Fibrocystic breast disease treatment. Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands - treatment

The mammary glands are formed from different types fabrics. Throughout a woman's life, her breasts can change shape and size. When the histological structure is disturbed, cysts, indurations, or swelling may form. FMK is the most common disease in this area. mammary glands.

FCM of the mammary glands - a disease benign, the cause of which is most often a gap in the proportions between the docking and epithelial materials. Doctors make this diagnosis if they find seals in a woman's chest.

The disease is more common after 45 years of age, but can occur in childbearing age. With complications, some forms of FCM can transform into malignant neoplasms.

Forms of mastopathy

Pathology develops regardless of age. At first, its course is actually not noticeable for a woman, and sometimes, on the contrary, the clinical picture manifests itself quite clearly: discharge from the nipples, painful manifestations, compaction throughout the breast or only in one place.

Soreness is different from its manifestations before menstruation. If mastopathy is not treated, it can have serious consequences.

Diffuse dishormonal mastopathy

The difference between diffuse mastopathy and other forms is that it affects the entire mammary gland as a whole. Usually more than half of women suffer from this form. The main patients are female bodybuilders who take various hormones, especially estrogen and progesterone.

The cysts formed during the disease change their size during menstruation. They are dense or watery, mobile during the inspection. Various discharges from the nipples, aching, bursting pains are possible. Mandatory monitoring of their growth and other changes is required.

The causes of this disease can be:

Nodular mastopathy

The disease is characterized by the existence of transformations of the mammary glands: nodes, soft tissue cysts, coarsening of the breast during menstruation, increased sensitivity, liquid discharge, growth of gland lobules. Identification of individual atypical cells is a state of increased risk of cancer.

Mastopathy therapy nodal type is successful only at the beginning of the disease. Further treatment involves the intervention of a surgeon. Unlike diagnosis, in the nodular form of the disease, fingering is prohibited.

Types of mastopathy

Mastopathy is divided into 3 main types:

  • fibrous;
  • cystic;
  • mixed.

fibrous type

If the fibrous tissue grows atypically, then the pathology has a fibrous type. With a certain nature and non-treatment of mastopathy, cells may degenerate into malignant ones.

cystic type

This type of mastopathy is often combined with gynecological diseases that a woman has, including a violation menstrual cycle. A cyst can form not only in soft tissues breasts, but also in the ovaries. Multiple cysts and nodules deliver pain and discomfort. Cases of discovery cystic mastopathy men are rare, but they do happen.

FCM of the mammary glands has different forms.

After finishing menopause the risk of disease is reduced. If there is no therapy, there is a rather high probability of cell transformation into malignant ones.

mixed view

Mixed fibrocystic breast disease is usually preceded by liver and thyroid diseases, chronic female diseases, abortions, lack of breastfeeding, and stressful conditions. In the presence of enlargement of the lobules and an increase in the ducts.

Palpation reveals a smooth oval or round compaction with fuzzy contours, as well as small grain size and coarsening of the lobules. The distribution of fibrous tissue with cysts is usually present in both breasts, although tenderness may be present in only one.

Reasons for development

Reasons for development this disease lie in a violation of the hormonal background: a large increase in estrogen, which leads to a lack of progesterone. This imbalance gradually leads to transformations in the mammary glands.

Symptoms according to the form of pathology

Signs of mastopathy and its manifestations largely depend on the physical and psychological state women. Soreness comes from stagnation of blood. Women usually refer to this as breast engorgement.

Sometimes the pain syndrome is unbearable even from touching clothes.

Soreness and swelling decrease after the end of menstruation. The longer the disease continues, the pain becomes incessant. All this leads to a failure in the emotional state of a woman, creates a state of irritation, aggressiveness, or vice versa, tearfulness.

echocardiography on ultrasound

FCM of the mammary glands is often determined by echogram. Echo-signs vary according to the duration of the disease. The age of the patient also plays an important role in the diagnosis. Ultrasound of the breast transitional age determines the layered structure, forming irregular shape masses.

mammography diagnostician

When an unknown plan of seals appears in the mammary gland, mammography studies are prescribed to determine the severity. This procedure does not carry out any intervention in the structure of breast tissues, needles or surgical instruments are not used, therefore it is considered safe.


