Failure of the menstrual cycle causes. The main causes of menstrual irregularities

Almost always the reasons for the violation menstrual cycle associated with ovarian dysfunction and the resulting failure of the hormonal background of the body. This deviation is manifested either by a delay in menstruation or by irregular menstruation.

Often women consider such phenomena to be a feature of the body's work, not paying due attention to it. As a result, they turn to the help of a qualified doctor untimely and they learn about a possible disease that may pose a danger to health too late.

Normally, in women, the duration of menstruation is from three days to one week. The cycle should be repeated every 21-35 days. If the normal order of things has changed, it is necessary to look for the causes of menstrual irregularities, which may belong to the following groups:

  • External (physiological).
  • Pathological.
  • Medical.
  • Psychological.

Physiological factors do not directly affect the woman's body, affecting its work indirectly. To external factors relate:

  • Stress.
  • Changing climatic conditions.
  • Lifestyle changes (sudden physical exercise for which the body was not prepared).
  • Wrong nutrition. For example, various diets, eating insufficient amounts of food, possible refusal to eat.
  • Large weight gain or, conversely, weight loss.
  • Excessive consumption of caffeine, alcohol.
  • Smoking.

The causes of pathological menstrual disorders are various diseases, ranging from the common cold or the inflammatory process in the body, ending with serious diseases.

Often, such conditions are caused by spontaneous miscarriage, provoked by the woman herself, or complications that have arisen after an abortion performed in the hospital. After surgery, heavy bleeding, delayed menstruation, etc. are possible.

Drug therapy can have an adverse effect on the menstrual cycle and also lead to its violation. Certain medicines, which the patient takes as prescribed by the doctor, can give side effects, in particular, adversely affect the work internal organs and systems, which in some cases leads to a violation of the reproductive function of women.

An example psychological reasons violations of the cycle of menstruation are stressful situations experienced by a woman or prolonged nervous strain. Bright negative emotions negatively affecting the mental health of a woman and at the same time have a detrimental effect on her physical health. An example of such disorders can be moving, change of work environment, quarrel and conflict in the family or close circle, fear of losing a loved one, etc.

The intrauterine device also causes changes in the flow of menstruation. Even its correct installation can provoke a failure of the menstrual cycle. If the procedure was carried out with errors, in the future there may be serious violations of the cycle and even bleeding in the uterus.

AT adolescence A girl's menstruation can also be unstable. In this case, everything is explained by the fact that the maturing organism undergoes significant changes associated with the restructuring of the hormonal background. This period lasts a certain time before everything returns to normal.

So, the first menstruation in a teenage girl can last for weeks or come irregularly. But then this process stabilizes and takes place in the usual manner, in a few days. In rare cases, a teenager may need the help of a gynecologist to normalize the menstrual cycle.

The postpartum period in a woman is always characterized by a violation of the menstrual cycle, which is not considered a deviation. The absence of menstruation is the norm when a woman breastfeeds a child.

Failures of the menstrual cycle are divided into 2 groups according to the nature of the changes occurring. If there are violations in the duration and frequency of the menstrual cycle, experts consider such pathological conditions:

  • - amenorrhea (menstruation does not come for 6 months or longer);
  • - oligomenorrhea (menstruation with an interval of more than 35 days);
  • - polymenorrhea (periodicity of menstruation less than 22 days).

Depending on the causes of menstrual irregularities, changes can also occur in the nature of the course of menstruation. In this case, there are such pathologies as:

  • - hypomenorrhea (the duration of menstruation is less than three days);
  • hypermenorrhea (menstruation lasts more than a week);
  • - menorrhagia ( bloody issues observed within two weeks).
  • - metrorrhagia (bleeding from the uterus between periods);
  • - algomenorrhea ( severe pain during menstruation);
  • - pronounced premenstrual period.

Menstruation, accompanied by severe pain (algomenorrhea), is observed in girls and women aged 14 to 44 years. Algodysmenorrhea requires mandatory treatment, as it can be a symptom of endometriosis or inflammation of the appendages.

With dysmenorrhea, menstruation may occur earlier than expected or a delay in menstruation. Often such deviations occur in women if their work is related to flights and stay in places with different climatic conditions. The menstrual cycle, after getting used to the new conditions, the body can recover on its own.

Infrequent menstruation, infertility, an oversized ovary, obesity, and increased hairiness are characteristic of oligoamenorrhea. Similar symptoms may indicate polycystic ovaries.

