Astheno-neurotic behavior. Asthenic neurosis - general characteristics and methods of treatment of the disease

Currently, more and more urban residents have an official diagnosis of "neurasthenia". The symptoms of this condition are very diverse, and therefore, doctors are not always able to accurately and quickly establish the reasons why their patient constantly feels unwell. Moreover, analyzes and studies can show only slight deviations from the norm, which cannot be correlated with the suffering experienced by a person with neurasthenia.

What is neurasthenia? This condition belongs to the group of neuroses, its other names are astheno-neurotic syndrome, asthenic neurosis. ICD-10 code - F48.0.

Unlike other mental disorders, neuroses are reversible conditions. This means that with adequate therapy, a person is able to completely get rid of the symptoms of the disease and return to normal life. At the same time, neurotic disorders can be extremely stable (including due to the peculiarities of the worldview of people who suffer from them), and if the patient does not go to the doctor, then the same neurasthenia can last for years and even decades. It is believed that many neuroses disappear after 50 years, although this does not always happen.

Experts distinguish three stages or forms of neurasthenia:

  • hypersthenic form;
  • irritable weakness;
  • hyposthenic form.

Hypersthenic form

The disease usually begins at this stage. This form is manifested by increased excitability, irritability. Patients often show incontinence, aggressiveness towards others. They can be annoyed by sounds, smells, movements of people, crowded companies.

At the same time, absent-mindedness appears, the patient cannot concentrate, work efficiency decreases. During mental stress, a person constantly wants to “switch”, unable to perform routine tasks for a long time, but then with difficulty returns to his work.

Sleep problems often start. Difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings, disturbing and even nightmares. Sometimes the patient wakes up at 4-6 o'clock in the morning and can no longer fall asleep before the alarm clock. After such a “sleep”, a person gets up broken and tired, which provokes another wave of disgust for the whole world around him.

This stage is characterized by headaches of a girdle character (“neurotic helmet”), discomfort in different parts of the body, numbness, heaviness in the head, and general weakness.

Irritable weakness

The second stage of the disease is characterized by a combination of increased irritability and fatigue. Intolerance to external stimuli (smells, sounds, movement) becomes painful. Distractedness progresses, difficulty concentrating and remembering. The patient's mood is depressed, unstable, with outbreaks of aggression and periods of apathy. Sleep disturbances worsen, problems with appetite, constipation, heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach (most often not associated with eating) appear. Attacks of tachycardia, sensations of "fading heart", periods of weakness, and sexual dysfunction can be added to the headache.

Hyposthenic form

The third stage of the disease is the most difficult for the patient. Irritability fades into the background, the main state is apathy, indifference to the environment, fatigue. Since at this stage the number of bodily symptoms is very significant, the patient often worries about his condition, undergoes various examinations that do not reveal anything life-threatening. The main emotion experienced by a person with a hyposthenic form of neurasthenia is melancholy, periods of complete emotional decline are possible. But at the same time given state is not "real" depression.

Symptoms and signs of neurasthenia

According to statistics, young men aged 20 to 40 often suffer from neurasthenia, but this condition also occurs in women, and quite often. In some cases, this disorder also occurs in adolescents, as well as in young children - usually it affects impressionable, vulnerable, sensitive children in families where one of the relatives also suffers from neuroses.

How does neurasthenia manifest itself in adults and children? The clinical picture of this disorder can be very diverse, so you should not try to self-diagnose. But if you notice some of these symptoms in yourself or your child, it will not be superfluous to seek the advice of a doctor.

In addition to the above symptoms (headaches, sleep disturbances, etc.), neurasthenia can manifest itself:

  • noise and ringing in the ears.
  • dizziness.
  • muscle spasms.
  • pain in the region of the heart.
  • hand tremor.
  • increase or decrease in pressure.
  • frequent urge to urinate.

In children, this disorder can be expressed in constant fatigue, depressed mood. There are also sleep disturbances and reduced school performance due to difficulty concentrating. The child may complain of headaches, indigestion, loss of appetite.

A striking symptom of neurasthenia in adults is a disorder of sexual desire. In this case, men may experience situational impotence or premature ejaculation. Both of these phenomena are not associated with somatic disorders in the body and disappear on their own when neurasthenia is eliminated.

Treatment of neurasthenia

Psychiatrists and psychotherapists are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder. Asthenic neurosis is a mental illness, so it will be completely useless to seek help from a neurologist or therapist. They can only refer the patient to a specialized specialist and give general recommendations how to arrange work and rest.

