2 days after laparoscopy. Recovery after laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst


By some, quite clear symptoms, it can be determined that the long-awaited pregnancy has already begun. and its approximate time is 2 weeks. Of course, any woman will spend pregnancy test . If the stripes are bright, you can take a photo to capture the test indicator, indicating the beginning of your pregnancy (only 2 weeks!) For the future family album.

Sometimes the test result may not be clear (the second line is pale pink and almost invisible). But some additional signs will announce pregnancy at week 2 and leave no doubt.

What are the signs that a woman is really pregnant? Often 2 weeks of pregnancy is accompanied by the following body reactions:

Chest hurts mammary glands are more sensitive than it used to be during menstruation. Such a sign has always been successfully used by our grandmothers for self-diagnosis.

Lower abdomen hurts in the second week as it usually happens before menstruation, but there will be no monthly discharge.

Appetite changes, new, strong taste preferences appear.

May feel slightly nauseous, especially in the morning . Very rarely, the 2nd week of pregnancy is accompanied by toxicosis with such strong manifestations as nausea and vomiting.

Slight increase in body temperature - this phenomenon leads to the acceleration of metabolism in the body of the expectant mother. If the usual temperature is normal, then against its background, rectal temperature indicators will be increased (the thermometer is inserted into the anus).

The amount of urination increases, which can lead to some discomfort.

Blood pressure may be slightly lowered and manifest as fatigue, as well as slight dizziness.

A woman sometimes experiences slight nervous tension, mild irritation is very similar to premenstrual syndrome (may go unnoticed if this phenomenon has become habitual).

In such early term development (2 weeks) of pregnancy, no photos during an ultrasound examination will give a complete picture, because the life and development of the unborn baby is just starting to count down. Some women during this period practically do not show the first signs of pregnancy.


Past 2 weeks of pregnancy from the moment of conception are characterized by processes that actively prepare the woman's body for ovulation.

The ovulation cycle is characterized by the fact that about 20 follicles develop in the female ovaries. But only one of them (dominant) is able to pass through the wall of the ovary, then burst and bring the egg into the fallopian tube.

12 hours before the release of the follicle from the ovary at 2 weeks of gestation, an ultrasound scan may show a superior follicle with a tubercle where the egg begins to mature.

At the same time, the endometrium of the uterus is preparing for the meeting of a fertilized egg (implantation). Certain hormones that the ovary produces cause the lining of the uterus to thicken, causing an increase in metabolic processes.

In the place where the follicle comes out, a gap (stigma) is formed. Many women feel discomfort or pain during ovulation exactly at 2 weeks of gestation, because when the follicle ruptures, a small amount of blood is formed. and local irritation.

After ovulation on ultrasound, the follicle is no longer visible, but about the future pregnancy at 2 weeks can be judged by the presence of accumulation of fluid around the ovary and the "yellow body" at the site of the ruptured follicle. The egg itself is still indistinguishable.

The completion of ovulation brings expectant mothers a feeling of a surge of energy and fullness of vitality - hormones begin to work "for two".

From the very first days of pregnancy (2 weeks) it is necessary to maintain physical form with the help of gymnastic exercises, exercises in the morning, perform Kegel exercises , as well as eat right, since for the successful development of the fetus you need a complete set of trace elements. It should now be excluded from the daily diet cakes and other high-calorie sweets, sausage, fried fatty meat and sausages. It's about the products promoting weight gain and incompatible with the concept of a healthy diet.

It is best to choose an individual diet, taking into account all the features, together with a doctor, and then monitor weight gain.


For women with reproductive disorders, the only hope of getting pregnant and having a baby is in vitro fertilization, but after IVF (or more commonly known as "in vitro fertilization"), it is quite difficult to maintain a pregnancy. The reason is that such women, as a rule, are no longer young. , besides, they have the whole complex chronic diseases and violations that actually caused infertility.

About a third of all pregnancies after IVF are spontaneously terminated in the first three months.

The main reasons leading to miscarriages:

congenital changes in the chromosomes of germ cells;

antiphospholipid syndrome (increased blood clotting);

the presence of "hostile" antibodies caused by concomitant chronic diseases;

inflammatory conditions of the uterus, as well as autoimmune tissue changes as a result of viral or bacterial infections (caused by cytomegalovirus, enterovirus, herpes simplex virus, as well as mycoplasmosis, etc.);

work disruption endocrine system that reduce the level of "necessary" hormones (lack of functions corpus luteum, reduced level estrogen levels, and hyperandrogenism).

In the second, third trimester of pregnancy, the development of the unborn baby is threatened by such factors:

intrauterine infection of the fetus as a result of chronic diseases occurring in the body of a woman;

bearing more than two fetuses, multiple pregnancy occurs a quarter of IVF mothers;

metabolic disorders in the mother's body cause placental insufficiency (may cause intrauterine growth retardation and lead to fetal death).