Amenorrhea is considered the most severe type of menstrual irregularity, in which menstruation can be absent for 6 months or longer. Natural causes of this phenomenon are pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause.

However, with the onset of amenorrhea in a girl aged 17-18, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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Starting from the age of 11-12, every woman in her life facing menstruation. It is a sign that the body is mature and physically ready to bear offspring. This phrase may scare you - few people can imagine a future mother who herself still plays with dolls.

But the fact remains - if menstruation has come, the girl becomes a girl. Her body begins to produce female sex hormones responsible for possibility of conception and bearing a child.

Menstruation becomes a regular occurrence in a woman's life and continues until menopause- the period when the production of hormones decreases and the woman ceases to be able to bear children. However, not everyone's menstrual cycle runs like clockwork. Cycle failures, too plentiful or scanty periods, two periods in one month or a delay not associated with pregnancy - every woman can face this.

Why do menstrual irregularities occur? What are the dangers of such violations? How to identify them and how to treat? All these questions are answered in this article.

The reasons why woman's menstrual cycle can give a sudden failure, differ in nature. They are physiological, psychological and caused by the intake of certain medicines. Most common cause, according to which the woman's menstrual cycle begins to go astray, becomes age factor.

At the onset of a certain age, the body ceases to produce the right amount sex hormones responsible for the stable functioning of the female reproductive system. Menopause is coming - a difficult emotional and physical condition for a woman. Following the menopause, during which menstruation usually continues to go, menopause is coming. And from this age the woman actually becomes infertile.

During this period, there are often cases of prolonged menstrual bleeding, during which develop anemia, significant disruptions in the arrival of menstruation: the time intervals between cycles are either halved or lengthened to several months.

After childbirth, women also have problems with cycle instability. This is due to significant hormonal changes during pregnancy, childbirth and subsequent breastfeeding.

According to statistics, in 30% of women the menstrual cycle is restored to its previous state 3-4 months after childbirth, in 20% the cycle is restored within six months, in the rest - either after the end of breastfeeding, or within a few years after the birth of the baby.

Most common failure reasons in the menstrual cycle:

  • severe stress;
  • recent abortion or miscarriage;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • taking drugs that affect the thyroid gland;
  • climate change (temporary failure);
  • chronic depression;
  • chronic bacterial infections of the pelvic organs;
  • inflammatory processes reproductive system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • recent severe colds and taking antibiotics
  • birth of a child;
  • recent onset of menstruation, adolescence;
  • recent onset of sexual activity;
  • metabolic disease;
  • the beginning of the menopause;
  • menopause;
  • rigid diets.

All of these factors can cause a serious disruption in the functioning of the body and the female reproductive system, which leads to the fact that the monthly cycle becomes unstable. If you are concerned about the symptoms described in one of the sections below, this is a reason to see a doctor.

Symptoms: how to determine that the cycle has gone astray?

Failure of the menstrual cycle is considered to be its serious deviation from the norm. Some women begin to worry when their periods do not come on their due date, or they come a few days earlier. Such short-term failures are normal, as long as they do not occur too often.

  • Until a certain point, menstruation came stably, the cycle was equal in time, but there was a failure. Has changed cycle length, has become unstable, the duration of menstruation has changed.
  • During menstruation, the discharge became too profuse and painful; or her term was reduced, and the allocations became scarce. The latter may indicate serious ovarian problems(polycystic).
  • Menstruation comes several times a month, goes as usual (polymenorrhea).
  • Menstruation delayed by more than 2 weeks, but pregnancy not confirmed. (Amenorrhea).
  • Periods disappeared, and do not appear for more than two months.
  • Cycle duration less than 21 days, or more than 34 days.

As you can see cycle disorder both changes in its duration and the intensity of discharge and sensations during menstruation are considered. The appearance of severe pain that was not there before, heavy bleeding is a sufficient reason to seek medical advice.

Causes of failure in teenagers

Most often, problems with the cycle occur in completely young girls. In most cases, gynecologists urge not to see this as a cause for alarm. The young body has just entered the maturation phase, the hormonal background is still not stabilized during puberty.

For the first few years, the menstrual cycle in a teenage girl is just being established. Menstruation can come irregularly, with large intervals between cycles.

Often there are anovulatory cycles, as a result of which menstruation does not occur. The internal reproductive organs continue to form, menstruation is painful, prolonged and plentiful. Sometimes the situation manifests itself in the opposite form: menstruation come rarely, go no more than 2-3 days.