The most common causes of neurasthenia are chronic overwork, the constant presence of a person under stress and the so-called "internal conflict", which is not recognized by the patient, but leads him to a state of persistent anxiety. All these factors require a lot of tension, which eventually begins to manifest itself in physical symptoms, nervousness and a feeling of fatigue. How to treat this condition and is it possible to get rid of it at home?

The first thing to do for a person who suspects neurasthenia or received a preliminary diagnosis from general practitioners is to undergo a diagnosis. This can be done in a regular PND, but if for some reason the patient is afraid to go there, then an experienced psychotherapist or psychiatrist in a private center can make an accurate diagnosis. The fact is that asthenia itself can be a symptom of other diseases ( anxiety disorder, depression, and so on), so the doctor, with the help of special tests and in the course of a personal conversation, must differentiate this condition from all others. It is almost impossible to do this on your own.

What can the patient do

With neurasthenia, treatment at home is possible on early stages diseases and only after professional diagnosis, which was mentioned above. The second and third phases of the disease require specialized care, which can still be "supported" by folk remedies.

The first thing that is important to do is to establish a regimen. Quality rest will not get rid of asthenia completely, but will help the patient to recover. At the same time, sleep should be at least 8 hours a day, in complete darkness. It is necessary to go to bed no later than 10 pm, as brain activity suffers from late falling asleep and symptoms are aggravated.

The patient should also review the diet, take vitamins. You can buy sedatives or mild sedatives at the pharmacy. It will be of great benefit to avoid alcohol and other bad habits. In no case should you "lean" on coffee (even natural) or tonic drinks - they all excite nervous system, which already works to the limit.

Trite, but true - patients with neurasthenia are shown playing sports. You can start with normal charging, because at first even it will require noticeable effort. As you recover, you can add more complex exercises, start going to the pool, cycling or hiking.

It has long been noticed that with such disorders, communication with nature helps well. The combination of fresh air, physical activity, "turning off" a person from all pressing problems significantly reduces the symptoms of neurasthenia. Of course, you should not immediately go into a difficult mountain hike, but a weekend in nature in a pleasant company will provide a surge of strength if the asthenic syndrome is not yet too advanced.

Psychotherapy for astheno-neurotic syndrome

Part complex therapy neurosis necessarily includes work with a psychotherapist. Even without her drug treatment will not be effective enough folk remedies won't help at all.

Psychotherapy can also be done at home, as many specialists now work via Skype. But in some cases, the best result will be from working in a group - this point must be agreed with the attending physician.

As already mentioned, among the causes of the development of neurasthenia, the main ones are the presence of chronic stress and internal conflict. In the first case, the psychotherapist teaches the client how to relax, as well as rationalization - the ability to look at life objectively, without inflating minor conflicts and troubles to the size of a huge problem. This helps to reduce stress, both mental and physical.

Internal conflict in neurasthenia is, as a rule, the inability to make a decision in any situation. For example, a patient for many years cannot choose between his family and his beloved woman, being torn "into two houses". Or suffers from indecision, if necessary, to change jobs, in which he does not feel like a necessary specialist. There can be many examples, but how to get rid of this "bifurcation"? Psychotherapy will also help here, during which the specialist will help the client make the final decision and gently endure the negative aspects associated with this choice.

In adolescents and children, the psychotherapy of neuroses has its own characteristics. For example, it is extremely important for children to feel comfortable in their family, to feel the love of their parents. If the attention of the elders in the family is directed to another child, then "deprived" of warmth and care may show signs of asthenia. The same applies to high demands, as well as restrictions and strictness in the family.

If problems of this nature are identified in a child, then not only a small patient (a child psychologist will work with him) is sent for psychotherapy, but also his parents.

Complex therapy

It is the most effective way fight neurasthenia. To the question "how to cure this syndrome?" psychiatry gives a clear answer: such disorders are best treated by lifestyle changes in combination with psychotherapy and drug support.

Only a doctor should prescribe drugs for neurasthenia! The patient will not be able to choose the right medicine needed in each specific situation. Uncontrolled reception medications (especially - stimulating action) can quickly and significantly aggravate the symptoms of the disease and bring the patient to treatment in the neurosis clinic.