Given all the risks, doctors prescribe drugs immediately after eco-conception that will support and maintain pregnancy.

The first signs of pregnancy after in vitro fertilization appear in exactly the same way as in the case of natural conception. 2 weeks after IVF, you can independently conduct the first pregnancy test. However, only reliable laboratory diagnostics: an analysis that determines the level of hCG hormone in the blood . An increase in the level of hCG compared to the usual levels (5 mIU / l) to 25-100 mIU / l allows you to successfully diagnose pregnancy.

On the 21st day after IVF, doctors perform an ultrasound examination, the purpose of which is to confirm pregnancy and determine the number and uterine location of the fetal eggs.

IVF pregnancy is distinguished by some characteristic symptoms:

pain in lumbar, which "gives" to the legs;

manifestation of either insomnia or drowsiness;

tingling in the lower abdomen;

digestive disorders;

headaches, dizziness.


As a rule, the onset of pregnancy soon after childbirth becomes a shock for a young mother, because during this period no one expects conception.

A woman who is not breastfeeding can get pregnant. Ability female body to a new conception and a new pregnancy is restored from the sixth week from the date of birth (one and a half to two months after birth).

Ignoring mild symptoms (rare nausea, malaise, taste cravings, decreased blood pressure), a woman may not be aware of her “interesting position” for a long time.

In some cases pregnancy occurs after childbirth in a nursing mother.

To maintain lactation and quality breast milk the body consumes a large supply of vitamins and trace elements (this explains hair loss and tooth decay in many women who breastfeed). A new pregnancy during this period will serve as an additional burden for the body weakened by childbirth. And the changed hormonal background of the mother is not quite suitable for the firstborn and can affect the taste of milk. Often, babies themselves refuse to breastfeed, but if this does not happen, experts advise to interrupt breast-feeding to prepare for a new pregnancy.

It is a comfort and reward to all mothers that second births are easier and shorter than the first. In addition, the second child brings twice as much joy to the house, and the older brother or sister has a faithful playmate. The minimum difference in the age of children has a lot of advantages and only one temporary disadvantage (difficulties in the first months of the infant regimen), which happy parents quickly forget about as soon as the children grow up.

It is great that the children will have common interests, toys and joint games. At this age, the problem of jealousy is easier to solve, because the eldest child almost does not remember the time when he was the only one with his parents and perceives the youngest as if he was always there. Parents do not have to get used to the new regimen again, as they continue their usual lifestyle.

Many women are interested is it possible to get pregnant a month after giving birth. Yes, there is a fairly high probability that after a month a woman can become pregnant again . But you should take seriously the issue of protection against unwanted pregnancy in such a short period of time after childbirth. The fact is that for 9 months of bearing a baby, a woman's body is greatly depleted, experiencing serious stress. Therefore, it is highly desirable to take a break between childbirth and subsequent pregnancy for at least eight months.


Laparoscopy is modern method surgical treatment many diseases of the genital organs and abdominal cavity.

Most often, such operations are used in gynecology for the treatment of infertility. Therefore, cases of the desired pregnancy after laparoscopy are widely known.

The operation is carried out under general anesthesia, instead of one traditional incision, this method makes several punctures or small incisions on the body. Surgeons use an optical device - a laparoscope, which allows using a camera to view cavities and tissues, and the instruments are inserted through special tubes.

During such manipulations, both diagnostics and operational actions are carried out:

carry out the dissection of adhesions;

restore the patency of the fallopian tubes;

remove cysts;

after the diagnosis of polycystic ovaries, their outer shell is dissected and treated with a laparoscope.

Probability get pregnant after laparoscopy is very high, the operation most sparingly restores natural processes conception and ovulation.

After laparoscopy of the ovaries should pass recovery period, which usually takes 3-4 months, and the further onset of pregnancy depends on individual features every female body.

Stitches after laparoscopy surgery look like small scars from incisions, they heal quickly, and after a few months they become almost invisible.

Three days after the completion of the operation on the ovaries, the woman will be able to start working. During the recovery period, restrictions are introduced: for 2-3 weeks, a woman should avoid physical activity (including intimate relationships).


The action of modern contraceptive pills is manifested in the suppression of the activity of the female ovaries after a change in hormonal levels. The calculated minimum dose of hormones does not affect the egg itself, but only inhibits the ovulation process. These drugs must be taken , and after the end of taking birth control pills and recovery normal level hormones can get pregnant.

The package of tablets must be drunk to the end, and then wait for the next cycle. The full resumption of the ovaries and ovulation will be indicated by a regular menstrual cycle. Sometimes two weeks is enough to restore ovulation, and some women will have to wait several months.

