Neurology in children under one year old: causes, symptoms. How to treat nervous disorders in children? News & Events

Even a perfectly healthy child during the period of growing up should visit a neurologist about 20 times: at birth (in the maternity hospital), at 1, 3, 6, 9 months, and starting from the first year - 2 times a year, and from the fourth year - annually.

Such close attention to the health of the child from the side neurologist it is not at all accidental: on the one hand, children often have irregularities in work nervous system which can adversely affect their mental and physical development. On the other hand, childhood is the period of a person's life, during which the body's possibilities for the complete restoration of even completely lost functions are the widest.

Consultation of a pediatric neurologist will help parents to make sure that the child is healthy, or to identify violations at the very initial stages, when the disease can be overcome with little effort.

A child under one year old: when is a pediatric neurologist needed?

Help pediatric neurologist necessary if:

  • The child is constantly crying, he has increased excitability;
  • There are problems with sleep (sleep is superficial, often wakes up);
  • There are problems with food (the child is spitting up a lot, with a fountain);
  • During crying, when excited or in a calm state, you notice that the baby's chin and arms are shaking;
  • The child lags behind in development, does not know how to do what is supposed to be according to age norms;
  • The baby, when resting on the legs (on "toe" or foot), bends the fingers;
  • There are twitching of the arms and legs (convulsions) during the rise in temperature;
  • If the child was injured in the head, neck, back;
  • If the child has convulsions, convulsive seizures;
  • If you are worried about your child's behavior.

A child after a year: when do you need a consultation with a neurologist?

You should definitely make an appointment with a pediatric neurologist if:

  • Your child sleeps restlessly, wakes up frequently, has trouble falling asleep;
  • The child complains of frequent headaches, dizziness, fainting;
  • The child is lagging behind in physical, speech or mental development from children of their own age;
  • It is difficult for a sufficiently adult child (over 5 years old) to concentrate, memory is impaired, he is restless, quickly gets tired;
  • A child over 4 years of age suffers from urinary incontinence (enuresis): wakes up wet at night or urinates under him during the day;
  • Decreased vision and transient visual impairment, that is, the child complains of a temporary decrease in it, a look "into the pipe", a veil before the eyes, etc .;
  • The child has spontaneous (not associated with trauma) nosebleeds;
  • Poor transport tolerance;
  • The child suffered a traumatic brain injury.

Neurological examination at Medford

What happens at the appointment of a pediatric neurologist?

  • The doctor will listen to complaints, ask about past diseases and lifestyle, assess the level of development of the child, give recommendations on the prevention of painful conditions in the child; will help to understand why the movements of the child have any peculiarities or why the child has not yet learned what his peers already know;
  • During the examination, vision, muscle strength, coordination, reflexes and sensitivity are checked;
  • Depending on the results obtained, he will prescribe additional examinations and (or) treatment.

In our medical center small patients, if necessary, can pass full examination, including:

  • Ultrasound diagnostics, at which it is possible to assess the state of cerebral vessels and cervical, as well as the structure of the brain (ultrasonography, neurosonography). Ultrasound diagnostics are carried out by leading neurologists and neurosurgeons, who, if necessary, can immediately conduct a professional assessment of the state of the nervous system, make a diagnosis and prescribe further treatment;
  • Electroencephalography (EEG), with the help of which it is also completely painless for the child to determine the functional state of the brain, its electrical activity;
  • consultation neuro-ophthalmologist, where the doctor will look at the state of eye health, according to the condition of the vessels of the fundus and eye symptoms determine the presence or absence of pathology of the nervous system. The examination is also completely painless and safe;
  • Reception defectologist and speech therapist who will be able to determine the existing delay in the development of speech, and, if necessary, conduct a course of remedial classes;
  • consultation child psychologist who will objectively assess the development of your child and help you cope with problems, if any;
  • Advanced psycho-neurological counseling leading professors in the field of neurology and psychology (unlimited treatment and consultation visit);
  • Online consulting with professors-neurosurgeons from leading departments of the Russian Federation.

