Vomiting diarrhea temperature treatment. Why does an adult get diarrhea and vomiting? Diarrhea, vomiting and fever - what are their dangers

1) Drinking unboiled water that has been contaminated;

2) Emotional problems, chronic stress;

3) Syndrome, called "irritable bowel";

4) Crohn's disease (chronic sluggish inflammation of a certain part of the gastrointestinal tract);

5) Ulcerative colitis, which is characterized chronic inflammation or the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the large intestine;

6) Oncological disease of the rectum;

7) Malabsorption syndrome (in which absorption is impaired).

If symptoms occur: vomiting, diarrhea, fever, you should definitely visit a doctor. It is most dangerous when such a condition occurs after visiting Asian, African or other remote regions. If you do not receive a timely full qualified medical care, then such a condition, dangerous not only for health, but also for life itself, as dehydration of the body can develop. Its main symptoms are dry tongue and dry lips, constant feeling thirst, breathing quickened, urination, on the contrary, becomes less frequent.

How, in the presence of such symptoms as vomiting, diarrhea, temperature in an adult, can you provide yourself with first aid?


1) As much as possible, use liquids that have room or slightly higher temperature (this can be both water and various broths);

2) Completely exclude from your diet for the duration of the disease coffee, any alcoholic beverages, fruit juices and milk.

It is necessary to drink in small sips in small portions. If there is no appetite or there is a feeling of indigestion or cramps inside the abdomen, do not eat. And when the appetite appears again, it is recommended to eat rice, bananas, white bread crackers, baked vegetables, and if meat, then only lean and in small quantities. Until the complete disappearance of symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, temperature in an adult, it is forbidden for him to consume fresh fruits, herbs, alcoholic beverages, fatty, spicy, fried. You can, of course, use an over-the-counter antidiarrheal agent for these disorders, but if vomiting, diarrhea, and temperature in an adult do not disappear on the second day of taking this drug, then you should not continue, but it is better to visit a doctor.

In order to protect yourself and your loved ones from such misfortunes, try to drink only filtered water, always wash berries, vegetables and fruits, as well as your hands before eating. Indeed, in addition to a banal intestinal disorder, a person can, due to non-compliance with these elementary rules, become infected with hepatitis A, dysentery, and in exotic countries, even cholera. Before traveling to distant countries, inquire about the necessary vaccinations, and while there, be extremely careful, especially with raw and unusual food.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea and fever appear, which go along with weakness and vomiting. You will not be able to cope with them on your own, so self-medication is not recommended. Learn how to provide first aid to a sick child or adult, how to treat the cause of unpleasant symptoms.

What is diarrhea

In medicine, diarrhea (or diarrhoea) is understood as a state of the body, accompanied by nausea, frequent liquid watery stools, pain in the abdomen, and sometimes high fever. Diarrhea causes dehydration, is dangerous for the elderly, children, so it is important to know what treatment to use in order to prevent serious consequences.

Distinguish between acute and chronic diarrhea. The first lasts up to two weeks, is caused by allergic reactions to drugs, food poisoning, infections. Chronic illness- This is persistent prolonged diarrhea with periods of remission. It leads to weakening and dehydration of the body, it can be a symptom of a latent disease. Causes of prolonged persistent diarrhea can be ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome.

Intestinal infection is accompanied by severe chills, feces with blood. An urgent visit to the doctor is needed if diarrhea lasts more than five days in adults and two in children, dark bloody stools are discharged, severe pain, dehydration. It is especially important to see a doctor if you develop diarrhea after returning from Africa or Asia.

What is temperature

Body temperature is understood as an indicator of the thermal state of the human body, reflecting the relationship between organs and the external environment. Dangerous for humans is increased and heat bodies: up to 38 subfebrile, up to 39 - febrile, up to 41 - pyretic, above 41 hyperpyretic. The critical indicator is 42 degrees - at this temperature, brain tissue is destroyed, which leads to death.

The causes of fever are viruses, bacteria. The fever is accompanied by fatigue, weakness, dry skin, mucous membranes, mild or severe chills. An indicator above 38.5 degrees is a reason for an urgent call to the doctor at home, especially if a person has muscle aches, pain in the limbs, arrhythmia, loss of appetite.

Temperature and diarrhea in an adult

  1. E. coli - infects meat, fish, milk, vegetables, fruits, water. The infection is transmitted from person to person, the symptoms are watery stools with blood, vomiting.
  2. Salmonella - it contains raw milk, poorly fried eggs. Excited disease is accompanied acute pain in the abdomen, fever, frequency of diarrhea 12-15 times a day;
  3. Shigella - found in foods, there are loose stools, with blood, abdominal cramps;
  4. Rotavirus (viral infection) - you can get infected from others, a person is worried about vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea are observed.

The reasons

Loose stools and fever in adults or children are more likely to occur against the background of food poisoning. Other reasons are:

  • abundant food intake;
  • allergic reactions;
  • excess dosage of medications;
  • severe stress, emotional stress;
  • abrupt climate change;
  • damage to the gastrointestinal tract by an infectious disease;
  • stomach ulcer, gastritis;
  • poisoning with heavy metals, poisons, chemical toxins;
  • radiation injury.

Diarrhea, nausea, fever

Diarrhea with fever and nausea serves as a protective reaction to the entry of toxins into the body. The reasons for the development of these symptoms in the aggregate are:

  • abuse fatty foods with enzymatic deficiency;
  • cholera, hepatitis;
  • gastritis, ulcer, inflammation of the pancreas, cholecystitis;
  • poisoning with mercury vapor, nitrates, poisonous mushrooms.

