The cause of expiratory dyspnea is. Expiratory and inspiratory dyspnoea: the breath has declared war

Shortness of breath, or shortness of breath, can occur for a variety of reasons. This symptom is also called dyspnea. This feeling is familiar to many. Shortness of breath occurs with intense long-term running, climbing stairs. However, it can disturb a person even at rest. However, it can disturb a person even at rest. Experts divide it into two types: inspiratory and expiratory dyspnea. This symptom accompanies a large number of serious illnesses. Therefore, when such problems appear, a person is recommended to seek qualified help as soon as possible.

The main differences between inspiratory and expiratory dyspnea

In order to choose the type of therapy, it is necessary to determine what type of dyspnea bothers a person. The main difference between inspiratory and expiratory dyspnea is that in the first case there is difficulty in inhalation, and in the second - exhalation. Their symptoms also vary.

With inspiratory dyspnea, difficulty in inhaling is due to:

  • edema of the trachea and larynx;
  • spasm of the glottis;
  • foreign bodies that have entered Airways.

Expiratory dyspnea is easily recognized by the following symptoms:

  • difficult exhalation;
  • percussion of the chest;
  • fluctuations in intrathoracic pressure;
  • swelling of the lungs.

As with inspiratory and expiratory dyspnea, the patient needs to consult a specialist. The sooner the patient seeks help, the easier, faster and more successful the treatment will be.

Most often, dyspnea occurs due to problems with the human respiratory system. However, there are many causes of inspiratory dyspnea.

Inspiratory dyspnea may be due to the following diseases:

  • pneumothorax;
  • Entry into the respiratory tract of foreign bodies;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • heart failure;
  • angina pectoris;
  • Diaphragm paralysis;

Also, inspiratory dyspnea can occur as a result of nervous breakdowns. Anxiety leads to hyperventilation. At the same time, a person feels not only shortness of breath, but also ringing in the ears, weakness, lightheadedness, tingling in the limbs. In some cases, this condition leads to loss of consciousness.

It can also cause inspiratory dyspnea. In addition to her, the patient also feels pain in the chest, his body temperature rises and there is a strong cough with sputum production.

Chronic obstructive disease () is a common ailment among experienced smokers. One of the main signs of this disease is inspiratory dyspnea. It appears, as a rule, during physical exertion and is accompanied by an attack of a strong wet cough.

Causes of expiratory dyspnea

Breathing dyspnea, or expiratory dyspnea, occurs for a variety of reasons, including serious medical conditions. The following problems can provoke it:

Most often, people who go to the doctor with a complaint of expiratory dyspnea are diagnosed with bronchial asthma. There is such a symptom during an attack due to a spasm. The accompanying symptoms of asthma are wheezing, coughing, and a feeling of tightness in the chest. Seizures usually occur after waking up, during physical activity and at night.

Anemia, or anemia, often manifests itself in the form of shortness of breath. This disease is more common in women, but it can also occur in men. The most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency in the blood. Treatment is quite long. It takes at least 2 months.

Modern diagnostic methods

A therapist can help you deal with the problem. After the initial examination, he may advise you to consult a pulmonologist, cardiologist or nutritionist. Exist modern methods shortness of breath treatment. In order to choose one of them, the doctor must know exactly the root cause of the symptom. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the following procedures to the patient:

You can also assess your condition before seeing a doctor. The online self-diagnosis service on our website will help with this. A small test will tell the specialist that is needed, as well as a preliminary diagnosis.

Expiratory dyspnea is a disorder in the functioning of the lungs, in which exhalation is difficult. The disease is a consequence of loss of elasticity of the inner walls of the lungs, narrowing of the mucous tracts of the bronchioles, convulsive contraction of the muscles of the lungs or an allergic reaction.


Expiratory dyspnea is manifested by an increase in the duration of exhalation, while causing the patient to make efforts to breathe.

Signs of expiratory dyspnea may include:

  • pain in the chest during exhalation;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • increased venous pressure in the cervical region;
  • blue lips;
  • blanching of the skin and face of the patient.
Pathological dyspnea is also accompanied by such features:
  • general weakness and increased shortness of breath;
  • the skin takes on a bluish color.
The consequence of the accumulation of excess air during the long-term development of expiratory dyspnea is characteristic of the disease percussion sound. Percussion is accompanied by a displacement of the borders of the lungs. There may also be difficulty in contracting the diaphragm.

In addition, expiratory dyspnea can be manifested x ripples and whistling sounds during expiration of the patient.