If contraceptives were taken continuously for several years, then, most likely, reproductive functions will be suppressed for some time. Recovery time is mainly affected by woman's age:

up to 25 years - a few months;

up to 30 years - about a year;

after 35 years - you will need to wait a few years.

The main thing, what you need to know about birth control pills : pregnancy occurs and proceeds safely for the mother and without risk to the fetus after stopping the use of such drugs.

Of course, for your own peace of mind, you can wait for the restoration of the cycle, and then try to conceive a child.


A young woman is able to become pregnant immediately after the curettage (cleansing) of the uterine cavity, when there are no special complications in the form of serious damage to the walls of this organ.

Of great importance is the reason why the woman's womb was cleaned, and how neglected and complicated the operation was. Such actions are carried out to terminate a pregnancy, in case of a miscarriage, to remove a polyp or placental remnants after childbirth, manifested by severe bleeding.

As a result of the curettage, the uterus is seriously injured. A full examination and treatment will be required, after which the doctor will determine the period for planning a long-awaited pregnancy.

There are cases when, after cleaning (especially dangerous for the first pregnancy), a woman has problems conceiving. Damage to the womb is to blame - to eliminate them, medication or surgery will be required.

The doctor will monitor the woman's well-being, control her body temperature, and also observe the discharge so as not to miss possible complications as reinfection.

Another sad reason for cleaning can serve as fetal death after a missed pregnancy . In this case, you simply can not do without removing all the remnants. Surgery after a missed pregnancy later dates It's an inevitable purge.

After curettage, the following complications may manifest themselves:

changes in blood coagulation functions;

development of inflammatory diseases;

the formation of adhesions;

perforation (violation of internal integrity).


There is a misconception that some women do not stop menstruating when they become pregnant. . Only in the first trimester, minor bloody issues may resemble menstrual and coincide with them in terms, but have a completely different nature. Therefore, it would be more correct to talk not about menstrual flow after pregnancy, but about the causes of bleeding during pregnancy.

At the time of introduction of the fetal egg, parts of the mucous membrane can separate from the uterine wall - they come out in the form of bloody discharge of brown or red color . The discharge may be accompanied by spasms, is not plentiful and disappears after a few days. In time, the moment of fixation in the uterus of the egg coincides with the onset of menstruation, and the discharge misleads many women.

Common cause blood secretions in the early stages is cervical erosion caused by increased blood flow to this organ during pregnancy. Blood from the vagina can be released after intercourse or even without contact, the woman does not feel pain, and the discharge spontaneously stops.

Polyps bleed just as painlessly during these periods - harmless tumors that grow in the uterus itself or in its neck.

The question of removing the polyp is decided by the doctor (while curettage is not required), but most often the polyp dies off by itself. Simultaneously with the removal of the polyp, treatment is carried out that compensates for the woman's blood loss and preserves the pregnancy.

However, after the fact of the established pregnancy , any bleeding is a sign of a pathological process. You should immediately contact the doctor who "leads" the pregnancy in order to establish the cause of the painful condition and prescribe the necessary treatment.


It is hard to imagine that a few decades ago, the diagnosis of "infertility" due to a lack of the hormone progesterone was a sentence for women. And today, doctors prescribe the drug "Dufaston" after the examination. , which replenishes the deficiency of progesterone during pregnancy and helps with conception, as well as with the bearing of a healthy baby.

It is believed that the medicine does not harm the fetus and mother. Gynecologists advise duphaston to those women who, having a progesterone deficiency, wish to become pregnant. This medicine is prescribed during the first half of pregnancy and healthy women when there is a threat of miscarriage.

All hormonal agents selected strictly according to the individual treatment regimen. You cannot take Duphaston on your own - otherwise your health may be harmed.

Dosage of "Duphaston" and the duration of admission is determined by the doctor, who takes into account the presence of other pathologies, ultrasound data and tests, the conditions for the development of the fetus. After about 20 obstetric weeks, the placenta becomes able to produce the amount of hormones necessary to maintain the pregnancy, so the drug support with Duphaston is smoothly stopped. So they try to avoid a sharp decrease in the level of progesterone in the blood so that the body does not react by changing the tone of the uterus.

Laparoscopy is a modern low-traumatic method for performing surgical interventions and diagnostic studies of organs located in the abdominal cavity and small pelvis.

The main stages of laparoscopy

  • General anesthesia is used for laparoscopy. Small incisions are made on the skin (about two centimeters long), after which they are deepened with a blunt probe, thus preventing damage internal organs.
  • One operation usually requires three to four holes. The introduction of sterile surgical instruments is carried out through special tubes inserted into the holes.
  • To straighten the abdomen and provide maximum access to the internal organs, carbon dioxide is injected through one tube.
  • A video camera and surgical instruments are inserted into other tubes.
  • The video camera transmits the image of the operated organs on the monitor screen, which provides the doctor performing the operation with visual control over his actions.
  • After all the necessary actions have been completed, the instruments are removed, sutures are applied to the incision site.