Loose stools and temperature 37

When diarrhea appears and a temperature of 37 degrees, doctors may suspect gastroenteritis or intestinal flu due to viruses entering the intestines. Their toxins cause inflammation that affects the intestinal mucosa. The person becomes contagious to other people. Viruses can enter the body through food, drinks:

  • with unwashed fruits, expired food;
  • with unboiled water, when bathing in an infected reservoir;
  • airborne through sneezing or talking to a lot of people.

The incubation period lasts 16 hours, after which the destruction of the intestinal mucosa occurs. Signs of a dangerous disease are:

  • frequent liquid diarrhea - 10 times a day;
  • nausea, vomiting, cough, sore throat;
  • mucus in stool;
  • gray-yellow clay-like stools;
  • pain in the stomach.

Diarrhea and temperature 38 in an adult

With severe diarrhea and a temperature of 38 degrees, doctors diagnose "damage to the gastrointestinal tract due to the development of infection." The reasons may be an overdose of antibiotics, hormonal nonsteroidal drugs, indigestion. The latter can be caused by overeating or eating low-quality foods. If you feel worse, visit a gastroenterologist or therapist.

Temperature, nausea, diarrhea, weakness

Symptoms of food poisoning are weakness, high fever, and watery diarrhea in an adult or child. They appear suddenly, after eating products, without an incubation period. Two hours after ingestion, the pathogen (infection of microbes, viruses, or ingestion of chemical toxins) acts on the body. characteristic symptoms are:

  • liquid stool coming out cramping;
  • decline blood pressure;
  • cold sweat;
  • in case of poisoning with poisons, vision is disturbed, the work of the brain, muscles lose their tone.

Diarrhea and fever in childhood

Toddlers dangerous temperature with diarrhea is 37 degrees or more. The causes of these symptoms are:

  • eating disorder, intoxication of the body - a pale face, cold feet and hands, a stomach ache;
  • reaction to drugs;
  • acetonemic syndrome - lack of carbohydrates, transferred infectious diseases digestive system, stress, manifested by vomiting, unpleasant odor of acetone from the mouth;
  • teething - gums may swell;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules - signs of poisoning are visible;
  • helminthic infestations - severe diarrhea;
  • gastritis, colitis, dysbacteriosis - signs of toxins entering the body disappear with medication;
  • enterovirus - diarrhea with blood (invasive bloody diarrhea);
  • rubella, scarlet fever, measles - rashes on the skin;
  • influenza, tonsillitis, otitis, pharyngitis - redness of the throat, enlarged tonsils, nasal congestion, the temperature may rise;
  • dysentery, salmonellosis - green feces with mucus.

What to do

Home treatment can reduce the impact of dangerous symptoms, provided that the following recommendations are followed:

  • give the patient a plentiful drink - mineral water Borzhom or Essentuki, dried fruit compotes, weak fruit drinks, weak tea with honey;
  • observe dietary nutrition - boiled cereals, vegetable soups;
  • take sour-milk products, non-acidic cheeses, low-fat cottage cheese;
  • drink starchy jelly for health;
  • eat more boiled vegetables, baked fruits;
  • you can bring down the temperature above 38 degrees with Nurofen, Aspirin, Paracetamol;
  • take calcium supplements, pro-or prebiotics with pectin, acidophilus.

First aid

If the temperature rises and stool disorders appear, the following measures will be the first aid for the patient:

  • at the first sign intestinal poisoning induce vomiting to wash the stomach - drink a solution of potassium permanganate or soda, repeat until the stomach is completely empty, then take an absorbent;
  • to prevent signs of dehydration every 10 minutes, give the patient a sip of Regidron (a bag per liter of water), drink plenty of water;
  • on the first day of treatment with severe weakness, you should refuse to eat, drink more and rest, follow a light diet, use broths in the following days;
  • the temperature with diarrhea up to 37 degrees should not go astray (it indicates that the body is in the process of self-fighting the infection). In this situation, provide the patient with complete rest.

Medical treatment

With a complicated course of the disease, diagnostics are required to prescribe the right drugs for treatment. Diagnosis measures include the use of coprograms, stool tests for dysbacteriosis and helminths, general and biochemical blood tests, ultrasound abdominal cavity. Depending on the cause of diarrhea, treatment methods are:

  • intake of sorbents - Smecta, Enterosgel, activated carbon, Polyphepan, Neosmectin, activated carbon (tablet per 10 kg of body weight), Balignin, Attapultit
  • gastric lavage with severe vomiting;
  • rehydration therapy for fluid loss - Regidron, Gastrolit, Citroglucosolan, chamomile tea, pharmaceutical saline;
  • antipyretics for headaches - Paracetamol, Nurofen;
  • taking fluoroquinolone antibiotics or cephalosporins - in a serious condition, the presence of blood in diarrhea
  • lacto and bifidobacteria for recovery intestinal microflora with rotavirus infection;
  • taking anti-inflammatory drugs on the first day of illness - Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Sulfasalosin;
  • when diarrhea appears, it is useful to take Festal or Mezim to stimulate the work of the intestines and remove toxins.

Alternative treatment

If diarrhea and high fever appear in an adult or child, you can use traditional medicine recipes to help get rid of dehydration:

  1. Reception of rice or pomegranate broth, infusion of mint, fresh blueberries.
  2. The use of dry starch dissolved in water, diluted carrot puree, chamomile or mint tea.
  3. Reception of rehydration solutions - take a tablespoon of sugar, tea salt and half tea soda per liter of boiled water. Or dissolve eight teaspoons of sugar, tea salt, fresh juice of two oranges or grapefruits in a liter. It is necessary to drink the patient every five minutes in small portions.