Some forms of the disease, in which small seals and cysts form in large numbers, are difficult to detect during self-examination. Usually, women start to see a specialist only when unpleasant symptoms appear, such as: chest pain, changes in the menstrual cycle, or discharge from the nipples.

FMK is diagnosed using mammography. If it is present, the image shows pathological changes in the mammary gland, an increase in lymph nodes, hotbed of disease. The mammologist will determine their number, nature, volume, uniformity. In the photograph, cystic and fibroadenoma formations have the shape of an oval or circle with clear edges.

If there are such complaints, a qualified doctor will prescribe an ultrasound scan. Testing may be required to confirm the diagnosis biochemical analysis blood. If a cyst or tumor is detected, a puncture is prescribed. FCM of the mammary glands on ultrasound images manifests itself in the form of a thickening of the walls of the ducts, an increase in the echogenicity of the glandular layer due to a large number fibrous structures.


Treatment of this disease begins with a high-quality diagnosis using mammography and ultrasound, which is more effective on the fifth day of the menstrual cycle. If there is swelling, you can take diuretics, to increase metabolism - a complex of vitamins. For pain in the mammary glands, anti-inflammatory therapy is used.

If in the course of the disease, there is nervous breakdown prescribed sedatives and antidepressants. Much attention should be paid to vitamins. Their use facilitates the condition of the woman as a whole. For pain relief, you can additionally use ointments that help reduce inflammation and swelling.

With a serious running form

FCM of the mammary glands in a neglected form is treated with surgery or puncture. If the diagnosis revealed diseases associated with mastopathy in endocrinology or gynecology, treatment is prescribed along with the recommendations of doctors in these areas.

For greater effectiveness, diseases that cause FCM of the mammary glands are initially treated and hormone therapy.

Non-hormonal treatments

Non-hormonal treatments include diet, taking vitamins and anti-inflammatory drugs, and diuretics that improve blood circulation. The prescribed drug Mastodinone, which does not contain hormones, well reduces neoplasms.

It is also mandatory to take funds containing:

  • phospholipids;
  • zinc;
  • carotene;
  • selenium.

The duration of such treatment is approximately 4 months.

With FMK, vitamin therapy is carried out, which includes the intake of vitamins A, E, B, C, P, PP. The doctor prescribes iodine-containing drugs (Iodine-Active, Yodomorin). Due to the psycho-emotional instability of patients, sedatives are used (valerian, motherwort).

It is necessary to take drugs that stimulate immune system. They are often replaced herbal remedies(radiola, eleutherococcus). Medicines from the NSAID group form the basis of therapy (Nise, Indomethacin), which is supplemented with diuretics (Lysix, Fitolizin).

hormone therapy

Hormonal preparations can be taken only after a blood test. Drugs are initially prescribed in the minimum dose, since side effects in the form of sleep disorders are possible. In no case should you self-medicate.

Treatment is prescribed by a highly qualified specialist, taking into account all the results of the preliminary examination:

  • blood tests;
  • mammography;
  • palpation.

For a complete cure hormonal agents must be used for at least 4 months. Preferably drugs that have vegetable base or for outdoor use. Only in severe cases is it possible to use more serious hormonal drugs.


Homeopathy is a good help for the treatment of mastopathy. According to the current theory, this treatment is used by applying small doses of the compounds that caused the disease. Means are vegetable and animal based. The components of these preparations are thoroughly diluted.

Homeopathic remedies do not side effects and are widely used as a supplement to traditional treatment. They have a mild effect on the body, are easily tolerated, allergic reactions after taking them, they do not appear. It is impossible to take risks using the funds of manufacturers from Asian countries, who often did not undergo medical research in Russia.


  • relieve swelling;
  • stop pain;
  • normalize the hormonal background;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • significantly reduce the risk of cancer.


Diet is one of the main indicators of the effectiveness of treatment.

The following foods should be excluded from your diet:

  • Bread and flour.
  • All kinds of sweets, including honey.
  • Salinity and smoked meats.
  • Fried and fatty foods.

Smoking and alcohol should be excluded. The intake of alcoholic beverages negatively affects the recovery of a woman.

