Malamute sled dogs. Alaskan Malamute: description of the breed, and how to find an approach to the riding "wolf"

The Alaskan Malamute is one of the working breeds that originated in the harsh conditions of the Arctic. Dogs combine strength, endurance, external splendor and excellent service qualities.

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Description and features of the breed

Alaskan Malamute dogs were bred to work in teams. This explains the strong constitution and outstanding endurance of these beautiful dogs. In addition, the animals are very attractive, they are distinguished by thick wool and original color.

Because of their ability to carry heavy loads over long distances in harsh conditions, the Malamute has been nicknamed the "snow train".

History of occurrence

The name of the breed "malamute" comes from the tribe that was engaged in its breeding. Malemuts (an Inuit tribe) are one of the representatives of the group of indigenous Eskimo peoples. The coast of Kotzebue, located in the bay of the Chukchi Sea, was their habitat.

The researchers find it difficult to name the exact time of the origin of the breed. It is only known that the breed is the result of centuries of breeding and the current standard of the dog differs from the characteristics of its ancestor. Malemuts lived by fishing, hunting and led a nomadic lifestyle. They needed dogs capable of long journeys, transportation of goods and survival in harsh climatic conditions. The friendly disposition of dogs interested the malemutes much more than speed - this explains the pronounced orientation of these animals to humans.

The Alaskan Malamute acquired its modern look due to the invasion of the Alaskan gold rush in 1896. In pursuit of gold, people sought to breed not only hardy, but also fast dogs. For this purpose, various Arctic breeds began to be crossed. As a result, the modern Alaskan Malamute has become significantly different from its famous ancestor.

The Alaskan Malamute was officially registered by the American Kennel Club in 1935.

breed standard

According to the standard, the dog must meet the following parameters:

  1. Frame. The body is powerful, proportional well-coordinated. The bones of the skeleton are strong, large, the muscles are well developed.
  2. Breast. The chest is deep and well developed.
  3. Head. The head is rather broad. mobile. Proportional to the body of the dog.
  4. Neck. Strong, strong, slightly arched.
  5. Ears. Small, wedge-shaped, slightly rounded at the tips. Set fairly wide on the line of the outer corners of the eyes at the back of the skull.
  6. Muzzle. Large, in proportion to the head, tapering towards the nose. There should be no flattening.
  7. Eyes. The eyes are almond-shaped, medium in size, slanting. The color is exclusively brown.
  8. Limbs. The dog has strong paws, with their characteristic wide pads covered with wool. The skeleton of the limbs is strong, the muscles are powerful. The nails are short, but able to stretch like a cat's.
  9. Tail. Has no tendency to curl. It is either lowered or raised to the back.
  10. Wool. The coat is distinguished by hard, straight hair of medium length. The length of the coat is longer in the neck, shoulders, back, "trousers" and tail. A very thick undercoat is characteristic.
  11. The size. The height of an adult cable at the withers is from 63.5 cm, an adult female - from 58.5 cm. Fluctuations are allowed depending on the variety.
  12. The weight. The average weight of an adult male is 38 kg, female - 34 kg. More precisely determined depending on the specific variety.
  13. Color. The color of the color is allowed from light gray and white to black and red, including transitional shades. Solid colors are only acceptable for dogs. white color. Often there is a characteristic mark on the head (cap) or neck.

In the photo - the colors of the Alyan Malamute.

sable color Red and white color gray color White color Black and white color Cream color

Breed varieties

Inbreeding types of the Alaskan Malamute:

  1. Kotzebue. The characteristics of the Kotzebue line formed the basis of the breed standard. Outwardly, they are somewhat smaller than other representatives and they have a more manageable character. Dogs of this type are only light gray in color (wolf).
  2. M-Loot. This type of Alaskan Malamute was bred almost simultaneously with the Kotzebue. Due to the mixed origin, M-Loots have different colors - blue, white, black and red with transitional shades. They are larger representatives of their breed. It is believed that dogs of the M-Loot type are pugnacious and less accommodating.
  3. Husky Pack. The third line of Malamutes was bred by American experts and appeared as a result of crossing the first two. According to a number of cynologists, the mixing of types helped to recreate the Malamute as it most likely was before the Gold Rush.

Photo gallery

Kotzebue type Type M-Lut Type Husky Pack

How long do Alaskan Malamutes live?

Alaskan Malamute dogs live from 13 to 15 years. It's comparatively longer medium duration dog life large breeds. At proper care and education, the animal can live for more than 15 years, while maintaining activity.