To prevent the onset of weakness, fever, diarrhea and vomiting, simple but effective rules prevention:

  • when preparing food, observe the shelf life of products;
  • do not allow self-treatment with antibiotics;
  • store ingredients only in the refrigerator in compliance with the commodity neighborhood, do not keep raw meat next to fresh vegetables;
  • choose only high-quality food products, without delay in expiration dates;
  • do not eat raw fish in rolls, cook steaks without blood, do not drink unpasteurized milk, untested water;
  • wash your hands more often;
  • eliminate insects in the kitchen;
  • wash dishes thoroughly.


With the appearance of vomiting, diarrhea, temperature, a person thinks about food poisoning. Do not forget that there are other factors that cause such conditions. Main reasons:

  • Food poisoning.
  • Viral and bacterial infections.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

food poisoning

The reason is the intake of food containing toxins. Produced by pathogenic microorganisms. Poisoning occurs within a few hours (1-12). A person has multiple symptoms. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to differential diagnosis with other diseases.

The main symptoms of food poisoning are:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Pain, cramps in the abdomen.
  5. Temperature increase (37-40 degrees).
  6. Weakness.
  7. Pallor.

The first sign of poisoning is nausea. Lasts for a short time. Soon, severe vomiting begins. The stomach is cleared. The process cannot be stopped. Prolonged, indomitable vomiting is an indication for the use of antiemetic drugs.

After vomiting comes relief. The person will feel weak. Pallor will appear skin. Now, at the end of vomiting, they take enterosorbents (activated charcoal), other drugs (a clear solution of manganese, Enterosgel). In some cases, it is possible to take in small amounts of infusions medicinal herbs(chamomile, St. John's wort).

Diarrhea is a natural cleansing mechanism. Helps to remove the remnants of contaminated food from the body. Depending on the causative agent of the disease, diarrhea can be different in color.

With diarrhea due to increased peristalsis, the sick person experiences severe spasms. Feelings may persist after recovery. After diarrhea, the body is dehydrated. With severe dehydration, take a solution of Regidron.

Temperature with vomiting, diarrhea indicates the severity of the condition. A temperature of 37 degrees indicates the presence of a sluggish process. An increase to 38 degrees indicates the transition of the infectious process into the acute phase. Careful monitoring of the human condition is required.

Food poisoning, mild and medium degree gravity is cured at home, with improvised means. It is allowed to use antipyretics, drugs of the nitrofuran series.

A sharp deterioration in the patient's condition (headaches, fainting, blurred vision, the temperature rose to 39-40 degrees, there were violations of cardiac activity) requires urgent hospitalization. Hand over analyzes, establish the exact diagnosis. Depending on this, the treatment tactics are chosen.

An adult is easier to tolerate food poisoning than a child. The child's body has an immature immune system. Mild disease progresses severely. At a temperature of 38 there is a need for hospitalization. Even if the temperature, diarrhea occur without vomiting. The use of enemas with salted water is justified (dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of boiled water).

Viral and bacterial infections

The appearance in a person of incessant vomiting, diarrhea with fever always gives reason to assume infection with viruses, bacteria. Diseases are severe. Timely laboratory research (blood, feces, urine, vomit) will be able to identify the pathogen. After that, appropriate therapy is selected.

Common viral and bacterial infections:

  • Rotavirus.
  • Dysentery.
  • Salmonellosis.
  • Viral hepatitis.

Viral type hepatitis


Rotavirus (intestinal flu) is a microorganism that infects the human intestine. They are infected by the fecal-oral route. Not related to the influenza virus. The disease began to be called so because of the similarity of symptoms (temperature 37-38, runny nose, cough, headache, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness).

When infected with rotavirus, the patient's stool becomes like clay, acquires a light, grayish-yellow hue. There is an admixture of blood. In a child, the disease is more severe than in an adult. If the baby is very sick, vomits, take action. Acute disease occurs at the first infection. The virus causes active production of antibodies, a strong immunity develops.

There are no specific medicines. Treatment is symptomatic. It is recommended to drink plenty of water, activated charcoal, antipyretics. Be careful in dealing with patients. They are contagious and must be isolated.


The cause of the disease is the ingestion of bacteria of the genus Shigella into the intestines. This bacterium causes severe damage, mainly to the large intestine. The source of infection can be a person, water, food. Symptoms of infection appear 2-7 days after contact with an infected object.

The disease can begin in different ways. Headaches, lethargy, temperature are quickly replaced by pain in the abdomen. There is severe diarrhea, the temperature rises to 39. The skin turns pale, the tongue becomes brown. Heart rate increases, blood pressure drops.

The number of bowel movements - from 20 to 50 times a day. Gradually, the stool turns into a mixture of mucus, blood and pus. The duration of the disease is 3-4 weeks. Complications - peritonitis and paraproctitis.

disease dysentery

Treatment depends on the severity. Mild form - treatment table No. 4, nitrofurans, oxyquinolines. For moderate to severe forms, a combination of antibiotics is selected. Drugs are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of the strain.


An intestinal infection is caused by the Salmonella bacterium. Occurs upon contact with a sick person, animal or food. Acute development (chills, fever up to 41 degrees with nausea, vomiting, headaches).

  • A specific symptom is frequent, watery bowel movements. The stool is green, with bile, lasts 8-10 days.
  • Often there are joint pains, enlargement of the liver and spleen.

The patient is placed in the infectious department. Diagnosis is made after laboratory research. Treatment is carried out with the help of penicillin derivatives, fluoroquinolones, specific bacteriophages. Antibiotics are not prescribed in the absence of blood in the stool.

The patient is prescribed plenty of fluids, solutions to restore electrolyte balance, diet, drugs to remove toxins, restore intestinal microflora.

Possible complications:

  • peritonitis;
  • toxic shock;
  • polyarthritis;
  • kidney failure.

salmonellosis disease

Viral hepatitis

Acute viral liver disease. The incubation period is from 7 days to 6 months, depending on the strain (A, B, C, D, E, F, G). You can get infected dirty water, contaminated food, syringes, unprotected sex.