Folk methods of treatment

tinctures, herbal decoctions, made products for compresses have earned the attention of our grandmothers. The test of time has been carried out, and folk remedies in fact confirm their effectiveness in the treatment of mastopathy. They have no contraindications, do not have an allergic effect on the body. Ointments are combined with most medicines.

Here are some plants that help in the treatment of mastopathy:

What is dangerous mastopathy

It is important to learn about the disease at the very beginning of its development. In order not to fall into the risk zone, every woman should be examined at least twice a year. The examination should be complete, including ultrasound and mammography. Mastopathy has a negative effect on the female genital area, greatly worsens the condition thyroid gland.

The nervous system during the illness is greatly depleted, the headaches that appear aggravate this condition, appetite disappears, which subsequently leads to a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. If a woman misses the beginning of the disease process and refuses treatment, there is a very high probability of cancer.

Mastopathy is associated with the genitourinary system. As a result of its development, gynecological diseases appear, libido decreases.

If diagnostic measures are carried out on time, qualified treatment is prescribed on time and the patient strictly observed it, the possibility of a complete recovery without consequences is very high.

Prevention of mastopathy

Regardless of the type and complexity of the disease, there are methods of prevention that can prevent mastopathy of the mammary glands.

They are the following:

Timely treatment helps to completely get rid of the problem. Many who find they have lumps on their chest take no further action. All this leads to an urgent operation, without which advanced cases of FCM of the mammary glands cannot be cured.

After the intervention, the breast becomes deformed, requiring an even more expensive operation. Doctors recommend visiting a mammologist twice a year to avoid complications.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about breast FCM

Features of the disease and treatment of FCM of the mammary glands:

Fibrocystic mastopathy (cysts of the mammary glands) is a benign disease of the mammary glands.

Breast cyst - A benign formation with a fluid component.

Why does fibrocystic mastopathy occur?

There are many factors that can lead to the occurrence of this pathology, but, as a rule, several reasons are most often distinguished.

1- Hormonal imbalance in female body (hormonal imbalance), diseases of an endocrine nature, such as: diseases of the female reproductive system, thyroid disease, diabetes, liver disease (as a result of which the process of utilization of sex hormones is disrupted).

One of the most common causes of fibrocystic mastopathy may be an imbalance in the hormones of the female reproductive system.

Breast tissue is affected by cyclical changes that occur during the menstrual cycle. You should pay attention to hormones such as estrogen and progesterone (female sex hormones).

During the first phase of the cycle, the hormone estrogen is produced, in the second phase of the cycle, after ovulation, the hormone progesterone is produced.

Excessive secretion or, conversely, a lack of production of one of the hormones can lead to disruption of normal physiological processes in the breast tissue, which in turn contributes to the development of pathological proliferation of the epithelium - the growth of connective tissue, the formation of "cystic" tissue - cavities filled with fluid.

In other words, there is a change in the normal structure and function of breast tissue.

As a rule, when the balance of sex hormones is disturbed, the menstrual cycle shifts, although the consequences associated with the occurrence of pathology of the mammary glands and the first complaints may be delayed.

2- Termination of pregnancy (miscarriages, abortions)

One of the causes of mastopathy may be a previous abortion, as it is also associated with a sharp release and decrease in hormones in the female body.

3- Gynecological diseases

Diseases such as: Chronic inflammatory diseases in the pelvis, adnexitis, endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, etc. can lead to the development of the mechanism of formation of cystic mastopathy. But it is not always possible to track and identify the relationship between these diseases.

4- Injuries, inflammatory diseases of the mammary gland (mastitis).

Injury, inflammation, can lead to the formation of fibrous tissue ("scar"), which negatively affects the condition of the capillaries and glandular tissue.

Depending on the severity of pathological processes, the severity and manifestation of fibrocystic mastopathy varies.

5- Reception hormonal drugs.

Taking hormonal drugs, and in most cases we are talking about oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices, of course, also affects the processes occurring in the breast tissue.

The pathological mechanism is also associated with a violation of the hormonal background, but instead of a violation of the production of one's own hormones, an imbalance occurs associated with the use of hormonal drugs.