The nature and behavior of dogs

Long coexistence with a person determined the main character traits of a dog:

  1. The northern dog is naturally friendly and kind. He is able to become passionately attached, needs affection and attention of his master. Malamutes are sociable animals, so it is good when they have the opportunity to constantly contact both people and relatives.
  2. The breed was originally focused on the ability to work for a long time in difficult conditions. Therefore, if the dog is not given adequate exercise, it will become restless and unsatisfied.
  3. Malamutes are characterized by a certain amount of stubbornness and even a tendency to dominate. This is due to the fact that for a long time they lived in a pack and obeyed the leader. Given the pet's tendency to hierarchy, the owner with early age You need to make it clear who is in charge in the house.
  4. Due to its exceptional friendliness, the Alaskan Malamute is not intended to play the role of a guard. In relation to strangers, he does not show suspicion or aggression.
  5. Representatives of this breed get along well with children. A furry friend is happy to indulge in children's fun, so he can be indispensable as a nanny.

Care and maintenance

The normal habitat for the Alaskan Malamute is the conditions of the Far North. This is one of the most big dogs, which is completely not focused on a sedentary lifestyle, which is why the content in the apartment is not suitable for her. The best place for a dog is a country house with its own territory and its own aviary.

Care rules:

  1. The frequency of feeding puppies up to the age of 3 months - 3-4 times a day. For an adult dog, twice a day is enough.
  2. The coat of the Malamute is double - it consists of the main hair and undercoat. Dogs with a similar coat must be combed regularly. The procedure is performed by furminators and slickers. The wool is combed strand by strand, previously moistened with water. Direction - first from head to tail, along the growth of wool, then in the opposite direction.
  3. Alaskan Malamute loves water procedures. Therefore, there are no problems with swimming. special attention will require rinsing - must be completely washed off from thick wool detergent. It is better to comb and dry the dog at the same time, using a hair dryer. Experts advise once a week to "blow" the coat (also with a hair dryer).
  4. Nails need to be trimmed as they grow. This is done with nail cutters at least once a month.
  5. Ears should be cleaned once a month. For the procedure, use a clean cloth and special tools. The solution is instilled into the ears, massaged at the base and the separated dirt is cleaned.
  6. Teeth and gums need regular care. At least twice a month, it is necessary to clean the oral cavity and teeth from plaque. For this, special brushes, pastes are used, in the absence of such, hydrogen peroxide and clean gauze. Raw solid foods are helpful in preventing tartar formation. Regular oral examinations by a veterinarian are recommended.

Grooming an Alaskan Malamute is strictly prohibited. This leads to a violation of temperature exchange and can lead to hypothermia or overheating.

About the Alaskan Malamute in the video from the leluc channel.

What to feed a dog

The diet of the Alaskan Malamute can consist of both natural and prepared foods. The main thing to consider when compiling the menu is the age and physiological needs of the pet. Regardless of the option chosen, the food must contain all essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Natural nutrition should include products:

  • lean red meat, you can poultry;
  • sea ​​and ocean fish;
  • offal;
  • cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • vegetables (at least 10% of the diet).

If ready-made food for a particular dog is preferable, then you need to purchase food for large breeds. You should choose food of the best quality-premium class.

Malamute is forbidden to give tubular and chicken bones. They can damage the digestive organs.

Alaskan Malamute dogs love to eat plentifully. Knowing this feature, the owners should monitor the amount eaten, avoiding overeating.

Particular attention should be paid to the issue of nutrition during the growth period. The intensively developing organism of a puppy needs more vitamins and microelements.

The puppy's diet should include:

  • mother's milk;
  • meat;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables.

If the bitch does not have milk, the puppy is given milk without lactose and sugar (until the age of 1 month). Also in veterinary pharmacies they sell special mixtures enriched with all the necessary elements. Beginning with one month old, meat and other products are gradually introduced. Red vegetables should be avoided. You can give dry food, but steamed with boiling water.

Possible diseases and their treatment

The Alaskan Malamute is prone to hereditary diseases, like all purebred animals.

Genetic diseases:

  1. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Malformation of cartilage tissue (or chondrodysplasia) is a hereditary disease to which the Malamute is predisposed. The joints experience increased stress due to the large size of the dog. This increases the risk of disease. Therefore, it is especially necessary to monitor the weight and usefulness of the diet.
  2. Snow Nose Syndrome. hereditary disease, which is characterized by the absence of pigmentation on the nose. A pale pink nose is a reason to see a doctor.
  3. Inversion of the stomach. Due to the wide shape chest The Alaskan Malamute is prone to gastric volvulus. Bloating and sluggish pet behavior are also reasons to see a veterinarian.
  4. Eye diseases. Common ailments are day blindness (hemeralopia) and progressive retinal atrophy. The latter can lead to loss of vision. An ophthalmological examination of a puppy at the age of 4-8 months will help to diagnose an eye disease in time and start treatment.

Training and education

Alaskan Malamute training rules:

  1. The best time for training is the hours after intense walks. The dog becomes calmer and more assiduous.
  2. In the process of training, you can not use cruel methods or beat the dog.
  3. When training, you should be patient and achieve the correct execution of the command.
  4. Per correct execution commands should be followed by encouragement.
  5. Periodically, the Malamute needs to be given rest, otherwise he will get tired and refuse to follow the commands.
  6. You need to train your pet regularly.