Chromotubation during laparoscopy

In the case of laparoscopy, in order to diagnose the patency of the fallopian tubes and determine the causes that prevent the onset of pregnancy, along with an external examination of the fallopian tubes during laparoscopy, chromotubation (chromohydrotubation) is performed.

The essence of chromotubation is the introduction of a sterile dye solution into the patient's uterus. In the absence of a violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes, a normal flow of the solution through the tubes is observed.

Benefits of laparoscopy

  • Laparoscopy is characterized by little tissue trauma, unlike conventional operations, for which large incisions are made.
  • The rehabilitation period after laparoscopy is easier and shorter. Within a few hours after laparoscopy, the patient is allowed to get up and walk.
  • The risk of complications (infection of the wound, formation of adhesions, suture divergence) is significantly reduced.
  • After laparoscopy, there are no large scars and scars.

Types of laparoscopic operations

Laparoscopy is used for surgical interventions aimed at removing or restoring the affected organs. To date, with the help this method the following operations are carried out:

  • remove the gallbladder (patients with cholecystitis and cholelithiasis);
  • remove the appendix;
  • remove the kidneys bladder and ureter, or restore their functions;
  • remove or ligate the fallopian tubes (sterilization);
  • remove an ectopic pregnancy;
  • treat endometriosis;
  • treat PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome);
  • carry out hernia treatment;
  • perform surgical interventions on the liver, stomach and pancreas;
  • examine and remove ovarian cysts;
  • remove uterine fibroids;
  • remove the adhesive process in the fallopian tubes;
  • Diagnose and stop internal bleeding.

Preparation for laparoscopy

Preparation for laparoscopic surgery is discussed by the doctor and the patient on an individual basis. The following actions are recommended:

  • refusal to eat 8 hours before the intervention;
  • setting a cleansing enema a few hours before the operation;
  • epilation of the abdomen (if laparoscopy is performed for men).

Before the operation, the patient must tell the doctor about the medications he is taking. Due to the influence of certain drugs (aspirin, contraceptives) on hemocoagulation, their use before laparoscopy is strictly contraindicated.

Possible complications after laparoscopy

Laparoscopy is a method characterized by a minimal risk of developing dangerous complications. As a rule, this operation is easily tolerated, recovery after laparoscopy is fast.

Seek medical attention after discharge from the hospital as soon as possible if the following symptoms appear:

  • high fever, chills;
  • fainting (loss of consciousness);
  • increased pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting that does not stop for several hours;
  • swelling, suppuration or redness in the area of ​​the seams;
  • bleeding from wounds;
  • urination disorders

Recovery period after laparoscopy

Most often, the patient recovers within a few days after laparoscopy, sometimes he can even be discharged on the day of the operation.

After laparoscopy, the patient may complain of intense pain in the abdomen and in the area of ​​postoperative wounds, aggravated by movement. This is considered normal. Pain relievers may be prescribed to relieve pain.

In some cases, there may be bloating, nausea, general weakness. To eliminate severe bloating are prescribed medicines containing simethicone.

Feeling of weakness, nausea, loss of appetite and increased urge to urinate disappear on their own after 2-3 days after laparoscopy.

Stitches after laparoscopy

Due to the small size of the incisions made for laparoscopy, they heal in a short time, complications develop in extremely rare cases.

Sutures are removed 10-14 days after laparoscopy, in some cases earlier. During the first months, small purple scars are observed at the site of the incisions, which should fade over time and become invisible.

Diet after laparoscopy

A few hours or the entire first day after laparoscopy, you must refuse to eat. Non-carbonated mineral water is allowed.

On the second or third day, easily digestible foods are introduced into the diet: fat-free kefir, yogurt, crackers, unsaturated broth are allowed, low-fat varieties meat, fish, rice porridge.

Returning to the usual diet depends on the patient's well-being.

Physical activity after laparoscopy

The first two to three weeks after the laparoscopic surgery, the patient should limit any physical activity and sports. The return to the normal rhythm of life should occur gradually.

Sex life after laparoscopy

Sexual intercourse after surgery can be resumed after 7-14 days, after consulting with a doctor if laparoscopy was performed for gynecological diseases.

Periods and discharge after laparoscopy

After a laparoscopic operation aimed at treating or diagnosing diseases in the field of gynecology, scanty mucous or bloody vaginal discharge may occur, which can last 10-14 days. This is not a cause for concern.

Fear can cause the appearance of strong bloody vaginal discharge, as they may indicate internal bleeding.

After laparoscopy, there may be a violation of the menstrual cycle: menstruation may not occur on time and may be delayed for several days or weeks. This is also considered normal.