It is worth noting that not in all cases, hormones obtained from "outside" can worsen the situation. In some situations, taking hormones has a positive effect on the “health” of breast tissue. Rebalancing hormonal balance.


Not everyone takes seriously stress as the cause of the onset or aggravation of the course of fibrocystic mastopathy.

Actually, this is one of important points during the treatment or diagnosis of this condition.

Stress can trigger a cascade of processes affecting the condition of breast tissue. Therefore, one of the possible reasons should not be overlooked.

What are the symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease?

1- Chest pain.

One of the most frequent and common complaints in fibrocystic mastopathy is chest pain.

The pain can be both strongly expressed in the form of burning, tingling, "lumbago", tingling, in the chest and axillary region, or manifest itself as slight discomfort.

The appearance of pain in the chest, as a rule, is cyclical and may be associated with the menstrual cycle.

The pain appears a few days before the onset of menstruation, or in the middle of the cycle, gradually decreasing, or passing with the beginning of the cycle.

2- Feeling of swelling and "heaviness" in the chest.

With fibrocystic mastopathy, due to a pathological physiological process in the breast tissue, there may be swelling. expressiveness given symptom depends on the degree of development of the disease.

Often, girls who have been breastfed compare their feelings, as if their breasts are "filled" with milk.

In some cases, there may even be a slight increase in breast size due to the severity of edema.


Discharge from the nipples may not always accompany fibrocystic mastopathy, but the presence of such discharge is important for carrying out differential diagnosis and making a final diagnosis.

Allocations can be both abundant, leave marks on clothes, and have a meager character, appear only with pressure.

With fibrocystic mastopathy, the discharge can be transparent, green, straw-colored.

It is VERY important to remember that there are formations - intraductal cystadenopapilloma, which have a similar clinical picture in the form of bloody, brown discharge from the nipple. But such formations can be reborn in CANCER! In order to correctly diagnose, it is necessary in the presence of discharge from the nipple of the mammary gland, immediately see a DOCTOR!


Seals in the chest can be both local in nature, palpable in one place, and diffuse - multiple seals in different parts of the mammary gland.

With fibrocystic mastopathy, cysts can form that are not accessible to palpation. size from 2 mm., and up to 10 mm.

But it is not uncommon for cysts to reach even more impressive sizes of 1 cm or more. Cystic formations have round, clear contours and can be localized in any of the departments of the mammary gland.

Large cysts can form in a matter of days.

When pressing on the formation, pain may occur.


What examination should be done to make a diagnosis?

Before any examination should be preceded by a consultation with a doctor - a mammologist, oncologist.

The main methods of diagnostics allowing to make a diagnosis are

1- Mammography

X-ray examination of the mammary glands is performed in women aged 35 - 40 years, or according to indications.

(Fig. 7. Breast cyst, as seen on a mammogram)

2- Ultrasound of the mammary glands (see the article ultrasound of the mammary glands )

One of the available and informative methods allows with a greater degree of certainty to diagnose fibrocystic mastopathy.

(Figure 8. Breast cyst on ultrasound)

3- Breast puncture

Performing a puncture aspiration biopsy has certain indications.

Needle biopsy should be performed if there is doubt about the diagnosis. For differential diagnosis, it is necessary to take a certain amount of material for cytological examination.

Puncturing of the cyst is performed only if the size of the cyst is large, from 1 cm or more.

(Figure 8. Cyst puncture)

4- Cytological examination of the discharge from the nipple.

In the presence of discharge from the nipple, a cytological study should be carried out to determine the morphological nature of the cells (identification of atypical cells).

Can fibrocystic mastopathy turn into breast cancer?

Fibrocystic mastopathy, breast cysts in breast cancer DO NOT REBIRTH!

There are many stereotypes associated with the fact that the presence of mastopathy leads to breast cancer, but fortunately this is not the case.

Indeed, the presence of fibrocystic mastopathy is an unfavorable phenomenon in the overall picture of the possibility of breast cancer. Due to the fact that proliferative processes (accelerated cell division) can indirectly affect and become one of the causes in the totality of factors in the development of cancer.