The reasons

Depending on the types of pathology, expiratory dyspnea occurs for the following reasons:
  • At dysfunction of the respiratory department in the trunks medulla oblongata . May occur as a result of exceeding the dose of sleeping pills, narcotic, anesthetic drugs. Violation is accompanied by a change in the depth and frequency of breathing.
  • At thoraco-diaphragmatic disorders thoracic aorta . Expiratory dyspnea may occur as a result of deformation of the vertebral body due to excessive accumulation of fluid in the chest cavity. With the development of the disease, the patient has a cough, accompanied by active excretion of viscous sputum.
  • At bronchial obstruction. Shortness of breath can occur as a result of a disorder in the functions of the bronchi, due to a violation of the elasticity of the intrapulmonary tissues. Expiratory dyspnea is manifested in bronchial asthma, bronchopulmonary cancer, inflammation of the bronchi, or when foreign body into the bronchial aorta. Symptomatically, shortness of breath with bronchial obstruction can manifest itself in the form of sudden attacks of suffocation. A calm and even breath can be followed by a noisy exhalation, requiring considerable effort by the patient.
  • At violation of cardio-vascular system . Expiratory dyspnea in this case, as a rule, manifests itself as a result of dysfunctions of the left ventricular part of the brain and with slow blood circulation in the small stomach. Shortness of breath of the expiratory type may be the result of the following disorders of the cardiovascular system: hypertension, myocardial dysfunction, coronary disease heart and other heart diseases. At the initial stage of development, patients experience shortness of breath, manifested in lack of air. With the development of pathology, expiratory dyspnea occurs in the form of asthma attacks even with little physical activity. The last degree of expiratory dyspnea in violation of the cardiovascular system is accompanied by suffocation in the patient, even at rest and sleep. Symptoms of the final stage of the disease indicate that shortness of breath becomes a chronic pathology.
  • At change in pH concentration in blood. Expiratory dyspnea in violation of the blood composition may occur due to disorders of the liver and kidneys, as well as violations endocrine system. Patients have an increase in the frequency and depth of breathing, decreased appetite, apathy, and blanching of the skin. With the development of pathology, the patient's pale skin becomes yellow.
The causes of expiratory dyspnea can also be chemical factors:
  • fluctuations in the acid-base balance of the blood;
  • lack of oxygen content;
  • an excess of carbon dioxide in the blood.
Also, the development of expiratory dyspnea may be due to the following factors:
  • metabolic disorder (see also:);
  • obesity (as a result of an overload of the heart, blood is pumped in excess);
  • deterioration of diaphragm mobility;
  • (due to a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the body, the oxygen balance in the blood is disturbed);
  • mental disorder (hysteria);
  • pregnancy.

Expiratory dyspnea in bronchial asthma

The cause of expiratory dyspnea in bronchial asthma is dysfunction of the bronchial aorta. During the disease, swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract occurs and a spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchi occurs. Therefore, expiratory dyspnea in bronchial asthma is accompanied by difficulty in exhaling due to pathological narrowing of the walls of the bronchial cavity. The spasm intensifies in the morning and at night.

Expiratory dyspnea in bronchial asthma is accompanied by the manifestation of abrupt attacks of suffocation. Calmly taking a short breath, the patient experiences serious difficulties and noisy sounds during exhalation.

Treatment of expiratory dyspnea in bronchial asthma is effectively stopped by inhalation beta-agonists(for example, Fenoterol, Berotek, Salbutamol). Since these medicines have a short-term effect, patients are not recommended to do more than two uses at a time. Between sessions of inhalation should pass at least 20 minutes.

With expiratory dyspnea, unlike in patients with heart disease, patients do not need to be laid up in the torso position to improve breathing. If an attack occurs, the patient should take a sitting or half-sitting position, keeping his hands rested on the bed seat.

Diagnosis and treatment methods

Diagnosis and treatment of expiratory dyspnea should be aimed at eliminating the disorders that cause expiratory dyspnea. That is, in order to eliminate or reduce expiratory dyspnea, it is necessary first of all to eliminate the underlying disease. Depending on the type of underlying disease, the treatment of shortness of breath can be different:

  • Bronchodilators are recommended to eliminate spasm in bronchial asthma. Recommended for treatment inhaled beta-agonists short exposure - Fenoterol, Berotek, Salbutamol.
  • cardiac glycosides for the treatment of expiratory dyspnea will help with dysfunctions of the left ventricular heart. With cardiac dyspnea of ​​the expiratory type, treatment is necessary beta-blockers such as Acebutolol, Metoprolol, Propranolol. It is also possible to treat antiarrhythmic drugs eg Diltiazem, Verapamil, Amiodarone.
  • Puncture provided for excessive accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity of the bronchi. In addition to pleural puncture to treat shortness of breath, the doctor may prescribe UHF therapy, as well as massage and breathing exercises.
To identify the nature and causes of expiratory dyspnea, it is necessary to undergo the following studies:
  • electrocardiograms;
  • echocardiography;
  • x-ray;
  • study of gas balance in the composition of arterial blood.

With help pneumotachometry and measurements of VC(vital capacity of the lungs) reveals the degree of development of bronchial obstruction.

If expiratory type shortness of breath is accompanied by a severe form of oxygen deficiency at night, then it is necessary to undergo treatment with a deep ultrasonic sanitation in combination with immunotherapy sessions.

To eliminate expiratory dyspnea, even when using most modern bronchial therapy, additional conditions must be observed:

  • stop smoking, which in turn will reduce the level carbon monoxide and nicotine in the blood;
  • follow a physical rehabilitation regimen that will help maintain stability during physical activity.

First aid

With expiratory dyspnea to provide first aid the patient must take a sitting or half-sitting position in a chair. The elimination of stress factors in the patient is also one of the main measures for the provision of medical care, since the stress state causes the patient to accelerate the heart rate, as a result of which heart failure increases.