You should not worry too much about such failures, since for most women a stable cycle is established only by the age of 18-20 or after the birth of a child. But it is necessary to monitor the situation by visiting regularly. gynecologist. To regulate the menstrual cycle, girls are often prescribed light oral contraceptives, which allow normalizing hormonal levels. Take pills on your own without consulting a doctor Not recommended so as not to harm the developing organism.

In women of childbearing age

Often the cycle breaks down and adult woman with fully formed reproductive organs and stable hormonal background. The main reason for this phenomenon is severe stress that affects work. thyroid gland. That, in turn, provokes disturbances in the production of hormones, and the female menstrual cycle suffers.

Diets, severe weight loss, intake hormonal contraception without a doctor's prescription, abortion pills, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs - all this becomes failure cause. In a woman with a stable cycle, abnormalities that occur more than once are a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor and a complete examination.

What women take for a failure in the menstrual cycle may be a pregnancy - normal or ectopic. So pay attention Special attention on your body with a long delay. If the tests do not show pregnancy, this does not guarantee its absence.

After childbirth

Failures in the menstrual cycle after the birth of a baby is an absolutely normal phenomenon. The first reason is the need to restore organs that have been stretched or damaged during childbirth.

Most often uterus suffers, which greatly stretches during the development of the child. While the organs are repairing and returning to their natural state, the menstrual cycle will either be absent or become irregular.

The second reason for the absence of menstruation after childbirth is the active production of prolactin hormone affecting ovarian function. This hormone is actively produced during breastfeeding, and suppresses ovulation. In the absence of ovulation, menstruation does not come, since standard process during the cycle (menstruation, egg maturation, ovulation, in the absence of conception - menstruation) is suppressed.

The timing of the recovery of the cycle after childbirth depends on when it ends period of breastfeeding. If a woman constantly breastfeeds her baby "on demand" - wait for the cycle to recover before the first years after childbirth. If the baby’s diet is mixed or he is transferred to complementary foods from 6 months old, menstruation will be restored six months after birth. If a woman is not breastfeeding, the ovulatory cycle will be restored by 13-14 weeks after birth, soon after it will begin come menstruation.

After 40 years

The main reason for the failure of the menstrual cycle after 40 years is arrival of menopause. This phase in a woman's life is a period of another hormonal adjustment, and is accompanied by changes in mood, deterioration in well-being, and cycle failures.

The hormones responsible for the maturation of the egg and the arrival of menstruation are produced worse, in smaller quantities, and unstable. The cycle changes accordingly. Periods may disappear a long period time.

Do not be afraid of this natural process. Menopause is the stage preceding menopause - a period sexual dormancy(rest from childbirth). A woman can also enjoy sexual intimacy, but becomes incapable of the birth of a child.

If menopause is severe, you should consult a doctor to prescribe drugs that normalize hormonal levels.

After 50 years

After 50 years in the body of a woman menopause is coming. This process is characterized by the failure of the menstrual cycle, and then its complete absence. The level of hormones in the body decreases, the eggs stop maturing, there is no ovulation.

During this period there may still be changes in the nature of menstruation: for example, an increase in its duration or the appearance of copious discharge. Then the menstruation stops completely.

As mentioned above, menopause occurs in every woman and this is an absolutely natural process. On average, most women have this period for 50-56 years. Menopause does not require being under medical supervision and taking any medication.


Depending on the cause of the failure in the menstrual cycle and the age of the patient, gynecologists resort to various measures for his treatment.

Most often, the patient is prescribed hormone therapy in order to restore hormonal levels.

In the event of failures due to stress, consultations with a psychologist and antidepressants are prescribed. If gynecological diseases have become a factor in the failure, an appropriate course of treatment is carried out.

One thing is important: if you have a disruption of the menstrual cycle, do not self-medicate, this can only harm you. Entrust the solution of the problem to a qualified specialist who will establish both the cause of the failure and prescribe the correct treatment.

The menstrual cycle is established in adolescence and accompanies a woman throughout the entire childbearing period, up to 40-45 years. Its presence signals that the reproductive system is ready to conceive and bear a child, as well as that the body is actively producing female sex hormones.

