Warm booth for the winter. Do-it-yourself warming of a dog house and organization of heating

The owners of private houses try to make every effort to make it cozy and warm during the cold season. But what about the dog that guards the yard and the owners? The booth in which the pet lives also needs thermal insulation. From our article you will learn how to insulate a dog house for the winter.

Everyone freezes in winter. And this applies not only to people. Even long-haired dogs feel uncomfortable and chilly. Especially if the kennel is not insulated and not ready for winter. You should definitely take care of creating the proper conditions for the animal in advance.

Taking a dog into a house that is constantly on the street is not the best option. The animal may feel uncomfortable. The dog may ask to go outside, tear things, spoil furniture and even show aggression. In order for everyone to be comfortable and familiar, it is necessary to prepare the booth in advance, protecting it from rain and cold.

Video "Building a warm dog house with your own hands"

This video will show you how to build your own warm booth for a dog.

General rules

There are a number of rules and requirements that must be followed:

  1. It is better to position the booth so that the entrance is located in a calm - with minimal wind movement.
  2. The ideal option is a kennel made of wood.
  3. To eliminate the risk of rain or melt water, you can use one of two options: make high-quality insulation or place the kennel on a hill.
  4. The dimensions of the booth should correspond to the size of the dog. The main thing is that the animal does not crowd there.
  5. It is better to put the kennel not in continuous shade, and not in the open sun. Choose the golden mean.
  6. It is important to repair the roof in time to prevent leaks.

What material to choose

The owner has a lot different materials, each of which guarantees good thermal insulation and neat appearance kennels.

mineral wool

Mineral wool leads among other materials in terms of technical characteristics. She needs to be handled very carefully. Fiber negatively affects the health of the animal. Wherever the owner uses it - inside or outside the booth - the layer must be covered with a cladding. Don't forget about waterproofing.

When using mineral wool, thermal insulation resembles a layer cake:

  • wall of a dog house made of wood;
  • polymer film that protects against moisture;
  • a layer of mineral wool;
  • membrane;
  • outer cladding.

As for the ceiling and floor, they will also be insulated with several layers.


Styrofoam is another very popular material that is presented on the current market. It is not affected by moisture and does not contain dust. Mounting the structure is not difficult. By the way, branded mineral wool is many times more expensive than polystyrene.

The material is versatile. It is used and placed on the walls and floor of the booth. They also insulate the kennel from the outside. If the owner of the dog settled on this option, additional waterproofing is not needed. A facing material can be easily applied to the insulation layer.

As a rule, insulation work occurs as follows:

  • measurements are taken and foam is cut out;
  • insulation material is fixed with a special adhesive foam;
  • cladding is installed.


This material is natural. It is inexpensive, and guarantees complete security. Felt is an ideal material for warming a dog kennel.

Among its characteristics is vapor impermeability. This means that the booth will always be dry. The material is also not blown, so it is not necessary to close it. If desired, you can fix the insulation layer with ordinary nails with large caps.

liquid insulation

An alternative to the options proposed above is a liquid insulation that will protect the animal from the cold. In appearance, the material resembles foam, after spraying it solidifies. When choosing a liquid insulation, remember that the layer must be at least 5 cm. The material has shown good wear resistance, and "promises" 30 years of service. Cured foam does not absorb moisture and steam. At the same time, after applying a layer of liquid insulation, lining is simply necessary.

Warming technique

Each of the above materials has its own characteristics. Speaking about the technique of warming a dog kennel, it is important to remember the following rules:

Among the advantages of a collapsible booth are:

  • ease of repair - a dog can gnaw a manhole, and then the owner dismantles the damaged elements, changes the damaged boards and fastens new parts again;
  • ease of manufacture - the kennel is made in an equipped and convenient place, after which it can be easily transferred to the yard and quickly installed;
  • ease of cleaning - in order to completely disinfect the dog's home, the owner must completely disassemble it, carry out all the work, and assemble it again.

