing, so it can only be used for insulating two-layer building envelopes. Polynor has high characteristics, thanks to which the dog house will be warm:

  • thermal conductivity lambda 0.025 W/m*K;
  • does not pass steam and moisture;
  • refers to normally combustible materials;
  • does not shrink;
  • service life of more than 30 years.

Polynor is an analogue of PPU, only its use does not require special equipment, which is very convenient for warming small areas.

Natural heaters

The opening roof will facilitate the cleaning process.

The use of natural materials for the insulation of a doghouse brings two benefits:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • low cost.

The fact that there are no harmful substances in the insulation of natural origin is good, but the price is more pleasing. Sometimes a heater can be obtained absolutely free of charge. Possible options:

  • expanded clay;
  • a mixture of clay and straw;
  • pure straw;
  • sawdust.

There is an opinion that it is better not to insulate the kennel with hay or straw, since fleas can settle in this material, which subsequently haunt the dog. It is optimal to use expanded clay or sawdust. How to make an insulated dog house using loose insulation:

  • build double-layer walls and floors;
  • close the outer wall with waterproofing so that it is in contact with the thermal insulation. The membrane will also act as a windscreen;
  • put in the heater.

Please note that it is better not to compact sawdust and expanded clay too tightly, this will negatively affect the heat resistance of the building envelope.

Many cynologists believe that a dog needs an insulated kennel only if it belongs to a short-haired or smooth-haired breed. Furrier animals are able to endure cold winters. A thick undercoat provides warmth to a four-legged friend.

This article will describe different methods how to prepare a booth for a dog for a cold period.

The main stages of warming the kennel

Many are wondering how to insulate a dog house for the winter. Do not forget that our four-legged friends also need good care and comfortable living conditions. Let's look at how and how to insulate a dog house for the winter. Instructions and a detailed description of the process will help us in this important matter.

First of all, you should start working from the inside. For this purpose, a material protecting from the cold is laid under the outer layer of the skin. It is hidden with plywood or lining.

The inner lining must fit snugly against the insulation. At the same time, be careful that he does not crawl out from under it. Otherwise, cold air will enter your pet's home, which is already a danger to the health of the dog.

If the ceiling at the kennel has a hinged design, then you will need to lay additional material. If you are new to this business, be sure to read all the information you need, and also look at the drawings that explain in detail how to insulate the dog house for the winter. Photos of such structures show that there is nothing complicated in the process of their creation.

Roof sheathing is made of two or three layers. Metal, plastic or bitumen is perfect for roofing. Protecting the booth from the cold is complex and is carried out using different materials.

What is the structure made from?

How to insulate a dog house for the winter with maximum efficiency? Usually the gasket is placed in all parts of the kennel. Used for floors, roofs and walls different materials, based on their characteristics, as well as positive and negative sides.

How to properly insulate a dog house for the winter and what material to use depends on the location of the kennel and the personal choice of the dog owner, as well as how often the dog sits in his house.

Commonly used:

  • Mineral wool. Great for insulating rooms. However, over time, the material goes astray and loses its original characteristics.
  • Penoplex are lamellar plates that do not let moisture through and perfectly protect against freezing in winter. However, when this material is installed, a large number of seams that do not prevent the cold and require additional insulation.
  • Glass wool. This material has many advantages. The disadvantages include the presence of the smallest particles of fiberglass, which irritate the skin of the hands during installation work. There is also a risk that the fragments will fall into the lungs or eyes of a person and a dog.
  • Polyurethane foam is a modern insulation that is applied by spraying. He has no cons. It does not pose a health hazard, does not burn, is not subject to deformation and does not rot.

We build on our own

Many are wondering how to insulate a dog house for the winter with their own hands. After all, you want to make your pet a good home, where he will feel comfortable and safe. He will tell you in detail how to insulate a booth for a dog for the winter, instructions. Photos and drawings will show the whole process in detail.

The dog kennel is small in size, so gaps between materials should not be allowed. Even the smallest gap will nullify all your efforts. How to insulate a dog house for the winter so that gaps do not form?

The selected material is fixed on the roof and inner walls of the booth. The installation method varies. Felt is usually nailed. Styrofoam and foam plastic are screwed with screws or glued. The thermal insulation layer should be sheathed with plywood, OSB board or clapboard. The floor of the kennel is sprinkled with hay or sawdust. They should be kept dry. Such materials do not let the cold through. Periodically, they will have to be shaken up and changed. So that the entrance of the kennel, which is open, does not release heat, it can be closed with a special curtain. It should close the hole with a margin.