Physiotherapy also gives a good result: massage, baths, electrophoresis, electrosleep. There are many resorts and sanatoriums specializing in the treatment nervous diseases, where treatment is carried out, including by physiotherapeutic methods, and the change of scenery itself, a clear regimen and the absence of chronic stress help patients feel much better.

Clinical psychologist Veronika Stepanova talks about what neurasthenia is: symptoms, forms of neurasthenia and methods of treatment.

Prevention of neurasthenia

Have you ever thought about why the first persons of the state, show business stars and other people whose work is associated with great nervous tension and the need to always “be in shape” rarely suffer from such disorders? There are certainly exceptions, but for the most part, responsible people understand that it is much easier not to bring yourself to nervous exhaustion than to treat its consequences later.

  1. The most important thing is not to "drive" yourself. Work must necessarily alternate with rest, including during the day. Legal leave is a must, since all cases cannot be redone, and the body cannot work for years in a tense rhythm.
  2. For prevention, periodic visits to a psychotherapist are very useful, even if nothing really bothers you.
  3. healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition- not just a fashion, but a necessity. Attempts to relieve stress with alcohol and other unhealthy habits lead to addictions, but do not save you from burnout and neurasthenia.
  4. Every person must pass from time to time medical examinations. This will help to identify both physical diseases and psychosomatic.


Any neurotic disorder in our time can be cured if you approach the treatment comprehensively and have a great desire to return to healthy life. The mood of the patient plays a very important role - often people refuse to change anything in their lives, "drowning out" bodily symptoms and anxiety with various drugs. This can only lead to further deterioration of the condition.

If you have neurasthenia or signs of another neurosis, start treatment on time and in the way your doctor advises you. No sedative will help you cope with asthenia if you ignore all other advice. Your health is in your hands!

Asthenic neurosis, or neurasthenia, is a psychological disease resulting from prolonged physical or emotional stress. Most often, the nervous system is depleted in people from 20 to 45 years old, during the period of active life. Working 24 hours a day, lack of rest, conflicts at work or in personal life, constant stressful situations invariably lead to the appearance of neurasthenia. The main point in the treatment of neurosis is the elimination of the main cause of the disease.

Treatment of neurasthenia

In the treatment of any psychological disease, and asthenic syndrome in particular, it is necessary to use an integrated approach. This method of therapy includes the elimination of the main cause of neurosis, the normalization of the daily routine, the use of medications and psychological techniques.

First of all, you need to change the daily routine

For clarity, you can write down all the important events in time and pay great attention to rest. Treatment of asthenic neurosis implies a clear regulation of the time of going to bed and the time of awakening. It is recommended to take walks in the park before going to bed, thus saturating the body with oxygen.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the diet, it is better to replace flour and fat with vegetables and fruits. You can’t overeat at night, yogurt or a light vegetable salad will come in handy. It will not be superfluous to change the situation, if the planned vacation is still far away, take an exciting walk on the weekend.

New impressions at the beginning of the working week will allow you to fulfill your immediate duties with great pleasure. In cases where the main place of work implies a busy schedule, especially with night shifts and nervous stress, you will have to think about changing your workplace.

The use of medications

  • To improve anabolic processes, doctors recommend taking calcium glycerophosphate and iron.
  • Also individually assigned medicines containing caffeine and bromine.
  • Asthenic-neurotic disorder involves taking tranquilizers, the regimen and dosage of which is prescribed only by the attending physician.
  • With hyposthenic neurosis, medazepam, trioxazine, strong coffee or tea are taken.
  • Thioridazine in small volumes has an antidepressant effect, and with increasing dosage it has a calming effect.
  • Sleeping pills with this form of manifestation of the disease is not prescribed.
  • With a hypersthenic variety of neurasthenia, oxazepam and elenium are recommended.

Regardless of the form of the disease, the treatment of neurasthenia is also carried out with the help of physiotherapy: aromatherapy, soothing massage, reflexology will allow tense muscles to relax and calm down. Electrophoresis with calcium and bromine ions is also widely used.

Not bad in the treatment of disorders of the nervous system to use autogenic training, swimming in the pool. Funds traditional medicine allow the use of medicinal herbs to normalize sleep and strengthen the nervous system. Valerian, motherwort, hawthorn tincture have long been used by people to calm and treat insomnia.

Contacting a specialist

If you can’t cope with a difficult situation on your own, it’s time to seek help from a doctor. A psychiatrist or neurologist can identify the symptoms of asthenic neurosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. In psychology, there are various methods of treating neurasthenia in women and men: individual and group psychotherapy, psychoanalysis. Which method better fit patient, the doctor decides after individual communication with the patient.

