Anemia in adult women. Anemia in women: causes, symptoms, treatment

What are the consequences of low hemoglobin in women, and how to be treated.

From this article you will learn

1. Anemia in women, and how to treat?

  • Different types of anemia and their causes include
  • Risk factors
  • Symptoms of anemia in women

2. How to treat low hemoglobin in women

Anemia in women, and how to be treated?

It is also called anemia - not just a separate disease, it is a whole group of clinical and hematological various syndromes, which are united by one common point - a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in human blood, most often there is a simultaneous decrease in the number of red blood cells. The very term "anemia" cannot indicate any particular illness or disease, simply speaking, we should consider anemia one of important symptoms various pathological abnormalities. Ibn Sina wrote a lot about this in his books on medicine.

Note that there are several various types anemia, and each of them has various reasons; Iron deficiency is the most common form of the disease.

Anemia can also be caused by a lack of vitamin B12 or folic acid in the body.

What is responsible for low hemoglobin?

Iron deficiency anemia – The main symptoms are fatigue and lethargy, resulting in a lack of energy, and other symptoms include difficulty breathing or changes in vision (such as a pale complexion and dry nails). If the cause is slow blood loss, there may be no symptoms.

Also, as you know, iron is part of many other enzymes, without which our body is not able to function normally.

Risk factors

These factors increase the risk of developing anemia:

  • Lack of vitamins in the daily diet. You eat constantly foods that are low in iron, vitamin B-12 and folic acid, which can develop low hemoglobin.
  • You suffer from intestinal disorders. Persistent intestinal disorders, as well as celiac disease and Crohn's disease, can interfere with the normal absorption of all the nutrients that enter your body. small intestine from the food you eat.
  • Menstruation. In general, women who have not experienced menopause have a greater risk of iron deficiency anemia. Continuous menstruation leads to blood loss, and as a result to the disease.
  • Pregnancy. Pregnant women are quite often at risk of becoming anemic. Therefore, it is imperative to monitor nutrition and lifestyle during pregnancy.
  • various chronic diseases. If you suffer from kidney failure, cancer, or another chronic disease, you may also be at risk of getting sick. Chronic, slow blood loss from any ulcer or other source in your body can deplete iron stores very quickly, leading to iron deficiency anemia.
  • History of your family. If your relatives have suffered from hereditary anemia, namely sickle cell anemia, you may also be at an increased risk of the disease.
  • Other factors. Infections, blood disease and autoimmune disorders, alcoholism, exposure to toxic chemical substances, as well as the use of some medical drugs can affect the body's production of blood, resulting in a decrease in hemoglobin
  • Age. People over the age of 65 are at an increased risk of developing anemia.

What is the norm of hemoglobin in the blood

The normal concentration of hemoglobin in the blood in women is 12 to 16 g/dl

Causes of anemia in women

It occurs when the blood does not contain enough red blood cells. This may happen if:

  1. Your body does not produce enough red blood cells.
  2. Bleeding that results in the loss of red blood cells faster than they can be replaced.
  3. Your body destroys red blood cells.

Different types of anemia and their causes include:

  1. Iron deficiency. This anemia occurs when iron (found in meat, nuts, and some vegetables) is not enough in the body. If the disease is left untreated, it can make the patient more susceptible to illness and infection, as iron deficiency affects the immune system. rapid heartbeat) and heart failure.
    A pregnant woman also has a higher risk of developing complications before and after childbirth.
  2. Vitamin. Human body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals, including folic acid and vitamin B-12. If your body is deficient in these two components, then your diet is deficient in these and other key nutrients, and can lead to decreased production of red blood cells. In addition, some people consume sufficient amounts of vitamin B-12, but their body is simply not able to process this vitamin. With this type of disease, pernicious anemia can develop.
  3. Active bleeding- loss of blood due to severe menstrual bleeding or injury can cause disease.
  4. Crayfish. Colon cancer and gastrointestinal ulcers can also lead to anemia.
  5. chronic diseases- any long-term disease or disorder can lead to anemia, and besides, the exact mechanism of this process is still unknown, so any medical condition, cancer, or chronic infection can lead to anemia.
  6. kidney disease produce the hormone erythropoietin, which helps the bone marrow produce red blood cells. This hormone is reduced in people with chronic disease kidney or end-stage kidney disease and reduces the production of red blood cells, leading to anemia.
  7. Pregnancy- weight gain due to fluid and water, during pregnancy weakens the blood, can be reflected as anemia.
  8. Poor nutrition / Vegetarianism, raw food diet Iron is also needed for the proper production of hemoglobin. Poor nutrition is one of the main causes of low levels of folic acid and vitamin B12. Strict vegetarians who do not get enough vitamins are also at risk of developing vitamin B12 deficiency.
  9. Anemia with fatal outcome- a problem in the stomach or intestines can lead to impaired absorption of vitamin B12, and this can lead to anemia.
  10. sickle cell anemia- may be associated with the production of abnormal hemoglobin molecules, which can cause problems in the integrity of the structure of red blood cells. Sickle cell anemia can be very serious illness and is usually inherited.