The disease begins with fever, nausea, pain in the epigastric region. Then joins the ache, headache. Appetite is reduced. Diarrhea, flatulence begins. There is severe itching.

Against this background, there is a significant increase in the size of the liver and spleen. The man vomits bile. Urine darkens, feces become discolored. Growing signs of general intoxication. After the color of the skin and sclera of the eyes in yellow there is some relief.

Children experience hepatitis differently. If the child has always had low body resistance, then the mild form of the disease is difficult.

When infected with hepatitis A, treatment is not required. They prescribe a diet, bed rest, plenty of fluids, antispasmodics (no-shpa, papaverine), choleretic agents. If necessary, add drugs for detoxification (intravenously).

Infection with other types of hepatitis is more severe. In addition to basic therapy, antiviral treatment with interferons is used. A complete cure is almost impossible. Proper therapy achieves long-term remissions. A long ban on alcohol is introduced.


  • chronic diseases of the gallbladder;
  • necrosis;
  • cirrhosis;

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Disorder of the stomach and intestines leads to the development of various diseases. Increased or decreased secretion gastric juice and digestive enzymes cause malfunctions internal organs. Pancreatitis, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer and many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract outwardly often have similar symptoms.

The most dangerous is pancreatitis. In men, it develops due to the use of alcohol and fatty foods, and in women due to cholelithiasis, diets, and hormonal fluctuations.

The primary symptom is vomiting with an admixture of bile, epigastric pain, diarrhea and slight temperature. For nausea in mild form and mild pain in the stomach, the patient can be treated at home, symptomatically. If the temperature has risen to 38-39 degrees, it means that the pathogenic intestinal flora has joined. Taking antibiotics will help relieve inflammation.

Digestive disorders deserve close attention. After a comprehensive examination, the gastroenterologist will be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment. This will save you from possible complications.


In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea and fever appear, which go along with weakness and vomiting. You will not be able to cope with them on your own, so self-medication is not recommended. Learn how to provide first aid to a sick child or adult, how to treat the cause of unpleasant symptoms.

What is diarrhea

In medicine, diarrhea (or diarrhoea) is understood as a state of the body, accompanied by nausea, frequent liquid watery stools, pain in the abdomen, and sometimes high fever. Diarrhea causes dehydration, is dangerous for the elderly, children, so it is important to know what treatment to use in order to prevent serious consequences.

Distinguish between acute and chronic diarrhea. The first lasts up to two weeks, is caused by allergic reactions to drugs, food poisoning, infections. Chronic disease is a persistent long-term diarrhea with periods of remission. It leads to weakening and dehydration of the body, it can be a symptom of a latent disease. The causes of long-term persistent diarrhea can be ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome.

Intestinal infection is accompanied by severe chills, feces with blood. An urgent visit to the doctor is needed if diarrhea lasts more than five days in adults and two in children, dark bloody stools, severe pain, dehydration. It is especially important to see a doctor if you develop diarrhea after returning from Africa or Asia.

What is temperature

Body temperature is understood as an indicator of the thermal state of the human body, reflecting the relationship between organs and the external environment. Dangerous for a person is elevated and high body temperature: up to 38 subfebrile, up to 39 - febrile, up to 41 - pyretic, above 41 hyperpyretic. The critical indicator is 42 degrees - at this temperature, brain tissue is destroyed, which leads to death.

The causes of fever are viruses, bacteria. The fever is accompanied by fatigue, weakness, dry skin, mucous membranes, mild or severe chills. An indicator above 38.5 degrees is a reason for an urgent call to the doctor at home, especially if a person has muscle aches, pain in the limbs, arrhythmia, loss of appetite.

Temperature and diarrhea in an adult

  1. E. coli - infects meat, fish, milk, vegetables, fruits, water. The infection is transmitted from person to person, the symptoms are watery stools with blood, vomiting.
  2. Salmonella - it contains raw milk, poorly fried eggs. Excited disease is accompanied by acute pain in the abdomen, fever, frequency of diarrhea 12-15 times a day;
  3. Shigella - found in foods, there are loose stools, with blood, abdominal cramps;
  4. Rotavirus (viral infection) - you can get infected from others, a person is worried about vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea are observed.

The reasons

Loose stools and fever in adults or children are more likely to occur against the background of food poisoning. Other reasons are:

  • abundant food intake;
  • allergic reactions;
  • excess dosage of medications;
  • severe stress, emotional stress;
  • abrupt climate change;
  • damage to the gastrointestinal tract by an infectious disease;
  • stomach ulcer, gastritis;
  • poisoning with heavy metals, poisons, chemical toxins;
  • radiation injury.

Diarrhea, nausea, fever

Diarrhea with fever and nausea serves as a protective reaction to the entry of toxins into the body. The reasons for the development of these symptoms in the aggregate are:

  • abuse of fatty foods with enzymatic deficiency;
  • cholera, hepatitis;
  • gastritis, ulcer, inflammation of the pancreas, cholecystitis;
  • poisoning with mercury vapor, nitrates, poisonous mushrooms.

Loose stools and temperature 37

When diarrhea and a temperature of 37 degrees appear, doctors may suspect gastroenteritis or intestinal flu due to viruses entering the intestines. Their toxins cause inflammation that affects the intestinal mucosa. The person becomes contagious to other people. Viruses can enter the body through food, drinks:

  • with unwashed fruits, expired food;
  • with unboiled water, when bathing in an infected reservoir;
  • airborne through sneezing or talking to a lot of people.

The incubation period lasts 16 hours, after which the destruction of the intestinal mucosa occurs. Signs of a dangerous disease are:

  • frequent liquid diarrhea - 10 times a day;
  • nausea, vomiting, cough, sore throat;
  • mucus in stool;
  • gray-yellow clay-like stools;
  • pain in the stomach.