Choosing a puppy

The issue of purchasing an Alaskan Malamute puppy must be taken seriously, because:

  • you need to assess your financial capabilities;
  • decide on future plans for the dog.

Where to buy and how much

To be sure of the origin of the dog and reduce the risk of hereditary diseases, it is better to buy a puppy from conscientious breeders. In good nurseries, diseased animals are excluded from breeding.

The cost of a Malamute is as follows:

  • the average price for an ordinary puppy varies from 10 thousand rubles to 40 thousand rubles;
  • the price of an elite puppy (with a pedigree, from a prestigious kennel) starts from 70 thousand rubles.

What to pay attention to

If the future owner has a desire to participate in exhibitions, you need to pay attention to the documents.

The package of documents includes:

  • pedigree certificates;
  • medical certificates;
  • awards and certificates of parents.

If the puppy is purchased as pet, awards and proof of pedigree are not required. There will be enough medical certificates, compliance with the general standard and personal impression.

In addition, in both cases, it is worth focusing on general health indicators:

  1. The puppy should be active, playful, without difficulty in movement.
  2. Wool and skin must be clean. On a healthy body there are no bumps, nodules or irritations.
  3. Nose and ears without signs of inflammation, no discharge.
  4. The oral cavity has a light pink color, there is no unpleasant odor.

Pros and cons

Breed advantages:

  • sociability and kindness;
  • good learning ability;
  • great appearance;
  • indefatigability;
  • loyalty to children;
  • kindness to other animals.


  • periodically attempts to dominate;
  • laborious care;
  • the need for great physical activity.

According to experienced owners, Alaskan Malamute dogs great companions, the best helpers at work and true friends of the family.

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Cute Alaskan Malamute puppies in FluffyHuges video.

The Alaskan Malamute is an amazing animal. Like Huskies and Samoyeds, he is a Nordic sled dog and captivates with his beauty. Malamute combines a variety of characteristics. It is devoted and soft dog, but strong and hardy, independent, but vulnerable.

History of the breed

This breed has a long and rich history. Breeding began several centuries ago in Alaska. The ancestors of modern Malamutes lived with the people of the Malemute (or Malmute) tribe, from whom they took the name of their breed.

The tribe led a nomadic lifestyle, people were engaged in hunting and fishing. In conditions of severe cold, four-legged helpers were needed. The ancestors of the Alaskan Malamute had a thick coat and thick soles, which protected them from the most severe frosts.

It is believed that the Malemutes were a hardworking and good-natured tribe. They treated their dogs with due respect, took care of them and perceived them as true friends and helpers. Dogs helped them to transport goods in teams, guarded them. Since the animals were not subjected to cruel treatment from the owners, their character was soft and docile.

In the process of settling the Arctic by white settlers from America, there was an active crossbreeding of dog breeds in order to breed more hardy and stronger individuals. So purebred Malamutes became less and less.

The period of the late XIX - early XX centuries. referred to in history as the "Gold Rush". After the discovery of deposits precious metal on the border with Alaska, strong dogs were needed to transport the mined gold. Alaskan Malamutes were the best fit for this purpose - they did not know fatigue and could transport heavy teams around the clock.

Gold miners continued to crossbreed dogs with other breeds, they wanted to achieve even higher levels of endurance. Greed led to the fact that the pure breed almost disappeared completely.

As soon as people scraped all the gold out of the mines, the Malamutes were given attention from a sporting point of view. They began to be used in luge races. To this end, they again began to breed a pure breed, and the number of purebred individuals increased several times by the 30s of the 20th century. The breed has been officially recognized by American dog breeders.

In 1925, a diphtheria epidemic occurred in one of the settlements in Alaska. Due to terrible weather conditions, it was not possible to deliver medicines to patients by any means of transport. Then a team with Malamutes was sent. They endured this difficult journey and delivered medical supplies to the infected settlement in the shortest possible time. This story made the Malamutes famous, and a traditional annual dog race is held in their honor in Alaska.

Unfortunately, during the Second World War, dogs again experienced the cruelty of people. Due to the fact that the owners threw the dogs to certain death without food, the number of purebred individuals again decreased to critical numbers.

Only by the end of the 20th century was it possible to restore the population and save the breed from extinction. Malamute has been recognized throughout the world, and in the United States began to be considered an honorary symbol.

Characteristics of the breed and types

As a result of long crossings, breeding and mixing, today there are two breeds of Malamutes: Kotzebue and M'Lut. The Kotzebue breed was the first to be registered. The last and final breed standard was set in 1999.

Characteristics of the M'Lut breed: it can be of a variety of colors - light gray, gray-black, sable, brown-white, etc. The size of the M'Lut dogs is more impressive than that of Kotzebue. M'Loot has a more independent and tough personality. Kotzebue has only a wolf color. The nature of this breed is more friendly and gentle.

The Malamute is a large, well-built dog with strong musculature. The height of the male reaches 63 cm, the height of the female is 59 cm. The weight reaches 38 kg. The dog has a broad skull, large muzzle, tightly compressed lips, widely spaced ears, slanted eyes, brown or black nose, strong chest, big snowshoe paws, straight back.

