Enterodesis for children with poisoning and intestinal infections. Enterodez - instructions for use Instructions for use Enterodez

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Enterodes. Reviews of site visitors - consumers are presented this medicine, as well as the opinions of medical specialists on the use of Enterodez in their practice. A big request to actively add your reviews about the drug: did the medicine help or not help get rid of the disease, what complications were observed and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Enterodez in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of poisoning, hepatic and kidney failure in adults, children (including infants and newborns), as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The composition and scheme of dilution of the drug.

Enterodes- enterosorbent, binds toxins entering the gastrointestinal tract and formed in the body, and removes them through the intestines.


Povidone (low molecular weight medical polyvinylpyrrolidone with a molecular weight of 12600) + excipients.


Not absorbed, not metabolized, excreted through the gastrointestinal tract.


As a detoxifier for:

  • toxic forms of acute infectious gastrointestinal diseases (dysentery, salmonellosis, food poisoning);
  • liver failure;
  • kidney failure.

Release form

Powder for solution for oral administration 5 g (sometimes erroneously called a suspension).

There are no other dosage forms, whether tablets or gel.

Instructions for use and dosage

The drug is taken orally, 1-2 hours after a meal or medication.

The drug is diluted at the rate of 2.5 g of powder per 50 ml of cold boiled water. Sugar or fruit juices can be added to the solution to improve the taste.

Adults are prescribed 100 ml of the prepared solution 1-3 times a day for 2-7 days (until the symptoms of intoxication disappear).

For children older than 1 year, the drug is prescribed at the rate of 0.3 g / kg:

  • from 1 to 3 years, 50 ml 2 times a day;
  • from 4 to 6 years, 50 ml 3 times a day;
  • from 7 to 10 years, 100 ml 2 times a day;
  • from 11 to 14 years old, 100 ml 3 times a day.

Side effect

  • nausea and vomiting (not a reason to stop the drug)
  • development of allergic reactions.


Use during pregnancy and lactation

There is no sufficient experience in the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation. It is possible to use Enterodez in pregnant and lactating mothers as prescribed by the attending physician, if the expected therapeutic effect outweighs the risk of possible side effects.

Use in children

It is possible to use the drug in children older than 1 year.

special instructions

The prepared solution should be stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 4 ° C for no more than 3 days.

In cases of overdose, the side effects of the drug increase.

drug interaction

The use of Enterodez in conjunction with others medicines for oral administration can dramatically slow down the rate and / or reduce the degree of their absorption from the gastrointestinal tract.

Analogues of the drug Enterodez

Structural analogues for the active substance:

  • W*Ergotex P8001;
  • Plasdon K 25;
  • Plasdon C 15;
  • Polyvinylpyrrolidone low molecular weight medical 12600;
  • Polyvinylpyrrolidone low molecular weight medical 8000 for the manufacture of the drug Hemodez N;
  • Polyvinylpyrrolidone medium molecular medical 35000.

Analogues for pharmacological group(adsorbents):

  • Activated carbon;
  • Diosmectite;
  • Kaopectat;
  • Carbactin;
  • Carbopect;
  • Karbosorb;
  • Silicon dioxide colloidal (Aerosil);
  • Lactofiltrum;
  • Lignin;
  • Neointestopan;
  • Neosmectin;
  • Polysorb MP;
  • Polifan;
  • Polyphepan;
  • Smecta;
  • Smectite dioectadric;
  • Sorbex;
  • Ultra adsorb;
  • Filtrum STI;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Enterumin.

In the absence of analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases that the corresponding drug helps with and see the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Used for symptoms of intoxication. It is available in one form of release due to which the maximum absorption rate of harmful substances and the absorption surface area is achieved. It can be prescribed for various diseases.

Dosage form

It is produced in the form of a powder, and which is prepared as a solution for oral administration. The powder may have a white or yellowish color, it absorbs water well and has a specific smell. The medicinal solution is prepared immediately before use. After diluting the powder with water, a clear, colorless liquid is obtained. In other dosage forms, the drug is not available.

Description and composition

One sachet of Enterodez contains 5 g active substance, which is used as povidone. The medicine belongs to enterosorbents. After entering the body, it binds and neutralizes toxins, prevents their absorption into the systemic circulation and removes unnecessary substances with feces.