The causes of the violation of the menstrual cycle (as it is sometimes called by the people, the correct name is "menstrual") due to a number of factors, among which the following can be noted:

Hormonal disbalance - Irregular periods may be due to a violation of the functioning of the endocrine system of a woman. With a lack of estrogens, the first phase of the cycle is significantly lengthened, and the dominant one is not released from the antral follicles. With an excess of testosterone, the capsule of the dominant follicle thickens.

As a result, the egg is not able to leave it and the follicle turns into a follicular cyst. With a lack of progesterone, the second phase of the cycle becomes too short, which significantly brings the arrival of menstruation closer.

In addition, disruption of hormone production can lead to pathological changes in the structure of the endometrium, which not only leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle, but also to intermenstrual bleeding.

PCOS and MFJ - polycystic ovary syndrome and multifollicular ovaries. These two pathologies are associated with disruption of the paired female gonads. They often cause delays and cysts.

Women who have been diagnosed with one of these diseases have irregular menstrual cycles that tend to last for varying amounts of time. As a result, the intervals between menstrual bleeding can be up to 60-70 days (more on).

STD - Sexually transmitted diseases. Unlike hormonal disruptions, they can only once cause a violation of the menstrual cycle and completely disappear after treatment.

Most often, infections, due to which there are delays and inter menstrual bleeding, are gonococci, as well as exacerbation of ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis.

Disruption of the pituitary and hypothalamus - these parts of the brain produce luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones (LH and FSH), as well as estrogens, progesterone and prolactin. Failures in the work of these glands can affect the change in the nature of menstruation, both in the direction of their increase and in the direction of decrease.

Physiological age-related changes - This category includes menstrual disorders in those women who are over 40. The reserve of eggs by this time ends and the ovarian reserve is depleted. This leads to a noticeable decrease in the level of estradiol and progesterone, which provokes the irregularity of menstruation.

Different causes of menstrual irregularities can affect the appearance of menstruation in different ways. Therefore dysfunction reproductive system can be divided into two types depending on the frequency and nature of bleeding.

Types of menstrual irregularities by frequency:

  • Polymenorrhea - involves a short cycle, less than 22 days. It is characterized by frequent absence of ovulation and insufficiency corpus luteum, in cases where the maturation of the egg does occur. Polymenorrhea can mean both a single-phase and a two-phase cycle. However, in a biphasic, there is usually a failure of the first or second phase, or both at once.
  • Oligomenorrhea - involves the onset of menstruation at intervals of 40 to 90 days. This is the most common type of menstrual irregularity, it most often becomes its cause. Often, before the start of such menstruation, spotting is observed for 2-3 days.
  • - suggests menstrual bleeding, which occurs at intervals of once every 3 or more months. Most often occurs with increased physical exertion, depletion of the ovarian reserve, stress and overweight.

Types of menstrual disorders according to the nature of bleeding:

  • - characterized by spotting spotting, the duration of which does not exceed 3 days. Such periods are painless, not accompanied by general weakness and do not have a pronounced premenstrual syndrome.
  • Abundant menstruation - characterized by large blood loss, strong (especially a few hours before menstruation and in the first hours after they start). They often have a pronounced premenstrual syndrome and a duration of at least 6 to 7 days.
  • Intermenstrual bleeding - characterized by spotting blood secretions, which appear in the middle of the cycle and last 2-3 days. Do not confuse them with spotting, provoked by ovulation. The release of the egg from the follicle may contribute to the appearance of only a few drops of blood, which are expressed in the form of mild light brown one-day discharge. Intermenstrual bleeding is more abundant and has a bright color.
  • Premenstrual bleeding - characterized by the appearance a few days before menstruation. Usually they intensify and develop into menstruation. Are characteristic symptom endometriosis.
  • Postmenstrual bleeding - characterized by the presence of spotting spotting, which are observed for several days after the cessation of menstruation and gradually disappear. They are a sign of chronic.

Any of these types of menstrual irregularities can occur in a woman aged 40 to 45 years with the onset of menopause. Bleeding sometimes becomes scarce and rare, sometimes it becomes breakthrough and stops only for a short period of time.

Possible Complications

At any age, menstrual irregularities can lead to various complications that will be dangerous to health.

  • Anemia - may be due to too heavy periods. Its risk is especially high in the case when bleeding is frequent, with an interval of 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Hematometra is an accumulation of blood and blood clots in the uterus, which for some reason cannot completely go outside. Instead of normal menstruation, in this case, there are very meager, but long-term spotting.
  • - is not a direct consequence of irregular menstruation, however, menstrual irregularities signal that endocrine system women are not functioning properly. The longer the start of treatment is delayed, the greater the likelihood of infertility.