The main goal of treating mental disorders is to reassess the situation that caused asthenic neurosis. An experienced psychologist will help you figure out what is the main and what is secondary in the patient's life, what is worth spending your energy on, and what can be skipped.

Reassessment of life values ​​will allow you to look at the current situation from a different angle and change your attitude towards it. It often happens that a person sets himself difficult goals, and then blames himself for not achieving them.

Symptoms of asthenic neurosis

Symptoms and signs of neurasthenia are diverse. The appearance of the following symptoms should not be ignored:

  • Headache. Very often people do not pay due attention to it. Drinking a pill at the end of the working day will allow you to get rid of this for a while discomfort. Some people have a feeling of constriction, as if a narrow hat was put on the head or an iron hoop squeezed the circumference of the head. There are frequent cases of dizziness, and there is no sensation of rotation of objects.
  • Rapid heartbeat or tingling in the region of the heart. Even with a calm conversation, the patient may suddenly become agitated, blush, or vice versa turn pale.
  • Increase in blood pressure.
  • dyspepsia. Children and adults have poor appetite, diarrhea or constipation, bloating, heartburn.
  • Frequent urge to urinate is observed only at moments of great excitement and stops with the onset of peace of mind.
  • Decreased sexual desire for a partner.
  • Insomnia. The main symptom of neurasthenia is sleep disturbance. Difficulty falling asleep, restless fragmentary sleep does not allow the patient to feel rested and full of energy. As a result, absent-mindedness, memory problems, instability of attention appear.
  • Decreased performance. Due to changes in the patient's behavior, work productivity begins to decline.
  • Increased irritability. Harsh sounds can unbalance a person suffering from neurasthenia. A slam of a door or loud laughter can cause a whole lot of negative emotions. In children, this is observed when visiting public places - a circus, a cinema, concert halls.

The presence of these symptoms is not an indicator of the diagnosis of asthenic neurosis, perhaps this is a common overwork and chronic lack of sleep. In any case, it is worth consulting with a specialist about this.

Establishing diagnosis

Diagnosis of neurasthenia in children and adults is made by a neurologist after an initial examination, examination of the patient's complaints and on the basis of a study of the general history of the patient. During the diagnosis, tumor and inflammatory processes passing in the brain, intoxication, chronic infectious diseases. For this, the patient undergoes an examination on a magnetic resonance tomograph. Also an important indicator for setting the character cerebral circulation rheoencephalography is used.

Disease prevention

In psychology, asthenic neurosis has the most favorable prognosis among other mental illnesses. A timely diagnosis gives a great chance of a full recovery. In advanced cases, neurasthenia passes into the category chronic diseases central nervous system, difficult to treat.

In order to prevent the occurrence of neurosis, it is necessary to observe a balanced regime of work and rest, to avoid constant emotional overload, physical exhaustion. You need to learn how to apply relaxing techniques to relieve stress and physical fatigue. The causes of neurasthenia also lie in the desire to do everything, and the resulting disappointment, if this could not be done, can cause nervous breakdown. good method getting rid of asthenic neurosis is a change of scenery, a trip to rest.

Of particular note is the emergence of neurosis in children. A large school load, extra classes and sections, computer games can provoke the appearance of neurasthenia in a child. In this case, the role of parents in treatment plays a particularly important role. If the situation gets out of control and you can no longer cope with it on your own, it's time to contact a child psychologist. An experienced specialist will tell you how to treat neurasthenia in children, sometimes it is enough to reduce the load and spend more free time in the fresh air.

Life in the metropolis proceeds at a frantic pace, which leaves its mark on the life of every person. Constant stress at work, standing in traffic jams for many hours, lack of sleep, setting difficult tasks can lead to neurasthenia. This psychological illness mainly middle-aged people are affected, and there is no separation by gender. At the initial stage, it is usually enough to devote more time to rest, chat with friends, and travel.

A change of scenery will help get rid of neurosis. However, with prolonged mental disorder it is better to seek help from a specialist. An experienced psychiatrist or neurologist will prescribe courses of restorative therapy, relaxing massage, physiotherapy, and, if necessary, medications. Moderate exercise, walks in the fresh air, good sleep - these are the main components healthy lifestyle life.

Many people wonder what is asthenic neurosis, the symptoms of which are directly related to disorders of the nervous system.