Non-separable booth

  1. No possibility of blowing. In a non-separable booth there are no places where its elements are joined. The same can be said about the absence of micro-slits, because the floor and walls come together.
  2. No draft. Dogs tolerate it much worse than frost. So the dog will be protected from the constant wind flow, will not catch a cold and get sick.
  3. The corners of the kennel have the maximum continuous thickness of the wooden layer.
  4. All elements are rigidly connected. This is a guarantee of durability and reliability of the booth. The owner will also not need to periodically tighten the connecting fasteners, which is extremely important in collapsible kennels.

Alternative Methods

Sometimes, while looking for an alternative way to warm the booth, the owners use bold, but ineffective methods:

  1. Heating the kennel with a light bulb. The heating lamp can create the desired temperature. But do not forget that the dog can burn or overheat due to a hot device. 50 cm is the minimum distance that must be between the device and the animal. Given the size of the standard booths, it would not be easy to enforce such a rule.
  2. Autonomous heater. Often runs on batteries. There are models that resemble heating pads. Their filling allows you to retain heat for a long time. In order for the device to work well and generate heat, it must be heated. Using a battery-powered heating pad, the owner connects it to the main heating complex as an addition.

electric heater

The simplest and most popular method among dog owners is the installation of a panel electric heater. Infrared panels, powered by electricity, maintain the optimum temperature inside dog kennel. In this case, the owner does not bear special costs for insulation and electricity. The system attracts with such advantages:

no noise during operation;

  • small-sized equipment (2 cm - standard thickness);
  • the air is heated no higher than 50 ° C, moderate heating does not dry out the air, so it is not necessary to cover the heater with a wooden grate;
  • ease of installation - it is enough for the owner to fix the electrical panel with self-tapping screws on the desired surface;
  • fire-fighting characteristics - it is possible to use the panel constantly during the day, while there is no need to monitor the booth.

IR film

Used to insulate booths infrared film. This is an ultra-thin heater that accumulates heat by emitting IR waves.

The heating element distributes heat, so the animal will definitely not overheat.

The film heater consists of three components:

  • heating element - necessary for conversion electrical energy in thermal;
  • foil - needed so that the heat evenly diverges throughout the kennel;
  • laminated film - guarantees excellent insulation and protects all components of the system inside from mechanical damage.

A dog house insulated with such a system has the following advantages:

  • electricity is used economically;
  • the output is healthy heating, which has a positive effect on immune system animal;
  • good level of heat transfer - uniform distribution of heat contributes to the fact that there are no "cold zones";
  • the air humidity in the kennel remains unchanged.

Pick up best option, and insulate the home for your pet in advance!

Winter cold can be a real test for a dog. Of course, there are breeds of northern origin (Husky, Malamute) with a good undercoat and thick coat that can withstand -40 degree frosts. Their ancestors - sled dogs, worked in frost and snowstorms, without much harm to health endured swimming in icy water. One need only recall the 1925 expedition to deliver a diphtheria vaccine to the city of Nome in Alaska. But it must be remembered that already at -15 ° C, the dog will need a more high-calorie diet and periodic rest in the warmth.

If a dog that is usually kept outside is taken into the house with the onset of cold weather, it will feel uncomfortable and may rush back to the street, damage furniture, show anxiety and aggression. So it is necessary to equip the dog with a reliable shelter from cold and precipitation, having determined ahead of time what to put the dog in the booth and how to insulate the walls. In some cases, a warm dog house with infrared heating will be a suitable solution.

If we are talking about representatives of decorative breeds, short-haired dogs, then keeping them on the street is contraindicated. So that the dog does not catch a cold on a walk, it must be dressed. Waterproof overalls are worn if it is slush or sleet outside. A multi-layer quilted winter blanket for dogs is good because it leaves paws open without restricting the dog's movement. In stores, you can also find winter boots for dogs and stockings that cover paws to the shoulders. They must be made of non-slip fabric and not squeeze the dog's paws.

