Algorithm for applying a bandage to the mammary gland. Technique for bandaging the mammary gland

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  • Applying a bandage to the mammary gland.

    For this dressing, it is better to use a wide bandage (10 cm);

    When applying a bandage to the right mammary gland, the head of the bandage is in the right hand and the tours of the bandage lead from left to right, and when applying a bandage to the left gland, everything is done in a mirror image;

    The bandage is fixed with a circular tour around the chest under the mammary gland;

    Having reached the gland, they cover its lower and inner parts with a bandage and lead the bandage to the opposite shoulder and carry it along the back in the armpit (2,4,6);

    They cover the lower and outer parts of the gland (3,5,7) and carry out a fixing tour of the bandage (8);

    Repeating the previous tours of the bandage, gradually closing the mammary gland.

    11. Applying a bandage to the shoulder joint

    The bandage is led through a healthy axillary fossa along the anterior surface of the chest with the transition to the shoulder (1);

    Going around the shoulder, the bandage is carried out along the inner surface of the shoulder and from the armpit rises obliquely along the shoulder (2);

    Bandage tours are repeated 3-5 times and the bandage is fixed on the anterior chest wall (4-10).

    12. Dezo dressing


    Used for fractured clavicle

    A cotton-gauze roller is inserted into the axillary fossa to prevent displacement of fragments;

    Before applying the bandage, the arm is bent at the elbow joint at a right angle and brought to the body;

    The bandage begins with circular bandage moves through the middle third of the shoulder around the chest from the healthy side to the diseased side (1);

    Then the bandage is directed from the axillary fossa of the healthy side along the anterior surface of the chest obliquely upwards to the opposite supraclavicular area (2);

    Having bypassed the elbow from front to back, the tour of the bandage is led along the back into the axillary fossa of the healthy side, moving to a horizontal tour around the chest through the middle of the shoulder (repeating tour 1);

    13. Applying a bandage "knight's glove"

    13. Applying a bandage "knight's glove".

    On the left hand, the bandage starts from the fifth finger, and on the right - from the first;

    When applying a bandage, the brush is in the pronation position (palm down);

    The bandage starts from fixing tours around the wrist;

    Then bandages are applied to the 2-5th fingers following the spiral bandage technique, while when the bandage moves from finger to finger, it is necessary to make a circular fixing tour around the wrist;

    A spica bandage is applied to the first finger;

    The bandage is completed with a circular fixing tour around the wrist.

    Kaluga Basic Medical College Bandage on the mammary gland Indication: surgery for mastitis of the mammary gland, wounds, burns. Equipment: bandage 20 cm wide.

    How to apply a bandage on both mammary glands, read the corresponding article.

    Note. The dressing on the right mammary gland is performed from left to right, on the left - from right to left. 1. Seat the patient facing you, reassure, explain the course of the upcoming manipulation. 2. Take the beginning of the bandage in left hand, the head of the bandage - to the right (if the bandage is on the right mammary gland). 3. Make two fixing tours of the bandage under the mammary glands. 4. Lead the bandage along the back into the armpit. 5. Grasp the bottom of the mammary gland and direct the bandage obliquely upwards to the opposite shoulder girdle. 6. Lead the bandage behind the back into the armpit (from the side of the diseased mammary gland). 7. Grasp the mammary gland from above and lead the bandage into the armpit from the side of the healthy mammary gland. Repeat points: 4, 5, 6. 8. Apply bandage rounds until the entire gland is covered with a bandage. 9. Finish bandaging with two fixing rounds under the mammary glands, cut the end of the bandage and tie.

    Applying a bandage to the mammary gland

    In medical practice, there are two concepts of "bandage" and "bandaging". Bandaging is usually applied directly to ulcers or wounds using the necessary solutions, ointments and other substances. And the bandage, the main task of which is to support and fix dressings, has several purposes:

    1. retention and fixation of the dressing;
    2. to create a pressure effect on the damaged area of ​​the body, where pressure is considered as medical therapy;
    3. for immobilization or complete immobility of the affected area of ​​the body.

    A dressing on the mammary gland is applied for wounds, injuries, burns, or as a postoperative therapy. The imposition is carried out in accordance with the basics of desmurgy, you should wash your hands and use only sterile materials and tools.

    Dressings applied to the mammary gland can be divided into two types - kerchief and support, the main functions of which are to stop bleeding, disinfect the wound and prevent the penetration of foreign objects into it. Overlay occurs using various materials and sequences of actions.