Depending on the nature of the irregular menstruation, the method of treatment will be determined. It provides two directions: drug therapy and surgical intervention.

Moreover, the first option is usually aimed at eliminating the cause of the cycle violation, and the second, implying surgical care, sometimes aimed at eliminating the consequences of the pathological course of menstruation.

  • Conservative treatment

Therapy involves two tasks: the regulation of hormonal levels and the reduction of blood loss. Before prescribing medication, the doctor should familiarize himself with the results of the ultrasound.

Oral contraceptives- often contain hormones of both the first and second phases. To regulate the cycle, OK is prescribed for several months (from 3 to 6). Endocrine glands under the influence of synthetic analogues of hormones will begin to function normally and menstruation will begin to come on time.

However, there are a number of difficulties with this treatment. Firstly, there is a category of women who do not tolerate oral contraceptives. Secondly, treatment with such drugs can only have a temporary effect, and after a few months the menstrual cycle will again become irregular.

Hormonal drugs- unlike oral contraceptives, they contain a synthetic analogue of only one hormone, or they contain substances that prevent the production of a certain hormone.

There, the doctor, based on the results of a blood test, can prescribe a separate drug for each hormone that exceeds the permissible norm or has a concentration below the norm.

Hemostatic drugs- are prescribed for such violations of menstruation, which are characterized by excessive blood loss. Unlike hormonal drugs the use of hemostatic drugs does not treat the cause of hormonal failure, but only its consequence - bleeding.

Violation of the menstrual cycle in women after 45 years of age requires only symptomatic drug treatment, since the body enters the period of menopause and after a certain time, menstruation will stop forever.

  • Surgery

Irregular menstruation, triggered by hormonal disorders, can lead to the accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity, which different reasons not able to completely pour into the vagina.

In order to avoid inflammation and in order to save the patient from constant scanty bleeding, the body of the uterus is scraped. For treatment, a woman must lie down for a while in a hospital.

The operation is carried out under general anesthesia, and the contents of the uterine cavity, which was taken out, is sent for histology. If you do not correct the menstrual cycle with hormonal drugs, then clots can accumulate again after some time and surgical intervention will be required again.

If menstruation is irregular, you should pay close attention to this and do not postpone a visit to the doctor.

A constant menstrual cycle is the key to women's health, and its violation signals violations in the functioning of the body. Every woman of reproductive age at least once in her life is faced with the problem of menstrual failure. After all, female body so sensitive that it can be influenced by internal and external negative factors.

Period failures can occur for many reasons.

What is the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is a cyclical change in a woman's body that occurs at regular intervals. To determine the duration of the cycle, you need to count the number of days from the first day of one menstruation to the first day of the next one. The optimal cycle is 28 days, but this is only an average.

After all, each organism is individual and the cycle cannot be exactly the same for everyone. Therefore, the normal duration of the cycle is from 21 to 37 days, but taking into account the constancy.

Deviations from one to a maximum of three days are considered acceptable. The duration of the menses themselves is not less than 3 and not more than 7 days. If your cycle meets these conditions, you are healthy. But, if you notice a failure, then you should immediately visit a gynecologist. Since the causes of failure can be from harmless to dangerous for reproductive function and health in general.

Crashes in the range of three days are quite normal

Varieties of failure of the menstrual cycle

Often, a failure of the menstrual cycle is understood as a delay in menstruation. But, this opinion is erroneous. Since when analyzing the cycle of menstruation, a number of characteristics are considered: duration, regularity, intensity, accompanying symptoms. Based on this, the types of failure are distinguished.

  1. Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation for more than 3 months.
  2. Polymenorrhea is a very short menstrual cycle, less than 21 days. With polymenorrhea, menstruation can go several times a month.
  3. Oligomenorrhea is the exact opposite of polymenorrhea. The main symptoms of oligomenorrhea are as follows: a cycle duration of more than 38 days, scanty discharge during menstruation.
  4. Menorrhagia - heavy blood loss during menstruation with a regular menstrual cycle. The norm of blood loss is no more than 50-80 ml per day and 250 ml for the entire period of menstruation. The first two days are characterized by the greatest blood loss. Every day the amount of blood released decreases. If menstruation is poured on the 5th day in the same volume as on the first day, then this is not the norm, and to determine the cause, you need to undergo an examination.
  5. Metrorrhagia - long and frequent discharge, which can be both abundant and insignificant, with an irregular interval. Metrorrhagia, like menorrhagia, are forms of uterine bleeding.
  6. Uterine bleeding between periods is also considered as a symptom of a menstrual cycle failure.
  7. Dysminorrhea - bad feeling or according to the national PMS. With dysminorrhea, the symptoms can be very different. Common symptoms include nervousness, mood swings, severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, and nausea. Why do women tolerate them and do not seek help to alleviate their suffering? Most people just think they're normal.