In the room in which the patient is located, the air should be humid. You can boil water with open lid, hang wet towels or fill the tub with hot water. In addition, the room should be well ventilated. If necessary, you can open a window or door.

Preventive actions

To reduce or prevent the occurrence of expiratory dyspnea, it is necessary, first of all, to stop smoking. Smoking has a direct effect on the development of shortness of breath even in healthy people. Smokers have an increased level of carboxyhemoglobin, which dramatically increases the risk of expiratory dyspnea.

In case of an allergic reaction of the bronchi, it is necessary to completely eliminate the factor of the allergen's influence on the patient with expiratory dyspnea.

The room must be cleaned regularly.

Patients with expiratory dyspnea can use expectorant drugs and mucolytic agents if dyspnea is a consequence of bronchial obstruction.

Excessive hypothermia causes the risk of expiratory dyspnea, so sudden changes in temperature should be avoided.

The most important factor in preventing expiratory dyspnea and any other disease is improving lifestyle, avoiding bad habits, maintaining proper nutrition and eight hours of sleep.

Features of expiratory dyspnea in children

The structure of the body of children and adults is completely different, so the detection of expiratory dyspnea in children is different. It is possible to identify expiratory dyspnea in a child if the number of breaths per minute exceeds the following norms:
  • about 60 breaths in children from 0 to 6 months;
  • 50 breaths per minute in children 6-12 months;
  • in children from 1 to 5 years, the number should not exceed 40 breaths per minute;
  • for children from 5 to 10 years, 25 breaths per minute are typical;
  • 20 breaths per minute for children 10 to 14 years old.

Symptoms of upper respiratory diseases are often quite frightening. Inspiratory and expiratory dyspnea causes patients to have attacks of fear of being unable to breathe normally and receive enough oxygen. The response of the autonomic nervous system only worsens the condition, provoking spastic contraction of the intercostal muscles. It is necessary to know for which diseases this condition is characteristic, and how it can be stopped. In this article, we will analyze what causes expiratory and inspiratory dyspnea, and also talk about how these two types differ. The most common diseases in children are obstructive bronchitis, laryngospasm, foreign body in the trachea and bronchus. In adults, this condition may be a symptom bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiac pathology (cor pulmonale).

After the issue is resolved, we recommend that you package the contents. The vial must be properly shaken and held upright before use. Herbal extracts tend to become cloudy over long periods of storage without affecting the effect.

If problems persist or the expected effect of use is not expected, consult your doctor as soon as possible. Therefore, they should not be given to patients with severe hepatic and kidney failure, alcoholics, epileptics and patients with severe cerebral disorders. The product should not be used after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

What is characteristic of inspiratory dyspnea?

What is typical for such a condition as inspiratory dyspnea, and how it can manifest itself in a person. What are the signs to look out for? So, in total there are two pure types of violation of the process of respiratory movements. The first is that the patient cannot breathe in enough air. This is inspiratory dyspnea (the prefix "in" in Latin means inside). The second type is characterized by difficulty in exhaling and is called expiratory dyspnea (the prefix "ek" means outward). In case of serious pathologies, for example, pulmonary embolism, a mixed form can occur, in which inhalation and exhalation are equally difficult.

Keep the product out of the reach of children. Shortness of breath is characterized by intense and difficult breathing, in which a person feels short of breath or lack of air. Shortness of breath can occur with convulsions or last for a long time. Often there are other symptoms. An assessment of the degree of dyspnoea will provide immediate and immediate information about the urgency of the situation and the need for therapeutic measures.

Physiological shortness of breath occurs in healthy people when they are in oxygen air - at high altitudes or in confined spaces. Ventilation is increased and maintained with increased brainstem stimulation in the brain. The respiratory center is irritated either by a decrease in oxygen in the blood, or an excessive increase in the level of carbon dioxide in the blood. For most people, hypoxemia is a much weaker stimulus to increase breathing than hypercapnia. Hypoxemia may have manifestations other than shortness of breath such as confusion, vague irritation, and unconsciousness. When entering an enclosed space that does not contain oxygen, it is possible to lose consciousness for 30 seconds, that is, before being warned by shortness of breath. Minor shortness of breath also carries carbon monoxide poisoning. Severe dyspnea is felt if the work of breathing exceeds the resting value by about 5 times. It is also felt by healthy people during or immediately after an unusually large amount of physical exertion. Physically trained people endure more effort than those without training. A chronic symptom becomes dyspnea only if it occurs in normal daily physical activity. External dyspnea is initial symptom respiratory and cardiovascular disease. Quiet panting is no longer an exercise. It is always a symptom of the disease and always requires an explanation of the cause. Orthopedic means shortness of breath when lying down, softening the sitting position. This is a strange form of anxiety. This is especially true for dysplasia of cardiac origin. Asphyxia is a life-threatening condition that results in immediate evaluation and healing. It is an acute respiratory distress with oxygen deficiency and accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood, threatening vital organs. It can have a number of causes: weakening of the respiratory center in the brain, neuromuscular disorder, acute respiratory tract. Breathholding is characteristic of asthma attacks in bronchial asthma and acute pulmonary edema due to left ventricular failure. Persistent shortness of breath occurs mainly in chronic diseases of the left ventricle and pulmonary diseases. Diagnosis requires assessment of associated symptoms. The causes of shortness of breath can be.