Symptoms of anemia in women

Signs of iron deficiency:

  • constant weakness
  • increased fatigue under normal load
  • a sharp decline in your ability to work
  • pale skin
  • disturbance, perversion, or lack of appetite
  • cravings for non-food products (chalk)
  • depression and stress
  • persistent bad mood
  • tired look
  • dry skin
  • brittle, dull hair and nails

The insidiousness of anemia in women is that the symptoms can increase gradually and imperceptibly. A woman partially adapts to them, finds an explanation for her condition by other reasons.

Hemoglobin levels and red blood cell counts can drop drastically before she gets to see a doctor.

How to treat low hemoglobin and anemia in women

  1. It is imperative to diagnose the entire body so that the doctor can understand the causes that led to anemia. Only after the causes are eliminated is a cure possible.
  2. If the decrease in hemoglobin resulted from a lack of iron, then you just need to change your diet (eat organic lamb and beef meat, fresh liver, cottage cheese, apples, pomegranates, berries, eggs, honey, meat, beans, pumpkin seeds, a lot of greens, such as spinach, sorrel, nettle, raisins and other dried fruits, iron-fortified cereals).
  3. In severe cases, it is necessary to do a blood or red blood cell transfusion, and even iron preparations are administered intramuscularly. Personally, I have not yet met anyone who was able to recover with the help of a transfusion from a severe form of anemia.
  4. To prevent iron deficiency, you need to improve your diet. I am against iron tablets and capsules.

It is important that your body does not receive additional toxicity during the recovery process, so a few tips:

  • Don't use artificial sweeteners.
  • Avoid high fructose syrup.
  • Don't drink carbonated drinks.
  • Avoid fast foods.
  • Avoid all canned food.
  • Eliminate conventional store-bought dairy products.
  • Avoid regular beef. The best beef of those animals - which were fed only organic grass.


- Peppermint oil - refreshes and strengthens, has a strong piercing aroma that helps to disinfect the air in the body and relieve pain.

- Honey with lemon - has a natural healing smell, refreshes and helps with anemia.

There is an erroneous opinion among women that anemia, or anemia, is not particularly dangerous, and if you feel more or less normal, you can ignore it. However, this is very far from the truth, the signs of anemia in women cannot be ignored. It is very important to find out the cause of this phenomenon in a timely manner and eliminate it.

What is anemia?

The word "" is translated from Greek as "anemia". This term in medicine is characterized by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is often accompanied by a decrease in the total number of red blood cells.

The danger of anemia lies in the fact that in this condition, the internal organs receive an insufficient amount of oxygen, causing hypoxia.

Anemia can be due to one of the following reasons:

  • the body does not produce enough red blood cells;
  • due to existing bleeding, the loss of red blood cells exceeds their formation;
  • erythrocytes due to various pathologies are destroyed by the body.

Anemia is not an independent disease, so if laboratory research a decrease in hemoglobin level is established, it is necessary to carry out full examination women to determine its cause.


Anemia in women most often develops due to a lack of iron in the body. The main causes of iron deficiency anemia:

  • chronic and acute bleeding;
  • diseases of the digestive system, which significantly impair the absorption of iron from incoming food;
  • the presence of worms that slow down the absorption of vitamins involved in the hematopoietic process;
  • gynecological diseases accompanied by bleeding, menstrual irregularities;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the internal genital organs;
  • pregnancy;
  • insufficient amount of iron entering the body due to the lack of meat, dairy products or protein foods in the diet.