Ideal Ratio:

  • males: height - 63.5 cm, weight - 38 kg;
  • females: height - 58.5 cm, weight - 34 kg.

The main thing in evaluating a Malamute individual is its qualities as a sled dog, endurance and ability to carry loads. Any injury or weakness of the paws closes the way for the dog to the exhibitions.

Working qualities of the Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan Malamute combines strength, endurance, independence, loyalty and kindness. The dog does not show aggression towards humans. So the Malamute, whose character is distinguished by softness and openness to human love, is unsuitable for guard duty. Dog breeders urge not to force these animals to guard the house - there are other, more adapted breeds for this purpose.

The description of the breed says that Malamutes are the soul of the company. They like to be in the thick of things, to play with the owners. They do not like to be alone in the yard. This breed is very well suited for a large family with children - dogs actively play with kids and never harm them.

The dog must necessarily feel reciprocity from the owner. Otherwise, she may well hold a grudge and refuse to follow commands.

Malamute is characterized by some stubbornness, but high intelligence more than compensates for this shortcoming in training.

Features of training

Malamute puppy is a very active and mobile animal. It is highly not recommended to get a dog of this breed to an inexperienced person. She needs very sensitive and attentive education from a very young age.

As already noted, the Malamute is not suitable for tasks that require aggression (guarding). It is not necessary to forcibly develop anger in a dog - this is contrary to its nature. Do not leave your dog alone for long periods of time. She can withdraw and be very offended by the owner, after which she will refuse to serve him.

The breed has a dominating spirit. In a pack with other dogs, the Malamute will undoubtedly become a leader. In relations with the owner, it is important to immediately make it clear to the dog that the person is in charge. Then the animal will accept authority and will obey.

The Alaskan Malamute is a very intelligent and quick-witted dog. She is able to remember the commands from the first time. On the contrary, if you overdo it and stubbornly force the dog to do the same movement, he will get bored with it. Training is at risk. The use of physical punishment in the education of an individual of this breed is not permissible. The recommended reward for correctly executed commands is praise and an emotional expression of approval. Rewarding with food is less effective and not as helpful.

It is important to remember that historically the breed has been a working breed. Dogs need active movement, whether it's racing or outdoor play. Suitable Malamute and for hunting. Good flair, fast legs, strong instincts will help to track down prey. In addition, even the deepest snow and severe frost will not be an obstacle for the dog.

Do not allow a puppy to sleep with the owner on the same bed. Subsequently, an adult dog will never give up this habit. Given her size, it would be impossible to share a bed with her.

Because of their activity, the Alaskan Malamute will not be thrilled about living in an apartment. He will be cramped and bored, besides, the interior of the apartment will certainly suffer from such a large animal. The best place for him is a plot near a private house with a warm booth.

Twice a year there is a molt, at this time the coat needs to be combed out. Malamute is a fairly clean dog, it does not need to be washed often. But combing and cutting nails should be done regularly. Your pet's teeth should be brushed several times a week. After washing, the coat must be dried and combed. This procedure may take up to one hour.

For the owners planning the participation of the dog in exhibitions, there is a nuance regarding washing: experts recommend washing dark and light coats with different shampoos. White wool is more dirty - it needs to be rubbed off. Dark wool can lose color if washed too vigorously.

It is very important to give the Malamute exercise, otherwise the dog will get bored. Daily active walks of at least 1 hour are required. Starting at 6 weeks old, puppies should run about 800 m on a walk. Gradually increase the distance to 1.5 km.

Despite the friendliness, the Malamute cannot resist instincts. He can easily chase a small dog or cat. Dogs must be on a leash in public places.

Patience and endurance from the owner will require one of the habits of malamutes - they love to dig the ground. It is almost impossible to wean them from it. The area where this animal lives will certainly be repeatedly dug up.

Even the largest malamutes eat quite moderately. Puppies are fed three times a day, adult dogs can eat once a day. You can not feed them with your food from the table, a certain diet is required.

Health and susceptibility to disease

Malamutes live for about 12-15 years. Despite the fact that this dog is incredibly strong, hardy and healthy, there are a number of diseases to which it is prone:

  • cataract;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • hemeralopia;
  • glaucoma;
  • demodicosis;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • inversion of the stomach;
  • dwarfism;
  • reduced pigmentation of the nose.

Aggression is a trait unusual for the Malamute. If puppies still actively show it, it is considered that they are unhealthy. These dogs are not recommended. Only highly qualified specialists will be able to keep them.

At the first suspicion of a dog's illness, you should contact your veterinarian. Self-treatment is beyond the power of non-professional dog owners.

Difference between Alaskan Malamute and Husky

The Malamute is often compared to the Siberian Husky, and the two breeds are even confused. The main difference between a husky is that it does not have such stamina. She will never be able to carry the same loads as a Malamute. However, it is worth paying tribute to the husky - it is faster and will come first in the race.