"Complex neurological programs"

Reception leads:

Prikhodko Vasily Vasilievich

Functional diagnostics doctor Neurologist Epileptologist


  • Residency in the specialty "Neurologist", Ural State medical Academy(2007)
  • Diploma in the specialty "Medicine", Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy of the Federal Agency for Health and social development(2009)
  • Internship in the specialty "Neurology", Ural State Medical Academy (2010)

Refresher courses

  • "Functional Diagnostics", Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2012)
  • "Clinical Electroencephalography", School of Clinical Electroencephalography and Neurophysiology. L.A. Novikova (2012)
  • "Vegetative Disorders", First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov (2016)
  • "General electromyography" (2016)

Member of medical associations

  • Member of the Society of Neuromuscular Diseases Specialists.


  • Diagnosis and treatment of paroxysmal conditions, including epilepsy in children and adults;
  • Diagnosis and treatment of neurological pathology in children;
  • Delayed motor development;
  • Disorders of psychological development;
  • Speech disorders;
  • Emotional and behavioral disorders in children and adolescence;
  • Tiki;
  • Headache;
  • Somatoform disorders of the autonomic nervous system;
  • sleep disorders;
  • hereditary diseases nervous system;
  • Diagnosis and treatment of neurological pathology in adults;
  • cognitive impairment;
  • pain syndromes;
  • Functional disorders nervous system;
  • Conducting neurophysiological examinations: EEG, EEG - video monitoring, surface stimulation electromyography, needle electromyography.

Reception leads:

Nosko Anastasia Sergeevna

Botulinum Therapy Specialist

Candidate of Medical Sciences


  • Neurology;
  • Botulinum therapy.

Since 2006, he has been actively using drugs for botulinum therapy in his practice to correct increased muscle tone in patients with cerebral palsy, the consequences of strokes, injuries and neuroinfections, spastic torticollis, dystonia various genesis. During her internship in the UK, she mastered a unique technique for performing injections under ultrasound guidance.


  • MMA them. I.M. Sechenov, specialty "Medicine";
  • Clinical Residency in Neurology at the Department of Neurology childhood"RMAPO (Moscow);
  • PhD thesis defense in 2007.

Refresher courses:

  • Specialization in clinical EEG (L.A. Novikova School of Clinical Electroencephalography and Neurophysiology) and ultrasound diagnostics in pediatrics (RMAPO).


  • In 2011, she received a scholarship established by the Princess Diana Trust to study young scientists in the UK, and completed an internship under the Clinical Fellow contract at the Great Ormond Street Hospital (London): Department of Neurological Disability and Botulinum Therapy. Wolfson and Neuro-Muscular Center. Dubovitz;
  • Member of the European Society of Pediatric Neurologists.

Work experience:

  • Employee of the Department of Pediatric Neurology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, where he conducts teaching and scientific activities;
  • Between 2006 and 2011 - Head of the Psycho-Neurological Department of the Russian rehabilitation center"Childhood", specializing in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of children with diseases such as cerebral palsy, the consequences of CNS injuries, neuroinfections, strokes, neuromuscular diseases, CNS malformations, Down's syndrome and mental development disorders of various origins.

Our phone:

address: Aviamotornaya st., 4, building 3

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  • Natalia

    The doctor is positive. I liked the doctor with his approach to the child and the quality of the consultation. The appointment lasted an hour. She explained everything to us plain language. We signed up for a follow-up appointment.

  • Lily

    I am from another city and was looking for the best doctor. I really liked Vasily Vasilyevich, he is an attentive specialist, he explained everything to me on the problem. He is very attentive, kind and professional in his work.…

  • Larisa

    The reception was very attentive, excellent and professional. The doctor asked me professional questions and listened to everything carefully. Explained to me what was worth trying and what was not.