Often, discharge during menstruation may be accompanied by blood clots which may give cause for concern. But this is a normal phenomenon, which is explained by the fact that during heavy periods, blood accumulates in the vagina and coagulates into clots. More often this is faced by women with a spiral.

Do not rejoice if menstruation is accompanied by scant discharge. This is very convenient, but a small amount of blood released indicates a lack of estrogen in the body.

Dysmenorrhea - severe pain associated with PMS

Causes of menstrual cycle failure

A one-time unscheduled menstrual cycle may not be dangerous, but rather an exception to the rule than a pattern. But, if the failure lasts for a long time or repeats, then there are unpleasant reasons for that. Let us consider in detail what exactly causes the failure of the menstrual cycle.

  • Sexual infections (syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomonas, chlamydia, microplasma, etc.). They are also called pelvic infections. If your menstruation cycle has gone astray, then you need to take tests that will refute or confirm the presence of pathogens in the body. Because, analyzing all the causes, it is the infectious ones that most often lead to failures. Characteristic of these infections is that they are all sexually transmitted. Therefore, if you are sexually active, then you should take care of security measures, namely: having one permanent sexual partner, using a condom during sex. But, if you are already infected, you need to take a course of anti-inflammatory treatment.
  • Hormonal disbalance. Hormones are responsible for the normal functioning of the reproductive system, if a failure occurs, this will primarily affect the menstrual cycle. To understand where the failure occurred, you need to go through a series of studies (thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary gland). After 25 years, hormonal changes occur in a woman's body, which can lead to a decrease in progesterone levels.
  • Gynecological diseases. Among them, we highlight the following: inflammation of the ovaries and appendages, polyps, endometriosis. Moreover, in girls who suffered from inflammation in adolescence, the menstrual cycle often goes astray in adulthood.
  • Polycystic ovaries (PCOS). Every year, the problem of polycystic affects an increasing number of women. What should you be afraid of when faced with PCOS syndrome? With polycystic disease, the follicles do not leave the ovary, but stop developing with immature eggs. As a result, the woman does not ovulate. Clinically, polycystic manifests itself in the failure of the menstrual cycle and can lead to infertility. In addition to failures, PCOS is accompanied by the following endocrine symptoms: increased body hair growth, oily skin and hair, acne, hair loss, fat deposits in the abdomen.
  • Previous rubella or smallpox. These viruses are dangerous because they affect the number of follicles in the ovaries.
  • Weight problems. People who are overweight have problems with menstruation. Why is this happening? The answer is very simple. Adipose tissue is directly involved in the formation of hormonal levels due to the production of estrogen. At the same time, lack of weight and exhaustion of the body are no less dangerous.
  • Preclimax. For women aged 45-55 years, menstrual problems are the harbingers of menopause and do not require intervention from doctors, as they are the norm. The only exception is uterine bleeding.
  • Adolescence. In the first two years from the onset of menstruation, failures indicate the hormonal setting of the body.
  • Change of climatic conditions. When changing your place of residence or going on a business trip, on vacation with a change in the climate zone, get ready for the body to react unpredictably. After the acclimatization process is completed, the menstrual cycle will adjust.
  • Stress and physical activity. Stress is the most common commonplace reason all diseases. It is important to minimize the influence of negative factors on the emotional state. Heavy physical exertion during work or sports can be perceived by the body as a stressful situation and fail. Therefore, do not forget to evenly distribute the load and rest regularly.
  • Medications. Often, menstruation gets lost under the influence of medication or after its completion. Hormonal influences are the most contraceptives. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor and replace one drug with another.

The constant cycle is a key indicator of women's health and reproductive capacity.

If you have lost your menstrual cycle, then immediately contact a qualified gynecologist. After all, timely identification of the problem and its causes are the key to successful recovery.