Other differences:

  1. The Malamute is larger than the Husky.
  2. It is noted that the muzzle of the Malamute always looks friendly, the look is soft. Huskies can have a fierce look, sly eyes.
  3. Husky fur is softer.
  4. Blue eyes for a Malamute are a deviation, threatening disqualification from competitions. for husky Blue eyes- the norm.

For many decades, the Alaskan Malamute has been a true friend and helper of man. This is a devoted and cheerful animal that will breathe new life to any family.

In contact with

Malamute is a northern sled dog. They have well-developed muscles, which allows them to easily work in a team and transport fairly heavy loads over long distances. Some similarity in appearance with a wolf is sometimes misleading. This is a purebred domestic breed, distinguished by an enviable good nature. He constantly needs human attention.

The life history of Malamutes has more than one century. They are considered one of the first dogs that were domesticated by man and used as sled dogs.

The Alaskan Malamute owes its name to the tribe malemute who lives in Alaska and started breeding these dogs. During the beginning of the gold rush, dog sled races began to be organized as entertainment, in which the main indicators were the speed, strength and endurance of dogs. Initially, no one paid attention to representatives of the local breed, but then they became favorites, who pulled heavy sleds without any problems. Such competitions are very popular today.

When gold was discovered in Alaska, there was a need for large shipments. Then it turned out that local malamutes are the strongest sled dog.

The dog team of them was called at that time snow train.

As a breed it was recognized in 1935.

During the Second World War, the breed suffered significant damage. Dogs served in the army and were on the verge of extinction. It was only in 1947 that the breed was revived.

Initially, three breed lines were distinguished:

  • Kotzebue;
  • M'Loot;
  • Hinman-Irvin.

The history of the latter was short. Kotzebue and M'Loot remained purebred for a long time and differed greatly from each other. Breeder Robert Zoller (Husky-Pack) crossed both lines. Therefore, the pedigree of some individuals may include two lines. But purebreds also remain.

Breed standard and breed description

Height at the withers: males 63.5 cm, females 58.5 cm;

The weight: males 38 kg, females 24 kg.

Color: zoned.

  • All shades of gray;
  • Black;
  • Sable;
  • Ginger.
  • The only solid color can only be white. It is also dominant in the following parts of the body: head, lower body, paws.
  • White markings on the forehead and collar are acceptable, which give the dog an extra charm.
  • An undesirable indicator is uneven or discontinuous color.
  • Eyes are also considered a disadvantage. blue color, aggressiveness or shyness of the dog.

Character and temperament

Representatives of the breed are energetic, stand firmly on their feet, benevolent, but at the same time they have a strong character and all the makings of a leader. Brown eyes always curious.

By virtue of its origin, the Malamute is very hardy and unpretentious breed. But, this is a pack animal, so the puppy immediately begins to consider his owner and other inhabitants of the house as his pack.

That is why animals attached to people and love them very much. They expect protection, understanding and friendship from them. If they are not included in all the ongoing processes of family life, they will feel lonely and suffer greatly from this.

Behavior in the family

Malamutes are considered to be family pet and not a dog of one owner. They are smart, affectionate and good-natured. With proper upbringing, they do not pose any danger to both family members and strangers.

As a rule, one owner is recognized as the leader. But with good handling, they can easily be controlled by any member of the family. In some cases it may show stubbornness, since this breed lacks the instinct of submission.

Relationships with children

These "big bear cubs", as they are also called, are very fond of children. Malamute will never allow herself to offend a child. He will steadfastly endure all their pranks, participate in any games, and besides, he will try to start fun himself. These dogs are wonderful nannies.

But since it's pretty big dog should not be left alone with small children. And the child himself also needs to be taught to behave correctly with him. The photo below clearly demonstrates the attitude of Malamutes to children.

Behavior towards other dogs

A representative of the breed can easily communicate with pets, including dogs of other breeds. The only caveat might be dominant character obliging to be a leader. Therefore, at first, young males can be aggressive.

In order to quickly eradicate the problem, you need to immediately stop all attempts to start a fight. The dog understands everything very well and quickly calms down. If he lives around other dogs from an early age, he tends to be friendly.

It should be borne in mind that the Malamute is a good hunter and may begin to apply this quality in relation to cats or other pets. Therefore, you need to monitor his behavior and strictly suppress these attempts.


Grooming is reduced to a minimum of procedures: periodic combing of wool, cutting nails and infrequent washing. A characteristic feature of the breed is their cleanliness They wash themselves like cats.


Regarding their large size, Malamutes are very eat a little. The amount of food consumed can vary depending on the dog's metabolism, how active it is and the type of food.

Small puppies require three meals a day. At the age of four months they are fed 2 times per day, like adult dog. It is impossible to transfer dogs to a one-time meal, as this may result in intestinal volvulus. Also, there should always be fresh water in the bowl.

Serving sizes can be selected based on the recommendations on the food packaging, which indicate the daily ration. Since northern riders have a low metabolism, the portion can be slightly reduced.

Training and education

With all its good nature and the absence of any aggressiveness, the Malamute is dominant, stubborn and judicious a dog that does not have the habit of thoughtlessly obeying the commands of the owner. Often feeling weak, he gets out of control and does not give in to any persuasion and threats.

Alaskan is recommended for those who already has experience in raising and training dogs. Also, the owner must be sufficiently prepared in order to cope with very strong dog and know its psychology.

The slightest mistakes made in childhood are very difficult to correct throughout life. A cute little puppy can become an uncontrollable adult dog.

Malamute is very smart and easy to train, but he will only learn as long as he is interested. Therefore, it is better to train them in the form of a game, or by creating situations that might generate interest. The process must take place in a calm and friendly atmosphere.

Puppies should be trained and trained as early as possible. At the same time, it is necessary to develop rules that he must comply with and under no circumstances should he deviate from them. If they are violated, strictness should be immediately shown, but cruelty should never be allowed in relation to the dog.

For a small puppy, the owner should be associated with the leader. In this case, he will treat him with due respect and see him as a leader, which will greatly simplify the learning process.


When keeping a Malamute in private homes, it is desirable to have aviary in which he may well walk alone. In this case, you need to install a high fence from the rest of the site. The fact is that earlier these dogs got their livelihood by tearing the holes of rodents. This instinct has survived to this day. And they gladly dig holes for several hours. Therefore, you need to either carefully monitor the dog, or forget about a neat infield. In addition, juveniles are very curious and may run away in search of adventure during a walk.

Malamutes demand long walks(from one and a half hours), so you need to plan your time in advance. They need to be taken out at least once a week. on nature where they can run freely.

You need to regularly give them something load, for example, during a hike they can carry equipment and products. Awareness of their usefulness will certainly give them pleasure, and unused energy, on the contrary, has a bad effect on the character of the dog.

It should be remembered that the hunting instinct is very highly developed in Malamutes, therefore strong leash is a required attribute. If the dog is too strong, then you should not walk with him alone, as there is a chance of not holding him at the most inopportune moment.

Is it worth getting a Malamute in an apartment?

Of course, it is more preferable for keeping a Malamute a private house , where there is a site where he can walk freely, but he also feels great in an ordinary apartment. The dog practically does not bark, the coat has no smell, and besides, it is very clean. The only problem might be active molt during which it will be necessary to carry out unscheduled cleaning. But it's happening no more than twice a year.

Representatives of the breed are very calm and, having chosen a place for themselves, they sleep quietly there for a long time. Interestingly, they change the place according to the seasons. You can purchase a lair cage, which will create greater ease of maintenance.

Breed characteristics

  • Growth: 59-64 cm.
  • The weight: 35-50 kg.
  • characteristic color: light gray, dark gray, with white spots, in rare cases - white. On the muzzle - a light or dark mask.
  • Wool length: medium or short, very dense, with coarse thick undercoat.
  • Lifespan: 13-16 years old.
  • Breed advantages: pleasant appearance, friendly attitude towards people, playfulness and high activity. The main feature of the breed is that they do not bark.
  • The complexity of the breed: Dominant character traits. Difficult to train.
  • average price: from $ 200 when buying from the hands. Dogs with a good pedigree - up to $ 500, show breeds - from $ 800-1000 and more.

Origin story

Malamutes belong to a very ancient breed of arctic dog, which was used by the Eskimo tribes to ride in a team through snowdrifts. The history of this breed has almost 4 thousand years. In the middle of the 20th century, Malamutes began to be used in military operations, which led to a sharp decline in the population of the breed. But already in the fifties, breeders managed to restore the population of these animals. Now Malamutes are very popular all over the world. Due to its excellent ability to endure severe frosts, this breed has become very widespread in Russia.

What is the breed for?

These dogs are not without reason outwardly reminiscent of wolves - they are their direct descendants, but have innate kindness and lack of aggression, which is inherent in wild animals. Since Malamutes were originally used for sledding, they are genetically adapted to heavy physical exertion.

Malamutes are best suited as a friendly family member - they are very affectionate and love to participate in all people's affairs. Malamute is real gift for an active person who devotes a lot of time to physical activities in the fresh air. But Malamutes are clearly not suitable as a watchdog - their kindness and friendly attitude towards all people do not allow them to be used as guards and defenders, although they can scare away an uninvited guest with one of their appearance.

dog character

Malamutes are famous for their kindness, intelligence and amazing appearance, thanks to which they will fall in love with any member of the family, especially children. But behind the sweet appearance lies a bold and independent character, which begins to manifest itself when the dog grows up.

They are quite stubborn and not inclined to obey and also love to show their leadership qualities. That is why the upbringing of Malamutes should be started at an early age, constantly demonstrating to the dog who is the boss in the house.

At the same time, aggressiveness is completely uncharacteristic of Malamutes, therefore they don't need a special training approach.. Although representatives of this breed do not make good watchmen, devotion to their owner compensates for this shortcoming.

Malamutes love to play, they are very cheerful and playful, but they cannot be called noisy. These dogs can't bark. Instead of barking, they prefer to "talk", making peculiar rumbling sounds that can amuse any member of the family.

Since Malamutes suffer from lack of physical activity, they need to be walked daily. If you regularly give them the opportunity to run and frolic on the street, at home they will behave completely calmly and not cause unnecessary trouble to the owners.

Video review of the Malamute

Anyone who intends to acquire a dog of this breed, I advise you to watch the video. In this video you will see representatives of this breed, their features and characteristics. They talk in detail about the nuances of caring for and raising malamutes, as well as about the right methods training these dogs.

How to choose a puppy

When choosing a Malamute puppy, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Health. The puppy should be active, his eyes should shine and express interest in what is happening. A healthy puppy can be distinguished by the condition of the coat and skin, as well as clean eyes and. In addition, you need to make sure that the puppy did not suffer from digestive problems. The breeder must provide certificates, about , as well as information about the dynamics of the puppy's development. Be sure to find out if the puppy's parents suffered from hereditary diseases. The breeder needs to require certificates confirming the health of the parents.
  • Standards. It is necessary to look at the puppy's parents - do they meet all the standards? In the puppy itself, all parts of the body should be proportionally developed. He should have an even stance and an easy gait.
  • Socialization. Malamute puppies must themselves run to the hands and love to communicate with a person, competing among themselves for the attention of a person. If the puppy does not show curiosity and is afraid to approach a person, it is not recommended to take such a puppy.
  • Age. You can not take very tiny puppies of Malamute. The minimum allowable age is 6 weeks, and preferably 7 or 8. It is better not to buy older than 10 weeks, as they will be less responsive to education.

Malamutes are very clean dogs. do not have a pronounced "dog" smell. These dogs do not need to be bathed regularly as they take care of their coat on their own. One wash every 2-3 months will be enough.

But it is necessary to comb out Malamutes often, at least twice a week, and when the dog sheds - every day. Because of the very thick undercoat These dogs shed a lot. Malamute owners are advised to purchase a high-quality vacuum cleaner, as the hair remains throughout the house.

Malamute's teeth and ears should be checked frequently. A couple of times a week it is recommended to brush his teeth using a special paste for dogs. Besides, Malamute's claws need to be clipped periodically., for which it is desirable to use a steel claw cutter.

But the most important place in caring for a Malamute is given to physical activity. Every day the dog needs to run a lot, preferably - to complete exhaustion. If you yourself are not very fond of running or cycling, you can "chase" the dog using the "fetch" command.

Malamutes do not need a special diet. Any dog ​​food will do. If you have started feeding dry food to your Malamute, then Don't switch to natural food. It is recommended to buy only high-quality feed.

Malamute training

The most important thing in training is to let him know who is in charge in the house. Malamutes have a tendency to dominate and will always try to show their leadership qualities, if you do not establish the correct hierarchy in relations with him.

Already from an early age you need to start raising a puppy. If the puppy starts to resist your demands, you can turn him on his back and do not let him go until he becomes calm. When the puppy is older, other methods of establishing leadership can be used, such as picking him up or pressing him to the ground.

Malamutes are very intelligent dogs, they quickly remember commands, especially with appropriate encouragement. You should speak with the dog in a calm voice, and you can shout at the Malamute only as a last resort, if only he has been very mischievous.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before acquiring a Malamute, you need to have a good idea of ​​what kind of breed it is and what pros and cons it has. Some people - inactive, lazy or weak character - it is better not to start Malamutes. These dogs cannot live without daily exercise and, in the absence of such, begin to splash out their energy on pieces of furniture and other things in the house. Therefore, you can not leave a Malamute in the house alone for several days. It will definitely ruin a lot of household items.

Besides, The disadvantage of this breed can be considered their stubbornness and desire for dominance. In order for the dog to realize that he is not the “leader” here, you need to do a lot with him.

The advantages of the Malamute are much greater. than disadvantages: they are smart, friendly, very affectionate and not at all aggressive.

What problems did you face in raising a Malamute? Perhaps someone has interesting story associated with these dogs. Tell us about it in the comments.




Attitude towards children:


It is believed that the Alaskan Malamute breed originated from the crossing of sled dogs and wild wolves. This breed is one of the oldest on the planet.

These dogs are able to survive in the Far North, can become a faithful and devoted friend of the family. The breed got its name from the nomadic northern malemut tribe of Alaska.

In 2010, this Alaskan Malamute became the official symbol of the state of Alaska.

Characteristics of the Alaskan Malamute breed is a large, muscular dog, well built. The movements are smooth, confident, calm.

The dog holds its head high distinguishing feature breeds - a mask on the muzzle and head in the form of a light cap. Paws are strong, wide, paw pads do not allow them to fall through when moving through the snow. The tail is thick, fluffy, slightly curved over the back. The back is straight. The location of the eyes is similar to that of a wolf.