    Bandage on the mammary gland

    Most often it is used as a first aid first aid. To apply the bandage, you will need any piece of cloth or scarf, preferably sterile, which folds diagonally. Its long side is the base, the sharp edges are the ends, and the blunt ones are the top.

    Algorithm or sequence of actions

    1) in case of damage to the left mammary gland: - the apex is pulled over the left shoulder behind the back; - the ends are pulled obliquely, so the scarf completely covers the left mammary gland and reliably supports it;

    The top and two ends, brought out behind the back, are tied so that the scarf fixes the chest well.

    2) in case of damage to the right mammary gland: - the top should be located above the damaged surface; - one end stretches through the left shoulder, the other through the armpit;

    The corners of the headscarf are fixed on the neck, while the chest, which has not been injured or injured, remains completely open.

    Applying a bandage with a bandage

    This type of bandage on the mammary gland is called supporting and is accompanied by the following actions. The patient is seated in the most comfortable position for him. The bandaging of the left mammary gland is carried out from right to left, and on the right bandage tours are applied vice versa. Bandages are fixed under the breast, depending on the damage and on which breast it is located. Usually there are two rounds. Next, the bandaging takes place in the dorsal region, through the axillary zone it is brought to the mammary gland, and they are wrapped around it from below. Then, diagonally across the chest, a tour is carried out on the shoulder girdle, gradually moving to the side of the intact area. Then the bandage is again pulled through the axillary area of ​​the damaged chest, clasped around it, and bandage tours are carried out from above through the armpit area of ​​the uninjured side. These steps are repeated until the damaged mammary gland is completely bandaged.

    After applying the bandage, it is necessary to fix it with rounds under the breast. To do this, cut the bandage lengthwise, tie it to prevent the gauze from falling apart, and fix the bandage with a knot or pin.

    As shown in the video, the algorithm of actions and their sequence is the same, but twice as much consumable material is required. It is necessary to take two kerchiefs that intersect with each other, then alternate bandage tours are carried out with two dressing bags with bandages, while both mammary glands are closed at the same time. When applying a bandage to the chest area by any method, it is in an elevated and supportive position until the end of therapy.

    spiral bandage

    Most often, this type is used only when a tight bandage is needed. To do this, you will need about two meters of a bandage that is thrown over the neck, with one end located in the back area, and the other on the opposite side. The tours of the bandage are only half covered, they are applied from the bottom up, from under the chest to the armpit area, where they are fixed with additional dressing. The imposition of this bandage is carried out taking into account anatomical structure woman's body to prevent pain after application.


    How to do a chest brace

    Any damage to the skin must be temporarily isolated from the effects of the external environment. Whether as a result of injury or surgical intervention there was an intervention, the wound surface should be covered, a bandage should be applied to it.

    In addition, the immobilization of the damaged area (immobilization) is an important condition for rapid and "high-quality" wound healing, as it allows its edges to grow together at an accelerated pace, without the formation of "ugly" scars. The rules should be followed in case of damage to the mammary gland. Situations when it is accidentally injured, an abscess formed as a result of mastitis is opened, or the tissues of this organ are removed (operations such as mastectomy, partial resection of the breast are performed) - applying a bandage to the mammary gland will be the only right solution for speedy healing.

    The terms "bandage" and "ligation" in relation to the mammary gland

    The term "dressing" in medical practice refers to the technique of applying a dressing material (gauze, absorbent cotton, etc.) to the wound surface. This medical procedure is performed to:

    • protect the wound from external influences as much as possible;
    • improve the outflow of "unnecessary" contents from the wound;
    • stop or prevent bleeding;
    • reduce mobility (mobility) of the damaged area of ​​the body, etc.

    All this contributes to a quick recovery, so dressing is considered one of the important elements of the treatment process. In turn, the “bandage” is various devices made of these dressings that are applied to the damaged area of ​​the body. There is a whole branch of medicine called desmurgy, which regulates the application of a bandage.

    The bandage can be divided into two components: an inner one (usually a dry or drug-soaked gauze pad) and an outer one, which holds the previous one and prevents it from “falling off” from the damaged area. The inner part should not move on the body both at rest and during movement, fit evenly, and not disturb the circulation of blood and lymph in the organ. This is achieved by applying the outer part of the bandage.