But it should be understood that the severity of fibrocystic mastopathy can vary from more to less. In addition, breast cancer has a multi-etiological cause (several) and only the presence of fibrocystic mastopathy cannot lead to the development of breast cancer in the future.

How to treat fibrocystic mastopathy (breast cysts)?

1- First of all, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease!

So, as the most common cause the occurrence of mastopathy is a violation of the balance of hormones, then the treatment should be appropriate.

To identify dishormonal changes in the female reproductive system, hormones (estradiol, progesterone, FSH, prolactin) should be taken.

In the presence of gynecological pathology - ultrasound of the pelvis.

In case of thyroid pathology, perform an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, donate blood for hormones (T3, T4, TSH).

2- Treatment with drugs.

Bioactive supplements are used in the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy plant origin, such as: Mastodinon, Mamoklam, Indinol, Wobenzym and other Ointments local application with the content of the hormone progesterone - Progestogel. The use of drugs is also practiced: Duphaston, Utrozhestan.

Each of the drugs requires discussion with the doctor !!! Due to the possibility side effect! Do not under any circumstances use medications on your own without consulting a doctor!

It should be said that not always and in all cases, fibrocystic mastopathy needs treatment.

Hormonal changes can cause a woman to develop diffuse changes in the mammary glands. As a result, the normal ratio of epithelial and connective tissue elements is disturbed. The disease causes soreness of the mammary glands, the appearance of discharge from the nipples, resembling colostrum (the secret of the mammary glands). These symptoms cause a woman considerable discomfort, so it is worthwhile to figure out what diffuse mastopathy is, what are its manifestations and methods of therapy.

Doctors distinguish 2 degrees of pathology:

  1. Diffuse fibrous mastopathy. The disease leads to the replacement of epithelial structures with connective tissue. The pathological process can be one- and two-sided. Pathology provokes the development of dysplasia, cicatricial changes, the appearance of elastic seals of a round or oval shape. The disease is easily drug therapy so a complete cure is possible.
  2. Diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy (dfcm). The disease often develops against the background of menstrual irregularities, lack of ovulation. What is diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy? Pathology leads to the growth of glandular lobules with the formation of seals with clear boundaries. Neoplasms are mobile on palpation, gradually increase in size.

According to modern classification, diffuse fibrous mastopathy is of the following types:

  • fibroadenosis (diffuse fibrosis). This type is characterized by the predominance of fibrotic changes;
  • fibrocystosis. This is cystic mastopathy with a predominance of cavities filled with fluid;
  • adenosis (glandular mastopathy) - mastopathy with a predominance of the glandular component;
  • sclerosing adenosis;
  • a mixed form of the disease, combining the signs of several types of mastopathy.

Depending on the localization of pathological formations, there is unilateral and bilateral diffuse mastopathy.

Clinical picture

The following signs of diffuse mastopathy are distinguished:

  1. The development of pain syndrome. The appearance of moderate pain during palpation is characteristic. The pain may be aching, arching, tingling, or radiating to the neck. soreness in mammary gland noted before the appearance of menstrual flow.
  2. . Diffuse-fibrous changes in the mammary gland provoke the appearance of seals of a round or oval shape, which disappear by the end of menstruation. At the beginning of a new cycle, formations arise again. With diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands, mobile formations filled with fluid appear.
  3. Swelling and enlargement of the breast.
  4. Severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome: constipation, increased gas formation, migraine-like headache, irritability, the appearance of fear and anxiety.
  5. The appearance of discharge from the nipples of a white, yellowish or pink hue. If the discharge is greenish, then an infection may be suspected.

There are also less common symptoms of diffuse mastopathy: weight gain, prolonged menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhea (heavy discharge or menorrhagia, amenorrhea, irregular cycle), dry skin, decreased performance.

Do you use folk remedies?


Features of therapy for diffuse mastopathy

Many patients are interested in how to treat diffuse mastopathy. Therapy of the disease involves the use of conservative methods of treatment (hormonal and non-hormonal drugs), prescriptions traditional medicine, as well as for the treatment of diffuse cystic mastopathy, surgery may be prescribed.