Attention should be paid to the patient's condition. If there is a change in the color of the skin of the face, neck and chest, then the degree of violation is quite serious and immediate medical attention is required. In chronic pathologies, an attack can last several hours and resolve under the influence of bronchodilators. The condition is provoked by physical exertion and increased nervous tension. With a sudden development of the process of difficulty in breathing, you should immediately consult a doctor.

  • Diseases of the respiratory system : Diseases of the respiratory tract.
  • The disorders are further divided into restrictive and obstructive.
  • In case of restrictive dyspnea, the patient is usually at ease.
  • Problems arise during training.
In the heart, showing the origin of paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.

Causes of violation of the breathing process

The reasons for the violation of the respiratory process may include somatic, neurogenic and traumatic lesions of the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi and alveolar tissue. To begin with, consider the causes of inspiratory dyspnea, which occurs with greater regularity.

In the first place among sudden attacks against the background of general well-being is pneumothorax. This is a severe lesion of the pleural cavity, which can be filled with air, fluid. It develops mainly with external injuries of the chest, fractures of the ribs. Fluid effusion during venous blood stasis is characteristic of diseases of the cardiovascular system. There are complaints of severe chest pain and a feeling of being unable to breathe air. The skin is pale. Possible loss of consciousness. Emergency medical assistance required.

Indicative may be the rule that in patients with cardiac dyspnea on the bed and the patient with pulmonary dyspnea sits while lying down. Cardiac origin and severe acute dyspnea with stroke, embolism caused by a thrombus from the left atrium in the respiratory center of the brain.

What makes shortness of breath and chest pain

Shortness of breath is often accompanied by chest pain. However, it can also be one symptom that makes you indicate minor problems, but also serious illnesses. Therefore, long-term chest pain should lead a person to see a doctor. Chest pain usually comes from the muscles and bones. Its aggravation usually occurs during deep breathing, coughing or any strain.

Thromboembolism is also an emergency. pulmonary artery, at which the death of a person can occur in the next 15-20 minutes. It is caused by the movement of a large blood clot and blockage of the pulmonary artery. Shortness of breath occurs suddenly against the background of general well-being. A person grabs his throat with his hands and may lose consciousness. With partial blockage, the clinical picture develops gradually: the skin becomes pale, there is a dull pain in the chest, when sputum is discharged during coughing, there are streaks of blood in it.

  • feeling of strong pressure in the chest;
  • coughing attacks of a protracted nature;
  • an increase in heart rate and a feeling of heartbeats;
  • dizziness and severe muscle weakness.

Only an experienced doctor can stop such a condition in a patient with bronchial asthma, since the usual inhalers, even with corticosteroids, do not penetrate into the affected bronchial tree.

Shortness of breath also affects pregnant women more during multiple pregnancy. During pregnancy occurs in the body of pregnant women to increase blood volume, the main task of which is to provide enough oxygen to all body tissues of the mother and fetus. The heart and lungs are forced to work much faster, so pregnant women often experience palpitations and rapid breathing. It is the body's response to meet the growing demand for oxygen.

While the heart and lungs, the body is trying to deliver enough oxygen, but oxygen deficiency occurs and pregnant women gasping and gasping for air, so to speak. These difficulties, however, arise, in particular, in physical activity, and disappear again after rest.

The cause of inspiratory dyspnea against the background of a long-term cold can be developing pneumonia of croupous or focal type. The patient's condition deteriorates sharply, there is a strong cough with purulent sputum discharge, one half of the chest lags behind in the process of breathing. Shortness of breath appears with any physical exertion. An immediate chest x-ray is required to identify the lesion of the lung tissue.

Allergies are caused by improper activation of antibodies from immunoglobulin E due to a given allergen. The spectrum of symptoms of allergic reactions is very wide, from a common cold to anaphylactic shock, which can lead to death. Allergies are turbulent, local or systemic reactions to allergens. Local symptoms may include: nasal congestion, redness, itching or swelling of the eyes, narrowing of the trachea, bronchi, wheezing and shortness of breath, sometimes literally an asthma attack, not feeling full to the point of pain in the ears, hearing impairment due to an obstructed eustachian tube, eczema, rashes, and more skin reactions, rarely even headaches.

COPD and obstructive bronchitis are also causes of respiratory disorders, but they can be easily corrected with the help of pharmacological preparations. Persistent shortness of breath of an inspiratory nature is present with emphysema. Laryngitis and tracheitis can cause short-term difficulty in breathing of a convulsive nature with a compensatory purpose. This usually happens under the influence of cold air or tobacco smoke.

A systemic allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis. Depending on the severity of skin reactions, it can cause bronchospasm, swelling, lowering blood pressure, and even death. This life-threatening condition is called anaphylactic shock. One possibility of sudden shortness of breath is a blow between the shoulder blades, called the Gordon maneuver, which can be supplemented by forward bending or bending the rescuer's knee with the feet on the head. Usually this foreign body is released. Young children may grab the legs and turn them upside down with repeated blows to the back.