Signs of anemia

In order to consult a doctor in a timely manner, it is necessary to know how anemia manifests itself, what health disorders may indicate its development. Such violations include:

  • constant unreasonable weakness;
  • the onset of fatigue with habitual physical exertion;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • pale coloration skin and mucous membranes;
  • a change in appetite, manifested in the desire to consume foods that are not food, for example, clay or chalk;
  • dryness and brittleness of hair and nails;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • increase in heart rate;
  • violation of the perception of smells, the smells of paint, gasoline and acetone become pleasant;
  • recurring bad mood;
  • distraction, inability to concentrate;
  • reduced level hemoglobin in blood tests.

All these symptoms cannot be ignored by trying to come up with a suitable reason to justify their appearance. They can often be signs of anemia, in particular iron deficiency, and it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Most often, anemia occurs in women at risk. These include:

  • women who are overly addicted low calorie diets that do not contain meat products;
  • women whose periods last more than seven days, especially if the color of the discharge remains bright red throughout;
  • pregnant women whose body consumes a large number of iron for the formation and development of the fetus;
  • women suffering from frequent bleeding from the nose or rectum;
  • women with a hereditary low level of hemoglobin;
  • smoking women;
  • women who are or have been donors in the past.

What to do if anemia is detected?

Treatment of anemia in women should begin after the cause that caused its development is established and eliminated. It is important to ensure proper nutrition and a normal mode of work and rest.

To eliminate the lack of iron in the body, iron-containing preparations are prescribed, and the duration of treatment can be up to six months. Along with them, you need to take vitamins.

Modern iron preparations contain substances that improve the absorption of this chemical element. In the case of a severe form of anemia, drugs are injected into the body, and in especially neglected cases, even blood transfusions have to be resorted to. First positive results in the treatment of anemia should be noticeable 10 days after the start of treatment.

The diet of women with anemia should include more foods high in iron. You should not consume dairy products, because due to the intake of calcium in the body, the absorption of iron is reduced. It is better to stop drinking coffee and other drinks containing caffeine. Food with coarse fibers also interferes with the absorption of iron.

The treatment menu for anemia should include dishes prepared from the following products:

  • meat and liver;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • various cereals;
  • products plant origin(greens, dried fruits and legumes);
  • mushrooms.

Product The amount of iron, mg/100 g Product The amount of iron, mg/100 g
dried mushrooms 35 Liver 20
Lentils 11,8 oysters 9,2
Cocoa 11,7 mussels 6,7
wheat bran 11,1 Chicken egg yolk 6,7
Soya 9,7 beef heart 4,8
Beans 7,9 Rabbit meat 4,4
Buckwheat 6,7 Pig's heart 4,1
Peanut 4,6 Beef 3,6
Dogwood 4,1 Pork tongue 3,2
Rye bread 3,9 Mutton 3,1

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine allows you to normalize the level of iron with a slight decrease. Recipes of healers are based on the use of foods and herbs rich in iron.

  • It is useful to use mulberries in any form.
  • Rowan juice take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day, especially useful for women during menstruation.
  • Mix freshly squeezed beetroot juice with an equal amount of carrot juice and take half a glass 2-3 times a day.
  • Very good results can be achieved if a small piece of propolis (about half a teaspoon) is chewed 3 to 5 times a day, and then swallowed.
  • It is useful to take 100 g of honey daily for one month.
  • You can drink cranberry juice or eat a handful of fresh cranberries. The same goes for grenades.
  • Place 2 tablespoons of rose hips in a thermos, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Insist during the night, drink twice a day.
  • Grind buckwheat into powder and take 1 teaspoon three times a day with cold water.
  • Squeeze juice from fresh melon and take 1 glass 2-3 times a day.
  • Grind in a meat grinder 400 g of dried apricots, prunes, raisins and walnuts. Add 400 g of honey, mix thoroughly and take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day.

Can there be complications of anemia?

With absence timely treatment anemia, despite its seeming harmlessness, can lead to various complications. They can appear in the following states:

  • deterioration of memory and concentration;
  • causeless irritability;
  • exacerbation of a history of various diseases internal organs;
  • the onset of coma due to insufficient oxygenation of brain cells.