Diarrhea and temperature 38 in an adult

With severe diarrhea and a temperature of 38 degrees, doctors diagnose "damage to the gastrointestinal tract due to the development of infection." The reasons may be an overdose of antibiotics, hormonal nonsteroidal drugs, indigestion. The latter can be caused by overeating or eating low-quality foods. If you feel worse, visit a gastroenterologist or therapist.

Temperature, nausea, diarrhea, weakness

Symptoms of food poisoning are weakness, high fever, and watery diarrhea in an adult or child. They appear suddenly, after eating products, without an incubation period. Two hours after ingestion, the pathogen (infection of microbes, viruses, or ingestion of chemical toxins) acts on the body. The characteristic symptoms are:

  • liquid feces that come out cramping;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • cold sweat;
  • in case of poisoning with poisons, vision is disturbed, the work of the brain, muscles lose their tone.

Diarrhea and fever in childhood

In babies, a dangerous temperature with diarrhea is 37 degrees or more. The causes of these symptoms are:

  • eating disorder, intoxication of the body - a pale face, cold feet and hands, a stomach ache;
  • reaction to drugs;
  • acetonemic syndrome - lack of carbohydrates, past infectious diseases of the digestive system, stress, manifested by vomiting, bad breath of acetone;
  • teething - gums may swell;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules - signs of poisoning are visible;
  • helminthic infestations - severe diarrhea;
  • gastritis, colitis, dysbacteriosis - signs of toxins entering the body disappear with medication;
  • enterovirus - diarrhea with blood (invasive bloody diarrhea);
  • rubella, scarlet fever, measles - rashes on the skin;
  • influenza, tonsillitis, otitis, pharyngitis - redness of the throat, enlarged tonsils, nasal congestion, the temperature may rise;
  • dysentery, salmonellosis - green feces with mucus.

What to do

Home treatment can reduce the impact of dangerous symptoms, provided that the following recommendations are followed:

  • give the patient a plentiful drink - mineral water Borzhom or Essentuki, dried fruit compotes, weak fruit drinks, weak tea with honey;
  • observe dietary nutrition - boiled cereals, vegetable soups;
  • take sour-milk products, non-acidic cheeses, low-fat cottage cheese;
  • drink starchy jelly for health;
  • eat more boiled vegetables, baked fruits;
  • you can bring down the temperature above 38 degrees with Nurofen, Aspirin, Paracetamol;
  • take calcium supplements, pro-or prebiotics with pectin, acidophilus.

First aid

If the temperature rises and stool disorders appear, the following measures will be the first aid for the patient:

  • at the first sign of intestinal poisoning, induce vomiting to wash the stomach - drink a solution of potassium permanganate or soda, repeat until the stomach is completely empty, then take an absorbent;
  • to prevent signs of dehydration every 10 minutes, give the patient a sip of Regidron (a bag per liter of water), drink plenty of water;
  • on the first day of treatment with severe weakness, you should refuse to eat, drink more and rest, follow a light diet, use broths in the following days;
  • the temperature with diarrhea up to 37 degrees should not go astray (it indicates that the body is in the process of self-fighting the infection). In this situation, provide the patient with complete rest.

Medical treatment

With a complicated course of the disease, diagnostics are required to prescribe the right drugs for treatment. Diagnosis measures include the use of coprograms, stool tests for dysbacteriosis and helminths, general and biochemical blood tests, abdominal ultrasound. Depending on the cause of diarrhea, treatment methods are:

  • intake of sorbents.
  • gastric lavage with severe vomiting;
  • rehydration therapy for fluid loss - Regidron, Gastrolit, Citroglucosolan, chamomile tea, pharmaceutical saline;
  • antipyretics for headaches - Paracetamol, Nurofen;
  • taking fluoroquinolone antibiotics or cephalosporins - in a serious condition, the presence of blood in diarrhea
  • lactobacteria and bifidobacteria to restore intestinal microflora in rotavirus infection;
  • taking anti-inflammatory drugs on the first day of illness - Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Sulfasalosin;
  • when diarrhea appears, it is useful to take Festal or Mezim to stimulate the work of the intestines and remove toxins.

Alternative treatment

If diarrhea and high fever appear in an adult or child, you can use traditional medicine recipes to help get rid of dehydration:

  1. Reception of rice or pomegranate broth, infusion of mint, fresh blueberries.
  2. The use of dry starch dissolved in water, diluted carrot puree, chamomile or mint tea.
  3. Reception of rehydration solutions - take a tablespoon of sugar, tea salt and half tea soda per liter of boiled water. Or dissolve eight teaspoons of sugar, tea salt, fresh juice of two oranges or grapefruits in a liter. It is necessary to drink the patient every five minutes in small portions.

Diarrhea and temperature always occur unexpectedly, in order to know how to act in such situations, one should understand the possible causes of this manifestation.

Causes of the condition

The main causes of diarrhea with temperature can be of a different nature, namely:

  • intestinal infection (damage by bacteria, viruses or pathogenic fungi);
  • poisoning with low-quality food, medicines;
  • intoxication in various diseases of internal organs;
  • pregnancy;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • drug overdose;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diarrhea accompanied by a rise in temperature is a condition that requires rapid resolution. With prolonged or rapid loss of fluid, a threat to the health and life of the patient may occur, especially in childhood.

When to call an ambulance

There are conditions in which home treatment is not acceptable. Diarrhea accompanied by high fever requires an emergency call to the hospital if:

  • the skin became dry and pale;
  • the patient is tormented by intense thirst, fluid intake does not bring relief;
  • sharply formed cracks on the lips;
  • the amount of urine has decreased, and it has acquired a darker color;
  • the appearance of arrhythmia, tachycardia or pain in the heart.