    The mammary gland is an organ that is characterized by its increased "mobility". Therefore, in addition to reliable fixation of the dressing on the surface of the chest, immobilization (immobilization) of the body part is necessary. This allows the skin edges of the wound to grow together faster (their displacement relative to each other decreases).

    Another feature of the mammary gland is that its tissues are "loose", contain a large number of blood vessels, which contributes to the formation of bruises and bruises that appear as a result of injury or surgery. In this situation, pressure is needed on the damaged gland, which prevents further hemorrhage, which is achieved due to the pressure effect of the bandage.

    When is a Bandage Needed?

    The imposition of a bandage on the mammary gland, as an important element of the treatment process, requires the following situations:

    • burns (both chemical and thermal);
    • mastitis;
    • traumatic injuries;
    • surgical interventions.

    The imposition of a bandage on the mammary gland requires compliance general rules desmurgy, namely: before the procedure, the staff washes their hands, the dressing material must be sterile. Used in breast ligation various materials, for example, a piece of cloth or a bandage (gauze or elastic).

    kerchief bandage

    A bandage from a scarf on the mammary gland is usually used in the provision of first aid. To apply this bandage, you can take any piece of fabric. To do this, it is folded in the form of a triangle. To make it easier to understand the algorithm for applying this bandage, as well as in geometry, the long side of this scarf is called the base, the sharp corners are the ends, and the blunt one is the top.

    The bandage is applied in this way:

    1. The base of the scarf covers the lower part of the damaged chest, and the top is thrown over the shoulder of the same name behind the back.
    2. The upper end is wound behind the back through the opposite shoulder, the lower end through the armpit.
    3. The ends on the side of the damage are tied in a knot, and the top is fixed to them through a pin.

    Another version of the scarf bandage on the mammary gland:

    1. It is folded into a wide strip and the affected chest is wrapped around the central part.
    2. The upper end through the opposite shoulder is directed behind the back, and then through the armpit forward and up.
    3. The other end is brought to the back through the axillary region from the side of the lesion, directing it upwards to the opposite shoulder, where the two ends are knotted.

    The supporting bandage for the mammary gland is made from just one scarf. But this is enough for her to securely fix even two breasts. To do this, it is necessary to tuck its top, after which the resulting wide strip cover both. The ends are brought to the back through the armpits, where they intersect and go up, after which, having thrown over the shoulders, they are attached with a pin to the bandage.

    Bandaging with a bandage

    With this option of applying a bandage to the mammary gland, a bandage (gauze or elastic) is used:

    1. It is applied on the left breast from right to left, and on the right - vice versa.
    2. With the help of two circular tours, a bandage is fixed (two times they cover the body under the mammary gland).
    3. Lead from the back through the armpit to the injured chest.
    4. Covering the gland with a strip, the bandage is directed diagonally to the opposite shoulder girdle.
    5. After paragraph 4, it descends obliquely down into the axillary region on the side of the lesion and passes into a circular tour.
    6. The next oblique tour is repeated slightly higher than the previous one.
    7. The procedure is repeated until the mammary gland is completely covered with a bandage.

    What is the difference between the terms "bandage" and "bandage"

    The difference between a bandage and a bandage is quite simple to determine. A bandage is an aseptic material that covers an injured area of ​​the body. Often it consists of several layers of hygroscopic gauze, which are directly adjacent to the wound surface. In order to provide therapeutic effect it can be impregnated medical means. For example, if it is required to clean a wound with purulent mastitis (from pus, decaying tissues), the material is impregnated with a hypertonic saline solution (the so-called saline bandage of the mammary gland). The main task is to prevent external influence on the wound, accelerate its healing by means of "supply" to it medicines.

    The main task of the breast bandage is to fix the bandage, to prevent it from shifting from the wound.

    Other tasks:

    • reduce swelling;
    • level out pain;
    • improve the outflow of lymph and blood.

    By and large, the above dressings for the mammary gland can be considered as variants of bandages for this organ. Many doctors do not see the difference between the terms "bandage" and "bandage", believing that these concepts are interchangeable. But, as you can see, these definitions have a rather big difference.

    There are many breast bandages used depending on the specific situation. For example, patients who have undergone operations such as mastectomy, partial breast resection, lumpectomy use so-called oncological bandages. They allow the cancer patient to comfortably endure recovery period, faster return to your daily life.

    Apply a fixing bandage bandage to the mammary gland

    instrumentation in this solution, a nurse or nurse in rubber gloves with tweezers shifts its container with a disinfectant solution.