The range of application of the drug is very wide, since intoxication of the body occurs in many diseases of an inflammatory and allergic nature, as well as food poisoning. The powder well adsorbs toxins, toxic substances, pathogenic bacteria, medications. Enterodez acts throughout the entire duration of the digestive tract, without being absorbed into the systemic circulation. The earlier the medicine is taken, the higher its effectiveness will be, since the toxins will not have time to be absorbed in the intestines and will be completely eliminated naturally.

Eliminating the main cause of diseases, Enterodez has several positive effects:

  • detoxification;
  • antidiarrheal;
  • antioxidant.

Collecting harmful substances from the entire digestive tract, Enterodez does not have a damaging effect on the mucous membranes. The effect occurs within 15 minutes after administration. Thanks to liquid dosage form, the drug enhances diuresis and accelerates the elimination of toxins that have already entered the systemic circulation.

Pharmacological group

Enterosorbent agent.

Indications for use

for adults

Enterodez is prescribed as a detoxification agent for intoxications that may appear against the background of the following conditions:

  • acute gastrointestinal infection;
  • toxicosis of pregnant women;
  • respiratory and systemic infections;
  • alcoholism or withdrawal syndrome;
  • hemolytic disease or neonatal toxemia;
  • with exacerbation of pancreatitis, enterocolitis, enteritis;
  • during radiation therapy;
  • allergic reactions;
  • with renal or hepatic insufficiency in acute or chronic form.

for kids

Indications for use are the same as for adult patients. Most often in childhood Enterodes is prescribed to eliminate intoxication in case of food poisoning, intestinal infections and allergic reactions.

A sufficient number of studies have not been conducted in this category of patients. Given that Enterodez is not absorbed into the systemic circulation and acts only throughout the gastrointestinal tract, it can be prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The final decision in this case is made by the doctor, taking into account the potential benefits and possible risks.


As a contraindication official instruction indicates only hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Applications and doses

for adults

The medicinal solution is prepared immediately before use. The contents of the sachet are diluted with boiled water cooled to room temperature. Dilution proportions - 1 packet (5 g) per 100 ml of water. The resulting liquid is taken in the amount prescribed by the doctor or indicated in the instructions for the specific age of the patient. Before use, it is necessary to achieve uniform dissolution of the drug and a uniform color of the liquid. To improve the taste in the resulting solution, you can add fruit juice or some sugar.

For an adult patient, several Enterodes packets per day are required. A single dose is 100 ml of therapeutic fluid, while the frequency of repetition can be up to 3 times a day. Usually detoxification therapy should be continued for about 2-7 days, even if the unpleasant symptoms disappeared on the first day of treatment.

As a rule, detoxification therapy is combined with dietary nutrition and drugs for the stomach.

for kids

The medicine is also prepared immediately before use at the rate of 1 powder per 100 ml of liquid. The prepared solution can be stored in the refrigerator if 100 ml for a child is more than a single dose. The required amount of medication is determined by the age or weight of the patient, while the daily dose is 0.3 g of Enterodez per kilogram of body weight. The resulting amount is evenly distributed over several doses throughout the day. Standard recommendations on taking the drug are as follows:

  • 1-3 years - 50 ml twice a day;
  • 4-6 years - 50 ml three times a day;
  • 7-10 years - 100 ml twice a day;
  • 11-14 years - 100 ml three times a day.

for pregnant women and during lactation

The decision on the possibility of taking Enterodez in pregnant women is made by the doctor. The drug has a high safety profile, so treatment with Enterodez is often not excluded for this category of patients. With toxicosis of pregnant women, the drug is taken once a day, 100 ml at night. If intoxication is caused by food poisoning or an intestinal infection, the frequency of administration is increased up to 2-3 times a day.

Side effects

Adverse reactions during treatment are extremely rare. In some cases, patients noted the appearance of nausea or an allergic rash.

Interaction with other drugs

Simultaneous reception with any other medicine reduces the pharmacological activity of the latter. With a complex therapy regimen, it is necessary to observe an interval of 2 hours between taking Enterodez and another drug.

special instructions

The resulting solution can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4 degrees for no longer than 3 days.

If symptoms of intoxication are accompanied, it is recommended to give Enterodez solution in small portions during the day, since taking 100 ml of liquid at once can be a burden on an inflamed stomach and provoke another attack.