When to plan pregnancy after laparoscopy

Laparoscopy is often used as a diagnostic and healing method in diseases associated with infertility (endometriosis, fibroids, adhesions, ovarian cysts, polycystic ovary syndrome, fallopian tube reconstruction, etc.). If the operation was successful, you can plan a pregnancy already a few months after the operation.

Due to the fact that not only surgery is used to treat infertility, but also conservative therapy, which involves taking medicines that affect female reproductive function, pregnancy planning should be discussed with the attending physician who has studied the patient's medical history.

The successful onset of pregnancy depends on what factors caused infertility before treatment, as well as on how effective the treatment was.

One of the advantages of laparoscopy and an advantage over abdominal surgery is a short postoperative period and a quick recovery. Sometimes the patient can go home almost immediately after the laparoscopic intervention. But they talk about the postoperative period even in this case, since laparoscopy is a serious surgical intervention with general anesthesia and a recovery period.

Postoperative period - the patient's condition after laparoscopy

The patient's condition in the postoperative period is usually satisfactory. Many negative consequences and complications can be avoided due to the rapid recovery. As a rule, the patient is discharged for 3-5 days, but this does not mean that he can immediately return to the previous rhythm of life. Moreover, in the postoperative period after laparoscopy, there are still some complaints. Let's look at some of them.

flatulence after laparoscopy

Bloating in the postoperative period is often observed. This is due to a certain technique of laparoscopy - the introduction of gas into the abdominal cavity. As a rule, the doctor prescribes medications to combat flatulence. It is important to quickly improve the functioning of the intestines and not to forget about motor activity in the very first days after the operation.

Nausea, lethargy in the postoperative period

After laparoscopy, the patient may complain of weakness, nausea, loss of appetite, sore throat when swallowing (a consequence of the insertion of an anesthetic tube). This is a completely normal reaction surgical intervention The symptoms of dyspepsia usually go away without treatment after a couple of days.

Pain in the area of ​​postoperative incisions.

Despite the fact that the incisions in the peritoneum are miniature, they can be disturbing. The pain can get worse with any movement. This should not worry the patient, as the healing process is underway. If the pain causes severe anxiety, it is necessary to inform the doctor. He will most likely prescribe pain medication.

Drawing pains in the abdomen.

During laparoscopy on the pelvic organs, damage to nearby surfaces sometimes occurs. Drawing pains indicate the healing process and disappear after a few days. But if the pain in the abdomen becomes intolerable, you should consult a doctor urgently to rule out a complication. If fever has joined the pain, copious vaginal discharge has appeared, then you should also inform the doctor.

Nutrition during recovery after laparoscopy

Immediately after laparoscopy, and even better during the entire first postoperative day, it is better not to eat. You can drink (if there is no nausea) in small sips of non-carbonated water.

Nutrition for 2-3 days of the postoperative period

On the second and third days, doctors recommend introducing boiled or steamed dishes into the diet - lean meat, fish in the form of cutlets, meatballs. The diet may include kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, buckwheat porridge. You need to eat 6-7 times a day in small portions.

What can you eat after laparoscopy?

By the end of the week, food after laparoscopy will be without restrictions (if the postoperative period passes without complications). More fully about the diet and nutrition during the recovery period, you need to talk with the operating doctor. The main principles of nutrition after laparoscopy are to eat often, do not overeat, portions should be small, avoid salty, spicy, fried foods and alcohol. It is important to monitor the regularity of the chair.

Recovery after laparoscopy - in questions and answers.

The most popular questions asked by patients after laparoscopy.

1. When can I get up after laparoscopy?

As a rule, 3-4 hours after surgery, the patient can get up. You need to get up carefully, preferably with outside help, listening to your body. Distances should be small on the first day - to the toilet and back. The next day, motor activity expands. The patient can independently reach not only the toilet, but also walk along the corridor. By the way, walking quickly normalizes bowel function and reduces flatulence.

2. When can I exercise after laparoscopy?

Physical exertion after laparoscopy should be avoided for two to three weeks. In the future, you can enter sports, but do it gradually. Weights should not be lifted for 3 months.

3. Will scars be visible after laparoscopy?

Incisions made during laparoscopy heal quickly. On the second day, the surgeon examines the stitches, and after 1-2 weeks the stitches are already removed (usually on the 7th day). How visible the scars will be depends on the patient's body, the individual properties of the skin and immunity. Usually after a few months they turn pale and there are no traces of incisions. But sometimes purple scars remain at the site of the incisions, though this is extremely rare.

4. When is sex possible after laparoscopy?

If the laparoscopy was performed in connection with a gynecological disease, the doctor will answer this question. In any other case, sex is possible 14-20 days after the operation.