In addition to damage to the lung tissue and bronchial tree, dyspnea can be caused by pathologies of the cardiovascular and nervous system. Among them, the most common are:

  • neurosis and paralysis of the muscles of the diaphragm - the ability of muscle effort to inhale is lost;
  • myocardial infarction and heart failure;
  • pulmonary hypertension;
  • panic attacks.

Physiological inspiratory dyspnea can occur during severe physical exertion, for example, when running long distances, intensive skiing, cycling, swimming. Usually such attacks pass without help.

Babies can put on the forearm of the upper limbs , the head is turned down again on the ground and enter the position of blows to the back. The Heimlich maneuver is not performed on children under the age of three and pregnant women. Otherwise, both Heimlich and Gordon's maneuver can be repeated and rotated until the body is removed or when unconsciousness fails.

In the latter case, we will try to artificially inhale obstructions to displace the airways further into the trachea were deflected into one main bronchi, the second and remain free, which will provide ventilation to at least one lung until the final removal of the foreign body in the surgery of a specialized hospital. When psychogenic dyspnea remove the decrease in carbon dioxide levels in the blood, allowing breathing concern in a plastic bag to increase the inhalation of carbon dioxide, causing spasms subsides.

In children, it is worth paying attention to signs of a foreign body entering the trachea and bronchi. It is impossible to see them with the naked eye. Therefore, if the child cannot fully inhale the air, an ambulance should be called immediately.

How to overcome inspiratory and expiratory dyspnea?

How to behave during a developing attack? The first thing to do is to calm down and pull yourself together. Then you should immediately call an ambulance and then provide fresh air. In no case should the victim be laid in a horizontal position. It is best to leave in a sitting position. Remove tight collars, ties, scarves from the neck, free the chest. You can give warm sweet tea to drink. It is not recommended to use any inhalers and pharmacological preparations before the doctor arrives. This can cause irreparable harm to health. The injured person.

If shortness of breath is caused by swelling of the airways, we must calm the concern as soon as possible and require professional help. It should be noted that shortness of breath, whether it has any symbol, is always a dramatic event that requires an urgent solution, because the victim is exhausted very quickly.

When respiratory distress is needed to calm the victim, sit down and open the window most so that he can feel free breathing. You bring drugs to widen your bronchi if you suffer from allergies or lung disease. The shortness of breath exhausts is very affected, so one must move quickly and try to calm it down. If this difficulty breathing caused by mental stress has affected breathe into a plastic bag.

How to defeat the disease if you experience inspiratory and expiratory shortness of breath constantly, even after minor physical exertion? To do this, you need to contact a therapist and undergo a complete examination, which includes an ECG, fluorography, a study of the vital volume of the lungs, spirography, computed tomography, bronchoscopy. As a result of the examinations, the exact cause of the violation of the respiratory process will be identified and adequate therapy will be prescribed.

You can take the following steps yourself:

  • stop smoking immediately and refuse to be in the same room with smokers;
  • start fighting overweight, since it is he who is the most common cause of inspiratory dyspnea in seemingly healthy people;
  • spend at least 2 hours daily in the fresh air, preferably while engaging in outdoor games, walking, physical labor;
  • stop being nervous over trifles and learn how to deal effectively with stressful situations.

Do not forget that pulmonary tuberculosis can become the cause of the pathological condition. Conventional fluorography helps to identify this infection at an early stage. Do not neglect this effective preventive measure. Get x-rays done annually.

Therapist Nechaeva G.I.

Why does it appear?

Shortness of breath of the inspiratory type is not an independent disease, but a symptom. Diagnosis of such a disease is carried out in a medical institution in order to determine the cause of problems with inhalation.

Possible causes and symptoms are as follows:

1. Injury caused psychological fatigue, nervous system disorder person.


With inflammation of the lungs, inspiratory dyspnea does not occur in all patients.


In the capillaries of the lungs during inflammation, the blood circulation of the soft tissues of the lungs is disturbed, and fluid accumulates. Insufficient work of the lower lungs with increased physical exertion or with nervous tension causes inspiratory dyspnea due to a decrease in the amount of oxygen entering the lungs. The small blood vessels of the lung are not able to provide the necessary amount of oxygen to the soft tissues of the lungs and do not fully fulfill their purpose. There is an accumulation of excess fluid, which is excreted with sputum.

Treatment Methods

The process of diagnosing and treating pneumonia requires special knowledge. In order to avoid the development of irreversible pathologies in the lungs, you should not delay the visit to the doctor in order to get a qualified medical care. It is strictly forbidden to use various kinds of medicines and inhalers on your own.

Usually, in the treatment of this kind of shortness of breath, antibiotics and mucolytics are prescribed, as well as vitamins to maintain the body. A patient with shortness of breath is given a positive effect by oxygen masks, fresh air and strict adherence to bed rest.

In addition to traditional medical methods, there are many folk methods, the use of which on their own will not harm your health:

  • the use of goat milk;
  • carrying out inhalations over potato broth;
  • reception of decoctions of various herbal preparations.
To prevent pneumonia and shortness of breath, it is necessary to follow the daily rules of personal hygiene, timely carry out seasonal vaccination against colds and viral infections. In the autumn-winter period, immunity should be strengthened more.