If the treatment of anemia is started in a timely manner, the doctor's recommendations are carried out without violations, then it is quite easy to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Prevention measures

In order for the amount of iron in the blood to not decrease below acceptable levels during anemia, it is necessary to consume foods containing this element in sufficient quantities.

Particular care must be taken when following various diets, in particular, those who exclude the use of meat and other sources of iron. At this time, it is necessary to periodically monitor the level of hemoglobin.

Preventive measures can help with drug treatment various stages of anemia, but certainly not a substitute for it.

Women who are vegetarians need to remember that iron from plant foods is absorbed much worse than from meat, so iron intake should be more than the daily allowance.

It is very important to provide required level the presence of iron in pregnant women, because with its deficiency, the body is harmed not only by the mother, but also by the developing child. It is not for nothing that the daily need for iron for pregnant women is 1.5 times higher than for non-pregnant women.


Iron deficiency anemia is a rather serious problem that requires immediate treatment under the supervision of a doctor. It is strongly not recommended to engage in self-medication, because it is important not only to normalize the blood test indicators, but also to establish the cause that caused their deterioration.

To prevent the development of iron deficiency, you need to monitor your diet, periodically take a blood test and treat diseases that can cause bleeding in a timely manner.

Anemia is a condition characterized by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood. This is not an independent disease, but a symptom that indicates that not everything is in order with the body. There are several types of anemia. Iron deficiency anemia is diagnosed in 80% of cases. It develops due to an insufficient amount of iron in the body.

The reasons

The following reasons can lead to the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Chronic bleeding(in 80% of cases):

  • uncontrolled donation;
  • loss of blood during transfusion or hemodialysis;
  • pulmonary and nosebleeds;
  • neoplasms in bladder and kidneys, polycystic kidney disease, urolithiasis disease, chronic pyelo- and glomerulonephritis;
  • fibroids, endometriosis, heavy and prolonged menstruation;
  • bleeding from the digestive tract: hemorrhoids, neoplasms, hookworm invasions, colonic diverticula, varicose veins esophageal veins, erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer.

Insufficient absorption of iron as a result of such diseases:

  • intestinal amyloidosis;
  • malabsorption syndrome;
  • chronic enteritis;
  • resection of the small intestine.

Increased need for iron during sports, pregnancy and lactation, during intensive growth.

Insufficient intake of iron from food in vegetarians.

Together with food, a woman’s body should receive 15 mg of iron daily, and for pregnant women this figure is 30 mg.


Iron deficiency anemia in women manifests itself in the following signs:

  • decreased performance, malaise, general and muscle weakness;
  • drowsiness, reduced concentration, fatigue, dizziness, headache, fainting;
  • tingling and dryness of the tongue, change in taste;
  • sensation foreign body in the throat, impaired swallowing, shortness of breath, palpitations;
  • dry hair and skin, brittle nails;
  • itching and burning of the vulva;
  • atrophic changes in the mucous membranes of the genital and respiratory organs, in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • loss of appetite, the need for salty, spicy, sour foods.

suspect iron deficiency anemia possible in appearance. The skin becomes pale, flabby, dry, flaky, cheeks blush easily. Hair rapidly turns gray and thin, easily broken, thinner, gray, lose shine. Nails become brittle, stratify, flatten, become dull and thin, white stripes appear on them. At severe forms anemia, the nail plate becomes concave.


To diagnose iron deficiency anemia, the doctor directs patients to take a general and biochemical analysis blood. The result of a general blood test will show the level of red blood cells, reticulocytes and platelets, and a biochemical one will show the concentration of hemoglobin, bilirubin, ferritin, and iron.

The doctor can refer the patient to a consultation with a gynecologist to rule out pathologies of the uterus and appendages. The examination plan also includes endoscopic and X-ray examination of the intestines and stomach in order to exclude neoplasms, ulcers, polyps, diverticulum, ulcerative colitis. If there is reason to assume pulmonary siderosis, then they are sent for tomography and radiography of the lungs, sputum examination. If kidney disease is suspected general analysis urine, X-ray and ultrasound examination of the organ.


For effective treatment of iron deficiency anemia in women, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause and, if possible, eliminate it (treat the underlying disease or eliminate the source of bleeding). Therapy of anemia should be complex. The treatment program consists of the following activities:

  • elimination of the cause of anemia;
  • complete medical nutrition;
  • ferrotherapy - replenishment of iron deficiency in the body;
  • relapse prevention.