Before the arrival of the ambulance team, you should independently begin providing first aid to the patient:

Intestinal infections are the main cause of diarrhea associated with hyperthermia

The most common cause of diarrhea and temperature over 37 in adults and children are infectious diseases of a bacterial and viral nature. Less commonly, AII is caused by infection with pathogenic fungi.

The most common cause of diarrhea is intestinal infections of a bacterial nature, transmitted through contaminated food and dirty hands.


The disease can be transmitted from infected people through food and water. The most common infection occurs through consumption of: meat, fish, fermented milk products, fruits, vegetables. The disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • loose stools, sometimes with blood;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • hyperthermia (up to 38-39 0 C).

salmonellosis, dysentery

The disease is acute, expressed by severe green diarrhea, in severe cases, streaks of blood are determined, a pronounced rise in temperature (40 degrees) that cannot be corrected with antipyretic drugs. The infection poses a threat to others. Requires inpatient treatment in the infectious diseases department.

Rotavirus infection

Children and immunocompromised people are most susceptible to rotavirus infection. With absence timely treatment sick family member and poor hygiene can cause the whole family to fall ill.

Symptoms of a rotavirus infection:

  • diarrhea and fever (multiple and watery stools);
  • vomiting up to 7 times per day;
  • pain syndrome of the epigastric region and abdomen;
  • weakness, lethargy and drowsiness.

Important. Any intestinal infection should be treated by specialists. Inadequate therapy leads to a violation of the intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis), which creates the prerequisites for frequent infection with pathogenic flora and reduces the overall immune response organism.

Food poisoning

A common cause of poisoning is the consumption of stale products or food contaminated with various poisons and toxins.

Food infection develops within 2-3 hours after eating low-quality food, sometimes after 10-20 minutes. There is nausea, vomiting, later diarrhea and fever, headache, weakness.

Important. Food poisoning can lead to sad consequences with severe dehydration. Special attention should be given to the condition of children, a weak body does not tolerate dehydration and in a shorter time (than in adults) severe conditions occur.

High-quality processing of vegetables and fruits before consumption significantly reduces the risk of food poisoning.


Temperature with diarrhea can also manifest itself in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The most common cause is acute inflammation pancreas. To fully restore the stool and normalize well-being, it is necessary to treat pancreatitis.

To stop the manifestation of diarrhea, it is necessary to provide plenty of fluids, eat sparing food (broths, soups, cereals) and use enzymes that improve digestion (creon, pancreatin) before eating.

Acute appendicitis

Symptoms of acute appendicitis are very diverse, but there is always a place for high body temperature, pain and impaired stool. A pain attack usually begins in the epigastric region, with a gradual spread in the lower abdomen. Appendicitis is a condition that requires medical attention. Self-medication can cause peritonitis, which is a serious threat to life. However, timely treatment may allow treatment without surgery.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is characterized by damage to the lining of the large intestine. The disease is manifested by high body temperature, diarrhea, pain in the lower abdomen, severe loss of working capacity due to weakness and dizziness. Timely therapy allows you to achieve recovery.

Viral hepatitis

Viral liver damage is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • changes in the skin (jaundice);
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • severe weakness and apathy;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • hyperthermia;
  • discoloration of feces.

In the absence of a full-fledged treatment, hepatitis can acquire a chronic relapsing form, which is dangerous for the liver to degenerate into cirrhosis or cancer.

Diarrhea with antibiotic therapy

Antibiotic treatment often leads to diarrhea due to the destruction of beneficial intestinal flora, which creates the prerequisites for impaired digestive function. Cancellation of the drug helps to restore the intestinal flora and the disappearance of this manifestation.

What to do for diarrhea

The best thing a person can do is to monitor their health and create all the conditions for good health. Diarrhea prevention is The best way treatment. however, what to do if diarrhea and fever appear:

  1. the occurrence of diarrhea against the background of hyperthermia requires correction of the condition. The first thing to do is to see a doctor. Especially in the case of damage to the child's body. If in an adult dehydration occurs by the 3rd day of illness, in children it can develop within a few hours;
  2. if an infection is suspected, the use of loperamide or imodium will not work. At food reaction these drugs will completely solve the problem;
  3. it is necessary to carry out rehydration in order to restore the salt and water balance of the body: rehydron, mineral water(gases are better to release), weak fruit drinks, compote. Chamomile decoction;
  4. normalization of nutrition, taking into account the state. Food should be easily digestible, heat-treated and balanced in terms of the necessary elements;
  5. with hyperthermia up to 38 degrees, NSAIDs can be used;
  6. preparations containing prebiotics and probiotics will also be good helpers in the fight against diarrhea.

Poor-quality products can lead not only to food poisoning, but also cause an infectious lesion. The main rule in preventing diarrhea is to watch what you eat.

Before being treated for diarrhea and fever, you should determine what kind of disease it is. This is best done by a specialist. Self-treatment at home can adversely affect health, and in some cases even lead to an unfavorable outcome.

In their practice, specialists often have to deal with a situation where a patient has symptoms of diarrhea, fever, and nausea at the same time. Various diseases can provoke such a condition. Therefore, if such symptoms occur, it is recommended to entrust the diagnosis and selection of treatment to a specialist, and not get involved in traditional medicine.

Main reasons

If a person is sick, he has vomiting and diarrhea, as well as severe weakness, then the first suspicion is the presence of disorders in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. But similar symptoms can accompany other negative conditions:

  • prolonged depression;
  • emotional turmoil;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • food poisoning;
  • drastic climate change.

For the beautiful part of the population, symptoms such as nausea and weakness suggest pregnancy. However, if a temperature of 37 or more degrees is observed, it is necessary to exclude the penetration of bacterial or viral flora into the body.