Neurasthenia, or asthenic neurosis, is a psychogenic disease.

The cause of asthenic neurosis is prolonged exposure to psychotraumatic factors and overwork. AT clinical picture disease, asthenic syndrome comes to the fore, which is characterized by increased fatigue and hypersensitivity to external stimuli, mood deterioration, tearfulness and loss of the ability to endure prolonged intellectual and physical exertion, a decrease in the ability to memorize and decrease in attention. Asthenia is a consequence of the impact on the body of stressful situations.

Signs of the development of neurasthenia and the stage of the disease

The main signs of the disease are as follows:

  • increased fatigue;
  • impatience;
  • constant fatigue;
  • the appearance of weakness in the limbs;
  • headache;
  • the occurrence of difficulties when trying to concentrate or engage in intellectual activity;
  • "fog" in the head;
  • appearance hypersensitivity to external stimuli;
  • disruption of the sleep process;
  • the emergence of anxiety and fear;
  • decreased sexual activity.

The disease has three stages of development. The stages of the course of the disease differ among themselves in the severity of the manifestation.

  1. The first stage is called hypersthenic. It is characterized by increased irritability and the appearance of fussiness; during the development of the disease at this stage, a person can often lose control of himself. Also, a person has difficulty falling asleep and frequent pain in the head area, having a pressing character. characteristic feature This stage of the development of the disease is the appearance of pain in the spinal column, weakness and constant fatigue in the body are felt.
  2. The second stage of the development of the disease is characterized as irritated weakness. When the disease reaches this stage, the patient develops a high degree of irritability. A person “flares up” very quickly, but also “cools down” very quickly. At this stage, the ability to concentrate is lost, and the ability to work drops sharply. A person experiences a feeling of fear and anxiety, an underestimation of self-esteem occurs, and constant pain appears in the head area. In addition, pain in the heart, shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of air are felt, a violation of the digestive tract occurs and the degree of sweating increases.
  3. The third stage is called hyposthenic. This stage of the development of the disease is characterized by a decrease in the level of fussiness and a sharp drop in performance. During this period of the development of the disease, sleep disturbance is observed, which becomes superficial, there is a fear of death and increased tearfulness. A state develops in the body that resembles depression in external manifestations.

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Carrying out the treatment of asthenic neurosis

The process of treating the disorder must begin with the exclusion of stress and adherence to the daily regimen, in addition, it is required to adjust the diet. The treatment of the disease requires the elimination of a traumatic situation, it is recommended to introduce general strengthening and wellness procedures into the daily routine.

For successful treatment, doctors recommend using a variety of types of relaxation, such as relaxation, meditation, and emotional relaxation sessions. Very useful during the recovery period are sports, water treatments and long walks in the fresh air. To normalize the emotional state, the use of plant-based sedatives is recommended. The basis of such drugs are:

  • cyanosis blue;
  • valerian;
  • motherwort;
  • Melissa officinalis.

The extracts of these plants beneficial effect on the autonomic and central parts of the nervous system of the body. It is recommended to take a course of taking vitamins, especially vitamin C, which helps to increase the body's resistance to stress. It is also useful to take preparations based on St. John's wort. Medicines made on this plant basis are good antidepressants.

The disease should be treated comprehensively with the use of products made from adaptogen herbs, such as eleutherococcus. These medicines help with recovery and increased performance. They contain in their composition a large number of trace elements, enzymes and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the body. Vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant, has a special effect.

If the patient has an advanced form of the disorder, the recovery of the body occurs for a long time and very slowly. With the rapid manifestation of symptoms, you should seek help from a neurologist who will select a course of treatment, including neurotropic medical devices. If necessary, seek the help of a psychotherapist.

Neurasthenia (asthenic neurosis) is a pathology of the nervous system, which is provoked by prolonged emotional and physical overload, as well as nervous exhaustion. This disease is considered common, since signs of neurasthenia occur in 1.2-5% of the population. Most often, neurasthenia is diagnosed in women and young people who begin an independent life. People who do not tolerate stress well, as well as people with an asthenic constitution, are predisposed to the onset of the disease.

The physiological basis of the pathology is a violation of the balance, strength and mobility of the nervous processes. Namely, neurasthenia is formed due to acute or prolonged overstrain and overwork. Therefore, at risk are people who are overly loaded intellectually and physically, rarely rest, experience chronic lack of sleep and malaise. Severe stress can provoke neurasthenia due to job loss, divorce, death of a loved one.