Anemia sufferers need a varied diet that includes plant-based foods (bread, buckwheat, rice, raisins, pomegranates, prunes, dried apricots, spinach, peas, parsley, soybeans, beans) and meat products(liver, veal). However, with the help of diet alone, it is impossible to compensate for iron deficiency in the body. Even when eating exclusively high-calorie foods containing trace elements, vitamins, iron salts and animal protein, about 3-5 mg of iron per day is absorbed in the body. Therefore, with anemia, it is imperative to prescribe iron supplements.

The list is currently medicines containing iron is wide enough. They differ in the following ways:

  • composition: different iron content, the presence of additional components;
  • dosage form: drops, tablets, capsules, solution for injections.

We list the drugs most commonly used to treat anemia in women: Totema, Ferrum lek, Ferroceron, Ferroplex, Ferrogradum, Feramid, Tardiferon, Maltofer.

The World Health Organization recommends the use of products containing ferrous iron in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. The daily dose is 2 mg/kg of elemental iron. The duration of treatment is at least 3 months, in some cases up to 4-6 months. A good iron supplement should have the following properties:

  • optimal amount of iron;
  • simple scheme of application;
  • minimum side effects;
  • the presence of components that stimulate hematopoiesis and enhance absorption;
  • the best price-quality ratio.


To avoid the development of iron deficiency anemia, the following measures are recommended.

Complaints about constant fatigue, drowsiness and loss of interest in life are quite common. One after another, “fashionable” diagnoses appear - “ burnout syndrome”, chronic fatigue and others like them. However, everything can be much simpler: the above condition can cause a long-known anemia, the symptoms of which, in women, appear somewhat brighter than in men.

latin word anemia, which gave the name of the famous disease, literally means "without blood." And this is no coincidence: the causes of the disease state really come from our veins.

In the vast majority of cases, about 90%, the cause of anemia in adults is iron deficiency. In this case, the body cannot receive in the required volume the substances necessary for the formation of hemoglobin in erythrocytes, the main task of which is to transport oxygen. As a result, the cells do not receive nutrition in the right amount, and this affects the work of the whole organism.

In such conditions, it is simply not able to function at 100%.

iron deficiency in female body can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • severe blood loss during menstruation;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • malnutrition, trendy diets are especially dangerous, involving consumption of no more than 1000 kcal per day, as well as long-term mono-diets;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • features of the body that do not allow the absorption of iron in full;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • donation on an ongoing basis.

How is female anemia different?

Most of the patients diagnosed with this belong to the beautiful half of humanity. Statistics say that 15% of women who have menstruation and 30% of pregnant women suffer from it.

The female body is much more complex than the male body. Their well-being is largely related to the monthly cycle. During certain periods, the symptoms of many diseases appear brighter and more painful.

This can be attributed to anemia.

Ask your question to the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Anna Poniaeva. Graduated from the Nizhny Novgorod medical academy(2007-2014) and residency in clinical laboratory diagnostics (2014-2016).

If in the middle of the cycle it does not manifest itself so clearly, then during menstruation, when significant blood loss occurs, they become much more noticeable.

The greater susceptibility of women to this disease may also be related to the diet. Historically, it so happened that meat, fatty and high-calorie foods are considered “male” food in our country. Ladies are used to choosing lighter foods, giving preference to vegetables, fruits, cereals with a small energy value. This further provokes the disease.

In general, symptoms of anemia in women and men similar. However, the state of fatigue and drowsiness, characteristic of this disease, is somewhat stronger in women. Doctors note that men often do not notice its symptoms at all, continuing to live as usual, even with low hemoglobin.

However, this does not mean that women are much less likely to start the disease. Often, its manifestations will be explained by fatigue, lack of sleep, or the same menstrual cycles.

However, believing that “it will pass by itself”, one has only to rest and gain strength, is wrong.


Depending on the characteristics of the body, the first signs of anemia in women may vary significantly. However, there are several symptoms common to most carriers of this disease.

Fatigue, lethargy, constant desire to sleep

The energy that makes people move, work, act is result of oxidative reactions that occur in the body. The most important component of this process is oxygen. With anemia, red blood cells are not able to supply the amount of oxygen needed for it.