And remember that even a healthy woman should visit a gynecologist at least once every six months. After all, many problems do not immediately make themselves felt, but appear over time.

Violations of the normal menstrual cycle can happen in the life of every woman. Not always such a situation, for example, a delay in menstruation, is a harbinger of pathology, since in most cases it signals the onset of pregnancy. A physiological cycle is considered to be 21-35 days long. That is, 21, and 28, and even 31 days of cycle duration is the norm, it all depends on individual features woman's body.

A violation of the menstrual cycle is considered to be a delay lasting more than 10 days, as well as a reduction in duration (from 5 days or more), which are systematic. There are women who have a genetically determined long cycle, which is not a pathology, that is, there have already been similar cases in the family. The same applies to bloody discharge during the period observed 2 weeks before the onset of menstruation.

Causes of menstrual irregularities

The female menstrual cycle is a very complex system that includes many important biochemical processes. In particular, the cerebral cortex, endocrine glands (adrenal glands, thyroid gland, ovaries), subcortical centers take part in the regulation of the process. This means that any disruption in the functioning of these systems can cause disruptions in the female cycle. But sometimes this reason can also lie in serious pathologies of various organs (tumor,).

Such pathologies of the endocrine organs can lead to cycle disorders, such as:

  • inflammatory process in the ovaries;
  • deficit;
  • untimely release of a mature follicle;
  • ovarian hypoplasia;
  • pathology of the uterus of inflammatory origin;
  • polycystic ovaries.

Causes of menstrual disorders from the cerebral cortex:

  • change of time zone;
  • in a woman in the early morning hours, when hormones-regulators of the cycle are actively secreted;
  • very strong stress shock.

Causes of MC violations by subcortical centers(hypothalamus, pituitary gland):

  • pituitary adenoma;
  • neuroinfections of viral origin;
  • other tumors.

Causes of failure of the menstrual cycle from other organs and systems:

  • thyroid pathology;
  • problems in the work of the adrenal glands;
  • taking certain medications.

Symptoms of menstrual disorders

Violations monthly cycle can be manifested by a set of the most various symptoms. At the same time, the duration of menstruation, the nature of the discharge, pain etc.

The main symptoms of disorders in various diseases:

  • Hyperpolymenorrhea- a state when very abundant discharges are observed during menstruation, but the cycle itself does not change.
  • Amenorrhea- absence of menstruation for 6 months or more. It can be primary and secondary, the first is characterized by a violation of the cycle from the moment of menarche, and the second after normal menstruation. There is also physiological amenorrhea, which is observed in healthy women during pregnancy, lactation. In all other cases, you should definitely visit a doctor.
  • Opsomenorrhea- a cycle in which there is very little spotting and menstruation lasts 1 or 2 days.
  • Oligoamenorrhea- A woman's period occurs 1 time in 3 or 4 months, that is, rarely. This can be a pretty serious symptom that indicates the presence of polycystic ovaries. Especially if such additional signs are observed as enlarged ovaries (during a bimanual examination), hirsutism (excessive body hair).
  • . In this case, there is an unstable menstrual cycle, when menstruation is delayed or occurs ahead of schedule. Usually observed in those who often change time zones and climate (stewardesses, for example). Acclimatization in this case will bring everything back to normal.
  • Menorrhagia. This violation is characterized by a rather long and abundant course of menstruation - 10 days or more.
  • . This is a fairly common problem faced by many girls and women. The main symptoms with such a violation of the menstrual cycle is a cycle failure, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, often of a aching nature. In this case, there are problems in the work of the intestines,. Such a symptom complex can be observed from the age of 14 and disturb the patient all her life. Sometimes it disappears after the onset of sexual activity or childbirth, but not always. In some cases, this condition is a sign or.
  • Proyomenorrhea- menstruation occurs earlier than after 21 days (the shortest physiological cycle).
  • metrorrhagia- the appearance of spotting, both during menstruation and in the middle of the cycle.
  • Algomenorrhea- a condition in which a woman suffers from very painful and heavy menstruation, because of which she cannot work normally, as her general well-being is disturbed. The regularity of the cycle is not violated.

Each of the above conditions requires a visit to the gynecologist, examination, passing the necessary tests to establish and clarify the diagnosis. Therefore, if you experience the above symptoms, you should not postpone the appointment with a specialist.