The rapid development of neurasthenia can happen due to weak immunity, a sedentary lifestyle, and an unbalanced diet. The causes of the disease can also be intoxication of the body, endocrine diseases, internal personality conflict caused by guilt or the need to make a choice.

Classification of neurasthenia

In neurology, it is customary to distinguish two types of neurasthenia: reactive and exhaustion neurosis. Reactive neurasthenia occurs due to the impact on the body of a traumatic situation (chronic overwork, frequent lack of sleep, somatic illnesses). Exhaustion neurosis arises from exorbitant intellectual loads. The following forms of the disease are also distinguished:

  • hypersthenic;
  • irritable;
  • hyposthenic.

Symptoms of neurasthenia

The most pronounced symptom of neurasthenia is a severe headache, which usually occurs towards the end of the day. The patient complains of intense pressure on the head, which is reminiscent of squeezing the head with a heavy helmet. Another unpleasant symptom of the disease will be dizziness that occurs due to changes in weather, physical activity, and strong excitement.

Many patients also complain of symptoms similar to those of cardiovascular disorders: tachycardia, pain in the heart area, pallor or redness of the skin, arterial hypertension. For neurasthenia, dyspeptic phenomena are also characteristic: loss of appetite, heartburn, belching, flatulence, heaviness in the stomach, constipation. When agitated, the patient may have frequent urge to urinate, which disappear immediately after he calms down.

Hypersthenic form

This is the first stage of the disease, which is characterized by symptoms such as increased mental excitability and irritability. The patient reacts sharply to the slightest noise, the rapid movement of people, quiet conversations. Patients who survive this stage of the disease are impatient and irritable, which negatively affects their performance. Inability to concentrate, absent-mindedness, inattention, lack of concentration - because of these symptoms, the patient can spend about three hours on work that requires no more than an hour of time.

The patient is also concerned about sleep disturbances: he cannot fall asleep for a long time, often wakes up at night, after which it is difficult to fall asleep. Due to sleep disorders in the morning, he does not feel well-rested and rested, he is accompanied by a bad mood, which persists until the end of the day. In this state, a person is usually capable of harsh statements and conflicts with others. Patients with the hypersthenic form of the disease also complain of poor memory, malaise and headache.

Irritable weakness

The most characteristic manifestation of this stage of neurasthenia is irritable weakness, which people with a choleric temperament are usually subject to. Because of this condition, it is very difficult for the patient to start any business, he cannot quickly concentrate on the task. The patient feels very tired, which is manifested by increased headache and inability to think logically. It becomes difficult for the patient to perform even simple work, so he stops it.

After a while, after a short rest, he may again attempt to work, but his strength is not enough for a long time. Due to nervous exhaustion and fatigue, he quits his job again. Repeated breaks in work inevitably lead to mental exhaustion. For this stage of the disease, as well as for the stage of hypersthenic neurasthenia, pronounced irritability is characteristic. However, all affective reactions like screaming and excitement are very quickly replaced by resentment, impotence and tears.

Hyposthenic form

This form of neurasthenia is usually diagnosed in people of the asthenic and anxious-suspicious type. The hyposthenic form of the disease can also be observed during the transition from the irritable stage. The main symptoms of this condition are lethargy, severe fatigue, passivity, depression, inability to mobilize forces to solve a problem, mental and physical weakness, inability to act and think constructively.

This stage of neurasthenia is characterized by the impotence of the patient, which develops due to a bad mood. At the same time, feelings of anxiety and longing are completely absent, since the decrease in mood is neurotic in nature, accompanied by emotional lability and tearfulness. Absence timely treatment may lead to recurrence of the disease and exacerbation depression, which will first provoke periodic neurasthenia, and then - cyclothymia, which is considered mild form manic-depressive psychosis.

Diagnosis of neurasthenia

The diagnosis is made by the doctor on the basis of the patient's complaints, neurological examination and medical history. Differential diagnosis provides for the exclusion of somatic diseases, intoxication, chronic infections, in which neurasthenia often becomes one of the first symptoms. Since neurasthenia can develop against the background of organic brain damage, the doctor may prescribe an MRI or CT scan of the brain. Assessment of cerebral circulation is carried out using the procedure of rheoencephalography. Psychological and psychiatric consultations may also be required.