Clothes will protect the dog from the cold, and shoes - from the dirt, salt and chemicals that sprinkle the streets in winter. If the dog walks without shoes, then the paw pads must be washed and greased to avoid drying out of the skin and the appearance of cracks. The walk should be interrupted if the dog trembles or shrinks into a ball - these are signs of hypothermia. You can read more about clothes for dogs.

Booth design

A dog that is kept in the yard needs a warm kennel. Such a warm booth for a dog must meet several parameters. In height, it is necessary to focus on the growth of the animal and make a margin of 10 - 15 cm, the depth and width should allow the dog to lie freely, stretching out its paws. It should be borne in mind that the dog in the booth will lie, sit and walk. But too large a kennel will also quickly cool down without external heating.

When deciding how to make a warm booth for a dog, you should decide on the main building materials. A wooden winter booth for a dog will always be preferable to a brick one, including from the point of view of the possibility of warming. In a brick kennel, you will have to make a wooden frame, which will be filled with insulating material. This will reduce the internal area of ​​the booth. Elite options for booths are made like a Russian hut - from logs, the gaps between which are clogged with tow.

Interestingly, a dog booth for the winter can consist of one room or have a kind of vestibule that protects the kennel from drafts. It is separated from the bed by a partition, which is taken out for the summer. The entrance can be curtained for better protection against the ingress of cold air. The folding roof will allow you to quickly carry out cleaning. The roof of the booth is made of thick boards. It is not recommended to upholster it with metal, as the kennel will quickly cool down. The roof may be sloping, but not gable, as in summer many dogs like to climb on top of the booth.

The walls of the booth should not be made from non-grooved boards. In the cold, the boards will dry out and cracks will appear. Plain plywood or lining will not protect the dog from frost. Typically, an insulated dog house consists of a frame, insulation, inner and outer skins. The floor is made of a solid board (3-4 cm thick) without gaps so that the dog's claws do not get stuck. At the entrance, they often make a low threshold. Laz can be upholstered with metal.

Warming materials

Shavings, foam plastic, felt or mineral wool are used as insulating materials.

The litter will have to be replaced regularly, but it is still better than fabric, which the dog can chew on or pull out of the kennel. But sawdust is something that is not worth laying in a dog's booth in winter, because they get into the nose and climb into the eyes, causing inflammation. Prickly dust prevents the dog from properly lying down in the booth.

If the kennel has double plank walls, then shavings or straw are poured into the gaps between them. If the question arises, how to insulate a dog house for the winter, and then return to the summer version, then this is the right solution. But in this case, fleas can overwinter with the dog.



You can upholster the booth from the inside with felt. It will also come in handy for a curtain at the entrance, if you place a felt sheet between two strips of tarpaulin. Its sheets are easy to cut, the edges do not need to be processed. Such insulation is not covered with plywood sheets. A tarpaulin can cover the booth from the outside to protect it from rain. It will be difficult for the dog to pluck or chew on it.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is valued for its durability and good thermal insulation qualities, but it deteriorates when exposed to moisture and shrinks over time. Mineral wool is also insulated with thermal film because the ingress of its particles into Airways dogs are highly discouraged. On top of the film sheathed with boards.


In areas where frosts are especially severe, it makes sense to install a dog house heating on a wall, roof or in a kennel frame.

Film and panel heaters are common. The film heater in the dog house operates with the help of infrared radiation and is able to provide heating up to 60 ° C. It does not dry out the air, heats the kennel evenly, is equipped with a temperature sensor to stop heating when a certain temperature is reached. The ultra-thin thermal film of the heater is mounted under the skin, and metal panel heaters about 2 cm thick are attached to it from above.

Some models have a thermostat with which you can manually set a comfortable heating level. Many experts consider installing a heater in a kennel unnecessary, explaining that the dog is able to adapt itself to low temperatures by growing an undercoat. In addition, the transition from a well-heated room to the street and back is harmful for the dog. A tambour can protect against this, in which it will be cool, but still not as cold as outside.