Non-hormonal therapy

Diffuse mastopathy of the mammary glands involves the following treatment tactics:

The use of hormonal drugs

When fibrous mastopathy is detected, normalization of the hormonal background is required. For this purpose, the following drugs are widely used:

  1. Gestagens (Duphaston, Utrozhestan, Norkolut, Primolut, Norethisterone). Drugs are prescribed in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Prolactin synthesis inhibitors (Parlodel). Assign with severe hyperprolactinemia. The drug is taken from the 10th to the 25th day of the cycle.

With diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy in women under 35 years of age, estrogen-progestin contraceptives are used (Zhanina, Marvelona). The drugs will normalize the luteal phase, resume ovulation. If there are echo signs of diffuse fibrous mastopathy in patients older than 45 years, then androgens (Methyltestosterone) or antiestrogen (Tamoxifen, Fareston) are used.
If therapy for diffuse nodular mastopathy is carried out against the background of endometriosis, then Danazol is indicated. The use of the drug leads to inhibition of the synthesis of pituitary hormones.

It is important to remember that before prescribing hormonal drugs, it is necessary to examine the hormonal status of the patient.

When is surgery indicated?

With the ineffectiveness of drug treatment of diffuse cystic mastopathy for 6 months, they resort to surgical removal of seals. The following indications for the operation are distinguished:

  • development of intraductal adenoma;
  • appearance;
  • if it is actively developing and growing;
  • nodal form of the disease;
  • accumulation of calcifications in the gland.

During surgery, the following techniques can be used:

  1. Sclerosis. The method involves the introduction of a sclerosing agent, which leads to the overgrowth of defects in the mammary gland.
  2. Resection. The operation involves excision of the affected area. The resulting fabrics are sent to histological examination to rule out breast cancer.


Diffuse mastopathy has a positive prognosis - the pathology is easily amenable to drug treatment. However, in advanced cases, the degeneration of benign formations into cancerous tumors is possible. Therefore, it is important to start therapy in a timely manner with a qualified mammologist, if any form has appeared.


Preventive measures include the passage of an annual examination by a mammologist. It is important to treat any gynecological and extragenital pathologies in a timely manner in order to reduce the risk of developing hormonal disorders. Experts strongly recommend avoiding abortions, which are a serious stress for the body and increase the risk of mastopathy.

An important step in prevention is a monthly self-examination of the breast, which allows you to timely identify minor seals in the structure of the mammary gland. It is also necessary to minimize the risk of developing injuries and bruises of the chest, to give preference to comfortable bras.

Diffuse mastopathy provokes a change in the structure and functionality of the mammary gland. Therefore, when the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to contact a mammologist or gynecologist. This will allow timely detection of pathology and start therapy.

What are the causes of fibrocystic mastopathy, what is it? This disease is characterized by a benign course. Fibrocystic mastopathy is accompanied by the appearance of seals and cysts in the chest, which can have a different shape and size. Most often, this form of the disease is diagnosed in women of reproductive age (30-45 years).

The risk group includes those who suffer from various gynecological problems. Fibrocystic mastopathy is very easy to cure on early stages. Therefore, a timely visit to a doctor will prevent many life-threatening consequences for a woman.

The mechanism of development of pathology

The mechanism of development of fibrocystic mastopathy is the presence of hormonal imbalance in the body of a woman. Most often, this pathology occurs with insufficient production of progesterone.

Also, fibrocystic mastopathy appears in the presence of concomitant problems with the ovaries, which leads to hyperfunction of estrogen. This hormone causes increased cell division in the mammary glands, which should be inhibited in the second phase of the menstrual cycle when sufficient progesterone is produced.

Also, a negative effect on the condition of the mammary glands produces excessive production of prolactin. This hormone is responsible for lactation and normally begins to be released during pregnancy. If the level of prolactin has increased for other reasons, then the development of fibrocystic mastopathy is quite possible.

Causes of the disease

Changes in the hormonal background, which lead to fibrocystic mastopathy, occur in the presence of certain negative factors. To provoke this disease, it is necessary that they act on the body of a woman for a long period of time.