Accordingly, one should not expect oxidative reactions.


The people called anemia leukemia for a reason. The fact is that it is hemoglobin that is the main coloring matter. Its deficiency affects appearance skin. This is especially noticeable on the eyelids, gums and at the base of the nails.

Anemia, also called anemia, is a collection of hematological syndromes, the main symptom of which is low hemoglobin, against which there is a decrease in the number of red blood cells. Anemia is a phenomenon that can be a symptom of various diseases. Many diseases of the internal organs, especially the liver, intestines and spleen, are accompanied by anemia. Therefore, the diagnosis of anemia itself requires additional research, since the correct treatment depends on its cause.

The main syndrome of anemia is low hemoglobin

Depending on the causes that caused the disease, anemia can be:

  • Hypoplastic. Caused by violations bone marrow, due to which the process of blood formation changes.
  • Hemolytic. Red blood cells are destroyed much faster than new ones are created.
  • Posthemorrhagic. It is caused by severe blood loss as a result of injury or trauma.
  • Scarce. Such anemia is caused by a lack of important trace elements, most often iron.

Features of iron deficiency anemia

This type of anemia is the most common and affects mainly women. Approximately 30% of women of reproductive age have signs of mild anemia, but do not attach any importance to it, taking it for mild fatigue. A decrease in hemoglobin for a long time may not be noticeable, since anemia in women develops gradually. In the vast majority of cases, it is caused by too much blood loss during menstruation or due to gynecological diseases.

After 40, the signs of illness in women become most noticeable, since at this age women rarely take care of themselves carefully, fatigue accumulates and the desire to be in time everywhere affects. Unfortunately, in our women, this condition is considered the norm, not the exception. The “inability” of the body to distribute iron and make reserves also affects. At a young age, girls rarely suffer from anemia, do not think about their diet, but pregnancy, diet, possible vegetarianism, stress, fatigue consume iron in the body, for its needs the body begins to take it from the tissues (hidden iron deficiency), and then from the blood . Thus, at the age of 40, a woman often feels unwell due to iron deficiency, which has been formed over the years.

After the age of 50, when menopause occurs, anemia often resolves as a woman no longer loses blood during her period.

Causes of iron deficiency anemia in women

Iron deficiency anemia develops under the influence of various factors. These include:

  • Gynecological diseases accompanied by blood loss: fibroids, too long menstruation (hypermenorrhea),;
  • Wrong, inadequate nutrition;
  • Hereditary features;
  • Intestinal bleeding. This is one of the most annoying factors, as it can be difficult to detect. Unlike, bleeding in the intestines may not give painful sensations, and they can be identified only by the changed color of the stool. Usually, few people pay attention to such trifles, because of which a person can lose 10-20 ml per day daily.

In addition to direct causes, there are also risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing the disease:

  • A diet low in folic acid, iron, and vitamin B-12. Typically, this picture is observed in women who refuse to eat meat or animal food in general, while not choosing the right vegetarian diet.
  • Frequent bowel disorders that interfere with absorption beneficial substances . Especially contributes to the reduction of hemoglobin.
  • Pregnancy. During pregnancy, the body consumes more iron than in the normal state, as it is necessary to ensure the blood circulation of the fetus. For this reason, the expectant mother needs to regularly check the level of hemoglobin in the blood in order to take action in time. Anemia can also be seen with breastfeeding and in the first time after childbirth.
  • lingering illnesses. , diseases of the liver, intestines and spleen, ulcers slowly but surely lead to constant blood loss, and as a result - to anemia.
  • Family history. Some types of anemia (sickle cell anemia) are inherited.
  • Lifestyle. Bad habits, constant stress, heavy work load, insufficient rest and sleep can cause this disease.
  • Donation. One-time blood donation is not dangerous for healthy person, but systematic donation can lead to anemia, especially if nutrition is not enhanced at this time.

Signs of anemia in women

Anemia is a disease whose symptoms are often mistaken for banal fatigue or lack of sleep. If a woman has at least half of the following symptoms already long time, then this is a reason to see a doctor.