It is difficult to determine if a dog is cold in a kennel in winter, as it is a rather resistant and patient animal and is capable of not showing signs of hypothermia for a long time. But dogs usually try to deal with overheating on their own. Many owners want to know why the dog does not sleep in the booth in winter or runs there for a short time. It is quite possible that a short stay in the kennel is enough for the dog. But it is possible that the booth is poorly ventilated, cramped or hot.

You can often see that the dog gnaws at the insulation or drags out the bedding from the booth, sleeps in the fresh air. He can also spend the whole day outside, running and wallowing in the snow. The main condition for maintaining a pet's health in winter is regular nutrition, and the winter diet should be about a quarter of the usual calories, and food should be given more often. The dog should have enough water, for which, in frosts, a bowl or basin is filled with snow.

Pet owners usually decide in favor of their pets whether they need warm housing. They are serious about the problem of how to insulate a dog house for the winter, they know how to create normal conditions for wintering pets.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

Regardless of the breed, the pet needs to find a place on the estate, from where the house, the gate, and most of the yard will be visible. The watchman needs to see the protected area.

The dog house should not be located in the wind, under the open sun, the entrance should not be flooded with rain, covered with snow. Nearby you can not place buildings for animals or birds - dogs are sensitive to smells.

The pet should like the chosen place. If he likes to lie, climbing higher, they arrange a dwelling with a flat roof and set it on a hill.

Design, dimensions

In windy cold weather, the dog, huddled in the far corner of the booth, is warmed by its warmth. In summer, when the shelter becomes stuffy, he prefers to survey the surroundings, leaning out or sitting on the roof of the booth.

Therefore, it is advisable to arrange a dwelling from two compartments. The first is a remote windward place behind the internal partition, where the dog will sleep in winter. The second is an entrance vestibule open to the outside, so that in summer it can hide from the heat, fall apart, stretching out its paws.

Given these considerations, the dimensions of an adult animal determine the internal dimensions of the dog house. The height is set according to the growth of the dog at the withers, adding 15 cm, the depth - along its length from the withers to the ends of the paws in the prone position, plus 15 cm.

The width of the bedroom is determined by the length from the nose to the root of the tail, adding 15 cm, the entrance vestibule - adding another 10. The height of the entrance is arranged according to the growth of the animal at the withers, subtracting 5 cm, the width - by the size of the chest plus 5 cm. body, it will be comfortable when living.

Reducing heat loss

Heat loss will be much less if the booth is built without gaps, a tarpaulin or felt curtain is installed above the inlet. For convenience, the canopy is cut into strips in height, fastened above the manhole with a bar. The size should be sufficient to block the entrance on the sides and bottom. Additional comfort is created by a piece of felt or a wrinkle-resistant bedding on the floor.

Such priority warming of the booth for the dog significantly reduces its heat loss and is sufficient for thick-haired breeds.

Short-haired dogs can winter in a booth if the structures do not allow heat to pass through. Therefore, to reduce heat transfer, they are provided with an insulating material (insulation).

Types of thermal insulation

General requirements:

  • high insulating properties - heat transfer through the material should be minimal;
  • environmental safety - no dust formation, emission of harmful substances;
  • fire resistance;
  • biological stability - inedibility for rodents, moths; resistance to mold, fungus, microorganisms;
  • durability, ability to retain shape, ease of use.

Sheet felt - made from sheep wool, is a unique insulation used in many industries, construction.

The material breathes, does not support combustion - it goes out if it is set on fire. It has low thermal conductivity, low weight, keeps its shape well, does not gain moisture. Microorganisms, fungi, mold do not start in it. Produced in roll form, convenient for work. These properties make it one of the best for thermal insulation. dog house. In application, an inexpensive analogue, technical felt, is also quite good.

Before starting work, measurements are made of the internal surfaces of the house, including the floor and ceiling. According to the obtained dimensions, patterns are made with scissors or a knife. Felt sheets are fastened with capped nails. Reflective foil is additionally placed under the felt for better heat retention. On the side walls, the floor is sometimes covered with board or plywood so that the insulation lasts a long time.