In what cases should you seek medical help

In no case should you postpone contacting a specialist if:

  • there is a regular violation of the cycle, that is, it becomes shorter or longer by 5-7 days;
  • there is no menarche in a girl aged 15 years;
  • there are profuse periods, reminiscent of bleeding. Normally, no more than 250 ml of blood should be lost during the period of one menstruation. Anything more is a symptom of a hormonal imbalance that requires drug therapy;
  • a year or two after the start of menstruation, the cycle was not established;
  • there is a presence of spotting in the period before and after the menstruation itself. Often such a symptom indicates;
  • have pain during ovulation. This condition is dangerous with the possibility of rupture of the ovary and is easily stopped by medications that the doctor selects.

Treatment of menstrual irregularities

Therapy in this case depends on the age of the patient, since there are a number of causes of cycle disorders that are characteristic of a particular age group.

Treatment of menstrual disorders in women of reproductive age

In this category of patients, bleeding is often observed: in the period between menstruation, profuse, painful, etc. At the same time, a diagnostic curettage is necessarily carried out in order to stop the bleeding and determine the cause of the condition (the resulting material is sent to histological examination).

Treatment of MC failures in adolescent girls

Bleeding that opens in girls in adolescence is called juvenile. Such menstrual irregularities are necessarily subject to treatment, carried out in several stages.

This applies:

  • Hemostasis, that is, stopping bleeding on the basis of hemostatic (Vikasol, Dicinon) and hormonal agents.
  • Scraping- performed in case of blood loss, complicated by dizziness, general weakness, very low hemoglobin (below 70).
  • Reception. They are prescribed for hemoglobin 80 - 100 g / l, while using only hormonal combined preparations with a low dosage of hormones (Novinet, Mercilon, Marvelon).
  • Antianemic treatment. It includes the infusion of erythrocyte mass, rheopolyglucin, blood transfusion, Tardiferon, Sorbifer.
  • vitamin therapy- reception, Pentovita, Aevita.

Hormone treatment lasts at least 3 months, taken until the normalization of hemoglobin.

Treatment of menstrual disorders in women with menopause

With bleeding during menopause, curettage of the uterine cavity is mandatory, because such disorders are often a sign of pathologies of the female genital area (endometrial hyperplasia, adenocarcinoma, adenomyosis). At the same time, a histological examination of the obtained material during scraping is shown. In some cases, if indicated, the uterus can be removed.

A number of problems are treated by taking hormonal drugs, among which are most often prescribed:

  • Gestrinone;
  • 17-OPK;
  • Danazol.

Treatment of menstrual disorders in women at any age should be accompanied by:

  • normalization of sleep and wakefulness,
  • complete nutrition,
  • stabilization of the psycho-emotional state,
  • normalization of weight (this applies to both overweight and excessively thin women).

Traditional medicine for menstrual irregularities

Alternative treatment is selected based on the type of violation.

Recipes for oligomenorrhea

For rare periods, the following medicine is used: half a teaspoon of parsley seeds is ground into powder and taken three times a day, washed down with ½ glass of water with a spoonful of honey.

Traditional medicine for amenorrhea

Pour 1 tbsp of chopped wormwood with 200 ml of boiling water. Soak the broth in a water bath for 15 minutes, let cool, strain. It is taken before meals 1/3 glass 3 times a day.

Remedies for menorrhagia

With excessively heavy periods, a collection is used, which includes such herbs, taken in equal proportions:

  • yarrow;
  • Oak bark;
  • raspberries (leaves);
  • goose cinquefoil;
  • strawberries (leaves).

1 st. l of such a mixture is poured with 200 ml of cold boiling water and infused for 4 hours, after which the infusion should be boiled for 5 minutes and drained. Ready broth is taken during the day in a course of 5-8 days.

Folk recipes for such a violation of the menstrual cycle as algomenorrhea

If a woman is worried about pain during menstruation, then the following collection will help, which includes:

  • buckthorn (bark),
  • birch (leaves),
  • blackberry (leaves)
  • yarrow and mint.

A spoonful of this mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused, filtered and drunk throughout the day.

Traditional medicine for menorrhagia

Horsetail has been used for centuries as a hemostatic agent in the treatment of bleeding women. One spoonful of this herb is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water, insisted and taken 1 tbsp. l every 2 hours until the bleeding stops. Next in medicinal purposes- 1 liter three times a day.

You can learn more about what tests are needed for menstrual irregularities from the video.