5. When can pregnancy be planned after laparoscopy?

If the operation was not associated with a gynecological operation, then there are no restrictions on conception. But many doctors advise that a month or two pass (the body must fully recover from anesthesia). After a successful gynecological laparoscopy You can plan a pregnancy in a few months after consulting with your gynecologist. So, for example, if there was a laparoscopy for the removal of uterine fibroids, then pregnancy can be planned in six months, and if the adhesions formed due to inflammation of the appendages are removed, then pregnancy is possible 1-2 months after the operation.

6. When can I bathe after laparoscopy?

The shower can be used immediately after discharge. And doctors do not advise taking a bath during the first month. Pool, bath, sauna, hammam should not be visited for 30-60 days (depending on the speed of healing of incisions)

  • eat in the first 24 hours after surgery,
  • lift weights and stretch your arms up (hang clothes) for 90 days,
  • drinking alcohol for the first 30 days (risk of bleeding),

Modern methods of treatment of many gynecological diseases involve the use of laparoscopy. it new technique, which allows for surgical intervention or diagnostics of internal organs with minimal trauma. These operations are much easier than abdominal ones. However, recovery after laparoscopy is also necessary, because this is a serious intervention that is performed under general anesthesia.

In this article, we will talk about rehabilitation after laparoscopy and find out what basic recommendations should be followed for the speedy recovery of the body.

The appearance is provoked by an egg that could not leave the follicle. As a result, cavities with liquid appear. These formations can be outside or inside, provoking suppuration or hemorrhage. Get rid of the cyst should be as early as possible, as its growth can trigger the appearance of cancer.

To get rid of a malignant or large cyst, laparoscopy is used.

Preparing for the operation

The operation is carried out after careful preparation. It consists of complete examination and passing all necessary tests:

  1. Urine.
  2. blood.
  3. A smear for the determination of flora.

Obligatory is the passage of ultrasound, fluorography and cardiogram. The patient must follow the diet for 2-3 days.

Also, the patient should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • exclusion from the diet of dishes that provoke intestinal flatulence;
  • since surgery is performed on an empty stomach (even water cannot be drunk), the last meal should take place no later than six in the evening of the previous day;
  • before the operation, it is necessary to shave the pubic hair and do enemas in the evening and in the morning;
  • if you have varicose veins or a predisposition to this disease, you should not take off stockings before the operation;
  • be sure to consult with an anesthesiologist who will select the appropriate anesthesia, based on the characteristics of the patient's body.

After all the preparatory stages, the doctor appoints the day of the operation.

Operation progress

Laparoscopy takes place in several stages:

  1. Using general anesthesia place a urinary catheter. In the first minutes after the introduction of anesthesia, it may be difficult to breathe.
  2. Three small incisions are made in the anterior wall of the abdomen.
  3. Cameras and instruments are passed through the incision made.
  4. A special gas is pumped into the abdominal cavity.
  5. After examining the damaged organ, the surgeon makes an incision in the ovarian tissue and proceeds to suction the fluid that fills the cyst.
  6. To prevent adhesions, excess epithelium is removed or sutured.
  7. All surgical instruments are removed and the gas is evacuated.
  8. Two incisions are sutured, and a drainage tube is placed in the remaining hole.


Despite the obvious advantages of this operation, not all women can do it. So, it is strictly forbidden to do ovarian laparoscopy for patients who have:

  • obesity;
  • adhesions in the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs;
  • oncological disease;
  • recent viral and infectious diseases.

Rehabilitation after laparoscopy

For each woman, rehabilitation after surgery takes a different time. Someone can go home immediately after the operation, as soon as the anesthesia wears off, someone will need 2-3 days for this. However, doctors strongly recommend spending the first day in a hospital to avoid possible complications. After all, it is necessary to heal not only the scars on the skin, but also the internal organs that were disturbed during the surgical intervention.

In order for the restoration of all body functions to occur as quickly as possible after laparoscopic surgery, it is necessary to adhere to all the recommendations of the attending doctor, follow a special diet and regimen.

Postoperative period after laparoscopy passes most often without complications. However, if the rules are not followed during the recovery period, their appearance is still possible.

  1. Eat strictly according to a specific diet developed by a doctor.
  2. Do moderate exercise.
  3. Take vitamin complexes.
  4. Follow all the recommendations of the attending gynecologist.
  5. Do physiotherapy.

Complications after laparoscopy

As a rule, in the postoperative period, patients do not have any special complaints, and they are discharged from the hospital within a week in a satisfactory condition.

However, this does not mean at all that women can begin to live a normal full life, since full recovery occurs only a month after laparoscopy. All this time it is necessary to adhere to all the recommendations of the attending physician. For a quick and complete recovery, it is necessary to avoid physical and psychological stress.