Mineral wool - artificial fibrous materials with high thermal insulation properties. In terms of thermal characteristics, they are at the level of foam plastic. They have high fire and biological resistance.

The main disadvantage of most of these heaters is the presence of fine glass in the composition of wool, which requires good surface insulation on both sides. They are characterized by increased fragility, danger during work. Violation of the skin is fraught with danger to the pet.

Polyfoam exists in two modifications: molded and extruded polystyrene foam ( tradename penoplex). Both can be used for warming the booth. The first is brittle, combustible, absorbs moisture. It is used as a heater laid in the cavity, covered with waterproofing. To avoid damage, the foam is covered with plywood or board sheathing.

The second is a durable, moisture-resistant, non-flammable, dense material. Due to its low thermal conductivity, it practically does not transmit heat.

When insulating an existing large-sized booth from the inside without dismantling it, only by removing the roof, it is better to use expanded polystyrene. It comes in solid, lightweight, conveniently sized plates that won't significantly reduce living space.

With new construction, any of the materials will do. Each structural element of the dog house is made and insulated separately.

Foamed polyethylene (trade name - penofol) - rolled two-layer material for thermal insulation, equipped with one or two layers of foil. The standard thickness is 2-10 mm, the reflectance is over 90%. Unlike analogues, it does not accumulate, but reflects thermal radiation. Moisture-resistant material, non-flammable, easy to use, resistant to weather conditions, aggressive environment. They perform insulation both inside and outside, followed by cladding.

Hay. Warming with hay is quite simple. Before the cold weather, a cover made of tarpaulin or burlap is fixed on the outside of the dog house. Hay is stuffed around the cover, which serves as a heater. If snow falls from the sides - it does not matter. Laying hay inside is not practical - replacing it with a fixed roof covered with a cover will be a problem. It is more rational to put felt on the floor. Before melting, the snow is discarded, the cover is removed.

Liquid insulation. It is made on the basis of water or varnish. Supplied in bottles. It has a pasty consistency, due to which it is easily sprayed, applied with a brush. It has good adhesion to any material. The product is non-flammable, does not emit hazardous substances, has a low cost, is easy to apply. Several of its layers on the structures increase the temperature in the premises by 2-4 °C.


When the existing structure is insulated from the inside, all its internal dimensions will be reduced, which will create inconvenience for the pet due to tightness. In addition, work inside is difficult - it is preferable to produce insulation from the outside.

They start from the bottom, for which the roof is removed, the dog house is turned over. The bottom is cleaned of dirt, treated with an antiseptic, covered with roofing material. Having decided how to insulate, wooden blocks of the required height are stuffed around the perimeter and in the middle of the bottom as a log.

According to the size of the resulting nests, thermal insulation and a layer of roofing material are cut and laid. They complete the work on the bottom with a boardwalk with antiseptic treatment.

Insulation of all side walls, roofs is carried out according to the stated sequence. For insulation, felt, polystyrene, expanded polystyrene, foamed polyethylene and other materials are used.

The height of the bars stuffed for laying the selected insulation is set according to its thickness. Waterproofing is carried out using roofing material, glassine, polyethylene film, and other film materials. The outer skin is made of plywood, profiled sheet, board and other materials.

Important! Insulation work should be accompanied by smoothing out sharp corners, burrs, protrusions, elimination of cracks on the floor so that the pet does not get a splinter, does not break the claw.

Electric heating

They are used when the possibilities of insulating materials have been exhausted. They are used instead of warming, when they consider it inappropriate, if you need a quick result during a cold snap.

To apply heating, an electric line is connected to the booth, a waterproof socket is installed.

Important! The laying of electrical cables across the territory is carried out secretly in polyethylene pipes low pressure or in metal with a wall thickness of more than 2 mm.

All purchased heaters operate in the infrared range, which is beneficial for the animal. They do not create excessive heat, consume a small amount of electricity, are silent, do not burn oxygen, and are reliable in service.