  • Olga

    Murad Ikramovich has a lot of knowledge. The doctor answered very detailed and explained everything to the parents in an understandable language. He listened carefully and examined the child.

  • Elizabeth

    I would like to express my gratitude to the doctor-neurologist Gadzhiev! A good, wonderful doctor, plus he is very sensitive, he approaches people well and accepts not just to get rid of. The doctor looked at my results...

  • Maria

    We express our gratitude to the psychologist - Stenfeld Seraphim - for help in solving complex issues and a positive attitude! You are a true professional!

  • Samokhin

    I want to express my gratitude and say a huge thank you to Dr. Proskuryakov Kirill Vladimirovich! For his excellent attitude towards patients, understanding. He is a specialist with a capital letter. He explains everything…

  • Marina

    Chamkina L.N. is a wonderful doctor of functional diagnostics, they did an enmg for a 2-year-old child. Very carefully and accurately carried out the procedure, the doctor gave the result immediately, answered all our questions,. Us…

  • Zalina

    A very attentive doctor. He knows his job. Murad Ikramovich listened to me attentively, wrote out appointments and additional examinations. It is immediately clear that he is in the right place.

  • Elena

    I liked the neurologist Zhamyanov Valery. He made a favorable impression. I liked the thoroughness, attentiveness. He listened and asked questions. We are satisfied and will use him again.

  • Anastasia

    Psychologist Yevgeny Vyacheslavovich is very pleasant, knows how to find contact, create a suitable environment. In general, I really liked it.

  • Tatiana

    I liked everything. Serafima is very good, attentive, the approach is very good, the child and I are satisfied. A psychologist of a good, high level, helped the child.

  • Hope

    I liked Dr. Hajiyev and it seems to me that he professionally assessed the situation and gave the necessary recommendations.

  • Julia

    Everything was wonderful. We were taken care of and listened to. Everything is top notch. Everything he could, Gadzhiev did.

  • Natalia

    All was good. We liked Seraphim and will go again. She gave us helpful and helpful advice.

  • Medea

    Wonderful welcome. Not one professor can be compared with Murad Ikramovich. It's just a find.

  • Dmitry

    I went to this clinic for ultrasound diagnostics. Great service! Attentive staff. Fast, clear, efficient. Thank you!

  • Evgenia

    I liked everything, the doctor gave the impression of a pleasant and sensitive person, as well as a competent specialist (because there is something to compare with) The price is quite acceptable. It’s too early to talk about the results, as it remains to be…

  • Olesya

    Gadzhimurad Ikramovich, the best doctor I have met. After inspection, he wrote good treatment, the result was not long in coming and from the first days of taking the prescribed medications, the state of health improved, which ...

  • Sofia

    Everything was great, I was very satisfied. Anastasia Nosko just cured. I am very pleased to have met her.


  • 30.04.2019
    Congratulations on the coming spring holidays!

    On behalf of the entire team of our clinic, we wish you a good rest, gain strength and energy, recharge with vitamin D in the first days of May! The schedule of our work for the holidays: May 1 and May 9 - a day off! The rest of the days we work as usual from 9:00 to 21:00 by appointment! Registration by phone: 8-495-011-00-30!

  • 29.12.2018
    New Year holidays 2018-2019. Schedule!

    The administration and staff of the Medford Medical Center sincerely congratulates all our regular and future visitors on the New Year and Merry Christmas! We wish you a healthy and happy new year! Holiday work schedule.

Nervous disorders in children modern world occur more and more frequently. This is due to various factors: the heavy workload that children receive in educational institutions, the lack of relationship with parents who are busy at work, the high standards set by society. It is important to recognize the warning signs in time and start working with the child. Otherwise, it can lead to serious mental problems in the future.

Nervous diseases can manifest at any age, but the increased risk occurs during periods of age-related crises:

  • 3-4 years;
  • 6-7 years;
  • 13-18 years old.