Consider the complaints of patients and treatment after laparoscopy:

  1. The appearance of flatulence. Associated with the introduction of gas into the abdominal cavity. In order to get rid of this problem, the doctor prescribes medications. In this situation, a woman should improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract with the help of a diet, and also try to move as much as possible from the first postoperative days.
  2. Lethargy and nausea. General weakness and nausea are a natural reaction of the body to surgery and the effects of anesthesia. These complaints usually do not need treatment and disappear on their own after a few days.
  3. Pain in the area of ​​incisions. The incisions, despite their small size, may disturb the patients for some time. Moreover, the pain intensifies during movement. However, do not worry about this - the painful condition of the incisions appears because they are in the process of healing. In the event that the pain is very severe, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe medication pain relief.
  4. Drawing pain in the abdomen. Normal reaction of the body after the intervention of surgeons. However, if the pain is constantly increasing, as well as fever and vaginal discharge, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this, as they may indicate the presence of complications.
  5. Bleeding after laparoscopy should not be profuse. A small amount of discharge, to which blood is mixed, is considered the norm in the first days after the operation. If the bleeding is very strong or profuse discharge of yellowish or white color, you should consult your doctor.

The postponed laparoscopy requires the use of antibiotics, antispasmodics and vitamin complexes in the postoperative period.

Features of nutrition after laparoscopy

On the first day after surgery, you should not eat at all. You can drink non-carbonated water without gases.

On the second or third day of the recovery period, you can eat boiled vegetables or steamed meat. It is possible to include dairy products and buckwheat in the diet. Overeating is excluded. You need to take food in small portions.

If there are no complications, by the end of the first week you can eat without restrictions, excluding fatty, salty and spicy foods. The main thing in this matter is to eat often and in small portions. Light broths, soups, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products shown during the recovery period after surgery. However, it is advisable to discuss nutrition with your doctor.

After the operation, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol for a month.. The best drinks during this period will be weak tea, fruit drinks or compotes, non-carbonated mineral water. If a woman smokes, she should, if possible, give up this habit during the recovery period.

Postoperative recovery at home

In the hospital after the operation, the woman is under the constant supervision of medical personnel. Arriving home, she is often faced with questions to which she does not know the answer. Therefore, the following rules and recommendations must be observed:

  • the regime after laparoscopy should be agreed with the attending physician and consist of the correct alternation of physical activity and rest, dietary nutrition.
  • it is necessary to exclude injuries and overloads for the correct and rapid healing of the sutures.
  • sports and sexual relations should be postponed for about a month after the operation. At this stage, you can afford to walk.
  • long journeys, as well as flights in an airplane, are not recommended after this operation.
  • it is strictly forbidden to lift weights during the recovery period.
  • do not scratch the sutures, trying to get rid of itching, and also use ointments and creams to dissolve the sutures within 2 months after laparoscopy.
  • must be worn comfortable clothes, which does not squeeze the seams.
  • exclude visiting the sauna, swimming pool and solarium for 1-2 months.
  • Do not take a bath or shower until the stitches are removed. It is enough to limit ourselves to hygiene procedures.

Desired pregnancy

If the operation was successful, then the next month, the appearance of menstruation is possible. However, if this happened after 2 months or the menstrual cycle has changed, then you should not worry - this is a normal restructuring of the body.

If menstruation is plentiful and very long, then a woman needs to see a doctor to rule out possible complications.

The restoration of a regular menstrual cycle indicates the possibility of becoming pregnant, but it is advisable to do this six months after surgery. To achieve the desired pregnancy, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Take folic acid for three months.
  2. Consult a geneticist.
  3. Get checked out by a gynecologist.
  4. Pass the necessary tests to exclude genital infections.
  5. Investigate with an ultrasound.
  6. Do light exercise.
  7. News healthy lifestyle life.

So, rehabilitation after laparoscopy is a long process that requires compliance with all the recommendations of the attending physician so that recovery after surgery is quick and without complications.

Laparoscopy- a modern, minimally invasive method of surgery, in which the surgeon makes several small holes in the abdominal cavity, with their help, the doctor performs diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

Currently this species access is used in the diagnosis of many diseases and is widely used, since it is less traumatic, requires a shorter recovery period, and does not leave scars.

Despite its advantages, laparoscopy is a surgical intervention, therefore, it has some limitations in the postoperative period. The patient requires special nutrition, hospital stay, restriction physical activity. Carrying a child is stressful for the mother's body, therefore pregnancy after laparoscopy possible but after a certain amount of time after the operation.

Indications and contraindications

Laparoscopy is a method of surgical intervention, which has its pros and cons. The positive aspects of this type of surgery include a quick recovery of intestinal functioning, a shorter stay in the hospital, and a decrease in pain and scars.

Another advantage of laparoscopy is the expansion of the surgeon's view, since special equipment is used during the operation, which magnifies the image by 20 or more times.

The disadvantages of laparoscopy include the complexity of its implementation, this operation requires special skills from the surgeon. With such an intervention, there is no sense of depth, the doctor's range of motion narrows. The laparoscopy specialist must have developed "non-intuitive" skills, since the blade of the instrument is directed in the opposite direction from the hands.