Also, fibrocystic mastopathy often appears with the simultaneous negative influence of several factors. These include:

  • earlier puberty, which leads to rapid hormonal changes and subsequently to mastopathy;
  • late menopause. Prolonged hormonal effects on the mammary glands can provoke fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • absence of pregnancy and childbirth up to 30 years;
  • refusal or its premature termination;
  • hereditary predisposition to mastopathy;
  • long stay in a stressful or depressive state;

  • the presence of addictions - smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • injury to the mammary glands;
  • the presence of hormone-dependent diseases of a gynecological nature - fibroids, endometriosis, and others;
  • pathology of the liver, thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • obesity. Subcutaneous adipose tissue participates in the process of estrogen synthesis, which leads to an increase in its level;
  • the presence of tumors in the hypothalamic-pituitary region;
  • lack of regular sexual life, sexual dissatisfaction.

Symptoms of mastopathy

Fibrocystic mastopathy- what is it and how does it manifest itself? This pathology can be determined on the basis of the main symptoms that accompany it. With mastopathy (fibrocystic mastopathy), the following negative manifestations are observed:

  • pain sensations. At first, fibrocystic mastopathy is manifested by slight discomfort, which intensifies on the eve of the next menstruation. In the future, the woman observes severe pain. It can be dull, aching, or even sharp. so big that it is almost impossible to touch the chest;
  • the appearance of discharge from the nipple. The presence of this symptom in mastopathy is optional. If discharges are present, they may be clear, white, greenish (indicating a secondary infection). The appearance of blood in their composition indicates a malignant course of the disease. Allocations may appear when you press the nipple or flow out on their own;
  • during palpation, many formations are found, which can have a different size and character. Usually these seals are quite painful.

With symptoms, treatment, prevention of this pathology is determined on the basis of its course characteristics. There are two main forms of the disease - diffuse and nodular. In the latter case, the formations characteristic of fibrocystic mastopathy are localized in one area of ​​the mammary gland. They appear as dense nodes without obvious boundaries, the size of which can reach 6-7 cm. When forming cysts, a rounded formation is found. It is elastic, has clear boundaries and is not connected to the surrounding tissues.

With the development of a diffuse form of the disease, painful seals are placed throughout the volume of the chest. In this case, fibrocystic mastopathy is divided into several types:

  • adenosis. It is characterized by a predominant predominance of glandular tissue. In this case, there is an increase in the density of the mammary glands in combination with pain;
  • fibrous form. It is characterized by the appearance of seals, which lead to a significant narrowing of the ducts;
  • cystic form. Characterized by the predominance of cysts;
  • mixed form. It is characterized by the appearance of various pathological formations in almost equal proportions.

Diagnosis of mastopathy - primary examination

Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands is diagnosed using an integrated approach. First of all, the mammologist examines the patient's medical history, conducts an examination. It consists in palpation of the mammary glands, which allows you to determine the presence of nodes, dense inclusions, which can be found in a single or multiple quantity.

The palpation of the chest is performed in two positions - standing and lying down. This examination is used to diagnose mastopathy only in the first phase of the cycle. At other times, palpation is not advisable, since the result will be distorted.

Also, the doctor carefully examines the chest. It determines their symmetry, the presence or absence of edema, the position of the nipples. The composition of the primary examination of a woman without fail includes probing the regional lymph nodes. Of diagnostic value are those that are placed under the armpits, near the collarbones. It is taken into account the presence of any seals. Also, when examining a woman, the doctor squeezes the nipples. This allows you to determine the presence of secretions, their nature and volume.

Instrumental and laboratory methods for diagnosing mastopathy

If FCM is suspected, the doctor prescribes additional tests and diagnostic procedures, which allows you to more accurately determine the nature of negative changes in the mammary glands. These include:

  • mammography. It consists in conducting an x-ray examination of the mammary glands. This diagnostic procedure is performed for women who are over 35 years old. In more early age Mammography is indicated when there is a high risk of breast cancer. With help this method studies can reveal the smallest formations in the mammary glands with mastopathy, which are not detected during palpation;
  • Breast ultrasound. With fibrocystic mastopathy, treatment can be prescribed only after passing this diagnostic procedure. it effective method study, which is most often used for young women, during pregnancy or lactation. Sometimes an ultrasound scan for mastopathy can be uninformative, especially if this procedure is performed by a doctor with low qualifications;
  • biopsy puncture. If, as a result of an examination or other diagnostic procedure, a suspicious area was identified, a histological examination of its tissues is performed. To do this, make a puncture;
  • blood test for hormones. First of all, the level of estrogen, progesterone, and, if necessary, prolactin, is determined. In some cases, a study is made on the hormones of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. This diagnostic procedure allows you to identify problems of a gynecological nature, which often precede fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • biochemical and general analysis blood. This study necessary to detect other pathologies.