At a younger age, the child is not always able to tell what worries him. During this period, parents should be alerted by such uncharacteristic signs as:

  • Frequent whims and a state of irritability;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Increased emotionality and vulnerability;
  • Stubbornness and protests;
  • Feeling of constant tension and discomfort;
  • Closure.

The child may begin to experience difficulties with speech, even if before this time he had a good vocabulary. He may also begin to show interest in a certain direction: play with only one toy, read only one book, draw the same figures. Moreover, his games become a real reality for him, so parents can notice how much the child is passionate about at this time. He can fantasize a lot and really believe in his fantasies. With such symptoms, it is recommended to undergo a psychological diagnosis with a child psychologist, it will be especially important to do this a year before school.

When a child attends school, he may additionally show signs such as:

  • Decreased appetite;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • dizziness;
  • Frequent fatigue.

It is difficult for a child to concentrate and carry out mental activity to the fullest.

Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in adolescent children are the most serious. An unstable psyche during this period leads to the fact that they may experience:

  • Impulsiveness. Even little things can piss them off;
  • Feeling of constant anxiety and fear;
  • Fear of surrounding people;
  • Self-hatred. It is not uncommon for teenagers to dislike their own appearance;
  • Frequent insomnia;
  • hallucinations.

Of the physiological manifestations, severe headaches, disturbed pressure, signs of asthma, and so on can be noted. The worst thing is that in the absence timely treatment, a disturbed psyche can cause suicidal thoughts.

Neuropsychiatric disorders in children can have various roots. In some cases, there is a genetic predisposition to this, but not always.

Disorder can be provoked by:

  • Diseases of the child, leading to dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system;
  • Diseases of the child that affect the brain;
  • Maternal illnesses during pregnancy;
  • The emotional state of the mother during pregnancy;
  • Problems in the family: conflicts between parents, divorce;
  • Too much demands on the child in the process of education.

The last reason may seem controversial, because education is an integral part of the formation of a child. In this case, it is important that the requirements of the parents are adequate and implemented in moderation. When parents ask too much from a child, try to find in him a reflection of their unrealized potential and, moreover, put pressure on him, setting too high standards, the result only gets worse. The baby experiences depression, which directly leads to the development of disorders in the nervous system.

A very important factor that can cause mental problems in a child is the discrepancy between the emotional temperament of him and his mother. This can be expressed both in a lack of attention and in its overabundance. Sometimes a woman may note the absence of an emotional connection with a child, she takes all the necessary steps to care for him: feeds, bathes, puts him to bed, but does not want to hug him or smile at him once again. But the excessive guardianship of parents in relation to the child is not the best option, it also carries the risk of forming an unstable neuropsychic state of the child.

The presence of a phobia can also tell parents about possible problems in the child's neuropsychiatric state.

Types of neurosis in childhood

Neurosis in a child, as in an adult, is divided into several types depending on the symptoms present. Nervous system disorders in children can take the following forms:

  • Nervous tic. It occurs quite often and is expressed in the form of involuntary movements of body parts: cheeks, eyelid, shoulder, hand. The child cannot control them, while they occur during the period of his exciting or stressful state. Nervous tick disappears when the child is very passionate about something;
  • Stuttering. A small patient begins to experience difficulty with speech due to spasms of the muscles responsible for this activity. Stuttering is especially intensified during a period of excitement or in the presence of an external stimulus;
  • Asthenic neurosis. The reason for this type of disease is a large amount of stress that falls on the psyche of the child. As a result, he may suffer from frequent and abrupt mood swings, increased irritability and moodiness, lack of appetite and feelings of nausea;
  • Obsessive neurosis. It can be expressed both in constantly arising thoughts of an alarming or frightening nature, and in frequently repeated movements. The child can shake, turn his head, move his arms, scratch his head.
  • Anxiety neurosis. Children only get to know the world around them, so some things can scare them, sometimes developing a real phobia in them. Most often, fears are in the dark, loud sounds, heights, strangers;
  • Sleep neurosis. The child has difficulty falling asleep and often suffers from nightmares. All this leads to the fact that the baby does not get enough sleep and constantly feels tired;
  • Hysteria. It occurs against the backdrop of any emotional experience. The child cannot cope with his feelings and tries to attract the attention of others by crying loudly, lying on the floor, scattering objects;
  • Enuresis. In this case, neurosis is expressed in urinary incontinence. But it is important to take into account that this phenomenon, before the child reaches 4-5 years of age, may not be informative in the diagnosis of mental disorders;
  • Eating behavior. Children often express increased selectivity in eating. But if this sign appeared unexpectedly, then you should pay attention to it. Perhaps he was preceded by a violation in the psyche of the child. Excessive food intake can also indicate not only the risk of excess weight, but also the presence of neurosis;
  • Nervous allergy. It is characterized by the fact that it is very difficult to determine the source of the reaction of the body.