Types of heaters:

  • Panel

It is produced in the form of a heating plate 2 cm thick. The heating temperature is up to 50 °C. It is fastened with ordinary self-tapping screws, the installation site is a wall. Has a temperature controller. For insurance, a protective metal mesh is installed on top.

  • Film

It is produced in the form of a heating roll, the heating temperature is up to 60 °C. The radiation does not harm the dog, because it corresponds to the natural radiation of the body. Mounted inside the wall dog house on a substrate of a reflective screen and a layer of mineral wool. Be sure to cover the inner lining.

  • Flexible

Represents the most modern type of heater. Made as a hanging rug 50 cm wide, can be up to several meters long. It is hung on the wall of a dog's dwelling, protected from mechanical damage by a grate. Simple constructively, durable in operation, harmless to the health of the pet.

  • Warm floor

Installed under the floor boards. The heating element is made in the form of a thin plastic plate. Complete with thermostat and temperature sensor. It is protected from moisture ingress by a film. It heats the floor boards within 40 ° C without overheating and causing damage to the health of the pet.

  • Homemade

They may differ in design, principle of operation. Must not create a risk of fire, electric shock, overheating of the animal. Must comply with electrical installation regulations.

Each owner should know how to provide comfortable living conditions for the pet. When the cold season sets in, dog owners have a question about how to insulate a dog house for the winter, and whether there is a need for such an event.

Do I need to insulate a dog house?

Dogs different breeds tolerate differently low temperatures, but most of them cope well with the cold and are not even averse to sleeping in the snow. This is especially true for dogs of hunting breeds, since they are distinguished by dense and thick hair. But in order to understand whether a dog freezes in winter or not, taking into account only its breed is not enough. Dogs of the same breed tolerate cold differently, as they are grown and live in different conditions. Even the most cold-resistant animal, which was bred in an apartment or a warm house, will not be able to normally survive the winter on the street.

In the conditions of the Russian winter, the dog needs a warm booth

The dog's body adapts to the conditions environment, which affects the condition and quality of wool. The dogs kept in the apartment do not have an undercoat, since they do not need it. If such a dog is allowed outside, especially in winter, it will be cold.

It is important! Of course, if you transfer the dog to outdoor living in a booth, then over time the undercoat will grow back and the normal condition of the coat will be restored. You also need to pay attention to the size of the pet. Large breed dogs do not lose heat as quickly as small breeds. If the dog has short hair or no undercoat, it is unacceptable to keep it on the street without a warm booth.

It is worth paying attention to the temperature that is set in the booth in the winter. If the dog house is made of wood (the most common material), then the temperature in the dog house will differ by a maximum of 3-4 degrees from the ambient temperature. This is due to the fact that air circulates freely through the outlet and does not allow heat to linger inside the dog house. Many owners hang a curtain on the outlet for the winter, however, this is not enough to create full and comfortable conditions for the dog in the winter.

What is the best way to insulate

A worthy owner will somehow carry out warming measures, because no one (except the dog itself) can definitely say whether the animal is cold in winter or not. In order to surely create good conditions in which the dog will endure the winter cold and not endanger his health, you need to choose materials for warming the booth.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is the most popular material used for insulation. To use it for sheathing a kennel, you need to take into account many nuances. The dog at any time can gnaw or tear with its claws the insulation material, and it will lose its properties. Given the structure of the mineral wool, if the material enters the animal's stomach ( digestive system), then this is fraught with big health problems for the pet. Given the small dimensions of the kennel, work on insulation with mineral wool will become very time consuming. If you want to carry out insulation with this particular material, it is worth considering that glass wool cannot be used, a mandatory measure is the waterproofing of the material and the cladding (regardless of whether the decoration is carried out inside or outside the kennel).

Mineral wool is often used to insulate dog kennels.