Conservative treatment with non-hormonal drugs for mastopathy

How to treat fibrocystic mastopathy to get rid of this problem forever? In the early stages of the disease, doctors recommend resorting to non-hormonal therapy, which is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the whole organism.

Also, this technique is used in more severe cases of mastopathy in combination with other methods of treatment. Non-hormonal therapy is based on the use of the following medications:

  • vitamin and mineral complexes. Preparations from this group have a positive effect on the functioning of the whole organism, which directly affects the condition of the mammary glands and relieves mastopathy. Most often, vitamins A, E, P, PP, C, B6 are prescribed;
  • iodine preparations. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, which plays a major role in the production of many hormones that directly affect the state of the mammary glands;
  • sedatives. They are used if a sick woman is prone to excessive emotional experiences, excitement, or has more serious problems of a psycho-emotional nature;
  • phytopreparations. Assign to eliminate hormonal imbalance in the body of a woman. Phytopreparations are milder than their synthetic counterparts, but to achieve positive result it is necessary to undergo a long course of treatment;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal). They are used to eliminate pain syndrome, edema, which cause a lot of suffering in fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • diuretics. They are used only in some cases to eliminate large swelling in the mammary glands.

Hormonal therapy of mastopathy

How to cure fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands in the presence of serious pathological changes? In many cases, hormonal therapy will be effective, which eliminates the imbalance of hormones that leads to this disease. Women with mastopathy are most often prescribed:

  • gestagens. Assign to the second phase of the cycle to normalize the level of estrogen and progesterone. Treatment with gestagens should occur for at least 4 months. Also, drugs from this group can be applied in the form of gels topically, which minimizes the possibility of any side effects;
  • inhibitors of prolactin production. They are prescribed to reduce the level of this hormone, which is determined on the basis of a blood test;
  • androgens. Data treatment is indicated for women at a more mature age (after 45 years). Androgens are prescribed for a long period - 4-6 months;
  • antiestrogen. These drugs inhibit the production of estrogen, which leads to an improvement in the condition of a woman in the presence of mastopathy;
  • . Appointed for women whose age is less than 35 years. They help to normalize the cycle, which has a positive effect on the condition of the mammary glands.

Surgical treatment for mastopathy

Surgical treatment of mastopathy occurs if, as a result of the examination, large formations (fibroadenomas, cysts) in the breast are detected, the size of which exceeds 1.5 cm. The operation is necessary if there is a high risk of developing malignant processes. Also surgical intervention indicated for recurrence of the disease or when the size of the formations is rapidly increasing. The operation to remove them is performed in several ways:

  • enucleation. It is used when a small formation needs to be removed. To do this, a small incision is made on the chest, and the tumor is removed by exfoliation;
  • sectoral resection. It is carried out with the development of malignant processes or in other severe cases. In this case, not only the formation is removed, but also a small part of the surrounding tissues;
  • laser ablation. When it is carried out, the modified tissues are burned out, while healthy cells are minimally injured.

How to treat mastopathy? They help in many cases. The following recipes are considered the most popular and effective:

  • cabbage with honey A fresh leaf is washed under running water, wiped. It is smeared with honey and applied to the breast. Cabbage is fixed with a cloth or bandage and left for 6-12 hours. The procedure is repeated every day;
  • herbal collection. To normalize the hormonal background, it is necessary to take nettle, sage, wormwood and plantain (1: 1: 2: 2). A small amount of this mixture should be poured with 220 ml of boiling water and insisted for an hour. The resulting liquid is recommended to drink during the day, divided into several doses;
  • burdock ointment. This tool must be daily lubricated chest. To prepare the ointment, take 150 ml of sunflower oil, where add 50 g of crushed burdock leaves (dried).