Depending on the condition of the child, he may experience signs of several types of neurosis at once, for example, sleep disturbance and obsessive thoughts.

Who to contact

When signs of psychological and nervous disorders appear in a child, parents should seek help from a doctor. First of all, it is worth visiting a neurologist. It is he who will be able to determine what the reason lies in the changed behavior of the child and whether there is a need for drug therapy.

The next step is to visit a psychotherapist. In some cases, parents will also need to consult, because it is not uncommon for children's neuralgic disorders to become tense relationships between them. In this case, a family psychologist who will work with all family members at the same time can help deal with the problem.


Treatment in each case is selected individually. It may include measures of one or several directions at once: taking drugs, psychological help, additional procedures.


Children are not always treated with drug therapy. The physician must, on the basis of the results of the diagnosis, determine whether medicines. If the child really needs them, then the reception can be shown to him:

  • sedatives. Most of them have vegetable origin, therefore, do not harm the child's body. Their action is to reduce the emotional stress of the child. They also contribute to the normalization of sleep;
  • Drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain. Such drugs favorably affect the condition of the vessels, expanding and providing their nutrition;
  • Antipsychotic medications. Necessary to rid the child of obsessive fears and increased anxiety;
  • Tranquilizers. They also belong to the group of sedative drugs, but have a more pronounced effect. Eliminate emotional tension, have a relaxing effect. Sleep, as a rule, becomes deeper and stronger;
  • calcium complexes. They make up for the lack of this element in the child's body, which has a positive effect on the state of his nervous system and brain function.

What kind of drug the child needs, and in what dosage, is determined only by the attending physician. Otherwise, the condition may worsen side effects from taking medication.

Family Psychotherapy

A visit to a child psychologist forms the basis of the treatment of most nervous disorders in a child. At the reception, the specialist tries to find out from the patient what exactly worries him, scares or makes him nervous. In this case, the psychologist must establish the most trusting contact with the child. If necessary, work is also carried out with parents.

In addition to working with inner world child, it is important to create conditions for his life. He must have a normalized daily routine, good sleep for at least 8 hours a day, healthy eating, as well as a balanced amount of work and rest.


All folk remedies, aimed at eliminating signs of a nervous breakdown in a child, consist in taking herbal remedies that have a sedative effect. The most popular methods are:

  • Motherwort tincture. Dry grass is brewed with boiling water and filtered through gauze. Take this remedy 1-2 teaspoon 3 times a day. Not recommended for children under 7;
  • Valerian tincture. In this case, the crushed root of the plant is poured with boiling water. Strained means drink 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day;
  • Chamomile decoction. Dry flowers are brewed with boiling water, and then infused for 3 hours. This decoction can be drunk even for babies. In the presence of neurological disorders the child is recommended to drink up to 150 ml per day.

It is important to note that herbs can cause allergic reactions, so you should first make sure that there is no intolerance to them by the child.


Prevention of nervous disorders is important not only for children who have already encountered this problem. Each parent should be aware that the child's psyche is not as developed as that of an adult, therefore, it is subject to various destabilizing factors.