A good option with which it is easy to insulate the booth. The thermal insulation characteristics of foam are the same as those of mineral wool, and even better. There is no need to carry out waterproofing, since the foam is resistant to environmental factors. It is better to choose foam or polystyrene foam for insulation of the booth. Considering that in any case the dog will try to scratch or gnaw at the heat-insulating material, facing works are also indispensable.

Styrofoam - an excellent and inexpensive insulation

Roll heat insulators

Of the most popular, polyethylene and penofol are distinguished. They are easy to fix outside the booth using a stapler. The material has good thermal insulation properties. As in the previous cases, sheathing is required.


The material is completely natural, which means it is safe for the animal. Its price is available to anyone. Ideal option for warming the booth. Considering that he has good level vapor permeability, prevents the accumulation of moisture in the booth, waterproofing measures are not required. Using felt, there is no need to resort to cladding, it is enough to fix the material with nails.

Felt can be used to insulate a dog house both inside and out.

It is important! If felt is chosen for warming the booth, then it is recommended to purchase fasteners (nails) with large caps. This will ensure reliable and durable fixation of materials on the kennel.

How to make a warm booth with your own hands

  • If the kennel is made of wood, it is first of all recommended to treat it with a protective compound (antiseptic) that is safe for the health of the animal.
  • For high-quality insulation, it is recommended to disassemble the structure in parts, check each element for cracks and, if necessary, eliminate them. A good material for this is construction foam.
  • Laying thermal insulation material on the floor.
  • Finished flooring.
  • Attaching the selected material for warming the dog kennel to the walls, if necessary, waterproofing the walls and lining.
  • The last is roof insulation measures.

In addition to the option of creating comfortable conditions for the dog for the winter, indicated above, it is possible to use some types of heaters. Each of them is described in more detail below.

Curtain installation

The shutter on the outlet is installed according to the following sequence of actions:

  1. Initially, at least 2 rectangular fabric elements are cut out. The dimensions depend on the parameters of the inlet. Add 5 cm to the length of each segment, add a distance to the width for attaching elements with an overlap.
  2. The fastening of the material is carried out with inside booths, this can be done directly on the structure or on a pre-prepared and attached rail.
  3. For a more reliable attachment, you can use the option of installing a curtain outside the kennel, but at the same time additionally build a frame around the perimeter of the outlet and fix it over the curtain.
  4. For fastening, use self-tapping screws or nails with wide hats.

To weight the curtain, it is better to use a two-layer soft tissue by sewing it on the bottom. Choose a curtain material that will prevent heat loss from the kennel. Silicone blinds, an old warm blanket, felt are suitable for this purpose.

Step-by-step instructions for warming

  1. Initially, the booth is turned over, they begin to process the floor with special compounds and attach the roofing material.
  2. The structure is turned back and the waterproofing material is attached inside the kennel. You can use the same roofing material.
  3. The material should be overlapped to prevent gaps. At the joints, it is required to fix the roofing material with a mounting stapler.
  4. Next, lay the insulation material. Given that in the future it will need to be covered with a finishing floor, it is recommended to use bars for attachment and build miniature logs from them.
  5. Start laying the finished floor. For these purposes, processed boards, plywood or OSB are used.
  6. The next step is wall insulation. The process depends on the material chosen, and before starting work, you need to read the manufacturer's instructions. But the principle of building a heat-insulating layer in a dog house is identical, regardless of the material.
  7. First of all, they begin to clean and process the walls, if necessary, attach waterproofing materials, after which the thermal insulation is directly laid.
  8. Depending on the requirements of the insulating material, they begin to finish the walls. For this, you can use, as for the floor, plywood, boards or OSB.
  9. The last step is roof insulation. The work is carried out by analogy with the previous stages. If the roof of the kennel is designed in such a way that the dog does not have access to it, then lining is not required.

Video: do-it-yourself warm booth for a dog

Heating options

There are several types of heaters that can be used in the booth.