Inspiratory dyspnea in bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma (translated from Greek as “heavy breathing”, “shortness of breath”) is a long-term illness with disorders of the respiratory system. Main features:
  • whistling;
  • dyspnea;
  • cough;
  • feeling of fullness in the chest.


Shortness of breath and frequent bouts of coughing are the most important symptom of bronchial asthma. The severity of this disease is usually assessed by physicians by the type of shortness of breath. With bronchial asthma, shortness of breath comes on suddenly. She signals an attack of illness. In severe forms of the disease, shortness of breath is not characterized as an attack, but is a permanent severe symptom. Therefore, shortness of breath in bronchial asthma must be treated.

In order to quickly overcome shortness of breath in asthma, regardless of the causes of its occurrence, it is necessary to be treated correctly from the first day and under the supervision of a doctor.

Methods of treatment

With bronchial asthma, shortness of breath with attacks of suffocation and coughing accompanies the patient all his life. For treatment, doctors use both hormonal and bronchial dilating medications.

If the therapy is chosen correctly, the patient may not feel a lack of air at all during the periods between attacks, and during the attack itself, it is easy and quick to remove it. Asthma symptoms resolve fairly quickly with administration ?-agonists short-term action, such as salbutamol or fenoterol.

To exclude attacks of shortness of breath in asthma, the patient is isolated as much as possible from factors that increase the feeling of lack of oxygen.

Doctors recommend starting therapy for asthmatic ailments with the introduction of metered-dose inhalations of selective ?-agonists with the shortest possible exposure time (Salbutamol, Berotek, etc.) with the simultaneous use of warming procedures.

Regular medication and avoidance of contact with dangerous factors have a positive effect on the patient's well-being. Hot drinks help to improve the excretion of sputum from the body.

To facilitate breathing, reduce attacks of shortness of breath, improve sputum output, traditional medicine recipes are widely used: infusions, decoctions, teas. The most common are the following:

1. Garlic tincture, for which you will need:

  • 1 liter of honey
  • 10 lemons;
  • 10 heads of garlic.
You need to squeeze all the lemons, peel the heads of garlic, but leave them whole. Then the garlic must be ground into a pulp. Then mix all the ingredients and leave for 7 days in a closed jar or other container.

You need to drink 4 teaspoons 1 time per day. You need to consume the tincture slowly, one spoon after another, and not immediately in one sip. Drink every day, without skipping. In such proportions, the tincture is enough for 2 months.

As practice shows, this tool helps even those people who cannot walk 50 steps without stopping to rest.

2. Decoction of wild rosemary, for which you need a tablespoon of herbs, pour 20 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes. The remedy should be taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

3. Strawberry tea, for the preparation of which 1 tablespoon of dried strawberry leaves should be brewed with 2 cups of boiling water and insisted under a blanket. The resulting tea should be drunk throughout the day in equal shares.

Patients with asthma are advised to minimize contact with pets. Their hair, getting into the respiratory tract, provokes allergies and complicates breathing. In bronchial asthma, smoking is not recommended and it is required to avoid contact with smokers.

Note! Despite the large selection of pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies, self-medication is not the best option for shortness of breath.

Features of inspiratory dyspnea in children

The physiological structure of the respiratory tract of children and adults have significant differences. A child of preschool age has a smaller lumen of the bronchi, less smooth muscles of the lungs, and a higher tendency to edema of the walls of the bronchi. These factors contribute to:
  • the appearance of wheezing;
  • cough
  • shortness of breath;
  • chest tightness.
Insufficient age-related development of elastic fibers in the lungs and bronchial walls, weak respiratory muscles, high diaphragm condition reduce the depth of breathing. Only due to the respiratory rate, the ventilation of the lungs of the child improves.

Reasons for the appearance

Since the respiratory organs of a child are formed by the age of seven, the gaps in the airways are much smaller than in adults, and during illness they become even narrower. Even a small amount of mucus that has settled on the walls of the bronchi causes shortness of breath and suffocation.

If any mechanical obstruction occurs in the upper respiratory tract of a child in the form of a spasm of the glottis, complete or partial closure of the lumen of the larynx, neoplasms in the bronchi, the child experiences inspiratory shortness of breath.

Child treatment

Considering that shortness of breath is not a separate disease, but only a sign of an illness, it is necessary to examine the child in a medical institution. Only a pediatrician chooses a method of treating a respiratory disorder that has arisen on the basis of a comprehensive examination.

Getting rid of shortness of breath must begin with diseases that provoke shortness of breath.

Treatment of shortness of breath without determining the cause of its occurrence threatens the health of the child and contributes to an even greater deterioration in his health.

To identify malfunctions respiratory system child, you need to count the number of respiratory movements per minute. To do this, put your hand on the child's chest and count how many times the chest rose. The result will be more accurate if you count in a dream. The normal values ​​are:

Older people say that the first sign of aging is shortness of breath. It is possible to agree with this opinion, but not completely. Sometimes this feeling is a sign of a serious illness that is diagnosed in young people too. In the article we will talk about what is expiratory shortness of breath. But first, let's find out what types of dyspnea exist in general.