In order to prevent the occurrence of neurological disorders in a child, it is important to observe the following measures:

  • Listen to his emotions. It is important not to miss the moment when he needs support or simple attention;
  • Assess the emotional potential of the child. A lot of attention is not always the best solution. Children should also have their own space;
  • Talk to him. Do not be afraid to tell your child about your feelings and thoughts. And, of course, it is important to teach him to give feedback;
  • Build trust. The child must know that the parents are always ready to listen to him and accept him, even if he has made a mistake;
  • To create conditions for the disclosure of its potential. If a child has a craving for drawing, then you should not forbid him to do this business, motivating him that, for example, sports are a more interesting activity.

In general, parents just have to learn to love and understand their child, no matter how old he is, 1 year old or 18. If this is difficult to do on your own, then you can seek help from psychological books, seminars or directly to specialists in this field.

The doctor whose visit instills fear in most Russian parents is a neurologist. Moms and dads are afraid that this particular specialist will definitely find some kind of neurological abnormality in their beloved child. And these fears are not so groundless - according to statistics, 90% of babies in our country have one or another neurological diagnosis. Is this diagnosis always reliable and are neurological problems really so common? pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky.

Features of the children's nervous system

The nervous system of a newborn undergoes the most significant changes in the process of growth. Children are born with an immature nervous system, and it has yet to be formed, strengthened. The most intense changes occur during the neonatal period and the first year of life, and therefore it will not be difficult for any neurologist to find certain neurological symptoms in a baby at 2 months or at 6 months.

During the period of the formation of the functions of the nervous system, not everything goes smoothly, says Yevgeny Komarovsky, hence the incomprehensible cry for an incomprehensible reason, spasms and tics, hiccups and regurgitation, which bring so many experiences to parents and rich food for the activities of doctors.

If mothers understand the seriousness of the processes taking place with the child, questions, fears and doubts will become much less.

The brain of a newborn is quite large compared to the body, as the child grows, the proportions change, the structure of the brain becomes more complicated, and additional furrows appear.

The most active changes occur from birth to 5 months.

The spinal cord and spine of the baby grow unevenly, and their growth evens out at its pace only by 5-6 years. The speed of transmission of nerve impulses in the nervous system of a child is different than that of an adult, and in accordance with mother's and father's, it will come only by 6-8 years.

Some of the reflexes that a newborn has, go away with time and by the year there is no trace of them, they are replaced by permanent reflexes. The sense organs in newborns function from the first minutes after birth, but not in the same way as in adults. For example, a baby begins to see clearly at about 1.5-2 months, and he can hear well already on the third day after birth.

neurological problems

When mothers with complaints of a child's trembling chin, shaking hands or regular hiccups come to the doctor, he understands perfectly well that in 99% of cases such symptoms are a variant of the norm, given the intensive process of improving the nervous system. The doctor knows that these little "troubles" will most likely go away on their own, and possibly very soon. But he, according to Komarovsky, does not want to take responsibility for your child, and therefore it is easier for him to say that the shaking chin is a neurological symptom, and prescribe a certain treatment that will not cause harm (massage, swimming in an inflatable circle on the neck, vitamins).

Of course, there are real neurological problems, and they are all very serious without exception, Komarovsky says, but they occur in only 4% of children.

Therefore, most of the neurological diagnoses made by neurologists in the clinic for the next scheduled examination of babies have little in common with real diseases.

Worst of all, if the doctor prescribes medication to the child to eliminate neurological symptoms, which by and large exist only on paper.

Real situations when such pills are needed - no more than 2-3% of all established diagnoses. But they are accepted by everyone to whom they are prescribed.

efficient drug treatment Komarovsky considers only for children of the first month of life, if they really have serious violations during childbirth. Then even they are shown only massage and physiotherapy.

When does the problem really exist?