At the present stage of medicine, laparoscopy is used for many diseases, including gynecological ones. Planned operations of this type are used for the following pathologies:

  • cysts, tumors, polycystic ovaries;
  • proliferation of the epithelium of the uterus polyps;
  • chronic pelvic pain;
  • myoma, adenomatosis of the uterus;
  • adhesive process in the fallopian tubes.
Laparoscopy is also performed for emergency indications: in tubal pregnancy, ovarian apoplexy, appendicitis and others. acute diseases abdominal and pelvic organs. Among the main contraindications to this type of surgical interventions are the patient's serious condition, severe obesity and oncological diseases of parenchymal organs (liver, kidneys, etc.).

Rehabilitation after laparoscopy:

Postoperative period

Usually laparoscopy is done under general anesthesia, the patient wakes up 2-3 hours after the operation. At this time, he may experience pain in the area of ​​​​punctures, painkillers (Ketorol, Diclofenac) are used to stop them. Also, the patient may experience vomiting, nausea, dizziness, discomfort in the throat from the tube - the consequences of anesthesia.

It is recommended to get up at least 8 hours after the operation. and only when needed. Patients receive prophylactic therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics. Postoperative sutures are removed after a week, until this time you should not take a bath, lift things more than 3 kilograms. It is not recommended to have sexual intercourse for 2 weeks, you can return to sports activities after a month.

The first day after laparoscopy is not recommended to eat, only water without gas is allowed. The next day, broths and soft cereals should be included in the diet. The first 5 days you need to limit the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, all food should be steamed. Within 1 month after the operation, it is not recommended to eat fried, smoked, spicy food.

Scars after 4 months from the date of laparoscopy:

Pregnancy after laparoscopy

Laparoscopy cannot be the cause of female infertility; after its implementation, the chances of pregnancy do not decrease, and sometimes even increase. According to statistics within a year after this operation, 85% of patients manage to conceive a child. The remaining 15% have pathologies not associated with surgery.

Approximately 15% of women who undergo laparoscopy become pregnant a month later. Another 20% of patients manage to conceive a child in the interval from six months to a year after the operation. The rest of the women become pregnant within 2 to 6 months.

Attention! The time after which a woman should try to conceive a child depends on her condition and diagnosis, therefore, in this issue She should follow the advice of her doctor.

Pregnancy after laparoscopy of the fallopian tubes for adhesions is possible 4 weeks after the operation. With this operation, the greatest probability of its occurrence is up to three months after surgery. Later, a recurrence of the pathology is possible. If a woman underwent laparoscopy for a tubal pregnancy, she is recommended to postpone the next attempt for 2-3 months, since the body needs time to recover.

Planning a pregnancy after laparoscopy to remove an ovarian cyst should be no earlier than a month later, the exact timing depends on the condition of the woman. Usually, the organ resumes its functioning after a few days, but if this period is lengthened, attempts to conceive a child should be slightly postponed. With laparoscopy of the ovary for infertility against the background of polycystic, pregnancy should be planned in the next menstrual cycle. At later dates, there is a high probability of relapse.

Attempts to conceive a child during laparoscopic interventions due to uterine fibroids should begin at least one month after the operation. The body needs time to restore its functions and structure. Sometimes this period may increase, to clarify the recommendations, a woman needs to consult with her doctor.

With laparoscopy of endometriosis, the doctor cauterizes pathological areas in the uterine epithelium. For their healing, a certain period of time is required, it depends on the size of the focus and the localization of the process. On average, pregnancy planning after this intervention should be started after 2 months, more specific terms are determined by the doctor.

Planning for pregnancy after laparoscopic interventions for appendicitis, cholecystitis and other acute diseases should begin at least 2 months after the operation. The body must return to a physiological state after suffering a pathology that causes inflammatory reactions and changes in the functioning of all systems.

With some diseases (adhesions in the fallopian tubes, polycystic ovaries), a woman needs to conceive a child as soon as possible, since a relapse of the disease is possible after 2-3 months. But most often, the expectant mother has no time limits, but she wants to get pregnant in the near future. There are 4 rules that will help a woman conceive a long-awaited child after a surgical operation:

#one. Calculate ovulation. There are 2-3 days in the menstrual cycle when the egg is ready to fuse with the sperm. In order not to miss ovulation, a woman is recommended to use the calendar method, or a special test.

#2. Have sexual intercourse every 2 days. With too frequent intimacy, spermatozoa do not have time to accumulate in the right amount.

#3. Lead a healthy lifestyle. When planning a child, you should follow proper nutrition stop using nicotine and alcohol.

#four. Do not get out of bed for 30 minutes after intercourse. When a woman is in a horizontal position, there is a high probability of sperm from the vagina entering the uterus and fallopian tubes.