An overdose is unlikely, however, with a significant excess of the daily dose, the patient may experience increased side effects, as well as nausea and vomiting. Specific therapy is not required, since the symptoms disappear after the natural removal of the sorbent from the body.

Storage conditions

Enterodez powder can be stored at temperatures from -10 to +30 degrees. Moisture and sunlight should not get into the storage place.


The following drugs have a similar therapeutic effect:

  • . Produced in the form of a ready-made solution, which is administered intravenously. It is used to treat intoxication in patients of any age.
  • . It is a powder that is diluted with water before use. The daily dosage depends on the patient's body weight. It is prescribed for intoxications of various etiologies.
  • . It has a paste-like consistency, which makes it possible to better envelop the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract and adsorb toxins. The drug is not absorbed into the systemic circulation. Can be used in children from birth.
  • . Preparation based on natural ingredients. It has high sorption properties, is used for diseases of various etiologies, which are accompanied by diarrhea or intoxication, including allergic and alcoholic. taken dry and washed down with water.
  • . The special structure of the molecule of the active substance allows the adsorption of toxins in a large surface area. An additional advantage of the drug is the ability to protect the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as inhibit the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • . Enterosorbent latest generation. In addition to a strong sorption effect, it exhibits antimicrobial, antiallergic and wound healing effects. It is available in the form of a powder for oral administration, which provides a quick onset of effect and a large surface area affected.


The cost of Enterodez averages 141 rubles. Prices range from 97 to 226 rubles.

Enterodez - a drug (powder), belongs to the group of antidiarrheal, intestinal anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs. From the instructions for use, the following features are characteristic:

  • During pregnancy: with caution
  • When breastfeeding: with caution
  • In childhood: with caution



One sachet of powder contains 5 grams of low molecular weight medical grade polyvinylpyrrolidone.

Release form

White or yellowish powder, has a subtle specific smell. In a sachet, 5 grams.

pharmachologic effect


Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Once in the body, it binds toxins in the gastrointestinal tract and removes them from the body. The removal of harmful substances is carried out through the intestines. Already 20 minutes after taking the suspension, the effect of the drug appears.

The drug does not enter the systemic circulation, does not undergo metabolic reactions, is excreted along with toxins.

Indications for use Enterodez

The drug is used as a detoxifying agent:

  • with acute poisoning;
  • with dysentery, salmonellosis, food poisoning.

Also an indication for the use of Enterodez is hepatic and renal failure.


The only contraindication to the use of the drug is an allergy to povidone.

Side effects

Powder from poisoning can cause nausea and even vomiting, but short-term. You may also be allergic to the drug.

Enterodez, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for use Enterodez says that they take the medicine inside.

Before use, the contents of the sachet (5 g or a teaspoon of powder) are diluted in a small amount of water, you can add juice or sugar.

The daily dose varies from 5 to 15 grams of the drug, depending on the severity of the condition. The course is from 5 days to a week.

The remedy can be stopped if the symptoms disappear.

It can be given to children from one year and older.


Nausea, discomfort, vomiting - occasionally.


It is advisable to observe a two-hour pause between taking Enterodez and other drugs, the degree of absorption and plasma concentration of drugs may decrease.

Terms of sale

No prescription needed.

Storage conditions

In a dark place, the temperature regime is from -10 to +30. After preparing the solution, it can be stored for no more than 3 days, at a temperature of +5 degrees.

Best before date

24 months.


Analogues are: Haes-steril, Polyfer, Reogluman, Enterosgel, Stabizol, Volekam, Polysorb, Polifan, Smecta, Enterumin, Laktofiltrum, Lignosorb, Neosmectin.

Which is better: Enterosgel or Enterodez?

The preparations are almost identical and differ only in taste. Everyone has the right to give preference to one or another drug. Due to the conservatism of doctors, Enterosgel is prescribed more often, although both drugs do not differ in their action.


Polyvinylpyrrolidone, Povidone, Hemodez, Kollidon, Neogemodez, Polividon.

During pregnancy

Often the drug is prescribed during pregnancy, to eliminate intoxication and allergies. The medicine is harmless and easy to use. As a rule, the daily dosage for pregnant women is 5 grams of the drug.