Treatment of neurasthenia

Treatment of neurasthenia must necessarily begin with the identification of a pathology or a traumatic factor that provoked it. If the cause of the disease is not eliminated, the treatment will be ineffective. Neurological examination and psychological consultation will help determine the etiology of neurasthenia. Patients who want to get rid of neurasthenia first need to normalize the mode of work and rest, since it is precisely excessive loads that often lead to the disease.

At the first stage of treatment, the patient must follow the daily routine, fall asleep and wake up every day at the same time. It is also necessary to observe sleep hygiene, take short walks in the fresh air in the evening, eat right, and exercise regularly. The most important thing is to avoid excessive emotional and physical stress. During treatment, you can take a vacation from work to eliminate any stressful situations. The doctor will probably advise you to change the situation, for example, go to the sea.

In a severe course of the disease, the normalization of the daily regimen and proper rest will not be able to solve the problem. In this case, additional drug treatment of the disease is indicated. To eliminate the symptoms of anxiety, the patient may be prescribed tranquilizers for a short time (about 2-3 weeks) - alprazolam, atarax, mexidol, grandaxin. These drugs eliminate autonomic symptoms neurasthenia and are characterized by an activating effect on the body.

If the patient is worried about excessive fatigue, a feeling of weakness, inability to cope with everyday stress, he is additionally prescribed the use of nootropics (encephabol, aminalon, piracetam), which improve mental activity and memory. Patients with neurasthenia who are concerned about sleep disorders are shown diazepam and phenazepam. It is worth remembering that these drugs can be addictive, so you can take them for a limited period of time - no more than two weeks.

Drug treatment of the disease also involves the use of general strengthening drugs that help restore body functions and improve metabolism. These include angioprotectors (sermion, trental, cinnarizine), vitamins (neurorubin, neurovitan, B and C vitamins), antioxidants (mexidol). Caffeine and bromine in the right dosage are also effective.

For the treatment of the hyposthenic form of the disease, small doses of encephabol, sibazon, eleutherococcus, and phenotropil are prescribed. Strong tea, coffee and tonic preparations are also recommended. For the treatment of all forms of neurasthenia, the appointment of sonapax is indicated. In small doses, it stimulates the nervous system and acts as an antidepressant.

Eliminate clinical manifestations neurasthenia will help physiotherapy techniques. Namely, massage, aromatherapy, reflexology, electrosleep have shown their effectiveness in the treatment of the disease. At the same time with drug therapy psychotherapeutic techniques are also used: psychoanalysis, individual or group psychotherapy. Treatment is aimed at changing the patient's attitude to a traumatic situation and encouraging him to take an active position in order to solve the problem that provoked neurasthenia.

Prognosis for neurasthenia

Neurasthenia among all types of neurosis has the most favorable prognosis for the patient. Usually, timely and adequate treatment, as well as the elimination of psycho-traumatic factors of the disease, allows you to completely get rid of it. Otherwise, the disease may be transferred to chronic stage, after which it will be very difficult to treat the disease. Neurasthenia can cause deep depression. Another consequence of the disease is social adaptation person.

Prevention of neurasthenia

No one is safe from neurasthenia, because in the life of every person there are stresses, traumatic situations, chronic overwork. You can reduce the risk of developing the disease if you follow a few preventive recommendations. First of all, it is necessary to normalize the regime of the day, avoid stressful situations and physical overload, observe a normal mode of work and rest. Strengthening the immune system, good nutrition, regular exercise will help prevent the disease.

Particular attention should be paid to planning your working day. It is advisable to plan it in such a way that there is always time left to deal with unforeseen situations, since in this way it will be possible to avoid stressful situations. It must also be remembered that effective and productive work is possible only after a good rest. Therefore, the most effective ways prevention of neurasthenia are considered good sleep and rest.

Neurasthenia, or asthenic neurosis is a psychogenic disease of a neurotic level, the causes of which are prolonged exposure to psycho-traumatic factors (negative environment at home or at work, unreasonable and constant anxiety, emotional overstrain), overwork (prolonged mental or physical overstrain). In the clinical picture of neurosis, the asthenic syndrome , characterized by increased fatigue and hypersensitivity to external irritating factors (light, sound, changes in atmospheric pressure and temperature, etc.), low mood, increased tearfulness and capriciousness, loss of the ability for prolonged intellectual and physical exertion, loss of concentration and memory, a feeling of powerlessness. After the course treatment of asthenic neurosis in most cases, neurasthenia disappears.