Intestinal infection

A very contagious pathology, the infection of which is difficult to avoid through close contact with an already sick person, is a rotavirus infection. It is also known among the population as intestinal flu.

In most cases incubation period does not exceed 5 days, but can be much shorter. A terrible complication of the pathology is the rapid dehydration of the victim's body.

Main symptoms:

  • frequent diarrhea;
  • severe general malaise;
  • previously uncharacteristic weakness and chills;
  • significant temperature fluctuations;
  • vomiting that exhausts the patient.

A thorough history taking to identify contact with a patient with rotavirus infection and a physical examination allow the specialist to quickly make an adequate diagnosis.

Therapeutic tactics consists in symptomatic therapy: prevention of dehydration, correction of temperature parameters, diet therapy. Medicines come to the rescue to prevent the progression of vomiting and diarrhea.

In the first 2-3 days from products
liquid mucous porridges and weak broths with white crackers are recommended. welcome fractional nutrition and light drinking - literally every 25–30 minutes, 50 ml. Rehydration is promoted by compotes, jelly, pharmacy water-salt solutions.

The lack of adequate treatment tactics provokes the formation of severe complications, for example, dysbacteriosis.

Food poisoning

When using low-quality products, accidentally ingesting chemical substances or poisonous plants, the victim has symptoms of food poisoning: nausea, pain in the stomach, diarrhea, chills, vomiting. The temperature of 38 degrees rarely rises, for example, with a severe form of pathology.

Anyone can experience food poisoning. But especially often, concerned parents turn to specialists, whose kids have eaten illegal substances, for example, soap, household chemicals, stale dishes, unripe vegetables.

Most often, the incubation period is 2.5-3 hours, but can last up to a day. Unpleasant symptoms occur suddenly, seemingly against the background of complete health: profuse vomiting, provoked even by the intake of water, frequent diarrhea, reaching up to 15-20 times a day, increasing weakness, a significant decrease in working capacity.

The average duration of the disease is 2-3 days. After the subsidence of the main clinical manifestations there may be residual discomfort in the abdomen, moderate weakness, malaise.

FROM therapeutic purpose a gastric lavage is prescribed by a specialist. Pharmacotherapy, as a rule, is complex: medicines for relief pain, enveloping means, antidiarrheal and antiemetic drugs.

Great importance is attached to diet therapy: fasting the first day, followed by a gradual expansion of the diet. Dishes are steamed, porridges, vegetable soups are preferred.

Diseases of the internal organs

Symptoms of nausea, diarrhea, fever may accompany various lesions of internal organs. Most often found:

Timely referral to a specialist diagnostic procedures and therapeutic measures helps to prevent severe complications.

What should be done

In the event of the occurrence of the above
symptoms - nausea, diarrhea, temperature fluctuations, vomiting - the first action of the victim should be to seek medical help.

Only a specialist can conduct an adequate differential diagnosis and recommend effective treatment procedures.

At home, you can do:

  • gastric lavage;
  • take activated charcoal;
  • carry out rehydration measures - give a saline solution to drink every 20–25 minutes.

But from taking analgesics, antipyretics, antibacterial drugs until arrival medical worker it is recommended to refrain. It may distort clinical picture disease, leading to misdiagnosis.

One of the most unpleasant signs of various diseases is nausea, fever or diarrhea, and when they are observed immediately, and a gag reflex is added, the patient feels significant discomfort.

If a person has diarrhea, fever and nausea at the same time, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Various diseases can cause such symptoms.

Therefore, when it appears initial signs a thorough diagnosis and appropriate therapy should be made.

Nausea, fever and diarrhea: causes and treatment

Throughout life, a person may encounter various diseases that accompany unpleasant symptoms. These include nausea, diarrhea, fever, lethargy, etc.

They may indicate pathological processes in the functioning of the digestive organs. Similar symptoms appear separately and in a complex.

Pathologies in the work of the gastrointestinal tract are short-term or long-term infectious.

When there are no objective causes of such symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor without delay in order to identify provoking factors and subsequent treatment.

The reasons

Manifested nausea, diarrhea, temperature can accompany many diseases. Very often, these symptoms appear during the following pathologies:

  • Acute food intoxication. Occurs when products of inadequate quality are received. Food contaminated with pathogenic microflora will be an excellent breeding ground for harmful microorganisms. Penetrating into the human body, they provoke severe poisoning. This can be supplemented by such signs as high fever, malaise, dizziness.
  • Respiratory, viral infections. They can disrupt the proper functioning of internal organs, causing general poisoning.
  • Binge eating. Excessive consumption of food products or "heavy" foods, including alcohol, is the reason for the "switching on" of the protective mechanism, which is expressed in nausea, diarrhea and fever.
  • Dyskinesia of the bile ducts. Many pathological processes of the digestive tract (ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.). Usually, the patient during the diagnosis every day must follow a strict diet. If you deviate from it, side effects appear as severe nausea, diarrhea, and temperature. Black diarrhea will be an alarming condition.
  • Allergy. They are considered a protective reaction of the body. Through vomiting, he gets rid of toxic substances, the patient has a violation of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, fever appear.
  • Psycho-emotional shocks. Stress is considered the most common cause of these symptoms. Basically, it does not pose a danger to humans when the duration of the phenomenon is not more than 2 days.
  • Changing of the climate. During travel, there are often failures in the operation of certain systems, including various disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Similar symptoms, such as dizziness, diarrhea, nausea, fever, vomiting go away on their own as they adapt to new conditions.
  • Pregnancy. In women in position, nausea and diarrhea are often noted. It's connected with hormonal changes, adaptation of the body to new conditions, preparation for fruiting. When toxicosis becomes protracted, a high temperature appears, diarrhea, it is tedious for a pregnant woman to find out the doctor's recommendations.
  • Oncology. Cancer neoplasms, being foreign formations, will become dangerous cause for the subsequent destruction of the patient's health.