  • Weakness, general fatigue, decreased performance.
  • Sometimes without visible reasons subfebrile temperature appears.
  • Spasms of the legs and arms, goosebumps and numbness.
  • Impaired coordination of movements, trembling, muscle weakness.
  • Violation heart rate shortness of breath even with minimal exertion.
  • , darkening in the eyes, it is difficult to concentrate on anything.
  • Nausea, lack of appetite, vomiting, stomach pain, belching, feeling of weakness.
  • Unexpected preferences in tastes and smells - a person tries to eat dry cereals and pasta, he wants to eat clay, he likes the smell of paint and acetone, etc.
  • Sensation of a foreign body in the throat, difficulty breathing and swallowing. There is a change in epithelial cells, which causes dryness and irritation in the mouth, small sores in the corners of the mouth, itching and dryness in the vagina.

Anemia has pronounced characteristic symptoms
  • Nails become dry and brittle, noticeably flattened. If anemia has developed for a long time, then the nails acquire a concave shape.
  • Pale skin with a marble effect (vessels are visible through the skin). Sometimes the skin may have a greenish tint.

Consequences of anemia

Even though none of the symptoms look frightening, treatment of anemia in women is necessary, as the consequences of this disease can be dire. Reduced hemoglobin leads to oxygen starvation of all tissues and organs, including the brain.

Anemia without treatment can lead to the following results:

  • violation of the work of all internal organs, the appearance of edema, digestive disorders;
  • work disruption nervous system, emotional instability, insomnia, decreased mental abilities;
  • disruption of the heart. Trying to compensate for the lack of erythrocytes, it starts to work in a more intensive mode, wears out quickly and also experiences oxygen starvation. As a result, with severe anemia, cardiac arrest is not uncommon;
  • decline and susceptibility to various infectious diseases. The likelihood of autoimmune diseases increases.

How to treat anemia

Let our grandmothers forgive us, but the usual recommendation in the spirit of “eat well”, especially buckwheat porridge, apples White pouring and pomegranates, frankly, is not enough. As a preventive measure - for health, but in the form of treatment - no. Especially when the anemia is already “aged”, running (hemoglobin numbers for mild stage- 90-100 g / l, moderate - 80-90 g / l, severe - below 80 g / l).

It is not necessary, guided by an inner instinct, to buy iron-containing preparations and vitamins in pharmacies for anemia and use them without any control:

  • First, these drugs have side effects, among which - it turns out to be the most harmless
  • secondly, in any case, anemia is treated taking into account personal specifics, and you have every chance of drinking a “not your own” drug, which, even if it does not cause harm, will not be able to help.

Important! In no case should you buy iron supplements at random and drink them just like that at any time of the day at your own peril and risk.

To determine the “own” drug in order to begin the treatment of iron deficiency, it is necessary to pass many different tests and tests. There are many aspects to treatment. this disease that differ from person to person. How exactly your treatment will take place is dictated only by general state your body, but it is also determined by numerous (and sometimes very complex) laboratory tests and studies. Be patient and go through them all. This will greatly help your doctor to make a diagnosis: anemia is not treated at random, this process involves understanding the full picture of your illness.

To inspire you a little, we will share with you the forecasts of doctors: with the right treatment (if the doctor is competent, and the patient, in turn, is patient), iron deficiency anemia will be defeated, maybe even in a year. And in this case, a pleasant discovery awaits you: a completely full-blooded life with total absence anemia. With timely and effective treatment the prognosis is usually favorable.

Prevention of anemia

Prevention measures (aka anemic prophylaxis) are initially aimed at preventing the formation of anemia in principle, and only after that at restoring the iron index in the body in the initial stages of the disease. Preventive measures to cure iron deficiency anemia of the third stage (severe) will not work, no matter how hard you try. But in "alliance" with the treatment of the disease, you can also be prescribed proper nutrition.

Proper nutrition– the key to successful treatment and prevention of anemia

The human body can absorb iron from two main sources: animal products (chicken, beef, fish) and plant products (lentils, beans, spices). It is necessary to eat two types of food, of course, unless for some reason your doctor prescribes the opposite.

The daily dose of iron is determined by sex and age:

  • Children (ages 1 to 10): 7-10 mg daily.
  • Women (ages 19 to 50): 18 mg daily.
  • Pregnant women: 27 mg daily.
  • Men (age 19 and older): 8 mg daily.