Respiratory distress can occur in the presence of many diseases. There are three types of shortness of breath.

  • Inspiratory. The problem comes with breathing. Most often, this symptom appears with heart failure, damage to the upper respiratory tract. Bronchial spasms, secretion accumulation, tumors that compress the airways, mucosal edema - all this is the cause of inspiratory dyspnea.
  • Dyspnea is expiratory. It is characterized by a slow exhalation with a slight whistle. It is diagnosed during the swelling of the mucous membrane, the appearance and accumulation of secretions or other obstructions in the bronchi. The patency of the bronchi deteriorates, which causes shortness of breath.
  • Mixed. This type of dyspnea is quite common. It appears with heart failure, respiratory failure acute stage, with advanced lung pathology.

As you can see, inspiratory and expiratory dyspnea are caused by different reasons. That is why the treatment should also be different.

Degrees of dyspnea

Based on the collection of anamnesis from the words of the patient, there are five degrees of shortness of breath. To determine them, the dyspnea severity scale (MRC) is used.

Depending on the form of the disease, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment. The sooner you start it, the more optimistic the forecast is.

Factors causing the problem

The cause of expiratory dyspnea is not one, there are many factors that cause this disease. Let's talk about them now.

  • Iron deficiency in the blood, anemia. Most often found in women.
  • Excess weight.
  • Blockage of the pulmonary artery by a blood clot.
  • Insufficient supply of oxygen to the heart muscle.
  • Violation of the work of the left parts of the heart and stagnation of blood in the pulmonary veins.
  • Violation of the large bronchi and tracheal membrane.
  • Asthma is bronchial.

In addition, expiratory dyspnea can be caused by the ingress of a foreign body into the bronchi.

Now let's talk about some of the reasons in more detail. Depending on the existing pathology, the problem may be caused by the following factors.

  • Violation of the respiratory department in the trunks of the medulla oblongata. It usually occurs with an overdose of sleeping pills, anesthetics, drugs. The frequency and depth of breathing changes.
  • bronchial obstruction. The work of the bronchi deteriorates due to the fact that the elasticity of the tissue inside the lungs changes. Diseases that cause dyspnea for this reason: asthma, foreign body entry into the bronchial aorta, bronchopulmonary cancer, inflammation of the bronchi.
    Shortness of breath in expiratory asthma is expressed in the form of sudden attacks. This symptom applies to all diseases caused by bronchial obstruction.

More about the reasons

In addition to the above factors that cause the disease, you can also name the following:

Summing up, there are four main causes of the disease:

  • Heart failure.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Violation of the respiratory system.

Clinical signs

At the initial stage of the disease, there are no obvious symptoms. But you should always pay attention to the most the slightest change breathing.

  • One of the main points that indicates the presence of expiratory dyspnea is the length of the exhalation. It increases, sometimes it can exceed the breath twice.
  • Exhalation is accompanied by muscle tension.
  • Changes intrathoracic pressure, there is a protrusion and subsidence of the gaps between the ribs.
  • On exhalation, the veins in the neck are visible.

In bronchial asthma, expiratory dyspnea is characterized by the presence of a box sound that occurs due to the accumulation of excess air and limited movement of the diaphragm.

In addition, symptoms of dyspnea include:

  • When exhaling, a crackling sound or whistle.
  • The person leans forward unnaturally.
  • The patient often holds on to the throat or chest.
  • The skin becomes paler.
  • General weakness.
  • In the process of breathing, additional muscles are involved.


In order for the treatment to be prescribed on time, it is necessary to correctly diagnose. At the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. Will be held full examination patient.

Help before the doctor arrives

If there is a person next to you who suffers from expiratory shortness of breath, then you need to know how to help him. We hope these tips will help you figure out what to do.

  1. Place the patient.
  2. Try to calm him down. It is no secret that stress, excitement, experience lead to an increase in heart rate. In this regard, the consumption of oxygen and nutrients becomes greater, the human condition is aggravated.
  3. Well ventilate the room where the patient is.
  4. Be sure to control the humidity. If it is dry, then put a pot of water on the fire. Do not cover it with a lid. There is another way to make the air in the room more humid - hang wet towels and sheets.

People who often suffer from bronchial asthma should definitely have an inhaler. You have to make sure it's loaded. After relieving the patient's condition, immediately call an ambulance.


Getting rid of the problem should be started only after the causes of its occurrence are clarified and the doctor outlines an action plan, where the relief of the symptoms of the disease comes first.

Comprehensive treatment includes:

  • Use of inhalers. Thanks to them, you can quickly restore normal breathing. Only with the right selection of bronchomimetics can not only stop the attack, but also reduce the frequency of their occurrence.
  • Therapy aimed at reducing the patient's sensitivity to allergens.
  • Medications that act throughout the day and include glucocorticoids with beta-2 antagonists.
  • oxygen treatment. Opioids are used to treat severe seizures.
  • Breathing exercises, a special diet and frequent walks in the fresh air.

Mucolytic agents are used in bronchitis medications antibiotics are used for bacterial infections.

Don't give up on folk remedies, but only in combination with traditional medicine and after consultation with a specialist.