- a diagnosis that is very fond of making children in Russian clinics. When it really is, the child needs urgent hospitalization, and not home treatment with pills, says Komarovsky. If the child is cheerful, cheerful, active, sociable, it is not necessary to treat him intracranial pressure, since it most likely does not exist at all.

The most common complaint with which parents turn to a pediatric neurologist is the child's op.

With this, in most cases, the search for a disease begins, which, most likely, will be found.

Komarovsky urges mothers to stop looking for diseases in their children and simply understand that a child has a lot of other reasons for crying - hunger, heat, a desire to communicate, a desire to attract attention, an uncomfortable diaper, and so on. All these reasons have nothing to do with neurological diseases.

Very active children are considered to be sick, they are immediately diagnosed with "hyperactivity", calm and slow children are also considered unhealthy, they are labeled "inhibition", they try to explain neurological problems bad dream and appetite. You don’t need to do this, says Yevgeny Komarovsky, since real neurological diseases are rare, and they sound menacing, probiotics and gymnastics do not cure them.

These include epilepsy, cerebral palsy, neuroses of varying severity, Parkinson's disease, encephalopathy, pathological involuntary nervous tics and other conditions, many of which are congenital.

There is no need to compare your child with other children and the norms of the development of babies that exist in theory. Your child is a personality that develops in accordance with its internal "settings", they are purely individual.

The best prevention, and at the same time the treatment of neurological alleged "problems" that exist only on the doctor's paper and in the minds of restless mothers and grandmothers, is the correct way of life for a child.

Long and regular walks, bathing, hardening, reasonable nutrition (without overfeeding), a daily routine that is convenient for mother and child, which is strictly observed, strengthening massage every day, will help to cope with hyperactivity, and with a trembling chin, and sleep disorders in a child.

Avoid overdosing on calcium and vitamin D, as these conditions can indeed cause certain problems with the nervous system. This should be discussed in more detail with the attending pediatrician, who will determine the necessary dosages for your particular child, taking into account the age, weight and health of the baby.

You will learn more about Dr. Komarovsky's opinion on neurological problems in children from the following video.

Neurology is usually called the pathology of the nervous system, although in reality it is a science that studies them. Pathological phenomena of the nervous system should never be ignored by doctors! Neurology in children - especially. Diseases of the nervous system lead to serious consequences, because the most optimistic diagnosis when ignoring the disease is a delay in the development of the speech and psychomotor apparatus. This may be followed by hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder. Such children are on the verge of neurosis, nervous tics and inappropriate behavior.

Symptoms of pathologies of the nervous system

Some signs of neurology in children are quite eloquent, so sleep disturbances, a shaking chin or arms, legs, frequent regurgitation, tucking up the toes in a standing position should alert parents. These symptoms are a reason to contact a pediatric neurologist. However, the symptoms of neurology in children may be blurred, but if it is difficult for parents to notice them, then an experienced neurologist will be able to draw the right conclusions.

Treatment of pathologies and prognosis

Fortunately, neurology in infants in most cases can be corrected and treated. The doctor should carefully analyze the features of the baby's lifestyle, starting with monitoring the mother's pregnancy. If the neurology of premature babies or infants with pathologies has an unclear etymology, then additional studies are assigned. The parents of the child are offered to conduct an examination of the baby's fundus, ultrasound, Doppler, EEG. In extreme cases, an MRI may be required.

The brain in the first months of a baby's life develops very actively, its structures mature, as well as mental and motor functions. It is for this reason that it is very important to diagnose as early as possible and prescribe effective treatment.

Combined methods are often used as treatment, combining medications, the clinical effectiveness of which has already been proven, and massages, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy. In addition, modern neuropathologists are constantly replenishing their arsenal with new methods of neurological rehabilitation: computer speech programs, methods for improving movement coordination, cerebellar stimulation, etc.

In order to be sure of the health of their child, parents should visit a neurologist every three months until the age of one. Thereafter, the inspection is carried out annually.