Symptoms of asthenic neurosis

First appeared symptoms of asthenic neurosis appear increased fatigue, combined with irritability, a constant desire for mental or physical activity, which occurs even in a favorable environment for relaxation (“fatigue that does not seek rest”). Over time, the reaction of irritability is replaced by rapid exhaustion, fatigue, extreme weakness.

People suffering asthenic neurosis, lose the ability to focus on any one thing, are constantly distracted, lose attention, as a result, express dissatisfaction with themselves. They are characterized by increased resentment and tearfulness, and again the emergence of anxiety. This condition is often associated with headache(girdle - the syndrome of "neurotic helmet"). There are constant drowsiness or, conversely, sleep disturbances, vegetative disorders (often manifested by tachycardia), increased sweating , suffocation, violation of the functions of the digestive, genitourinary and other systems. If vegetative symptoms are expressed, then the patient experiences increased anxiety for his condition, constantly "listening" to the work of his body. In some cases there is weather dependence that enhances symptoms of asthenic neurosis. Similar symptoms can also occur with neurological, mental, thyroid diseases and other endocrinological disorders. If such symptoms are detected, an adequate examination should be performed to conduct differential diagnosis neurasthenia from more severe diseases.

Unfortunately, at present, the way of life, its rhythm and the growth of the information flow have changed significantly, and therefore, the number of people at risk with psycho-emotional disorders is growing rapidly. In many cases the reason chronic fatigue becomes neurasthenia.

Treatment of asthenic neurosis

Treatment of asthenic neurosis should begin with the exclusion of any load, adherence to the regime of the day and nutrition, the elimination of a traumatic situation, the conduct of restorative and wellness procedures.

For the successful treatment of asthenic neurosis, various relaxation techniques should be used -

  • relaxation,
  • meditation,
  • sessions of psycho-emotional unloading.

Sports and water procedures, walks in the fresh air are useful.

To restore the psycho-emotional background, the use is shown sedatives plant origin based on cyanosis blue, valerian officinalis, motherwort , lemon balm that have a beneficial effect on the central and autonomic nervous system. Biologically active complex Nervo-Vit based on cyanosis blue, the effect of which exceeds the effect of valerian by 8-10 times, will provide a long-term sedative effect, and vitamin C, which enhances the effect of herbs, has an antioxidant effect, slows down oxidative reactions in the body, due to which it neutralizes the effect free radicals formed as a result of a traumatic situation and attacking the cells of the body, violating their membrane membrane, which leads to premature cell death and slow regeneration. In addition, vitamin C helps to increase stress resistance organism. The biologically active complex Nervo-Vit is made in a convenient tablet form, by cryogrinding technology at ultra-low temperatures, preventing loss pharmacological properties medicinal herbs lost in the preparation of decoctions, infusions or extracts.

Other drugs with a sedative and sedative effect containing plant-based vitamin C are also useful - Valerian P and Motherwort P, also included in the series " Longevity Secrets, named after innovative technology cryogrinding.

If asthenic neurosis is accompanied depressive disorders, then along with sedative herbs, St. John's wort P is recommended, based on Hypericum perforatum, which has a pronounced antidepressant effect.

Complex therapy of asthenic neurosis would not be complete without the use of herbal adaptogens(leuzei safflower, eleutherococcus), allowing you to restore and increase efficiency.

Preparations, Eleutherococcus P, biologically active complexes Leveton P (based on Leuzea) and Elton P (based on Eleutherococcus), which include apiproducts - pollen ,allowing to replenish the body suffering from nervous exhaustion, biologically valuable active substances- amino acids, macro- and microelements, enzymes, vitamins, so necessary for the body to restore strength and performance with increased mental and physical activity. The biological activity of the leading substances in medicinal herbs and bee products in Leveton P and Elton P is enhanced by the action of vitamin C and vitamin E, which are powerful antioxidants.

To maintain the body in good shape, the intake of vitamin complexes is indicated. based royal jelly (consisting of about 120 useful substances, including 22 essential and essential amino acids, 15 groups of various trace elements, up to 18% protein) and pollen (bee pollen) (28 types of various trace elements, 20 amino acids), which also includes an antioxidant complex, presented dihydroquercetin(reference antioxidant), vitamins C and E, the synergistic effect of which provides slowing down oxidative processes and prevents the destructive action of free radicals in living cells of the body, protecting them from death and premature aging. Apitonus P is a general strengthening vitamin complex that improves mood, keeps the body in good shape, and significantly improves the quality of life.