    4. Instrumentation without visible contamination with blood (pus) should be disinfected immediately after using one of the following methods:

    Boiling in distilled water for 30 minutes

    Boiling in a 2% solution of drinking soda for 15 minutes,

    Immersion for 60 minutes in a 3% solution of chloramine,

    Immersion for 60 minutes in a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution,

    Immersion for 60 minutes in a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution + 0.5% detergent, approved for use by order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 408 (5 g of detergent are added to 1 l of 6% hydrogen peroxide solution),

    Immersion for 60 minutes in a 4% formalin solution,

    Immersion for 60 minutes in a 2.5% solution of glutaraldehyde,

    Immersion for 60 minutes in 1% chlorocin solution,

    By immersing for 10 minutes in a 2% solution of the Vikron preparation (manufactured by KRKA or Naturan) metal products, for 30 minutes - glass rubber products,

    Immersion for 15 minutes in the working solution of the CIDEX preparation (manufactured by Johnson and Johnson),

    By immersion in 0.05% neutral anolyte obtained on the STEL unit for 30 minutes.

    5. When soaking instruments in a disinfectant solution, make sure that all instruments are completely immersed in the disinfectant solution and that all internal channels and cavities are filled with disinfectant solution.

    Applying a bandage to the mammary gland.

    For this dressing, it is better to use a wide bandage (10 cm);

    When applying a bandage to the right mammary gland, the head of the bandage is in the right hand and the tours of the bandage lead from left to right, and when applying a bandage to the left gland, everything is done in a mirror image;

    The bandage is fixed with a circular tour around the chest under the mammary gland;

    Having reached the gland, they cover its lower and inner parts with a bandage and lead the bandage to the opposite shoulder and carry it along the back in the armpit (2,4,6);

    They cover the lower and outer parts of the gland (3,5,7) and carry out a fixing tour of the bandage (8);

    Repeating the previous tours of the bandage, gradually closing the mammary gland.

    11. Applying a bandage to the shoulder joint

    The bandage is led through a healthy axillary fossa along the anterior surface of the chest with the transition to the shoulder (1);

    Going around the shoulder, the bandage is carried out along the inner surface of the shoulder and from the armpit rises obliquely along the shoulder (2);

    Bandage tours are repeated 3-5 times and the bandage is fixed on the anterior chest wall (4-10).

    12. Dezo dressing


    Used for fractured clavicle

    A cotton-gauze roller is inserted into the axillary fossa to prevent displacement of fragments;

    Before applying the bandage, the arm is bent at the elbow joint at a right angle and brought to the body;

    The bandage begins with circular bandage moves through the middle third of the shoulder around the chest from the healthy side to the diseased side (1);

    Then the bandage is directed from the axillary fossa of the healthy side along the anterior surface of the chest obliquely upwards to the opposite supraclavicular area (2);

    Having bypassed the elbow from front to back, the tour of the bandage is led along the back into the axillary fossa of the healthy side, moving to a horizontal tour around the chest through the middle of the shoulder (repeating tour 1);

    13. Applying a bandage "knight's glove"

    13. Applying a bandage "knight's glove".

    On the left hand, the bandage starts from the fifth finger, and on the right - from the first;

    When applying a bandage, the brush is in the pronation position (palm down);

    The bandage starts from fixing tours around the wrist;

    Then bandages are applied to the 2-5th fingers following the spiral bandage technique, while when the bandage moves from finger to finger, it is necessary to make a circular fixing tour around the wrist;

    A spica bandage is applied to the first finger;

    The bandage is completed with a circular fixing tour around the wrist.

    bandage on mammary gland superimposed with one goal - to create a pressing effect and secure fixation of the dressing gauze. The bandage serves as a kind of barrier between the affected parts of the mammary glands and environment with a large number of aggressive factors.

    Why is it necessary to apply a bandage to the mammary gland

    Applying a bandage to the victim is the main manipulation before the ambulance arrives.

    The imposition of sterile material is the main manipulation in providing first aid to the victim before the arrival of the medical team. In emergency cases, a scarf or shawl can be used as a bandage. The main part is used as a base, and the ends are tied for secure fixation.

    The bandage is appropriate in the following case:

    • immobilization of the required zone;
    • maintaining internal organs in the correct anatomical position after surgery;
    • protection of the wound from pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms;
    • stop bleeding;
    • with thermal and / or chemical burns, mastitis, traumatic injuries, such as fractures, bruises.