Preventive actions

Expiratory and inspiratory dyspnea is a disease that can cause many problems. In order to avoid frequent appearances seizures, try to observe the following rules:

  • stop smoking;
  • avoid rooms with a lot of tobacco smoke;
  • try to reduce exposure to allergens;
  • harden and carry out vitamin therapy;
  • give preference to proper nutrition;
  • control dyspnea.

Expiratory dyspnea is pathological condition in which there is difficulty in exhaling air. Such an anomaly occurs if pulmonary function is impaired due to narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi due to their edema, which is observed during inflammatory processes or allergic reactions. A patient with such a disease requires considerable effort to exhale air.

This pathology is not an independent disease, but refers to the symptomatic manifestations of the underlying disease, it is common in both children and adults.

It is diagnosed after examining the patient, passing tests and conducting ultrasound or X-ray diagnostics.

Treatment will depend on the underlying disease and the causes that contributed to the development of the disease. In most cases, conservative therapy is used.


Such a pathology can be observed in most diseases that relate to the respiratory organs, namely:

  • acute obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • congenital or acquired stridor;
  • spicy ;

It is possible to identify the main causes of diseases that are characterized by symptomatic manifestations of difficult exhalation:

  • respiratory infections;
  • industrial hazard;
  • environmental factor;
  • congenital pathologies in the respiratory organs;
  • foreign body in the respiratory system;
  • inflammatory processes, edema, a large amount of sputum secreted;
  • viruses;
  • gassing;
  • smoking.

Symptomatically, expiratory dyspnea of ​​varying severity may occur - from less noticeable to brighter with attacks of suffocation. Violation of exhalation can be aggravated by a large accumulation of sputum, as well as as a result of an aggravation of the inflammatory process and the occurrence of edema.


Expiratory dyspnea can be physiological, when the causes of its occurrence are more related to psychological factors and pathological, when the cause is diseases and infections.

Depending on the violations in the phase of respiration, there are:

  • inspiratory dyspnea that occurs during inhalation;
  • expiratory shortness of breath - it is characterized by difficult exhalation;
  • mixed type when there is difficulty in both inhalation and exhalation.

Shortness of breath of an expiratory nature can have four degrees of severity:

  • mild - occurs when walking for a long time;
  • medium - when walking, frequent stops are required to normalize breathing;
  • heavy, when breathing quickens while walking, it becomes heavy and noisy;
  • very severe, when at the slightest movement there are attacks of suffocation.

The patient is obliged to get advice in the first stages of the manifestation of shortness of breath, so that the situation does not worsen and resuscitation is not required.


A person may not notice at first difficulty in breathing and attribute everything to age, thereby not responding to the disease and exacerbating symptomatic manifestations.

The main signs of expiratory dyspnea:

  • exhalation lengthens;
  • when listening, wheezing may be detected during exhalation;
  • pain during breathing;
  • Asthma causes a feeling of lack of air.

Inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs can be accompanied by the following conditions:

  • coughing;
  • a large amount of sputum secreted;
  • sputum can be of different consistency and color, depending on the inflammation;
  • body temperature may rise;
  • headache;
  • nausea.

In children, there is a strong feeling of weakness and appetite is disturbed, breathing becomes frequent, with noise accompaniment. For expiratory dyspnea, the appearance of chills, a feeling of fatigue, increased sweating, and a rapid pulse are characteristic.


Expiratory dyspnea is diagnosed during the initial examination of the patient, and additional studies are prescribed to determine the causes.

Laboratory research:

Such tests will help identify inflammation, detect the presence of infection.

Instrumental diagnostics:

  • an ECG is performed if there is a suspicion of;
  • x-ray examination will help determine the condition of the lungs, larynx;
  • bronchoscopy is prescribed to examine the condition of the bronchial mucosa.

Additionally, an ultrasound examination of the larynx can be prescribed, and if a foreign body is suspected, laryngoscopy is performed.


Treatment of expiratory dyspnea is carried out using only complex measures and will depend on the underlying disease and the degree of its course.

Therapy upon detection is as follows:

  • observance of rest and bed rest;
  • antipyretics are prescribed;
  • prescribed inhalations;
  • the patient is prescribed antispasmodics, antiviral drugs, mucolytics, bronchodilators;
  • chest massage may be prescribed.

If detected, therapy is aimed at restoring breathing and eliminating the allergen, if any. Medicines are prescribed such as Salbutamol, Fenoterol, as well as antihistamines, inhalations, mucolytics, immunotherapy is additionally prescribed.

With anomalies in the structure of the larynx, bronchi or lungs, if possible, the defect is eliminated and restorative therapy is prescribed.

When the presence of a foreign body is detected, it is removed endoscopically - with its help, an object is removed from the trachea. Other extraction methods are: laryngoscopy or tracheal aspiration.

The mechanism of cure for severe inflammatory processes is standard: antibiotics and probiotics are prescribed.

Possible Complications

The main complications of expiratory dyspnea are:


  • quit bad habits(smoking);
  • study exercise strengthening the immune system;
  • prevent and eat right;
  • timely treat viral and infectious diseases;
  • avoid ;
  • rest in coniferous forests and on the sea will be useful.

To prevent a foreign object from entering the larynx, it is necessary to monitor young children and prevent them from playing with small objects.