The device, which is designed to heat the dog kennel, is small in size and is designed in a metal case. The installation is simple. The maximum temperature limit is 50 degrees. You can install the heater on the roof or walls of the booth. The positive characteristics of the device are its silent operation, minimal power consumption, no need for maintenance, during operation, it does not consume oxygen.

You can make a panel heater for a dog house yourself


The thinnest infrared heaters. Available in rolls and flexible. For the animal, they are completely safe and do not consume much energy. Additionally provide positive impact on the dog's immune system. You can install them in any comfortable spot in a kennel.

Warm floor

The contour design of the warm floor is easily made independently. To do this, you will need to use heating wires that need to be laid on plywood or chipboard and attached to the main structure. You can buy ready-made underfloor heating.

There is another option suitable for creating heat in a dog kennel - a convector heater. When choosing a device, it is important to familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics and pay attention to safety and heating temperature. And it is best to use a convector mat in such a situation. The advantages of the equipment are that the device does not heat up to high temperatures, so it is completely safe for the animal.

Option for connecting a heater to a pet kennel

It is important! If you want to build a heater for a dog house, you need to make sure that it is completely safe for the animal, does not create a risk of fire and does not heat up too much. Maximum temperature for appliances - 50 degrees.

There are many options on how to insulate a dog house for the winter. After reviewing in detail with each of them, you can choose the most suitable for both the animal and its owner. The type of heating depends on the pet and on environmental conditions.

On the eve of cold weather, every dog ​​owner thinks about whether the pet needs additional protection in winter, how to create ideal conditions for wintering and whether the dog needs it.

Does it freeze in winter

Most dogs can comfortably tolerate the cold and even sleep in the snow, depending on the breed of the dog. Hunting breeds tolerate cold well, by winter they grow dense wool and, in principle, it is not advisable to keep them at home, as this spoils the innate scent.

However, even representatives of the same breed react differently to cold depending on the conditions in which they live.

When a dog lives in an apartment, she sheds more often, since she does not need an undercoat in an apartment. When an animal lives in a booth, then by winter it grows a warm undercoat, which ensures the safety of heat.

In addition to the undercoat, the size of the animal affects the preservation of heat. Large breeds dogs lose heat more slowly than small ones. Pets that lack undercoat or have it underdeveloped need winter clothing.

How to prepare

In order to take care of the comfort of your pet in the cold season, you must follow a few rules:


Consider the options for warming a dog kennel:

  1. Booth insulation. Mineral wool is an excellent insulation, however, due to the small size of the kennel, the process will be laborious. The mineral wool layer will need to be waterproofed. For insulation, it is not recommended to use glass wool.

Expert advice: the insulation layer must be sheathed with a layer of plywood or OSB, otherwise the dog may simply destroy the insulation.

  1. Thermal insulation of a dog kennel. Styrofoam with a thickness of 0.5 cm or more will be an excellent insulation. Unlike mineral wool, it is not subject to external influences, therefore waterproofing is not required, but protection from dog claws is needed.
  1. Insulation of the booth with heat insulators. Rolled heat-insulating materials, such as polyethylene and penofol, have excellent thermal insulation properties. They are very easy to attach and also need additional sheathing.
  1. Thermal insulation of the booth with felt. In addition to the fact that felt is a natural material, it is absolutely safe and inexpensive. It will always be dry inside the booth, as it is vapor-tight. In addition, this is the only material that does not require sheathing, ordinary nails with large hats are suitable for fixing.

Sequence of work

Warming should start from the floors, you need to protect the bottom of the kennel. A finishing floor must be laid on top of the insulation. Further, the walls of the kennel are insulated, in accordance with the selected material.

The roof is insulated last; sheathing is not required here.

The roof must be protected from moisture and wind.

Consider: when installing the insulation, the presence of cracks or other blown areas is unacceptable. In no case should moisture enter!

There are many ways to insulate the house of the booth and there is absolutely nothing complicated in them. If your faithful pet is dear to you, then it is better to take care of his living conditions, especially during the winter months.

Watch the video in which the specialist tells how to build a warm booth for a dog with his own hands: