Home Internet from Rostelecom: features, connection rules and tariff plans. Internet in a private house from Rostelecom How to apply for a connection

Living in your own home and thinking about connecting to the World Wide Web? Perhaps you should pay attention to the largest communication provider - Rostelecom, which offers its subscribers not only a quick connection to the network, but also very favorable terms of use.

One of the services offered by Rostelecom is home Internet in a private house. Previously, it was provided by Domolink, a subsidiary of Rostelecom, but today it has completely become part of Rostelecom, and the service is now provided under the Rostelecom Center brand. At the same time, Domolink subscribers who signed the contract earlier automatically switched to Rostelecom's servers.

New subscribers who want to connect to the network can leave a request on the company's website or by contacting the office.

How to wire a network to a private house

Connection to the network is available both through a telephone cable using ADSL technology, and using an optical line.

You can submit a request in two ways:

  1. Visit the Rostelecom office. There you will receive expert advice, during which you will be able to find out:
  • which option is more convenient for you;
  • How much;
  • the cost of tariffs and their benefits;
  • information about additional services.

After discussing all the questions you are interested in, you can leave the application for connection, which will be considered in the near future.

  1. Leave a request on the company's website. This option is also convenient, especially since after considering it, a specialist will contact you and clarify the main points, as well as discuss the details with you.

To apply, you must:

  1. Go to the company's website.
  2. Select the region you are in.
  3. Open the "For Yourself" section and go to the "Internet" subsection.
  4. To get started, open the "Tariffs" subsection and familiarize yourself with them.
  5. Choose the option that best suits you and click the "Connect" button.
  6. In a new window, you will see not only the application form, but also an additional list of services available to you. You can immediately apply for them.
  7. Fill out the form with your first and last name, contact phone number and email, the address where you live, a convenient time for you when the operator can contact you.
  8. To send an application, click on the "Order" button.

Connection cost

The cost of connecting the Internet to a private house depends on several factors and is calculated directly by specialists. The price depends on:

  • choice of line type - optical wire or telephone;
  • required cable footage;
  • choice of tariff model.

Tariffs and services

Today, Rostelecom offers subscribers to connect home Internet via an optical line for only 99 rubles per month. At the same time, such tariff plans are available as (the usual cost in rubles is indicated in brackets):

  1. 200 Mbps (890).
  2. 100 Mbps (690).
  3. 80 Mbps (590)
  4. 45 Mbps (480)

One 8 Mbit/s tariff plan is available on the telephone line at the cost of 349 rubles per month.

Subscribers can also use the following services:

  • night acceleration up to 200 Mbps from 00:00 to 08:00;
  • antivirus program;
  • fixed ip;
  • parental control.

Which one is better to spend

The company offers two connection options - via a telephone cable using ADSL technology or via an optical line.

The first option is suitable mainly for residents of the suburbs, since it is too expensive to extend fiber optics there both in terms of time and cost. In addition, the information transfer rate will be only 24-26 megabits per second, and the subscriber will need to purchase a special router.

When connecting the line via fiber optics, the information transfer rate will be much higher - up to 100 megabits, however, it will cost more.

In order to organize a Wi-Fi network in a private house, of course, you will need an Internet connection, and of course, the Wi-Fi router itself, which will already distribute the Internet to all your devices. If, for example, we compare a private house with an apartment, or some kind of office, then the house does not need a special router, or some other special equipment. The only difference is that, compared to an apartment, a private house is usually located outside the city, where it is not always possible to connect regular, cable Internet.

Therefore, if you decide to make an Internet connection via Wi-Fi in your private house, well, via a network cable, then you first need to choose a method of connecting to the Internet, an operator (Internet provider), and then, already under a specific connection, you need to select a Wi-Fi router. Well, private houses, as a rule, are much larger than ordinary apartments, and several floors. Therefore, most likely you will need to install not only one Wi-Fi router, but also a repeater WiFi networks, or multiple routers. In order for the Wi-Fi network to cover the entire house, and all floors. Near a private house, there is usually a patio where you can bask in the sun. Therefore, for many it is important that the Internet via Wi-Fi also works in the yard near the house.

It is at these points that we will try to understand the article. Let's find out which Internet is better to connect to a private house, which router to choose, how to install it and make the Wi-Fi network work throughout the house. I think that's exactly what you need.

Let's divide the article into several sections:

  • Internet connection in a private house: in the city, outside the city, or in the village. Select the connection method and Internet provider.
  • Choosing a Wi-Fi router for distributing the Internet over a wireless network in a private house.
  • Strengthening the Wi-Fi network in the house. What to do if Wi-Fi does not catch on all floors, and in the yard.

You can jump directly to the required section. For example, if you are already connected to the Internet, or you know which one to connect, you can immediately proceed to choosing a router.

What Internet to connect to a private house?

To connect your smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other devices to the Internet via Wi-Fi, you need to connect the Internet to the router that will distribute the wireless network. Therefore, first of all, you need to bring the Internet to the house. The most optimal Internet in terms of price / quality / speed is a regular Ethernet cable. Or, what else is there now, it seems that fiber optics is becoming a popular way to connect to the Internet. In the city, in the apartment, you can easily connect such an Internet. It is not expensive, and the speed there is good.

If your house is located in the city, or even outside the city, then you definitely need to find out if it is possible to connect cable Internet. You can ask your neighbors, maybe they already have an Internet connection, and you can bring the exact same one to your house. First of all, you need to find out which connection method is generally possible in your area.

Let's look at different connection technologies, let's start with the most optimal:

  • Ordinary cable internet(Ethernet), or fiber optic. Be sure to find out if it is possible to stretch such a cable into your home.
  • ADSL internet. Telephone line connection. If you have a landline phone, you can check with your carrier to see if it provides an internet connection in your area.
  • Wireless 3G, 4G LTE internet via USB modem. In most cases, this is the only way to connect the Internet in a private home. Especially if your house is located in a village where there is no possibility to install cable internet. Internet from a USB modem can also be distributed via Wi-Fi, everything works fine. You only need a special router. Let's look at this issue later in the article.
  • InnerFeed and AirMax. For example, in Ukraine, the provider Intertelecom offers the service "Home Internet Wi-Fi". To be honest, I don’t know which providers provide such a connection in Russia and other countries. This type of connection is much better than via a USB modem. The speed is better, and most importantly more stable. And yes, the rates are cheaper. Of the minuses: expensive equipment (antenna), and you need a direct line of sight from the tower. Therefore, the coverage is still not very large.
  • satellite internet for a private house. To be honest, I'm not very good at it. I know that it is very expensive, difficult, and there is nothing good in it. Therefore, I will not consider it. Not the most popular connection.

It seems to me that 4G Internet is already working better than, for example, ADSL. Here you have to choose. Look at tariffs, by connection speed.

Most likely, you will connect 3G, 4G LTE internet. See what offers are from operators, what is there in terms of tariffs and coverage. It is advisable to choose an operator that has the best coverage in your area. If your area has a very poor 4G signal, or even 3G, then you will need to install a special antenna. But, this will already tell you the operator whose services you want to use.

I think we figured out the Internet connection in a private house. Your ISP may offer you a modem or Wi-Fi router that will distribute the wireless network. If they do not have such a service, or the proposed equipment does not suit you, then you will need to choose, buy and install a router yourself. We choose the router depending on the Internet that you have connected to your home. Well, do not forget about the area to which you need to distribute a Wi-Fi network, and about the load that the router must withstand.

Choosing a Wi-Fi router for a private home

Routers are not divided into those for apartments, houses, offices, etc. The main thing is that the router maintains an Internet connection that is connected to your home.

If the Internet is via a USB modem

If you have Internet via a 3G / 4G modem, then you definitely need a router that supports USB modems. If the router has a USB port, this does not mean that it can connect to the Internet via a modem and distribute it via Wi-Fi. By choosing a router with support for USB modems, I wrote in the article:.

Everything is very simple: we connect the modem to the router, set the necessary parameters, and you're done. The router receives the Internet from the modem, and distributes it via Wi-Fi and cable. It looks something like this:

You can also see for an example, and.

If you have poor reception, your internet speed may be very slow. In this case, installing a special antenna can help. And be sure to set the modem (antenna) to maximum reception, and only after setting, connect it to the router.

If the Internet is via a regular cable (Ethernet), or ADSL

If you already have an ADSL modem, then you can buy the most common router with an RJ-45 WAN connector, connect it to the modem, and it will distribute the Internet throughout the house. There are many routers that support telephone cable connection (RJ-11 WAN connector). Or, it would be more correct to say ADSL modems that can distribute Wi-Fi.

Well, if the most common network cable (RJ-45) is laid into the house from the provider, then you need a regular router. There are a lot of them on the market now. You can see an overview of some models in the category. Also, we have instructions for setting up many routers from different manufacturers.

If you have a large house, and you will connect a lot of devices, then I advise you not to save on a router. Especially if you plan to watch online videos, play Online Games etc. Well, the coverage radius of a Wi-Fi network, to some extent, also depends on the power, and, accordingly, the price of the router.

What to do if Wi-Fi does not catch throughout the house and in the yard?

And so, you connected the Internet, installed a Wi-Fi router in your house, the Internet works wirelessly, but as it often happens, not all rooms have coverage. And in the case of a private house, Wi-Fi may not catch on other floors, and in the courtyard near the house. Therefore, we need to somehow expand the range of the Wi-Fi network. You can do this in several ways:

  • If there is still a signal in the right rooms, but it is very weak, then you can try to amplify it without buying any devices. For example, setting up a router, and in other ways that I wrote about in the article. Or, . To buy antennas, you already need to spend money. Still, I advise you to choose the optimal location of the router.
  • In my opinion the most best option, this is a purchase and repeater installation. What is a repeater, you can read. I recently wrote. The repeater will simply amplify an existing Wi-Fi network.
  • Can install another router. For example, on the second floor. If possible, then it is best to connect the routers via a network cable, and the second. Also, routers can be connected wirelessly, in repeater mode, or in WDS bridge mode. It all depends on the model and manufacturer of the router. You can read the article:.
  • Internet over the mains in a private house. I'm not kidding 🙂 Thanks to technology, and special adapters, you can pass the Internet through ordinary electrical wiring, and connect to it from any outlet throughout the house. For example, you have a router on the first floor. We plug in a special PowerLine adapter near it, to which we connect the Internet. And on the second and third floors, we put one more PowerLine adapter, to which you can connect devices via cable, or even via Wi-Fi. Or, install and connect one more router to them. There are a lot of options, and for a private house, this perfect solution. I already wrote about setting up such a scheme.
  • If you need good Wi-Fi network coverage in the yard, then the best option, this is an outdoor access point setting. Which is placed outside the house, connects to the router (modem), and gives excellent Wi-Fi coverage throughout the area near your home.

Summing up

First, we find and determine for ourselves the most optimal way to connect to the Internet, which is in the place where your home is located. If you can run a cable, great. If not, then most likely you will have to connect 3G, 4G LTE Internet.

How to decide on the connection method, you need to choose a router. The main thing is that it works with your Internet connection. Well, be guided by the size of your house, by the number of devices, and by the load that the router must withstand. For a large, private house, it is better to buy not the cheapest router model.

When everything is set up, check if the Wi-Fi network catches everywhere where you need it. If you have problems with coverage, then read the tips above, choose the best option for yourself, and expand the range of Wi-Fi network coverage in your home and yard.

If you have any questions, then ask in the comments. I will be happy to answer and try to help with advice. Good luck!

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine life without Wi-Fi. Most of us use several devices to access the Internet, often at the same time. Downloading a movie, choosing something in an online store and at the same time chatting with friends in a messenger is a common thing. How would we manage without WiFi? No way! Connect to the Internet without Wifire wires and forget about all the inconveniences of a wired network connection.

It's no secret that wired Internet is significantly inferior in comfort to connecting via Wi-fi. Let's look at the main advantages of wireless internet.

  • Access to the network within the range of the router (up to 50 meters indoors)
  • Ability to connect multiple devices at the same time (PC, laptop, smartphone)
  • Convenience - Internet without extra wires

Connect the Internet without wires at a speed of 50 to 300 Mbps and get access to the network anywhere in your apartment! We offer high speed and stability of connection, favorable tariffs and technical support 24 hours 7 days a week. To connect to the Internet without wires at home, you can buy or rent a high-speed router. When connecting to the Internet without wires, use, as well as combine tariffs and save with Wifire!

How to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi?

What do you need to connect your home Internet without wires in Moscow? Just choose a tariff, a router and leave a request. We offer two equipment options.

Router "Wifire S1010 NBN" and "Wifire S1500 NBN". Excellent technical specifications, cloud storage via USB, operation in the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands and an affordable price are some of the main advantages of Wifire equipment.

You can buy or rent a router - from only 55 rubles / month. Our experts will conduct the Internet, professionally set up Wi-Fi equipment and advise you on any issues. Internet without wires is fast, inexpensive and convenient!

Connect the Internet without wires in the apartment and enjoy the benefits:

  • Speed ​​from 50 to 300 Mbps
  • Tariffs from 400 rubles / month
  • Powerful routers - you can buy or rent for only 55 rubles / month
  • Attractive Service Packages and Digital TV
  • Antivirus for all devices
  • Top notch technical support

Enjoy the benefits of using the Internet without wires from a reliable provider! Connect all home devices to the same network - the speed and stability of the connection will always remain stable. Add a digital TV package to the Internet and watch your favorite programs in excellent quality without interference! More than 180 channels for children and adults, channels in HD format.

We have already connected more than 944 thousand clients to the Internet and other services. Leave a request and our specialists will contact you as soon as possible.

Question answer

How to connect the Internet via Wi-Fi, and how much will it cost?

Choose a tariff and leave a request on the website or by phone - we will do the rest ourselves. The cost of connection depends on the speed, as well as the availability of additional services.

Why should I choose Internet Wifire?

We offer competitive prices and high connection speed, round-the-clock technical support, and are constantly working to improve the quality of services. In addition, our company has received many prestigious awards in the field of telecommunications.

Tariffs and services of Net By Net Holding LLC may be changed by the operator. Full up-to-date information about tariffs and services - in the "tariffs" section or by phone indicated on the site.

PJSC Rostelecom connects home Wi-Fi Internet and Television in Moscow and territories annexed to Moscow under the Onlime trademark
For Online subscribers, Rostelecom PJSC offers special tariffs and connection conditions.

How is Digital TV Online connected technically?

Digital TV is connected via a common house antenna cable.
Laying additional wires in the apartment is NOT NECESSARY

To watch Digital TV, you need a Rostelecom set-top box (rent - 0 rubles per month)
or TeleCard Rostelecom Online ()

Is it possible to connect a TV to Interactive TV without using a public antenna cable

Yes, it's possible.
But this is a separate service (not included in the free connection kit), you can buy and connect your own Rostelecom TV set-top box with a Wi-Fi module ()

How is the Internet connected technically?

The engineer brings a cable into the apartment and puts a Wi-Fi router at the entrance for wireless Internet access of any devices (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.)

Does the apartment have fiber optic cable?

All providers have a fiber optic cable connected to the house.
A twisted pair cable enters the apartment, which provides Internet access speeds up to 500 Mbps

Is it possible to connect the Internet without running a wire to the apartment?

No. If you need wireless Internet, contact the operators mobile communications(MTS, Beeline, Skylink, etc.)

Is it necessary to drill the walls to bring the cable into the apartment?

Engineers perform Internet connections for free, and if there is an opportunity not to drill anything, then they will gladly not drill anything.

As a rule, each apartment has a technological hole through which the cables of the common house antenna, electrical wiring, etc. enter the apartment. It is this hole that is used to bring the Internet cable into the apartment.

I have already connected the Internet of another provider, do I need to lay new wires?

The cable that goes to the entrance to your apartment belongs to another provider and we will not use it (the engineer will lay a new cable for free and without your participation). And the wires that you have in your apartment belong to you, we can use them (there is no need to lay new ones)

To connect to the Internet, you need to use only a Wi-Fi router Online?

You can use your own Wi-Fi router (any model). We have no special requirements for Wi-Fi routers.
Rent a Wi-Fi router Online - 0 rubles per month

How to connect two or more TVs to Digital TV in Moscow

A separate set-top box is required to connect each TV to Digital Television. If you need to connect two TVs, then you need two TV boxes, if you connect three TVs, then you need three TV boxes.

Renting the first TV set-top box by Rostelecom - 0 rubles per month
rent of the second (and further) set-top boxes - 99 rubles per month
TV set-top boxes Online can be bought - 3,590 rubles

On each connected TV, you can watch any TV channels (as part of the connected package)

How to connect a home phone in Moscow

Applications for connecting a home phone in the Moscow region are not accepted by phone.

To connect a home telephone in the Moscow region, you must contact the nearest sales office of PJSC Rostelecom, write an application for connecting a home telephone, after which a technical feasibility check will be performed (checking the availability of free ports).

The cost of connecting a home phone can be told to you at the sales office after checking the technical feasibility and determining the possible connection technology.

How to find out where the nearest service sales office of PJSC Rostelecom Online is located

The telephone number of the unified reference service of PJSC Rostelecom is 8 800 100 0 800 or 8 800 450 0 150

If I apply today, when will I be connected?

Internet and TV connection on the day of application is NOT performed.

The next day, after submitting the application, an engineer contacts you, with whom you agree on the date and time of connection.

Is it possible to connect Internet and TV on Saturday or Sunday?

The possibility of connection depends on the management company of your house (formerly it was called ZhEK).
If the management company provides access to the server room on weekends and holidays, then connection is possible.

As a rule, management companies do not provide access on weekends and holidays.

To connect on a day off, an engineer needs to run a cable from the server room to your apartment on a working day (without your participation and presence), and the connection itself in the apartment should be made on a day off.

So that he has the opportunity to lay a cable to your apartment on a working day - leave applications in advance

How not to pay for the Internet when you leave the city?

Going on vacation and don't want to pay for Internet and TV in your absence?

Then come in Personal Area Online, activate the service "Voluntary blocking" and boldly go on a trip! When you return home, the money in the account will not run out, and the Internet will be activated.