    Scarf as a bandage

    With the help of a bandage, it is possible to support the chest and fix it in the correct anatomical position. There are cases when the patient needs to be completely immobilized, especially the area of ​​the affected tissues. Properly applied dressings stimulate the outflow of oozing secretions and prevent blood loss.

    Bandaging the breast requires compliance with the rules of desmurgy, which includes the mandatory washing of hands before the procedure, the dressing must be sterile. When dressing, a piece of elastic or gauze bandage or a piece of cloth can be used.

    Dressing is indicated in the following cases:

    • decrease in mobility of the wound surface or damaged area of ​​the body;
    • maximum protection of the wound from the effects of aggressive environmental factors;
    • preventing development or stopping bleeding;
    • stimulation of the outflow of "unnecessary" contents from the wound.

    Changing dressings is required at a certain time interval, otherwise a favorable environment will be created on the surface of the chest for the development of pathogens, the vital activity of which will worsen the condition and affect neighboring healthy tissues.

    Types of dressings and the technique of applying them

    kerchief bandage

    Bandage on the chest

    This method is most often used to provide first aid to victims. To fix one or both mammary glands, you will need a clean and wide handkerchief. It must be folded in such a way that a wide base and long ends are obtained. The ends of the shawl are the top of the bandage that fixes it.

    It is necessary to act carefully when applying a bandage, otherwise you can do more harm than good. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    1. The top of the rag is pulled over the left shoulder behind the back.
    2. The ends are fixed obliquely.
    3. The surface of the scarf should completely cover the mammary glands.
    4. The ends are wound behind the back and tightened securely.

    To fix right breast in the correct anatomical position, the end of the rag is pulled through the armpit of the left shoulder. The top of the scarf should be above the damaged area. Corners are securely fixed on the neck.

    Applying a bandage

    The scheme of applying a bandage to the mammary gland

    The bandage can only be used for the purpose of supporting the chest. Before applying, the victim must necessarily sit on a chair.

    The overlay algorithm is as follows:

    1. Apply material under the chest.
    2. A bandage is pulled behind the back.
    3. The tape is led through the armpit to the mammary gland.
    4. Tape is wrapped around the gland from below.
    5. The bandage is passed through the chest diagonally.
    6. Take out on the forearm.
    7. Fixed from above through the armpit.

    For reliable fixation, the junction of the ends is fastened with a knot or pin. If the decision is made to prioritize scarf, previously the tape is cut with scissors. It is required to apply rags tightly so that the patient experiences tangible pressure on the mammary glands.

    spiral bandage

    Applying a spiral bandage

    This method is used only if a very tight and tight fixation is required. This bandaging technique is based on laying a bandage over the shoulder. For reliable maintenance of the mammary glands, about two to three meters of bandage is required. Thanks to the correctly applied “bandage”, it is possible to stop the painful sensations. It is required to apply a bandage with the obligatory consideration of the features of the anatomical structure of the body.

    As a rule, the bandage is used for severe injuries, it is necessary to act carefully. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    1. The bandage is thrown around the neck.
    2. One end is fixed on the back.
    3. On the other hand, they are applied from the bottom up.
    4. The tape is removed from under the mammary gland to the armpit.
    5. securely fixed with a bandage on top additionally.
    6. After applying a scarf, bandage or tape, the chest should be in an elevated state. This will prevent or stop bleeding. It is important to consider that the bandage must apply pressure, but not excessively, otherwise blood circulation may be impaired. If the procedure is performed in accordance with all instructions, the tape will perform a holding and protective function, and will not interfere with the outflow of blood and lymph.

      Can the bandage be replaced with a bandage?

      Bandage fixed with an elastic tubular bandage

      The bandage is an antiseptic material that covers the damaged area. skin. As a rule, it includes several layers of hygroscopic gauze, which are applied directly to the wound surface. For disinfection, as well as a drying and wound-healing effect, various medications in the form of ointments, gels and solutions. For example, if it is required to clean the wound from purulent masses, the material is abundantly moistened with a solution of table salt. The main function of such dressings is to prevent secondary infection of the wound, as well as to accelerate the process of tissue regeneration with the help of drugs.

      Other bandage features:

    • stimulate the outflow of blood and lymph;
    • alleviate pain;
    • reduce soft tissue swelling.

    The bandage can fully replace the bandage. There are a large number of different models for the mammary glands, which are used for specific situations.