How to install a curtain for a booth

The main purpose of the curtain is to maintain the optimum temperature in the kennel in the winter. The material from which the curtain is made should protect the booth from drafts. For this purpose, the following are used:

  • Tarpaulin. It is distinguished by density. In the manufacture of this material is covered with a special mixture that prevents fire. The main advantage of tarpaulin is its elasticity. Therefore, the tension of the curtain can be easily adjusted depending on the size of the entrance.
  • Felt on an artificial basis perfectly retains heat. It can be easily cut. At the same time, the edges of this material do not crumble, so they do not need to be processed.

The curtain should completely close the entrance and not prevent the dog from getting in and out. The material must be labeled correctly. Determine the size you need and add allowances: 5 cm on the sides and 10 cm on the bottom. To prevent the dog from accidentally tearing off the curtain during sudden movements, it should be fixed to the top of the entrance with a wooden plank. The curtain is installed using self-tapping screws.

Insulation of the kennel with polyurethane foam

This material does not pose a danger to human and pet health, it is resistant to moisture. It is one of the best thermal insulators. Differs in affordable cost. It is attached to the inner surface of the booth. Usually flexible polyurethane foam is used. This is due to the openness of its structure and increased moisture absorption. Therefore, it is not used outside.

Polyurethane foam with a rigid structure is suitable for fastening from the outside of the kennel. In principle, this is the best solution when protecting a dog house from the cold. The material is non-toxic, since its basis is plastic. It can be purchased in both liquid and solid form. The liquid material is applied by spraying, while the solid material is in the form of slabs.

The plates are large and not suitable for insulation. We advise you to resort to the use of a liquid form, the main advantages of which include:

  • filling all cracks and gaps;
  • protection of the kennel from mold fungi and decay;
  • ensuring isolation from noise;
  • long service life (over 30 years).

Insulation of the booth with foam

As a rule, foam plastic is used to insulate a doghouse, the thickness of which is 50 mm. It is resistant to moisture. The material is attached to the walls and ceiling inside. All gaps formed can be filled with mounting foam from the outside and inside.

Mandatory sheathing of foam plastic should be carried out using plywood, OSB boards, and other materials. Otherwise, the sheets will crumble from the constant contact of the dog's body with the walls of the booth. In addition, the animal can scratch the material with teeth and claws.

Minus insulation through foam

In a hot period, such a booth will become a real steam room for a dog. After all, it is hermetically sealed and prevents the flow of fresh air.

A hinged lid saves the situation. This allows you to make a draft and somewhat improve the situation. But when designing a kennel, a removable insulation must be provided. Penoplex should be installed so that it can be removed during the hot period.

We use hay

How to insulate a dog house for the winter with hay? This is a rather old method. Outside, the kennel is upholstered with burlap, but not tightly, but so that it lies freely. Straw is placed in the resulting holes. The booth takes a round shape and becomes soft. Straw is also placed inside, in which the dog makes a nest.

Protecting the kennel from the cold with straw is undesirable, as fleas can start in it, causing inconvenience to the dog.

The main types of electric heaters

How to insulate a dog house for the winter with electricity? This can help:

  • Panel based heaters. Metal structures are in a metal case. Their thickness is no more than 2 cm, which allows a compact arrangement in the booth. They are attached to the casing with self-tapping screws.
  • Film based systems. This is a special thermal film that heats the booth with infrared radiation. It is installed under the lining of the kennel.
  • If you decide to install electric heater under the dog house, then they must fill the floor with a solution. The screed is made on foam. The dog does not like to lie on concrete, so either lay a shield made of wood.
  • When installing a heating film on the side walls, it should be covered with plywood.

Advantages of electric kennel heating

This type of insulation has many positive aspects:

  • On frosty days, an electric heater will create optimal conditions for a four-legged friend.
  • The kennel will be dry, which will prevent the appearance of molds.
  • Humid air exhaled by the dog will not turn into condensate and will not settle as frost on the walls of the booth.
  • The heater does not consume much electricity - only 100 W/m².

Cons of heating with electricity

Electric heaters also have their negative sides:

  • The pet is always active. In case of poor protection of the electrical wire, the dog can gnaw through it and die.

  • Don't forget about moisture. Film-based electric heaters are protected by a bitumen sticker. But if moisture constantly settles on their surface, then they are a danger to the life of the pet. If you insulate the booth with your own hands, then protect the device from moisture. Water gets into the booth from snow, which the dog brings on its paws and wool. Also, snow is blown by the wind if there is no curtain, or if it lets air through.

There is an alternative

For a long time, many cannot decide how and with what to insulate a dog house for the winter. Should you protect the kennel from the cold yourself at all? After all, such warming does not always guarantee optimal conditions for the pet and requires certain knowledge from the owner. In the cold season, it is better to keep the dog at home or buy a ready-made kennel for her, which is designed for very low temperatures.

Such booths have a well-thought-out design and are made using modern insulating materials. A kennel of this type will bring comfort to the dog on the coldest days.