Because of this disease, various courses of chemotherapy are often prescribed for his therapy, medications causing severe nausea, diarrhea, gag reflex.

First aid

Any intoxication is a pathology that inhibits the functioning of the whole organism, so you need to consult a doctor.

Prior to their arrival, when the patient is conscious, the following measures can be taken:

  • Induce a gag reflex. Dilute in 1 liter of hot water 1-2 tsp. soda, salt or manganese. Drink. After each liter drunk, you need to press on the root of the tongue, provoking vomiting. Continue until clear water comes out.
  • Abundant drinking regimen. Only water, tea or rosehip broth.
  • Take an absorbent. Activated carbon, Polysorb, Smecta, Polypefam, Enterosgel.

When the patient is unconscious:

  • It is necessary to turn it on its side, bend your knees.
  • Make sure he doesn't choke on vomit.
  • It is forbidden to stop the gag reflex, diarrhea during intoxication.


When such unpleasant symptoms as nausea, fever or diarrhea appear constantly, it is possible to take medications.

Activated charcoal, for example, 1 tab. per 10 kg of weight, removes toxic substances and pathogenic microflora from the gastrointestinal tract from the body.

However, you do not need to take the remedy during an exacerbation of an ulcer or if internal bleeding is suspected. In addition, you can use the following drugs:

  • Smekta. You need to take 2 sachets per 0.5 cup of warm water, after which the dosage is reduced to 1 sachet. The interval between doses is at least 60 minutes. Use carefully for constipation.
  • Ftalazol. 2 tab. funds are taken every 2-3 hours, the healing effect appears on the 3rd day after 1 use. The main contraindications include hypersensitivity to drugs of the sulfanilamide group, an allergic reaction to the components of excipients, various pathological processes in circulatory system, age up to 3 years.
  • Furazolidone. Refers to antibiotics, used up to 4 times a day for at least 7 days. It is forbidden to use by patients who have a high susceptibility to the drug, liver diseases, children under 3 years old, women in position and during lactation.
  • Imodium. Usually, 1 tab is enough. and means works in the first 30 minutes after dissolution. There are certain contraindications, which include: dysentery, acute intestinal intoxication, intestinal obstruction, 1st trimester of pregnancy, lactation, age up to 6 years.
  • Enterol. 1-2 capsules at a time 60 minutes before meals three times a day. Do not use in patients with venous catheters or allergic reaction on the components that make up the drug, for children under 12 months.

Such medicines are available for purchase in pharmacies. Before using the remedy, you need to consult a doctor.

When there is acute or chronic diarrhea medicinal treatment appointed only by a specialist.


Changing the diet is necessary for symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. These symptoms are considered an indirect characteristic of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The specialist prescribes individual dietary nutrition, for example, a milk table.

In many situations, certain products that contain allergens are prohibited. The permitted products are:

  • White bread;
  • soup from the broth of fish, meat and vegetables;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • porridge on the water (optimally from rice);
  • steamed omelet;
  • boiled eggs;
  • baked sour apples;
  • bananas.

The prohibited products are:

  • fresh flour;
  • sweet dishes and desserts;
  • pickled, smoked or canned products;
  • legumes;
  • whole milk;
  • highly carbonated drinks;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • mushrooms.

Steam cooking is required.

Folk recipes

To quickly eliminate diarrhea, bouts of nausea and gag reflex, you can use the following remedies:

  • Crushed blueberry leaves (4 tablespoons) are poured into 1 liter of boiling water, infused for 30 minutes, consumed 0.5 cups half an hour before meals for 2 days.
  • 4 medium carrots are boiled in a peel, cooled, peeled, rubbed, adding boiled water to a liquid state. You need to use 3 tbsp. l. at least 4 times a day until the final disappearance of diarrhea or gag reflex.
  • From severe diarrhea, every 30 minutes you need to drink tea with ginger (1 tbsp. Ground root per 1 cup of hot water).
  • During diarrhea in an adult, the following remedy is effective: a branch of fresh wormwood is chewed for 4-5 minutes, then spit out.
  • A small amount of onion peel is poured with water, boiled for 10 minutes, cooled, filtered, consumed in free mode up to 0.5 liters per day.

Fluid intake

Main side effect when there is a high temperature, diarrhea and nausea, there is a rapid loss of fluid inside the body, which is fraught with dehydration, which leads to death.

Therefore, you should adhere to a plentiful drinking regimen.

It is optimal to take more ordinary boiled water during the day, but not less than 3 liters per day. Mineral water without gas is allowed.

It is possible to take juice from carrots or apples, diluted with water. Herbal decoctions and dried fruit compote are effective. They replenish the lost fluid and additionally nourish with vitamins.

Many experts advise using Regidron solution. When he is not around, you can make a similar tool on your own.

For these purposes, you need to dissolve 1 tsp in 1 liter of boiled water. soda, 0.5 tsp. salt and about 5 tbsp. l. Sahara.


Prevention measures involve strict adherence to hygiene and sanitary standards during the preparation of food products.

It is necessary to use only high-quality food with up-to-date expiration dates, proper external and taste characteristics.

Vegetables, fruits and herbs should be properly washed, poured over with boiling water. Hands should be washed frequently, in particular after toilets, public places, public transport, medical facilities and before meals.

When symptoms such as fever, dizziness, lethargy, diarrhea and gag reflex are noted, it is necessary, first of all, to identify what they are a sign of.

For a proper examination of the disease, you need to seek help from doctors. You should not independently establish the cause of the disease and treat it.

The patient must pass all the required tests, based on which the diagnosis will be made and appropriate treatment prescribed.

Therefore, when such unpleasant symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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