Reviews about Enterodez

Reviews on the forums are generally good. The drug is effective, does not cause constipation or other side effects. Effective for poisoning, allergies, to relieve hangovers and intestinal infections. Among the shortcomings are the high cost and bitter taste.

Reviews on Enterodez for children

Many believe that medicine is indispensable for young children. Sometimes it is better to drink Enterodez for several days than to end up in an infectious diseases hospital, and for a long time. The drug is easy to use, can be diluted in juice.

Enterodez price, where to buy

The price of Enterodez is about 109 rubles per package, with a volume of 5 grams.

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Enterodes- an enterosorbent agent that binds toxins entering the gastrointestinal tract intestinal tract and formed in the body, and removes them through the intestines. Therapeutic effect The drug appears 15-30 minutes after administration.
Not absorbed, not metabolized, excreted through the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for use

A drug Enterodes used as a means of detoxification in toxic forms of acute infectious gastrointestinal diseases (dysentery, salmonellosis, food poisoning), with liver and kidney failure.

Mode of application

Inside, 1-2 hours after a meal or medication.
A drug Enterodes diluted at the rate of 2.5 g of powder per 50 ml of cold boiled water. Sugar or fruit juices can be added to the solution to improve the taste.
Adults: 100 ml of the prepared solution 1-3 times a day for 2-7 days (until the symptoms of intoxication disappear).
Children from 1 year at the rate of 0.3 g per kg of the child's weight per day.
Daily intake for children:
from 1 to 3 years - 50 ml of solution 2 times;
from 4 to 6 years - 50 ml of solution 3 times;
from 7 to 10 years - 100 ml of solution 2 times;
from 11 to 14 years - 100 ml of solution 3 times.

Side effects

When taking the drug Enterodes possible manifestation of such side effects, like nausea, passing on its own, rarely - vomiting. Photosensitization.


It is contraindicated to take the drug Enterodes with increased sensitivity to the drug.


Sufficient experience in the use of the drug Enterodes not during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
It is possible to use Enterodez in pregnant and lactating mothers as prescribed by the attending physician, if the expected therapeutic effect outweighs the risk of possible side effects.

Interaction with other drugs

Application Enterodeza together with other drugs administered orally, can dramatically slow down the rate and / or reduce the extent of their absorption from the gastrointestinal tract.


In cases of drug overdose Enterodes increased side effects of the drug.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry, dark place at temperatures from -10 to +30°C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Release form

Enterodes - powder for solution for oral administration, 5 g.
250 packets with an equal number of instructions for use are placed in a box.


Enterodes contains: low-molecular medical polyvinylpyrrolidone (m.m. 12600±2700) - 5 g.


The prepared solution should be stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 4 ° C for no more than three days.

main parameters

ATX code: A07BC -

Powder - 1 pack: low molecular weight medical povidone (polyvinylpyrrolidone) with a molecular weight of 12600±2700 5 g.

5 g - sachets of combined material.

5 g - plastic bags.

Description of the dosage form

Powder for solution for oral administration.

pharmachologic effect

Detoxifying agent. Low molecular weight povidone (polyvinylpyrrolidone) is a polymer with a molecular weight of 12600±2700 or 8000±2000.

The detoxification effect is due to the ability to bind toxins and quickly remove them from the body. Povidone enhances renal blood flow, increases glomerular filtration, increases diuresis. Reducing the molecular weight of the polymer enhances the detoxification effect.


Not absorbed, not metabolized, excreted through the gastrointestinal tract.


Enterodez® binds toxins entering the gastrointestinal tract and formed in the body, and removes them through the intestines. The therapeutic effect of the drug appears 15-30 minutes after administration.

Clinical pharmacology


Indications for use Enterodez

Conditions accompanied by intoxication, incl. burn disease in the phase of intoxication, toxic forms of acute infectious gastrointestinal diseases, radiation sickness in the phase of intoxication, postoperative intoxication, toxicosis of pregnant women, hemolytic disease and toxemia of newborns, sepsis.

Contraindications to the use of Enterodez

Bronchial asthma, acute nephritis, cerebral hemorrhage, severe cardiovascular insufficiency, hypersensitivity to povidone.

Enterodez Use in pregnancy and children

May be used during pregnancy if indicated.

Enterodes side effects

Possible: decreased blood pressure, tachycardia, shortness of breath.