Alaskan Malamutes are divided into two lines by size. The M'Loot line is larger than the Kotzebue line. Also the Kotzebue line is less aggressive. Historically the color of this breed is wolf grey, the M'Loot can offer other color options such as silver grey, blue, black and white and even all white. See photos of the Alaskan Malamute.

The male has a height of 63-65 cm, weight 38-40 kg, the female has a height of 58-60 cm, weight 33-35 kg.

Alaskan Malamute Intelligence

Dogs are smart and active. Initially, the dog's mind is visible in her gaze, the Malamute looks friendly and inviting. The mental potential of this dog directly depends on the time and attention that the owner spends with his dog. In addition, the Malamute has an excellent memory and high comprehension, so from a very early age it can be "trained" to perform a variety of commands.

See also: Bernese Mountain Dog - cheerful disposition, strength, endurance and beauty

Malamutes quickly get bored with everything, because their intelligence is high. They will not run after a stick or a ball for a long time, but they quickly master household tricks, such as opening a doorknob.

Watch the video with the Alaskan Malamute, his games and pranks, you can right now.

Dog temperament

Friendly to people and small children, but aggressive towards other dogs. Despite their large and intimidating appearance, these dogs are not suitable for the role of watchmen, as they do not show aggression towards people.

He gets along well with his family, but since he does not have a desire to obey the owner in his character, it is necessary to educate the Malamute from a very early age so that the dog does not become uncontrollable. Also, this breed is characterized by stubbornness and a desire for leadership, therefore, if several dogs live in the house, the Malamute will somehow take the leading position in this pack.

How to raise a Malamute? This puppy should immediately be made clear who is the boss in the house. You can’t follow the dog’s lead, forgive her harmful pranks, otherwise the dog loses the concept of who is the boss in the house. Always scold the dog exactly “in hot pursuit” and in a flat voice. Also for this dog, training should always be intertwined with play.

As you can see, it will be very difficult for a novice dog breeder to cope with a recalcitrant Malamute, so it is believed that this breed is suitable for experienced dog breeders.

Alaskan Malamute dog care

  • Combing thick dog hair with a soft undercoat is necessary 2 times a week, and in autumn and spring, during the molting period, even more often. You don't need to wash your dog, as the dirt comes off easily, just pamper him with dry shampoos from time to time. You will need to brush your dog's teeth once a week.
  • Alaskan Malamutes are not suitable for housing because they require a lot of space for their active nature. However, if you are going to keep a dog in an apartment, remember that the Malamute chooses his favorite places in the house.
  • For a bed, choose a large bedding, a mattress about 60 by 90 in size, in a quiet, calm place, not on the aisle in the hallway. Chances are, your northern pet might like a balcony, but then again, all dogs are individuals. Do not forget to wash your pet's bedding regularly, remember his amazing love for cleanliness for a dog.
  • Bowls should be washed regularly after each meal, ideally there should be two - for food and water separately.
  • Dog toys should not be easily chewed, and do not give them all at once - they will quickly get bored.
  • The nutrition of a northern pet should consist of half of special dry food, 25% of meat and fish (the fish is boiled and cleaned of bones), the rest must be taken for cereals and vegetables. Some experienced breeders recommend not complicating the process of feeding and simply feeding the dog with specialized dog food.

See also: The Canaan Dog is a universal reliable watchman and devoted friend.

Health status

Dogs of this breed require active exercise stress, but in the heat they do not need to be loaded. Since these dogs have a great need to dig and dig something, in the yard where they are kept, it is necessary to stretch the wire under the fence, otherwise the dog may run away into the dug hole. This is due to the fact that in the wild, Malamutes survived by digging rodents out of the ground for food.

Surprisingly, Malamute dogs eat very little, but tend to overeat. And eat "for the company", which leads to obesity and tympania. Disease prevention is clear - do not overfeed the animal.

Due to the thick coat, the Alaskan Malamute is not suitable for life in southern climates.

Also, this breed is prone to joint dysplasia and eye diseases.

The cost of the breed

At the moment, the price of an Alaskan Malamute (puppy) is 20-50 thousand rubles, depending on the region where you want to buy it and the lines (M'Lut or Kotzebue).

Some interesting facts

  1. This is the oldest breed of Arctic dogs.
  2. The Alaskan Malamute almost does not bark, since it is descended from wolves, the sounds it makes are more like a dull grunt, which is not typical for other breeds of dogs.
  3. Another indisputable advantage of the breed is that the dog is very clean, it is able to take care of its own hair and has practically no smell. Genetically, this dog is squeamish and loves cleanliness very much, if you are going to keep a Malamute in an apartment, get ready to clean his hair with a powerful vacuum cleaner from the floor, furniture and carpets.

Buying an Alaskan Malamute means acquiring another full-fledged family member with your own disposition, character and habits.

Photos of the Alaskan Malamute